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synced 2025-03-01 23:20:44 +00:00
- Implemented soft shadows using PCF hardware shadow mapping The implementation uses sampler2DArrayShadow and PCF which usually requires Direct3D 10.1 however it is in the OpenGL 3.2 core so it should be widely supported. All 3 light types are supported which means parallel lights (sun) use scene independent cascaded shadow mapping. The implementation is very fast with single taps (400 fps average per scene on a GTX 660 ti OC) however I defaulted it to 16 taps so the shadows look really good which should you give stable 100 fps on todays hardware. The shadow filtering algorithm is based on Carmack's research which was released in the original Doom 3 GPL release draw_exp.cpp. - Changed interaction shaders to use Half-Lambert lighting like in HL2 to make the game less dark - Fixed some of the renderer debugging/development tools like r_showTris
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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
idImage have a one to one correspondance with GL/DX/GCM textures.
No texture is ever used that does not have a corresponding idImage.
static const int MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS = 14;
// How is this texture used? Determines the storage and color format
typedef enum
TD_SPECULAR, // may be compressed, and always zeros the alpha channel
TD_DIFFUSE, // may be compressed
TD_DEFAULT, // generic RGBA texture (particles, etc...)
TD_BUMP, // may be compressed with 8 bit lookup
TD_FONT, // Font image
TD_LIGHT, // Light image
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_MONO, // Mono lookup table (including alpha)
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_ALPHA, // Alpha lookup table with a white color channel
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGB1, // RGB lookup table with a solid white alpha
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA, // RGBA lookup table
TD_COVERAGE, // coverage map for fill depth pass when YCoCG is used
TD_DEPTH, // depth buffer copy for motion blur
// RB begin
TD_SHADOW_ARRAY, // 2D depth buffer array for shadow mapping
// RB end
} textureUsage_t;
typedef enum
CF_2D, // not a cube map
CF_NATIVE, // _px, _nx, _py, etc, directly sent to GL
CF_CAMERA, // _forward, _back, etc, rotated and flipped as needed before sending to GL
CF_2D_ARRAY // not a cube map but not a single 2d texture either
} cubeFiles_t;
#include "ImageOpts.h"
#include "BinaryImage.h"
#define MAX_IMAGE_NAME 256
class idImage
friend class Framebuffer;
idImage( const char* name );
const char* GetName() const
return imgName;
// Makes this image active on the current GL texture unit.
// automatically enables or disables cube mapping
// May perform file loading if the image was not preloaded.
void Bind();
// Should be called at least once
void SetSamplerState( textureFilter_t tf, textureRepeat_t tr );
// used by callback functions to specify the actual data
// data goes from the bottom to the top line of the image, as OpenGL expects it
// These perform an implicit Bind() on the current texture unit
// FIXME: should we implement cinematics this way, instead of with explicit calls?
void GenerateImage( const byte* pic, int width, int height,
textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage );
void GenerateCubeImage( const byte* pic[6], int size,
textureFilter_t filter, textureUsage_t usage );
// RB begin
void GenerateShadowArray( int width, int height, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage );
// RB end
void CopyFramebuffer( int x, int y, int width, int height );
void CopyDepthbuffer( int x, int y, int width, int height );
void UploadScratch( const byte* pic, int width, int height );
// estimates size of the GL image based on dimensions and storage type
int StorageSize() const;
// print a one line summary of the image
void Print() const;
// check for changed timestamp on disk and reload if necessary
void Reload( bool force );
void AddReference()
void MakeDefault(); // fill with a grid pattern
const idImageOpts& GetOpts() const
return opts;
int GetUploadWidth() const
return opts.width;
int GetUploadHeight() const
return opts.height;
void SetReferencedOutsideLevelLoad()
referencedOutsideLevelLoad = true;
void SetReferencedInsideLevelLoad()
levelLoadReferenced = true;
void ActuallyLoadImage( bool fromBackEnd );
// Platform specific implementations
void AllocImage( const idImageOpts& imgOpts, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat );
// Deletes the texture object, but leaves the structure so it can be reloaded
// or resized.
void PurgeImage();
// z is 0 for 2D textures, 0 - 5 for cube maps, and 0 - uploadDepth for 3D textures. Only
// one plane at a time of 3D textures can be uploaded. The data is assumed to be correct for
// the format, either bytes, halfFloats, floats, or DXT compressed. The data is assumed to
// be in OpenGL RGBA format, the consoles may have to reorganize. pixelPitch is only needed
// when updating from a source subrect. Width, height, and dest* are always in pixels, so
// they must be a multiple of four for dxt data.
void SubImageUpload( int mipLevel, int destX, int destY, int destZ,
int width, int height, const void* data,
int pixelPitch = 0 ) const;
// SetPixel is assumed to be a fast memory write on consoles, degenerating to a
// SubImageUpload on PCs. Used to update the page mapping images.
// We could remove this now, because the consoles don't use the intermediate page mapping
// textures now that they can pack everything into the virtual page table images.
void SetPixel( int mipLevel, int x, int y, const void* data, int dataSize );
// some scratch images are dynamically resized based on the display window size. This
// simply purges the image and recreates it if the sizes are different, so it should not be
// done under any normal circumstances, and probably not at all on consoles.
void Resize( int width, int height );
bool IsCompressed() const
return ( opts.format == FMT_DXT1 || opts.format == FMT_DXT5 );
void SetTexParameters(); // update aniso and trilinear
bool IsLoaded() const
return texnum != TEXTURE_NOT_LOADED;
static void GetGeneratedName( idStr& _name, const textureUsage_t& _usage, const cubeFiles_t& _cube );
friend class idImageManager;
void AllocImage();
void DeriveOpts();
// parameters that define this image
idStr imgName; // game path, including extension (except for cube maps), may be an image program
cubeFiles_t cubeFiles; // If this is a cube map, and if so, what kind
void ( *generatorFunction )( idImage* image ); // NULL for files
textureUsage_t usage; // Used to determine the type of compression to use
idImageOpts opts; // Parameters that determine the storage method
// Sampler settings
textureFilter_t filter;
textureRepeat_t repeat;
bool referencedOutsideLevelLoad;
bool levelLoadReferenced; // for determining if it needs to be purged
bool defaulted; // true if the default image was generated because a file couldn't be loaded
ID_TIME_T sourceFileTime; // the most recent of all images used in creation, for reloadImages command
ID_TIME_T binaryFileTime; // the time stamp of the binary file
int refCount; // overall ref count
static const GLuint TEXTURE_NOT_LOADED = 0xFFFFFFFF;
GLuint texnum; // gl texture binding
// we could derive these in subImageUpload each time if necessary
GLuint internalFormat;
GLuint dataFormat;
GLuint dataType;
ID_INLINE idImage::idImage( const char* name ) : imgName( name )
internalFormat = 0;
dataFormat = 0;
dataType = 0;
generatorFunction = NULL;
filter = TF_DEFAULT;
repeat = TR_REPEAT;
usage = TD_DEFAULT;
cubeFiles = CF_2D;
referencedOutsideLevelLoad = false;
levelLoadReferenced = false;
defaulted = false;
refCount = 0;
// data is RGBA
void R_WriteTGA( const char* filename, const byte* data, int width, int height, bool flipVertical = false, const char* basePath = "fs_savepath" );
// data is in top-to-bottom raster order unless flipVertical is set
class idImageManager
insideLevelLoad = false;
preloadingMapImages = false;
void Init();
void Shutdown();
// If the exact combination of parameters has been asked for already, an existing
// image will be returned, otherwise a new image will be created.
// Be careful not to use the same image file with different filter / repeat / etc parameters
// if possible, because it will cause a second copy to be loaded.
// If the load fails for any reason, the image will be filled in with the default
// grid pattern.
// Will automatically execute image programs if needed.
idImage* ImageFromFile( const char* name,
textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage, cubeFiles_t cubeMap = CF_2D );
// look for a loaded image, whatever the parameters
idImage* GetImage( const char* name ) const;
// look for a loaded image, whatever the parameters
idImage* GetImageWithParameters( const char* name, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage, cubeFiles_t cubeMap ) const;
// The callback will be issued immediately, and later if images are reloaded or vid_restart
// The callback function should call one of the idImage::Generate* functions to fill in the data
idImage* ImageFromFunction( const char* name, void ( *generatorFunction )( idImage* image ) );
// scratch images are for internal renderer use. ScratchImage names should always begin with an underscore
idImage* ScratchImage( const char* name, idImageOpts* imgOpts, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage );
// purges all the images before a vid_restart
void PurgeAllImages();
// reloads all apropriate images after a vid_restart
void ReloadImages( bool all );
// unbind all textures from all texture units
void UnbindAll();
// disable the active texture unit
void BindNull();
// Called only by renderSystem::BeginLevelLoad
void BeginLevelLoad();
// Called only by renderSystem::EndLevelLoad
void EndLevelLoad();
void Preload( const idPreloadManifest& manifest, const bool& mapPreload );
// Loads unloaded level images
int LoadLevelImages( bool pacifier );
// used to clear and then write the dds conversion batch file
void StartBuild();
void FinishBuild( bool removeDups = false );
void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t* mi );
// built-in images
void CreateIntrinsicImages();
idImage* defaultImage;
idImage* flatNormalMap; // 128 128 255 in all pixels
idImage* alphaNotchImage; // 2x1 texture with just 1110 and 1111 with point sampling
idImage* whiteImage; // full of 0xff
idImage* blackImage; // full of 0x00
idImage* noFalloffImage; // all 255, but zero clamped
idImage* fogImage; // increasing alpha is denser fog
idImage* fogEnterImage; // adjust fogImage alpha based on terminator plane
// RB begin
idImage* shadowImage;
idImage* jitterImage1; // shadow jitter
idImage* jitterImage4;
idImage* jitterImage16;
idImage* randomImage256;
// RB end
idImage* scratchImage;
idImage* scratchImage2;
idImage* accumImage;
idImage* currentRenderImage; // for SS_POST_PROCESS shaders
idImage* currentDepthImage; // for motion blur
idImage* originalCurrentRenderImage; // currentRenderImage before any changes for stereo rendering
idImage* loadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always
idImage* hellLoadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always
idImage* AllocImage( const char* name );
idImage* AllocStandaloneImage( const char* name );
bool ExcludePreloadImage( const char* name );
idList<idImage*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_IMAGE> images;
idHashIndex imageHash;
bool insideLevelLoad; // don't actually load images now
bool preloadingMapImages; // unless this is set
extern idImageManager* globalImages; // pointer to global list for the rest of the system
int MakePowerOfTwo( int num );
FIXME: make an "imageBlock" type to hold byte*,width,height?
byte* R_Dropsample( const byte* in, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight );
byte* R_ResampleTexture( const byte* in, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight );
byte* R_MipMapWithAlphaSpecularity( const byte* in, int width, int height );
byte* R_MipMapWithGamma( const byte* in, int width, int height );
byte* R_MipMap( const byte* in, int width, int height );
// these operate in-place on the provided pixels
void R_BlendOverTexture( byte* data, int pixelCount, const byte blend[4] );
void R_HorizontalFlip( byte* data, int width, int height );
void R_VerticalFlip( byte* data, int width, int height );
void R_RotatePic( byte* data, int width );
void R_LoadImage( const char* name, byte** pic, int* width, int* height, ID_TIME_T* timestamp, bool makePowerOf2 );
// pic is in top to bottom raster format
bool R_LoadCubeImages( const char* cname, cubeFiles_t extensions, byte* pic[6], int* size, ID_TIME_T* timestamp );
void R_LoadImageProgram( const char* name, byte** pic, int* width, int* height, ID_TIME_T* timestamp, textureUsage_t* usage = NULL );
const char* R_ParsePastImageProgram( idLexer& src );