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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "Precompiled.h"
#include "globaldata.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <errno.h>
// Sockets
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netex/errno.h>
#include <netex/net.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "i_system.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "i_net.h"
#include "doomlib.h"
#include "../Main/Main.h"
void NetSend (void);
qboolean NetListen (void);
namespace {
bool IsValidSocket( int socketDescriptor );
int GetLastSocketError();
Returns true if the socket is valid. I made this function to help abstract the differences
between WinSock (used on Xbox) and BSD sockets, which the PS3 follows more closely.
bool IsValidSocket( int socketDescriptor ) {
return socketDescriptor >= 0;
Returns the last error reported by the platform's socket library.
int GetLastSocketError() {
return sys_net_errno;
int DOOMPORT = 1002; // DHM - Nerve :: On original XBox, ports 1000 - 1255 saved you a byte on every packet. 360 too?
unsigned long GetServerIP() {
return ::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.consoleplayer].sin_addr.s_addr;
void (*netget) (void);
void (*netsend) (void);
// UDPsocket
int UDPsocket (void)
int s;
// allocate a socket
if ( !IsValidSocket( s ) ) {
int err = GetLastSocketError();
I_Error( "can't create socket, error %d", err );
return s;
// BindToLocalPort
void BindToLocalPort( int s, int port )
int v;
struct sockaddr_in address;
memset (&address, 0, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
address.sin_port = port;
v = bind (s, (sockaddr*)&address, sizeof(address));
//if (v == -1)
//I_Error ("BindToPort: bind: %s", strerror(errno));
// PacketSend
void PacketSend (void)
int c;
doomdata_t sw;
// byte swap
sw.checksum = htonl(::g->netbuffer->checksum);
sw.sourceDest = DoomLib::BuildSourceDest(::g->doomcom.remotenode);
sw.player = ::g->netbuffer->player;
sw.retransmitfrom = ::g->netbuffer->retransmitfrom;
sw.starttic = ::g->netbuffer->starttic;
sw.numtics = ::g->netbuffer->numtics;
for (c=0 ; c< ::g->netbuffer->numtics ; c++)
sw.cmds[c].forwardmove = ::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].forwardmove;
sw.cmds[c].sidemove = ::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].sidemove;
sw.cmds[c].angleturn = htons(::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].angleturn);
sw.cmds[c].consistancy = htons(::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].consistancy);
sw.cmds[c].buttons = ::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].buttons;
// Send Socket
//DWORD num_sent;
//if ( globalNetworking ) {
// c = WSASendTo(::g->sendsocket, &buffer, 1, &num_sent, 0, (sockaddr*)&::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.remotenode],
// sizeof(::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.remotenode]), 0, 0);
//} else {
c = DoomLib::Send( (char*)&sw, ::g->doomcom.datalength, (sockaddr_in*)&::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.remotenode], ::g->doomcom.remotenode );
// PacketGet
void PacketGet (void)
int i;
int c;
struct sockaddr_in fromaddress;
int fromlen;
doomdata_t sw;
DWORD num_recieved; //, flags = 0;
// Try and read a socket
//buffer.buf = (char*)&sw;
//buffer.len = sizeof(sw);
fromlen = sizeof(fromaddress);
//if ( globalNetworking ) {
// c = WSARecvFrom(::g->insocket, &buffer, 1, &num_recieved, &flags, (struct sockaddr*)&fromaddress, &fromlen, 0, 0);
//} else {
c = DoomLib::Recv( (char*)&sw, &num_recieved );
if ( c < 0 )
/*if ( globalNetworking ) {
int err = WSAGetLastError();
I_Error ("GetPacket: %s",strerror(errno));
::g->doomcom.remotenode = -1; // no packet
// find remote node number
/*for (i=0 ; i<::g->doomcom.numnodes ; i++)
if ( fromaddress.sin_addr.s_addr == ::g->sendaddress[i].sin_addr.s_addr )
if (i == ::g->doomcom.numnodes)
// packet is not from one of the ::g->players (new game broadcast)
::g->doomcom.remotenode = -1; // no packet
//if ( ::g->consoleplayer == 1 ) {
//int x = 0;
int source;
int dest;
DoomLib::GetSourceDest( sw.sourceDest, &source, &dest );
i = source;
//if ( ::g->consoleplayer == 1 ) {
//if ( i == 2 ) {
//int suck = 0;
::g->doomcom.remotenode = i; // good packet from a game player
::g->doomcom.datalength = (short)num_recieved;
// byte swap
::g->netbuffer->checksum = ntohl(sw.checksum);
::g->netbuffer->player = sw.player;
::g->netbuffer->retransmitfrom = sw.retransmitfrom;
::g->netbuffer->starttic = sw.starttic;
::g->netbuffer->numtics = sw.numtics;
for ( c = 0; c < ::g->netbuffer->numtics; c++ )
::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].forwardmove = sw.cmds[c].forwardmove;
::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].sidemove = sw.cmds[c].sidemove;
::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].angleturn = ntohs(sw.cmds[c].angleturn);
::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].consistancy = ntohs(sw.cmds[c].consistancy);
::g->netbuffer->cmds[c].buttons = sw.cmds[c].buttons;
static int I_TrySetupNetwork(void)
// DHM - Moved to Session
return 1;
// I_InitNetwork
void I_InitNetwork (void)
//qboolean trueval = true;
int i;
int p;
//int a = 0;
// struct hostent* hostentry; // host information entry
memset (&::g->doomcom, 0, sizeof(::g->doomcom) );
// set up for network
i = M_CheckParm ("-dup");
if (i && i< ::g->myargc-1)
::g->doomcom.ticdup = ::g->myargv[i+1][0]-'0';
if (::g->doomcom.ticdup < 1)
::g->doomcom.ticdup = 1;
if (::g->doomcom.ticdup > 9)
::g->doomcom.ticdup = 9;
::g->doomcom.ticdup = 1;
if (M_CheckParm ("-extratic"))
::g->doomcom.extratics = 1;
::g->doomcom.extratics = 0;
p = M_CheckParm ("-port");
if (p && p < ::g->myargc-1)
DOOMPORT = atoi (::g->myargv[p+1]);
I_Printf ("using alternate port %i\n",DOOMPORT);
// parse network game options,
// -net <::g->consoleplayer> <host> <host> ...
i = M_CheckParm ("-net");
if (!i || !I_TrySetupNetwork())
// single player game
::g->netgame = false;
::g->doomcom.id = DOOMCOM_ID;
::g->doomcom.numplayers = ::g->doomcom.numnodes = 1;
::g->doomcom.deathmatch = false;
::g->doomcom.consoleplayer = 0;
netsend = PacketSend;
netget = PacketGet;
::g->netgame = true;
++i; // skip the '-net'
::g->doomcom.numnodes = 0;
::g->doomcom.consoleplayer = atoi( ::g->myargv[i] );
// skip the console number
::g->doomcom.numnodes = 0;
for (; i < ::g->myargc; ++i)
::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.numnodes].sin_family = AF_INET;
::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.numnodes].sin_port = htons(DOOMPORT);
// Pull out the port number.
const std::string ipAddressWithPort( ::g->myargv[i] );
const std::size_t colonPosition = ipAddressWithPort.find_last_of(':');
std::string ipOnly;
if( colonPosition != std::string::npos && colonPosition + 1 < ipAddressWithPort.size() ) {
const std::string portOnly( ipAddressWithPort.substr( colonPosition + 1 ) );
::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.numnodes].sin_port = htons( atoi( portOnly.c_str() ) );
ipOnly = ipAddressWithPort.substr( 0, colonPosition );
} else {
// Assume the address doesn't include a port.
ipOnly = ipAddressWithPort;
in_addr_t ipAddress = inet_addr( ipOnly.c_str() );
if ( ipAddress == INADDR_NONE ) {
I_Error( "Invalid IP Address: %s\n", ipOnly.c_str() );
::g->sendaddress[::g->doomcom.numnodes].sin_addr.s_addr = ipAddress;
::g->doomcom.id = DOOMCOM_ID;
::g->doomcom.numplayers = ::g->doomcom.numnodes;
if ( globalNetworking ) {
// Setup sockets
::g->insocket = UDPsocket ();
BindToLocalPort (::g->insocket,htons(DOOMPORT));
// PS3 call to enable non-blocking mode
int nonblocking = 1; // Non-zero is nonblocking mode.
setsockopt( ::g->insocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NBIO, &nonblocking, sizeof(nonblocking));
::g->sendsocket = UDPsocket ();
I_Printf( "[+] Setting up sockets for player %d\n", DoomLib::GetPlayer() );
// DHM - Nerve
void I_ShutdownNetwork( void ) {
if ( globalNetworking && gameLocal != NULL ) {
int curPlayer = DoomLib::GetPlayer();
for (int player = 0; player < gameLocal->Interface.GetNumPlayers(); ++player)
DoomLib::SetPlayer( player );
if ( IsValidSocket( ::g->insocket ) ) {
I_Printf( "[-] Shut down insocket for player %d\n", DoomLib::GetPlayer() );
shutdown( ::g->insocket, SHUT_RDWR );
socketclose( ::g->insocket );
if ( IsValidSocket( ::g->sendsocket ) ) {
I_Printf( "[-] Shut down sendsocket for player %d\n", DoomLib::GetPlayer() );
shutdown( ::g->sendsocket, SHUT_RDWR );
socketclose( ::g->sendsocket );
globalNetworking = false;
void I_NetCmd (void)
if (::g->doomcom.command == CMD_SEND)
netsend ();
else if (::g->doomcom.command == CMD_GET)
netget ();
I_Error ("Bad net cmd: %i\n",::g->doomcom.command);