2022-02-21 16:29:53 +01:00

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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __HEAP_H__
#define __HEAP_H__
Memory Management
// memory tag names are used to sort allocations for sys_dumpMemory and other reporting functions
enum memTag_t
#define MEM_TAG( x ) TAG_##x,
#include "sys/sys_alloc_tags.h"
static const int MAX_TAGS = 256;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to size_t
void* Mem_Alloc16( const size_t size, const memTag_t tag );
void Mem_Free16( void* ptr );
ID_INLINE void* Mem_Alloc( const size_t size, const memTag_t tag )
return Mem_Alloc16( size, tag );
ID_INLINE void Mem_Free( void* ptr )
Mem_Free16( ptr );
void* Mem_ClearedAlloc( const size_t size, const memTag_t tag );
char* Mem_CopyString( const char* in );
// RB end
ID_INLINE void* operator new( size_t s )
return Mem_Alloc( s, TAG_NEW );
// SRS - Added noexcept to silence build-time warning
ID_INLINE void operator delete( void* p ) noexcept
Mem_Free( p );
ID_INLINE void* operator new[]( size_t s )
return Mem_Alloc( s, TAG_NEW );
// SRS - Added noexcept to silence build-time warning
ID_INLINE void operator delete[]( void* p ) noexcept
Mem_Free( p );
ID_INLINE void* operator new( size_t s, memTag_t tag )
return Mem_Alloc( s, tag );
ID_INLINE void operator delete( void* p, memTag_t tag )
Mem_Free( p );
ID_INLINE void* operator new[]( size_t s, memTag_t tag )
return Mem_Alloc( s, tag );
ID_INLINE void operator delete[]( void* p, memTag_t tag )
Mem_Free( p );
// Define replacements for the PS3 library's aligned new operator.
// Without these, allocations of objects with 32 byte or greater alignment
// may not go through our memory system.
idTempArray is an array that is automatically free'd when it goes out of scope.
There is no "cast" operator because these are very unsafe.
The template parameter MUST BE POD!
Compile time asserting POD-ness of the template parameter is complicated due
to our vector classes that need a default constructor but are otherwise
considered POD.
template < class T >
class idTempArray
idTempArray( idTempArray<T>& other );
idTempArray( unsigned int num );
T& operator []( unsigned int i )
assert( i < num );
return buffer[i];
const T& operator []( unsigned int i ) const
assert( i < num );
return buffer[i];
T* Ptr()
return buffer;
const T* Ptr() const
return buffer;
size_t Size() const
return num * sizeof( T );
unsigned int Num() const
return num;
void Zero()
memset( Ptr(), 0, Size() );
T* buffer; // Ensure this buffer comes first, so this == &this->buffer
unsigned int num;
template < class T >
ID_INLINE idTempArray<T>::idTempArray( idTempArray<T>& other )
this->num = other.num;
this->buffer = other.buffer;
other.num = 0;
other.buffer = NULL;
template < class T >
ID_INLINE idTempArray<T>::idTempArray( unsigned int num )
this->num = num;
buffer = ( T* )Mem_Alloc( num * sizeof( T ), TAG_TEMP );
template < class T >
ID_INLINE idTempArray<T>::~idTempArray()
Mem_Free( buffer );
Block based allocator for fixed size objects.
All objects of the 'type' are properly constructed and destructed when reused.
// Define this to force all block allocators to act like normal new/delete allocation
// for tool checking.
idBlockAlloc is a block-based allocator for fixed-size objects.
All objects are properly constructed and destructed.
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag = TAG_BLOCKALLOC>
class idBlockAlloc
ID_INLINE idBlockAlloc( bool clear = false );
ID_INLINE ~idBlockAlloc();
// returns total size of allocated memory
size_t Allocated() const
return total * sizeof( _type_ );
// returns total size of allocated memory including size of (*this)
size_t Size() const
return sizeof( *this ) + Allocated();
ID_INLINE void Shutdown();
ID_INLINE void SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks );
ID_INLINE void FreeEmptyBlocks();
ID_INLINE _type_* Alloc();
ID_INLINE void Free( _type_ *element );
int GetTotalCount() const
return total;
int GetAllocCount() const
return active;
int GetFreeCount() const
return total - active;
union element_t
_type_* data; // this is a hack to make sure the save game system marks _type_ as saveable
element_t* next;
byte buffer[( CONST_MAX( sizeof( _type_ ), sizeof( element_t* ) ) + ( BLOCK_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1 ) ) & ~( BLOCK_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1 )];
class idBlock
element_t elements[_blockSize_];
idBlock* next;
element_t* free; // list with free elements in this block (temp used only by FreeEmptyBlocks)
int freeCount; // number of free elements in this block (temp used only by FreeEmptyBlocks)
idBlock* blocks;
element_t* free;
int total;
int active;
bool allowAllocs;
bool clearAllocs;
ID_INLINE void AllocNewBlock();
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::idBlockAlloc( bool clear ) :
blocks( NULL ),
free( NULL ),
total( 0 ),
active( 0 ),
allowAllocs( true ),
clearAllocs( clear )
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::~idBlockAlloc()
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE _type_* idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::Alloc()
// for debugging tools
return new _type_;
if( free == NULL )
if( !allowAllocs )
return NULL;
element_t* element = free;
free = free->next;
element->next = NULL;
_type_ * t = ( _type_* ) element->buffer;
if( clearAllocs )
memset( ( void* )t, 0, sizeof( _type_ ) ); // SRS - Added (void*) cast to silence build-time warning
new( t ) _type_;
return t;
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE void idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::Free( _type_ * t )
// for debugging tools
delete t;
if( t == NULL )
element_t* element = ( element_t* )( t );
element->next = free;
free = element;
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE void idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::Shutdown()
while( blocks != NULL )
idBlock* block = blocks;
blocks = blocks->next;
Mem_Free( block );
blocks = NULL;
free = NULL;
total = active = 0;
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE void idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks )
int currentNumBlocks = 0;
for( idBlock* block = blocks; block != NULL; block = block->next )
for( int i = currentNumBlocks; i < numBlocks; i++ )
allowAllocs = false;
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE void idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::AllocNewBlock()
idBlock* block = ( idBlock* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( idBlock ), memTag );
block->next = blocks;
blocks = block;
for( int i = 0; i < _blockSize_; i++ )
block->elements[i].next = free;
free = &block->elements[i];
// RB: changed UINT_PTR to uintptr_t
assert( ( ( ( uintptr_t )free ) & ( BLOCK_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1 ) ) == 0 );
// RB end
total += _blockSize_;
template<class _type_, int _blockSize_, memTag_t memTag>
ID_INLINE void idBlockAlloc<_type_, _blockSize_, memTag>::FreeEmptyBlocks()
// first count how many free elements are in each block
// and build up a free chain per block
for( idBlock* block = blocks; block != NULL; block = block->next )
block->free = NULL;
block->freeCount = 0;
for( element_t* element = free; element != NULL; )
element_t* next = element->next;
for( idBlock* block = blocks; block != NULL; block = block->next )
if( element >= block->elements && element < block->elements + _blockSize_ )
element->next = block->free;
block->free = element;
// if this assert fires, we couldn't find the element in any block
assert( element->next != next );
element = next;
// now free all blocks whose free count == _blockSize_
idBlock* prevBlock = NULL;
for( idBlock* block = blocks; block != NULL; )
idBlock* next = block->next;
if( block->freeCount == _blockSize_ )
if( prevBlock == NULL )
assert( blocks == block );
blocks = block->next;
assert( prevBlock->next == block );
prevBlock->next = block->next;
Mem_Free( block );
total -= _blockSize_;
prevBlock = block;
block = next;
// now rebuild the free chain
free = NULL;
for( idBlock* block = blocks; block != NULL; block = block->next )
for( element_t* element = block->free; element != NULL; )
element_t* next = element->next;
element->next = free;
free = element;
element = next;
Dynamic allocator, simple wrapper for normal allocations which can
be interchanged with idDynamicBlockAlloc.
No constructor is called for the 'type'.
Allocated blocks are always 16 byte aligned.
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
class idDynamicAlloc
void Init();
void Shutdown();
void SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks ) {}
void SetLockMemory( bool lock ) {}
void FreeEmptyBaseBlocks() {}
type* Alloc( const int num );
type* Resize( type* ptr, const int num );
void Free( type* ptr );
const char* CheckMemory( const type* ptr ) const;
int GetNumBaseBlocks() const
return 0;
int GetBaseBlockMemory() const
return 0;
int GetNumUsedBlocks() const
return numUsedBlocks;
int GetUsedBlockMemory() const
return usedBlockMemory;
int GetNumFreeBlocks() const
return 0;
int GetFreeBlockMemory() const
return 0;
int GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks() const
return 0;
int numUsedBlocks; // number of used blocks
int usedBlockMemory; // total memory in used blocks
int numAllocs;
int numResizes;
int numFrees;
void Clear();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::idDynamicAlloc()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::~idDynamicAlloc()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Init()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Shutdown()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type* idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Alloc( const int num )
if( num <= 0 )
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += num * sizeof( type );
return Mem_Alloc16( num * sizeof( type ), TAG_BLOCKALLOC );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type* idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Resize( type* ptr, const int num )
if( ptr == NULL )
return Alloc( num );
if( num <= 0 )
Free( ptr );
return NULL;
assert( 0 );
return ptr;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Free( type* ptr )
if( ptr == NULL )
Mem_Free16( ptr );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
const char* idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::CheckMemory( const type* ptr ) const
return NULL;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Clear()
numUsedBlocks = 0;
usedBlockMemory = 0;
numAllocs = 0;
numResizes = 0;
numFrees = 0;
Fast dynamic block allocator.
No constructor is called for the 'type'.
Allocated blocks are always 16 byte aligned.
#include "containers/BTree.h"
template<class type>
class idDynamicBlock
type* GetMemory() const
return ( type* )( ( ( byte* ) this ) + sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
int GetSize() const
return abs( size );
void SetSize( int s, bool isBaseBlock )
size = isBaseBlock ? -s : s;
bool IsBaseBlock() const
return ( size < 0 );
int id[3];
void* allocator;
int size; // size in bytes of the block
idDynamicBlock<type>* prev; // previous memory block
idDynamicBlock<type>* next; // next memory block
idBTreeNode<idDynamicBlock<type>, int>* node; // node in the B-Tree with free blocks
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_ = TAG_BLOCKALLOC>
class idDynamicBlockAlloc
void Init();
void Shutdown();
void SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks );
void SetLockMemory( bool lock );
void FreeEmptyBaseBlocks();
type* Alloc( const int num );
type* Resize( type* ptr, const int num );
void Free( type* ptr );
const char* CheckMemory( const type* ptr ) const;
int GetNumBaseBlocks() const
return numBaseBlocks;
int GetBaseBlockMemory() const
return baseBlockMemory;
int GetNumUsedBlocks() const
return numUsedBlocks;
int GetUsedBlockMemory() const
return usedBlockMemory;
int GetNumFreeBlocks() const
return numFreeBlocks;
int GetFreeBlockMemory() const
return freeBlockMemory;
int GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks() const;
idDynamicBlock<type>* firstBlock; // first block in list in order of increasing address
idDynamicBlock<type>* lastBlock; // last block in list in order of increasing address
idBTree<idDynamicBlock<type>, int, 4>freeTree; // B-Tree with free memory blocks
bool allowAllocs; // allow base block allocations
bool lockMemory; // lock memory so it cannot get swapped out
int blockId[3];
int numBaseBlocks; // number of base blocks
int baseBlockMemory; // total memory in base blocks
int numUsedBlocks; // number of used blocks
int usedBlockMemory; // total memory in used blocks
int numFreeBlocks; // number of free blocks
int freeBlockMemory; // total memory in free blocks
int numAllocs;
int numResizes;
int numFrees;
memTag_t tag;
void Clear();
idDynamicBlock<type>* AllocInternal( const int num );
idDynamicBlock<type>* ResizeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block, const int num );
void FreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block );
void LinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block );
void UnlinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block );
void CheckMemory() const;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::idDynamicBlockAlloc()
tag = _tag_;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::~idDynamicBlockAlloc()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Init()
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Shutdown()
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
for( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next )
if( block->node == NULL )
FreeInternal( block );
for( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = firstBlock )
firstBlock = block->next;
assert( block->IsBaseBlock() );
if( lockMemory )
//idLib::sys->UnlockMemory( block, block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
Mem_Free16( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks )
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
for( int i = numBaseBlocks; i < numBlocks; i++ )
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* ) Mem_Alloc16( baseBlockSize, _tag_ );
if( lockMemory )
//idLib::sys->LockMemory( block, baseBlockSize );
memcpy( block->id, blockId, sizeof( block->id ) );
block->allocator = ( void* )this;
block->SetSize( baseBlockSize - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), true );
block->next = NULL;
block->prev = lastBlock;
if( lastBlock )
lastBlock->next = block;
firstBlock = block;
lastBlock = block;
block->node = NULL;
FreeInternal( block );
baseBlockMemory += baseBlockSize;
allowAllocs = false;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::SetLockMemory( bool lock )
lockMemory = lock;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::FreeEmptyBaseBlocks()
idDynamicBlock<type>* block, *next;
for( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = next )
next = block->next;
if( block->IsBaseBlock() && block->node != NULL && ( next == NULL || next->IsBaseBlock() ) )
UnlinkFreeInternal( block );
if( block->prev )
block->prev->next = block->next;
firstBlock = block->next;
if( block->next )
block->next->prev = block->prev;
lastBlock = block->prev;
if( lockMemory )
//idLib::sys->UnlockMemory( block, block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
baseBlockMemory -= block->GetSize() + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> );
Mem_Free16( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
int idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks() const
int numEmptyBaseBlocks;
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
numEmptyBaseBlocks = 0;
for( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next )
if( block->IsBaseBlock() && block->node != NULL && ( block->next == NULL || block->next->IsBaseBlock() ) )
return numEmptyBaseBlocks;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
type* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Alloc( const int num )
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
if( num <= 0 )
return NULL;
block = AllocInternal( num );
if( block == NULL )
return NULL;
block = ResizeInternal( block, num );
if( block == NULL )
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
return block->GetMemory();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
type* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Resize( type* ptr, const int num )
if( ptr == NULL )
return Alloc( num );
if( num <= 0 )
Free( ptr );
return NULL;
idDynamicBlock<type>* block = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* )( ( ( byte* ) ptr ) - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
usedBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
block = ResizeInternal( block, num );
if( block == NULL )
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
return block->GetMemory();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Free( type* ptr )
if( ptr == NULL )
idDynamicBlock<type>* block = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* )( ( ( byte* ) ptr ) - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
usedBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
FreeInternal( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
const char* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::CheckMemory( const type* ptr ) const
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
if( ptr == NULL )
return NULL;
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* )( ( ( byte* ) ptr ) - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
if( block->node != NULL )
return "memory has been freed";
if( block->id[0] != 0x11111111 || block->id[1] != 0x22222222 || block->id[2] != 0x33333333 )
return "memory has invalid id";
if( block->allocator != ( void* )this )
return "memory was allocated with different allocator";
/* base blocks can be larger than baseBlockSize which can cause this code to fail
idDynamicBlock<type> *base;
for ( base = firstBlock; base != NULL; base = base->next ) {
if ( base->IsBaseBlock() ) {
if ( ((int)block) >= ((int)base) && ((int)block) < ((int)base) + baseBlockSize ) {
if ( base == NULL ) {
return "no base block found for memory";
return NULL;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::Clear()
firstBlock = lastBlock = NULL;
allowAllocs = true;
lockMemory = false;
numBaseBlocks = 0;
baseBlockMemory = 0;
numUsedBlocks = 0;
usedBlockMemory = 0;
numFreeBlocks = 0;
freeBlockMemory = 0;
numAllocs = 0;
numResizes = 0;
numFrees = 0;
blockId[0] = 0x11111111;
blockId[1] = 0x22222222;
blockId[2] = 0x33333333;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::AllocInternal( const int num )
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
int alignedBytes = ( num * sizeof( type ) + 15 ) & ~15;
block = freeTree.FindSmallestLargerEqual( alignedBytes );
if( block != NULL )
UnlinkFreeInternal( block );
else if( allowAllocs )
int allocSize = Max( baseBlockSize, alignedBytes + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* ) Mem_Alloc16( allocSize, _tag_ );
if( lockMemory )
//idLib::sys->LockMemory( block, baseBlockSize );
memcpy( block->id, blockId, sizeof( block->id ) );
block->allocator = ( void* )this;
block->SetSize( allocSize - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), true );
block->next = NULL;
block->prev = lastBlock;
if( lastBlock )
lastBlock->next = block;
firstBlock = block;
lastBlock = block;
block->node = NULL;
baseBlockMemory += allocSize;
return block;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
idDynamicBlock<type>* idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::ResizeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block, const int num )
int alignedBytes = ( num * sizeof( type ) + 15 ) & ~15;
assert( block->id[0] == 0x11111111 && block->id[1] == 0x22222222 && block->id[2] == 0x33333333 && block->allocator == ( void* )this );
// if the new size is larger
if( alignedBytes > block->GetSize() )
idDynamicBlock<type>* nextBlock = block->next;
// try to annexate the next block if it's free
if( nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsBaseBlock() && nextBlock->node != NULL &&
block->GetSize() + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize() >= alignedBytes )
UnlinkFreeInternal( nextBlock );
block->SetSize( block->GetSize() + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize(), block->IsBaseBlock() );
block->next = nextBlock->next;
if( nextBlock->next )
nextBlock->next->prev = block;
lastBlock = block;
// allocate a new block and copy
idDynamicBlock<type>* oldBlock = block;
block = AllocInternal( num );
if( block == NULL )
return NULL;
memcpy( block->GetMemory(), oldBlock->GetMemory(), oldBlock->GetSize() );
FreeInternal( oldBlock );
// if the unused space at the end of this block is large enough to hold a block with at least one element
if( block->GetSize() - alignedBytes - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) < Max( minBlockSize, ( int )sizeof( type ) ) )
return block;
idDynamicBlock<type>* newBlock;
newBlock = ( idDynamicBlock<type>* )( ( ( byte* ) block ) + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + alignedBytes );
memcpy( newBlock->id, blockId, sizeof( newBlock->id ) );
newBlock->allocator = ( void* )this;
newBlock->SetSize( block->GetSize() - alignedBytes - ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), false );
newBlock->next = block->next;
newBlock->prev = block;
if( newBlock->next )
newBlock->next->prev = newBlock;
lastBlock = newBlock;
newBlock->node = NULL;
block->next = newBlock;
block->SetSize( alignedBytes, block->IsBaseBlock() );
FreeInternal( newBlock );
return block;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::FreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block )
assert( block->node == NULL );
assert( block->id[0] == 0x11111111 && block->id[1] == 0x22222222 && block->id[2] == 0x33333333 && block->allocator == ( void* )this );
// try to merge with a next free block
idDynamicBlock<type>* nextBlock = block->next;
if( nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsBaseBlock() && nextBlock->node != NULL )
UnlinkFreeInternal( nextBlock );
block->SetSize( block->GetSize() + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize(), block->IsBaseBlock() );
block->next = nextBlock->next;
if( nextBlock->next )
nextBlock->next->prev = block;
lastBlock = block;
// try to merge with a previous free block
idDynamicBlock<type>* prevBlock = block->prev;
if( prevBlock && !block->IsBaseBlock() && prevBlock->node != NULL )
UnlinkFreeInternal( prevBlock );
prevBlock->SetSize( prevBlock->GetSize() + ( int )sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + block->GetSize(), prevBlock->IsBaseBlock() );
prevBlock->next = block->next;
if( block->next )
block->next->prev = prevBlock;
lastBlock = prevBlock;
LinkFreeInternal( prevBlock );
LinkFreeInternal( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
ID_INLINE void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::LinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block )
block->node = freeTree.Add( block, block->GetSize() );
freeBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
ID_INLINE void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::UnlinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type>* block )
freeTree.Remove( block->node );
block->node = NULL;
freeBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize, memTag_t _tag_>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize, _tag_>::CheckMemory() const
idDynamicBlock<type>* block;
for( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next )
// make sure the block is properly linked
if( block->prev == NULL )
assert( firstBlock == block );
assert( block->prev->next == block );
if( block->next == NULL )
assert( lastBlock == block );
assert( block->next->prev == block );
#endif /* !__HEAP_H__ */