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namespace map_delta1 {
float power = 0 ;
float rgb_modifier = 0;
// number of security lights(sl) and doors(dl)
float sl_count = 5;
float dl_count = 8;
// Initial movements etc...
void init_world()
$hologram.setColor (.3, .35, .45); //inital medium blue
$hologram.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram.setShaderParm(5,0); //the delta 1 ring's RGB defaults to 0
$hologram.setShaderParm(6,100); //the plane beneath the hologram starts infinitely small
$hologram.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
//the important rooms
$hologram1.bind ($hologram1_1_anchor);
$hologram1.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram1.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram2.bind ($hologram2_1_anchor);
$hologram2.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram3.bind ($hologram3_1_anchor);
$hologram3.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram4.bind ($hologram4_1_anchor);
$hologram4.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram5.bind ($hologram5_1_anchor);
$hologram5.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
//the important rooms' glows
$hologram1_1.bind ($hologram1);
$hologram1_1.setShaderParm(3,0); //RGB of the red boxes outside each hologram. starts at 100% transparent.
$hologram1_1.setShaderParm(4,10); //height of the red boxes outside each hologram. starts real small
$hologram1_1.setShaderParm(5,0); //scale of the round disc
$hologram1_1.setShaderParm(6,0); //RGB of the round plate that grows when you select an important area.
$hologram1_1.setShaderParm(7,0); //RGB of the sprite round plate
$hologram2_1.bind ($hologram2);
$hologram2_1.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram3_1.bind ($hologram3);
$hologram3_1.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram4_1.bind ($hologram4);
$hologram4_1.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
$hologram5_1.bind ($hologram5);
$hologram5_1.setColor (.6, .7, .9);
// scipull stuff
// sizzor lift binds
$siz_axle_low.bind ($siz_lowlegr);
$siz_axle_left.bind ($siz_lowlegr);
$siz_toplegl.bind ($siz_axle_left);
$siz_axle_top.bind ($siz_toplegl);
$siz_toplegr.bind ($siz_axle_top);
$siz_axle_right.bind ($siz_toplegr);
$siz_lowlegl.bind ($siz_axle_right);
$siz_topcr.bindPosition ($siz_toplegl);
$siz_topcl.bindPosition ($siz_toplegr);
$siz_lowcl.bindPosition ($siz_lowlegl);
$siz_top.bind ($siz_topcr);
$siz_control.bind ($siz_top);
// sizzor accel and decel times
$siz_toplegl.time ( 1.5 );
$siz_toplegr.time ( 1.5 );
$siz_lowlegl.time ( 1.5 );
$siz_lowlegr.time ( 1.5 );
$siz_toplegl.accelTime ( .5 );
$siz_toplegl.decelTime ( .5 );
$siz_toplegr.accelTime ( .5 );
$siz_toplegr.decelTime ( .5 );
$siz_lowlegl.accelTime ( .5 );
$siz_lowlegl.decelTime ( .5 );
$siz_lowlegr.accelTime ( .5 );
$siz_lowlegr.decelTime ( .5 );
// reactor setup
$outerring_anchor.rotateOnce ('-45 0 0');
$innerring_anchor.rotateOnce ('-30 0 0');
// Global parm ramp up or down
void light_ramp( float rgb_start, float rgb_end, float time_val )
float i, t, v;
t = time_val * GAME_FPS;
for ( i = 0; i < t; i++ ) {
v = rgb_start + ( rgb_end - rgb_start ) * ( i / t );
sys.setShaderParm( 0, v );
sys.setShaderParm( 1, v );
sys.setShaderParm( 2, v );
sys.setShaderParm( 0, rgb_end );
sys.setShaderParm( 1, rgb_end );
sys.setShaderParm( 2, rgb_end );
// Power flux
void power_flux()
float i;
float ran_loop, ran_new, ran_time;
float old;
old = .2;
ran_loop = (sys.random(10) + 5);
for (i=1; i<=ran_loop; i++){
ran_new = sys.random(1.5);
ran_time = sys.random(1);
light_ramp( old, ran_new, ran_time );
old = ran_new;
light_ramp( old, .15, .3 );
// Low Power Loop
// random power flucuations
void low_power_loop()
//sys.print ("begin low_power_loop\n");
//sys.print ("power level =" + power + "\n");
float ran;
ran = sys.random (3);
sys.wait (ran);
while (power == 1){
ran = (sys.random(4) + 12);
//sys.print ("next power surge in " + ran + " seconds\n");
sys.wait (ran);
//sys.print ("made it to the end of low power loop\n");
if (power==2){
float ii;
float rate;
rate = GAME_FRAMETIME * 0.25;
for( ii = rgb_modifier; ii <= 1; ii += rate ) {
// security lights on
void seclights_on()
entity sl_ent, ssl_ent1, bsl_ent1, ssl_ent2, bsl_ent2;
float i;
for (i=1; i<=sl_count; i++){
sl_ent=sys.getEntity ("sl_" + i);
ssl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("ssl_" + i + "_a");
ssl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("ssl_" + i + "_b");
bsl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("bsl_" + i + "_a");
bsl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("bsl_" + i + "_b");
sl_ent.setColor( .627, .1, 0 );
// security lights off
void seclights_off()
entity sl_ent, ssl_ent1, bsl_ent1, ssl_ent2, bsl_ent2;
float i;
for (i=1; i<=sl_count; i++){
sl_ent=sys.getEntity ("sl_" + i);
ssl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("ssl_" + i + "_a");
ssl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("ssl_" + i + "_b");
bsl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("bsl_" + i + "_a");
bsl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("bsl_" + i + "_b");
sl_ent.setColor( 0,0,0 );
// hologram on
void hologram_on()
$hologram_light_big.setColor( .75, .8, .85 );
// trigger the initial power up sound in control room
// sys.trigger ($warning_speaker_initial);
// sci stuff
// data linker show and move down
$datalinker.startSoundShader ("hologram_datalinker", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$datalinker.move ( DOWN, 8 );
// hologram off
void hologram_off()
$hologram_light_big.setColor( .75, .8, .85 );
// door lights on
void doorlights_on()
entity dl_ent1, dl_ent2, dl_ent3 ;
float i;
for (i=1; i<=dl_count; i++){
dl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i);
dl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i + "_a");
dl_ent3=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i + "_b");
dl_ent1.setColor( .627, .1, 0 );
dl_ent2.setColor( .627, .1, 0 );
dl_ent3.setColor( .627, .1, 0 );
// door lights off
void doorlights_off()
entity dl_ent1, dl_ent2, dl_ent3 ;
float i;
for (i=1; i<=dl_count; i++){
dl_ent1=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i);
dl_ent2=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i + "_a");
dl_ent3=sys.getEntity ("dl_" + i + "_b");
dl_ent1.setColor( 1, 1, 1 );
dl_ent2.setColor( 1, 1, 1 );
dl_ent3.setColor( 1, 1, 1 );
// Power is offline
// level 0
void power_level_0()
float i;
float rate;
rate = GAME_FRAMETIME * 0.25;
for( i = rgb_modifier; i >= 0; i -= rate ) {
// force all to 0,0,0 just incase there is a fraction left over...
// to make sure the shadows are off
// turn on the security lights
// turn on door lights to red
// turn the hologram light off
thread seclights_on();
thread doorlights_on();
thread hologram_off();
// set the rgb modifier tracking variable
rgb_modifier = 0;
// sys.print ( "power offline\n" );
power = 0;
// Power to level 1
void power_level_1()
// turn security lights off
// doorlights back to white if red
thread seclights_off();
thread doorlights_off();
sys.wait (1);
float i;
float rate;
if ( power >= 1 ){
rate = GAME_FRAMETIME * 0.25;
for( i = rgb_modifier; i >= .25; i -= rate ) {
} else {
rate = GAME_FRAMETIME * 0.25;
for( i = rgb_modifier; i <= .25; i += rate ) {
// set the rgb modifier tracking variable
rgb_modifier = .25;
// sys.print ( "power 10%\n" );
power = 1;
// Power to level 2
void power_level_2()
// turn security lights off
// doorlights back to white if red
// turn the hologram on if off
power = 2;
float i;
float rate;
rate = GAME_FRAMETIME * 0.25;
for( i = rgb_modifier; i <= 1; i += rate ) {
// set the rgb modifier tracking variable
rgb_modifier = 1;
// Computer Voice Loop
void computer_voice_loop()
sys.killthread ( "map_delta1::pre_computer_voice_loop" );
sys.wait (35);
while (1){
sys.trigger($speaker_reactor_offline); // 3.110
sys.wait (3.4);
sys.trigger($speaker_follow_procedure_orage); // 3.165
sys.wait (3.165);
sys.wait (35);
// Computer Voice Loop
// This is the initial voice loop
void pre_computer_voice_loop()
while (power==0){
sys.trigger($speaker_emr_pwr_only); // 2.219 seconds
sys.wait (2.4);
sys.trigger($speaker_operations_suspended); // 2.816 seconds
sys.wait (2.816);
sys.wait (35);
// Zombie falls out of panel and stuff
void zombie_fallout()
// make the panel bounce back down
sys.trigger ($zombie_fallout_speaker);
$rot_panel_1.time (.25);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.01);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '-10 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
$rot_panel_1.time (.2);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.2);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '10 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
$rot_panel_1.time (.2);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.01);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '-5 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
$rot_panel_1.time (.15);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.15);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '5 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
$rot_panel_1.time (.1);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.1);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '-2 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
$rot_panel_1.time (.1);
$rot_panel_1.decelTime (.1);
$rot_panel_1.rotateOnce ( '1 0 0' );
sys.waitFor ( $rot_panel_1 );
// reactor move
void reactor_move ()
float i,v,t,blendtime,velmult;
vector rotvector;
blendtime = 7;
velmult = .5;
t = blendtime * GAME_FPS;
for ( i = 10; i < t; i++ ) {
v = (i * velmult);
rotvector_x=v ;rotvector_y=0 ; rotvector_z=0;
$reactor_innerring.rotate ( rotvector );
rotvector_x=-v ;rotvector_y=0 ; rotvector_z=0;
$reactor_outerring.rotate ( rotvector );
// reactor startup sequence
void reactor_startup ()
// this will eventually have things like:
// reactor ramping up
// lights doing something
sys.trigger ($reactor_speaker_startup);
sys.trigger ($speaker_driver);
$end_control.setGuiParm( "gui_parm5" , 0 );
//call reactor start function
thread reactor_move();
sys.killthread ( "map_delta1::computer_voice_loop" );
sys.killthread ( "map_delta1::low_power_loop" );
sys.killthread ( "map_delta1::power_flux" );
thread power_level_2();
sys.trigger ($reactor_comp_reactoronline);
//sys.print ( "trigger objective complete\n" );
//sys.print ( "trigger last objective\n" );
sys.trigger ($reactor_speaker_loop);
// trigger the door sign guis and kiosk guis
// Sound moving #1
// Plays a sound on a moving speaker
void spooky_sound_1 ()
$ms1_speaker.bind ($ms1_mover);
$ms1_mover.time (7.2);
sys.trigger ($ms1_speaker);
$ms1_mover.moveTo ($ms1_movepoint);
sys.waitFor ($ms1_mover);
// Random Spooky sounds #2
void spooky_sound_2 ()
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_1_1);
sys.wait (1);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_1_2);
// Random Spooky sounds #3
void spooky_sound_3 ()
float numran;
numran = sys.random(3);
if (numran>=2){
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_1);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_2);
} else if (numran>=1){
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_2);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_3);
} else {
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_3);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_2);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_2_1);
// Random Spooky sounds #4
void spooky_sound_4 ()
float numran;
numran = sys.random(3);
if (numran>=2){
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_1);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_4);
} else if (numran>=1){
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_2);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_3);
} else {
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_3);
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_2);
sys.trigger ($ran_speaker_3_1);
// Seneca's hologram initial activation (unhiding)
void hologram_start ()
$hologram1.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram1.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram2.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram2.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram2.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram2.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram3.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram3.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram3.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram3.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram4.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram4.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram4.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram4.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram5.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram5.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram5.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram5.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
$hologram.setColor (.3, .45, .45); //inital medium blue
$hologram.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram.setShaderParm(5,0); //the delta 1 ring's RGB defaults to 0
$hologram.setShaderParm(6,100); //the plane beneath the hologram starts infinitely small
$hologram.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 0, 1, 5 ); //RGB in delta cylinder
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram1_start ()
$hologram1.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram1.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram1.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram2_start ()
$hologram2.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram2.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram2.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram2.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram3_start ()
$hologram3.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram3.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram3.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram3.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram4_start ()
$hologram4.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram4.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram4.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram4.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram5_start ()
$hologram5.setColor (.6, .7, .9); //inital light blue
$hologram5.setShaderParm(3,-0.6); //the side textures scroll from bottom to top.
$hologram5.setShaderParm(4,100); //the bottom textures scale from the center of the faces out to the edges.
$hologram5.setShaderParm(7,0); //rgb of tops of rooms
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5, 6, 100, 1, 1 ); //scale in bottom grid
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5, 4, 100, 5, .2 ); //bring in bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (0.2);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5, 4, 5, 0.85, 1 ); //scale up bottoms of rooms
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5, 3, -0.6, 0, 1 ); //bring up sides of rooms and cap off.
sys.wait (1);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5, 7, 0, 1, 0.05 ); //RGB of room tops
void hologram1_1 () //this is the animation that gets played when player clicks on Control Center
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 7, 1, 0, .2 ); //fade out round spinny plane
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', 1); //make the unselected room go back to default colors
$hologram1_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 -30');
sys.waitFor( $hologram1_1_anchor );
sys.waitFor( $hologram1_1_anchor );
sys.waitFor( $hologram1_1_anchor );
$hologram1_1.setKey ("state", "0");
} else {
$hologram1_1.setKey ("state", "1"); //sets it so that next time you run the script, it puts the objects back where it was.
$hologram1_1.setColor (1, .1, 0); //make little line red
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram, $hologram.getColor(), '.1 .2 .2', .5); //make the base hologram darken a little.
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 1, .35, .5 ); //make the base hologram's matrix effect go darker.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '1 .1 0', .5); //make selected room go red.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawn", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 3, 0, 100, .1 ); //RGB in red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 4, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up the sides of red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 5, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up round plane
sys.wait (.7);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 6, 1, 0, 2 ); //RGB out round spinny plane
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 3, 1, 0, 1 ); //RGB out red boxes
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
sys.waitFor( $hologram1_1_anchor );
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
sys.waitFor( $hologram1_1_anchor );
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE2 );
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.5 .05 0', .5);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram1_1, 7, 0, 1, 1 ); //RGB in the red sprite round plate
$hologram1_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_loop", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram1_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 30');
void hologram2_1 () //this is the animation that gets played when player clicks on lobby/elevators
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 7, 1, 0, .2 ); //fade out round spinny plane
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', 1); //make the unselected room go back to default colors
$hologram2_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 -30');
$hologram2_1.setKey ("state", "0");
} else {
$hologram2_1.setKey ("state", "1");
$hologram2_1.setColor (1, .1, 0); //make little line red
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram, $hologram.getColor(), '.1 .2 .2', .5); //make the base hologram darken a little.
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 1, .35, .5 ); //make the base hologram's matrix effect go darker.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '1 .1 0', .5); //make selected room go red.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawn", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 3, 0, 100, .1 ); //RGB in red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 4, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up the sides of red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 5, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up round plane
sys.wait (.7);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 6, 1, 0, 2 ); //RGB out round spinny plane
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 3, 1, 0, 1 ); //RGB out red boxes
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE2 );
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.5 .05 0', .5);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram2_1, 7, 0, 1, 1 ); //RGB in the red sprite round plate
$hologram2_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_loop", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram2_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 30');
void hologram3_1 () //this is the animation that gets played when player clicks on Control Center
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 7, 1, 0, .2 ); //fade out round spinny plane
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', 1); //make the unselected room go back to default colors
$hologram3_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 -30');
$hologram3_1.setKey ("state", "0");
} else {
$hologram3_1.setKey ("state", "1");
$hologram3_1.setColor (1, .1, 0); //make little line red
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram, $hologram.getColor(), '.1 .2 .2', .5); //make the base hologram darken a little.
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 1, .35, .5 ); //make the base hologram's matrix effect go darker.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '1 .1 0', .5); //make selected room go red.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawn", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 3, 0, 100, .1 ); //RGB in red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 4, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up the sides of red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 5, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up round plane
sys.wait (.7);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 6, 1, 0, 2 ); //RGB out round spinny plane
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 3, 1, 0, 1 ); //RGB out red boxes
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE2 );
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.5 .05 0', .5);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram3_1, 7, 0, 1, 1 ); //RGB in the red sprite round plate
$hologram3_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_loop", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram3_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 30');
void hologram4_1 () //this is the animation that gets played when player clicks on Control Center
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 7, 1, 0, .2 ); //fade out round spinny plane
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', 1); //make the unselected room go back to default colors
$hologram4_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 -30');
$hologram4_1.setKey ("state", "0");
} else {
$hologram4_1.setKey ("state", "1");
$hologram4_1.setColor (1, .1, 0); //make little line red
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram, $hologram.getColor(), '.1 .2 .2', .5); //make the base hologram darken a little.
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 1, .35, .5 ); //make the base hologram's matrix effect go darker.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '1 .1 0', .5); //make selected room go red.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawn", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 3, 0, 100, .1 ); //RGB in red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 4, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up the sides of red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 5, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up round plane
sys.wait (.7);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 6, 1, 0, 2 ); //RGB out round spinny plane
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 3, 1, 0, 1 ); //RGB out red boxes
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE2 );
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.5 .05 0', .5);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram4_1, 7, 0, 1, 1 ); //RGB in the red sprite round plate
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_loop", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram4_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 30');
void hologram5_1 () //this is the animation that gets played when player clicks on Control Center
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
$hologram5_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 7, 1, 0, .2 ); //fade out round spinny plane
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', 1); //make the unselected room go back to default colors
$hologram5_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 -30');
$hologram5_1.setKey ("state", "0");
} else {
$hologram5_1.setKey ("state", "1");
$hologram5_1.setColor (1, .1, 0); //make little line red
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram, $hologram.getColor(), '.1 .2 .2', .5); //make the base hologram darken a little.
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram, 5, 1, .35, .5 ); //make the base hologram's matrix effect go darker.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram1, $hologram1.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram2, $hologram2.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram3, $hologram3.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram4, $hologram4.getColor(), '.15 .175 .22', .5); //make unselected room darken.
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '1 .1 0', .5); //make selected room go red.
$hologram5_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_spawn", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 3, 0, 100, .1 ); //RGB in red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 4, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up the sides of red boxes
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 5, 10, 1, 1 ); //scale up round plane
sys.wait (.7);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 6, 1, 0, 2 ); //RGB out round spinny plane
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 3, 1, 0, 1 ); //RGB out red boxes
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram4_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_movement", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE2 );
thread crossFadeEnt( $hologram5, $hologram5.getColor(), '.5 .05 0', .5);
thread interpolateShaderParm( $hologram5_1, 7, 0, 1, 1 ); //RGB in the red sprite round plate
$hologram5_1.startSoundShader ("hologram_loop", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE );
$hologram5_1_anchor.rotateOnce ( '0 0 30');
void hologram_turnon ()//this is what's called when the hologram projector's turned on, and brings all the rooms in.
thread hologram_start ();
thread hologram1_start ();
thread hologram2_start ();
thread hologram3_start ();
thread hologram4_start ();
thread hologram5_start ();
void hologram_selection_1()
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram1_1();
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram2_1();
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram3_1();
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram4_1();
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram5_1();
thread hologram1_1();
void hologram_selection_2()
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram1_1();
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram2_1();
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram3_1();
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram4_1();
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram5_1();
thread hologram2_1();
void hologram_selection_3()
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram1_1();
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram2_1();
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram3_1();
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram4_1();
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram5_1();
thread hologram3_1();
void hologram_selection_4()
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram1_1();
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram2_1();
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram3_1();
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram4_1();
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram5_1();
thread hologram4_1();
void hologram_selection_5()
if ($hologram1_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram1_1();
if ($hologram2_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram2_1();
if ($hologram3_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram3_1();
if ($hologram4_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram4_1();
if ($hologram5_1.getFloatKey ("state")==1){
thread hologram5_1();
thread hologram5_1();
// break the platform leading to the reactor
void rplatform_break()
//first move down
$rplatform.time ( 2.5 );
$rplatform.accelTime ( .5 );
$rplatform.decelTime ( 0 );
sys.trigger ($lspeaker_1);
$rplatform.move ( DOWN, 126 );
sys.waitFor ($rplatform);
//bounce a bit or something
sys.trigger ($broke_spark);
$al3_platform_break.time ( .2 );
$al3_platform_break.accelTime ( .2 );
$al3_platform_break.decelTime ( 0 );
$al3_platform_break.move ( UP, 6 );
sys.waitFor ($rplatform);
$rplatform.time ( .2 );
$rplatform.accelTime ( 0 );
$rplatform.decelTime ( .2 );
$rplatform.move ( DOWN, 8 );
//rotate a about 24 degrees
$rplatform.time ( .5 );
$rplatform.accelTime ( .5 );
$rplatform.decelTime ( 0 );
$rplatform.rotateOnce ( '5 5 24' );
sys.trigger ($broke_spark);
sys.waitFor ($rplatform);
$rplatform.time ( .1 );
$rplatform.accelTime ( .1 );
$rplatform.decelTime ( 0 );
$rplatform.rotateOnce ( '1 0 0' );
sys.trigger ($broke_spark);
sys.waitFor ($rplatform);
$rplatform.rotateOnce ( '-1 0 0' );
// Corpse Move - quick move of deadbody
void corpse_move()
$corpse_mover2.time (.4);
$corpse_mover2.accelTime (0);
$corpse_mover2.decelTime (0);
$corpse_mover2.moveTo ( $corpse_mover2_movepoint );
$corpse_mover2.rotateOnce ( '0 45 0' );
sys.waitFor ($corpse_mover2);
sys.trigger ( $breakglass );
sys.trigger ( $func_fracture_2 );
sys.wait (.5);
sys.trigger ( $speaker_glassbreak );
sys.wait (2);
sys.trigger ( $speaker_tilefall2 );
sys.trigger ($spooky_tilefall2);
// spectrum hallway
void spectrum_move() {
sys.trigger ( $spectrum_speaker1 );
$spectrumlight_mover.time( 3 );
$spectrumlight_mover.accelTime( 0 );
$spectrumlight_mover.decelTime( 0 );
$spectrumlight_mover.startSpline( $spectrum_spline );
sys.trigger ( $spectrum_speaker1 );
// bang tile moves
// moves the two tiles when the big bang happens
// in the crawlspace before datalinker
void bang_tiles()
//set moves times for the two tiles
$bang_tile1.time (.5);
$bang_tile1.accelTime (.5);
$bang_tile1.decelTime (0);
$bang_tile2.time (.5);
$bang_tile2.accelTime (.5);
$bang_tile2.decelTime (0);
$bang_tile1.rotateOnce ( '1 0 -2' );
$bang_tile2.rotateOnce ( '2 0 3' );
// Corpse pullunder
void corpse_pullunder()
$corpse_mover3.time (1.25);
$corpse_mover3.accelTime (.5);
$corpse_mover3.decelTime (0);
$corpse_mover3.moveTo ( $corpse_mover3_movepoint );
sys.waitFor ($corpse_mover3);
$corpse_mover3.remove ();
$corpse3.remove ();
void fade_clop_sound ()
$clop_speaker.fadeSound ( SND_CHANNEL_ANY, -60, 30 );
void cache_sounds() {
sys.cacheSoundShader ("hologram_datalinker");
sys.cacheSoundShader ("hologram_spawnout");
sys.cacheSoundShader ("hologram_spawn");
sys.cacheSoundShader ("hologram_movement");
sys.cacheSoundShader ("hologram_loop");
// Main
void main()
thread cache_sounds();