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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2024 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "CullingThreadPool.h"
#include "../libs/moc/MaskedOcclusionCulling.h"
#include "RenderCommon.h"
#include "Model_local.h"
static const float CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON = 1.0f;
viewEntity_t* R_SortViewEntities( viewEntity_t* vEntities )
SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_SortViewEntities" );
// We want to avoid having a single AddModel for something complex be
// the last thing processed and hurt the parallel occupancy, so
// sort dynamic models first, _area models second, then everything else.
viewEntity_t* dynamics = NULL;
viewEntity_t* areas = NULL;
viewEntity_t* others = NULL;
for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = vEntities; vEntity != NULL; )
viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
const idRenderModel* model = vEntity->entityDef->parms.hModel;
if( model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC )
vEntity->next = dynamics;
dynamics = vEntity;
else if( model->IsStaticWorldModel() )
vEntity->next = areas;
areas = vEntity;
vEntity->next = others;
others = vEntity;
vEntity = next;
// concatenate the lists
viewEntity_t* all = others;
for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = areas; vEntity != NULL; )
viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
vEntity->next = all;
all = vEntity;
vEntity = next;
for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = dynamics; vEntity != NULL; )
viewEntity_t* next = vEntity->next;
vEntity->next = all;
all = vEntity;
vEntity = next;
return all;
May be run in parallel.
Here is where dynamic models actually get instantiated, and necessary
interaction surfaces get created. This is all done on a sort-by-model
basis to keep source data in cache (most likely L2) as any interactions
and shadows are generated, since dynamic models will typically be lit by
two or more lights.
void R_RenderSingleModel( viewEntity_t* vEntity )
// we will add all interaction surfs here, to be chained to the lights in later serial code
vEntity->drawSurfs = NULL;
// globals we really should pass in...
const viewDef_t* viewDef = tr.viewDef;
idRenderEntityLocal* entityDef = vEntity->entityDef;
const renderEntity_t* renderEntity = &entityDef->parms;
const idRenderWorldLocal* world = entityDef->world;
if( viewDef->isXraySubview && entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 1 )
else if( !viewDef->isXraySubview && entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 2 )
SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( renderEntity->hModel == NULL ? "Unknown Model" : renderEntity->hModel->Name() );
// calculate the znear for testing whether or not the view is inside a shadow projection
const float znear = ( viewDef->renderView.cramZNear ) ? ( r_znear.GetFloat() * 0.25f ) : r_znear.GetFloat();
// if the entity wasn't seen through a portal chain, it was added just for light shadows
const bool modelIsVisible = !vEntity->scissorRect.IsEmpty();
const bool addInteractions = modelIsVisible && ( !viewDef->isXraySubview || entityDef->parms.xrayIndex == 2 );
const int entityIndex = entityDef->index;
// if we aren't visible we don't need to do anything else
if( !modelIsVisible )
// create a dynamic model if the geometry isn't static
idRenderModel* model = R_EntityDefDynamicModel( entityDef );
if( model == NULL || model->NumSurfaces() <= 0 )
// copy matrix related stuff for back-end use
// and setup a render matrix for faster culling
vEntity->modelDepthHack = renderEntity->modelDepthHack;
vEntity->weaponDepthHack = renderEntity->weaponDepthHack;
vEntity->skipMotionBlur = renderEntity->skipMotionBlur;
memcpy( vEntity->modelMatrix, entityDef->modelMatrix, sizeof( vEntity->modelMatrix ) );
R_MatrixMultiply( entityDef->modelMatrix, viewDef->worldSpace.modelViewMatrix, vEntity->modelViewMatrix );
idRenderMatrix viewMat;
idRenderMatrix::Transpose( *( idRenderMatrix* )vEntity->modelViewMatrix, viewMat );
idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->projectionRenderMatrix, viewMat, vEntity->mvp );
idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->unjitteredProjectionRenderMatrix, viewMat, vEntity->unjitteredMVP );
if( renderEntity->weaponDepthHack )
idRenderMatrix::ApplyDepthHack( vEntity->mvp );
if( renderEntity->modelDepthHack != 0.0f )
idRenderMatrix::ApplyModelDepthHack( vEntity->mvp, renderEntity->modelDepthHack );
// local light and view origins are used to determine if the view is definitely outside
// an extruded shadow volume, which means we can skip drawing the end caps
idVec3 localViewOrigin;
R_GlobalPointToLocal( vEntity->modelMatrix, viewDef->renderView.vieworg, localViewOrigin );
extern idCVar r_lodMaterialDistance;
// add all the model surfaces
bool occlusionSurface = false;
for( int surfaceNum = 0; surfaceNum < model->NumSurfaces(); surfaceNum++ )
const modelSurface_t* surf = model->Surface( surfaceNum );
const idMaterial* shader = surf->shader;
if( shader == NULL )
if( shader->IsOccluder() )
occlusionSurface = true;
for( int surfaceNum = 0; surfaceNum < model->NumSurfaces(); surfaceNum++ )
const modelSurface_t* surf = model->Surface( surfaceNum );
// for debugging, only show a single surface at a time
if( r_singleSurface.GetInteger() >= 0 && surfaceNum != r_singleSurface.GetInteger() )
srfTriangles_t* tri = surf->geometry;
if( tri == NULL )
if( tri->numIndexes == 0 )
continue; // happens for particles
const idMaterial* shader = surf->shader;
if( shader == NULL )
// if the model has a occlusion surface and this surface is not a occluder
if( occlusionSurface && !shader->IsOccluder() )
// motorsep 11-24-2014; checking for LOD surface for LOD1 iteration
if( shader->IsLOD() )
// foresthale 2014-11-24: calculate the bounds and get the distance from camera to bounds
idBounds& localBounds = tri->bounds;
if( tri->staticModelWithJoints )
// skeletal models have difficult to compute bounds for surfaces, so use the whole entity
localBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
const float* bounds = localBounds.ToFloatPtr();
idVec3 nearestPointOnBounds = localViewOrigin;
nearestPointOnBounds.x = Max( nearestPointOnBounds.x, bounds[0] );
nearestPointOnBounds.x = Min( nearestPointOnBounds.x, bounds[3] );
nearestPointOnBounds.y = Max( nearestPointOnBounds.y, bounds[1] );
nearestPointOnBounds.y = Min( nearestPointOnBounds.y, bounds[4] );
nearestPointOnBounds.z = Max( nearestPointOnBounds.z, bounds[2] );
nearestPointOnBounds.z = Min( nearestPointOnBounds.z, bounds[5] );
idVec3 delta = nearestPointOnBounds - localViewOrigin;
float distance = delta.LengthFast();
if( !shader->IsLODVisibleForDistance( distance, r_lodMaterialDistance.GetFloat() ) )
// foresthale 2014-09-01: don't skip surfaces that use the "forceShadows" flag
if( !shader->IsDrawn() && !shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() && !shader->IsOccluder() )
continue; // collision hulls, etc
// RemapShaderBySkin
if( entityDef->parms.customShader != NULL )
// this is sort of a hack, but causes deformed surfaces to map to empty surfaces,
// so the item highlight overlay doesn't highlight the autosprite surface
if( shader->Deform() )
shader = entityDef->parms.customShader;
else if( entityDef->parms.customSkin )
shader = entityDef->parms.customSkin->RemapShaderBySkin( shader );
if( shader == NULL )
// foresthale 2014-09-01: don't skip surfaces that use the "forceShadows" flag
if( !shader->IsDrawn() && !shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() )
// optionally override with the renderView->globalMaterial
if( tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial != NULL )
shader = tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial;
SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( shader->GetName() );
// debugging tool to make sure we have the correct pre-calculated bounds
if( r_checkBounds.GetBool() )
for( int j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ )
int k;
for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
if( tri->verts[j].xyz[k] > tri->bounds[1][k] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON
|| tri->verts[j].xyz[k] < tri->bounds[0][k] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON )
common->Printf( "bad tri->bounds on %s:%s\n", entityDef->parms.hModel->Name(), shader->GetName() );
if( tri->verts[j].xyz[k] > entityDef->localReferenceBounds[1][k] + CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON
|| tri->verts[j].xyz[k] < entityDef->localReferenceBounds[0][k] - CHECK_BOUNDS_EPSILON )
common->Printf( "bad referenceBounds on %s:%s\n", entityDef->parms.hModel->Name(), shader->GetName() );
if( k != 3 )
// view frustum culling for the precise surface bounds, which is tighter
// than the entire entity reference bounds
// If the entire model wasn't visible, there is no need to check the
// individual surfaces.
const bool surfaceDirectlyVisible = modelIsVisible && !idRenderMatrix::CullBoundsToMVP( vEntity->mvp, tri->bounds );
// RB: added check wether GPU skinning is available at all
const bool gpuSkinned = ( tri->staticModelWithJoints != NULL && r_useGPUSkinning.GetBool() );
// base drawing surface
const float* shaderRegisters = NULL;
drawSurf_t* baseDrawSurf = NULL;
if( surfaceDirectlyVisible &&
( ( shader->IsDrawn() && shader->Coverage() == MC_OPAQUE && !renderEntity->weaponDepthHack && renderEntity->modelDepthHack == 0.0f ) || shader->IsOccluder() )
// render to masked occlusion buffer
//if( !gpuSkinned )
// render the BSP area surfaces and from static model entities only the occlusion surfaces to keep the tris count at minimum
if( model->IsStaticWorldModel() || ( shader->IsOccluder() && !gpuSkinned ) )
tr.pc.c_mocIndexes += tri->numIndexes;
tr.pc.c_mocVerts += tri->numIndexes;
R_CreateMaskedOcclusionCullingTris( tri );
idRenderMatrix mvp;
idRenderMatrix::Transpose( vEntity->unjitteredMVP, mvp );
tr.maskedOcclusionThreaded->SetMatrix( ( float* )&mvp[0][0] );
tr.maskedOcclusionThreaded->RenderTriangles( tri->mocVerts->ToFloatPtr(), tri->mocIndexes, tri->numIndexes / 3, MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CCW, MaskedOcclusionCulling::CLIP_PLANE_ALL );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->RenderTriangles( tri->mocVerts->ToFloatPtr(), tri->mocIndexes, tri->numIndexes / 3, ( float* )&mvp[0][0], MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CCW, MaskedOcclusionCulling::CLIP_PLANE_ALL, MaskedOcclusionCulling::VertexLayout( 16, 4, 8 ) );
#if 0
tr.pc.c_mocIndexes += 36;
tr.pc.c_mocVerts += 8;
idBounds surfaceBounds;
if( gpuSkinned )
surfaceBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
surfaceBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix modelRenderMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( renderEntity->origin, renderEntity->axis, modelRenderMatrix );
idRenderMatrix inverseBaseModelProject;
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, surfaceBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
idRenderMatrix invProjectMVPMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::Multiply( viewDef->worldSpace.unjitteredMVP, inverseBaseModelProject, invProjectMVPMatrix );
// NOTE: unit cube instead of zeroToOne cube
idVec4* verts = tr.maskedUnitCubeVerts;
idVec4 triVerts[8];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// transform to clip space
invProjectMVPMatrix.TransformPoint( verts[i], triVerts[i] );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->RenderTriangles( ( float* )triVerts, tr.maskedZeroOneCubeIndexes, 12, NULL, MaskedOcclusionCulling::BACKFACE_CCW );
#elif 0
idBounds surfaceBounds;
if( gpuSkinned )
surfaceBounds = vEntity->entityDef->localReferenceBounds;
surfaceBounds = tri->bounds;
idRenderMatrix modelRenderMatrix;
idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( renderEntity->origin, renderEntity->axis, modelRenderMatrix );
idRenderMatrix inverseBaseModelProject;
idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( modelRenderMatrix, surfaceBounds, inverseBaseModelProject );
// NOTE: unit cube instead of zeroToOne cube
idVec4* verts = tr.maskedUnitCubeVerts;
idVec4 triVerts[8];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
// transform to clip space
inverseBaseModelProject.TransformPoint( verts[i], triVerts[i] );
static idVec4 colors[] = { colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue, colorYellow, colorMagenta, colorCyan, colorWhite, colorPurple };
idVec4 color = colors[surfaceNum & 7];
// same as idRenderWorldLocal::DebugBox
const int lifetime = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[i].ToVec3(), triVerts[( i + 1 ) & 3].ToVec3(), lifetime );
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[4 + i].ToVec3(), triVerts[4 + ( ( i + 1 ) & 3 )].ToVec3(), lifetime );
tr.viewDef->renderWorld->DebugLine( color, triVerts[i].ToVec3(), triVerts[4 + i].ToVec3(), lifetime );
// add the surface for drawing
// we can re-use some of the values for light interaction surfaces
baseDrawSurf = ( drawSurf_t* )R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *baseDrawSurf ), FRAME_ALLOC_DRAW_SURFACE );
baseDrawSurf->frontEndGeo = tri;
baseDrawSurf->space = vEntity;
baseDrawSurf->scissorRect = vEntity->scissorRect;
baseDrawSurf->extraGLState = 0;
R_SetupDrawSurfShader( baseDrawSurf, shader, renderEntity );
shaderRegisters = baseDrawSurf->shaderRegisters;
// Check for deformations (eyeballs, flares, etc)
const deform_t shaderDeform = shader->Deform();
if( shaderDeform != DFRM_NONE )
drawSurf_t* deformDrawSurf = R_DeformDrawSurf( baseDrawSurf );
if( deformDrawSurf != NULL )
// any deforms may have created multiple draw surfaces
for( drawSurf_t* surf = deformDrawSurf, * next = NULL; surf != NULL; surf = next )
next = surf->nextOnLight;
surf->linkChain = NULL;
surf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
vEntity->drawSurfs = surf;
// Most deform source surfaces do not need to be rendered.
// However, particles are rendered in conjunction with the source surface.
if( shaderDeform == DFRM_NONE || shaderDeform == DFRM_PARTICLE || shaderDeform == DFRM_PARTICLE2 )
// copy verts and indexes to this frame's hardware memory if they aren't already there
if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->ambientCache ) )
tri->ambientCache = vertexCache.AllocVertex( tri->verts, tri->numVerts );
if( !vertexCache.CacheIsCurrent( tri->indexCache ) )
tri->indexCache = vertexCache.AllocIndex( tri->indexes, tri->numIndexes );
R_SetupDrawSurfJoints( baseDrawSurf, tri, shader );
baseDrawSurf->numIndexes = tri->numIndexes;
baseDrawSurf->ambientCache = tri->ambientCache;
baseDrawSurf->indexCache = tri->indexCache;
baseDrawSurf->linkChain = NULL; // link to the view
baseDrawSurf->nextOnLight = vEntity->drawSurfs;
vEntity->drawSurfs = baseDrawSurf;
//REGISTER_PARALLEL_JOB( R_AddSingleModel, "R_AddSingleModel" );
void R_FillMaskedOcclusionBufferWithModels( viewDef_t* viewDef )
SCOPED_PROFILE_EVENT( "R_FillMaskedOcclusionBufferWithModels" );
tr.viewDef->viewEntitys = R_SortViewEntities( tr.viewDef->viewEntitys );
if( !r_useMaskedOcclusionCulling.GetBool() )
int startTime = Sys_Microseconds();
int viewWidth = viewDef->viewport.x2 - viewDef->viewport.x1 + 1;
int viewHeight = viewDef->viewport.y2 - viewDef->viewport.y1 + 1;
// reduce to half res
viewWidth = idMath::Floor( viewWidth * 0.5f );
viewHeight = idMath::Floor( viewHeight * 0.5f );
if( viewWidth & 7 )
// must be multiple of 8
viewWidth = ( viewWidth + 7 ) & ~7;
if( viewHeight & 3 )
// must be multiple of 4
viewHeight = ( viewHeight + 3 ) & ~3;
const float zNear = ( viewDef->renderView.cramZNear ) ? ( r_znear.GetFloat() * 0.25f ) : r_znear.GetFloat();
tr.maskedOcclusionThreaded->SetResolution( viewWidth, viewHeight );
tr.maskedOcclusionThreaded->SetNearClipPlane( zNear );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->SetResolution( viewWidth, viewHeight );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->SetNearClipPlane( zNear );
// Go through each view entity that is either visible to the view, or to
// any light that intersects the view (for shadows).
if( r_useParallelAddModels.GetBool() )
for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
tr.frontEndJobList->AddJob( ( jobRun_t )R_AddSingleModel, vEntity );
for( viewEntity_t* vEntity = tr.viewDef->viewEntitys; vEntity != NULL; vEntity = vEntity->next )
const idRenderModel* model = vEntity->entityDef->parms.hModel;
// skip after rendering BSP area models
if( !model->IsStaticWorldModel() )
R_RenderSingleModel( vEntity );
// wait for jobs to be finished
int endTime = Sys_Microseconds();
tr.pc.mocMicroSec += endTime - startTime;
static void TonemapDepth( float* depth, unsigned char* image, int w, int h )
// Find min/max w coordinate (discard cleared pixels)
float minW = idMath::INFINITUM, maxW = 0.0f;
for( int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i )
if( depth[i] > 0.0f )
minW = std::min( minW, depth[i] );
maxW = std::max( maxW, depth[i] );
// Tonemap depth values
for( int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i )
int intensity = 0;
if( depth[i] > 0 )
intensity = ( unsigned char )( 223.0 * ( depth[i] - minW ) / ( maxW - minW ) + 32.0 );
image[i * 3 + 0] = intensity;
image[i * 3 + 1] = intensity;
image[i * 3 + 2] = intensity;
CONSOLE_COMMAND( maskShot, "Dumping masked occlusion culling buffer", NULL )
unsigned int width, height;
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->GetResolution( width, height );
// compute a per pixel depth buffer from the hierarchical depth buffer, used for visualization
float* perPixelZBuffer = new float[width * height];
tr.maskedOcclusionThreaded->ComputePixelDepthBuffer( perPixelZBuffer, false );
tr.maskedOcclusionCulling->ComputePixelDepthBuffer( perPixelZBuffer, false );
halfFloat_t* halfImage = new halfFloat_t[width * height * 3];
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( width * height ); i++ )
float depth = perPixelZBuffer[i];
halfFloat_t f16Depth = F32toF16( depth );
halfImage[ i * 3 + 0 ] = f16Depth;
halfImage[ i * 3 + 1 ] = f16Depth;
halfImage[ i * 3 + 2 ] = f16Depth;
// write raw values
R_WriteEXR( "screenshots/soft_occlusion_buffer.exr", halfImage, 3, width, height, "fs_basepath" );
// tonemap the image
unsigned char* image = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
TonemapDepth( perPixelZBuffer, image, width, height );
R_WritePNG( "screenshots/soft_occlusion_buffer.png", image, 3, width, height, "fs_basepath" );
delete[] image;