
48 KiB

    ____   ____   ____                           _____  ____   ______ ______
   / __ \ / __ ) / __ \ ____   ____   ____ ___  |__  / / __ ) / ____// ____/
  / /_/ // __  |/ / / // __ \ / __ \ / __ `__ \  /_ < / __  |/ /_   / / __  
 / _, _// /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // / / / / /___/ // /_/ // __/  / /_/ /  
/_/ |_|/_____//_____/ \____/ \____//_/ /_/ /_//____//_____//_/     \____/   

RBDOOM-3-BFG Release Notes -

Thank you for downloading RBDOOM-3-BFG.

TBD - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.5.0

.plan - March 08, 2023

This build improves the performance again by about 60% through a different V-Sync implementation by Steve Saunders. It seems to require tripple buffering and slightly more memory but elimates the stalls between CPU <-> GPU syncing.

The full discussion was in


  • Refactored DeviceManager_DX12 members for better diffing with original Donut sample

  • Use command queue sync method vs. device sync for higher performance / frame rate

  • Fixed fake parallel light in Mars City 1 opening scene

  • Tweaked some lights in the hangar

  • LightEditor: Draw volume of selected light and move it with arrow keys

.plan - March 05, 2023

This build improves the performance again and it shows the selected GPU with com_showFPS > 1. This is probably the fastest version ever at least with DX12.


  • Fixed Optick related compile warnings on Linux #750

  • Removed obsolete cvar r_useHDR

  • Removed obsolete cvar r_useSeamlessCubeMap

  • Went back to 15 bits for VERTCACHE_FRAME_MASK to avoid weird model distortions in a single frame every 68 seconds

  • Fixed missing shadows in the kitchen of Mars City 1

  • Added PROFILE_EVENT to RunFrame()

  • Fixed the CMake option -DOPTICK=ON/OFF

  • Display all the common different threads in Optick

  • Fixed crash of RBDoom after stopping an Optick capture

  • Super basic Optick profiler integration

  • Added r_graphicsAdapter to select a specific GPU

  • Tweaked DrawFPS maxTime to reduce flickering if V-Sync is on

  • Show picked GPU with com_showFPS > 1

  • Small performance fix

  • Added additional FGDs

.plan - Feb 24, 2023

This build improves the image quality and performance. The SSAO implementation has been updated with the latest code from Nvidia's Donut samples which outperforms the old implementation and also adds better stability on different view angles.

Special thanks to Stephen Saunders for fixing various Linux issues and improving the Vulkan implementation using AMD's Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA). This allows to run RBDOOM-3-BFG on AMD GPUs on Windows.

There are also many smaller bugfixes listed below.


  • Tweaked exportFGD to output more FGDs with autogenerated model definitions

  • Blend shadowmaps smoothly in for small distant lights #746

  • Skip shadowmaps for small distant lights #746

  • Don't allocate non shadow casting lights into the shadow atlas #746

  • Added menu option to choose between DX12 and Vulkan

  • Fix frame-over-frame timers for F12 screenshots

  • Detect displays that only support 144, 165 and 240 Hz

  • Define r_vmaAllocateBufferMemory cvar to control if VMA is used for buffer memory allocation

  • Add NVIDIA copyright notices to borrowed code in BufferObject_NVRHI.cpp and Image_NVRHI.cpp

  • Improve Vulkan SDK component detection (dxc & MoltenVK) using FindVulkan.cmake module

  • Set NVRHI upload buffer size to avoid Vulkan staging buffer fragmentation

  • Integrate the AMD's VMA allocator for images and buffer objects

  • Simplified old SSAO backend code

  • Fix shader for legacy r_ssaoFiltering option

  • Restore bounded array in mipmapgen.cs.hlsl for DXIL UAV binding

  • Fix legacy SSAO for NVRHI Vulkan and enable Donut's SSAO compute shader alternative

  • Fix ImGui include path handling to be consistent with other external libs

  • Applied MD3 crashfix by Daniel Gibson

  • Restore support for FFMPEG legacy channel_layout & channels fields, remove self-assignment in idSoundDecoder_Vorbis::Open()

  • Update FFMPEG deprecated calls to use supported ch_layout structure

  • R_TestVideo_f command fixes and Cinematics startup fix for NVRHI (BinkDec green frame)

  • Add s_playCinematicAudio cvar to enable/disable cinematic audio playback

  • Support mp4/webm/mkv cinematics for mods, fix duration calculation, fix testVideo shutdown on exit

.plan - Dec 22, 2022

This build adds several glTF2 importer options so you can use typical rigs like for UE4/Mixamo or Unity.

Special thanks to Harrie van Ginneken for the new options.

Here is an example model definition:

model character_mcneil
	options -scale 39.37 -addorigin -transfermotion "pelvis"
	mesh models/characters/mcneil/mcneil.root.glb
	channel legs ( origin *pelvis *foot_l *foot_r)
	anim walk models/characters/mcneil/mcneil.Walk.glb
	anim idle models/characters/mcneil/mcneil.Idle.glb


  • Added -reorient option to gltf model import

  • Added -addorigin option to gltf model import

  • Added -transfermotion option to gltf model import

  • Added -armature option to gltf model import for the case if your model is not directly parented to an armature

  • Fixed loading animations when the armatures option is not used

  • Fixes loading animations from different GLTF files

  • Fixes regenerating bMD5Anim from GLTF animation when source is newer than binary

  • Allowing binding of asset library instances in gltf scenes.

  • Don't crash when trying to load an animation from and GLB does not match last loaded model glb

  • Root motion transfer fixes.

  • Make missing joints on player model non-fatal in the game code

  • Make CheckModelHierachy non-fatal in the game code

.plan - Nov 20, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi5 branch allows to play the game with the NVRHI Vulkan backend. You can switch to Vulkan by starting the engine with +set r_graphicsAPI vulkan.

Also this build is for testing Vulkan it seems that the current changes make RBDOOM-3-BFG the fastest version ever with DX12.

Special thanks to Steven Pridham and Steve Saunders to get this running on Linux and macOS.

For the overall NVRHI state see the task board:

Besides that TrenchBroomBFG comes with a few fixes. The icon size option also affects the entity inspector now which helps with high resolutions. Also the DOOM-3-all.fgd contains all generated static meshes so you can drag n drop meshes into your map without the models zoomap.


  • Write constant buffers if changed or layout changed

  • Move nvrhi::Device->waitForIdle() back to GL_BlockingSwapBuffers()

  • Always write the constant buffer -> BAD but works

  • Update the render state whenever the constant buffer is written to

  • Invalid binding set cache if either vertex data or joint data changes

  • Update NVRHI submodule

  • Update map buffer calls

  • Update to make it easier to switch constant buffer usage

  • Allow buffer ranges for constant buffers

  • Fix VK descriptor set slot for motionBlur shader

  • Replaced std::min/max with Min/Max

  • Merge branch '721-gltf2-cameras' into 705-gltf2-import-options

  • Added idMat4::GetTranslation() and some comments

  • HarrievG: [glTF2] Corrected Spot light transforms

  • HarrievG: [glTF2] Fixed runtime reloading for gltf models

  • Passed idImportOptions along the animations loader code

  • Apply import options to glTF2 models (WIP)

  • Little cleanup of the glTF2 code

  • Use fixed size (-8 -8 0, 8 8 16) bounds for all model based entities for TB

  • Added TrenchBroom FGD files

  • exportFGD proxymodel fix

TrenchBroomBFG Changelog:

  • Updated DOOM-3-all.fgd to contain all genmodel entities generated from static meshes

  • func_door FGD fix

  • Use Icon size preferences in entity browser

  • FGD proxymodel evaluation fix #4052

.plan - Oct 29, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch fixes several issues with the dmap glTF2 workflow and updates TrenchBroomBFG to the latest TrenchBroom 2022.2 RC2 candidate code.


  • Inline support for gltf maps; Add "inline" "0" property to a func_static to not inlude it in the map BSP. Defaults to 1 if not set.

  • Recursive Entity/Collection support for glTF2 maps

  • KHR_lights_punctual point & spot light support

TrenchBroomBFG Changelog:

  • Fixed missing support for the basecolormap shortcut in .mtr files

Changelog (since TrenchBroom 2022.1) Features

#3449, #2628, #719: Add support for modern model formats via the assimp library (@EludeQ)


#4078: Allow texture reset shortcut in 2D views
#4059: Allow texture nudging etc. on a shift-clicked face while in vertex, edge or face mode

Bug fixes

#4045: Don't crash when showing a file dialog on Linux
#4038: Repair model expressions that reference a non-existing spawnflags property
#4051: Disallow adding entity property if it leads to inconsistent linked group updates
#4059: Don't crash if linked groups temporarily exceed world bounds during update
#4089: Fix shortcuts sometimes not working
#4113: Don't move unrelated objects when creating a point entity
#4125: Don't render hidden patches
#4100: Don't hang if a brush cannot be loaded

.plan - Oct 20, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch fixes several issues in the AAS builder with the dmap glTF2 workflow.


  • Removal of backface generation in idAASBuild for polygon meshes

  • Fixed dmap crash while trying to merge leaf nodes

  • Add move semantics to idList and idStr (thanks Admer)

    • idListArrayResize uses std::move
    • idStr implements move constructor
    • and move operator
    • mpMap_t also implements a move operator
  • Fix snprintf() buffer length issues for Doom Classic on Linux with GCC 12 compiler

.plan - Oct 1, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch repairs the loading of animated glTF2 models (thanks to Harrie van Ginneken) and an updated version of TrenchBroom. All models need to be reexported by Blender using the enabled +Y Up option.

Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:

Format: glTF Binary (.glb)
Transform: +Y Up On
Materials: Export
Images: None
Compression: Off
Data: Custom Properties On
Animation: Animation On, Shape Keys On, Skinning On


  • Added new Imgui Aritulated Figure editor by Stephen Pridham (forgot to mention this in the last Changelog)

  • Fixed math problem and transposed idMat4::ToMat3()

  • Repaired glTF2 skeletal animations for the Y-Up case

  • Fixed glTF2 boneless TRS animations

  • Fixed dmap .glb world+entity geom for the Y-Up case

  • Renormalize normals & tangents from dmap .glb import

  • Fixed random Unknown punctuation error while loading a glTF2 model

  • Transform entity geometry for dmap -glview .obj output into world space

  • Moved BSP visualization into separate dmap -asciiTree option

  • Renamed custom TrenchBroom fork to TrenchBroomBFG

  • Change TrenchBroomBFG to only load Doom 3 related game profiles as it breaks compatibility to other Quake based games

  • TrenchBroomBFG was updated with the latest TrenchBroom/master code which involves a couple of bugfixes for linked groups (instancing)

  • If you turn off certain brushes like visportals in the View Options you won't accidently select by clicking to brushes behind them

.plan - Sep 25, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch improves the glTF2 support for mapping with Blender and adds back OGG Vorbis support for custom soundtracks.

Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:

Format: glTF Binary (.glb) Transform: +Y Up Off <-- BIG CHANGE: it was On last time Materials: Export Images: None Compression: Off Data: Custom Properties On

Similar to modern Quake sourceports users can now just throw their favorite soundtrack into base/music/ like base/music/aqm/*.ogg or into a modfolder/music/ path. The game will play automatically it in the background as a looping track until the end of the map. Each map will pick a different track but mappers can also define a "music" track in the worldspawn entity. You can also fine tune the volume of each track if you write a sound shader for your files.

There is an example in mod_alternativequakemusic/sound/_rbdoom_aqm_tracks.sndshd for the Alternative Quake Music sound track.


  • Improved Quake .map converter to get Makkon's samplemaps working

  • Tweaked dmap -glview option to dump an .obj next to the .proc file with similar content and to print an ASCII art BSP tree in the proc file

  • Bumped the required C++ standard to C++14

  • TrenchBroom's glTF2 support was changed to properly display models that were exported from Blender with the +Y-Up option ticked OFF

  • Added ancient oggvorbis code from vanilla Doom 3

  • Merged Ogg Vorbis support from DNF id Tech 4 branch (thanks to Justin Marshall for making .ogg working with the BFG sound engine)

  • Scan for music/*.ogg files and play a different track for each map

  • You can start the Vulkan backend with +set r_graphicsAPI Vulkan

  • Fixed several Vulkan related bugs like the swapchain problem. It is not playable yet

  • The Icedhellfire mod contains AAS files for the ROE maps

.plan - Sep 04, 2022

This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch adds glTF2 support to RBDOOM-3-BFG and TrenchBroom. Big thanks to Harrie van Ginneken (VrKnight) for contributing this major feature. The glTF2 support doesn't rely on thirdparty loaders and is a native id Tech 4x implementation.

Material names in Blender need to be 1:1 the material names defined in the corresponding materials/*.mtr files.

Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:

Format: glTF Binary (.glb) Transform: +Y Up Materials: Export Images: None Compression: Off Data: Custom Properties On


  • Added glTF2 model loader for static and animated models

  • Changed dmap to support compiling maps from gtTF2 .glb models instead of .map files

  • Added support for MapPolygonMeshes to the AAS compiler

  • TrenchBroom uses Assimp for glTF2 support and is based on branch doom3-support9 using TB/master from Jul 06, 2022

This build also gives a preview of the Iced Hellfire Mod by Justin Marshall (icecoldduke): It features native weapon and monster AI implementations in C++ and Quake 3 multiplayer bots. I added a couple of bugfixes and compiled the deathmatch maps with runAAS so you can try the multiplayer bots with the "fillbots" command.

The directory "mod_icedhellfire" contains the necessary updated AAS files for the multiplayer maps. In order to play the mod you only need to start DoomIcedHellfire.exe without extra parameters.

.plan - Jul 03, 2022

This build targets several problems when using the bakeEnvironmentProbes and bakeLightGrid commands using the NVRHI/DX12 backend. So the commands are producing the same results as the OpenGL backend now.

  • Don't use TAA jitter when capturing env probes!

  • Always clear the envprobe FBO for lightgrid capturing

  • Print engine version when starting to write a qconsole.log

  • Fixed window icon by adding the missing doom.rc

.plan - Jun 27, 2022

This build targets several problems when compiling maps with dmap and it adds GPU Skinning to the DX12 backend.

  • Merged GPU skinning code by SP and did additional refactoring

  • Don't generate collision models for every rendermodel in advance. Restored vanilla Doom 3 behaviour.

  • Dmap: always write a .cm file, especially when overwriting from a mod dir

  • Support the Valve 220 texture projection in MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromBrush()

  • Automatically remove map collision .cm, .bcm files before running dmap

  • Crashfix: Don't refesh the screen using prints during engine shutdown

.plan - Jun 5, 2022

This build targets the NVRHI/DX12 crash problems that have been reported since the last build.

  • Fixed rendering of FFmpeg, Binkdec videos and Doomclassic modes #648 677

  • Separate bind set for material textures in the light passes to avoid allocation problems #676

  • Fixed chromatic aberration on right/bottom screen corners

.plan - May 29, 2022

This version replaces OpenGL with DX12 using the NVRHI API.

NVRHI (NVIDIA Rendering Hardware Interface) is a library that implements a common abstraction layer over multiple graphics APIs (GAPIs): Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, and Vulkan 1.2. It works on Windows (x64 only) and Linux (x64 and ARM64).

The initial port to NVRHI and major work was done by Stephen Pridham. Big thanks for that!

  • Renderer uses DX12 instead of OpenGL. Vulkan isn't supported yet

  • SMAA has been replaced with a Temporal Anti Aliasing solution by Nvidia. This not only fixes geometric aliasing but also shader based aliasing like extreme specular highlights by the PBR shaders.

  • The MSAA option is gone for the moment

  • Shadow mapping uses a fat shadowmap atlas instead of switching between shadowmap buffers and the HDR render target for each light

  • Shaders are not compiled at runtime anymore. They are compiled in advance by CMake using the DXC shader compiler and distributed in binary form under base/renderprogs2/dxil/*.bin

  • All shaders have been rewritten to proper HLSL

06 March 2022 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.4.0


This version improves support for mapping with TrenchBroom. Until now you needed to extract and copy the vanilla Doom 3 models and textures over to the base/ folder to see the content in the TrenchBroom entity browser and texture viewer. Owning the original game next to the BFG edition is not necessary anymore. This version comes with a couple of new RBDOOM-3-BFG console commands that lets you export particular parts of the .resources files to the base/_tb/ folder.

You need to call exportImagesToTrenchBroom once and you are good to go to start mapping with the TrenchBroom level editor.

TrenchBroom comes with several more Doom 3 specific changes. After loading a map TrenchBroom generates unique entity names and also fixes missing or bad "model" keys for brush based entitites. Also creating new entities like light will automatically receive names like light_2.

This patch also contains a couple of func_group related bugfixes. func_group works now with brush based entities, point entities and just regular brushes.



  • Tweaked exportFGD command for new icons

  • Added new icons to TrenchBroom for certain entities like lights, speakers or particle emitters

  • TrenchBroom offers a dropdown menu to select the Quake 1 light style for lights

  • Drastically improved loading time of textures for materials in TrenchBroom

  • Added RBDoom console command convertMapToValve220 <map>. You can also type exec convert_maps_to_valve220.cfg to convert all Doom 3 .map files into the TrenchBroom friendly format. Converted maps are saved with the suffix.

  • Added RBDoom console command exportImagesToTrenchBroom which decompresses and saves all .bimage images to base/_tb/*.png files

  • Added RBDoom console command exportModelsToTrenchBroom which saves all .base|.blwo|.bmd5mesh models to _tb/*.obj proxy files. This commands also generates helper entities for TrenchBroom so all mapobject/models are also available in the Entity Inspector using the DOOM-3-models.fgd.

  • Added RBDoom console command makeZooMapForModels which makes a Source engine style zoo map with mapobject/models like .blwo, .base et cetera and saves it to maps/zoomaps/ This helps mappers to get a good overview of the trememdous amount of custom models available in Doom 3 BFG by sorting them into categories and arranging them in 3D. It also filters models so that only modular models are picked that can be reused in new maps.

  • TrenchBroom got several Doom 3 specific issue generators to help mappers avoiding pitfalls during mapping

  • Changed TrenchBroom's rotation tool to use the "angles" key by default to remove some Quake related limitations


  • Stencil shadows work again (thanks to Stephen Pridham)

  • Fixed black screen after using the reloadImages command

  • Added CMake options STANDALONE and DOOM_CLASSIC

  • Added command convertMapQuakeToDoom <map> that expects a Quake 1 .map in the Valve220 format and does some Doom 3 specific fixes

  • The gamecode ignores func_group entities if they were created by TrenchBroom instead to warn that there is no spawn function

  • dmap / idMapFile move brushes of func_group entities to worldspawn before compiling the BSP. This also means func_group brushes are structural. If you want to optimize the BSP then move those to func_static instead which is the same as func_detail in Quake.

  • Fixed that dmap failed writing the BSP .proc file if the command was interrupted by an error


Steve Saunders contributed

  • Updated mac OS support

  • Improved Vulkan / Molten support

  • Fixed FFmpeg 5 compatibility for newer Linux distros

  • Bink videos can play audio if they contain audio tracks (merged from DOOM BFA by Mr.GK)


  • Added TrenchBroom helper entityDefs like a Quake 3 style misc_model to comply with TrenchBroom's Solid/PointClass rules for editing entities

  • Added new Creative Commons CC0 textures/common/ and textures/editor/ replacement textures because they didn't ship with the BFG edition

  • Added base/convert_maps_to_valve220.cfg which lets you convert all maps to the Valve 220 .map format in one shot

  • Added base/maps/zoomaps/

30 October 2021 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.3.0 - Download it from the RBDOOM-3-BFG ModDB Page

RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.3.0 adds PBR, Baked GI and TrenchBroom Mapping Support

The main goal of this 1.3.0 release is enabling modders the ability to make new content using up to date Material & Lighting standards. Adding PBR is a requirement to make the new content look the same in RBDOOM-3-BFG as in Blender 2.9x with Cycles or Eevee and Substance Designer. PBR became the standard material authoring since 2014. Many texture packs for Doom 3 like the Wulfen & Monoxead packs were made before and are heavily outdated. With this release modders can work with modern tools and expect that their content looks as expected.

However the PBR implementation is restricted to standard PBR using the Roughness/Metallic workflow for now. Specialized rendering paths for skin, clothes and vegetation will be in future releases.

Physically Based Rendering

Implementing Physically Based Rendering (PBR) in Doom 3 is a challenge and comes with a few compromises because the Doom 3 content was designed to work with the hardware constraints in 2004 and that even meant to run on a Geforce 3.

The light rigs aren't made for PBR but it is possible to achieve good PBR lighting even with the old content by tweaking the light formulars with a few good magic constants. However I also want to support the modding scene to allow them to create brand new PBR materials made with Substance Designer/Painter or other modern tools so multiple rendering paths have been implemented.

PBR allows artists to create textures that are based on real world measured color values and they look more or less the same in any renderer that follows the PBR guidelines and formulars.

RBDOOM-3-BFG only supports the standard PBR Roughness/Metallic workflow.

Baked Global Illumination using Irradiance Volumes and Image Based Lighting

To achieve the typical PBR look from an artistic point of view it also means to that it is necessary to add indirect lighting. Doom 3 and even Doom 3 BFG had no indirect lighting.

Doom 3 BFG is a big game. Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Missions sum up to 47 big single player levels with an average of ~60 - 110 BSP portal areas or let's call them rooms / floors. Each room can have up to 50 shadow casting lights and most of them are point lights. I needed a good automatic solution that fixes the pitch black areas without destroying the original look and feel of the game. I also needed to add environment probes for each room so PBR materials can actually reflect the environment.

So RBDOOM-3-BFG comes with 2 systems to achieve this and both are automatic approaches so everything can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time. The first system are environment probes which are placed into the center of the rooms. They can also be manually tweaked by adding env_probe entities in the maps. They use L4 spherical harmonics for diffuse reflections and GGX convolved mip maps for specular reflections. The second system refines this by using a light grid for each room which provides a sort of a localized/improved version of the surrounding light for each corner of the room.

Irradiance Volumes aka Light Grids

RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.3.0 brings back the Quake 3 light grid but this time the grid points feature spherical harmonics encoded as octahedrons and it can be evaluated per pixel. This means it can be used on any geometry and serves as an irradiance volume. Unlike Quake 3 this isn't radiosity which is limited to diffuse only reflections. The diffuse reflectivity is built using all kinds of incoming light: diffuse, specular and emissive (sky, light emitting GUIs, VFX).

Lightgrids can be baked after loading the map and by typing:

bakeLightGrids [<switches>...]
 limit[num] : max probes per BSP area (default 16384)
 bounce[num] : number of bounces or number of light reuse (default 1)
 grid( xdim ydim zdim ) : light grid size steps into each direction (default 64 64 128)

This will generate a .lightgrid file next to your .map file and it will also store a light grid atlas for each BSP area under env/maps/<path/to/your/map/>

Limit is 16384 by default and means the maximum number of light grid points in a single light grid. Quake 3 had one light grid that streched over the entire map and distributed lighting every 64 x 64 x 128 units by default. If the maps were too big then q3map2 made the default grid size broader like 80 x 80 x 144, 96 x 96 x 160 and so on until the maximum number of light grid points was reached.

The Quake 3 approach wouldn't work with Doom 3 because the maps are too big and it would result in up to 800k probes for some maps or the grid density would very coarse.

RBDOOM-3-BFG uses the bounding size of the BSP portal areas and puts smaller light grids into those BSP areas.

This way we can maintain a good grid density and avoid wasting storage because of light grid points that are in empty space.

But what is an Irradiance Volume or Light Grid exactly?

It tells each model or lit pixel how the indirect diffuse lighting is coming from any direction. The Probulator page by Yuri O'Donnell has some good examples:

Left: The captured view using a panorama layout. Right: The Diffuse lighting using Level 4 Spherical Harmonics aka Irradiance.

Now think of this for each of the grid points in RBDOOM-3-BFG. If a model is placed between those probes the lighting will be interpolated by the nearest 8 grid points similar like in Quake 3.

Quake 3 only stored the dominant light direction, the average light color of that direction and an ambient color term for each grid point. In RBDOOM-3-BFG you basically can have the diffuse lighting information for any world space direction instead. This is a way more advanced technique.

Image Based Lighting and Environment Probes

Environment probes supplement the light grids. While light grids provide diffuse lighting information the signal isn't good enough to provide plausible specular light reflections. This is where environment probes are needed.

If a level designer doesn't put any env_probe entities into a map then they are automatically distributed through the map using the BSP area bounds and placed in the center of them.

Environment probes can be computed after loading the map and by typing:


This will generate EXR files in env/maps/<path/to/your/map/>.

The environment probes use an octahedron encoding and the specular mipmaps are convolved using the Split Sum Approximation by Brian Karris [Epic 2013]. Convolving the environment probes is done on the CPU using the id Tech 5 multi threading code so it will consume all your available cores.

For artists this basically means if you increase the roughness in your material then you increase the mip map level of the environment probe it samples light from and it gets blurier.

Fallback for Missing Data

If you haven't downloaded the additional baked light data from the RBDOOM-3-BFG ModDB Page and just run RBDOOM-3-BFG.exe with the required DLLs (or you built it yourself) it will use an internal fallback. RBDOOM-3-BFG.exe has one prebaked environment probe that is compiled into the executable.

It's the light data from the Mars City 1 lobby in the screenshot above. Using this data for the entire game is inacurrate but a better compromise than using a fixed global light direction and some sort of Rim lighting hack like in version 1.2.0. The default irradiance / radiance data gives the entire game a warmer look and it fits for being on Mars all the time.

Some Examples of Indirect Lighting

Left: No extra ambient pass. Ambient is pure black like in original Doom 3. Right: Extra ambient pass with r_forceAmbient 0.5 using local environment probe for irradiance and radiance lighting.

Some examples that show additional environment lighting on all assets.

PBR Texture format

In Doom 3 a classic simple materials looks like this:

  qer_editorimage		textures/base_wall/snpanel2rust.tga
  bumpmap           textures/base_wall/snpanel2_local.tga
  diffusemap        textures/base_wall/snpanel2rust_d.tga
  specularmap       textures/base_wall/snpanel2rust_s.tga

It's usually rendered with Blinn-Phong specular with a fixed specular exponent. Specularmaps are more or less Gloss maps.

In RBDOOM-3-BFG it uses the PBR GGX Cook-Torrence formular and you can vary the roughness along the material like in other modern engines and you usually define a texture with the _rmao suffix.

RMAO Image Channels Description
Red Roughness
Green Metalness
Blue Ambient Occlusion

Example material:

  qer_editorimage   models/mapobjects/pbr/materialorb/substance/metal04_basecolor.png
  basecolormap      models/mapobjects/pbr/materialorb/substance/metal04_basecolor.png
  normalmap         models/mapobjects/pbr/materialorb/substance/metal04_normal.png
  specularmap       models/mapobjects/pbr/materialorb/substance/metal04_rmao.png

The engine will also look for _rmao.[png/tga] overrides for old materials and if it finds those it will render them using a better PBR path. Old school specularmaps also go through a GGX pipeline but the roughness is estimated from the glossmap.

The Ambient Occlusion will be mixed with the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and will only affect indirect lighting contributed by the environment probes.

Filmic Post Processing

TL;DR If you enable it then you play DOOM 3 BFG with the optics of a Zack Snyder movie.

This release adds chromatic abberation and filmic dithering using Blue Noise. The effect is heavy and is usually aimed in Film production to mix real camera footage with CG generated content.

Dithering demonstration: left side is quantized to 3 bits for each color channel. Right side is also only 3 bits but dithered with chromatic Blue Noise. The interesting fact about the dithering here is shown in the upper debug bands. The first top band is the original signal. The second shows just 8 blocks and if you dither the those blocks with Blue Noise then it is close to the original signal which is surprising.

TrenchBroom Mapping Support

This is still very much Work in Progress and not supported by the official TrenchBroom.

Mapping for Doom 3 using TrenchBroom requires an extended unofficial build that is bundled with the official RBDOOM-3-BFG 7z package. You can find the customized version under tools/trenchbroom/.

Doom 3 also requires some extensions in order to work with TrenchBroom. I usually develop these things for RBDOOM-3-BFG but I created a seperated brach for vanilla Doom 3 so everybody can adopt TrenchBroom and the new Doom 3 (Valve) .map support.

The goal of the TrenchBroom support is to make it easier to create new maps. It doesn't allow to create bezier patches at the moment so you won't be able to edit existing Doom 3 maps.

You can only save maps to the Doom 3 Valve format but you can copy paste from the vanilla Doom 3 .map format into the Doom 3 (Valve)configuration and reset your texture alignment as you want. TrenchBroom doesn't support brush primitives like in D3Radiant or DarkRadiant and if you are familiar with TrenchBroom then you know that the preferred .map format is some kind of (Valve) .map format for your game.

The Quake 1/2/3 communities already adopted the Valve .map format in the BSP compilers and I did the same with dmap in RBDOOM-3-BFG.

Here is an overview of the changes made to TrenchBroom:


  • Doom 3 .map parser with brushDef3, patchDef2, patchDef3 primitives
  • Doom 3 Valve .map configuration
  • Quake 3 .shader parser adopted to support .mtr
  • .mtr support includes support for Doom 3 diffuse stages and the lookup for them is like in idMaterial::GetEditorImage()
  • New Doom 3 OBJ parser. My TB Interop branch automatically creates OBJ files to work with TB and it also allows seamless interop with Blender 2.8x and 2.9x with the need of additional model formats for func_static entities (like misc_model for Quake 3)
  • Game FGDs for Doom 3 and Doom 3 BFG


  • It has no support for BFG .resource files and .bimage files. BFG only shipped for precompressed textures and no .tga files so people who want to mod for BFG have to copy the vanilla D3 base/textures/* and base/models/* to D3BFG/base/
  • Many entities work differently in Doom 3 if they have an origin. Brush work in D3 is usually stored in entity space and not world space. This is a major issue and not solved. I couldn't figure out how to parse the origin first and then translate the brushes accordingly.
  • Doom 3's primary model formats are LWO and ASE. LWO and .md5mesh model support is missing.
  • Some ASE models can't be loaded and materials are usually all wrong if loaded

Some Scenes of Mars City 1 loaded into TrenchBroom

General Changelog


  • r_useHDR 1 is now the default mode and can't be turned off because it is a requirement for Physically Based Rendering

  • Changed light interaction shaders to use PBR GGX Cook-Torrance specular contribution. The material roughness is estimated by the old school Doom 3 glossmap if no PBR texture is provided

  • PBR texture support

  • Extended ambient pass to support Light Grids and Environment Probes

  • Turned off Half-Lambert lighting hack in favor of Image Based Lighting

  • Improved r_hdrDebug which shows F-stops like in Filament

  • Turned off r_hdrAutomaticExposure by default because it caused too much flickering and needs further work. The new default values work well with all Doom 3 content

  • r_lightScale (default 3) can be changed

  • Light shaders were tweaked with magic constants that r_forceAmbient 0.5, r_exposure 0.5 look as bright as in Doom 2016 or any other PBR renderer

  • SSAO only affects the ambient pass and not the direct lighting and the ambient occlusion affects the specular indirect contribution depending on the roughness of a material. See moving Frostbite to PBR (Lagarde2014)

  • Added HACK to look for PBR reflection maps with the suffix _rmao if a specular map was specified and ends with _s.tga. This allows to override the materials with PBR textures without touching the material .mtr files.

  • Fixed ambient lights, 3D GUIs and fog being too bright in HDR mode

  • Fixed darkening of the screen in HDR mode when you get hit by an enemy

  • Fixed ellipse bug when using Grabber gun in HDR mode #407

  • Added LoadEXR using TinyEXR, LoadHDR using stb_image

  • Optimized R_WriteEXR using TinyEXR compression

  • Added Spherical Harmonics math from Probulator by Yuri O'Donnell

  • Added Octahedron math by Morgan McGuire -



  • Fixed GPU Skinning with Vulkan

  • Fixed the lighting with stencil shadows with Vulkan and added Carmarck's Rerverse optimization

  • Added anisotropic filtering to Vulkan

  • Added Git submodule glslang 7.10.2984 -> stable release Nov 15, 2018

  • Vulkan version builds on Linux. Big thanks to Eric Womer for helping out with the SDL 2 part

  • Fixed Bink video playback with Vulkan

  • ImGui runs with Vulkan by skipping all Vulkan implementation details for it and rendering ImGui on a higher level like the Flash GUI


  • idMapFile and dmap were changed to support the Valve 220 .map format to aid mapping with TrenchBroom

  • Added exportFGD [models] console command which exports all def/*.def entityDef declarations to base/exported/_tb/ as Forge Game Data files. TrenchBroom has native support to read those files Using the models argument will also export all needed models by entity declarations to base/_tb/ as Wavefront OBJ files.

  • To make it easier getting static models from Blender/Maya/3D Studio Max into TrenchBroom and the engine Wavefront OBJ model support has been ported from IcedTech

  • Support angles keyword again for TrenchBroom like in Quake 3


  • com_showFPS bigger than 1 uses ImGui to show more detailed renderer stats like the original console prints with r_speeds

  • Removed 32bit support: FFmpeg and OpenAL libraries are only distributed as Win64 versions, 32bit CMakes files are gone

  • Added Blue Noise based Filmic Dithering by Timothy Lottes and Chromatic Aberration

  • Added Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (AMD) by Justin Marshall (IcedTech)

  • Improved Shadow Mapping quality with Vogel Disk Sampling by Panos Karabelas and using dithering the result with Blue Noise magic by Alan Wolfe

  • Improved Screen Space Ambient Occlusion performance by enhancing the quality with Blue Noise and skipping the expensive extra bilateral filtering pass

  • Updated idRenderLog to support RenderDoc and Nvidia's Nsight and only issue OpenGL or Vulkan debug commands if the debug extensions are detected. Reference:

  • Artistic Style C++ beautifier configuration has slightly changed to work closer to Clang Format's behaviour

  • Updated documentation regarding modding support in the README

  • Bumped the static vertex cache limit of 31 MB to roughly ~ 128 MB to help with some custom models and maps by the Doom 3 community

  • Added support for Mikkelsen tangent space standard for new assets (thanks to Stephen Pridham)

  • Renamed r_useFilmicPostProcessEffects to r_useFilmicPostProcessing

  • Replaced Motion Blur System Option with Filmic VFX (r_useFilmicPostProcessing)

  • Windows builds still require OpenGL 4.5 but they run in compatibility profile instead of core profile

  • Initial support for the MIPS64 architecture (thanks to Ramil Sattarov)

  • Initial support for the LoongArch64 architecture (thanks to Ramil Sattarov)

  • Initial support for the PPC64 architecture (thanks to Trung Lê)

  • Initial support for the Raspberry Pi 4 (thanks to Alejandro Piñeiro)

  • Updated Mac OS support (thanks to Steve Saunders)

  • Improved console layout (thanks to Justin Marshall)

  • Added invertGreen( normalmap.png ) material keyword to allow flipping the Y-Axis for tangent space normal maps

  • Changed to sys_lang to be saved to config so it has to be set per cmdline only a single time

  • Fixed bug that GOG builds default to Japanese instead of English

  • Support for Steam and GOG base path detection for Windows if sys_useSteamPath or sys_useGOGPath is set to 1 (default 0)

  • Changed CMake MSVC setup to enable debugging without manually changing paths (thanks to Patrick Raynor)

  • Allow files next to the original .map files so new entities can be added to existing maps or old entities can be tweaked with new values

  • Fixed DPI Scaling problems for 4K screens


  • This release is the first time that contains changes to the base/ folder and is not a pure executable patch

  • base/materials/*.mtr contain the Doom 3 BFG material files with some minor fixes so TrenchBroom can load them

  • base/def/*.def are the Doom 3 BFG entity definition files so DarkRadiant is functional

  • base/maps/game/ contains a fog light fix in the first hangar scene

  • base/maps/game/* files contain additional env_probe entities and light entity tweaks

  • base/maps/game/.lightgrid files and base/env/game//.exr contain the new precomputed PBR light data

  • New entity definition env_probe

  • New material textures/common/origin so mappers can create brushes that set the entity origin

  • Changed light entity definition to support Quake 1 light styles

October 2019 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.2.0

This is a maintenance release without Vulkan support even though it contains a lot Vulkan specific code.

  • Experimental Work in Progress Vulkan renderer backend based on Dustin Land's Doom 3 BFG Vulkan port This renderer backend only supports ambient lighting and no light interactions but it also comes with a big renderer code cleanup.

    The changes also fixed several rendering bugs that occured in OpenGL:

  • Fixed black dots when HDR and SSAO is enabled

  • Hit/damage markers show a white background #422

  • Refactored and simplified OpenGL renderer backend to match Vulkan backend

  • Renamed the .vertex and .pixel shader files to .hlsl This allows better editing of the shaders within Visual Studio including Intellisense support.

  • Integrated libbinkdec for video playback as a slim alternative to FFmpeg (thanks to Daniel Gibson)

  • Added in-engine Flash debugging tools and new console variables. These tools help to analyse the id Tech view of Flash and what SWF tags are supported and how they are interpreted by id Tech's own ActionScript 2 interpreter

    • postLoadExportAtlas
    • postLoadExportSWF
    • postLoadExportJSON
    • swf_show : Draws the bounding box of instanced Flash sprites in red and their names
  • Added Steel Storm 2 Engine render demo fixes

  • Merged LordHavoc's image compression progress bar which shows up in the map loading screen when loading and compressing new images from mods

  • Added instructions how to use these Doom 3 port with the GOG installer

  • Many smaller compiler related fixes like VS 2017 and VS 2019 support. If it fails to compile with GCC then it should at least build with Clang on Linux

  • Initial support for the E2K (MCST Elbrus 2000) architecture (thanks to Ramil Sattarov)

11 April 2016 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.1.0 preview 3

  • True 64 bit HDR lighting with adaptive filmic tone mapping and gamma-correct rendering in linear RGB space

  • Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing For more information see "Anti-Aliasing Methods in CryENGINE 3" and the docs at

  • Filmic post process effects like Technicolor color grading and film grain

  • Fixed issues with Mesa drivers and allowed them to use shadow mapping

  • Defaulted fs_resourceLoadPriority to 0 so it is not necessary anymore to specify when running a modification

  • Additional ambient render pass to make the game less dark similar to the Quake 4 r_forceAmbient technique

  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

  • Did some fine tuning to the Half-Lambert lighting curve so bump mapping doesn't loose too much details

7 March 2015 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.0.3

  • SDL 2 is the default for Linux

  • CMake options like -DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBJPEG to aid Linux distribution package maintainers

  • SDL gamepad support and other SDL input improvements like support for more mouse buttons

  • Mac OS X support (experimental)

  • XAudio 2, Windows 8 SDK fixes

  • Better Mesa support (not including advanced shadow mapping)

  • Added back dmap and aas compilers (mapping tools)

  • Cinematic sequences can be skipped

  • Localization support for other languages than English

  • Improved modding support through loading of custom models and animations (see section 12 MODIFICATIONS in the README)

17 May 2014 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.0.2


This release doubles the shadow mapping performance and allows the game to be played at solid 120 fps in 1080p with a Nvidia GTX 660 Ti. It also adds a graphics option to enable/disable shadow mapping and fixes a few problems with FFmpeg playing Bink videos.

11 May 2014 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.0.1


This release improves the performance drastically and adds shadow mapping support for translucent surfaces like grates.

10 May 2014 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.0


  • Added soft shadow mapping

  • Added PNG image support

  • Replaced QGL with GLEW

  • base/renderprogs/ can be baked into the executable using Premake/Lua

  • Replaced Visual Studio solution with CMake

  • Linux port using SDL/SDL2 and OpenAL

  • 64 bit support for Windows and Linux

  • Sourcecode cleanup using Artistic Style 2.03 C++ beautifier and by fixing tons of warnings using Clang compiler

  • Fast compile times using precompiled header support

  • Tons of renderer bugfixes and Cg -> GLSL converter that supports ES 2.00, ES 3.30 additional to GLSL 1.50

  • Netcode fixes to allow multiplayer sessions to friends with +connect (manual port forwarding required)