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4932 lines
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4932 lines
134 KiB
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if !defined( DMAP )
#include "../renderer/Image.h"
#include "../renderer/DXT/DXTCodec.h"
#include "../renderer/Color/ColorSpace.h"
#include "../renderer/CmdlineProgressbar.h"
GUIs and script remain separately parsed
Following a parse, all referenced media (and other decls) will have been touched.
sinTable and cosTable are required for the rotate material keyword to function
A new FindType on a purged decl will cause it to be reloaded, but a stale pointer to a purged
decl will look like a defaulted decl.
Moving a decl from one file to another will not be handled correctly by a reload, the material
will be defaulted.
NULL or empty decl names will always return NULL
Should probably make a default decl for this
Decls are initially created without a textSource
A parse without textSource set should always just call MakeDefault()
A parse that has an error should internally call MakeDefault()
A purge does nothing to a defaulted decl
Should we have a "purged" media state separate from the "defaulted" media state?
reloading over a decl name that was defaulted
reloading over a decl name that was valid
missing reload over a previously explicit definition
class idDeclType
idStr typeName;
declType_t type;
idDecl* ( *allocator )();
class idDeclFolder
idStr folder;
idStr extension;
declType_t defaultType;
class idDeclFile;
class idDeclLocal : public idDeclBase
friend class idDeclFile;
friend class idDeclManagerLocal;
virtual ~idDeclLocal() {};
virtual const char* GetName() const;
virtual declType_t GetType() const;
virtual declState_t GetState() const;
virtual bool IsImplicit() const;
virtual bool IsValid() const;
virtual void Invalidate();
virtual void Reload();
virtual void EnsureNotPurged();
virtual int Index() const;
virtual int GetLineNum() const;
virtual const char* GetFileName() const;
virtual size_t Size() const;
virtual void GetText( char* text ) const;
virtual int GetTextLength() const;
virtual void SetText( const char* text );
virtual bool ReplaceSourceFileText();
virtual bool SourceFileChanged() const;
virtual void MakeDefault();
virtual bool EverReferenced() const;
virtual bool SetDefaultText();
virtual const char* DefaultDefinition() const;
virtual bool Parse( const char* text, const int textLength, bool allowBinaryVersion );
virtual void FreeData();
virtual void List() const;
virtual void Print() const;
void AllocateSelf();
// Parses the decl definition.
// After calling parse, a decl will be guaranteed usable.
void ParseLocal();
// Does a MakeDefualt, but flags the decl so that it
// will Parse() the next time the decl is found.
void Purge();
// Set textSource possible with compression.
void SetTextLocal( const char* text, const int length );
idDecl* self;
idStr name; // name of the decl
char* textSource; // decl text definition
int textLength; // length of textSource
int compressedLength; // compressed length
idDeclFile* sourceFile; // source file in which the decl was defined
int sourceTextOffset; // offset in source file to decl text
int sourceTextLength; // length of decl text in source file
int sourceLine; // this is where the actual declaration token starts
int checksum; // checksum of the decl text
declType_t type; // decl type
declState_t declState; // decl state
int index; // index in the per-type list
bool parsedOutsideLevelLoad; // these decls will never be purged
bool everReferenced; // set to true if the decl was ever used
bool referencedThisLevel; // set to true when the decl is used for the current level
bool redefinedInReload; // used during file reloading to make sure a decl that has
// its source removed will be defaulted
idDeclLocal* nextInFile; // next decl in the decl file
class idDeclFile
idDeclFile( const char* fileName, declType_t defaultType );
void Reload( bool force );
int LoadAndParse();
idStr fileName;
declType_t defaultType;
ID_TIME_T timestamp;
int checksum;
int fileSize;
int numLines;
idDeclLocal* decls;
class idDeclManagerLocal : public idDeclManager
friend class idDeclLocal;
virtual void Init();
virtual void Init2();
virtual void InitTool();
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void Reload( bool force );
virtual void BeginLevelLoad();
virtual void EndLevelLoad();
virtual void RegisterDeclType( const char* typeName, declType_t type, idDecl * ( *allocator )() );
virtual void RegisterDeclFolder( const char* folder, const char* extension, declType_t defaultType );
virtual int GetChecksum() const;
virtual int GetNumDeclTypes() const;
virtual int GetNumDecls( declType_t type );
virtual const char* GetDeclNameFromType( declType_t type ) const;
virtual declType_t GetDeclTypeFromName( const char* typeName ) const;
virtual const idDecl* FindType( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idDecl* DeclByIndex( declType_t type, int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual const idDecl* FindDeclWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual void ReloadFile( const char* filename, bool force );
virtual void ListType( const idCmdArgs& args, declType_t type );
virtual void PrintType( const idCmdArgs& args, declType_t type );
virtual idDecl* CreateNewDecl( declType_t type, const char* name, const char* fileName );
//BSM Added for the material editors rename capabilities
virtual bool RenameDecl( declType_t type, const char* oldName, const char* newName );
virtual void MediaPrint( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void WritePrecacheCommands( idFile* f );
virtual const idMaterial* FindMaterial( const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idMaterial* MaterialByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual const idDeclSkin* FindSkin( const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idDeclSkin* SkinByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
#if !defined( DMAP )
virtual const idSoundShader* FindSound( const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idSoundShader* SoundByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual void Touch( const idDecl* decl );
static void MakeNameCanonical( const char* name, char* result, int maxLength );
idDeclLocal* FindTypeWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault = true );
idDeclType* GetDeclType( int type ) const
return declTypes[type];
const idDeclFile* GetImplicitDeclFile() const
return &implicitDecls;
void ConvertPDAsToStrings( const idCmdArgs& args );
idSysMutex mutex;
idList<idDeclType*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL> declTypes;
idList<idDeclFolder*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL> declFolders;
idList<idDeclFile*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL> loadedFiles;
idHashIndex hashTables[DECL_MAX_TYPES];
idList<idDeclLocal*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL> linearLists[DECL_MAX_TYPES];
idDeclFile implicitDecls; // this holds all the decls that were created because explicit
// text definitions were not found. Decls that became default
// because of a parse error are not in this list.
int checksum; // checksum of all loaded decl text
int indent; // for MediaPrint
bool insideLevelLoad;
static idCVar decl_show;
static void ListDecls_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void ReloadDecls_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void TouchDecl_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
// RB begin
static void ExportEntityDefsToBlender_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void ExportMaterialsToBlender_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void ExportEntityDefsToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void ExportModelsToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void ExportImagesToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
static void MakeZooMapForModels_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
// RB end
idCVar idDeclManagerLocal::decl_show( "decl_show", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM, "set to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print references", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0, 2> );
idDeclManagerLocal declManagerLocal;
idDeclManager* declManager = &declManagerLocal;
decl text huffman compression
const int MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS = 256;
typedef struct huffmanNode_s
int symbol;
int frequency;
struct huffmanNode_s* next;
struct huffmanNode_s* children[2];
} huffmanNode_t;
typedef struct huffmanCode_s
unsigned int bits[8]; // DG: use int instead of long for 64bit compatibility
int numBits;
} huffmanCode_t;
// compression ratio = 64%
static int huffmanFrequencies[] =
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00078fb6, 0x000352a7, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x0002795e, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00049600, 0x000000dd, 0x00018732, 0x0000005a, 0x00000007, 0x00000092, 0x0000000a, 0x00000919,
0x00002dcf, 0x00002dda, 0x00004dfc, 0x0000039a, 0x000058be, 0x00002d13, 0x00014d8c, 0x00023c60,
0x0002ddb0, 0x0000d1fc, 0x000078c4, 0x00003ec7, 0x00003113, 0x00006b59, 0x00002499, 0x0000184a,
0x0000250b, 0x00004e38, 0x000001ca, 0x00000011, 0x00000020, 0x000023da, 0x00000012, 0x00000091,
0x0000000b, 0x00000b14, 0x0000035d, 0x0000137e, 0x000020c9, 0x00000e11, 0x000004b4, 0x00000737,
0x000006b8, 0x00001110, 0x000006b3, 0x000000fe, 0x00000f02, 0x00000d73, 0x000005f6, 0x00000be4,
0x00000d86, 0x0000014d, 0x00000d89, 0x0000129b, 0x00000db3, 0x0000015a, 0x00000167, 0x00000375,
0x00000028, 0x00000112, 0x00000018, 0x00000678, 0x0000081a, 0x00000677, 0x00000003, 0x00018112,
0x00000001, 0x000441ee, 0x000124b0, 0x0001fa3f, 0x00026125, 0x0005a411, 0x0000e50f, 0x00011820,
0x00010f13, 0x0002e723, 0x00003518, 0x00005738, 0x0002cc26, 0x0002a9b7, 0x0002db81, 0x0003b5fa,
0x000185d2, 0x00001299, 0x00030773, 0x0003920d, 0x000411cd, 0x00018751, 0x00005fbd, 0x000099b0,
0x00009242, 0x00007cf2, 0x00002809, 0x00005a1d, 0x00000001, 0x00005a1d, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
static huffmanCode_t huffmanCodes[MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS];
static huffmanNode_t* huffmanTree = NULL;
static int totalUncompressedLength = 0;
static int totalCompressedLength = 0;
static int maxHuffmanBits = 0;
void ClearHuffmanFrequencies()
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ )
huffmanFrequencies[i] = 1;
huffmanNode_t* InsertHuffmanNode( huffmanNode_t* firstNode, huffmanNode_t* node )
huffmanNode_t* n, *lastNode;
lastNode = NULL;
for( n = firstNode; n; n = n->next )
if( node->frequency <= n->frequency )
lastNode = n;
if( lastNode )
node->next = lastNode->next;
lastNode->next = node;
node->next = firstNode;
firstNode = node;
return firstNode;
void BuildHuffmanCode_r( huffmanNode_t* node, huffmanCode_t code, huffmanCode_t codes[MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS] )
if( node->symbol == -1 )
huffmanCode_t newCode = code;
assert( code.numBits < sizeof( codes[0].bits ) * 8 );
if( code.numBits > maxHuffmanBits )
maxHuffmanBits = newCode.numBits;
BuildHuffmanCode_r( node->children[0], newCode, codes );
newCode.bits[code.numBits >> 5] |= 1 << ( code.numBits & 31 );
BuildHuffmanCode_r( node->children[1], newCode, codes );
assert( code.numBits <= sizeof( codes[0].bits ) * 8 );
codes[node->symbol] = code;
void FreeHuffmanTree_r( huffmanNode_t* node )
if( node->symbol == -1 )
FreeHuffmanTree_r( node->children[0] );
FreeHuffmanTree_r( node->children[1] );
delete node;
int HuffmanHeight_r( huffmanNode_t* node )
if( node == NULL )
return -1;
int left = HuffmanHeight_r( node->children[0] );
int right = HuffmanHeight_r( node->children[1] );
if( left > right )
return left + 1;
return right + 1;
void SetupHuffman()
int i, height;
huffmanNode_t* firstNode, *node;
huffmanCode_t code;
firstNode = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ )
node = new( TAG_DECL ) huffmanNode_t;
node->symbol = i;
node->frequency = huffmanFrequencies[i];
node->next = NULL;
node->children[0] = NULL;
node->children[1] = NULL;
firstNode = InsertHuffmanNode( firstNode, node );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ )
node = new( TAG_DECL ) huffmanNode_t;
node->symbol = -1;
node->frequency = firstNode->frequency + firstNode->next->frequency;
node->next = NULL;
node->children[0] = firstNode;
node->children[1] = firstNode->next;
firstNode = InsertHuffmanNode( firstNode->next->next, node );
maxHuffmanBits = 0;
memset( &code, 0, sizeof( code ) );
BuildHuffmanCode_r( firstNode, code, huffmanCodes );
huffmanTree = firstNode;
height = HuffmanHeight_r( firstNode );
assert( maxHuffmanBits == height );
void ShutdownHuffman()
if( huffmanTree )
FreeHuffmanTree_r( huffmanTree );
int HuffmanCompressText( const char* text, int textLength, byte* compressed, int maxCompressedSize )
int i, j;
idBitMsg msg;
totalUncompressedLength += textLength;
msg.InitWrite( compressed, maxCompressedSize );
for( i = 0; i < textLength; i++ )
const huffmanCode_t& code = huffmanCodes[( unsigned char )text[i]];
for( j = 0; j < ( code.numBits >> 5 ); j++ )
msg.WriteBits( code.bits[j], 32 );
if( code.numBits & 31 )
msg.WriteBits( code.bits[j], code.numBits & 31 );
totalCompressedLength += msg.GetSize();
return msg.GetSize();
int HuffmanDecompressText( char* text, int textLength, const byte* compressed, int compressedSize )
int i, bit;
idBitMsg msg;
huffmanNode_t* node;
msg.InitRead( compressed, compressedSize );
msg.SetSize( compressedSize );
for( i = 0; i < textLength; i++ )
node = huffmanTree;
bit = msg.ReadBits( 1 );
node = node->children[bit];
while( node->symbol == -1 );
text[i] = node->symbol;
text[i] = '\0';
return msg.GetReadCount();
void ListHuffmanFrequencies_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int i;
float compression;
compression = !totalUncompressedLength ? 100 : 100 * totalCompressedLength / totalUncompressedLength;
common->Printf( "// compression ratio = %d%%\n", ( int )compression );
common->Printf( "static int huffmanFrequencies[] = {\n" );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i += 8 )
common->Printf( "\t0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x,\n",
huffmanFrequencies[i + 0], huffmanFrequencies[i + 1],
huffmanFrequencies[i + 2], huffmanFrequencies[i + 3],
huffmanFrequencies[i + 4], huffmanFrequencies[i + 5],
huffmanFrequencies[i + 6], huffmanFrequencies[i + 7] );
common->Printf( "}\n" );
void ConvertPDAsToStrings_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
declManagerLocal.ConvertPDAsToStrings( args );
idDeclFile::idDeclFile( const char* fileName, declType_t defaultType )
this->fileName = fileName;
this->defaultType = defaultType;
this->timestamp = 0;
this->checksum = 0;
this->fileSize = 0;
this->numLines = 0;
this->decls = NULL;
this->fileName = "<implicit file>";
this->defaultType = DECL_MAX_TYPES;
this->timestamp = 0;
this->checksum = 0;
this->fileSize = 0;
this->numLines = 0;
this->decls = NULL;
ForceReload will cause it to reload even if the timestamp hasn't changed
void idDeclFile::Reload( bool force )
// check for an unchanged timestamp
if( !force && timestamp != 0 )
ID_TIME_T testTimeStamp;
fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, NULL, &testTimeStamp );
if( testTimeStamp == timestamp )
// parse the text
This is used during both the initial load, and any reloads
int c_savedMemory = 0;
int idDeclFile::LoadAndParse()
int i, numTypes;
idLexer src;
idToken token;
int startMarker;
char* buffer;
int length, size;
int sourceLine;
idStr name;
idDeclLocal* newDecl;
bool reparse;
// load the text
common->DPrintf( "...loading '%s'\n", fileName.c_str() );
length = fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, ( void** )&buffer, ×tamp );
if( length == -1 )
common->FatalError( "couldn't load %s", fileName.c_str() );
return 0;
if( !src.LoadMemory( buffer, length, fileName ) )
common->Error( "Couldn't parse %s", fileName.c_str() );
Mem_Free( buffer );
return 0;
// mark all the defs that were from the last reload of this file
for( idDeclLocal* decl = decls; decl; decl = decl->nextInFile )
decl->redefinedInReload = false;
src.SetFlags( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS );
checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer, length );
fileSize = length;
// scan through, identifying each individual declaration
while( 1 )
startMarker = src.GetFileOffset();
sourceLine = src.GetLineNum();
// parse the decl type name
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
declType_t identifiedType = DECL_MAX_TYPES;
// get the decl type from the type name
numTypes = declManagerLocal.GetNumDeclTypes();
for( i = 0; i < numTypes; i++ )
idDeclType* typeInfo = declManagerLocal.GetDeclType( i );
if( typeInfo != NULL && typeInfo->typeName.Icmp( token ) == 0 )
identifiedType = ( declType_t ) typeInfo->type;
if( i >= numTypes )
if( token.Icmp( "{" ) == 0 )
// if we ever see an open brace, we somehow missed the [type] <name> prefix
src.Warning( "Missing decl name" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
if( defaultType == DECL_MAX_TYPES )
src.Warning( "No type" );
src.UnreadToken( &token );
// use the default type
identifiedType = defaultType;
// now parse the name
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Warning( "Type without definition at end of file" );
if( !token.Icmp( "{" ) )
// if we ever see an open brace, we somehow missed the [type] <name> prefix
src.Warning( "Missing decl name" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
// FIXME: export decls are only used by the model exporter, they are skipped here for now
if( identifiedType == DECL_MODELEXPORT )
name = token;
// make sure there's a '{'
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
src.Warning( "Type without definition at end of file" );
if( token != "{" )
src.Warning( "Expecting '{' but found '%s'", token.c_str() );
src.UnreadToken( &token );
// now take everything until a matched closing brace
size = src.GetFileOffset() - startMarker;
// look it up, possibly getting a newly created default decl
reparse = false;
newDecl = declManagerLocal.FindTypeWithoutParsing( identifiedType, name, false );
if( newDecl )
// update the existing copy
if( newDecl->sourceFile != this || newDecl->redefinedInReload )
src.Warning( "%s '%s' previously defined at %s:%i", declManagerLocal.GetDeclNameFromType( identifiedType ),
name.c_str(), newDecl->sourceFile->fileName.c_str(), newDecl->sourceLine );
if( newDecl->declState != DS_UNPARSED )
reparse = true;
// allow it to be created as a default, then add it to the per-file list
newDecl = declManagerLocal.FindTypeWithoutParsing( identifiedType, name, true );
newDecl->nextInFile = this->decls;
this->decls = newDecl;
newDecl->redefinedInReload = true;
if( newDecl->textSource )
Mem_Free( newDecl->textSource );
newDecl->textSource = NULL;
newDecl->SetTextLocal( buffer + startMarker, size );
newDecl->sourceFile = this;
newDecl->sourceTextOffset = startMarker;
newDecl->sourceTextLength = size;
newDecl->sourceLine = sourceLine;
newDecl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
// if it is currently in use, reparse it immedaitely
if( reparse )
numLines = src.GetLineNum();
Mem_Free( buffer );
// any defs that weren't redefinedInReload should now be defaulted
for( idDeclLocal* decl = decls ; decl ; decl = decl->nextInFile )
if( decl->redefinedInReload == false )
decl->sourceTextOffset = decl->sourceFile->fileSize;
decl->sourceTextLength = 0;
decl->sourceLine = decl->sourceFile->numLines;
return checksum;
const char* listDeclStrings[] = { "current", "all", "ever", NULL };
void idDeclManagerLocal::Init()
common->Printf( "----- Initializing Decls -----\n" );
checksum = 0;
// decls used throughout the engine
RegisterDeclType( "table", DECL_TABLE, idDeclAllocator<idDeclTable> );
RegisterDeclType( "material", DECL_MATERIAL, idDeclAllocator<idMaterial> );
RegisterDeclType( "skin", DECL_SKIN, idDeclAllocator<idDeclSkin> );
RegisterDeclType( "entityDef", DECL_ENTITYDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
#if !defined( DMAP )
RegisterDeclType( "sound", DECL_SOUND, idDeclAllocator<idSoundShader> );
RegisterDeclType( "mapDef", DECL_MAPDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
RegisterDeclType( "fx", DECL_FX, idDeclAllocator<idDeclFX> );
RegisterDeclType( "particle", DECL_PARTICLE, idDeclAllocator<idDeclParticle> );
RegisterDeclType( "articulatedFigure", DECL_AF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclAF> );
RegisterDeclType( "pda", DECL_PDA, idDeclAllocator<idDeclPDA> );
RegisterDeclType( "email", DECL_EMAIL, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEmail> );
RegisterDeclType( "video", DECL_VIDEO, idDeclAllocator<idDeclVideo> );
RegisterDeclType( "audio", DECL_AUDIO, idDeclAllocator<idDeclAudio> );
RegisterDeclFolder( "materials", ".mtr", DECL_MATERIAL );
#if !defined( DMAP )
// add console commands
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listDecls", ListDecls_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists all decls" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reloadDecls", ReloadDecls_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "reloads decls" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "touch", TouchDecl_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "touches a decl" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listTables", idListDecls_f<DECL_TABLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists tables", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listMaterials", idListDecls_f<DECL_MATERIAL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists materials", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSkins", idListDecls_f<DECL_SKIN>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists skins", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSoundShaders", idListDecls_f<DECL_SOUND>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists sound shaders", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listEntityDefs", idListDecls_f<DECL_ENTITYDEF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists entity defs", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listFX", idListDecls_f<DECL_FX>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists FX systems", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listParticles", idListDecls_f<DECL_PARTICLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists particle systems", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listAF", idListDecls_f<DECL_AF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists articulated figures", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listPDAs", idListDecls_f<DECL_PDA>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists PDAs", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listEmails", idListDecls_f<DECL_EMAIL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Emails", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listVideos", idListDecls_f<DECL_VIDEO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Videos", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listAudios", idListDecls_f<DECL_AUDIO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Audios", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printTable", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_TABLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a table", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_TABLE> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printMaterial", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_MATERIAL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a material", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_MATERIAL> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printSkin", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_SKIN>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a skin", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_SKIN> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printSoundShader", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_SOUND>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a sound shader", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_SOUND> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printEntityDef", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_ENTITYDEF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an entity def", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_ENTITYDEF> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printFX", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_FX>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an FX system", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_FX> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printParticle", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_PARTICLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a particle system", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_PARTICLE> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printAF", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_AF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an articulated figure", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_AF> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printPDA", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_PDA>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an PDA", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_PDA> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printEmail", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_EMAIL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an Email", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_EMAIL> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printVideo", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_VIDEO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an Audio", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_VIDEO> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printAudio", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_AUDIO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a Video", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_AUDIO> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listHuffmanFrequencies", ListHuffmanFrequencies_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists decl text character frequencies" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "convertPDAsToStrings", ConvertPDAsToStrings_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "Converts *.pda files to text which can be plugged into *.lang files." );
// RB begin
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "exportEntitiesToBlender", ExportEntityDefsToBlender_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "exports all entity and model defs to _bl/entities.json" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "exportMaterialsToBlender", ExportMaterialsToBlender_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "exports all materials to _bl/entities.json" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "exportFGD", ExportEntityDefsToTrenchBroom_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "exports all entity and model defs to _tb/fgd/DOOM-3-*.fgd" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "exportModelsToTrenchBroom", ExportModelsToTrenchBroom_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "exports all generated models like blwo, base .. to _tb/*.obj" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "exportImagesToTrenchBroom", ExportImagesToTrenchBroom_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "exports all generated bimages to _tb/*.png" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "makeZooMapForModels", MakeZooMapForModels_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "make a Source engine style zoo map with all generated models like .blwo, .base, .bmd5mesh et cetera" );
// RB end
common->Printf( "------------------------------\n" );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Init2()
RegisterDeclFolder( "skins", ".skin", DECL_SKIN );
RegisterDeclFolder( "sound", ".sndshd", DECL_SOUND );
RB: only called by rbdmap
#include "../d3xp/anim/Anim.h"
void idDeclManagerLocal::InitTool()
common->Printf( "----- Initializing Decls -----\n" );
checksum = 0;
// decls used throughout the engine
RegisterDeclType( "table", DECL_TABLE, idDeclAllocator<idDeclTable> );
RegisterDeclType( "material", DECL_MATERIAL, idDeclAllocator<idMaterial> );
RegisterDeclType( "model", DECL_MODELDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclModelDef> );
RegisterDeclType( "export", DECL_MODELEXPORT, idDeclAllocator<idDecl> );
RegisterDeclType( "skin", DECL_SKIN, idDeclAllocator<idDeclSkin> );
RegisterDeclType( "entityDef", DECL_ENTITYDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
RegisterDeclType( "mapDef", DECL_MAPDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
RegisterDeclFolder( "materials", ".mtr", DECL_MATERIAL );
RegisterDeclFolder( "skins", ".skin", DECL_SKIN );
RegisterDeclFolder( "def", ".def", DECL_ENTITYDEF );
common->Printf( "------------------------------\n" );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Shutdown()
int i, j;
idDeclLocal* decl;
// free decls
for( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < linearLists[i].Num(); j++ )
decl = linearLists[i][j];
if( decl->self != NULL )
delete decl->self;
if( decl->textSource )
Mem_Free( decl->textSource );
decl->textSource = NULL;
delete decl;
// free decl files
loadedFiles.DeleteContents( true );
// free the decl types and folders
declTypes.DeleteContents( true );
declFolders.DeleteContents( true );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Reload( bool force )
for( int i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ )
loadedFiles[i]->Reload( force );
void idDeclManagerLocal::BeginLevelLoad()
insideLevelLoad = true;
// clear all the referencedThisLevel flags and purge all the data
// so the next reference will cause a reparse
for( int i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ )
int num = linearLists[i].Num();
for( int j = 0 ; j < num ; j++ )
idDeclLocal* decl = linearLists[i][j];
void idDeclManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad()
insideLevelLoad = false;
// we don't need to do anything here, but the image manager, model manager,
// and sound sample manager will need to free media that was not referenced
void idDeclManagerLocal::RegisterDeclType( const char* typeName, declType_t type, idDecl * ( *allocator )() )
idDeclType* declType;
if( type < declTypes.Num() && declTypes[( int )type] )
common->Warning( "idDeclManager::RegisterDeclType: type '%s' already exists", typeName );
declType = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclType;
declType->typeName = typeName;
declType->type = type;
declType->allocator = allocator;
if( ( int )type + 1 > declTypes.Num() )
declTypes.AssureSize( ( int )type + 1, NULL );
declTypes[type] = declType;
void idDeclManagerLocal::RegisterDeclFolder( const char* folder, const char* extension, declType_t defaultType )
int i, j;
idStr fileName;
idDeclFolder* declFolder;
idFileList* fileList;
idDeclFile* df;
// check whether this folder / extension combination already exists
for( i = 0; i < declFolders.Num(); i++ )
if( declFolders[i]->folder.Icmp( folder ) == 0 && declFolders[i]->extension.Icmp( extension ) == 0 )
if( i < declFolders.Num() )
declFolder = declFolders[i];
declFolder = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclFolder;
declFolder->folder = folder;
declFolder->extension = extension;
declFolder->defaultType = defaultType;
declFolders.Append( declFolder );
// scan for decl files
fileList = fileSystem->ListFiles( declFolder->folder, declFolder->extension, true );
// load and parse decl files
for( i = 0; i < fileList->GetNumFiles(); i++ )
fileName = declFolder->folder + "/" + fileList->GetFile( i );
// check whether this file has already been loaded
for( j = 0; j < loadedFiles.Num(); j++ )
if( fileName.Icmp( loadedFiles[j]->fileName ) == 0 )
if( j < loadedFiles.Num() )
df = loadedFiles[j];
df = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclFile( fileName, defaultType );
loadedFiles.Append( df );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( fileList );
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetChecksum() const
int i, j, total, num;
int* checksumData;
// get the total number of decls
total = 0;
for( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ )
total += linearLists[i].Num();
checksumData = ( int* ) _alloca16( total * 2 * sizeof( int ) );
total = 0;
for( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ )
declType_t type = ( declType_t ) i;
// FIXME: not particularly pretty but PDAs and associated decls are localized and should not be checksummed
if( type == DECL_PDA || type == DECL_VIDEO || type == DECL_AUDIO || type == DECL_EMAIL )
num = linearLists[i].Num();
for( j = 0; j < num; j++ )
idDeclLocal* decl = linearLists[i][j];
if( decl->sourceFile == &implicitDecls )
checksumData[total * 2 + 0] = total;
checksumData[total * 2 + 1] = decl->checksum;
LittleRevBytes( checksumData, sizeof( int ), total * 2 );
return MD5_BlockChecksum( checksumData, total * 2 * sizeof( int ) );
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetNumDeclTypes() const
return declTypes.Num();
const char* idDeclManagerLocal::GetDeclNameFromType( declType_t type ) const
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
if( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL )
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::GetDeclNameFromType: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return declTypes[typeIndex]->typeName;
declType_t idDeclManagerLocal::GetDeclTypeFromName( const char* typeName ) const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < declTypes.Num(); i++ )
if( declTypes[i] && declTypes[i]->typeName.Icmp( typeName ) == 0 )
return ( declType_t )declTypes[i]->type;
External users will always cause the decl to be parsed before returning
const idDecl* idDeclManagerLocal::FindType( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault )
idDeclLocal* decl;
idScopedCriticalSection cs( mutex );
if( !name || !name[0] )
name = "_emptyName";
//common->Warning( "idDeclManager::FindType: empty %s name", GetDeclType( (int)type )->typeName.c_str() );
decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing( type, name, makeDefault );
if( !decl )
return NULL;
// if it hasn't been parsed yet, parse it now
if( decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED )
// GK: Let's hope I didn't break anything important with that
// RB answer: this should be no issue with Vulkan but could remain a problem with OpenGL
#if 0
if( !idLib::IsMainThread() )
// we can't load images from a background thread on OpenGL,
// the renderer on the main thread should parse it if needed
idLib::Error( "Attempted to load %s decl '%s' from game thread!", GetDeclNameFromType( type ), name );
// SRS - set non-purgeable flag only after ParseLocal(), don't reset if declState is parsed or defaulted
decl->parsedOutsideLevelLoad = !insideLevelLoad;
// mark it as referenced
decl->referencedThisLevel = true;
decl->everReferenced = true;
return decl->self;
const idDecl* idDeclManagerLocal::FindDeclWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault )
idDeclLocal* decl;
decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing( type, name, makeDefault );
if( decl )
return decl->self;
return NULL;
void idDeclManagerLocal::ReloadFile( const char* filename, bool force )
for( int i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ )
if( !loadedFiles[i]->fileName.Icmp( filename ) )
checksum ^= loadedFiles[i]->checksum;
loadedFiles[i]->Reload( force );
checksum ^= loadedFiles[i]->checksum;
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetNumDecls( declType_t type )
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
if( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL )
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::GetNumDecls: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return 0;
return linearLists[ typeIndex ].Num();
const idDecl* idDeclManagerLocal::DeclByIndex( declType_t type, int index, bool forceParse )
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
if( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL )
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::DeclByIndex: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return NULL;
if( index < 0 || index >= linearLists[ typeIndex ].Num() )
common->Error( "idDeclManager::DeclByIndex: out of range" );
idDeclLocal* decl = linearLists[ typeIndex ][ index ];
if( forceParse && decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED )
return decl->self;
Lists decls currently referenced
list* ever
Lists decls that have been referenced at least once since app launched
list* all
Lists every decl declared, even if it hasn't been referenced or parsed
FIXME: alphabetized, wildcards?
void idDeclManagerLocal::ListType( const idCmdArgs& args, declType_t type )
bool all, ever;
if( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "all" ) )
all = true;
all = false;
if( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "ever" ) )
ever = true;
ever = false;
common->Printf( "--------------------\n" );
int printed = 0;
int count = linearLists[( int )type ].Num();
for( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
idDeclLocal* decl = linearLists[( int )type ][ i ];
if( !all && decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED )
if( !all && !ever && !decl->referencedThisLevel )
if( decl->parsedOutsideLevelLoad )
common->Printf( "!" );
else if( decl->referencedThisLevel )
common->Printf( "*" );
else if( decl->everReferenced )
common->Printf( "." );
common->Printf( " " );
if( decl->declState == DS_DEFAULTED )
common->Printf( "D" );
common->Printf( " " );
common->Printf( "%4i: ", decl->index );
if( decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED )
// doesn't have any type specific data yet
common->Printf( "%s\n", decl->GetName() );
common->Printf( "--------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "%i of %i %s\n", printed, count, declTypes[type]->typeName.c_str() );
void idDeclManagerLocal::PrintType( const idCmdArgs& args, declType_t type )
// individual decl types may use additional command parameters
if( args.Argc() < 2 )
common->Printf( "USAGE: Print<decl type> <decl name> [type specific parms]\n" );
// look it up, skipping the public path so it won't parse or reference
idDeclLocal* decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing( type, args.Argv( 1 ), false );
if( !decl )
common->Printf( "%s '%s' not found.\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), args.Argv( 1 ) );
// print information common to all decls
common->Printf( "%s %s:\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), decl->name.c_str() );
common->Printf( "source: %s:%i\n", decl->sourceFile->fileName.c_str(), decl->sourceLine );
common->Printf( "----------\n" );
if( decl->textSource != NULL )
char* declText = ( char* )_alloca( decl->textLength + 1 );
decl->GetText( declText );
common->Printf( "%s\n", declText );
common->Printf( "NO SOURCE\n" );
common->Printf( "----------\n" );
switch( decl->declState )
common->Printf( "Unparsed.\n" );
common->Printf( "<DEFAULTED>\n" );
common->Printf( "Parsed.\n" );
if( decl->referencedThisLevel )
common->Printf( "Currently referenced this level.\n" );
else if( decl->everReferenced )
common->Printf( "Referenced in a previous level.\n" );
common->Printf( "Never referenced.\n" );
// allow type-specific data to be printed
if( decl->self != NULL )
idDecl* idDeclManagerLocal::CreateNewDecl( declType_t type, const char* name, const char* _fileName )
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
int i, hash;
if( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL || typeIndex >= DECL_MAX_TYPES )
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::CreateNewDecl: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return NULL;
char canonicalName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( name, canonicalName, sizeof( canonicalName ) );
idStr fileName = _fileName;
// see if it already exists
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalName, false );
for( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) )
if( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalName ) == 0 )
return linearLists[typeIndex][i]->self;
idDeclFile* sourceFile;
// find existing source file or create a new one
for( i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ )
if( loadedFiles[i]->fileName.Icmp( fileName ) == 0 )
if( i < loadedFiles.Num() )
sourceFile = loadedFiles[i];
sourceFile = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclFile( fileName, type );
loadedFiles.Append( sourceFile );
idDeclLocal* decl = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclLocal;
decl->name = canonicalName;
decl->type = type;
decl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
idStr header = declTypes[typeIndex]->typeName;
idStr defaultText = decl->self->DefaultDefinition();
int size = header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName ) + 1 + defaultText.Length();
char* declText = ( char* ) _alloca( size + 1 );
memcpy( declText, header, header.Length() );
declText[header.Length()] = ' ';
memcpy( declText + header.Length() + 1, canonicalName, idStr::Length( canonicalName ) );
declText[header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName )] = ' ';
memcpy( declText + header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName ) + 1, defaultText, defaultText.Length() + 1 );
decl->SetTextLocal( declText, size );
decl->sourceFile = sourceFile;
decl->sourceTextOffset = sourceFile->fileSize;
decl->sourceTextLength = 0;
decl->sourceLine = sourceFile->numLines;
// add this decl to the source file list
decl->nextInFile = sourceFile->decls;
sourceFile->decls = decl;
// add it to the hash table and linear list
decl->index = linearLists[typeIndex].Num();
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( hash, linearLists[typeIndex].Append( decl ) );
return decl->self;
bool idDeclManagerLocal::RenameDecl( declType_t type, const char* oldName, const char* newName )
char canonicalOldName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( oldName, canonicalOldName, sizeof( canonicalOldName ) );
char canonicalNewName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( newName, canonicalNewName, sizeof( canonicalNewName ) );
idDeclLocal* decl = NULL;
// make sure it already exists
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
int i, hash;
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalOldName, false );
for( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) )
if( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalOldName ) == 0 )
decl = linearLists[typeIndex][i];
if( !decl )
return false;
//if ( !hashTables[(int)type].Get( canonicalOldName, &declPtr ) )
// return false;
//decl = *declPtr;
//Change the name
decl->name = canonicalNewName;
// add it to the hash table
//hashTables[(int)decl->type].Set( decl->name, decl );
int newhash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalNewName, false );
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( newhash, decl->index );
//Remove the old hash item
hashTables[typeIndex].Remove( hash, decl->index );
return true;
This is just used to nicely indent media caching prints
void idDeclManagerLocal::MediaPrint( const char* fmt, ... )
if( !decl_show.GetInteger() )
for( int i = 0 ; i < indent ; i++ )
common->Printf( " " );
va_list argptr;
char buffer[1024];
va_start( argptr, fmt );
idStr::vsnPrintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
buffer[sizeof( buffer ) - 1] = '\0';
common->Printf( "%s", buffer );
void idDeclManagerLocal::WritePrecacheCommands( idFile* f )
for( int i = 0; i < declTypes.Num(); i++ )
int num;
if( declTypes[i] == NULL )
num = linearLists[i].Num();
for( int j = 0 ; j < num ; j++ )
idDeclLocal* decl = linearLists[i][j];
if( !decl->referencedThisLevel )
char str[1024];
idStr::snPrintf( str, sizeof( str ), "touch %s %s\n", declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str(), decl->GetName() );
common->Printf( "%s", str );
f->Printf( "%s", str );
const idMaterial* idDeclManagerLocal::FindMaterial( const char* name, bool makeDefault )
return static_cast<const idMaterial*>( FindType( DECL_MATERIAL, name, makeDefault ) );
const idMaterial* idDeclManagerLocal::MaterialByIndex( int index, bool forceParse )
return static_cast<const idMaterial*>( DeclByIndex( DECL_MATERIAL, index, forceParse ) );
const idDeclSkin* idDeclManagerLocal::FindSkin( const char* name, bool makeDefault )
return static_cast<const idDeclSkin*>( FindType( DECL_SKIN, name, makeDefault ) );
const idDeclSkin* idDeclManagerLocal::SkinByIndex( int index, bool forceParse )
return static_cast<const idDeclSkin*>( DeclByIndex( DECL_SKIN, index, forceParse ) );
#if !defined( DMAP )
const idSoundShader* idDeclManagerLocal::FindSound( const char* name, bool makeDefault )
return static_cast<const idSoundShader*>( FindType( DECL_SOUND, name, makeDefault ) );
const idSoundShader* idDeclManagerLocal::SoundByIndex( int index, bool forceParse )
return static_cast<const idSoundShader*>( DeclByIndex( DECL_SOUND, index, forceParse ) );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Touch( const idDecl* decl )
if( decl->base->GetState() == DS_UNPARSED )
// This should parse the decl as well.
FindType( decl->GetType(), decl->GetName() );
void idDeclManagerLocal::MakeNameCanonical( const char* name, char* result, int maxLength )
int i, lastDot;
lastDot = -1;
for( i = 0; i < maxLength && name[i] != '\0'; i++ )
int c = name[i];
if( c == '\\' )
result[i] = '/';
else if( c == '.' )
lastDot = i;
result[i] = c;
result[i] = idStr::ToLower( c );
if( lastDot != -1 )
result[lastDot] = '\0';
result[i] = '\0';
void idDeclManagerLocal::ListDecls_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int i, j;
int totalDecls = 0;
int totalText = 0;
int totalStructs = 0;
for( i = 0; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num(); i++ )
int size, num;
if( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] == NULL )
num = declManagerLocal.linearLists[i].Num();
totalDecls += num;
size = 0;
for( j = 0; j < num; j++ )
size += declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->Size();
if( declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->self != NULL )
size += declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->self->Size();
totalStructs += size;
common->Printf( "%4ik %4i %s\n", size >> 10, num, declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str() );
for( i = 0 ; i < declManagerLocal.loadedFiles.Num() ; i++ )
idDeclFile* df = declManagerLocal.loadedFiles[i];
totalText += df->fileSize;
common->Printf( "%i total decls is %i decl files\n", totalDecls, declManagerLocal.loadedFiles.Num() );
common->Printf( "%iKB in text, %iKB in structures\n", totalText >> 10, totalStructs >> 10 );
Reload will not find any new files created in the directories, it
will only reload existing files.
A reload will never cause anything to be purged.
void idDeclManagerLocal::ReloadDecls_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
bool force;
if( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "all" ) )
force = true;
common->Printf( "reloading all decl files:\n" );
force = false;
common->Printf( "reloading changed decl files:\n" );
declManagerLocal.Reload( force );
void idDeclManagerLocal::TouchDecl_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int i;
if( args.Argc() != 3 )
common->Printf( "usage: touch <type> <name>\n" );
common->Printf( "valid types: " );
for( int i = 0 ; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num() ; i++ )
if( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] )
common->Printf( "%s ", declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str() );
common->Printf( "\n" );
for( i = 0; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num(); i++ )
if( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] && declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ) ) == 0 )
if( i >= declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num() )
common->Printf( "unknown decl type '%s'\n", args.Argv( 1 ) );
const idDecl* decl = declManagerLocal.FindType( ( declType_t )i, args.Argv( 2 ), false );
if( !decl )
common->Printf( "%s '%s' not found\n", declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str(), args.Argv( 2 ) );
// RB begin
#if !defined( DMAP )
void idDeclManagerLocal::ExportEntityDefsToBlender_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
idStr jsonStringsFileName = "_bl/entities.json";
idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( jsonStringsFileName, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( file == NULL )
idLib::Printf( "Failed to entity declarations data to JSON.\n" );
int totalEntitiesCount = 0;
int totalModelsCount = 0;
// avoid media cache
com_editors |= EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
file->Printf( "{\n\t\"entities\": {" );
int count = declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_ENTITYDEF ].Num();
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
const idDeclEntityDef* decl = static_cast< const idDeclEntityDef* >( declManagerLocal.FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_ENTITYDEF ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
file->Printf( "\n\t\t\"%s\": {\n", decl->GetName() );
decl->dict.WriteJSON( file, "\t\t" );
if( i == ( count - 1 ) )
file->Printf( "\t\t}\n" );
file->Printf( "\t\t},\n" );
file->Printf( "\t}\n" );
file->Printf( "}\n" );
com_editors &= ~EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
idLib::Printf( "\nData written to %s\n", jsonStringsFileName.c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Entities.\n", totalEntitiesCount );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Models.\n", totalModelsCount );
void idDeclManagerLocal::ExportMaterialsToBlender_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
idStr jsonStringsFileName = "_bl/materials.json";
idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( jsonStringsFileName, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( file == NULL )
idLib::Printf( "Failed to entity declarations data to JSON.\n" );
int totalMaterialsCount = 0;
// avoid media cache
com_editors |= EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
file->Printf( "{\n\t\"materials\": {" );
int count = declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_MATERIAL ].Num();
CommandlineProgressBar progressBar( count, renderSystem->GetWidth(), renderSystem->GetHeight() );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
const idMaterial* material = static_cast< const idMaterial* >( declManagerLocal.FindType( DECL_MATERIAL, declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_MATERIAL ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
#if 0
const char* matName = material->GetName();
if( idStr::FindText( matName, "textures/base_floor/ghotile3", false ) != -1 )
material->ExportJSON( file, i == ( count - 1 ) );
progressBar.Increment( true );
file->Printf( "\t}\n" );
file->Printf( "}\n" );
com_editors &= ~EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
idLib::Printf( "\nData written to %s\n", jsonStringsFileName.c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Materials.\n", totalMaterialsCount );
class idSort_CompareEntityDefEntity : public idSort_Quick< const idDeclEntityDef*, idSort_CompareEntityDefEntity >
int Compare( const idDeclEntityDef* const& a, const idDeclEntityDef* const& b ) const
return idStr::Icmp( a->GetName(), b->GetName() );
struct evarPrefix_t
int type;
const char* prefix;
static const evarPrefix_t EvarPrefixes[] =
{ EVAR_STRING, "editor_var " },
{ EVAR_INT, "editor_int " },
{ EVAR_FLOAT, "editor_float " },
{ EVAR_BOOL, "editor_bool " },
{ EVAR_COLOR, "editor_color " },
{ EVAR_MATERIAL, "editor_mat " },
{ EVAR_MODEL, "editor_model " },
{ EVAR_GUI, "editor_gui " },
{ EVAR_SOUND, "editor_snd "}
static const int NumEvarPrefixes = sizeof( EvarPrefixes ) / sizeof( evarPrefix_t );
struct LocalEvar_t
int type;
idStr fullname;
idStr name;
idStr desc;
#include <d3xp/anim/Anim.h> // idDeclModelDef
void idDeclManagerLocal::ExportEntityDefsToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
extern idCVar postLoadExportModels;
// avoid media cache
com_editors |= EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
// reload entities and skip "inherit" parsing because EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS is set
declManagerLocal.Reload( true );
int count = declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_ENTITYDEF ].Num();
static idList< const idDeclEntityDef*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL > defsSorted;//( count );
defsSorted.AssureSize( count );
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
const idDeclEntityDef* decl = static_cast< const idDeclEntityDef* >( declManagerLocal.FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, declManagerLocal.linearLists[ DECL_ENTITYDEF ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
defsSorted[ i ] = decl;
defsSorted.SortWithTemplate( idSort_CompareEntityDefEntity() );
bool exportModels = false;
if( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "nomodels" ) )
exportModels = false;
common->Printf( "exporting entity decls to FGDs without models:\n" );
exportModels = true;
common->Printf( "exporting entity decls to FGDs with models:\n" );
if( exportModels )
postLoadExportModels.SetBool( true );
idStrList filenames;
filenames.AddUnique( "all" );
filenames.AddUnique( "all-and-models" );
filenames.AddUnique( "slim" );
filenames.AddUnique( "slim-and-models" );
filenames.AddUnique( "multiplayer" );
idStrList ignoreList;
// maps
ignoreList.AddUnique( "admin" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "alphalabs1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "alphalabs2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "alphalabs3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "caverns" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "cin" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "comm1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "commoutside" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "cpu1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "cpuboss" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "delta" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "ending" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "enpro" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "erebus" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "hell" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "maledict" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "marscity" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "monorail" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "phobos2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "recycling" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "ronn" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "seeker" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "site3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "ss" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "test" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "underground" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "lm_" );
// xbox
ignoreList.AddUnique( "xbox" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "xmarscity" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "xsp" );
// misc
ignoreList.AddUnique( "blooper" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "npc" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "zombie" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "space" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "static" );
idStrList solidClassNames;
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "worldspawn" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_aas_obstacle" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_aas_portal" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_clipmodel" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_damagable" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_forcefield" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_fracture" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_liquid" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_splinemover" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_pendulum" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_plat" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "moveable_base_brick" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "moveable_guardian_brick" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "trigger_" );
// mixed classes that need extra _model pendants
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_door" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_bobbing" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_mover" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_rotating" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_elevator" );
solidClassNames.AddUnique( "func_static" ); // misc_model
for( int f = 0; f < filenames.Num(); f++ )
int totalEntitiesCount = 0;
int totalModelsCount = 0;
idStr fgdFileName;
fgdFileName.Format( "_tb/fgd/DOOM-3-%s.fgd", filenames[ f ].c_str() );
idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( fgdFileName, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( file == NULL )
common->Printf( "Failed to entity declarations data to FGD.\n" );
file->Printf( "// DOOM 3 BFG game definition file (.fgd) generated by %s\n\n", ENGINE_VERSION );
for( int d = 0; d < count; d++ )
const idDeclEntityDef* decl = defsSorted[ d ];
// only include entityDefs with "editor_" values in them
if( /*f > 0 &&*/ !decl->dict.MatchPrefix( "editor_" ) )
bool parentHasEditorKeys = false;
const idDeclEntityDef* decl2 = decl;
while( 1 )
const idKeyValue* kv;
kv = decl2->dict.MatchPrefix( "inherit", NULL );
if( !kv )
const idDeclEntityDef* super = static_cast<const idDeclEntityDef*>( declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, kv->GetValue(), false ) );
if( !super )
//src.Warning( "Unknown entityDef '%s' inherited by '%s'", kv->GetValue().c_str(), GetName() );
decl2 = super;
if( decl2->dict.MatchPrefix( "editor_" ) )
parentHasEditorKeys = true;
if( !parentHasEditorKeys )
if( f > 1 )
// ignore entities that begin with those prefices
bool ignore = false;
for( int i = 0; i < ignoreList.Num(); i++ )
const char* ignoreStr = ignoreList[ i ].c_str();
if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), ignoreStr, ( int )strlen( ignoreStr ) ) == 0 )
ignore = true;
if( ignore )
// ignore autogenerated model definitions for slim FGD
bool genmodel = false;
if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "genmodel_", 9 ) == 0 )
genmodel = true;
// filter multiplayer entities
bool multiplayer = ( idStr::FindText( decl->GetName(), "_mp", false ) != -1 ||
idStr::FindText( decl->GetName(), "team_ctf", false ) != -1 ||
idStr::FindText( decl->GetName(), "_coop", false ) != -1 );
if( f == 4 )
if( !multiplayer || genmodel )
if( multiplayer )
if( ( f % 2 ) == 0 && genmodel )
bool solidClass = false;
for( int i = 0; i < solidClassNames.Num(); i++ )
const char* solidStr = solidClassNames[ i ].c_str();
if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), solidStr, ( int )strlen( solidStr ) ) == 0 &&
!( idStr::FindText( decl->GetName(), "_model", false ) != -1 || idStr::FindText( decl->GetName(), "_amodel", false ) != -1 ) )
solidClass = true;
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "trigger_relay" ) == 0 )
solidClass = false;
// build header
if( solidClass )
file->Printf( "@SolidClass " );
//else if( baseclass )
// file->Printf( "@BaseClass " );
file->Printf( "@PointClass " );
const idKeyValue* kv;
kv = decl->dict.MatchPrefix( "inherit", NULL );
if( kv )
file->Printf( "base(%s) ", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
idStr text = "";
kv = decl->dict.MatchPrefix( "editor_usage" );
while( kv != NULL )
text += kv->GetValue();
if( !kv->GetValue().Length() || ( text[ text.Length() - 1 ] != '\n' ) )
text += "\n";
kv = decl->dict.MatchPrefix( "editor_usage", kv );
if( text.IsEmpty() )
text += "No description";
idVec3 color;
if( decl->dict.GetVector( "editor_color", "0 0 1", color ) )
file->Printf( "color(%i %i %i) ", int( color.x * 255 ) & 0xFF, int( color.y * 255 ) & 0xFF, int( color.z * 255 ) & 0xFF );
#if 0
//if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "monster_zombie_maint_bald" ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "monster_demon_imp" ) == 0 )
text += " ";
// write size of entity
idVec3 size;
idBounds bounds;
bool writeSize = false;
if( decl->dict.GetVector( "mins", NULL, bounds[0] ) && decl->dict.GetVector( "maxs", NULL, bounds[1] ) )
if( bounds[0][0] > bounds[1][0] || bounds[0][1] > bounds[1][1] || bounds[0][2] > bounds[1][2] )
//gameLocal.Error( "Invalid bounds '%s'-'%s' on entity '%s'", bounds[0].ToString(), bounds[1].ToString(), name.c_str() );
writeSize = true;
else if( decl->dict.GetVector( "size", NULL, size ) )
if( ( size.x < 0.0f ) || ( size.y < 0.0f ) || ( size.z < 0.0f ) )
//gameLocal.Error( "Invalid size '%s' on entity '%s'", size.ToString(), name.c_str() );
bounds[0].Set( size.x * -0.5f, size.y * -0.5f, 0.0f );
bounds[1].Set( size.x * 0.5f, size.y * 0.5f, size.z );
writeSize = true;
idStr str;
decl->dict.GetString( "editor_mins", "", str );
if( str != "?" )
if( decl->dict.GetVector( "editor_mins", "0 0 0", bounds[0] ) && decl->dict.GetVector( "editor_maxs", "0 0 0", bounds[1] ) )
writeSize = true;
if( writeSize )
file->Printf( "size(%i %i %i, %i %i %i) ",
int( bounds[0].x ), int( bounds[0].y ), int( bounds[0].z ),
int( bounds[1].x ), int( bounds[1].y ), int( bounds[1].z ) );
// collect editor specific spawn flags
idList<LocalEvar_t> evars;
for( int i = 0; i < NumEvarPrefixes; i++ )
kv = decl->dict.MatchPrefix( EvarPrefixes[i].prefix );
while( kv )
LocalEvar_t ev;
ev.fullname = kv->GetKey();
kv->GetKey().Right( kv->GetKey().Length() - strlen( EvarPrefixes[i].prefix ), ev.name );
ev.desc = kv->GetValue();
ev.type = EvarPrefixes[i].type;
evars.Append( ev );
kv = decl->dict.MatchPrefix( EvarPrefixes[i].prefix, kv );
idDict dictToWrite;
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "light" ) == 0 )
// entityDef light
// add missing property to control the radius
LocalEvar_t ev;
ev.fullname = "editor_int light";
ev.name = "light";
ev.desc = "light radius";
ev.type = EVAR_INT;
evars.Append( ev );
dictToWrite.Set( "light", "300" );
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "light" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "misc_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_bobbing_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_door_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_amodel" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_plat_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_rotating_model" ) == 0 )
// entities with dynamic models
LocalEvar_t ev;
ev.fullname = "editor_model model";
ev.name = "model";
ev.desc = "Model Selection (ex mapobjects/model.obj)";
ev.type = EVAR_MODEL;
evars.Append( ev );
ev.fullname = "editor_model proxymodel";
ev.name = "proxymodel";
ev.desc = "A proxy model in OBJ file format automatically set by RBDoom so it can be displayed in TrenchBroom";
ev.type = EVAR_MODEL;
evars.Append( ev );
for( int i = 0; i < decl->dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
kv = decl->dict.GetKeyVal( i );
if( kv->GetKey().IcmpPrefix( "editor_" ) == 0 )
if( kv->GetKey().Icmp( "classname" ) == 0 )
if( kv->GetKey().Icmp( "inherit" ) == 0 )
// TODO FIXME cinematic md5camera animations
//if( kv->GetKey().IcmpPrefix( "anim" ) == 0 )
// continue;
// is it an editor var or a regular spawn argument?
LocalEvar_t* ev = nullptr;
int vc = evars.Num();
for( int j = 0; j < vc; j++ )
if( evars[ j ].fullname.Icmp( kv->GetKey() ) == 0 )
ev = &evars[ j ];
// don't print the descriptive editor var itself yet
if( !ev )
//file->Printf( "\t%s(string)\n", kv->GetKey().c_str() );
const idKeyValue* kv2 = dictToWrite.FindKey( kv->GetKey() );
if( !kv2 )
dictToWrite.Set( kv->GetKey(), kv->GetValue() );
// add editor_vars that aren't already covered by the default vars
for( int i = 0; i < evars.Num(); i++ )
const LocalEvar_t* ev = &evars[ i ];
const idKeyValue* kv2 = dictToWrite.FindKey( ev->name );
if( !kv2 )
dictToWrite.Set( ev->name, ev->desc );
// export models as OBJ
bool writeModel = false;
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > exportedModelFileName;
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "light" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "misc_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_bobbing_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_door_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_elevator_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_amodel" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_plat_model" ) != 0 &&
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_rotating_model" ) != 0 )
const idKeyValue* kv = dictToWrite.FindKey( "model" );
if( kv )
if( kv->GetValue().Length() )
declManager->MediaPrint( "Precaching model %s\n", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
writeModel = true;
// precache model/animations
const idDeclModelDef* modelDef = static_cast<const idDeclModelDef*>( declManager->FindType( DECL_MODELDEF, kv->GetValue(), false ) );
if( modelDef != NULL )
idRenderModel* renderModel = modelDef->ModelHandle();
if( renderModel )
exportedModelFileName = "_tb/";
exportedModelFileName.AppendPath( renderModel->Name() );
exportedModelFileName.SetFileExtension( ".obj" );
// there is no modelDef so use direct path
renderModelManager->FindModel( kv->GetValue() );
exportedModelFileName = "_tb/";
exportedModelFileName.AppendPath( kv->GetValue() );
exportedModelFileName.SetFileExtension( ".obj" );
if( writeModel && !exportedModelFileName.IsEmpty() )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"%s\" }) ", exportedModelFileName.c_str() );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "misc_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_animate" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_bobbing_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_door_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_elevator_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_mover_amodel" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_plat_model" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_rotating_model" ) == 0 )
// dynamic model that prefers a TB specific proxymodel
file->Printf( "model({{\n\tproxymodel -> { \"path\": proxymodel },\n\t{ \"path\": model }\n}})" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "light" ) == 0 )
// default light sprite for TB editor sprites branch
//file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/light-bulb.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
file->Printf( "model({{\n\tproxymodel -> { \"path\": proxymodel },\n\t{ \"path\": \"sprites/light-bulb.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }\n}})" );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "speaker" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/speaker.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "env_probe" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/360-degree.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "ai_", 3 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/ai.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "info_vacuum", 11 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/air-conditioning.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "info_location", 13 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/information.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "item_objective", 14 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/objective.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "path_", 5 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/waypoint.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_emitter" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/bonfire.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "func_fx" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/fx.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "target_null" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/info_notnull.png\", \"scale\": 0.25 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "target_checkpoint" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/security-gate.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmpn( decl->GetName(), "target_", 7 ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/gamepad.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
else if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "trigger_relay" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/joystick.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
const idKeyValue* kv = dictToWrite.FindKey( "spawnclass" );
if( kv && kv->GetValue().Length() && idStr::Icmp( kv->GetValue(), "idCameraAnim" ) == 0 )
file->Printf( "model({ \"path\": \"sprites/camera.png\", \"scale\": 0.03125 }) " );
file->Printf( "= %s : \"%s\"\n", decl->GetName(), text.c_str() );
file->Printf( "[\n" );
if( idStr::Icmp( decl->GetName(), "light" ) == 0 )
// RB: hardcode for now to have proper light styles combobox names
"\tstyle(Choices) : \"Appearance\" : 0 =\n"
"\t\t0 : \"Normal\"\n"
"\t\t10: \"Fluorescent flicker\"\n"
"\t\t2 : \"Slow, strong pulse\"\n"
"\t\t11: \"Slow pulse, noblack\"\n"
"\t\t5 : \"Gentle pulse\"\n"
"\t\t1 : \"Flicker A\"\n"
"\t\t6 : \"Flicker B\"\n"
"\t\t3 : \"Candle A\"\n"
"\t\t7 : \"Candle B\"\n"
"\t\t8 : \"Candle C\"\n"
"\t\t4 : \"Fast strobe\"\n"
"\t\t9 : \"Slow strobe\"\n"
"\t]\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < dictToWrite.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
kv = dictToWrite.GetKeyVal( i );
// is it an editor var or a regular spawn argument?
LocalEvar_t* ev = nullptr;
int vc = evars.Num();
for( int j = 0; j < vc; j++ )
if( evars[ j ].name.Icmp( kv->GetKey() ) == 0 )
ev = &evars[ j ];
idStr cleanKey = kv->GetKey();
cleanKey.ReplaceChar( ' ', '.' );
if( cleanKey.Icmp( "color" ) == 0 )
cleanKey = "_color";
// don't print the descriptive editor var itself yet
if( ev )
file->Printf( "\t%s", cleanKey.c_str() );
switch( ev->type )
case EVAR_INT :
file->Printf( "(integer)" );
file->Printf( "(float)" );
case EVAR_BOOL :
file->Printf( "(boolean)" );
case EVAR_GUI :
file->Printf( "(string)" );
if( !ev->desc.IsEmpty() && ev->desc.Icmp( kv->GetValue().c_str() ) )
if( ev->type != EVAR_INT && ev->type != EVAR_FLOAT && ev->type != EVAR_BOOL )
file->Printf( " : \"%s\" : \"%s\"\n", ev->desc.c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() );
file->Printf( " : \"%s\" : %s\n", ev->desc.c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() );
file->Printf( " : \"%s\"\n", ev->desc.c_str() );
file->Printf( "\t%s(string) : \"\" : \"%s\"\n", cleanKey.c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() );
file->Printf( "]\n\n" );
common->Printf( "\nData written to %s\n", fgdFileName.c_str() );
common->Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "Wrote %d Entities.\n", totalEntitiesCount );
common->Printf( "Wrote %d Models.\n", totalModelsCount );
com_editors &= ~EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
if( exportModels )
postLoadExportModels.SetBool( false );
//declManagerLocal.Reload( true );
common->FatalError( "Exporting successful, need to restart engine manually" );
void idDeclManagerLocal::ExportImagesToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int totalImagesCount = 0;
idFileList* files = fileSystem->ListFilesTree( "generated", ".bimage", true, true );
CommandlineProgressBar progressBar( files->GetList().Num(), renderSystem->GetWidth(), renderSystem->GetHeight() );
int totalStart = Sys_Milliseconds();
for( int f = 0; f < files->GetList().Num(); f++ )
idStr imageName = files->GetList()[ f ];
progressBar.Increment( true );
if( idStr::Icmpn( imageName, "generated/images/env/maps/game/", 31 ) == 0 )
// skip HDR cache data
if( idStr::FindText( imageName, "addnormals", false ) != -1 )
if( idStr::FindText( imageName, "heightmap", false ) != -1 )
if( idStr::FindText( imageName, "makealpha", false ) != -1 )
if( idStr::FindText( imageName, "makeintensity", false ) != -1 )
#if 0
// only export decals for testing
if( idStr::Icmpn( imageName, "generated/images/textures/decals/", 33 ) != 0 )
if( idStr::FindText( imageName, "a_pipecap2a_d", false ) != -1 )
idFileLocal bFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( imageName );
if( bFile == NULL )
idBinaryImage im( imageName );
ID_TIME_T binaryFileTime = im.LoadFromGeneratedFile( bFile, FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP );
if( binaryFileTime != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP )
const bimageFile_t& imgHeader = im.GetFileHeader();
const bimageImage_t& img = im.GetImageHeader( 0 );
const byte* data = im.GetImageData( 0 );
if( ( imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT5 || imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT1 ) && ( imgHeader.colorFormat != CFM_GREEN_ALPHA ) )
//idLib::Printf( "Exporting image '%s'\n", imageName.c_str() );
// RB: Images that are were DXT compressed and aren't multiples of 4 were padded out before compressing
// however the idBinaryImageData stores the original input width and height.
// We need multiples of 4 for the decompression routines
int dxtWidth = 0;
int dxtHeight = 0;
if( imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT5 || imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT1 )
if( ( img.width & 3 ) || ( img.height & 3 ) )
dxtWidth = ( img.width + 3 ) & ~3;
dxtHeight = ( img.height + 3 ) & ~3;
dxtWidth = img.width;
dxtHeight = img.height;
idTempArray<byte> rgba( dxtWidth * dxtHeight * 4 );
memset( rgba.Ptr(), 255, rgba.Size() );
if( imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT1 )
idDxtDecoder dxt;
dxt.DecompressImageDXT1( data, rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight );
for( int i = 0; i < ( dxtWidth * dxtHeight ); i++ )
rgba[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
else if( imgHeader.format == FMT_DXT5 )
idDxtDecoder dxt;
if( imgHeader.colorFormat == CFM_NORMAL_DXT5 )
dxt.DecompressNormalMapDXT5( data, rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight );
for( int i = 0; i < ( dxtWidth * dxtHeight ); i++ )
rgba[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
else if( imgHeader.colorFormat == CFM_YCOCG_DXT5 )
dxt.DecompressYCoCgDXT5( data, rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight );
idColorSpace::ConvertCoCg_YToRGB( rgba.Ptr(), rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight );
for( int i = 0; i < ( dxtWidth * dxtHeight ); i++ )
rgba[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
dxt.DecompressImageDXT5( data, rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight );
for( int i = 0; i < ( dxtWidth * dxtHeight ); i++ )
rgba[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
imageName.StripLeadingOnce( "generated/images/" );
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > exportName = "_tb/";
exportName += imageName;
int idx = exportName.Find( '#' );
exportName.CapLength( idx );
exportName.SetFileExtension( ".png" );
if( dxtWidth != img.width || dxtHeight != img.height )
// scale DXT sized images back to the original size
byte* scaled = R_Dropsample( rgba.Ptr(), dxtWidth, dxtHeight, img.width, img.height );
if( img.width > 16 && img.height > 16 )
R_WritePNG( exportName, scaled, 4, img.width, img.height, "fs_basepath" );
exportName.SetFileExtension( ".tga" );
R_WriteTGA( exportName, scaled, img.width, img.height, false, "fs_basepath" );
Mem_Free( scaled );
if( img.width > 16 && img.height > 16 )
R_WritePNG( exportName, rgba.Ptr(), 4, img.width, img.height, "fs_basepath" );
exportName.SetFileExtension( ".tga" );
R_WriteTGA( exportName, rgba.Ptr(), img.width, img.height, false, "fs_basepath" );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( files );
int totalEnd = Sys_Milliseconds();
common->Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "Exported and decompressed %d images in %5.1f minutes.\n", totalImagesCount, ( totalEnd - totalStart ) / ( 1000.0f * 60 ) );
void idDeclManagerLocal::ExportModelsToTrenchBroom_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
extern idCVar postLoadExportModels;
postLoadExportModels.SetBool( true );
// avoid media cache
com_editors |= EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
int totalModelsCount = 0;
int totalEntitiesCount = 0;
idFileList* files = fileSystem->ListFilesTree( "generated", ".blwo|.base|.bmd5mesh", true, true );
// FGD header
idStr fgdFileName;
fgdFileName.Format( "_tb/fgd/DOOM-3-models.fgd" );
idFileLocal fgdFile( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( fgdFileName, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( fgdFile == NULL )
common->Printf( "Failed to write entity declarations data to FGD.\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "// DOOM 3 BFG models definition file (.fgd) generated by %s\n\n", ENGINE_VERSION );
fgdFile->Printf( "@SolidClass color(0 0 0) = worldspawn : \"Every map should have exactly one worldspawn.\"\n[\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t spawnclass(string) : \"\" : \"idWorldspawn\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "]\n\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "@SolidClass color(0 127 204) = func_static : \"A brush model that just sits there, doing nothing. Can be used for conditional walls and models. When triggered, toggles between visible and hidden (see hide). Entity is non-solid when hidden.\"\n[\n" );
//fgdFile->Printf( "name(string) : \"\" : \"\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t spawnclass(string) : \"\" : \"idStaticEntity\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t solid(boolean) : \"whether the object should be solid or not.\" : 1\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t noclipmodel(boolean) : \"0 by default. Sets whether or not to generate a collision model for an ASE/LWO func_static at level load. (Set to 1 for stuff the player can't interact with. This will save memory.)\" : 0\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t hide(boolean) : \"whether the object should be visible when spawned. you need to set a value for triggering on/off to work\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t gui_noninteractive(boolean) : \"any gui attached will not be interactive\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t inline(boolean) : \"If true, turn the model into map geometry at dmap time\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t angles(string) : \"\" : \"0 0 0\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t gui(string) : \"gui attached to this static, gui2 and gui3 also work\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t gui_demonic(string) : \"demonic gui attached to this statit, gui_demonic2 and gui_demonic3 also work\"\n]\n\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "@PointClass base(func_static) color(0 127 204) model({ \"path\" : proxymodel }) = misc_model : \"Just a model\"\n[\n" );
//fgdFile->Printf( "name(string) : \"\" : \"\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t angles(string) : \"\" : \"0 0 0\"\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "]\n\n" );
fgdFile->Printf( "@PointClass base(misc_model) = auto_generated_model : \"Entity definition for a specific model\" []\n\n" );
// DEF header
idStr defFileName;
defFileName.Format( "def/_tb_models.def" );
idFileLocal defFile( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( defFileName, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( defFile == NULL )
common->Printf( "Failed to write entity declarations data to DEF.\n" );
defFile->Printf( "// DOOM 3 BFG models definition file (.def) generated by %s\n\n", ENGINE_VERSION );
for( int f = 0; f < files->GetList().Num(); f++ )
idStr modelName = files->GetList()[ f ];
modelName.StripLeadingOnce( "generated/rendermodels/" );
idStr ext;
modelName.ExtractFileExtension( ext );
bool dynamicModel = false;
if( ext.Icmp( "blwo" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "lwo" );
if( ext.Icmp( "base" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "ase" );
if( ext.Icmp( "bdae" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "dae" );
if( ext.Icmp( "bmd5mesh" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "md5mesh" );
dynamicModel = true;
// skip TB specific helper models
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "_tb", 3 ) == 0 )
idLib::Printf( "Exporting model '%s'\n", modelName.c_str() );
// make an OBJ version of the model for TrenchBroom
idRenderModel* renderModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( modelName );
#if 0
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/mapobjects", 17 ) != 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/items", 12 ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/particles", 16 ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/weapons", 14 ) == 0 )
idBounds bounds = renderModel->Bounds();
// put model as mapobject into the models FGD
if( !renderModel->IsDefaultModel() && bounds.GetVolume() > 0 && bounds.GetRadius() < 1400 )
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > originalModelFileName;
originalModelFileName = modelName;
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > exportedModelFileName;
exportedModelFileName = "_tb/";
exportedModelFileName.AppendPath( modelName );
exportedModelFileName.SetFileExtension( ".obj" );
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > entityName;
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/mapobjects", 17 ) == 0 )
modelName.StripLeadingOnce( "models/mapobjects" );
entityName = "mob";
entityName.AppendPath( modelName );
modelName.StripLeadingOnce( "models" );
entityName = "genmodel";
entityName.AppendPath( modelName );
entityName.ReplaceChar( '/', '_' );
entityName.ReplaceChar( '(', '_' );
entityName.ReplaceChar( ')', '_' );
fgdFile->Printf( "@PointClass " );
#if 0
if( bounds.GetVolume() > 0 )
fgdFile->Printf( "size(%i %i %i, %i %i %i) ",
int( bounds[0].x ), int( bounds[0].y ), int( bounds[0].z ),
int( bounds[1].x ), int( bounds[1].y ), int( bounds[1].z ) );
//fgdFile->Printf( "size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 16) " );
fgdFile->Printf( "base(auto_generated_model) model({ \"path\": \"%s\" }) = %s : \"Display entity\"\n[\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str(), entityName.c_str() );
//fgdFile->Printf( "[\n\t angles(string) : \"\" : \"0 0 0\"\n]\n\n");
fgdFile->Printf( "\t proxymodel(string) : \"\" : \"%s\"\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str() );
fgdFile->Printf( "\t model(string) : \"\" : \"%s\"\n", originalModelFileName.c_str() );
fgdFile->Printf( "]\n\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str() );
// write .def file for Doom
//defFile->Printf( "base(auto_generated_model) model({ \"path\": \"%s\" }) = %s : \"Display entity\"\n[\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str(), entityName.c_str() );
defFile->Printf( "entityDef %s\n{\n", entityName.c_str() );
defFile->Printf( "\t \"inherit\" \"misc_model\"\n" );
defFile->Printf( "\t \"proxymodel\" \"%s\"\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str() );
defFile->Printf( "\t \"model\" \"%s\"\n", originalModelFileName.c_str() );
#if 0
if( bounds.GetVolume() > 0 )
defFile->Printf( "\t \"editor_mins\" \"%i %i %i\"\n", int( bounds[0].x ), int( bounds[0].y ), int( bounds[0].z ) );
defFile->Printf( "\t \"editor_maxs\" \"%i %i %i\"\n", int( bounds[1].x ), int( bounds[1].y ), int( bounds[1].z ) );
defFile->Printf( "}\n\n", exportedModelFileName.c_str() );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( files );
com_editors &= ~EDITOR_EXPORTDEFS;
postLoadExportModels.SetBool( false );
common->Printf( "\nFGD written to %s\n", fgdFileName.c_str() );
common->Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "Wrote %d Entities.\n", totalEntitiesCount );
common->Printf( "Wrote %d Models.\n", totalModelsCount );
common->FatalError( "Exporting successful, need to restart manually" );
static idMapBrush* MakeUnitBrush( const idVec3& origin, const idVec3& scale, bool border )
// brush 0
( -1 -64 -16 ) ( -1 -63 -16 ) ( -1 -64 -15 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -1 -16 ) ( -64 -1 -15 ) ( -63 -1 -16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -64 -1 ) ( -63 -64 -1 ) ( -64 -63 -1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 64 1 ) ( 64 65 1 ) ( 65 64 1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 1 16 ) ( 65 1 16 ) ( 64 1 17 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 1 64 16 ) ( 1 64 17 ) ( 1 65 16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
const char* tbUnitBrush = R"(
( -1 -64 -16 ) ( -1 -63 -16 ) ( -1 -64 -15 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -1 -16 ) ( -64 -1 -15 ) ( -63 -1 -16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( -64 -64 -1 ) ( -63 -64 -1 ) ( -64 -63 -1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 64 1 ) ( 64 65 1 ) ( 65 64 1 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 64 1 16 ) ( 65 1 16 ) ( 64 1 17 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 1 64 16 ) ( 1 64 17 ) ( 1 65 16 ) rock/lfwall15_lanrock1 [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
src.LoadMemory( tbUnitBrush, strlen( tbUnitBrush), "DoomEdit Brush" );
idMapBrush* brush = idMapBrush::ParseValve220( src, origin );
idMat3 axis;
// unit brush is not really a unit brush but 2, 2, 2
axis[0][0] = scale.x * 0.5f;
axis[1][1] = scale.y * 0.5f;
axis[2][2] = scale.z * 0.5f;
idMat4 transform( axis, origin );
for( int i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
auto side = brush->GetSide( i );
if( border )
side->SetMaterial( "textures/decals/achtung" );
side->planepts[0] *= transform;
side->planepts[1] *= transform;
side->planepts[2] *= transform;
return brush;
static idMapBrush* MakeCharBrush( const idVec3& brushOrigin, const idVec3& uvOrigin, int ch )
const char* tbLetterBrush = R"(
( 0 -1 7 ) ( 0 0 7 ) ( 0 -1 8 ) common/nodraw [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 0 -1 7 ) ( 0 -1 8 ) ( 1 -1 7 ) decals/alphabet6 [ 1 0 0 64 ] [ 0 0 -1 -224 ] 0 0.25 0.25
( 0 -1 0 ) ( 1 -1 0 ) ( 0 0 0 ) common/nodraw [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 11 0 8 ) ( 11 1 8 ) ( 12 0 8 ) common/nodraw [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 11 0 8 ) ( 12 0 8 ) ( 11 0 9 ) common/nodraw [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
( 8 0 8 ) ( 8 0 9 ) ( 8 1 8 ) common/nodraw [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 0.5 0.5
src.LoadMemory( tbLetterBrush, strlen( tbLetterBrush), "DoomEdit Brush" );
idMapBrush* brush = idMapBrush::ParseValve220( src, brushOrigin );
for( int i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ )
auto side = brush->GetSide( i );
side->planepts[0] += brushOrigin;
side->planepts[1] += brushOrigin;
side->planepts[2] += brushOrigin;
// letter coordinates in the texture
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
ch &= 255;
if( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' )
ch -= 'A';
col = ch & 7;
row = ch / 8;
else if( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' )
ch = ch - 'a' + 3;
col = ch & 7;
row = ch & 7;
// base offset moves from world to local coords
// brush is 8x1x8 but due to scaling texcoords are shifted by 32
idVec2i baseOffset;
baseOffset.x = -uvOrigin.x * 4;
baseOffset.y = -uvOrigin.z * 4 + 32;
auto side = brush->GetSide( 1 );
side->texValve[ 0 ][ 3 ] = baseOffset.x + col * 32;
side->texValve[ 1 ][ 3 ] = baseOffset.y + row * 32;
return brush;
idMapEntity* MakeNamePlateFuncStatic( idMapFile* mapFile, float x, float y, float topHeight, const idStr& origTitle )
idMapEntity* mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
mapFile->AddEntity( mapEnt );
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > entityName;
entityName.Format( "info_board_%d", mapFile->GetNumEntities() );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", "func_static" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", entityName );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "model", entityName );
#if 1
// add folder name as brushes
idStr title = origTitle;
int numSlashes = 0;
int wordLen = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < title.Length(); i++ )
//float x = categoryPositions[ c ].x + category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].x;
//float y = -categoryPositions[ c ].y - category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].y;// - group->totalSize.y;
idVec3 brushOrigin;
brushOrigin.x = x + wordLen * 8;
brushOrigin.y = y;
brushOrigin.z = topHeight - numSlashes * 8;
idVec3 uvOrigin;
uvOrigin.x = x + wordLen * 8;
uvOrigin.y = y;
uvOrigin.z = topHeight + numSlashes * 8;
if( title[ i ] == '/' )
wordLen = 0;
idMapBrush* ch = MakeCharBrush( brushOrigin, uvOrigin, title[ i ] );
mapEnt->AddPrimitive( ch );
idVec3 origin;
origin.x = outputPositions[ g ].x + group->totalSize.x * 0.5;
origin.y = outputPositions[ g ].y;
origin.z = 128;
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", "misc_model" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "model", "_tb/models/mapobjects/signs/ceilingsign/ceilingsign.obj" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "gui", "guis/signs/directional.gui" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "gui_parm1", group->folder );
return mapEnt;
struct EntityInfo_t
idBounds bounds;
idMapEntity* entity;
idVec2i packedPos;
// leaf node that actually contains model files
struct ModelsGroup_t
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > path; // e.g. models/mapobjects/doors/jumbodoor/
idList<EntityInfo_t*, TAG_SYSTEM> entityList; // model files in that folder
idVec2i totalSize;
// higher level folder node
struct Category_t
Category_t( const char* name )
tagNames.AddUnique( name );
totalSize.x = 0;
totalSize.y = 0;
// data
idStrList tagNames; // e.g. hell, delta, cpu
idList<ModelsGroup_t*, TAG_SYSTEM> modelGroups;
idList<idVec2i> modelGroupPositions;
idVec2i totalSize;
// tree
//idList<Category_t*, TAG_SYSTEM> subFolders;
void RectAllocator( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, idList<idVec2i>& outputPositions, idVec2i& totalSize, const int START_MAX = 16384, const int imageMax = -1 );
float RectPackingFraction( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, const idVec2i totalSize );
void RectAllocatorBinPack2D( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, const idStrList& inputNames, idList<idVec2i>& outputPositions, idVec2i& totalSize, const int START_MAX );
// uses BFG Rectangle Atlas packer to pack models in 3D
void idDeclManagerLocal::MakeZooMapForModels_f( const idCmdArgs& args )
int totalModelsCount = 0;
int totalEntitiesCount = 0;
idFileList* files = fileSystem->ListFilesTree( "generated", ".blwo|.base|.bglb|.bobj|.bmd5mesh", true, true );
idStr mapName( "maps/zoomaps/zoo_models.map" );
idMapFile mapFile;
idMapEntity* worldspawn = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
mapFile.AddEntity( worldspawn );
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "classname", "worldspawn" );
idStrList ignoreList;
// non modular models, should probably a .cfg or .ini defined by an artist
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/alphalabs3/vagary/vagary_webs" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/caves1_1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/caves1_2a" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/caves1_6" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/caves1_7" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/caves2_" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/caves/cav_corns" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/com/com_underground1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/cpu/cpu_hell2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/cpu/cpu_hell3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/cpu/cpu_hell4" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/cpu/sab_lightning1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "_clip" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/delta3/hellgoo_door1/hellgoo_door1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/delta3/hellgoo_elev2/hellgoo_elev2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/deltax/hall_hellgrowth" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/deltax/room1_hellgrowth" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/berzerker_hellgoo_2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus2_puzzle_cavea_lo" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus4_cave" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus_cave2_puzzle_cave2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus_cave2_room1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus_cave2_room2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/erebus_lounge_ceiling" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/erebus/mp_hellshaft" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/exis/exis_terrain" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/exis/existel_railing" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hangar/hangar1tower" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hangar/pillar1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/delta5/doora/eyeskin_b" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/delta5/doorb/hornskin" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/doom3ex/phobos/d3ex_goo_1a" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/maggotroom/worm" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/site3/fleshtube1/fleshtube_01" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/site3/landscapesradar/canyona" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/site3/birthhole" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/guardian_lightning2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/hellhalldown3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/mancroomfloor" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/vagarycave" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/vagarycavehall" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_brokensteps" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_brokenwall" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_hallcorner" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_rock" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_staircave2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/d3xp_temple_rubble" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/hellhole_cave" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/hellhole_coffinbricks2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/hellhole_crushstairs" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/hellhole_firstroom" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hellhole/hellhole_secondroom" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/mc_underground/outside/mc_ug_out3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/berg_lightning_fx" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/phobos1_brockerybeef" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/phobos_cave" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/skybridge/skybridge_clip" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/mancubusroom" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/rec1bigfloor" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/rec1cave1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/rec1sfloor" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/rec1sfloorgoop" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/recycle/rec1tunnel1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/ruins/ruin_wire" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/site/site3_exitpit" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/site/site3_tunnel" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1ceiling1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1floor" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1hall1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1hall1ceiling" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1hall" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hell1lasthall" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hellcaves_1ahall" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hellcaves_" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hellcaveshole1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hellhalldown2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/hornramp2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/map10_hell1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/map10_hell2" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/map10_hell3" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/pillar/pillar_hellrock_a" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/pillar/pillar_hellrock_b" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/hell/pillar/pillar_hellrock_c" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/ruins/pillarbroke" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/delta3/teleporter_warpfx/betrugger_lightning" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/steve_temp/map10_hell_smoke" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/bridge/bridge_roof_1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/bridge/bridge_wall_1" );
ignoreList.AddUnique( "models/mapobjects/phobos/bridge/bridge_wall_2" );
// TODO generate these procedurally
idList<Category_t*> categories;
categories.Append( new Category_t( "nocategory" ) ); // collect here that doesn't fit
categories.Append( new Category_t( "delta" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "erebus" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "phobos" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "cpu" ) );
auto hellCat = new Category_t( "hell" );
hellCat->tagNames.AddUnique( "goo" );
hellCat->tagNames.AddUnique( "steve_temp" );
categories.Append( hellCat );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "caves" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "ruins" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "door" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "outside" ) );
auto teleCat = new Category_t( "teleporter" );
teleCat->tagNames.AddUnique( "tele" );
categories.Append( teleCat );
auto liftCat = new Category_t( "elevator" );
liftCat->tagNames.AddUnique( "lift" );
categories.Append( liftCat );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "railing" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "pipe" ) );
categories.Append( new Category_t( "ladder" ) );
// collect all folders that actually contain models and sort them into categories
idHashTable<ModelsGroup_t*> entitiesPerFolder;
for( int f = 0; f < files->GetList().Num() /*&& totalEntitiesCount < 100*/; f++ )
idStr modelName = files->GetList()[ f ];
modelName.StripLeadingOnce( "generated/rendermodels/" );
idStr ext;
modelName.ExtractFileExtension( ext );
bool dynamicModel = false;
if( ext.Icmp( "blwo" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "lwo" );
if( ext.Icmp( "base" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "ase" );
if( ext.Icmp( "bglb" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "glb" );
if( ext.Icmp( "bobj" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "obj" );
if( ext.Icmp( "bmd5mesh" ) == 0 )
modelName.SetFileExtension( "md5mesh" );
dynamicModel = true;
// skip TB specific helper models
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "_tb", 3 ) == 0 )
idRenderModel* renderModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( modelName );
// skip non modular models
bool ignore = false;
for( int i = 0; i < ignoreList.Num(); i++ )
const char* ignoreStr = ignoreList[ i ].c_str();
if( modelName.Find( ignoreStr ) != -1 )
ignore = true;
if( ignore )
#if 1
// discard everything that is not a mapobjects model
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/mapobjects", 17 ) != 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/mapobjects/caves", 23 ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/items", 12 ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/particles", 16 ) == 0 )
if( idStr::Icmpn( modelName, "models/weapons", 14 ) == 0 )
idStr directory = modelName;
// find models group or create it
ModelsGroup_t** groupptrptr = nullptr;
ModelsGroup_t* group = nullptr;
if( !entitiesPerFolder.Get( directory, &groupptrptr ) )
group = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) ModelsGroup_t;
group->path = directory;
entitiesPerFolder.Set( directory, group );
group = *groupptrptr;
idBounds bounds = renderModel->Bounds();
// put model as mapobject into the models FGD
if( !renderModel->IsDefaultModel() && bounds.GetVolume() > 0 && bounds.GetRadius() < 1400 )
idMapEntity* mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity();
mapFile.AddEntity( mapEnt );
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > entityName;
entityName.Format( "misc_model_%d", mapFile.GetNumEntities() );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", "misc_model" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", entityName );
// .glb models are the fastest to load into TrenchBroom so skip proxymodel
if( ext.Icmp( "bglb" ) != 0 )
// build TB compatible model name
idStrStatic< MAX_OSPATH > exportedModelFileName;
exportedModelFileName = "_tb/";
exportedModelFileName.AppendPath( modelName );
exportedModelFileName.SetFileExtension( ".obj" );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "proxymodel", exportedModelFileName );
mapEnt->epairs.Set( "model", modelName );
EntityInfo_t* entInfo = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) EntityInfo_t;
entInfo->bounds = bounds;
entInfo->entity = mapEnt;
group->entityList.Append( entInfo );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( files );
// BinPack2D is better, more efficient and can with all really big models but looks worse than the simple rectangle packer
const bool useBinpack2D = false;
// pack models by 2D AABB inside of a folder
for( int g = 0; g < entitiesPerFolder.Num(); g++ )
ModelsGroup_t* group = *entitiesPerFolder.GetIndex( g );
idList<idVec2i> inputSizes;
idStrList inputNames;
inputSizes.SetNum( group->entityList.Num() );
for( int e = 0; e < group->entityList.Num(); e++ )
EntityInfo_t* entInfo = group->entityList[ e ];
idBounds& b = entInfo->bounds;
const int offset = 64;
idVec2i allocSize( ( b[1][0] - b[0][0] ) + offset, ( b[1][1] - b[0][1] ) + offset );
//idLib::Printf( "model size %ix%i in '%s'\n", allocSize.x, allocSize.y, group->folder.c_str() );
inputSizes[ e ] = allocSize;
inputNames.Append( entInfo->entity->epairs.GetString( "model" ) );
idList<idVec2i> outputPositions;
idVec2i totalSize;
if( useBinpack2D )
RectAllocatorBinPack2D( inputSizes, inputNames, outputPositions, totalSize, 1 << 17 );
RectAllocator( inputSizes, outputPositions, totalSize, 1 << 14 );
group->totalSize = totalSize;
for( int e = 0; e < group->entityList.Num(); e++ )
EntityInfo_t* entInfo = group->entityList[ e ];
entInfo->packedPos = outputPositions[ e ];
// assign model folders to categories
for( int g = 0; g < entitiesPerFolder.Num(); g++ )
ModelsGroup_t* group = *entitiesPerFolder.GetIndex( g );
bool inserted = false;
for( int i = 1; i < categories.Num(); i++ )
Category_t* category = categories[ i ];
for( int j = 0; j < category->tagNames.Num(); j++ )
if( group->path.Find( category->tagNames[ j ], false ) != -1 )
category->modelGroups.Append( group );
inserted = true;
if( !inserted )
categories[ 0 ]->modelGroups.Append( group );
// pack folders in categories
for( int i = 0; i < categories.Num(); i++ )
Category_t* category = categories[ i ];
idList<idVec2i> inputSizes;
inputSizes.SetNum( category->modelGroups.Num() );
idStrList inputNames;
for( int g = 0; g < category->modelGroups.Num(); g++ )
ModelsGroup_t* group = category->modelGroups[ g ];
const int offset = 256;
idVec2i allocSize( group->totalSize.x + offset, group->totalSize.y + offset );
//idLib::Printf( "folder '%s' size %ix%i\n", group->path.c_str(), allocSize.x, allocSize.y );
inputSizes[ g ] = allocSize;
inputNames.Append( group->path );
idVec2i totalSize;
if( useBinpack2D )
RectAllocatorBinPack2D( inputSizes, inputNames, category->modelGroupPositions, totalSize, 1 << 17 );
RectAllocator( inputSizes, category->modelGroupPositions, totalSize, 1 << 14 );
category->totalSize = totalSize;
// pack categories
idList<idVec2i> inputSizes;
inputSizes.SetNum( categories.Num() );
idStrList inputNames;
for( int i = 0; i < categories.Num(); i++ )
inputNames.Append( categories[ i ]->tagNames[ 0 ] );
idList<idVec2i> categoryPositions;
idVec2i totalSize;
for( int i = 0; i < categories.Num(); i++ )
Category_t* category = categories[ i ];
const int offset = 256;
idVec2i allocSize( category->totalSize.x + offset, category->totalSize.y + offset );
idLib::Printf( "category '%s' size %ix%i\n", category->tagNames[ 0 ].c_str(), allocSize.x, allocSize.y );
inputSizes[ i ] = allocSize;
// smart allocator
if( useBinpack2D )
RectAllocatorBinPack2D( inputSizes, inputNames, categoryPositions, totalSize, 1 << 17 );
RectAllocator( inputSizes, categoryPositions, totalSize, 1 << 14 );
// place entities inside packed folders
for( int c = 0; c < categories.Num(); c++ )
Category_t* category = categories[ c ];
const int fontGridHeight = 128;
float catHeight = 0;
for( int g = 0; g < category->modelGroups.Num(); g++ )
ModelsGroup_t* group = category->modelGroups[ g ];
// calculate top height of the entities in this group
// so we can place a name plate above the group
float topHeight = 0;
for( int e = 0; e < group->entityList.Num(); e++ )
EntityInfo_t* entInfo = group->entityList[ e ];
if( entInfo->bounds[1].z > topHeight )
topHeight = entInfo->bounds[1].z;
topHeight += 128;
topHeight = idMath::Floor( topHeight / fontGridHeight ) * fontGridHeight;
if( topHeight > catHeight )
catHeight = topHeight;
float x = categoryPositions[ c ].x + category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].x + group->totalSize.x * 0.5f;
float y = -categoryPositions[ c ].y - category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].y - group->totalSize.y;
//idMapEntity* plateEnt =
MakeNamePlateFuncStatic( &mapFile, x, y, topHeight, group->path );
// move entities along with the upper packed categories
for( int e = 0; e < group->entityList.Num(); e++ )
EntityInfo_t* entInfo = group->entityList[ e ];
idVec3 origin;
origin.x = categoryPositions[ c ].x + category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].x + entInfo->packedPos.x -entInfo->bounds[0][0];
origin.y = -categoryPositions[ c ].y - category->modelGroupPositions[ g ].y - entInfo->packedPos.y -entInfo->bounds[1][1];
// place entity above 0 if it goes below
origin.z = -entInfo->bounds[0].z + 1;
entInfo->entity->epairs.SetVector( "origin", origin );
// put a name plate above the category with its main tag
float x = categoryPositions[ c ].x + category->totalSize.x * 0.5f;
float y = -categoryPositions[ c ].y - category->totalSize.y * 0.5f;
catHeight += 128;
catHeight = idMath::Floor( catHeight / fontGridHeight ) * fontGridHeight;
idMapEntity* plateEnt = MakeNamePlateFuncStatic( &mapFile, x, y, catHeight, category->tagNames[ 0 ] );
#if 0
// place bottom place below
idVec3 origin( x, y, -32 );
idVec3 scale( category->totalSize.x, category->totalSize.y, 16 );
idMapBrush* bottomPlate = MakeUnitBrush( origin, scale );
plateEnt->AddPrimitive( bottomPlate );
// place border brushes
// back
float xx = x;
float yy = y + category->totalSize.y * 0.5f;
idVec3 origin( xx, yy, -40 );
idVec3 scale( category->totalSize.x, 4, 16 );
idMapBrush* bottomPlate = MakeUnitBrush( origin, scale, true );
worldspawn->AddPrimitive( bottomPlate );
// front
xx = x;
yy = y - category->totalSize.y * 0.5f;
origin.Set( xx, yy, -40 );
scale.Set( category->totalSize.x, 4, 16 );
bottomPlate = MakeUnitBrush( origin, scale, true );
worldspawn->AddPrimitive( bottomPlate );
// left
xx = x - category->totalSize.x * 0.5f;
yy = y;
origin.Set( xx, yy, -40 );
scale.Set( 4, category->totalSize.y, 16 );
bottomPlate = MakeUnitBrush( origin, scale, true );
worldspawn->AddPrimitive( bottomPlate );
// right
xx = x + category->totalSize.x * 0.5f;
yy = y;
origin.Set( xx, yy, -40 );
scale.Set( 4, category->totalSize.y, 16 );
bottomPlate = MakeUnitBrush( origin, scale, true );
worldspawn->AddPrimitive( bottomPlate );
mapFile.ConvertToValve220Format( false );
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_textures", "textures/common;textures/editor;textures/decals;textures/rock" );
worldspawn->epairs.Set( "_tb_def", "external:base/_tb/fgd/DOOM-3-models.fgd" );
//"_tb_mod" "mod_unittests"
mapFile.Write( mapName, ".map" );
common->Printf( "\nZoo map written to %s\n", mapName.c_str() );
common->Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "Found %d Models.\n", totalModelsCount );
common->Printf( "Wrote %d Entities in %d Groups and %d Cateogories\n", totalEntitiesCount, entitiesPerFolder.Num(), categories.Num() );
// RB end
#endif // #if !defined( DMAP )
This finds or creats the decl, but does not cause a parse. This is only used internally.
idDeclLocal* idDeclManagerLocal::FindTypeWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char* name, bool makeDefault )
int typeIndex = ( int )type;
int i, hash;
if( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL || typeIndex >= DECL_MAX_TYPES )
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::FindTypeWithoutParsing: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return NULL;
char canonicalName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( name, canonicalName, sizeof( canonicalName ) );
// see if it already exists
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalName, false );
for( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) )
if( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalName ) == 0 )
// only print these when decl_show is set to 2, because it can be a lot of clutter
if( decl_show.GetInteger() > 1 )
MediaPrint( "referencing %s %s\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), name );
return linearLists[typeIndex][i];
if( !makeDefault )
return NULL;
idDeclLocal* decl = new( TAG_DECL ) idDeclLocal;
decl->self = NULL;
decl->name = canonicalName;
decl->type = type;
decl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
decl->textSource = NULL;
decl->textLength = 0;
decl->sourceFile = &implicitDecls;
decl->referencedThisLevel = false;
decl->everReferenced = false;
// SRS - initialize to false, otherwise all decls will be set to non-purgeable during Init()
decl->parsedOutsideLevelLoad = false; // !insideLevelLoad;
// add it to the linear list and hash table
decl->index = linearLists[typeIndex].Num();
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( hash, linearLists[typeIndex].Append( decl ) );
return decl;
void idDeclManagerLocal::ConvertPDAsToStrings( const idCmdArgs& args )
idStr pdaStringsFileName = "temppdas/pdas.lang";
idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( pdaStringsFileName ) );
if( file == NULL )
idLib::Printf( "Failed to Convert PDA data to Strings.\n" );
int totalEmailCount = 0;
int totalAudioCount = 0;
int totalVideoCount = 0;
idStr headEnd = "\t\"#str_%s_";
idStr tailEnd = "\"\t\"%s\"\n";
idStr temp;
int count = linearLists[ DECL_PDA ].Num();
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
const idDeclPDA* decl = static_cast< const idDeclPDA* >( FindType( DECL_PDA, linearLists[ DECL_PDA ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
idStr pdaBaseStrId = va( headEnd.c_str(), decl->GetName() );
temp = va( "\n\n//////// %s PDA ////////////\n", decl->GetName() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
idStr pdaBase = pdaBaseStrId + "pda_%s" + tailEnd;
// Pda Name
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "name", decl->GetPdaName() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Full Name
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "fullname", decl->GetFullName() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// ID
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "id", decl->GetID() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Post
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "post", decl->GetPost() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Title
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "title", decl->GetTitle() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Security
temp = va( pdaBase.c_str(), "security", decl->GetSecurity() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
int emailCount = decl->GetNumEmails();
for( int emailIter = 0; emailIter < emailCount; emailIter++ )
const idDeclEmail* email = decl->GetEmailByIndex( emailIter );
idStr emailBaseStrId = va( headEnd.c_str(), email->GetName() );
idStr emailBase = emailBaseStrId + "email_%s" + tailEnd;
file->Write( "\t//Email\n", 9 );
// Date
temp = va( emailBase, "date", email->GetDate() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// To
temp = va( emailBase, "to", email->GetTo() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// From
temp = va( emailBase, "from", email->GetFrom() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Subject
temp = va( emailBase, "subject", email->GetSubject() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Body
idStr body = email->GetBody();
body.Replace( "\n", "\\n" );
temp = va( emailBase, "text", body.c_str() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
int audioCount = decl->GetNumAudios();
for( int audioIter = 0; audioIter < audioCount; audioIter++ )
const idDeclAudio* audio = decl->GetAudioByIndex( audioIter );
idStr audioBaseStrId = va( headEnd.c_str(), audio->GetName() );
idStr audioBase = audioBaseStrId + "audio_%s" + tailEnd;
file->Write( "\t//Audio\n", 9 );
// Name
temp = va( audioBase, "name", audio->GetAudioName() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Info
idStr info = audio->GetInfo();
info.Replace( "\n", "\\n" );
temp = va( audioBase, "info", info.c_str() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
int infoEmailCount = linearLists[ DECL_EMAIL ].Num();
if( infoEmailCount > 0 )
temp = "\n\n//////// PDA Info Emails ////////////\n";
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
for( int i = 0; i < infoEmailCount; i++ )
const idDeclEmail* email = static_cast< const idDeclEmail* >( FindType( DECL_EMAIL, linearLists[ DECL_EMAIL ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
idStr filename = email->base->GetFileName();
if( filename.Icmp( "newpdas/info_emails.pda" ) != 0 )
idStr emailBaseStrId = va( "\t\"#str_%s_", email->GetName() );
idStr emailBase = emailBaseStrId + "email_%s" + tailEnd;
file->Write( "\t//Email\n", 9 );
// Date
temp = va( emailBase, "date", email->GetDate() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// To
temp = va( emailBase, "to", email->GetTo() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// From
temp = va( emailBase, "from", email->GetFrom() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Subject
temp = va( emailBase, "subject", email->GetSubject() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Body
idStr body = email->GetBody();
body.Replace( "\n", "\\n" );
temp = va( emailBase, "text", body.c_str() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
int videoCount = linearLists[ DECL_VIDEO ].Num();
if( videoCount > 0 )
temp = "\n\n//////// PDA Videos ////////////\n";
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
for( int i = 0; i < videoCount; i++ )
const idDeclVideo* video = static_cast< const idDeclVideo* >( FindType( DECL_VIDEO, linearLists[ DECL_VIDEO ][ i ]->GetName(), false ) );
idStr videoBaseStrId = va( "\t\"#str_%s_", video->GetName() );
idStr videoBase = videoBaseStrId + "video_%s" + tailEnd;
file->Write( "\t//Video\n", 9 );
// Name
temp = va( videoBase, "name", video->GetVideoName() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
// Info
idStr info = video->GetInfo();
info.Replace( "\n", "\\n" );
temp = va( videoBase, "info", info.c_str() );
file->Write( temp, temp.Length() );
idLib::Printf( "\nData written to %s\n", pdaStringsFileName.c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "----------------------------\n" );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d PDAs.\n", count );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Emails.\n", totalEmailCount );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Audio Records.\n", totalAudioCount );
idLib::Printf( "Wrote %d Video Records.\n", totalVideoCount );
idLib::Printf( "Please copy the results into the appropriate .lang file.\n" );
name = "unnamed";
textSource = NULL;
textLength = 0;
compressedLength = 0;
sourceFile = NULL;
sourceTextOffset = 0;
sourceTextLength = 0;
sourceLine = 0;
checksum = 0;
index = 0;
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
parsedOutsideLevelLoad = false;
referencedThisLevel = false;
everReferenced = false;
redefinedInReload = false;
nextInFile = NULL;
const char* idDeclLocal::GetName() const
return name.c_str();
declType_t idDeclLocal::GetType() const
return type;
declState_t idDeclLocal::GetState() const
return declState;
bool idDeclLocal::IsImplicit() const
return ( sourceFile == declManagerLocal.GetImplicitDeclFile() );
bool idDeclLocal::IsValid() const
return ( declState != DS_UNPARSED );
void idDeclLocal::Invalidate()
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
void idDeclLocal::EnsureNotPurged()
if( declState == DS_UNPARSED )
int idDeclLocal::Index() const
return index;
int idDeclLocal::GetLineNum() const
return sourceLine;
const char* idDeclLocal::GetFileName() const
return ( sourceFile ) ? sourceFile->fileName.c_str() : "*invalid*";
size_t idDeclLocal::Size() const
return sizeof( idDecl ) + name.Allocated();
void idDeclLocal::GetText( char* text ) const
HuffmanDecompressText( text, textLength, ( byte* )textSource, compressedLength );
memcpy( text, textSource, textLength + 1 );
int idDeclLocal::GetTextLength() const
return textLength;
void idDeclLocal::SetText( const char* text )
SetTextLocal( text, idStr::Length( text ) );
void idDeclLocal::SetTextLocal( const char* text, const int length )
Mem_Free( textSource );
checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( text, length );
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
huffmanFrequencies[( ( const unsigned char* )text )[i]]++;
int maxBytesPerCode = ( maxHuffmanBits + 7 ) >> 3;
byte* compressed = ( byte* )_alloca( length * maxBytesPerCode );
compressedLength = HuffmanCompressText( text, length, compressed, length * maxBytesPerCode );
textSource = ( char* )Mem_Alloc( compressedLength, TAG_DECLTEXT );
memcpy( textSource, compressed, compressedLength );
compressedLength = length;
textSource = ( char* ) Mem_Alloc( length + 1, TAG_DECLTEXT );
memcpy( textSource, text, length );
textSource[length] = '\0';
textLength = length;
bool idDeclLocal::ReplaceSourceFileText()
int oldFileLength, newFileLength;
idFile* file;
common->Printf( "Writing \'%s\' to \'%s\'...\n", GetName(), GetFileName() );
if( sourceFile == &declManagerLocal.implicitDecls )
common->Warning( "Can't save implicit declaration %s.", GetName() );
return false;
// get length and allocate buffer to hold the file
oldFileLength = sourceFile->fileSize;
newFileLength = oldFileLength - sourceTextLength + textLength;
idTempArray<char> buffer( Max( newFileLength, oldFileLength ) );
memset( buffer.Ptr(), 0, buffer.Size() );
// read original file
if( sourceFile->fileSize )
file = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( GetFileName() );
if( !file )
common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s for reading.", GetFileName() );
return false;
if( file->Length() != sourceFile->fileSize || file->Timestamp() != sourceFile->timestamp )
common->Warning( "The file %s has been modified outside of the engine.", GetFileName() );
return false;
file->Read( buffer.Ptr(), oldFileLength );
fileSystem->CloseFile( file );
if( MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer.Ptr(), oldFileLength ) != ( unsigned int )sourceFile->checksum )
common->Warning( "The file %s has been modified outside of the engine.", GetFileName() );
return false;
// insert new text
char* declText = ( char* ) _alloca( textLength + 1 );
GetText( declText );
memmove( buffer.Ptr() + sourceTextOffset + textLength, buffer.Ptr() + sourceTextOffset + sourceTextLength, oldFileLength - sourceTextOffset - sourceTextLength );
memcpy( buffer.Ptr() + sourceTextOffset, declText, textLength );
// write out new file
file = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( GetFileName(), "fs_basepath" );
if( !file )
common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s for writing.", GetFileName() );
return false;
file->Write( buffer.Ptr(), newFileLength );
fileSystem->CloseFile( file );
// set new file size, checksum and timestamp
sourceFile->fileSize = newFileLength;
sourceFile->checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer.Ptr(), newFileLength );
fileSystem->ReadFile( GetFileName(), NULL, &sourceFile->timestamp );
// move all decls in the same file
for( idDeclLocal* decl = sourceFile->decls; decl; decl = decl->nextInFile )
if( decl->sourceTextOffset > sourceTextOffset )
decl->sourceTextOffset += textLength - sourceTextLength;
// set new size of text in source file
sourceTextLength = textLength;
return true;
bool idDeclLocal::SourceFileChanged() const
int newLength;
ID_TIME_T newTimestamp;
if( sourceFile->fileSize <= 0 )
return false;
newLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( GetFileName(), NULL, &newTimestamp );
if( newLength != sourceFile->fileSize || newTimestamp != sourceFile->timestamp )
return true;
return false;
void idDeclLocal::MakeDefault()
static int recursionLevel;
const char* defaultText;
declManagerLocal.MediaPrint( "DEFAULTED\n" );
declState = DS_DEFAULTED;
defaultText = self->DefaultDefinition();
// a parse error inside a DefaultDefinition() string could
// cause an infinite loop, but normal default definitions could
// still reference other default definitions, so we can't
// just dump out on the first recursion
if( ++recursionLevel > 100 )
common->FatalError( "idDecl::MakeDefault: bad DefaultDefinition(): %s", defaultText );
// always free data before parsing
// parse
self->Parse( defaultText, strlen( defaultText ), false );
// we could still eventually hit the recursion if we have enough Error() calls inside Parse...
bool idDeclLocal::SetDefaultText()
return false;
const char* idDeclLocal::DefaultDefinition() const
return "{ }";
bool idDeclLocal::Parse( const char* text, const int textLength, bool allowBinaryVersion )
idLexer src;
src.LoadMemory( text, textLength, GetFileName(), GetLineNum() );
src.SetFlags( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS );
src.SkipUntilString( "{" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
return true;
void idDeclLocal::FreeData()
void idDeclLocal::List() const
common->Printf( "%s\n", GetName() );
void idDeclLocal::Print() const
void idDeclLocal::Reload()
this->sourceFile->Reload( false );
void idDeclLocal::AllocateSelf()
if( self == NULL )
self = declManagerLocal.GetDeclType( ( int )type )->allocator();
self->base = this;
void idDeclLocal::ParseLocal()
bool generatedDefaultText = false;
// always free data before parsing
declManagerLocal.MediaPrint( "parsing %s %s\n", declManagerLocal.declTypes[type]->typeName.c_str(), name.c_str() );
// if no text source try to generate default text
if( textSource == NULL )
generatedDefaultText = self->SetDefaultText();
// indent for DEFAULTED or media file references
// no text immediately causes a MakeDefault()
if( textSource == NULL )
declState = DS_PARSED;
// parse
char* declText = ( char* ) _alloca( ( GetTextLength() + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
GetText( declText );
self->Parse( declText, GetTextLength(), true );
// free generated text
if( generatedDefaultText )
Mem_Free( textSource );
textSource = NULL;
textLength = 0;
void idDeclLocal::Purge()
// never purge things that were referenced outside level load,
// like the console and menu graphics
if( parsedOutsideLevelLoad )
referencedThisLevel = false;
// the next Find() for this will re-parse the real data
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
bool idDeclLocal::EverReferenced() const
return everReferenced;