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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __DECLPARTICLE_H__
#define __DECLPARTICLE_H__
static const int MAX_PARTICLE_STAGES = 32;
class idParticleParm
table = NULL;
from = to = 0.0f;
const idDeclTable* table;
float from;
float to;
float Eval( float frac, idRandom& rand ) const;
float Integrate( float frac, idRandom& rand ) const;
typedef enum
PDIST_RECT, // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ )
PDIST_CYLINDER, // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ )
PDIST_SPHERE // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ ringFraction )
// a ringFraction of zero allows the entire sphere, 0.9 would only
// allow the outer 10% of the sphere
} prtDistribution_t;
typedef enum
PDIR_CONE, // parm0 is the solid cone angle
PDIR_OUTWARD // direction is relative to offset from origin, parm0 is an upward bias
} prtDirection_t;
typedef enum
PPATH_HELIX, // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ radialSpeed climbSpeed )
} prtCustomPth_t;
typedef enum
POR_AIMED, // angle and aspect are disregarded
} prtOrientation_t;
typedef struct renderEntity_s renderEntity_t;
typedef struct renderView_s renderView_t;
typedef struct
const renderEntity_t* renderEnt; // for shaderParms, etc
const renderView_t* renderView;
int index; // particle number in the system
float frac; // 0.0 to 1.0
idRandom random;
idVec3 origin; // dynamic smoke particles can have individual origins and axis
idMat3 axis;
float age; // in seconds, calculated as fraction * stage->particleLife
idRandom originalRandom; // needed so aimed particles can reset the random for another origin calculation
float animationFrameFrac; // set by ParticleTexCoords, used to make the cross faded version
} particleGen_t;
// single particle stage
class idParticleStage
~idParticleStage() {}
void Default();
int NumQuadsPerParticle() const; // includes trails and cross faded animations
// returns the number of verts created, which will range from 0 to 4*NumQuadsPerParticle()
int CreateParticle( particleGen_t* g, idDrawVert* verts ) const;
void ParticleOrigin( particleGen_t* g, idVec3& origin ) const;
int ParticleVerts( particleGen_t* g, const idVec3 origin, idDrawVert* verts ) const;
void ParticleTexCoords( particleGen_t* g, idDrawVert* verts ) const;
void ParticleColors( particleGen_t* g, idDrawVert* verts ) const;
const char* GetCustomPathName();
const char* GetCustomPathDesc();
int NumCustomPathParms();
void SetCustomPathType( const char* p );
void operator=( const idParticleStage& src );
const idMaterial* material;
int totalParticles; // total number of particles, although some may be invisible at a given time
float cycles; // allows things to oneShot ( 1 cycle ) or run for a set number of cycles
// on a per stage basis
int cycleMsec; // ( particleLife + deadTime ) in msec
float spawnBunching; // 0.0 = all come out at first instant, 1.0 = evenly spaced over cycle time
float particleLife; // total seconds of life for each particle
float timeOffset; // time offset from system start for the first particle to spawn
float deadTime; // time after particleLife before respawning
//------------------------------- // standard path parms
prtDistribution_t distributionType;
float distributionParms[4];
prtDirection_t directionType;
float directionParms[4];
idParticleParm speed;
float gravity; // can be negative to float up
bool worldGravity; // apply gravity in world space
bool randomDistribution; // randomly orient the quad on emission ( defaults to true )
bool entityColor; // force color from render entity ( fadeColor is still valid )
//------------------------------ // custom path will completely replace the standard path calculations
prtCustomPth_t customPathType; // use custom C code routines for determining the origin
float customPathParms[8];
idVec3 offset; // offset from origin to spawn all particles, also applies to customPath
int animationFrames; // if > 1, subdivide the texture S axis into frames and crossfade
float animationRate; // frames per second
float initialAngle; // in degrees, random angle is used if zero ( default )
idParticleParm rotationSpeed; // half the particles will have negative rotation speeds
prtOrientation_t orientation; // view, aimed, or axis fixed
float orientationParms[4];
idParticleParm size;
idParticleParm aspect; // greater than 1 makes the T axis longer
idVec4 color;
idVec4 fadeColor; // either 0 0 0 0 for additive, or 1 1 1 0 for blended materials
float fadeInFraction; // in 0.0 to 1.0 range
float fadeOutFraction; // in 0.0 to 1.0 range
float fadeIndexFraction; // in 0.0 to 1.0 range, causes later index smokes to be more faded
bool hidden; // for editor use
float boundsExpansion; // user tweak to fix poorly calculated bounds
idBounds bounds; // derived
// group of particle stages
class idDeclParticle : public idDecl
virtual size_t Size() const;
virtual const char* DefaultDefinition() const;
virtual bool Parse( const char* text, const int textLength, bool allowBinaryVersion );
virtual void FreeData();
bool Save( const char* fileName = NULL );
// Loaded instead of re-parsing, written if MD5 hash different
bool LoadBinary( idFile* file, unsigned int checksum );
void WriteBinary( idFile* file, unsigned int checksum );
idList<idParticleStage*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_DECL>stages;
idBounds bounds;
float depthHack;
bool RebuildTextSource();
void GetStageBounds( idParticleStage* stage );
idParticleStage* ParseParticleStage( idLexer& src );
void ParseParms( idLexer& src, float* parms, int maxParms );
void ParseParametric( idLexer& src, idParticleParm* parm );
void WriteStage( idFile* f, idParticleStage* stage );
void WriteParticleParm( idFile* f, idParticleParm* parm, const char* name );
#endif /* !__DECLPARTICLE_H__ */