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586 lines
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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Dustin Land
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "../RenderCommon.h"
idCVar r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages( "r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Show info messages the GPU driver outputs when compiling the shaders" );
idCVar r_alwaysExportGLSL( "r_alwaysExportGLSL", "1", CVAR_BOOL, "" );
void idRenderProgManager::StartFrame()
void idRenderProgManager::BindProgram( int index )
if( current == index )
current = index;
RENDERLOG_PRINTF( "Binding GLSL Program %s\n", renderProgs[ index ].name.c_str() );
glUseProgram( renderProgs[ index ].progId );
void idRenderProgManager::Unbind()
current = -1;
glUseProgram( 0 );
void idRenderProgManager::LoadShader( int index, rpStage_t stage )
if( shaders[index].progId != INVALID_PROGID )
return; // Already loaded
LoadShader( shaders[index] );
void idRenderProgManager::LoadShader( shader_t& shader )
idStr inFile;
idStr outFileHLSL;
idStr outFileGLSL;
idStr outFileUniforms;
// RB: replaced backslashes
inFile.Format( "renderprogs/%s", shader.name.c_str() );
outFileHLSL.Format( "renderprogs/hlsl/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
switch( glConfig.driverType )
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/glsles-3_00/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/glsles-3_00/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/vkglsl/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/vkglsl/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
//SRS - OSX supports only up to GLSL 4.1
#if defined(__APPLE__)
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-4_10/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-4_10/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-4_50/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-4_50/%s%s", shader.name.c_str(), shader.nameOutSuffix.c_str() );
GLenum glTarget;
if( shader.stage == SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT )
inFile += ".ps.hlsl";
outFileHLSL += ".ps.hlsl";
outFileGLSL += ".frag";
outFileUniforms += ".frag.layout";
inFile += ".vs.hlsl";
outFileHLSL += ".vs.hlsl";
outFileGLSL += ".vert";
outFileUniforms += ".vert.layout";
// first check whether we already have a valid GLSL file and compare it to the hlsl timestamp;
ID_TIME_T hlslTimeStamp;
int hlslFileLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( inFile.c_str(), NULL, &hlslTimeStamp );
ID_TIME_T glslTimeStamp;
int glslFileLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileGLSL.c_str(), NULL, &glslTimeStamp );
// if the glsl file doesn't exist or we have a newer HLSL file we need to recreate the glsl file.
idStr programGLSL;
idStr programUniforms;
if( ( glslFileLength <= 0 ) || ( hlslTimeStamp != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP && hlslTimeStamp > glslTimeStamp ) || r_alwaysExportGLSL.GetBool() )
const char* hlslFileBuffer = NULL;
int len = 0;
if( hlslFileLength <= 0 )
// hlsl file doesn't even exist bail out
hlslFileBuffer = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( inFile.c_str() );
if( hlslFileBuffer == NULL )
len = strlen( hlslFileBuffer );
len = fileSystem->ReadFile( inFile.c_str(), ( void** ) &hlslFileBuffer );
if( len <= 0 )
idStrList compileMacros;
for( int j = 0; j < MAX_SHADER_MACRO_NAMES; j++ )
if( BIT( j ) & shader.shaderFeatures )
const char* macroName = GetGLSLMacroName( ( shaderFeature_t ) j );
compileMacros.Append( idStr( macroName ) );
// FIXME: we should really scan the program source code for using rpEnableSkinning but at this
// point we directly load a binary and the program source code is not available on the consoles
bool hasGPUSkinning = false;
if( idStr::Icmp( shader.name.c_str(), "heatHaze" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( shader.name.c_str(), "heatHazeWithMask" ) == 0 ||
idStr::Icmp( shader.name.c_str(), "heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex" ) == 0 ||
( BIT( USE_GPU_SKINNING ) & shader.shaderFeatures ) )
hasGPUSkinning = true;
idStr hlslCode( hlslFileBuffer );
idStr programHLSL = StripDeadCode( hlslCode, inFile, compileMacros, shader.builtin );
programGLSL = ConvertCG2GLSL( programHLSL, inFile.c_str(), shader.stage, programUniforms, false, hasGPUSkinning, shader.vertexLayout );
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileHLSL, programHLSL.c_str(), programHLSL.Length(), "fs_savepath" );
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileGLSL, programGLSL.c_str(), programGLSL.Length(), "fs_savepath" );
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileUniforms, programUniforms.c_str(), programUniforms.Length(), "fs_savepath" );
// read in the glsl file
void* fileBufferGLSL = NULL;
int lengthGLSL = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileGLSL.c_str(), &fileBufferGLSL );
if( lengthGLSL <= 0 )
idLib::Error( "GLSL file %s could not be loaded and may be corrupt", outFileGLSL.c_str() );
programGLSL = ( const char* ) fileBufferGLSL;
Mem_Free( fileBufferGLSL );
// read in the uniform file
void* fileBufferUniforms = NULL;
int lengthUniforms = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileUniforms.c_str(), &fileBufferUniforms );
if( lengthUniforms <= 0 )
idLib::Error( "uniform file %s could not be loaded and may be corrupt", outFileUniforms.c_str() );
programUniforms = ( const char* ) fileBufferUniforms;
Mem_Free( fileBufferUniforms );
// RB: find the uniforms locations in either the vertex or fragment uniform array
// this uses the new layout structure
idLexer src( programUniforms, programUniforms.Length(), "uniforms" );
idToken token;
if( src.ExpectTokenString( "uniforms" ) )
src.ExpectTokenString( "[" );
while( !src.CheckTokenString( "]" ) )
src.ReadToken( &token );
int index = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < RENDERPARM_TOTAL && index == -1; i++ )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( i );
if( token == parmName )
index = i;
if( index == -1 )
idLib::Error( "couldn't find uniform %s for %s", token.c_str(), outFileGLSL.c_str() );
shader.uniforms.Append( index );
// create and compile the shader
shader.progId = glCreateShader( glTarget );
if( shader.progId )
const char* source[1] = { programGLSL.c_str() };
glShaderSource( shader.progId, 1, source, NULL );
glCompileShader( shader.progId );
int infologLength = 0;
glGetShaderiv( shader.progId, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength );
if( infologLength > 1 )
idTempArray<char> infoLog( infologLength );
int charsWritten = 0;
glGetShaderInfoLog( shader.progId, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog.Ptr() );
// catch the strings the ATI and Intel drivers output on success
if( strstr( infoLog.Ptr(), "successfully compiled to run on hardware" ) != NULL ||
strstr( infoLog.Ptr(), "No errors." ) != NULL )
//idLib::Printf( "%s program %s from %s compiled to run on hardware\n", typeName, GetName(), GetFileName() );
else if( r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages.GetBool() ) // DG: check for the CVar I added above
idLib::Printf( "While compiling %s program %s\n", ( shader.stage == SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT ) ? "fragment" : "vertex" , inFile.c_str() );
const char separator = '\n';
idList<idStr> lines;
idStr source( programGLSL );
lines.Append( source );
for( int index = 0, ofs = lines[index].Find( separator ); ofs != -1; index++, ofs = lines[index].Find( separator ) )
lines.Append( lines[index].c_str() + ofs + 1 );
lines[index].CapLength( ofs );
idLib::Printf( "-----------------\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < lines.Num(); i++ )
idLib::Printf( "%3d: %s\n", i + 1, lines[i].c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "-----------------\n" );
idLib::Printf( "%s\n", infoLog.Ptr() );
GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;
glGetShaderiv( shader.progId, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled );
if( compiled == GL_FALSE )
glDeleteShader( shader.progId );
void idRenderProgManager::LoadGLSLProgram( const int programIndex, const int vertexShaderIndex, const int fragmentShaderIndex )
renderProg_t& prog = renderProgs[programIndex];
if( prog.progId != INVALID_PROGID )
return; // Already loaded
//shader_t& vertexShader = shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ];
//shader_t& fragmentShader = shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ];
GLuint vertexProgID = ( vertexShaderIndex != -1 ) ? shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].progId : INVALID_PROGID;
GLuint fragmentProgID = ( fragmentShaderIndex != -1 ) ? shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].progId : INVALID_PROGID;
const GLuint program = glCreateProgram();
if( program )
if( vertexProgID != INVALID_PROGID )
glAttachShader( program, vertexProgID );
if( fragmentProgID != INVALID_PROGID )
glAttachShader( program, fragmentProgID );
// bind vertex attribute locations
for( int i = 0; attribsPC[i].glsl != NULL; i++ )
if( ( attribsPC[i].flags & AT_VS_IN ) != 0 )
glBindAttribLocation( program, attribsPC[i].bind, attribsPC[i].glsl );
glLinkProgram( program );
int infologLength = 0;
glGetProgramiv( program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength );
if( infologLength > 1 )
char* infoLog = ( char* )malloc( infologLength );
int charsWritten = 0;
glGetProgramInfoLog( program, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog );
// catch the strings the ATI and Intel drivers output on success
if( strstr( infoLog, "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked." ) != NULL || strstr( infoLog, "No errors." ) != NULL )
//idLib::Printf( "render prog %s from %s linked\n", GetName(), GetFileName() );
idLib::Printf( "While linking GLSL program %d with vertexShader %s and fragmentShader %s\n",
( vertexShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? shaders[vertexShaderIndex].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>",
( fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>" );
idLib::Printf( "%s\n", infoLog );
free( infoLog );
int linked = GL_FALSE;
glGetProgramiv( program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked );
if( linked == GL_FALSE )
glDeleteProgram( program );
idLib::Error( "While linking GLSL program %d with vertexShader %s and fragmentShader %s\n",
( vertexShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? shaders[vertexShaderIndex].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>",
( fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>" );
//shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].uniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, VERTEX_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
//shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].uniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
if( vertexShaderIndex > -1 && shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].uniforms.Num() > 0 )
shader_t& vertexShader = shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ];
vertexShader.uniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, VERTEX_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
if( fragmentShaderIndex > -1 && shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].uniforms.Num() > 0 )
shader_t& fragmentShader = shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ];
fragmentShader.uniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
assert( shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].uniformArray != -1 || vertexShaderIndex > -1 || shaders[vertexShaderIndex].uniforms.Num() == 0 );
assert( shaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].uniformArray != -1 || fragmentShaderIndex > -1 || shaders[fragmentShaderIndex].uniforms.Num() == 0 );
// RB: only load joint uniform buffers if available
if( glConfig.gpuSkinningAvailable )
// get the uniform buffer binding for skinning joint matrices
GLint blockIndex = glGetUniformBlockIndex( program, "matrices_ubo" );
if( blockIndex != -1 )
glUniformBlockBinding( program, blockIndex, 0 );
// RB end
// set the texture unit locations once for the render program. We only need to do this once since we only link the program once
glUseProgram( program );
int numSamplerUniforms = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PROG_TEXTURE_PARMS; ++i )
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation( program, va( "samp%d", i ) );
if( loc != -1 )
glUniform1i( loc, i );
idStr programName = shaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].name;
prog.name = programName;
prog.progId = program;
prog.fragmentShaderIndex = fragmentShaderIndex;
prog.vertexShaderIndex = vertexShaderIndex;
// RB: removed idStr::Icmp( name, "heatHaze.vfp" ) == 0 hack
// this requires r_useUniformArrays 1
for( int i = 0; i < shaders[vertexShaderIndex].uniforms.Num(); i++ )
if( shaders[vertexShaderIndex].uniforms[i] == RENDERPARM_ENABLE_SKINNING )
prog.usesJoints = true;
prog.optionalSkinning = true;
// RB end
void idRenderProgManager::CommitUniforms( uint64 stateBits )
const int progID = current;
const renderProg_t& prog = renderProgs[progID];
auto commitarray = [&]( idVec4( &vectors )[ RENDERPARM_TOTAL ] , shader_t& shader )
const int numUniforms = shader.uniforms.Num();
if( shader.uniformArray != -1 && numUniforms > 0 )
int totalUniforms = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i )
// RB: HACK rpShadowMatrices[6 * 4]
if( shader.uniforms[i] == RENDERPARM_SHADOW_MATRIX_0_X )
for( int j = 0; j < ( 6 * 4 ); j++ )
vectors[i + j] = uniforms[ shader.uniforms[i] + j];
vectors[i] = uniforms[ shader.uniforms[i] ];
glUniform4fv( shader.uniformArray, totalUniforms, localVectors->ToFloatPtr() );
if( prog.vertexShaderIndex >= 0 )
commitarray( localVectors, shaders[ prog.vertexShaderIndex ] );
if( prog.fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 )
commitarray( localVectors, shaders[ prog.fragmentShaderIndex ] );
void idRenderProgManager::KillAllShaders()
for( int i = 0; i < shaders.Num(); i++ )
if( shaders[i].progId != INVALID_PROGID )
glDeleteShader( shaders[i].progId );
shaders[i].progId = INVALID_PROGID;
for( int i = 0; i < renderProgs.Num(); ++i )
if( renderProgs[i].progId != INVALID_PROGID )
glDeleteProgram( renderProgs[i].progId );
renderProgs[i].progId = INVALID_PROGID;
void idRenderBackend::ResizeImages()
// TODO resize framebuffers here