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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2015-2025 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2020 Admer (id Tech Fox)
Copyright (C) 2022 Harrie van Ginneken
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../renderer/Image.h"
idCVar gltf_MapSceneName( "gltf_MapSceneName", "Scene", CVAR_SYSTEM , "Scene to use when d-mapping a gltf/glb" );
ID_INLINE unsigned int FloatCRC( float f )
return *( unsigned int* )&f;
ID_INLINE unsigned int StringCRC( const char* str )
unsigned int i, crc;
const unsigned char* ptr;
crc = 0;
ptr = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( str );
for( i = 0; str[i]; i++ )
crc ^= str[i] << ( i & 3 );
return crc;
WARNING : special case behaviour of atan2(y,x) <-> atan(y/x) might not be the same everywhere when x == 0
rotation by (0,RotY,RotZ) assigns X to normal
static void ComputeAxisBase( const idVec3& normal, idVec3& texS, idVec3& texT )
float RotY, RotZ;
idVec3 n;
// do some cleaning
n[0] = ( idMath::Fabs( normal[0] ) < 1e-6f ) ? 0.0f : normal[0];
n[1] = ( idMath::Fabs( normal[1] ) < 1e-6f ) ? 0.0f : normal[1];
n[2] = ( idMath::Fabs( normal[2] ) < 1e-6f ) ? 0.0f : normal[2];
RotY = -atan2( n[2], idMath::Sqrt( n[1] * n[1] + n[0] * n[0] ) );
RotZ = atan2( n[1], n[0] );
// rotate (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) to compute texS and texT
texS[0] = -sin( RotZ );
texS[1] = cos( RotZ );
texS[2] = 0;
// the texT vector is along -Z ( T texture coorinates axis )
texT[0] = -sin( RotY ) * cos( RotZ );
texT[1] = -sin( RotY ) * sin( RotZ );
texT[2] = -cos( RotY );
void idMapBrushSide::GetTextureVectors( idVec4 v[2] ) const
if( projection == PROJECTION_VALVE220 )
v[0][0] = texValve[0][0] * ( 1.0f / texScale[0] );
v[0][1] = texValve[0][1] * ( 1.0f / texScale[0] );
v[0][2] = texValve[0][2] * ( 1.0f / texScale[0] );
v[0][3] = texValve[0][3];
v[1][0] = texValve[1][0] * ( 1.0f / texScale[1] );
v[1][1] = texValve[1][1] * ( 1.0f / texScale[1] );
v[1][2] = texValve[1][2] * ( 1.0f / texScale[1] );
v[1][3] = texValve[1][3];
idVec3 texX, texY;
ComputeAxisBase( plane.Normal(), texX, texY );
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
v[i][0] = texX[0] * texMat[i][0] + texY[0] * texMat[i][1];
v[i][1] = texX[1] * texMat[i][0] + texY[1] * texMat[i][1];
v[i][2] = texX[2] * texMat[i][0] + texY[2] * texMat[i][1];
v[i][3] = texMat[i][2] + ( origin * v[i].ToVec3() );
// RB begin
inline bool BrushPrimitive_Degenerate( const idVec3& bpTexMatX, const idVec3& bpTexMatY )
// 2D cross product
return ( bpTexMatX[0] * bpTexMatY[1] - bpTexMatX[1] * bpTexMatY[0] ) == 0;
// heavily inspired by Valve220_from_BP from Netradiant-custom
void idMapBrushSide::ConvertToValve220Format( const idMat4& entityTransform, idStrList& textureCollections )
if( projection == idMapBrushSide::PROJECTION_VALVE220 )
// from DoomEdit's void BrushPrimit_Parse( brush_t* b, bool newFormat, const idVec3 origin )
idVec3 origin = entityTransform.GetTranslation();
idPlane fixedPlane = plane;
fixedPlane.FixDegeneracies( DEGENERATE_DIST_EPSILON );
idWinding w;
w.BaseForPlane( fixedPlane );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
planepts[j].x = w[j].x + origin.x;
planepts[j].y = w[j].y + origin.y;
planepts[j].z = w[j].z + origin.z;
idVec3 texX, texY;
ComputeAxisBase( plane.Normal(), texX, texY );
texValve[0][0] = texX[0];
texValve[0][1] = texX[1];
texValve[0][2] = texX[2];
texValve[1][0] = texY[0];
texValve[1][1] = texY[1];
texValve[1][2] = texY[2];
texScale[0] = 1.0f;
texScale[1] = 1.0f;
if( BrushPrimitive_Degenerate( texX, texY ) )
//idLib::Warning( "non orthogonal texture matrix in ConvertToValve220Format" );
// rotate initial axes
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
texValve[i][0] = texX[0] * texMat[i][0] + texY[0] * texMat[i][1];
texValve[i][1] = texX[1] * texMat[i][0] + texY[1] * texMat[i][1];
texValve[i][2] = texX[2] * texMat[i][0] + texY[2] * texMat[i][1];
//texValve[i][3] = texMat[i][2] + ( origin * texValve[i].ToVec3() );
texValve[i][3] = 0;
idMapFile::AddMaterialToCollection( GetMaterial(), textureCollections );
const idMaterial* material = declManager->FindMaterial( GetMaterial() );
idImage* image = material->GetEditorImage();
if( image != NULL )
texSize.x = image->GetUploadWidth();
texSize.y = image->GetUploadHeight();
// remove texture dimensions from texMat
idVec3 localMat[2];
localMat[0] = texMat[0] * texSize.x;
localMat[1] = texMat[1] * texSize.y;
// from DoomEdit TexMatToFakeTexCoords
// compute a fake shift scale rot representation from the texture matrix
// these shift scale rot values are to be understood in the local axis base
texScale[0] = 1.0f / idMath::Sqrt( localMat[0][0] * localMat[0][0] + localMat[1][0] * localMat[1][0] );
texScale[1] = 1.0f / idMath::Sqrt( localMat[0][1] * localMat[0][1] + localMat[1][1] * localMat[1][1] );
if( IsNAN( texScale[0] ) )
texScale[0] = 0.5f;
if( IsNAN( texScale[1] ) )
texScale[1] = 0.5f;
if( texMat[0][0] < idMath::FLOAT_EPSILON )
texValve[0] = -texValve[0];
texScale[0] = -texScale[0];
if( texMat[1][0] < idMath::FLOAT_EPSILON )
texValve[1] = -texValve[1];
texScale[1] = -texScale[1];
// shift
texValve[0][3] = localMat[0][2];
texValve[1][3] = localMat[1][2];
projection = idMapBrushSide::PROJECTION_VALVE220;
idMapPatch* idMapPatch::Parse( idLexer& src, const idVec3& origin, bool patchDef3, int version )
float info[7];
idDrawVert* vert;
idToken token;
int i, j;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return NULL;
// read the material (we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...)
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: unexpected EOF" );
return NULL;
// Parse it
if( patchDef3 )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 7, info ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: unable to Parse patchDef3 info" );
return NULL;
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 5, info ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patchDef2 info" );
return NULL;
idMapPatch* patch = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapPatch( info[0], info[1] );
patch->SetSize( info[0], info[1] );
idStr matName = token;
// version 220 might be missing textures/ if saved by TrenchBroom
if( version < 2 || ( version == 220 && matName.IcmpPrefix( "textures/" ) != 0 ) )
patch->SetMaterial( "textures/" + token );
patch->SetMaterial( token );
if( patchDef3 )
patch->SetHorzSubdivisions( info[2] );
patch->SetVertSubdivisions( info[3] );
patch->SetExplicitlySubdivided( true );
if( patch->GetWidth() < 0 || patch->GetHeight() < 0 )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: bad size" );
delete patch;
return NULL;
// these were written out in the wrong order, IMHO
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "(" ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: bad patch vertex data" );
delete patch;
return NULL;
for( j = 0; j < patch->GetWidth(); j++ )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "(" ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: bad vertex row data" );
delete patch;
return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < patch->GetHeight(); i++ )
float v[5];
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 5, v ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: bad vertex column data" );
delete patch;
return NULL;
vert = &( ( *patch )[i * patch->GetWidth() + j] );
vert->xyz[0] = v[0] - origin[0];
vert->xyz[1] = v[1] - origin[1];
vert->xyz[2] = v[2] - origin[2];
vert->SetTexCoord( v[3], v[4] );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ")" ) )
delete patch;
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patch control points" );
return NULL;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ")" ) )
src.Error( "idMapPatch::Parse: unable to parse patch control points, no closure" );
delete patch;
return NULL;
// read any key/value pairs
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "}" )
src.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
if( token.type == TT_STRING )
idStr key = token;
src.ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token );
patch->epairs.Set( key, token );
return patch;
bool idMapPatch::Write( idFile* fp, int primitiveNum, const idVec3& origin ) const
int i, j;
const idDrawVert* v;
if( GetExplicitlySubdivided() )
fp->WriteFloatString( "// primitive %d\n{\n patchDef3\n {\n", primitiveNum );
fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\"\n ( %d %d %d %d 0 0 0 )\n", GetMaterial(), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetHorzSubdivisions(), GetVertSubdivisions() );
fp->WriteFloatString( "// primitive %d\n{\n patchDef2\n {\n", primitiveNum );
fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\"\n ( %d %d 0 0 0 )\n", GetMaterial(), GetWidth(), GetHeight() );
fp->WriteFloatString( " (\n" );
idVec2 st;
for( i = 0; i < GetWidth(); i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( " ( " );
for( j = 0; j < GetHeight(); j++ )
v = &verts[ j * GetWidth() + i ];
st = v->GetTexCoord();
fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f %f %f )", v->xyz[0] + origin[0],
v->xyz[1] + origin[1], v->xyz[2] + origin[2], st[0], st[1] );
fp->WriteFloatString( " )\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( " )\n }\n}\n" );
return true;
unsigned int idMapPatch::GetGeometryCRC() const
int i, j;
unsigned int crc;
crc = GetHorzSubdivisions() ^ GetVertSubdivisions();
for( i = 0; i < GetWidth(); i++ )
for( j = 0; j < GetHeight(); j++ )
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[j * GetWidth() + i].xyz.x );
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[j * GetWidth() + i].xyz.y );
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[j * GetWidth() + i].xyz.z );
crc ^= StringCRC( GetMaterial() );
return crc;
idMapBrush* idMapBrush::Parse( idLexer& src, const idVec3& origin, bool newFormat, int version )
int i;
idVec3 planepts[3];
idToken token;
idList<idMapBrushSide*> sides;
idMapBrushSide* side;
idDict epairs;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return NULL;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
if( token == "}" )
// here we may have to jump over brush epairs ( only used in editor )
// if token is a brace
if( token == "(" )
// the token should be a key string for a key/value pair
if( token.type != TT_STRING )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected %s, expected ( or epair key string", token.c_str() );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
idStr key = token;
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) || token.type != TT_STRING )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: expected epair value string not found" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
epairs.Set( key, token );
// try to read the next key
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
while( 1 );
src.UnreadToken( &token );
side = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrushSide();
sides.Append( side );
if( newFormat )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 4, side->plane.ToFloatPtr() ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
// read the three point plane definition
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[0].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[1].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[2].ToFloatPtr() ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
planepts[0] -= origin;
planepts[1] -= origin;
planepts[2] -= origin;
side->plane.FromPoints( planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2] );
// read the texture matrix
// this is odd, because the texmat is 2D relative to default planar texture axis
if( !src.Parse2DMatrix( 2, 3, side->texMat[0].ToFloatPtr() ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side texture matrix" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
side->origin = origin;
// read the material
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
// we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...
if( version < 2 )
side->material = "textures/" + token;
side->material = token;
// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
while( 1 );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
idMapBrush* brush = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrush();
for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ )
brush->AddSide( sides[i] );
brush->epairs = epairs;
return brush;
idMapBrush* idMapBrush::ParseQ3( idLexer& src, const idVec3& origin )
int i, shift[2], rotate;
float scale[2];
idVec3 planepts[3];
idToken token;
idList<idMapBrushSide*> sides;
idMapBrushSide* side;
idDict epairs;
if( src.CheckTokenString( "}" ) )
side = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrushSide();
sides.Append( side );
// read the three point plane definition
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[0].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[1].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[2].ToFloatPtr() ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseQ3: unable to read brush side plane definition" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
planepts[0] -= origin;
planepts[1] -= origin;
planepts[2] -= origin;
side->plane.FromPoints( planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2] );
// read the material
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseQ3: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
// we have an implicit 'textures/' in the old format
side->material = "textures/" + token;
// read the texture shift, rotate and scale
shift[0] = src.ParseInt();
shift[1] = src.ParseInt();
rotate = src.ParseInt();
scale[0] = src.ParseFloat();
scale[1] = src.ParseFloat();
side->texMat[0] = idVec3( 0.03125f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
side->texMat[1] = idVec3( 0.0f, 0.03125f, 0.0f );
side->origin = origin;
// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
while( 1 );
idMapBrush* brush = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrush();
for( i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ )
brush->AddSide( sides[i] );
brush->epairs = epairs;
return brush;
idMapBrush* idMapBrush::ParseValve220( idLexer& src, const idVec3& origin )
float scale[2], rotate;
idVec3 planepts[3];
idToken token;
idList<idMapBrushSide*> sides;
idMapBrushSide* side;
idDict epairs;
if( src.CheckTokenString( "}" ) )
side = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrushSide();
sides.Append( side );
// read the three point plane definition
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[0].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[1].ToFloatPtr() ) ||
!src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, planepts[2].ToFloatPtr() ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseValve220: unable to read brush side plane definition" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
// backup source points
side->planepts[0] = planepts[0];
side->planepts[1] = planepts[1];
side->planepts[2] = planepts[2];
planepts[0] -= origin;
planepts[1] -= origin;
planepts[2] -= origin;
side->plane.FromPoints( planepts[0], planepts[1], planepts[2] );
// read the material
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseValve220: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
idToken matPrefix;
idToken numberToken;
if( token == "*" || token == "+" || token.type == TT_NUMBER )
// RB: try again for Quake 1 maps
matPrefix = token;
if( token == "+" )
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &numberToken ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseValve220: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
if( numberToken.type == TT_NUMBER )
if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseValve220: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
else if( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapBrush::ParseValve220: unable to read brush side material" );
sides.DeleteContents( true );
return NULL;
// we have an implicit 'textures/' in the old format
if( numberToken.type == TT_NUMBER )
side->material = "textures/" + numberToken + token;
side->material = "textures/" + token;
side->projection = idMapBrushSide::PROJECTION_VALVE220;
for( int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "[" );
for( int comp = 0; comp < 4; comp++ )
side->texValve[axis][comp] = src.ParseFloat();
src.ExpectTokenString( "]" );
// read the texture rotate and scale
rotate = src.ParseFloat();
scale[0] = src.ParseFloat();
scale[1] = src.ParseFloat();
RB: negative values seem to be valid and the q3map2 implementation in netradiant-custom is faulty
if( scale[0] < idMath::FLOAT_EPSILON )
scale[0] = 1.0f;
if( scale[1] < idMath::FLOAT_EPSILON )
scale[1] = 1.0f;
side->texScale[0] = scale[0];
side->texScale[1] = scale[1];
side->texMat[0] = idVec3( 0.03125f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
side->texMat[1] = idVec3( 0.0f, 0.03125f, 0.0f );
side->origin = origin;
// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
if( src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) )
while( 1 );
idMapBrush* brush = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapBrush();
for( int i = 0; i < sides.Num(); i++ )
brush->AddSide( sides[i] );
brush->epairs = epairs;
return brush;
bool idMapBrush::Write( idFile* fp, int primitiveNum, const idVec3& origin ) const
int i;
idMapBrushSide* side;
fp->WriteFloatString( "// primitive %d\n{\n brushDef3\n {\n", primitiveNum );
// write brush epairs
for( i = 0; i < epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetKey().c_str(), epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetValue().c_str() );
// write brush sides
for( i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
side = GetSide( i );
fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f %f ) ", side->plane[0], side->plane[1], side->plane[2], side->plane[3] );
fp->WriteFloatString( "( ( %f %f %f ) ( %f %f %f ) ) \"%s\" 0 0 0\n",
side->texMat[0][0], side->texMat[0][1], side->texMat[0][2],
side->texMat[1][0], side->texMat[1][1], side->texMat[1][2],
side->material.c_str() );
fp->WriteFloatString( " }\n}\n" );
return true;
RB idMapBrush::WriteValve220
bool idMapBrush::WriteValve220( idFile* fp, int primitiveNum, const idVec3& origin ) const
int i;
idMapBrushSide* side;
fp->WriteFloatString( "// brush %d\n{\n", primitiveNum );
// write brush epairs
for( i = 0; i < epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetKey().c_str(), epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetValue().c_str() );
// write brush sides
for( i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
side = GetSide( i );
fp->WriteFloatString( "( %f %f %f ) ( %f %f %f ) ( %f %f %f )",
side->planepts[0][0], side->planepts[0][1], side->planepts[0][2],
side->planepts[1][0], side->planepts[1][1], side->planepts[1][2],
side->planepts[2][0], side->planepts[2][1], side->planepts[2][2] );
// strip off textures/
if( idStr::Icmpn( side->material.c_str(), "textures/", 9 ) == 0 )
fp->WriteFloatString( " %s ", side->material.c_str() + 9 );
fp->WriteFloatString( " %s ", side->material.c_str() );
fp->WriteFloatString( "[ %f %f %f %f ] [ %f %f %f %f ] 0 %f %f 0 0 0\n",
side->texValve[0][0], side->texValve[0][1], side->texValve[0][2], side->texValve[0][3],
side->texValve[1][0], side->texValve[1][1], side->texValve[1][2], side->texValve[1][3],
side->texScale[0], side->texScale[1] );
fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
return true;
RB idMapBrush::SetPlanePointsFromWindings
void idMapBrush::SetPlanePointsFromWindings( const idVec3& origin, int entityNum, int primitiveNum )
// fix degenerate planes
idPlane* planes = ( idPlane* ) _alloca16( GetNumSides() * sizeof( planes[0] ) );
for( int i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
planes[i] = GetSide( i )->GetPlane();
planes[i].FixDegeneracies( DEGENERATE_DIST_EPSILON );
idBounds bounds;
idFixedWinding w;
for( int i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
idMapBrushSide* mapSide = GetSide( i );
w.BaseForPlane( -planes[i] );
if( !w.GetNumPoints() )
common->Printf( "Entity %i, Brush %i: base winding has no points\n", entityNum, primitiveNum );
// chop base plane by other brush planes
for( int j = 0; j < GetNumSides() && w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
if( i == j )
if( !w.ClipInPlace( -planes[j], 0 ) )
common->Printf( "Entity %i, Brush %i: no intersection with other brush plane\n", entityNum, primitiveNum );
if( w.GetNumPoints() >= 3 )
// reverse order to invert normal
mapSide->planepts[0] = w[2].ToVec3() + origin;
mapSide->planepts[1] = w[1].ToVec3() + origin;
mapSide->planepts[2] = w[0].ToVec3() + origin;
// only used for debugging
for( int j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
const idVec3& v = w[j].ToVec3();
bounds.AddPoint( v );
unsigned int idMapBrush::GetGeometryCRC() const
int i, j;
idMapBrushSide* mapSide;
unsigned int crc;
crc = 0;
for( i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
mapSide = GetSide( i );
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
crc ^= FloatCRC( mapSide->GetPlane()[j] );
crc ^= StringCRC( mapSide->GetMaterial() );
return crc;
bool idMapBrush::IsOriginBrush() const
for( int i = 0; i < GetNumSides(); i++ )
const idMaterial* material = declManager->FindMaterial( sides[i]->GetMaterial() );
if( material && material->GetContentFlags() & CONTENTS_ORIGIN )
return true;
return false;
idMapEntity* idMapEntity::Parse( idLexer& src, bool worldSpawn, int version )
idToken token;
idMapEntity* mapEnt;
idMapPatch* mapPatch;
idMapBrush* mapBrush;
// RB begin
MapPolygonMesh* mapMesh;
// RB end
bool worldent;
idVec3 origin;
double v1, v2, v3;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return NULL;
if( token != "{" )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::Parse: { not found, found %s", token.c_str() );
return NULL;
mapEnt = new( TAG_IDLIB ) idMapEntity();
if( worldSpawn )
mapEnt->primitives.Resize( 1024, 256 );
worldent = false;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::Parse: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "}" )
if( token == "{" )
// parse a brush or patch
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::Parse: unexpected EOF" );
return NULL;
if( worldent )
// if is it a brush: brush, brushDef, brushDef2, brushDef3
if( token.Icmpn( "brush", 5 ) == 0 )
mapBrush = idMapBrush::Parse( src, origin, ( !token.Icmp( "brushDef2" ) || !token.Icmp( "brushDef3" ) ), version );
if( !mapBrush )
return NULL;
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( mapBrush );
// if is it a patch: patchDef2, patchDef3
else if( token.Icmpn( "patch", 5 ) == 0 )
mapPatch = idMapPatch::Parse( src, origin, !token.Icmp( "patchDef3" ), version );
if( !mapPatch )
return NULL;
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( mapPatch );
// RB: new mesh primitive with ngons
else if( token.Icmpn( "mesh", 4 ) == 0 )
mapMesh = MapPolygonMesh::Parse( src, origin, version );
if( !mapMesh )
return NULL;
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( mapMesh );
// RB end
// assume it's a brush in Valve 220 style from TrenchBroom
src.UnreadToken( &token );
mapBrush = idMapBrush::ParseValve220( src, origin );
if( !mapBrush )
return NULL;
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( mapBrush );
idStr key, value;
// parse a key / value pair
key = token;
src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token );
value = token;
// strip trailing spaces that sometimes get accidentally
// added in the editor
mapEnt->epairs.Set( key, value );
if( !idStr::Icmp( key, "origin" ) )
// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is idVec size independent
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
sscanf( value, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3 );
origin.x = v1;
origin.y = v2;
origin.z = v3;
else if( !idStr::Icmp( key, "classname" ) && !idStr::Icmp( value, "worldspawn" ) )
worldent = true;
while( 1 );
if( version == 220 )
return mapEnt;
bool idMapEntity::Write( idFile* fp, int entityNum, bool valve220 ) const
int i;
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim;
idVec3 origin;
fp->WriteFloatString( "// entity %d\n{\n", entityNum );
// write entity epairs
for( i = 0; i < epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetKey().c_str(), epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetValue().c_str() );
// RB: the "origin" key might have been replaced by the origin brush
if( !epairs.GetVector( "origin", "0 0 0", origin ) )
origin += originOffset;
// write pritimives
for( i = 0; i < GetNumPrimitives(); i++ )
mapPrim = GetPrimitive( i );
switch( mapPrim->GetType() )
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH:
if( valve220 )
static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim )->WriteValve220( fp, i, origin );
static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim )->Write( fp, i, origin );
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH:
static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim )->Write( fp, i, origin );
// RB begin
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_MESH:
static_cast<MapPolygonMesh*>( mapPrim )->Write( fp, i, origin );
// RB end
fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
return true;
// RB begin
bool idMapEntity::WriteJSON( idFile* fp, int entityNum, int numEntities ) const
idVec3 origin;
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"entity\": \"%d\",\n", entityNum );
idStr key;
idStr value;
for( int i = 0; i < epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
key = epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetKey();
key.ReplaceChar( '\t', ' ' );
value = epairs.GetKeyVal( i )->GetValue();
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\"%s\": \"%s\"%s\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ( ( i == ( epairs.GetNumKeyVals() - 1 ) ) && !GetNumPrimitives() ) ? "" : "," );
epairs.GetVector( "origin", "0 0 0", origin );
// write pritimives
if( GetNumPrimitives() )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\"primitives\":\n\t\t\t[\n" );
int numPrimitives = GetNumPrimitives();
for( int i = 0; i < numPrimitives; i++ )
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim = GetPrimitive( i );
switch( mapPrim->GetType() )
#if 0
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH:
static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim )->Write( fp, i, origin );
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH:
static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim )->Write( fp, i, origin );
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_MESH:
static_cast<MapPolygonMesh*>( mapPrim )->WriteJSON( fp, i, origin );
// find next mesh primitive
idMapPrimitive* nextPrim = NULL;
for( int j = i + 1; j < numPrimitives; j++ )
nextPrim = GetPrimitive( j );
if( nextPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_MESH )
if( nextPrim && ( nextPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_MESH ) )
fp->WriteFloatString( ",\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if( GetNumPrimitives() )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t]\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t}%s\n", ( entityNum == ( numEntities - 1 ) ) ? "" : "," );
return true;
idMapEntity* idMapEntity::ParseJSON( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
idMapEntity* mapEnt;
//idMapPatch* mapPatch;
//idMapBrush* mapBrush;
// RB begin
MapPolygonMesh* mapMesh;
// RB end
bool worldent;
idVec3 origin;
double v1, v2, v3;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return NULL;
if( token == "]" )
return NULL;
if( token == "," )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return NULL;
if( token != "{" )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: { not found, found %s", token.c_str() );
return NULL;
mapEnt = new idMapEntity();
if( worldSpawn )
mapEnt->primitives.Resize( 1024, 256 );
worldent = false;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "}" )
if( token == "," )
// RB: new mesh primitive with ngons
if( token == "primitives" )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ":" ) )
delete mapEnt;
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: expected : for primitives" );
return NULL;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "[" ) )
delete mapEnt;
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: expected [ for primitives" );
return NULL;
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "]" )
if( token == "," )
if( token == "{" )
mapMesh = MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON( src );
if( !mapMesh )
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( mapMesh );
idStr key, value;
// parse a key / value pair
key = token;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "idMapEntity::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
delete mapEnt;
return NULL;
if( token != ":" )
delete mapEnt;
return NULL;
src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token );
value = token;
// strip trailing spaces that sometimes get accidentally
// added in the editor
mapEnt->epairs.Set( key, value );
if( !idStr::Icmp( key, "origin" ) )
// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is idVec size independent
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
sscanf( value, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3 );
origin.x = v1;
origin.y = v2;
origin.z = v3;
else if( !idStr::Icmp( key, "classname" ) && !idStr::Icmp( value, "worldspawn" ) )
worldent = true;
while( 1 );
return mapEnt;
// RB end
void idMapEntity::RemovePrimitiveData()
primitives.DeleteContents( true );
unsigned int idMapEntity::GetGeometryCRC() const
unsigned int crc;
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim;
crc = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < GetNumPrimitives(); i++ )
mapPrim = GetPrimitive( i );
switch( mapPrim->GetType() )
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH:
crc ^= static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim )->GetGeometryCRC();
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH:
crc ^= static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim )->GetGeometryCRC();
// RB begin
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_MESH:
crc ^= static_cast<MapPolygonMesh*>( mapPrim )->GetGeometryCRC();
// RB end
return crc;
void idMapEntity::CalculateBrushOrigin()
// Collect the origin brushes
idList<idMapBrush*> originBrushes;
for( int i = 0; i < primitives.Num(); i++ )
if( primitives[i]->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH )
idMapBrush* brush = static_cast<idMapBrush*>( primitives[i] );
if( brush->IsOriginBrush() )
originBrushes.Append( brush );
if( !originBrushes.Num() )
// Accumulate and average the origin brushes centres
for( int i = 0; i < originBrushes.Num(); i++ )
MapPolygonMesh mesh;
idBounds bounds;
mesh.ConvertFromBrush( originBrushes[i], 0, 0 );
mesh.GetBounds( bounds );
originOffset += bounds.GetCenter();
originOffset /= static_cast<float>( originBrushes.Num() );
class idSort_CompareMapEntity : public idSort_Quick< idMapEntity*, idSort_CompareMapEntity >
int Compare( idMapEntity* const& a, idMapEntity* const& b ) const
if( idStr::Icmp( a->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
return 1;
if( idStr::Icmp( b->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
return -1;
return idStr::Icmp( a->epairs.GetString( "name" ), b->epairs.GetString( "name" ) );
bool idMapFile::Parse( const char* filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath )
// no string concatenation for epairs and allow path names for materials
idToken token;
idStr fullName;
idMapEntity* mapEnt;
int i, j, k;
idStr extension;
name = filename;
name.StripFileExtension(); // RB: there might be .map.map
fullName = name;
hasPrimitiveData = false;
bool isJSON = false;
if( !ignoreRegion )
// RB: try loading a .json file first
fullName.SetFileExtension( "json" );
src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath );
if( src.IsLoaded() )
isJSON = true;
bool isGTLF = false;
if( !src.IsLoaded() )
// HVG: try loading a .gltf/glb second
fullName.SetFileExtension( "glb" );
isGTLF = src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath );
if( !isGTLF )
fullName.SetFileExtension( "gltf" );
isGTLF = src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath );
if( !src.IsLoaded() )
// now try a .map file
fullName.SetFileExtension( "map" );
src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath );
if( !src.IsLoaded() )
// didn't get anything at all
return false;
version = OLD_MAP_VERSION;
fileTime = src.GetFileTime();
entities.DeleteContents( true );
if( !isGTLF && !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return false;
if( isJSON )
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "entities" )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return false;
if( token != ":" )
src.Error( "idMapFile::Parse: : not found, found %s", token.c_str() );
return false;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
return false;
if( token != "[" )
src.Error( "idMapFile::Parse: [ not found, found %s", token.c_str() );
return false;
while( true )
mapEnt = idMapEntity::ParseJSON( src );
if( !mapEnt )
entities.Append( mapEnt );
//entities.SortWithTemplate( idSort_CompareMapEntity() );
if( entities.Num() > 0 && ( idStr::Icmp( entities[0]->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) != 0 ) )
// move world spawn to first place
for( int i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( entities[i]->epairs.GetString( "name" ), "worldspawn" ) == 0 )
idMapEntity* tmp = entities[0];
entities[0] = entities[i];
entities[i] = tmp;
else if( isGTLF )
GLTF_Parser gltf;
gltf.Load( fullName );
idMapEntity::GetEntities( gltf.currentAsset, entities, gltf.currentAsset->GetSceneId( gltf_MapSceneName.GetString() ) );
if( token == "Version" )
src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token );
version = token.GetIntValue();
// Valve 220 format and idMapEntity::Parse will expect {
src.UnreadToken( &token );
valve220Format = true;
version = 220;
while( 1 )
mapEnt = idMapEntity::Parse( src, ( entities.Num() == 0 ), version );
if( !mapEnt )
entities.Append( mapEnt );
// if the map has a worldspawn
if( entities.Num() )
// "removeEntities" "classname" can be set in the worldspawn to remove all entities with the given classname
const idKeyValue* removeEntities = entities[0]->epairs.MatchPrefix( "removeEntities", NULL );
while( removeEntities )
RemoveEntities( removeEntities->GetValue() );
removeEntities = entities[0]->epairs.MatchPrefix( "removeEntities", removeEntities );
// "overrideMaterial" "material" can be set in the worldspawn to reset all materials
idStr material;
if( entities[0]->epairs.GetString( "overrideMaterial", "", material ) )
for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
mapEnt = entities[i];
for( j = 0; j < mapEnt->GetNumPrimitives(); j++ )
idMapPrimitive* mapPrimitive = mapEnt->GetPrimitive( j );
switch( mapPrimitive->GetType() )
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH:
idMapBrush* mapBrush = static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrimitive );
for( k = 0; k < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); k++ )
mapBrush->GetSide( k )->SetMaterial( material );
case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH:
static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrimitive )->SetMaterial( material );
// force all entities to have a name key/value pair
if( entities[0]->epairs.GetBool( "forceEntityNames" ) )
for( i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
mapEnt = entities[i];
if( !mapEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" ) )
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", va( "%s%d", mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname", "forcedName" ), i ) );
// move the primitives of any func_group entities to the worldspawn
// RB: TrenchBroom interop - especially those created by TrenchBroom and
// they also won't be spawned by the gamecode
if( entities[0]->epairs.GetBool( "moveFuncGroups" ) || valve220Format )
for( i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
mapEnt = entities[i];
if( idStr::Icmp( mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), "func_group" ) == 0 )
entities[0]->primitives.Append( mapEnt->primitives );
if( valve220Format )
// it might be possible that the level designer missed to set the name/model keys to be protected
// so the game code would fail to load the map because entities have then the same name
// RB: <name>_extraents.map allows to add and override existing entities
idMapFile extrasMap;
fullName = name;
fullName += "_extra_ents.map";
if( extrasMap.Parse( fullName, ignoreRegion, osPath ) )
for( i = 0; i < extrasMap.entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* extraEnt = extrasMap.entities[i];
const idKeyValue* kv = extraEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
mapEnt = FindEntity( kv->GetValue().c_str() );
if( mapEnt )
// allow override old settings
for( int j = 0; j < extraEnt->epairs.GetNumKeyVals(); j++ )
const idKeyValue* pair = extraEnt->epairs.GetKeyVal( j );
if( pair && pair->GetValue().Length() )
mapEnt->epairs.Set( pair->GetKey(), pair->GetValue() );
mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( mapEnt );
// don't grab brushes or polys
mapEnt->epairs.Copy( extraEnt->epairs );
#if 0
fullName = name;
fullName += "_extra_debug.map";
Write( fullName, ".map" );
hasPrimitiveData = true;
return true;
bool idMapFile::Write( const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBasePath )
int i;
idStr qpath;
idFile* fp;
qpath = fileName;
qpath.SetFileExtension( ext );
idLib::common->Printf( "writing %s...\n", qpath.c_str() );
if( fromBasePath )
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenExplicitFileWrite( qpath );
if( !fp )
idLib::common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s\n", qpath.c_str() );
return false;
if( valve220Format )
fp->WriteFloatString( "// Game: Doom 3 BFG\n// Format: Doom3 (Valve)\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "Version %d\n", CURRENT_MAP_VERSION );
for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
entities[i]->Write( fp, i, valve220Format );
idLib::fileSystem->CloseFile( fp );
return true;
// RB begin
bool idMapFile::WriteJSON( const char* fileName, const char* ext, bool fromBasePath )
int i;
idStr qpath;
idFile* fp;
qpath = fileName;
qpath.SetFileExtension( ext );
idLib::common->Printf( "writing %s...\n", qpath.c_str() );
if( fromBasePath )
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_basepath" );
fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenExplicitFileWrite( qpath );
if( !fp )
idLib::common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s\n", qpath.c_str() );
return false;
fp->Printf( "{\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\"version\": \"%d\",\n", CURRENT_MAP_VERSION );
fp->Printf( "\t\"entities\": \n\t[\n" );
for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
entities[i]->WriteJSON( fp, i, entities.Num() );
fp->Printf( "\t]\n" );
fp->Printf( "}\n" );
idLib::fileSystem->CloseFile( fp );
return true;
// RB end
void idMapFile::SetGeometryCRC()
int i;
geometryCRC = 0;
for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
geometryCRC ^= entities[i]->GetGeometryCRC();
int idMapFile::AddEntity( idMapEntity* mapEnt )
int ret = entities.Append( mapEnt );
return ret;
idMapEntity* idMapFile::FindEntity( const char* name ) const
for( int i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* ent = entities[i];
if( idStr::Icmp( ent->epairs.GetString( "name" ), name ) == 0 )
return ent;
return NULL;
RB idMapFile::FindEntityAtOrigin
idMapEntity* idMapFile::FindEntityAtOrigin( const idVec3& org ) const
idBounds bo( org );
bo.ExpandSelf( 0.125f );
for( int i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* ent = entities[i];
idVec3 entPos;
ent->epairs.GetVector( "origin", "", entPos );
if( bo.ContainsPoint( entPos ) )
return ent;
return NULL;
RB from idGameEdit::GetUniqueEntityName
generates a unique name for a given classname
const char* idMapFile::GetUniqueEntityName( const char* classname ) const
int id;
static char name[1024];
// can only have MAX_GENTITIES, so if we have a spot available, we're guaranteed to find one
for( id = 0; id < 99999; id++ )
idStr::snPrintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s_%d", classname, id );
if( FindEntity( name ) == NULL )
return name;
// id == MAX_GENTITIES + 1, which can't be in use if we get here
idStr::snPrintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s_%d", classname, id );
return name;
void idMapFile::RemoveEntity( idMapEntity* mapEnt )
entities.Remove( mapEnt );
delete mapEnt;
void idMapFile::RemoveEntities( const char* classname )
for( int i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* ent = entities[i];
if( idStr::Icmp( ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), classname ) == 0 )
delete entities[i];
entities.RemoveIndex( i );
void idMapFile::RemoveAllEntities()
entities.DeleteContents( true );
hasPrimitiveData = false;
void idMapFile::RemovePrimitiveData()
for( int i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ )
idMapEntity* ent = entities[i];
hasPrimitiveData = false;
bool idMapFile::NeedsReload()
if( name.Length() )
if( idLib::fileSystem->ReadFile( name, NULL, &time ) > 0 )
return ( time > fileTime );
return true;
// RB begin
type = TYPE_MESH;
originalType = TYPE_MESH;
polygons.Resize( 8, 4 );
contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
opaque = true;
void MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromBrush( const idMapBrush* mapBrush, int entityNum, int primitiveNum )
originalType = TYPE_BRUSH;
// fix degenerate planes
idPlane* planes = ( idPlane* ) _alloca16( mapBrush->GetNumSides() * sizeof( planes[0] ) );
for( int i = 0; i < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
planes[i] = mapBrush->GetSide( i )->GetPlane();
planes[i].FixDegeneracies( DEGENERATE_DIST_EPSILON );
idList<idFixedWinding> planeWindings;
idBounds bounds;
int numVerts = 0;
int numIndexes = 0;
bool badBrush = false;
for( int i = 0; i < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
idMapBrushSide* mapSide = mapBrush->GetSide( i );
const idMaterial* material = declManager->FindMaterial( mapSide->GetMaterial() );
//contents |= ( material->GetContentFlags() & CONTENTS_REMOVE_UTIL );
//materials.AddUnique( material );
// chop base plane by other brush sides
idFixedWinding& w = planeWindings.Alloc();
w.BaseForPlane( -planes[i] );
if( !w.GetNumPoints() )
common->Printf( "Entity %i, Brush %i: base winding has no points\n", entityNum, primitiveNum );
badBrush = true;
for( int j = 0; j < mapBrush->GetNumSides() && w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
if( i == j )
if( !w.ClipInPlace( -planes[j], 0 ) )
// no intersection
//badBrush = true;
common->Printf( "Entity %i, Brush %i: no intersection with other brush plane\n", entityNum, primitiveNum );
if( w.GetNumPoints() <= 2 )
// only used for debugging
for( int j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
const idVec3& v = w[j].ToVec3();
bounds.AddPoint( v );
if( badBrush )
//common->Error( "" )
// copy the data from the windings and build polygons
for( int i = 0; i < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
idMapBrushSide* mapSide = mapBrush->GetSide( i );
idFixedWinding& w = planeWindings[i];
if( !w.GetNumPoints() )
MapPolygon& polygon = polygons.Alloc();
polygon.SetMaterial( mapSide->GetMaterial() );
//for( int j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
// reverse order, so normal does not point inwards
for( int j = w.GetNumPoints() - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
polygon.AddIndex( verts.Num() + j );
for( int j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
idDrawVert& dv = verts.Alloc();
const idVec3& xyz = w[j].ToVec3();
dv.xyz = xyz;
// calculate texture s/t from brush primitive texture matrix
idVec4 texVec[2];
mapSide->GetTextureVectors( texVec );
idVec2 st;
st.x = ( xyz * texVec[0].ToVec3() ) + texVec[0][3];
st.y = ( xyz * texVec[1].ToVec3() ) + texVec[1][3];
// support Valve 220 projection
if( mapSide->GetProjectionType() == idMapBrushSide::PROJECTION_VALVE220 )
const idMaterial* material = declManager->FindMaterial( mapSide->GetMaterial() );
idVec2i texSize = mapSide->GetTextureSize();
idImage* image = material->GetEditorImage();
if( image != NULL )
texSize.x = image->GetUploadWidth();
texSize.y = image->GetUploadHeight();
st.x /= texSize[0];
st.y /= texSize[1];
// flip y
//st.y = 1.0f - st.y;
dv.SetTexCoord( st );
// copy normal
dv.SetNormal( mapSide->GetPlane().Normal() );
//if( dv->GetNormal().Length() < 0.9 || dv->GetNormal().Length() > 1.1 )
// common->Error( "Bad normal in TriListForSide" );
void MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromPatch( const idMapPatch* patch, int entityNum, int primitiveNum )
originalType = TYPE_PATCH;
idSurface_Patch* cp = new idSurface_Patch( *patch );
if( patch->GetExplicitlySubdivided() )
cp->SubdivideExplicit( patch->GetHorzSubdivisions(), patch->GetVertSubdivisions(), true );
for( int i = 0; i < cp->GetNumIndexes(); i += 3 )
verts.Append( ( *cp )[cp->GetIndexes()[i + 1]] );
verts.Append( ( *cp )[cp->GetIndexes()[i + 2]] );
verts.Append( ( *cp )[cp->GetIndexes()[i + 0]] );
for( int i = 0; i < cp->GetNumIndexes(); i += 3 )
MapPolygon& polygon = polygons.Alloc();
polygon.SetMaterial( patch->GetMaterial() );
polygon.AddIndex( i + 0 );
polygon.AddIndex( i + 1 );
polygon.AddIndex( i + 2 );
delete cp;
bool MapPolygonMesh::Write( idFile* fp, int primitiveNum, const idVec3& origin ) const
fp->WriteFloatString( "// primitive %d\n{\n meshDef\n {\n", primitiveNum );
//fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\"\n ( %d %d 0 0 0 )\n", GetMaterial(), GetWidth(), GetHeight() );
fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %d %d 0 0 0 )\n", verts.Num(), polygons.Num() );
fp->WriteFloatString( " (\n" );
idVec2 st;
idVec3 n;
for( int i = 0; i < verts.Num(); i++ )
const idDrawVert* v = &verts[ i ];
st = v->GetTexCoord();
n = v->GetNormalRaw();
//fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f )\n", v->xyz[0] + origin[0], v->xyz[1] + origin[1], v->xyz[2] + origin[2], st[0], st[1], n[0], n[1], n[2] );
fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f )\n", v->xyz[0], v->xyz[1], v->xyz[2], st[0], st[1], n[0], n[1], n[2] );
fp->WriteFloatString( " )\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( " (\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < polygons.Num(); i++ )
const MapPolygon& poly = polygons[ i ];
fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\" %d = ", poly.GetMaterial(), poly.indexes.Num() );
for( int j = 0; j < poly.indexes.Num(); j++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "%d ", poly.indexes[j] );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( " )\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( " }\n}\n" );
return true;
bool MapPolygonMesh::WriteJSON( idFile* fp, int primitiveNum, const idVec3& origin ) const
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"primitive\": \"%d\",\n", primitiveNum );
if( originalType == TYPE_BRUSH )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\"original\": \"brush\",\n" );
else if( originalType == TYPE_PATCH )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\"original\": \"curve\",\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\"verts\":\n\t\t\t\t\t[\n" );
idVec2 st;
idVec3 n;
for( int i = 0; i < verts.Num(); i++ )
const idDrawVert& v = verts[ i ];
st = v.GetTexCoord();
n = v.GetNormalRaw();
//if( IsNAN( v.xyz ) )
// continue;
//idVec3 xyz = v.xyz - origin;
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\t{ \"xyz\": [%f, %f, %f], \"st\": [%f, %f], \"normal\": [%f, %f, %f] }%s\n", v.xyz[0], v.xyz[1], v.xyz[2], st[0], st[1], n[0], n[1], n[2], ( i == ( verts.Num() - 1 ) ) ? "" : "," );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t],\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\"polygons\":\n\t\t\t\t\t[\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < polygons.Num(); i++ )
const MapPolygon& poly = polygons[ i ];
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t\t{ \"material\": \"%s\", \"indices\": [", poly.GetMaterial() );
#if 0
for( int j = 0; j < poly.indexes.Num(); j++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "%d%s", poly.indexes[j], ( j == poly.indexes.Num() - 1 ) ? "" : ", " );
for( int j = poly.indexes.Num() - 1 ; j >= 0; j-- )
fp->WriteFloatString( "%d%s", poly.indexes[j], ( j == 0 ) ? "" : ", " );
fp->WriteFloatString( "] }%s\n", ( i == ( polygons.Num() - 1 ) ) ? "" : "," );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t\t]\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\t}" );
return true;
MapPolygonMesh* MapPolygonMesh::Parse( idLexer& src, const idVec3& origin, float version )
float info[7];
idToken token;
int i;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return NULL;
// Parse it
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 5, info ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: unable to parse meshDef info" );
return NULL;
const int numVertices = ( int ) info[0];
const int numPolygons = ( int ) info[1];
MapPolygonMesh* mesh = new MapPolygonMesh();
// parse vertices
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "(" ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: bad mesh vertex data" );
delete mesh;
return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ )
float v[8];
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 8, v ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: bad vertex column data" );
delete mesh;
return NULL;
// TODO optimize: preallocate vertices
//vert = &( ( *patch )[i * patch->GetWidth() + j] );
idDrawVert vert;
vert.xyz[0] = v[0];// - origin[0];
vert.xyz[1] = v[1];// - origin[1];
vert.xyz[2] = v[2];// - origin[2];
vert.SetTexCoord( v[3], v[4] );
idVec3 n( v[5], v[6], v[7] );
vert.SetNormal( n );
mesh->AddVertex( vert );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ")" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: unable to parse vertices" );
return NULL;
// parse polygons
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "(" ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: bad mesh polygon data" );
delete mesh;
return NULL;
for( i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++ )
// get material name
MapPolygon& polygon = mesh->polygons.Alloc();
src.ReadToken( &token );
if( token.type == TT_STRING )
polygon.SetMaterial( token );;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: bad mesh polygon data" );
delete mesh;
return NULL;
int numIndexes = src.ParseInt();
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: bad mesh polygon data" );
delete mesh;
return NULL;
//idTempArray<int> indexes( numIndexes );
for( int j = 0; j < numIndexes; j++ )
//indexes[j] = src.ParseInt();
int index = src.ParseInt();
polygon.AddIndex( index );
//polygon->SetIndexes( indexes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ")" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: unable to parse polygons" );
return NULL;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: unable to parse mesh primitive end" );
return NULL;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::Parse: unable to parse mesh primitive end" );
return NULL;
return mesh;
MapPolygonMesh* MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
MapPolygonMesh* mesh = new MapPolygonMesh();
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "}" )
if( token == "," )
if( token == "verts" )
idDrawVert vert;
float v[8];
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "}" )
mesh->AddVertex( vert );
if( token == "]" )
if( token == "," )
if( token == "xyz" )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ":" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( !src.Parse1DMatrixJSON( 3, v ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: bad vertex column data" );
return NULL;
vert.xyz[0] = v[0];
vert.xyz[1] = v[1];
vert.xyz[2] = v[2];
else if( token == "st" )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ":" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( !src.Parse1DMatrixJSON( 2, v ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: bad vertex column data" );
return NULL;
vert.SetTexCoord( v[0], v[1] );
else if( token == "normal" )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ":" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( !src.Parse1DMatrixJSON( 3, v ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: bad vertex column data" );
return NULL;
idVec3 n( v[0], v[1], v[2] );
vert.SetNormal( n );
if( token == "polygons" )
MapPolygon* polygon = NULL;
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "{" )
polygon = &mesh->polygons.Alloc();
if( token == "]" )
if( token == "," )
if( token == "material" )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( ":" ) )
delete mesh;
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
src.ReadToken( &token );
if( token.type == TT_STRING )
polygon->SetMaterial( token );
else if( token == "indices" )
idList<int> indices;
while( true )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Error( "MapPolygonMesh::ParseJSON: EOF without closing brace" );
return NULL;
if( token == "]" )
// reverse order from Blender
for( int i = indices.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
polygon->AddIndex( indices[i] );
else if( token.type == TT_NUMBER )
int index = token.GetIntValue();
indices.Append( index );
else if( token == "," )
return mesh;
void MapPolygonMesh::SetContents()
if( polygons.Num() < 1 )
contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
opaque = true;
int c2;
MapPolygon* poly = &polygons[0];
const idMaterial* mat = declManager->FindMaterial( poly->GetMaterial() );
contents = mat->GetContentFlags();
//b->contentShader = s->material;
bool mixed = false;
// a brush is only opaque if all sides are opaque
opaque = true;
for( int i = 1 ; i < polygons.Num() ; i++ )
poly = &polygons[i];
const idMaterial* mat2 = declManager->FindMaterial( poly->GetMaterial() );
c2 = mat2->GetContentFlags();
if( c2 != contents )
mixed = true;
contents |= c2;
if( mat2->Coverage() != MC_OPAQUE )
opaque = false;
unsigned int MapPolygonMesh::GetGeometryCRC() const
int i;
unsigned int crc = 0;
for( i = 0; i < verts.Num(); i++ )
#if 0
crc ^= StringCRC( ( verts[i].xyz * ( i + 1 ) ).ToString() );
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[i].xyz.x * ( i + 1 ) );
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[i].xyz.y * ( i + 1 ) );
crc ^= FloatCRC( verts[i].xyz.z * ( i + 1 ) );
for( i = 0; i < polygons.Num(); i++ )
const MapPolygon& poly = polygons[i];
crc ^= StringCRC( poly.GetMaterial() + idStr( i ) );
return crc;
bool MapPolygonMesh::IsAreaportal() const
return ( ( contents & CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL ) != 0 );
void MapPolygonMesh::GetBounds( idBounds& bounds ) const
if( !verts.Num() )
bounds[0] = bounds[1] = verts[0].xyz;
for( int i = 1; i < verts.Num(); i++ )
const idVec3& p = verts[i].xyz;
if( p.x < bounds[0].x )
bounds[0].x = p.x;
else if( p.x > bounds[1].x )
bounds[1].x = p.x;
if( p.y < bounds[0].y )
bounds[0].y = p.y;
else if( p.y > bounds[1].y )
bounds[1].y = p.y;
if( p.z < bounds[0].z )
bounds[0].z = p.z;
else if( p.z > bounds[1].z )
bounds[1].z = p.z;
bool idMapFile::ConvertToPolygonMeshFormat()
int count = GetNumEntities();
for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
//if( classname == "worldspawn" )
for( int i = 0; i < ent->GetNumPrimitives(); i++ )
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim;
mapPrim = ent->GetPrimitive( i );
if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH )
MapPolygonMesh* meshPrim = new MapPolygonMesh();
meshPrim->epairs.Copy( mapPrim->epairs );
meshPrim->ConvertFromBrush( static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim ), j, i );
ent->primitives[ i ] = meshPrim;
delete mapPrim;
else if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH )
MapPolygonMesh* meshPrim = new MapPolygonMesh();
meshPrim->epairs.Copy( mapPrim->epairs );
meshPrim->ConvertFromPatch( static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim ), j, i );
ent->primitives[ i ] = meshPrim;
delete mapPrim;
return true;
bool idMapFile::ConvertToValve220Format( bool recalcPlanePoints )
valve220Format = true;
idDict classTypeOverview;
idStrList textureCollections;
int tbGroupID = 7;
// just an idea but we can assume that we have no TB groups in the file
// because we are calling this command for the original Doom 3 BFG .map files
idList<int> tbGroupIDs;
// collect TrenchBroom group IDs
for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
//idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
const char* name = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
const char* groupType = ent->epairs.GetString( "_tb_type" );
if( idStr::Icmp( name, "func_group" ) == 0 && ( idStr::Icmp( groupType, "_tb_group" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( groupType, "_tb_layer" ) == 0 ) )
int id = ent->epairs.GetInt( "_tb_id", -1 );
tbGroupIDs.AddUnique( id );
int count = GetNumEntities();
for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
// build entity transform
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 rot;
idStr name = ent->epairs.GetString( "name" );
origin = ent->epairs.GetVector( "origin", "0 0 0" );
if( !ent->epairs.GetMatrix( "rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", rot ) )
idAngles angles;
if( ent->epairs.GetAngles( "angles", "0 0 0", angles ) )
if( angles.pitch != 0.0f || angles.yaw != 0.0f || angles.roll != 0.0f )
rot = angles.ToMat3();
float angle = ent->epairs.GetFloat( "angle" );
if( angle != 0.0f )
rot = idAngles( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
idMat4 transform( rot, origin );
const idKeyValue* modelPair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "model" );
idStr model = ent->epairs.GetString( "model" );
// HACK: convert every old .lwo, .ase model to an .obj proxy model so it can be displayed properly in TrenchBroom
// this wouldn't be necessary for Doom 3 but it is for the BFG edition
idStr ext;
model.ExtractFileExtension( ext );
if( ext.Icmp( "lwo" ) == 0 || ext.Icmp( "ase" ) == 0 || ext.Icmp( "dae" ) == 0 )
model.SetFileExtension( "obj" );
model = "_tb/" + model;
ent->epairs.Set( "proxymodel", model );
bool isBrushModel = ( ent->GetNumPrimitives() > 0 ) && ( idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), name.c_str() ) == 0 );
bool isLight = idStr::Icmp( classname, "light" ) == 0;
// is this oldschool brushes & patches?
if( isBrushModel )
if( isLight )
// we need to split this up into several entities
// turn this entity into a func_static and create a separate light and func_group entity
auto lightEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( lightEnt );
// don't grab brushes or polys
lightEnt->epairs.Copy( ent->epairs );
// we can expect "light_origin" and "light_rotation" at this point from DoomEdit
// replace them with "origin" and "angles"
idAngles angles;
idMat3 mat;
if( !ent->epairs.GetMatrix( "light_rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", mat ) )
if( !ent->epairs.GetMatrix( "rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", mat ) )
// RB: light_angles is specific for lights that have been modified by the editLights command
// these lights have a static model and are not proper grouped using func_group
if( ent->epairs.GetAngles( "light_angles", "0 0 0", angles ) )
angles[ 0 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 0 ] );
angles[ 1 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 1 ] );
angles[ 2 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 2 ] );
mat = angles.ToMat3();
// RB: TrenchBroom interop
// support "angles" like in Quake 3
else if( ent->epairs.GetAngles( "angles", "0 0 0", angles ) )
angles[ 0 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 0 ] );
angles[ 1 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 1 ] );
angles[ 2 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 2 ] );
mat = angles.ToMat3();
ent->epairs.GetFloat( "angle", "0", angles[ 1 ] );
angles[ 0 ] = 0;
angles[ 1 ] = idMath::AngleNormalize360( angles[ 1 ] );
angles[ 2 ] = 0;
mat = angles.ToMat3();
// fix degenerate identity matrices
lightEnt->epairs.Delete( "light_rotation" );
lightEnt->epairs.Delete( "light_angles" );
lightEnt->epairs.Delete( "angle" );
lightEnt->epairs.Delete( "model" );
angles = mat.ToAngles();
lightEnt->epairs.SetAngles( "angles", angles );
idVec3 lightOrigin = ent->epairs.GetVector( "light_origin", "0 0 0" );
lightEnt->epairs.SetVector( "origin", lightOrigin );
lightEnt->epairs.Delete( "light_origin" );
lightEnt->epairs.SetInt( "_tb_group", tbGroupID );
// turn this entity into a func_static and give it a new unique name
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_static" );
idStr uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( "light_model" );
ent->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
ent->epairs.Set( "model", uniqueName );
// link idLight to func_static entity for syncing color/broken model using new modelTarget key
lightEnt->epairs.Set( "modelTarget", uniqueName );
ent->epairs.SetInt( "_tb_group", tbGroupID );
// strip any light specific data
ent->epairs.Delete( "light_origin" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "light_rotation" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "light_radius" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "light_center" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "angles" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "angle" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "noshadows" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "nodiffuse" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "nospecular" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "falloff" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "texture" );
// add group entity
auto groupEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
entities.Append( groupEnt );
groupEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_group" );
uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( "light_group" );
groupEnt->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
groupEnt->epairs.Set( "_tb_name", uniqueName );
groupEnt->epairs.Set( "_tb_type", "_tb_group" );
groupEnt->epairs.SetInt( "_tb_id", tbGroupID );
bool removedOrigin = false;
if( !transform.IsIdentity() ) //&& !isLight )
ent->epairs.Delete( "origin" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "rotation" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "angles" );
ent->epairs.Delete( "angle" );
removedOrigin = true;
// convert brushes
for( int i = 0; i < ent->GetNumPrimitives(); i++ )
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim;
mapPrim = ent->GetPrimitive( i );
if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH )
idMapBrush* brushPrim = static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim );
for( int s = 0; s < brushPrim->GetNumSides(); s++ )
idMapBrushSide* side = brushPrim->GetSide( s );
side->ConvertToValve220Format( transform, textureCollections );
// RB: this shouldn't necessary but the initial plane definitions are at the border of the max world size
// so with this function we get sane values that are within the brush boundaries
if( recalcPlanePoints )
brushPrim->SetPlanePointsFromWindings( transform.GetTranslation(), j, i );
else if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH )
idMapPatch* patch = static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim );
idMapFile::AddMaterialToCollection( patch->GetMaterial(), textureCollections );
// add origin brush as a replacement for the removed "origin" key
if( removedOrigin && ( origin != vec3_origin ) )
idMapBrush* originBrush = idMapBrush::MakeOriginBrush( origin, vec3_one );
ent->AddPrimitive( originBrush );
ent->originOffset = origin;
// collect some statistics
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.FindKey( classname );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
if( idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "PointClass" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "Mixed" ) != 0 )
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "Mixed" );
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "BrushClass" );
// just a regular entity
// TrenchBroom doesn't allow models for SolidClasses so use helper classes instead
if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_static" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "misc_model" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_bobbing" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_bobbing_model" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_door" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_door_model" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_elevator" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_elevator_model" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_mover" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_mover_amodel" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_rotating" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_rotating_model" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_plat" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), classname.c_str() ) != 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_plat_model" );
// replace "rotation" with angles because it is not supported by TrenchBroom
if( ent->epairs.FindKey( "rotation" ) )
ent->epairs.Delete( "rotation" );
idAngles angles = rot.ToAngles();
ent->epairs.SetAngles( "angles", angles );
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.FindKey( classname );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
if( idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "BrushClass" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "Mixed" ) != 0 )
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "Mixed" );
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "PointClass" );
idMapEntity* worldspawn = GetEntity( 0 );
if( worldspawn )
//worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_textures", "textures/common;textures/editor;textures/decals;textures/decals2" );
idStr list;
for( int i = 0; i < textureCollections.Num(); i++ )
list += textureCollections[ i ];
if( i != ( textureCollections.Num() - 1 ) )
list += ";";
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_textures", list );
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_def", "builtin:DOOM-3-all.fgd" );
int n = classTypeOverview.GetNumKeyVals();
idLib::Printf( "BrushClasses:\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.GetKeyVal( i );
if( kv->GetValue() == "BrushClass" )
idLib::Printf( "'%s'\n", kv->GetKey().c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "\nPointClasses:\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.GetKeyVal( i );
if( kv->GetValue() == "PointClass" )
idLib::Printf( "'%s'\n", kv->GetKey().c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "\nMixedClasses:\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.GetKeyVal( i );
if( kv->GetValue() == "Mixed" )
idLib::Printf( "'%s'\n", kv->GetKey().c_str() );
return true;
void idMapFile::ClassifyEntitiesForTrenchBroom( idDict& classTypeOverview )
int count = GetNumEntities();
for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
idStr name = ent->epairs.GetString( "name" );
const idKeyValue* modelPair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "model" );
idStr model = ent->epairs.GetString( "model" );
bool isBrushModel = ( ent->GetNumPrimitives() > 0 ) && ( idStr::Icmp( model.c_str(), name.c_str() ) == 0 );
// is this oldschool brushes & patches?
if( isBrushModel )
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.FindKey( classname );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
if( idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "PointClass" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "Mixed" ) != 0 )
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "Mixed" );
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "BrushClass" );
const idKeyValue* kv = classTypeOverview.FindKey( classname );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() )
if( idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "BrushClass" ) == 0 && idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str(), "Mixed" ) != 0 )
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "Mixed" );
classTypeOverview.Set( classname, "PointClass" );
bool idMapFile::ConvertQuakeToDoom()
idStrList textureCollections;
int count = GetNumEntities();
for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
bool isWorldspawn = j == 0;
if( !isWorldspawn )
idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
const idKeyValue* targetnamePair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "targetname" );
if( targetnamePair )
ent->epairs.Set( "name", targetnamePair->GetValue() );
ent->epairs.Delete( "targetname" );
const idKeyValue* namePair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( !namePair )
idStr uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( classname );
ent->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
// is there a name clash with another entity?
bool clash = false;
for( int i = 1; i < count; i++ )
if( i == j )
idMapEntity* otherEnt = GetEntity( i );
const idKeyValue* otherNamePair = otherEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( otherNamePair && !otherNamePair->GetValue().IsEmpty() && idStr::Cmp( namePair->GetValue(), otherNamePair->GetValue() ) == 0 )
// both entities have the same name, give this one a new name
idStr uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( classname );
ent->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_wall" ) == 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_static" );
if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_detail" ) == 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_static" );
// fix light color range
if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "light" ) == 0 )
idVec3 color;
ent->epairs.GetVector( "_color", "1 1 1", color );
if( color.x > 1 || color.y > 1 || color.z > 1 )
color.x *= 1.0f / 255;
color.y *= 1.0f / 255;
color.z *= 1.0f / 255;
ent->epairs.SetVector( "_color", color );
if( ent->GetNumPrimitives() > 0 )
if( !isWorldspawn )
const idKeyValue* namePair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
ent->epairs.Set( "model", namePair->GetValue() );
// map Wad brushes names to proper Doom 3 compatible material names
for( int i = 0; i < ent->GetNumPrimitives(); i++ )
idMapPrimitive* mapPrim;
mapPrim = ent->GetPrimitive( i );
if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH )
idMapBrush* brushPrim = static_cast<idMapBrush*>( mapPrim );
for( int s = 0; s < brushPrim->GetNumSides(); s++ )
idMapBrushSide* side = brushPrim->GetSide( s );
idStr matName;
WadTextureToMaterial( side->GetMaterial(), matName );
side->SetMaterial( matName );
idMapFile::AddMaterialToCollection( side->GetMaterial(), textureCollections );
else if( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH )
idMapPatch* patch = static_cast<idMapPatch*>( mapPrim );
idMapFile::AddMaterialToCollection( patch->GetMaterial(), textureCollections );
idMapEntity* worldspawn = GetEntity( 0 );
if( worldspawn )
#if 1
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_textures", "textures/common;textures/editor;textures/id1" );
idStr list;
for( int i = 0; i < textureCollections.Num(); i++ )
list += textureCollections[ i ];
if( i != ( textureCollections.Num() - 1 ) )
list += ";";
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_textures", list );
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_def", "builtin:DOOM-3-slim.fgd" );
return true;
void idMapFile::FixDuplicatedNamesInGroupInstances()
int count = GetNumEntities();
for( int j = 1; j < count; j++ )
idMapEntity* ent = GetEntity( j );
if( ent )
idStr classname = ent->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
// only fix names in linked group lists
const idKeyValue* groupPair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "_tb_group" );
if( !groupPair )
const idKeyValue* namePair = ent->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( !namePair )
idStr uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( classname );
ent->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
// is there a name clash with another entity?
bool clash = false;
for( int i = 1; i < count; i++ )
if( i == j )
idMapEntity* otherEnt = GetEntity( i );
const idKeyValue* otherNamePair = otherEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" );
if( otherNamePair && !otherNamePair->GetValue().IsEmpty() && idStr::Cmp( namePair->GetValue(), otherNamePair->GetValue() ) == 0 )
// both entities have the same name, give this one a new name
idStr uniqueName = GetUniqueEntityName( classname );
ent->epairs.Set( "name", uniqueName );
if( ent->GetNumPrimitives() > 0 )
ent->epairs.Set( "model", uniqueName );
// fix light color range
if( idStr::Icmp( classname, "light" ) == 0 )
idVec3 color;
ent->epairs.GetVector( "_color", "1 1 1", color );
if( color.x > 1 || color.y > 1 || color.z > 1 )
color.x *= 1.0f / 255;
color.y *= 1.0f / 255;
color.z *= 1.0f / 255;
ent->epairs.SetVector( "_color", color );
void idMapFile::AddMaterialToCollection( const char* material, idStrList& textureCollections )
idStr withoutPath = material;
idStr textureCollection = material;
textureCollection.StripTrailingOnce( "/" + withoutPath );
textureCollections.AddUnique( textureCollection );
#include "MapFile_quaketex.h"
void idMapFile::WadTextureToMaterial( const char* material, idStr& matName )
for( int i = 0 ; i < numTextureConvertNames ; i++ )
if( !idStr::Icmp( material, textureConvertNames[i].quakeName ) )
matName = textureConvertNames[i].doomName;
matName = material;
RB idMapBrush::MakeOriginBrush
moved it here so Astyle won't mess up this file
idMapBrush* idMapBrush::MakeOriginBrush( const idVec3& origin, const idVec3& scale )
// brush 0
( -1 -64 -16 ) ( -1 -63 -16 ) ( -1 -64 -15 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -1 -16 ) ( -64 -1 -15 ) ( -63 -1 -16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -64 -1 ) ( -63 -64 -1 ) ( -64 -63 -1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 64 1 ) ( 64 65 1 ) ( 65 64 1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 1 16 ) ( 65 1 16 ) ( 64 1 17 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 1 64 16 ) ( 1 64 17 ) ( 1 65 16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
const char* tbUnitBrush = R"(
( -1 -64 -16 ) ( -1 -63 -16 ) ( -1 -64 -15 ) common/origin [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -1 -16 ) ( -64 -1 -15 ) ( -63 -1 -16 ) common/origin [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -64 -1 ) ( -63 -64 -1 ) ( -64 -63 -1 ) common/origin [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 64 1 ) ( 64 65 1 ) ( 65 64 1 ) common/origin [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 1 16 ) ( 65 1 16 ) ( 64 1 17 ) common/origin [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 1 64 16 ) ( 1 64 17 ) ( 1 65 16 ) common/origin [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
src.LoadMemory( tbUnitBrush, strlen( tbUnitBrush), "Origin Brush" );
idMapBrush* brush = idMapBrush::ParseValve220( src, origin );
idMat3 axis;
axis[0][0] = scale.x;
axis[1][1] = scale.y;
axis[2][2] = scale.z;
idMat4 transform( axis, origin );
for( int i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
auto side = brush->GetSide( i );
side->planepts[0] *= transform;
side->planepts[1] *= transform;
side->planepts[2] *= transform;
return brush;
// RB end