mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 20:21:24 +00:00
Rename ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF to - ID_STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF - ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF since for instance functions, this has to be taken into account, too. Add format analysis to idLib, DeclManager and idTokenParser functions. Add support for clang.
1428 lines
33 KiB
1428 lines
33 KiB
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __STR_H__
#define __STR_H__
Character string
#define ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( string, index ) ( 1 / (int)!( string - index ) ) ? #string : ""
enum utf8Encoding_t
UTF8_PURE_ASCII, // no characters with values > 127
UTF8_ENCODED_BOM, // characters > 128 encoded with UTF8, but no byte-order-marker at the beginning
UTF8_ENCODED_NO_BOM, // characters > 128 encoded with UTF8, with a byte-order-marker at the beginning
UTF8_INVALID, // has values > 127 but isn't valid UTF8
UTF8_INVALID_BOM // has a byte-order-marker at the beginning, but isn't valuid UTF8 -- it's messed up
// these library functions should not be used for cross platform compatibility
#define strcmp idStr::Cmp // use_idStr_Cmp
#define strncmp use_idStr_Cmpn
#if defined( StrCmpN )
#undef StrCmpN
#define StrCmpN use_idStr_Cmpn
#if defined( strcmpi )
#undef strcmpi
#define strcmpi use_idStr_Icmp
#if defined( StrCmpI )
#undef StrCmpI
#define StrCmpI use_idStr_Icmp
#if defined( StrCmpNI )
#undef StrCmpNI
#define StrCmpNI use_idStr_Icmpn
#define stricmp idStr::Icmp // use_idStr_Icmp
#undef strcasecmp // DG: redefining this without undefining it causes tons of compiler warnings
#define _stricmp use_idStr_Icmp
#define strcasecmp use_idStr_Icmp
#define strnicmp use_idStr_Icmpn
#define _strnicmp use_idStr_Icmpn
#define _memicmp use_idStr_Icmpn
#define snprintf use_idStr_snPrintf
#define _snprintf use_idStr_snPrintf
#define vsnprintf use_idStr_vsnPrintf
#define _vsnprintf use_idStr_vsnPrintf
class idVec4;
#define FILE_HASH_SIZE 1024
// color escape character
const int C_COLOR_ESCAPE = '^';
const int C_COLOR_DEFAULT = '0';
const int C_COLOR_RED = '1';
const int C_COLOR_GREEN = '2';
const int C_COLOR_YELLOW = '3';
const int C_COLOR_BLUE = '4';
const int C_COLOR_CYAN = '5';
const int C_COLOR_ORANGE = '6';
const int C_COLOR_WHITE = '7';
const int C_COLOR_GRAY = '8';
const int C_COLOR_BLACK = '9';
// color escape string
#define S_COLOR_DEFAULT "^0"
#define S_COLOR_RED "^1"
#define S_COLOR_GREEN "^2"
#define S_COLOR_YELLOW "^3"
#define S_COLOR_BLUE "^4"
#define S_COLOR_CYAN "^5"
#define S_COLOR_ORANGE "^6"
#define S_COLOR_WHITE "^7"
#define S_COLOR_GRAY "^8"
#define S_COLOR_BLACK "^9"
// make idStr a multiple of 16 bytes long
// don't make too large to keep memory requirements to a minimum
const int STR_ALLOC_BASE = 20;
const int STR_ALLOC_GRAN = 32;
typedef enum
} Measure_t;
class idStr
idStr( const idStr& text );
idStr( const idStr& text, int start, int end );
idStr( const char* text );
idStr( const char* text, int start, int end );
explicit idStr( const bool b );
explicit idStr( const char c );
explicit idStr( const int i );
explicit idStr( const unsigned u );
explicit idStr( const float f );
size_t Size() const;
const char* c_str() const;
operator const char* () const;
operator const char* ();
char operator[]( int index ) const;
char& operator[]( int index );
void operator=( const idStr& text );
void operator=( const char* text );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const idStr& b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const char* b );
friend idStr operator+( const char* a, const idStr& b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const float b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const int b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const unsigned b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const bool b );
friend idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const char b );
idStr& operator+=( const idStr& a );
idStr& operator+=( const char* a );
idStr& operator+=( const float a );
idStr& operator+=( const char a );
idStr& operator+=( const int a );
idStr& operator+=( const unsigned a );
idStr& operator+=( const bool a );
// case sensitive compare
friend bool operator==( const idStr& a, const idStr& b );
friend bool operator==( const idStr& a, const char* b );
friend bool operator==( const char* a, const idStr& b );
// case sensitive compare
friend bool operator!=( const idStr& a, const idStr& b );
friend bool operator!=( const idStr& a, const char* b );
friend bool operator!=( const char* a, const idStr& b );
// case sensitive compare
int Cmp( const char* text ) const;
int Cmpn( const char* text, int n ) const;
int CmpPrefix( const char* text ) const;
// case insensitive compare
int Icmp( const char* text ) const;
int Icmpn( const char* text, int n ) const;
int IcmpPrefix( const char* text ) const;
// case insensitive compare ignoring color
int IcmpNoColor( const char* text ) const;
// compares paths and makes sure folders come first
int IcmpPath( const char* text ) const;
int IcmpnPath( const char* text, int n ) const;
int IcmpPrefixPath( const char* text ) const;
int Length() const;
int Allocated() const;
void Empty();
bool IsEmpty() const;
void Clear();
void Append( const char a );
void Append( const idStr& text );
void Append( const char* text );
void Append( const char* text, int len );
void Insert( const char a, int index );
void Insert( const char* text, int index );
void ToLower();
void ToUpper();
bool IsNumeric() const;
bool IsColor() const;
bool HasLower() const;
bool HasUpper() const;
int LengthWithoutColors() const;
idStr& RemoveColors();
void CapLength( int );
void Fill( const char ch, int newlen );
ID_INLINE int UTF8Length();
ID_INLINE uint32 UTF8Char( int& idx );
static int UTF8Length( const byte* s );
static ID_INLINE uint32 UTF8Char( const char* s, int& idx );
static uint32 UTF8Char( const byte* s, int& idx );
void AppendUTF8Char( uint32 c );
ID_INLINE void ConvertToUTF8();
static bool IsValidUTF8( const uint8* s, const int maxLen, utf8Encoding_t& encoding );
static ID_INLINE bool IsValidUTF8( const char* s, const int maxLen, utf8Encoding_t& encoding )
return IsValidUTF8( ( const uint8* )s, maxLen, encoding );
static ID_INLINE bool IsValidUTF8( const uint8* s, const int maxLen );
static ID_INLINE bool IsValidUTF8( const char* s, const int maxLen )
return IsValidUTF8( ( const uint8* )s, maxLen );
int Find( const char c, int start = 0, int end = -1 ) const;
int Find( const char* text, bool casesensitive = true, int start = 0, int end = -1 ) const;
bool Filter( const char* filter, bool casesensitive ) const;
int Last( const char c ) const; // return the index to the last occurance of 'c', returns -1 if not found
const char* Left( int len, idStr& result ) const; // store the leftmost 'len' characters in the result
const char* Right( int len, idStr& result ) const; // store the rightmost 'len' characters in the result
const char* Mid( int start, int len, idStr& result ) const; // store 'len' characters starting at 'start' in result
idStr Left( int len ) const; // return the leftmost 'len' characters
idStr Right( int len ) const; // return the rightmost 'len' characters
idStr Mid( int start, int len ) const; // return 'len' characters starting at 'start'
void Format( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ); // perform a threadsafe sprintf to the string
static idStr FormatInt( const int num, bool isCash = false ); // formats an integer as a value with commas
static idStr FormatCash( const int num )
return FormatInt( num, true );
void StripLeading( const char c ); // strip char from front as many times as the char occurs
void StripLeading( const char* string ); // strip string from front as many times as the string occurs
bool StripLeadingOnce( const char* string ); // strip string from front just once if it occurs
void StripTrailing( const char c ); // strip char from end as many times as the char occurs
void StripTrailing( const char* string ); // strip string from end as many times as the string occurs
bool StripTrailingOnce( const char* string ); // strip string from end just once if it occurs
void Strip( const char c ); // strip char from front and end as many times as the char occurs
void Strip( const char* string ); // strip string from front and end as many times as the string occurs
void StripTrailingWhitespace(); // strip trailing white space characters
idStr& StripQuotes(); // strip quotes around string
bool Replace( const char* old, const char* nw );
bool ReplaceChar( const char old, const char nw );
ID_INLINE void CopyRange( const char* text, int start, int end );
// file name methods
int FileNameHash() const; // hash key for the filename (skips extension)
idStr& BackSlashesToSlashes(); // convert slashes
idStr& SlashesToBackSlashes(); // convert slashes
idStr& SetFileExtension( const char* extension ); // set the given file extension
idStr& StripFileExtension(); // remove any file extension
idStr& StripAbsoluteFileExtension(); // remove any file extension looking from front (useful if there are multiple .'s)
idStr& DefaultFileExtension( const char* extension ); // if there's no file extension use the default
idStr& DefaultPath( const char* basepath ); // if there's no path use the default
void AppendPath( const char* text ); // append a partial path
idStr& StripFilename(); // remove the filename from a path
idStr& StripPath(); // remove the path from the filename
void ExtractFilePath( idStr& dest ) const; // copy the file path to another string
void ExtractFileName( idStr& dest ) const; // copy the filename to another string
void ExtractFileBase( idStr& dest ) const; // copy the filename minus the extension to another string
void ExtractFileExtension( idStr& dest ) const; // copy the file extension to another string
bool CheckExtension( const char* ext );
// char * methods to replace library functions
static int Length( const char* s );
static char* ToLower( char* s );
static char* ToUpper( char* s );
static bool IsNumeric( const char* s );
static bool IsColor( const char* s );
static bool HasLower( const char* s );
static bool HasUpper( const char* s );
static int LengthWithoutColors( const char* s );
static char* RemoveColors( char* s );
static int Cmp( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
static int Cmpn( const char* s1, const char* s2, int n );
static int Icmp( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
static int Icmpn( const char* s1, const char* s2, int n );
static int IcmpNoColor( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
static int IcmpPath( const char* s1, const char* s2 ); // compares paths and makes sure folders come first
static int IcmpnPath( const char* s1, const char* s2, int n ); // compares paths and makes sure folders come first
static void Append( char* dest, int size, const char* src );
static void Copynz( char* dest, const char* src, int destsize );
static int snPrintf( char* dest, int size, VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... );
static int vsnPrintf( char* dest, int size, const char* fmt, va_list argptr );
static int FindChar( const char* str, const char c, int start = 0, int end = -1 );
static int FindText( const char* str, const char* text, bool casesensitive = true, int start = 0, int end = -1 );
static bool Filter( const char* filter, const char* name, bool casesensitive );
static void StripMediaName( const char* name, idStr& mediaName );
static bool CheckExtension( const char* name, const char* ext );
static const char* FloatArrayToString( const float* array, const int length, const int precision );
static const char* CStyleQuote( const char* str );
static const char* CStyleUnQuote( const char* str );
// hash keys
static int Hash( const char* string );
static int Hash( const char* string, int length );
static int IHash( const char* string ); // case insensitive
static int IHash( const char* string, int length ); // case insensitive
// character methods
static char ToLower( char c );
static char ToUpper( char c );
static bool CharIsPrintable( int c );
static bool CharIsLower( int c );
static bool CharIsUpper( int c );
static bool CharIsAlpha( int c );
static bool CharIsNumeric( int c );
static bool CharIsNewLine( char c );
static bool CharIsTab( char c );
static int ColorIndex( int c );
static idVec4& ColorForIndex( int i );
friend int sprintf( idStr& dest, const char* fmt, ... );
friend int vsprintf( idStr& dest, const char* fmt, va_list ap );
void ReAllocate( int amount, bool keepold ); // reallocate string data buffer
void FreeData(); // free allocated string memory
// format value in the given measurement with the best unit, returns the best unit
int BestUnit( const char* format, float value, Measure_t measure );
// format value in the requested unit and measurement
void SetUnit( const char* format, float value, int unit, Measure_t measure );
static void InitMemory();
static void ShutdownMemory();
static void PurgeMemory();
static void ShowMemoryUsage_f( const idCmdArgs& args );
int DynamicMemoryUsed() const;
static idStr FormatNumber( int number );
int len;
char* data;
int allocedAndFlag; // top bit is used to store a flag that indicates if the string data is static or not
char baseBuffer[ STR_ALLOC_BASE ];
void EnsureAlloced( int amount, bool keepold = true ); // ensure string data buffer is large anough
// sets the data point to the specified buffer... note that this ignores makes the passed buffer empty and ignores
// anything currently in the idStr's dynamic buffer. This method is intended to be called only from a derived class's constructor.
ID_INLINE void SetStaticBuffer( char* buffer, const int bufferLength );
// initialize string using base buffer... call ONLY FROM CONSTRUCTOR
ID_INLINE void Construct();
static const uint32 STATIC_BIT = 31;
static const uint32 STATIC_MASK = 1u << STATIC_BIT;
static const uint32 ALLOCED_MASK = STATIC_MASK - 1;
ID_INLINE int GetAlloced() const
return allocedAndFlag & ALLOCED_MASK;
ID_INLINE void SetAlloced( const int a )
allocedAndFlag = ( allocedAndFlag & STATIC_MASK ) | ( a & ALLOCED_MASK );
ID_INLINE bool IsStatic() const
return ( allocedAndFlag & STATIC_MASK ) != 0;
ID_INLINE void SetStatic( const bool isStatic )
allocedAndFlag = ( allocedAndFlag & ALLOCED_MASK ) | ( isStatic << STATIC_BIT );
static const int INVALID_POSITION = -1;
char* va( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
Sort routines for sorting idList<idStr>
class idSort_Str : public idSort_Quick< idStr, idSort_Str >
int Compare( const idStr& a, const idStr& b ) const
return a.Icmp( b );
class idSort_PathStr : public idSort_Quick< idStr, idSort_PathStr >
int Compare( const idStr& a, const idStr& b ) const
return a.IcmpPath( b );
ID_INLINE void idStr::Construct()
SetStatic( false );
SetAlloced( STR_ALLOC_BASE );
data = baseBuffer;
len = 0;
data[ 0 ] = '\0';
memset( baseBuffer, 0, sizeof( baseBuffer ) );
ID_INLINE void idStr::EnsureAlloced( int amount, bool keepold )
// static string's can't reallocate
if( IsStatic() )
release_assert( amount <= GetAlloced() );
if( amount > GetAlloced() )
ReAllocate( amount, keepold );
ID_INLINE void idStr::SetStaticBuffer( char* buffer, const int bufferLength )
// this should only be called on a freshly constructed idStr
assert( data == baseBuffer );
data = buffer;
len = 0;
SetAlloced( bufferLength );
SetStatic( true );
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr()
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const idStr& text )
int l;
l = text.Length();
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
strcpy( data, text.data );
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const idStr& text, int start, int end )
int i;
int l;
if( end > text.Length() )
end = text.Length();
if( start > text.Length() )
start = text.Length();
else if( start < 0 )
start = 0;
l = end - start;
if( l < 0 )
l = 0;
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
data[ i ] = text[ start + i ];
data[ l ] = '\0';
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const char* text )
int l;
if( text )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
l = ( int )strlen( text );
// RB end
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
strcpy( data, text );
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const char* text, int start, int end )
int i;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
int l = ( int )strlen( text );
// RB end
if( end > l )
end = l;
if( start > l )
start = l;
else if( start < 0 )
start = 0;
l = end - start;
if( l < 0 )
l = 0;
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
data[ i ] = text[ start + i ];
data[ l ] = '\0';
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const bool b )
EnsureAlloced( 2 );
data[ 0 ] = b ? '1' : '0';
data[ 1 ] = '\0';
len = 1;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const char c )
EnsureAlloced( 2 );
data[ 0 ] = c;
data[ 1 ] = '\0';
len = 1;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const int i )
char text[ 64 ];
int l;
l = sprintf( text, "%d", i );
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
strcpy( data, text );
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const unsigned u )
char text[ 64 ];
int l;
l = sprintf( text, "%u", u );
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
strcpy( data, text );
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::idStr( const float f )
char text[ 64 ];
int l;
l = idStr::snPrintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%f", f );
while( l > 0 && text[l - 1] == '0' ) text[--l] = '\0';
while( l > 0 && text[l - 1] == '.' ) text[--l] = '\0';
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
strcpy( data, text );
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr::~idStr()
ID_INLINE size_t idStr::Size() const
return sizeof( *this ) + Allocated();
ID_INLINE const char* idStr::c_str() const
return data;
ID_INLINE idStr::operator const char* ()
return c_str();
ID_INLINE idStr::operator const char* () const
return c_str();
ID_INLINE char idStr::operator[]( int index ) const
assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index <= len ) );
return data[ index ];
ID_INLINE char& idStr::operator[]( int index )
assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index <= len ) );
return data[ index ];
ID_INLINE void idStr::operator=( const idStr& text )
int l;
l = text.Length();
EnsureAlloced( l + 1, false );
memcpy( data, text.data, l );
data[l] = '\0';
len = l;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const idStr& b )
idStr result( a );
result.Append( b );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const char* b )
idStr result( a );
result.Append( b );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const char* a, const idStr& b )
idStr result( a );
result.Append( b );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const bool b )
idStr result( a );
result.Append( b ? "true" : "false" );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const char b )
idStr result( a );
result.Append( b );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const float b )
char text[ 64 ];
idStr result( a );
sprintf( text, "%f", b );
result.Append( text );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const int b )
char text[ 64 ];
idStr result( a );
sprintf( text, "%d", b );
result.Append( text );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr operator+( const idStr& a, const unsigned b )
char text[ 64 ];
idStr result( a );
sprintf( text, "%u", b );
result.Append( text );
return result;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const float a )
char text[ 64 ];
sprintf( text, "%f", a );
Append( text );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const int a )
char text[ 64 ];
sprintf( text, "%d", a );
Append( text );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const unsigned a )
char text[ 64 ];
sprintf( text, "%u", a );
Append( text );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const idStr& a )
Append( a );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const char* a )
Append( a );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const char a )
Append( a );
return *this;
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::operator+=( const bool a )
Append( a ? "true" : "false" );
return *this;
ID_INLINE bool operator==( const idStr& a, const idStr& b )
return ( !idStr::Cmp( a.data, b.data ) );
ID_INLINE bool operator==( const idStr& a, const char* b )
assert( b );
return ( !idStr::Cmp( a.data, b ) );
ID_INLINE bool operator==( const char* a, const idStr& b )
assert( a );
return ( !idStr::Cmp( a, b.data ) );
ID_INLINE bool operator!=( const idStr& a, const idStr& b )
return !( a == b );
ID_INLINE bool operator!=( const idStr& a, const char* b )
return !( a == b );
ID_INLINE bool operator!=( const char* a, const idStr& b )
return !( a == b );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Cmp( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::Cmp( data, text );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Cmpn( const char* text, int n ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::Cmpn( data, text, n );
ID_INLINE int idStr::CmpPrefix( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
return idStr::Cmpn( data, text, ( int )strlen( text ) );
// RB end
ID_INLINE int idStr::Icmp( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::Icmp( data, text );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Icmpn( const char* text, int n ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::Icmpn( data, text, n );
ID_INLINE int idStr::IcmpPrefix( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
return idStr::Icmpn( data, text, ( int )strlen( text ) );
// RB end
ID_INLINE int idStr::IcmpNoColor( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::IcmpNoColor( data, text );
ID_INLINE int idStr::IcmpPath( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::IcmpPath( data, text );
ID_INLINE int idStr::IcmpnPath( const char* text, int n ) const
assert( text );
return idStr::IcmpnPath( data, text, n );
ID_INLINE int idStr::IcmpPrefixPath( const char* text ) const
assert( text );
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
return idStr::IcmpnPath( data, text, ( int )strlen( text ) );
// RB end
ID_INLINE int idStr::Length() const
return len;
ID_INLINE int idStr::Allocated() const
if( data != baseBuffer )
return GetAlloced();
return 0;
ID_INLINE void idStr::Empty()
EnsureAlloced( 1 );
data[ 0 ] = '\0';
len = 0;
ID_INLINE bool idStr::IsEmpty() const
return ( idStr::Cmp( data, "" ) == 0 );
ID_INLINE void idStr::Clear()
if( IsStatic() )
len = 0;
data[ 0 ] = '\0';
ID_INLINE void idStr::Append( const char a )
EnsureAlloced( len + 2 );
data[ len ] = a;
data[ len ] = '\0';
ID_INLINE void idStr::Append( const idStr& text )
int newLen;
int i;
newLen = len + text.Length();
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < text.len; i++ )
data[ len + i ] = text[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
ID_INLINE void idStr::Append( const char* text )
int newLen;
int i;
if( text )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
newLen = len + ( int )strlen( text );
// RB end
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
for( i = 0; text[ i ]; i++ )
data[ len + i ] = text[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
ID_INLINE void idStr::Append( const char* text, int l )
int newLen;
int i;
if( text && l )
newLen = len + l;
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
for( i = 0; text[ i ] && i < l; i++ )
data[ len + i ] = text[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
ID_INLINE void idStr::Insert( const char a, int index )
int i, l;
if( index < 0 )
index = 0;
else if( index > len )
index = len;
l = 1;
EnsureAlloced( len + l + 1 );
for( i = len; i >= index; i-- )
data[i + l] = data[i];
data[index] = a;
ID_INLINE void idStr::Insert( const char* text, int index )
int i, l;
if( index < 0 )
index = 0;
else if( index > len )
index = len;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
l = ( int )strlen( text );
// RB end
EnsureAlloced( len + l + 1 );
for( i = len; i >= index; i-- )
data[i + l] = data[i];
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
data[index + i] = text[i];
len += l;
ID_INLINE void idStr::ToLower()
for( int i = 0; data[i]; i++ )
if( CharIsUpper( data[i] ) )
data[i] += ( 'a' - 'A' );
ID_INLINE void idStr::ToUpper()
for( int i = 0; data[i]; i++ )
if( CharIsLower( data[i] ) )
data[i] -= ( 'a' - 'A' );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::IsNumeric() const
return idStr::IsNumeric( data );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::IsColor() const
return idStr::IsColor( data );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::HasLower() const
return idStr::HasLower( data );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::HasUpper() const
return idStr::HasUpper( data );
ID_INLINE idStr& idStr::RemoveColors()
idStr::RemoveColors( data );
len = Length( data );
return *this;
ID_INLINE int idStr::LengthWithoutColors() const
return idStr::LengthWithoutColors( data );
ID_INLINE void idStr::CapLength( int newlen )
if( len <= newlen )
data[ newlen ] = 0;
len = newlen;
ID_INLINE void idStr::Fill( const char ch, int newlen )
EnsureAlloced( newlen + 1 );
len = newlen;
memset( data, ch, len );
data[ len ] = 0;
ID_INLINE int idStr::UTF8Length()
return UTF8Length( ( byte* )data );
ID_INLINE uint32 idStr::UTF8Char( int& idx )
return UTF8Char( ( byte* )data, idx );
ID_INLINE void idStr::ConvertToUTF8()
idStr temp( *this );
for( int index = 0; index < temp.Length(); ++index )
AppendUTF8Char( temp[index] );
ID_INLINE uint32 idStr::UTF8Char( const char* s, int& idx )
return UTF8Char( ( byte* )s, idx );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::IsValidUTF8( const uint8* s, const int maxLen )
utf8Encoding_t encoding;
return IsValidUTF8( s, maxLen, encoding );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Find( const char c, int start, int end ) const
if( end == -1 )
end = len;
return idStr::FindChar( data, c, start, end );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Find( const char* text, bool casesensitive, int start, int end ) const
if( end == -1 )
end = len;
return idStr::FindText( data, text, casesensitive, start, end );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::Filter( const char* filter, bool casesensitive ) const
return idStr::Filter( filter, data, casesensitive );
ID_INLINE const char* idStr::Left( int len, idStr& result ) const
return Mid( 0, len, result );
ID_INLINE const char* idStr::Right( int len, idStr& result ) const
if( len >= Length() )
result = *this;
return result;
return Mid( Length() - len, len, result );
ID_INLINE idStr idStr::Left( int len ) const
return Mid( 0, len );
ID_INLINE idStr idStr::Right( int len ) const
if( len >= Length() )
return *this;
return Mid( Length() - len, len );
ID_INLINE void idStr::Strip( const char c )
StripLeading( c );
StripTrailing( c );
ID_INLINE void idStr::Strip( const char* string )
StripLeading( string );
StripTrailing( string );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CheckExtension( const char* ext )
return idStr::CheckExtension( data, ext );
ID_INLINE int idStr::Length( const char* s )
int i;
for( i = 0; s[i]; i++ ) {}
return i;
ID_INLINE char* idStr::ToLower( char* s )
for( int i = 0; s[i]; i++ )
if( CharIsUpper( s[i] ) )
s[i] += ( 'a' - 'A' );
return s;
ID_INLINE char* idStr::ToUpper( char* s )
for( int i = 0; s[i]; i++ )
if( CharIsLower( s[i] ) )
s[i] -= ( 'a' - 'A' );
return s;
ID_INLINE int idStr::Hash( const char* string )
int i, hash = 0;
for( i = 0; *string != '\0'; i++ )
hash += ( *string++ ) * ( i + 119 );
return hash;
ID_INLINE int idStr::Hash( const char* string, int length )
int i, hash = 0;
for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
hash += ( *string++ ) * ( i + 119 );
return hash;
ID_INLINE int idStr::IHash( const char* string )
int i, hash = 0;
for( i = 0; *string != '\0'; i++ )
hash += ToLower( *string++ ) * ( i + 119 );
return hash;
ID_INLINE int idStr::IHash( const char* string, int length )
int i, hash = 0;
for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
hash += ToLower( *string++ ) * ( i + 119 );
return hash;
ID_INLINE bool idStr::IsColor( const char* s )
return ( s[0] == C_COLOR_ESCAPE && s[1] != '\0' && s[1] != ' ' );
ID_INLINE char idStr::ToLower( char c )
if( c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A' )
return ( c + ( 'a' - 'A' ) );
return c;
ID_INLINE char idStr::ToUpper( char c )
if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )
return ( c - ( 'a' - 'A' ) );
return c;
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsPrintable( int c )
// test for regular ascii and western European high-ascii chars
return ( c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E ) || ( c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFF );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsLower( int c )
// test for regular ascii and western European high-ascii chars
return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c >= 0xE0 && c <= 0xFF );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsUpper( int c )
// test for regular ascii and western European high-ascii chars
return ( c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A' ) || ( c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xDF );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsAlpha( int c )
// test for regular ascii and western European high-ascii chars
return ( ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) ||
( c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xFF ) );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsNumeric( int c )
return ( c <= '9' && c >= '0' );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsNewLine( char c )
return ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\v' );
ID_INLINE bool idStr::CharIsTab( char c )
return ( c == '\t' );
ID_INLINE int idStr::ColorIndex( int c )
return ( c & 15 );
ID_INLINE int idStr::DynamicMemoryUsed() const
return ( data == baseBuffer ) ? 0 : GetAlloced();
ID_INLINE void idStr::CopyRange( const char* text, int start, int end )
int l = end - start;
if( l < 0 )
l = 0;
EnsureAlloced( l + 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < l; i++ )
data[ i ] = text[ start + i ];
data[ l ] = '\0';
len = l;
#endif /* !__STR_H__ */