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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
static const int MAX_USERCMD_BACKUP = 256;
static const int NUM_USERCMD_RELAY = 10;
static const int NUM_USERCMD_SEND = 8;
static const int initialHz = 60;
static const int initialBaseTicks = 1000 / initialHz;
static const int initialBaseTicksPerSec = initialHz * initialBaseTicks;
static const int LOAD_TIP_CHANGE_INTERVAL = 12000;
static const int LOAD_TIP_COUNT = 26;
class idGameThread : public idSysThread
idGameThread() :
userCmdMgr( NULL ),
// the gameReturn_t is from the previous frame, the
// new frame will be running in parallel on exit
gameReturn_t RunGameAndDraw( int numGameFrames, idUserCmdMgr& userCmdMgr_, bool isClient_, int startGameFrame );
// Accessors to the stored frame/thread time information
void SetThreadTotalTime( const int inTime )
threadTime = inTime;
int GetThreadTotalTime() const
return threadTime;
void SetThreadGameTime( const int time )
threadGameTime = time;
int GetThreadGameTime() const
return threadGameTime;
void SetThreadRenderTime( const int time )
threadRenderTime = time;
int GetThreadRenderTime() const
return threadRenderTime;
virtual int Run();
int gameTime;
int drawTime;
int threadTime; // total time : game time + foreground render time
int threadGameTime; // game time only
int threadRenderTime; // render fg time only
idUserCmdMgr* userCmdMgr;
gameReturn_t ret;
int numGameFrames;
bool isClient;
enum errorParm_t
ERP_FATAL, // exit the entire game with a popup window
ERP_DROP, // print to console and disconnect from game
ERP_DISCONNECT // don't kill server
enum gameLaunch_t
struct netTimes_t
int localTime;
int serverTime;
struct frameTiming_t
uint64 startSyncTime;
uint64 finishSyncTime;
uint64 startGameTime;
uint64 finishGameTime;
uint64 finishDrawTime;
uint64 startRenderTime;
uint64 finishRenderTime;
#define MAX_PRINT_MSG_SIZE 4096
#define MAX_WARNING_LIST 256
#define SAVEGAME_CHECKPOINT_FILENAME "gamedata.save"
#define SAVEGAME_STRINGS_FILENAME "gamedata.strings"
class idCommonLocal : public idCommon
virtual void Init( int argc, const char* const* argv, const char* cmdline );
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void CreateMainMenu();
virtual void Quit();
virtual bool IsInitialized() const;
virtual void Frame();
// DG: added possibility to *not* release mouse in UpdateScreen(), it fucks up the view angle for screenshots
virtual void UpdateScreen( bool captureToImage, bool releaseMouse = true );
// DG end
virtual void UpdateLevelLoadPacifier();
virtual void StartupVariable( const char* match );
virtual void WriteConfigToFile( const char* filename );
virtual void BeginRedirect( char* buffer, int buffersize, void ( *flush )( const char* ) );
virtual void EndRedirect();
virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set );
virtual void Printf( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void VPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list arg );
virtual void DPrintf( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void Warning( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void DWarning( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void PrintWarnings();
virtual void ClearWarnings( const char* reason );
virtual void Error( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual void FatalError( VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... ) ID_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF( 1, 2 );
virtual bool IsShuttingDown() const
return com_shuttingDown;
virtual const char* KeysFromBinding( const char* bind );
virtual const char* BindingFromKey( const char* key );
virtual bool IsMultiplayer();
virtual bool IsServer();
virtual bool IsClient();
virtual bool GetConsoleUsed()
return consoleUsed;
virtual int GetSnapRate();
virtual void NetReceiveReliable( int peer, int type, idBitMsg& msg );
virtual void NetReceiveSnapshot( class idSnapShot& ss );
virtual void NetReceiveUsercmds( int peer, idBitMsg& msg );
void NetReadUsercmds( int clientNum, idBitMsg& msg );
virtual bool ProcessEvent( const sysEvent_t* event );
virtual bool LoadGame( const char* saveName );
virtual bool SaveGame( const char* saveName );
virtual int ButtonState( int key );
virtual int KeyState( int key );
virtual idDemoFile* ReadDemo()
return readDemo;
virtual idDemoFile* WriteDemo()
return writeDemo;
virtual idGame* Game()
return game;
virtual idRenderWorld* RW()
return renderWorld;
virtual idSoundWorld* SW()
return soundWorld;
virtual idSoundWorld* MenuSW()
return menuSoundWorld;
virtual idSession* Session()
return session;
virtual idCommonDialog& Dialog()
return commonDialog;
virtual void OnSaveCompleted( idSaveLoadParms& parms );
virtual void OnLoadCompleted( idSaveLoadParms& parms );
virtual void OnLoadFilesCompleted( idSaveLoadParms& parms );
virtual void OnEnumerationCompleted( idSaveLoadParms& parms );
virtual void OnDeleteCompleted( idSaveLoadParms& parms );
virtual void TriggerScreenWipe( const char* _wipeMaterial, bool hold );
virtual void OnStartHosting( idMatchParameters& parms );
virtual int GetGameFrame()
return gameFrame;
virtual void InitializeMPMapsModes();
virtual const idStrList& GetModeList() const
return mpGameModes;
virtual const idStrList& GetModeDisplayList() const
return mpDisplayGameModes;
virtual const idList<mpMap_t>& GetMapList() const
return mpGameMaps;
virtual void ResetPlayerInput( int playerIndex );
virtual bool JapaneseCensorship() const;
virtual void QueueShowShell()
showShellRequested = true;
// RB begin
#if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC)
virtual currentGame_t GetCurrentGame() const
return currentGame;
virtual void SwitchToGame( currentGame_t newGame );
// RB end
void Draw(); // called by gameThread
int GetGameThreadTotalTime() const
return gameThread.GetThreadTotalTime();
int GetGameThreadGameTime() const
return gameThread.GetThreadGameTime();
int GetGameThreadRenderTime() const
return gameThread.GetThreadRenderTime();
int GetRendererBackEndMicroseconds() const
return time_backend;
int GetRendererShadowsMicroseconds() const
return time_shadows;
int GetRendererIdleMicroseconds() const
return mainFrameTiming.startRenderTime - mainFrameTiming.finishSyncTime;
int GetRendererGPUMicroseconds() const
return time_gpu;
frameTiming_t frameTiming;
frameTiming_t mainFrameTiming;
public: // These are public because they are called directly by static functions in this file
const char* GetCurrentMapName()
return currentMapName.c_str();
// loads a map and starts a new game on it
void StartNewGame( const char* mapName, bool devmap, int gameMode );
void LeaveGame();
void DemoShot( const char* name );
void StartRecordingRenderDemo( const char* name );
void StopRecordingRenderDemo();
void StartPlayingRenderDemo( idStr name );
void StopPlayingRenderDemo();
void CompressDemoFile( const char* scheme, const char* name );
void TimeRenderDemo( const char* name, bool twice = false, bool quit = false );
void AVIRenderDemo( const char* name );
void AVIGame( const char* name );
// localization
void InitLanguageDict();
void LocalizeGui( const char* fileName, idLangDict& langDict );
void LocalizeMapData( const char* fileName, idLangDict& langDict );
void LocalizeSpecificMapData( const char* fileName, idLangDict& langDict, const idLangDict& replaceArgs );
idUserCmdMgr& GetUCmdMgr()
return userCmdMgr;
bool com_fullyInitialized;
bool com_refreshOnPrint; // update the screen every print for dmap
errorParm_t com_errorEntered;
bool com_shuttingDown;
bool com_isJapaneseSKU;
idFile* logFile;
char errorMessage[MAX_PRINT_MSG_SIZE];
char* rd_buffer;
int rd_buffersize;
void ( *rd_flush )( const char* buffer );
idStr warningCaption;
idStrList warningList;
idStrList errorList;
int gameDLL;
idCommonDialog commonDialog;
idFile_SaveGame saveFile;
idFile_SaveGame stringsFile;
idFile_SaveGamePipelined* pipelineFile;
// The main render world and sound world
idRenderWorld* renderWorld;
idSoundWorld* soundWorld;
// The renderer and sound system will write changes to writeDemo.
// Demos can be recorded and played at the same time when splicing.
idDemoFile* readDemo;
idDemoFile* writeDemo;
bool menuActive;
idSoundWorld* menuSoundWorld; // so the game soundWorld can be muted
bool insideExecuteMapChange; // Enable Pacifier Updates
// This is set if the player enables the console, which disables achievements
bool consoleUsed;
// This additional information is required for ExecuteMapChange for SP games ONLY
// This data is cleared after ExecuteMapChange
struct mapSpawnData_t
idFile_SaveGame* savegameFile; // Used for loading a save game
idFile_SaveGame* stringTableFile; // String table read from save game loaded
idFile_SaveGamePipelined* pipelineFile;
int savegameVersion; // Version of the save game we're loading
idDict persistentPlayerInfo; // Used for transitioning from map to map
mapSpawnData_t mapSpawnData;
idStr currentMapName; // for checking reload on same level
bool mapSpawned; // cleared on Stop()
bool insideUpdateScreen; // true while inside ::UpdateScreen()
idUserCmdMgr userCmdMgr;
int nextUsercmdSendTime; // Next time to send usercmds
int nextSnapshotSendTime; // Next time to send a snapshot
idSnapShot lastSnapShot; // last snapshot we received from the server
struct reliableMsg_t
int client;
int type;
int dataSize;
byte* data;
idList<reliableMsg_t> reliableQueue;
// Snapshot interpolation
idSnapShot oldss; // last local snapshot
// (ie on server this is the last "master" snapshot we created)
// (on clients this is the last received snapshot)
// used for comparisons with the new snapshot for com_drawSnapshot
// This is ultimately controlled by net_maxBufferedSnapshots by running double speed, but this is the hard max before seeing visual popping
static const int RECEIVE_SNAPSHOT_BUFFER_SIZE = 16;
int readSnapshotIndex;
int writeSnapshotIndex;
idArray<idSnapShot, RECEIVE_SNAPSHOT_BUFFER_SIZE> receivedSnaps;
float optimalPCTBuffer;
float optimalTimeBuffered;
float optimalTimeBufferedWindow;
uint64 snapRate;
uint64 actualRate;
uint64 snapTime; // time we got the most recent snapshot
uint64 snapTimeDelta; // time interval that current ss was sent in
uint64 snapTimeWrite;
uint64 snapCurrentTime; // realtime playback time
netTimes_t snapCurrent; // current snapshot
netTimes_t snapPrevious; // previous snapshot
float snapCurrentResidual;
float snapTimeBuffered;
float effectiveSnapRate;
int totalBufferedTime;
int totalRecvTime;
int clientPrediction;
int gameFrame; // Frame number of the local game
double gameTimeResidual; // left over msec from the last game frame
bool syncNextGameFrame;
bool aviCaptureMode; // if true, screenshots will be taken and sound captured
idStr aviDemoShortName; //
int aviDemoFrameCount;
enum timeDemo_t
timeDemo_t timeDemo;
int timeDemoStartTime;
int numDemoFrames; // for timeDemo and demoShot
int demoTimeOffset;
renderView_t currentDemoRenderView;
idStrList mpGameModes;
idStrList mpDisplayGameModes;
idList<mpMap_t> mpGameMaps;
idSWF* loadGUI;
int nextLoadTip;
bool isHellMap;
bool defaultLoadscreen;
idStaticList<int, LOAD_TIP_COUNT> loadTipList;
const idMaterial* splashScreen;
const idMaterial* whiteMaterial;
const idMaterial* wipeMaterial;
int wipeStartTime;
int wipeStopTime;
bool wipeHold;
bool wipeForced; // used for the PS3 to start an early wipe while we are accessing saved game data
idGameThread gameThread; // the game and draw code can be run in parallel
// com_speeds times
int count_numGameFrames; // total number of game frames that were run
int time_gameFrame; // game logic time
int time_maxGameFrame; // maximum single frame game logic time
int time_gameDraw; // game present time
uint64 time_frontend; // renderer frontend time
uint64 time_backend; // renderer backend time
uint64 time_shadows; // renderer backend waiting for shadow volumes to be created
uint64 time_gpu; // total gpu time, at least for PC
// Used during loading screens
int lastPacifierSessionTime;
int lastPacifierGuiTime;
bool lastPacifierDialogState;
bool showShellRequested;
// RB begin
#if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC)
currentGame_t currentGame;
currentGame_t idealCurrentGame; // Defer game switching so that bad things don't happen in the middle of the frame.
const idMaterial* doomClassicMaterial;
static const int DOOMCLASSIC_RENDERWIDTH = 320 * 3;
static const int DOOMCLASSIC_RENDERHEIGHT = 200 * 3;
static const int DOOMCLASSIC_BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 4;
idArray< byte, DOOMCLASSIC_IMAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES > doomClassicImageData;
// RB end
void InitCommands();
void InitSIMD();
void AddStartupCommands();
void ParseCommandLine( int argc, const char* const* argv );
bool SafeMode();
void CloseLogFile();
void WriteConfiguration();
void DumpWarnings();
void LoadGameDLL();
void UnloadGameDLL();
void CleanupShell();
void RenderBink( const char* path );
void RenderSplash();
void FilterLangList( idStrList* list, idStr lang );
void CheckStartupStorageRequirements();
void ExitMenu();
bool MenuEvent( const sysEvent_t* event );
void StartMenu( bool playIntro = false );
void GuiFrameEvents();
void BeginAVICapture( const char* name );
void EndAVICapture();
void AdvanceRenderDemo( bool singleFrameOnly );
void ProcessGameReturn( const gameReturn_t& ret );
void RunNetworkSnapshotFrame();
void ExecuteReliableMessages();
// Snapshot interpolation
void ProcessSnapshot( idSnapShot& ss );
int CalcSnapTimeBuffered( int& totalBufferedTime, int& totalRecvTime );
void ProcessNextSnapshot();
void InterpolateSnapshot( netTimes_t& prev, netTimes_t& next, float fraction, bool predict );
void ResetNetworkingState();
int NetworkFrame();
void SendSnapshots();
void SendUsercmds( int localClientNum );
void LoadLoadingGui( const char* mapName, bool& hellMap );
// Meant to be used like:
// while ( waiting ) { BusyWait(); }
void BusyWait();
bool WaitForSessionState( idSession::sessionState_t desiredState );
void ExecuteMapChange();
void UnloadMap();
void Stop( bool resetSession = true );
// called by Draw when the scene to scene wipe is still running
void DrawWipeModel();
void StartWipe( const char* materialName, bool hold = false );
void CompleteWipe();
void ClearWipe();
void MoveToNewMap( const char* mapName, bool devmap );
void PlayIntroGui();
void ScrubSaveGameFileName( idStr& saveFileName ) const;
// RB begin
#if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC)
// Doom classic support
void RunDoomClassicFrame();
void RenderDoomClassic();
bool IsPlayingDoomClassic() const
return GetCurrentGame() != DOOM3_BFG;
void PerformGameSwitch();
// RB end
extern idCommonLocal commonLocal;