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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __GAME_ACTOR_H__
#define __GAME_ACTOR_H__
extern const idEventDef AI_EnableEyeFocus;
extern const idEventDef AI_DisableEyeFocus;
extern const idEventDef EV_Footstep;
extern const idEventDef EV_FootstepLeft;
extern const idEventDef EV_FootstepRight;
extern const idEventDef EV_EnableWalkIK;
extern const idEventDef EV_DisableWalkIK;
extern const idEventDef EV_EnableLegIK;
extern const idEventDef EV_DisableLegIK;
extern const idEventDef AI_SetAnimPrefix;
extern const idEventDef AI_PlayAnim;
extern const idEventDef AI_PlayCycle;
extern const idEventDef AI_AnimDone;
extern const idEventDef AI_SetBlendFrames;
extern const idEventDef AI_GetBlendFrames;
extern const idEventDef AI_SetState;
class idDeclParticle;
class idAnimState
bool idleAnim;
idStr state;
int animBlendFrames;
int lastAnimBlendFrames; // allows override anims to blend based on the last transition time
void Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const;
void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
void Init( idActor* owner, idAnimator* _animator, int animchannel );
void Shutdown();
void SetState( const char* name, int blendFrames );
void StopAnim( int frames );
void PlayAnim( int anim );
void CycleAnim( int anim );
void BecomeIdle();
bool UpdateState();
bool Disabled() const;
void Enable( int blendFrames );
void Disable();
bool AnimDone( int blendFrames ) const;
bool IsIdle() const;
animFlags_t GetAnimFlags() const;
idActor* self;
idAnimator* animator;
idThread* thread;
int channel;
bool disabled;
class idAttachInfo
idEntityPtr<idEntity> ent;
int channel;
typedef struct
jointModTransform_t mod;
jointHandle_t from;
jointHandle_t to;
} copyJoints_t;
class idActor : public idAFEntity_Gibbable
int team;
int rank; // monsters don't fight back if the attacker's rank is higher
idMat3 viewAxis; // view axis of the actor
idLinkList<idActor> enemyNode; // node linked into an entity's enemy list for quick lookups of who is attacking him
idLinkList<idActor> enemyList; // list of characters that have targeted the player as their enemy
virtual ~idActor();
void Spawn();
virtual void Restart();
void Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const;
void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
virtual void Hide();
virtual void Show();
virtual int GetDefaultSurfaceType() const;
virtual void ProjectOverlay( const idVec3& origin, const idVec3& dir, float size, const char* material );
virtual bool LoadAF();
void SetupBody();
void CheckBlink();
virtual bool GetPhysicsToVisualTransform( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis );
virtual bool GetPhysicsToSoundTransform( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis );
// script state management
void ShutdownThreads();
virtual bool ShouldConstructScriptObjectAtSpawn() const;
virtual idThread* ConstructScriptObject();
void UpdateScript();
const function_t* GetScriptFunction( const char* funcname );
void SetState( const function_t* newState );
void SetState( const char* statename );
// vision testing
void SetEyeHeight( float height );
float EyeHeight() const;
idVec3 EyeOffset() const;
idVec3 GetEyePosition() const;
virtual void GetViewPos( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis ) const;
void SetFOV( float fov );
bool CheckFOV( const idVec3& pos ) const;
bool CanSee( idEntity* ent, bool useFOV ) const;
bool PointVisible( const idVec3& point ) const;
virtual void GetAIAimTargets( const idVec3& lastSightPos, idVec3& headPos, idVec3& chestPos );
// damage
void SetupDamageGroups();
virtual void Damage( idEntity* inflictor, idEntity* attacker, const idVec3& dir, const char* damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location );
int GetDamageForLocation( int damage, int location );
const char* GetDamageGroup( int location );
void ClearPain();
virtual bool Pain( idEntity* inflictor, idEntity* attacker, int damage, const idVec3& dir, int location );
// model/combat model/ragdoll
void SetCombatModel();
idClipModel* GetCombatModel() const;
virtual void LinkCombat();
virtual void UnlinkCombat();
bool StartRagdoll();
void StopRagdoll();
virtual bool UpdateAnimationControllers();
// delta view angles to allow movers to rotate the view of the actor
const idAngles& GetDeltaViewAngles() const;
void SetDeltaViewAngles( const idAngles& delta );
bool HasEnemies() const;
idActor* ClosestEnemyToPoint( const idVec3& pos );
idActor* EnemyWithMostHealth();
virtual bool OnLadder() const;
virtual void GetAASLocation( idAAS* aas, idVec3& pos, int& areaNum ) const;
void Attach( idEntity* ent );
virtual void Teleport( const idVec3& origin, const idAngles& angles, idEntity* destination );
virtual renderView_t* GetRenderView();
// animation state control
int GetAnim( int channel, const char* name );
void UpdateAnimState();
void SetAnimState( int channel, const char* name, int blendFrames );
const char* GetAnimState( int channel ) const;
bool InAnimState( int channel, const char* name ) const;
const char* WaitState() const;
void SetWaitState( const char* _waitstate );
bool AnimDone( int channel, int blendFrames ) const;
virtual void SpawnGibs( const idVec3& dir, const char* damageDefName );
idEntity* GetHeadEntity()
return head.GetEntity();
friend class idAnimState;
float fovDot; // cos( fovDegrees )
idVec3 eyeOffset; // offset of eye relative to physics origin
idVec3 modelOffset; // offset of visual model relative to the physics origin
idAngles deltaViewAngles; // delta angles relative to view input angles
int pain_debounce_time; // next time the actor can show pain
int pain_delay; // time between playing pain sound
int pain_threshold; // how much damage monster can take at any one time before playing pain animation
idStrList damageGroups; // body damage groups
idList<float, TAG_ACTOR> damageScale; // damage scale per damage gruop
bool use_combat_bbox; // whether to use the bounding box for combat collision
idEntityPtr<idAFAttachment> head;
idList<copyJoints_t, TAG_ACTOR> copyJoints; // copied from the body animation to the head model
// state variables
const function_t* state;
const function_t* idealState;
// joint handles
jointHandle_t leftEyeJoint;
jointHandle_t rightEyeJoint;
jointHandle_t soundJoint;
idIK_Walk walkIK;
idStr animPrefix;
idStr painAnim;
// blinking
int blink_anim;
int blink_time;
int blink_min;
int blink_max;
// script variables
idThread* scriptThread;
idStr waitState;
idAnimState headAnim;
idAnimState torsoAnim;
idAnimState legsAnim;
bool allowPain;
bool allowEyeFocus;
bool finalBoss;
int painTime;
bool damageNotByFists;
idList<idAttachInfo, TAG_ACTOR> attachments;
int damageCap;
virtual void Gib( const idVec3& dir, const char* damageDefName );
// removes attachments with "remove" set for when character dies
void RemoveAttachments();
// copies animation from body to head joints
void CopyJointsFromBodyToHead();
void SyncAnimChannels( int channel, int syncToChannel, int blendFrames );
void FinishSetup();
void SetupHead();
void PlayFootStepSound();
void Event_EnableEyeFocus();
void Event_DisableEyeFocus();
void Event_Footstep();
void Event_EnableWalkIK();
void Event_DisableWalkIK();
void Event_EnableLegIK( int num );
void Event_DisableLegIK( int num );
void Event_SetAnimPrefix( const char* name );
void Event_LookAtEntity( idEntity* ent, float duration );
void Event_PreventPain( float duration );
void Event_DisablePain();
void Event_EnablePain();
void Event_GetPainAnim();
void Event_StopAnim( int channel, int frames );
void Event_PlayAnim( int channel, const char* name );
void Event_PlayCycle( int channel, const char* name );
void Event_IdleAnim( int channel, const char* name );
void Event_SetSyncedAnimWeight( int channel, int anim, float weight );
void Event_OverrideAnim( int channel );
void Event_EnableAnim( int channel, int blendFrames );
void Event_SetBlendFrames( int channel, int blendFrames );
void Event_GetBlendFrames( int channel );
void Event_AnimState( int channel, const char* name, int blendFrames );
void Event_GetAnimState( int channel );
void Event_InAnimState( int channel, const char* name );
void Event_FinishAction( const char* name );
void Event_AnimDone( int channel, int blendFrames );
void Event_HasAnim( int channel, const char* name );
void Event_CheckAnim( int channel, const char* animname );
void Event_ChooseAnim( int channel, const char* animname );
void Event_AnimLength( int channel, const char* animname );
void Event_AnimDistance( int channel, const char* animname );
void Event_HasEnemies();
void Event_NextEnemy( idEntity* ent );
void Event_ClosestEnemyToPoint( const idVec3& pos );
void Event_StopSound( int channel, int netsync );
void Event_SetNextState( const char* name );
void Event_SetState( const char* name );
void Event_GetState();
void Event_GetHead();
void Event_SetDamageGroupScale( const char* groupName, float scale );
void Event_SetDamageGroupScaleAll( float scale );
void Event_GetDamageGroupScale( const char* groupName );
void Event_SetDamageCap( float _damageCap );
void Event_SetWaitState( const char* waitState );
void Event_GetWaitState();
#endif /* !__GAME_ACTOR_H__ */