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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
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#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dmap.h"
T junction fixing never creates more xyz points, but
new vertexes will be created when different surfaces
cause a fix
The vertex cleaning accomplishes two goals: removing extranious low order
bits to avoid numbers like 1.000001233, and grouping nearby vertexes
together. Straight truncation accomplishes the first foal, but two vertexes
only a tiny epsilon apart could still be spread to different snap points.
To avoid this, we allow the merge test to group points together that
snapped to neighboring integer coordinates.
Snaping verts can drag some triangles backwards or collapse them to points,
which will cause them to be removed.
When snapping to ints, a point can move a maximum of sqrt(3)/2 distance
Two points that were an epsilon apart can then become sqrt(3) apart
A case that causes recursive overflow with point to triangle fixing:
Triangle ABC tests against point D and splits into triangles ADC and DBC
Triangle DBC then tests against point A again and splits into ABC and ADB
infinite recursive loop
For a given source triangle
init the no-check list to hold the three triangle hashVerts
if hashVert is on the no-check list
if the hashVert should split the triangle
add to the no-check list
//#define SNAP_FRACTIONS 8
//#define SNAP_FRACTIONS 1
#define HASH_BINS 16
typedef struct hashVert_s
struct hashVert_s* next;
idVec3 v;
int iv[3];
} hashVert_t;
static idBounds hashBounds;
static idVec3 hashScale;
static hashVert_t* hashVerts[HASH_BINS][HASH_BINS][HASH_BINS];
static int numHashVerts, numTotalVerts;
static int hashIntMins[3], hashIntScale[3];
Also modifies the original vert to the snapped value
struct hashVert_s* GetHashVert( idVec3& v )
int iv[3];
int block[3];
int i;
hashVert_t* hv;
// snap the vert to integral values
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
iv[i] = floor( ( v[i] + 0.5 / SNAP_FRACTIONS ) * SNAP_FRACTIONS );
block[i] = ( iv[i] - hashIntMins[i] ) / hashIntScale[i];
if( block[i] < 0 )
block[i] = 0;
else if( block[i] >= HASH_BINS )
block[i] = HASH_BINS - 1;
// see if a vertex near enough already exists
// this could still fail to find a near neighbor right at the hash block boundary
for( hv = hashVerts[block[0]][block[1]][block[2]] ; hv ; hv = hv->next )
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
int d;
d = hv->iv[i] - iv[i];
if( d < -1 || d > 1 )
if( i == 3 )
v = hv->v;
return hv;
// create a new one
hv = ( hashVert_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *hv ), TAG_TOOLS );
hv->next = hashVerts[block[0]][block[1]][block[2]];
hashVerts[block[0]][block[1]][block[2]] = hv;
hv->iv[0] = iv[0];
hv->iv[1] = iv[1];
hv->iv[2] = iv[2];
hv->v[0] = ( float )iv[0] / SNAP_FRACTIONS;
hv->v[1] = ( float )iv[1] / SNAP_FRACTIONS;
hv->v[2] = ( float )iv[2] / SNAP_FRACTIONS;
v = hv->v;
return hv;
Returns an inclusive bounding box of hash
bins that should hold the triangle
static void HashBlocksForTri( const mapTri_t* tri, int blocks[2][3] )
idBounds bounds;
int i;
bounds.AddPoint( tri->v[0].xyz );
bounds.AddPoint( tri->v[1].xyz );
bounds.AddPoint( tri->v[2].xyz );
// add a 1.0 slop margin on each side
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
blocks[0][i] = ( bounds[0][i] - 1.0 - hashBounds[0][i] ) / hashScale[i];
if( blocks[0][i] < 0 )
blocks[0][i] = 0;
else if( blocks[0][i] >= HASH_BINS )
blocks[0][i] = HASH_BINS - 1;
blocks[1][i] = ( bounds[1][i] + 1.0 - hashBounds[0][i] ) / hashScale[i];
if( blocks[1][i] < 0 )
blocks[1][i] = 0;
else if( blocks[1][i] >= HASH_BINS )
blocks[1][i] = HASH_BINS - 1;
Removes triangles that are degenerated or flipped backwards
void HashTriangles( optimizeGroup_t* groupList )
mapTri_t* a;
int vert;
int i;
optimizeGroup_t* group;
// clear the hash tables
memset( hashVerts, 0, sizeof( hashVerts ) );
numHashVerts = 0;
numTotalVerts = 0;
// bound all the triangles to determine the bucket size
for( group = groupList ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
for( a = group->triList ; a ; a = a->next )
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[0].xyz );
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[1].xyz );
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[2].xyz );
// spread the bounds so it will never have a zero size
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
hashBounds[0][i] = floor( hashBounds[0][i] - 1 );
hashBounds[1][i] = ceil( hashBounds[1][i] + 1 );
hashIntMins[i] = hashBounds[0][i] * SNAP_FRACTIONS;
hashScale[i] = ( hashBounds[1][i] - hashBounds[0][i] ) / HASH_BINS;
hashIntScale[i] = hashScale[i] * SNAP_FRACTIONS;
if( hashIntScale[i] < 1 )
hashIntScale[i] = 1;
// add all the points to the hash buckets
for( group = groupList ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
// don't create tjunctions against discrete surfaces (blood decals, etc)
if( group->material != NULL && group->material->IsDiscrete() )
for( a = group->triList ; a ; a = a->next )
for( vert = 0 ; vert < 3 ; vert++ )
a->hashVert[vert] = GetHashVert( a->v[vert].xyz );
The optimizer may add some more crossing verts
after t junction processing
void FreeTJunctionHash()
int i, j, k;
hashVert_t* hv, *next;
for( i = 0 ; i < HASH_BINS ; i++ )
for( j = 0 ; j < HASH_BINS ; j++ )
for( k = 0 ; k < HASH_BINS ; k++ )
for( hv = hashVerts[i][j][k] ; hv ; hv = next )
next = hv->next;
Mem_Free( hv );
memset( hashVerts, 0, sizeof( hashVerts ) );
Returns a list of two new mapTri if the hashVert is
on an edge of the given mapTri, otherwise returns NULL.
static mapTri_t* FixTriangleAgainstHashVert( const mapTri_t* a, const hashVert_t* hv )
int i;
const idDrawVert* v1, *v2, *v3;
idDrawVert split;
idVec3 dir;
float len;
float frac;
mapTri_t* new1, *new2;
idVec3 temp;
float d, off;
const idVec3* v;
idPlane plane1, plane2;
v = &hv->v;
// if the triangle already has this hashVert as a vert,
// it can't be split by it
if( a->hashVert[0] == hv || a->hashVert[1] == hv || a->hashVert[2] == hv )
return NULL;
// we probably should find the edge that the vertex is closest to.
// it is possible to be < 1 unit away from multiple
// edges, but we only want to split by one of them
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
v1 = &a->v[i];
v2 = &a->v[( i + 1 ) % 3];
v3 = &a->v[( i + 2 ) % 3];
dir = v2->xyz - v1->xyz;
len = dir.Normalize();
// if it is close to one of the edge vertexes, skip it
temp = *v - v1->xyz;
d = temp * dir;
if( d <= 0 || d >= len )
// make sure it is on the line
VectorMA( v1->xyz, d, dir, temp );
temp = *v - temp;
off = temp.Length();
// take the x/y/z from the splitter,
// but interpolate everything else from the original tri
split.xyz = *v;
frac = d / len;
idVec2 st;
st.x = v1->GetTexCoordS() + frac * ( v2->GetTexCoordS() - v1->GetTexCoordS() );
st.y = v1->GetTexCoordT() + frac * ( v2->GetTexCoordT() - v1->GetTexCoordT() );
split.SetTexCoord( st );
idVec3 splitNormal;
idVec3 v1Normal = v1->GetNormal();
idVec3 v2Normal = v2->GetNormal();
splitNormal[0] = v1Normal[0] + frac * ( v2Normal[0] - v1Normal[0] );
splitNormal[1] = v1Normal[1] + frac * ( v2Normal[1] - v1Normal[1] );
splitNormal[2] = v1Normal[2] + frac * ( v2Normal[2] - v1Normal[2] );
split.SetNormal( splitNormal );
// split the tri
new1 = CopyMapTri( a );
new1->v[( i + 1 ) % 3] = split;
new1->hashVert[( i + 1 ) % 3] = hv;
new1->next = NULL;
new2 = CopyMapTri( a );
new2->v[i] = split;
new2->hashVert[i] = hv;
new2->next = new1;
plane1.FromPoints( new1->hashVert[0]->v, new1->hashVert[1]->v, new1->hashVert[2]->v );
plane2.FromPoints( new2->hashVert[0]->v, new2->hashVert[1]->v, new2->hashVert[2]->v );
d = plane1.ToVec4() * plane2.ToVec4();
// if the two split triangle's normals don't face the same way,
// it should not be split
if( d <= 0 )
FreeTriList( new2 );
return new2;
return NULL;
Potentially splits a triangle into a list of triangles based on tjunctions
static mapTri_t* FixTriangleAgainstHash( const mapTri_t* tri )
mapTri_t* fixed;
mapTri_t* a;
mapTri_t* test, *next;
int blocks[2][3];
int i, j, k;
hashVert_t* hv;
// if this triangle is degenerate after point snapping,
// do nothing (this shouldn't happen, because they should
// be removed as they are hashed)
if( tri->hashVert[0] == tri->hashVert[1]
|| tri->hashVert[0] == tri->hashVert[2]
|| tri->hashVert[1] == tri->hashVert[2] )
return NULL;
fixed = CopyMapTri( tri );
fixed->next = NULL;
HashBlocksForTri( tri, blocks );
for( i = blocks[0][0] ; i <= blocks[1][0] ; i++ )
for( j = blocks[0][1] ; j <= blocks[1][1] ; j++ )
for( k = blocks[0][2] ; k <= blocks[1][2] ; k++ )
for( hv = hashVerts[i][j][k] ; hv ; hv = hv->next )
// fix all triangles in the list against this point
test = fixed;
fixed = NULL;
for( ; test ; test = next )
next = test->next;
a = FixTriangleAgainstHashVert( test, hv );
if( a )
// cut into two triangles
a->next->next = fixed;
fixed = a;
FreeTri( test );
test->next = fixed;
fixed = test;
return fixed;
int CountGroupListTris( const optimizeGroup_t* groupList )
int c;
c = 0;
for( ; groupList ; groupList = groupList->nextGroup )
c += CountTriList( groupList->triList );
return c;
void FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( optimizeGroup_t* groupList )
const mapTri_t* tri;
mapTri_t* newList;
mapTri_t* fixed;
int startCount, endCount;
optimizeGroup_t* group;
if( dmapGlobals.noTJunc )
if( !groupList )
startCount = CountGroupListTris( groupList );
if( dmapGlobals.verbose )
common->Printf( "----- FixAreaGroupsTjunctions -----\n" );
common->Printf( "%6i triangles in\n", startCount );
HashTriangles( groupList );
for( group = groupList ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
// don't touch discrete surfaces
if( group->material != NULL && group->material->IsDiscrete() )
newList = NULL;
for( tri = group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
fixed = FixTriangleAgainstHash( tri );
newList = MergeTriLists( newList, fixed );
FreeTriList( group->triList );
group->triList = newList;
endCount = CountGroupListTris( groupList );
if( dmapGlobals.verbose )
common->Printf( "%6i triangles out\n", endCount );
void FixEntityTjunctions( uEntity_t* e )
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ )
FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( e->areas[i].groups );
void FixGlobalTjunctions( uEntity_t* e )
mapTri_t* a;
int vert;
int i;
optimizeGroup_t* group;
int areaNum;
common->Printf( "----- FixGlobalTjunctions -----\n" );
// clear the hash tables
memset( hashVerts, 0, sizeof( hashVerts ) );
numHashVerts = 0;
numTotalVerts = 0;
// bound all the triangles to determine the bucket size
for( areaNum = 0 ; areaNum < e->numAreas ; areaNum++ )
for( group = e->areas[areaNum].groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
for( a = group->triList ; a ; a = a->next )
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[0].xyz );
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[1].xyz );
hashBounds.AddPoint( a->v[2].xyz );
// spread the bounds so it will never have a zero size
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
hashBounds[0][i] = floor( hashBounds[0][i] - 1 );
hashBounds[1][i] = ceil( hashBounds[1][i] + 1 );
hashIntMins[i] = hashBounds[0][i] * SNAP_FRACTIONS;
hashScale[i] = ( hashBounds[1][i] - hashBounds[0][i] ) / HASH_BINS;
hashIntScale[i] = hashScale[i] * SNAP_FRACTIONS;
if( hashIntScale[i] < 1 )
hashIntScale[i] = 1;
// add all the points to the hash buckets
for( areaNum = 0 ; areaNum < e->numAreas ; areaNum++ )
for( group = e->areas[areaNum].groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
// don't touch discrete surfaces
if( group->material != NULL && group->material->IsDiscrete() )
for( a = group->triList ; a ; a = a->next )
for( vert = 0 ; vert < 3 ; vert++ )
a->hashVert[vert] = GetHashVert( a->v[vert].xyz );
// add all the func_static model vertexes to the hash buckets
// optionally inline some of the func_static models
if( dmapGlobals.entityNum == 0 )
for( int eNum = 1 ; eNum < dmapGlobals.num_entities ; eNum++ )
uEntity_t* entity = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[eNum];
const char* className = entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
if( idStr::Icmp( className, "func_static" ) )
const char* modelName = entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetString( "model" );
if( !modelName )
if( !strstr( modelName, ".lwo" ) && !strstr( modelName, ".ase" ) && !strstr( modelName, ".ma" ) )
idRenderModel* model = renderModelManager->FindModel( modelName );
// common->Printf( "adding T junction verts for %s.\n", entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetString( "name" ) );
idMat3 axis;
// get the rotation matrix in either full form, or single angle form
if( !entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetMatrix( "rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", axis ) )
float angle = entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetFloat( "angle" );
if( angle != 0.0f )
axis = idAngles( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
idVec3 origin = entity->mapEntity->epairs.GetVector( "origin" );
for( i = 0 ; i < model->NumSurfaces() ; i++ )
const modelSurface_t* surface = model->Surface( i );
const srfTriangles_t* tri = surface->geometry;
mapTri_t mapTri;
memset( &mapTri, 0, sizeof( mapTri ) );
mapTri.material = surface->shader;
// don't let discretes (autosprites, etc) merge together
if( mapTri.material->IsDiscrete() )
mapTri.mergeGroup = ( void* )surface;
for( int j = 0 ; j < tri->numVerts ; j += 3 )
idVec3 v = tri->verts[j].xyz * axis + origin;
GetHashVert( v );
// now fix each area
for( areaNum = 0 ; areaNum < e->numAreas ; areaNum++ )
for( group = e->areas[areaNum].groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup )
// don't touch discrete surfaces
if( group->material != NULL && group->material->IsDiscrete() )
mapTri_t* newList = NULL;
for( mapTri_t* tri = group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next )
mapTri_t* fixed = FixTriangleAgainstHash( tri );
newList = MergeTriLists( newList, fixed );
FreeTriList( group->triList );
group->triList = newList;
// done