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// Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
* \file CullingThreadpool.h
* \brief Worker threadpool example for threaded masked occlusion culling.
* This class implements a threadpool for occluder rendering. Calls to CullingThreadpool::RenderTriangle()
* will immediately return, after adding work items to a queue, and occluder rendering is performed
* by worker threads as quickly as possible. Occlusion queries are performed directly on the calling
* threadand can be performed either synchronosly, by calling Flush() before executing the query, or
* asynchronosly, by performing the query without waiting for the worker threads to finish.
* Note that this implementation should be considered an example rather than the best threading
* solution. You may want to integrate threading in your own task system, and it may also be beneficial
* to thread the traversal code. Refer to MaskedOcclusionCulling::BinTriangles() and
* MaskedOcclusionCulling::RenderTrilist() for functions that can be used to make your own
* threaded culling system.
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include "MaskedOcclusionCulling.h"
class CullingThreadpool
static const int TRIS_PER_JOB = 1024; // Maximum number of triangles per job (bigger drawcalls are split), affects memory requirements
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::CullingResult CullingResult;
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::ClipPlanes ClipPlanes;
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::BackfaceWinding BackfaceWinding;
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::ScissorRect ScissorRect;
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::VertexLayout VertexLayout;
typedef MaskedOcclusionCulling::TriList TriList;
// Small utility class for 4x4 matrices
struct Matrix4x4
float mValues[16];
Matrix4x4() {}
Matrix4x4( const float* matrix )
for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
mValues[i] = matrix[i];
// Internal utility class for a (mostly) lockless queue for binning & rendering jobs
struct RenderJobQueue
struct BinningJob
const float* mVerts;
const unsigned int* mTris;
unsigned int nTris;
const float* mMatrix;
ClipPlanes mClipPlanes;
BackfaceWinding mBfWinding;
const VertexLayout* mVtxLayout;
struct Job
volatile unsigned int mBinningJobStartedIdx;
volatile unsigned int mBinningJobCompletedIdx;
BinningJob mBinningJob;
TriList* mRenderJobs;
unsigned int mNumBins;
unsigned int mMaxJobs;
volatile unsigned int mWritePtr;
std::atomic_uint mBinningPtr;
std::atomic_uint* mRenderPtrs;
std::atomic_uint* mBinMutexes;
float* mTrilistData;
Job* mJobs;
RenderJobQueue( unsigned int nBins, unsigned int maxJobs );
unsigned int GetMinRenderPtr() const;
unsigned int GetBestGlobalQueue() const;
bool IsPipelineEmpty() const;
bool CanWrite() const;
bool CanBin() const;
Job* GetWriteJob();
void AdvanceWriteJob();
Job* GetBinningJob();
void FinishedBinningJob( Job* job );
Job* GetRenderJob( int binIdx );
void AdvanceRenderJob( int binIdx );
void Reset();
// Internal utility class for state (matrix / vertex layout)
template<class T> struct StateData
unsigned int mMaxJobs;
unsigned int mCurrentIdx;
T* mData;
StateData( unsigned int maxJobs );
void AddData( const T& data );
const T* GetData() const;
// Number of worker threads and bins
unsigned int mNumThreads;
unsigned int mNumBins;
unsigned int mMaxJobs;
unsigned int mBinsW;
unsigned int mBinsH;
// Threads and control variables
std::mutex mSuspendedMutex;
std::condition_variable mSuspendedCV;
volatile bool mKillThreads;
volatile bool mSuspendThreads;
volatile unsigned int mNumSuspendedThreads;
std::thread* mThreads;
// State variables and command queue
const float* mCurrentMatrix;
StateData<Matrix4x4> mModelToClipMatrices;
StateData<VertexLayout> mVertexLayouts;
RenderJobQueue* mRenderQueue;
// Occlusion culling object and related scissor rectangles
ScissorRect* mRects;
MaskedOcclusionCulling* mMOC;
void SetupScissors();
static void ThreadRun( CullingThreadpool* threadPool, unsigned int threadId );
void ThreadMain( unsigned int threadIdx );
* \brief Creates a new threadpool for masked occlusion culling. This object has a
* similar API to the MaskedOcclusionCulling class, but performs occluder
* rendering asynchronously on worker threads (similar to how DX/GL works).
* \param numThreads Number of worker threads to perform occluder rendering. Best
* balance may be scene/machine dependent, but it's good practice to leave at
* least one full core (2 threads with hyperthreading) for the main thread.
* \param binsW The screen is divided into binsW x binsH rectangular bins for load
* balancing. The number of bins should be atleast equal to the number of
* worker threads.
* \param binsH See description for the binsW parameter.
* \param maxJobs Maximum number of jobs that may be in flight at any given time. If
* the caller thread generates jobs faster than the worker threads can finish
* them, then the job queue will fill up and the caller thread will stall once
* "maxJobs" items have been queued up. For culling systems interleaving occlusion
* queries and rendering, this value should be kept quite low to minimize false
* positives (see TestRect()). We've observed that 32 [default] items typically
* works well for our interleaved queries, while also allowing good load-balancing,
* and this is the recommended setting.
CullingThreadpool( unsigned int numThreads, unsigned int binsW, unsigned int binsH, unsigned int maxJobs = 32 );
* \brief Destroys the threadpool and terminates all worker threads.
* \brief Wakes up culling worker threads from suspended sleep, and puts them in a
* ready state (using an idle spinlock with significantly higher CPU overhead).
* It may take on the order of 100us to wake up the threads, so this function should
* preferably be called slightly ahead of starting occlusion culling work.
void WakeThreads();
* \brief Suspend all culling worker threads to a low CPU overhead sleep state.
* For performance and latency reasons, the culling work is performed in an active
* processing loop (with no thread sleeping) with high CPU overhead. In a system
* with more worker threads it's important to put the culling worker threads in a
* low overhead sleep state after occlusion culling work has completed.
void SuspendThreads();
* \brief Waits for all outstanding occluder rendering work to complete. Can be used
* to ensure that rendering has completed before performing a TestRect() or
* TestTriangles() call.
void Flush();
* \brief Sets the MaskedOcclusionCulling object (buffer) to be used for rendering and
* testing calls. This method causes a Flush() to ensure that all unfinished
* rendering is completed.
void SetBuffer( MaskedOcclusionCulling* moc );
* \brief Changes the resolution of the occlusion buffer, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::SetResolution().
* This method causes a Flush() to ensure that all unfinished rendering is completed.
void SetResolution( unsigned int width, unsigned int height );
* \brief Sets the near clipping plane, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::SetNearClipPlane(). This
* method causes a Flush() to ensure that all unfinished rendering is completed.
void SetNearClipPlane( float nearDist );
* \brief Sets the model to clipspace transform matrix used for the RenderTriangles() and TestTriangles()
* function calls. The contents of the matrix is copied, and it's safe to modify it without calling
* Flush(). The copy may be costly, which is the reason for passing this parameter as "state".
* \param modelToClipMatrix All vertices will be transformed by the specified model to clipspace matrix.
* Passing nullptr [default] disables the transform (equivalent to using an identity matrix).
void SetMatrix( const float* modelToClipMatrix = nullptr );
* \brief Sets the vertex layout used for the RenderTriangles() and TestTriangles() function calls.
* The vertex layout is copied, and it's safe to modify it without calling Flush(). The copy
* may be costly, which is the reason for passing this parameter as "state".
* \param vtxLayout A struct specifying the vertex layout (see struct for detailed
* description). For best performance, it is advicable to store position data
* as compactly in memory as possible.
void SetVertexLayout( const VertexLayout& vtxLayout = VertexLayout( 16, 4, 12 ) );
* \brief Clears the occlusion buffer, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::ClearBuffer(). This method
* causes a Flush() to ensure that all unfinished rendering is completed.
void ClearBuffer();
* \brief Asynchronously render occluder triangles, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::RenderTriangles().
* This method puts the drawcall into a command queue, and immediately returns. The rendering is
* performed by the worker threads at the earliest opportunity.
* <B>Important:</B> As rendering is performed asynchronously, the application is not allowed to
* change the contents of the *inVtx or *inTris buffers until after rendering is completed. If
* you wish to use dynamic buffers, the application must perform a Flush() to ensure that rendering
* is finished, or make sure to rotate between more buffers than the maximum number of outstanding
* render jobs (see the CullingThreadpool() constructor).
void RenderTriangles( const float* inVtx, const unsigned int* inTris, int nTris, BackfaceWinding bfWinding = MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CW, ClipPlanes clipPlaneMask = MaskedOcclusionCulling::CLIP_PLANE_ALL );
* \brief Occlusion query for a rectangle with a given depth, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::TestRect().
* <B>Important:</B> This method is performed on the main thread and does not wait for outstanding
* occluder rendering to be finished. To ensure that all occluder rendering is completed you must
* perform a Flush() prior to calling this function.
* It is conservatively correct to perform occlusion queries without calling Flush() (it may only
* lead to objects being incorrectly classified as visible), and it can lead to much better performance
* if occlusion queries are used for traversing a BVH or similar data structure. It's possible to
* use "asynchronous" queries during traversal, and removing false positives later, when rendering
* has completed.
CullingResult TestRect( float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax, float wmin );
* \brief Occlusion query for a mesh, see MaskedOcclusionCulling::TestTriangles().
* <B>Important:</B> See the TestRect() method for a brief discussion about asynchronous occlusion
* queries.
CullingResult TestTriangles( const float* inVtx, const unsigned int* inTris, int nTris, BackfaceWinding bfWinding = MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CW, ClipPlanes clipPlaneMask = MaskedOcclusionCulling::CLIP_PLANE_ALL );
* \brief Creates a per-pixel depth buffer from the hierarchical z buffer representation, see
* MaskedOcclusionCulling::ComputePixelDepthBuffer(). This method causes a Flush() to
* ensure that all unfinished rendering is completed.
void ComputePixelDepthBuffer( float* depthData, bool flipY );