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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "PacketProcessor.h"
// DG: workaround for GCC bug
const int idPacketProcessor::RETURN_TYPE_NONE = 0;
const int idPacketProcessor::RETURN_TYPE_OOB = 1;
const int idPacketProcessor::RETURN_TYPE_INBAND = 2;
const int idPacketProcessor::FRAGMENT_START = 0;
const int idPacketProcessor::FRAGMENT_MIDDLE = 1;
const int idPacketProcessor::FRAGMENT_END = 2;
// DG end
idCVar net_maxRate( "net_maxRate", "50", CVAR_INTEGER, "max send rate in kilobytes per second" );
idCVar net_showReliableCompression( "net_showReliableCompression", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "Show reliable compression ratio." );
// we use an assert(0); return idiom in some places, which lint complains about
//lint -e527 unreachable code at token 'return'
void idPacketProcessor::QueueReliableAck( int lastReliable )
// NOTE - Even if it was the last known sequence, go ahead and ack it, in case our last ack for this sequence got dropped
if( lastReliable >= reliableSequenceRecv )
queuedReliableAck = lastReliable;
reliableSequenceRecv = lastReliable;
int idPacketProcessor::FinalizeRead( idBitMsg& inMsg, idBitMsg& outMsg, int& userValue )
userValue = 0;
idInnerPacketHeader header;
header.ReadFromMsg( inMsg );
if( !verify( header.Type() != PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENTED ) ) // We shouldn't be fragmented at this point
idLib::Printf( "Received invalid fragmented packet.\n" );
if( header.Type() == PACKET_TYPE_RELIABLE_ACK )
// Handle reliable ack
int reliableSequence = inMsg.ReadLong();
reliable.RemoveOlderThan( reliableSequence + 1 );
header.ReadFromMsg( inMsg ); // Read the new header, since the reliable ack sits on top the actual header of the message
if( header.Type() == PACKET_TYPE_OOB )
// out-of-band packet
userValue = header.Value();
// At this point, this MUST be an in-band packet
if( !verify( header.Type() == PACKET_TYPE_INBAND ) )
idLib::Printf( "In-band packet expected, received type %i instead.\n", header.Type() );
// Reset number of reliables received (NOTE - This means you MUST unload all reliables as they are received)
numReliable = 0;
// Handle reliable portion of in-band packets
int numReliableRecv = header.Value();
int bufferPos = 0;
if( numReliableRecv > 0 )
// Byte align msg
int compressedSize = inMsg.ReadShort();
lzwCompressionData_t lzwData;
idLZWCompressor lzwCompressor( &lzwData );
lzwCompressor.Start( ( uint8* )inMsg.GetReadData() + inMsg.GetReadCount(), compressedSize ); // Read from msg
int reliableSequence = 0;
lzwCompressor.ReadAgnostic< int >( reliableSequence );
for( int r = 0; r < numReliableRecv; r++ )
uint8 uncompMem[ MAX_MSG_SIZE ];
uint16 reliableDataLength = 0;
lzwCompressor.ReadAgnostic< uint16 >( reliableDataLength );
lzwCompressor.Read( uncompMem, reliableDataLength );
if( reliableSequence + r > reliableSequenceRecv ) // Only accept newer reliable msg's than we've currently already received
if( !verify( bufferPos + reliableDataLength <= sizeof( reliableBuffer ) ) )
idLib::Printf( "Reliable msg size overflow.\n" );
if( !verify( numReliable < MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE ) )
idLib::Printf( "Reliable msg count overflow.\n" );
memcpy( reliableBuffer + bufferPos, uncompMem, reliableDataLength );
reliableMsgSize[ numReliable ] = reliableDataLength;
reliableMsgPtrs[ numReliable++ ] = &reliableBuffer[ bufferPos ];
bufferPos += reliableDataLength;
extern idCVar net_verboseReliable;
if( net_verboseReliable.GetBool() )
idLib::Printf( "Ignoring reliable msg %i because %i was already acked\n", ( reliableSequence + r ), reliableSequenceRecv );
if( !verify( lzwCompressor.IsOverflowed() == false ) )
idLib::Printf( "lzwCompressor.IsOverflowed() == true.\n" );
inMsg.SetReadCount( inMsg.GetReadCount() + compressedSize );
QueueReliableAck( reliableSequence + numReliableRecv - 1 );
// Load actual msg
outMsg.WriteData( inMsg.GetReadData() + inMsg.GetReadCount(), inMsg.GetRemainingData() );
outMsg.SetSize( inMsg.GetRemainingData() );
bool idPacketProcessor::QueueReliableMessage( byte type, const byte* data, int dataLen )
return reliable.Append( reliableSequenceSend++, &type, 1, data, dataLen );
bool idPacketProcessor::CanSendMoreData() const
if( net_maxRate.GetInteger() == 0 )
return true;
return ( outgoingRateBytes <= net_maxRate.GetInteger() * 1024 );
void idPacketProcessor::UpdateOutgoingRate( const int time, const int size )
outgoingBytes += size;
// update outgoing rate variables
if( time > outgoingRateTime )
outgoingRateBytes -= outgoingRateBytes * ( float )( time - outgoingRateTime ) / 1000.0f;
if( outgoingRateBytes < 0.0f )
outgoingRateBytes = 0.0f;
outgoingRateTime = time;
outgoingRateBytes += size;
// compute an average bandwidth at intervals
if( time - lastOutgoingRateTime > BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_PERIOD )
currentOutgoingRate = 1000 * ( outgoingBytes - lastOutgoingBytes ) / ( time - lastOutgoingRateTime );
lastOutgoingBytes = outgoingBytes;
lastOutgoingRateTime = time;
void idPacketProcessor::UpdateIncomingRate( const int time, const int size )
incomingBytes += size;
// update incoming rate variables
if( time > incomingRateTime )
incomingRateBytes -= incomingRateBytes * ( float )( time - incomingRateTime ) / 1000.0f;
if( incomingRateBytes < 0.0f )
incomingRateBytes = 0.0f;
incomingRateTime = time;
incomingRateBytes += size;
// compute an average bandwidth at intervals
if( time - lastIncomingRateTime > BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_PERIOD )
currentIncomingRate = 1000 * ( incomingBytes - lastIncomingBytes ) / ( time - lastIncomingRateTime );
lastIncomingBytes = incomingBytes;
lastIncomingRateTime = time;
NOTE - We only compress reliables because we assume everything else has already been compressed.
bool idPacketProcessor::ProcessOutgoing( const int time, const idBitMsg& msg, bool isOOB, int userData )
// We can only do ONE ProcessOutgoing call, then we need to do GetSendFragment to
// COMPLETELY empty unsentMsg before calling ProcessOutgoing again.
if( !verify( fragmentedSend == false ) )
idLib::Warning( "ProcessOutgoing: fragmentedSend == true!" );
return false;
if( !verify( unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() == 0 ) )
idLib::Warning( "ProcessOutgoing: unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() > 0!" );
return false;
// Build the full msg to send, which could include reliable data
unsentMsg.InitWrite( unsentBuffer, sizeof( unsentBuffer ) );
// Ack reliables if we need to (NOTE - We will send this ack on both the in-band and out-of-band channels)
if( queuedReliableAck >= 0 )
idInnerPacketHeader header( PACKET_TYPE_RELIABLE_ACK, 0 );
header.WriteToMsg( unsentMsg );
unsentMsg.WriteLong( queuedReliableAck );
queuedReliableAck = -1;
if( isOOB )
if( msg.GetSize() + unsentMsg.GetSize() > MAX_OOB_MSG_SIZE ) // Fragmentation not allowed for out-of-band msg's
idLib::Printf( "Out-of-band packet too large %i\n", unsentMsg.GetSize() );
assert( 0 );
return false;
// We don't need to worry about reliable for out of band packets
idInnerPacketHeader header( PACKET_TYPE_OOB, userData );
header.WriteToMsg( unsentMsg );
// Add reliable msg's here if this is an in-band packet
idInnerPacketHeader header( PACKET_TYPE_INBAND, reliable.Num() );
header.WriteToMsg( unsentMsg );
if( reliable.Num() > 0 )
// Byte align unsentMsg
lzwCompressionData_t lzwData;
idLZWCompressor lzwCompressor( &lzwData );
lzwCompressor.Start( unsentMsg.GetWriteData() + unsentMsg.GetSize() + 2, unsentMsg.GetRemainingSpace() - 2 ); // Write to compressed mem, not exceeding MAX_MSG_SIZE (+2 to reserve space for compressed size)
int uncompressedSize = 4;
lzwCompressor.WriteAgnostic< int >( reliable.ItemSequence( 0 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < reliable.Num(); i++ )
lzwCompressor.WriteAgnostic< uint16 >( reliable.ItemLength( i ) );
lzwCompressor.Write( reliable.ItemData( i ), reliable.ItemLength( i ) );
uncompressedSize += 2 + reliable.ItemLength( i );
if( lzwCompressor.IsOverflowed() )
idLib::Error( "reliable msg compressor overflow." );
unsentMsg.WriteShort( lzwCompressor.Length() );
unsentMsg.SetSize( unsentMsg.GetSize() + lzwCompressor.Length() );
if( net_showReliableCompression.GetBool() )
static int totalUncompressed = 0;
static int totalCompressed = 0;
totalUncompressed += uncompressedSize;
totalCompressed += lzwCompressor.Length();
float ratio1 = ( float )lzwCompressor.Length() / ( float )uncompressedSize;
float ratio2 = ( float )totalCompressed / ( float )totalUncompressed;
idLib::Printf( "Uncompressed: %i, Compressed: %i, TotalUncompressed: %i, TotalCompressed: %i, (%2.2f / %2.2f )\n", uncompressedSize, lzwCompressor.Length(), totalUncompressed, totalCompressed, ratio1, ratio2 );
// Fill up with actual msg
unsentMsg.WriteData( msg.GetReadData(), msg.GetSize() );
if( unsentMsg.GetSize() > MAX_PACKET_SIZE )
if( isOOB )
idLib::Error( "oob msg's cannot fragment" );
fragmentedSend = true;
return true;
bool idPacketProcessor::GetSendFragment( const int time, sessionId_t sessionID, idBitMsg& outMsg )
lastSendTime = time;
if( unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() <= 0 )
return false; // Nothing to send
idOuterPacketHeader outerHeader( sessionID );
// Write outer packet header to the msg
outerHeader.WriteToMsg( outMsg );
if( !fragmentedSend )
// Simple case, no fragments to sent
outMsg.WriteData( unsentMsg.GetReadData(), unsentMsg.GetSize() );
unsentMsg.SetSize( 0 );
int currentSize = idMath::ClampInt( 0, MAX_PACKET_SIZE, unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() );
assert( currentSize > 0 );
assert( unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() - currentSize >= 0 );
// See if we'll have more fragments once we subtract off how much we're about to write
bool moreFragments = ( unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() - currentSize > 0 ) ? true : false;
if( !unsentMsg.GetReadCount() ) // If this is the first read, then we know it's the first fragment
assert( moreFragments ); // If we have a first, we must have more or something went wrong
header.WriteToMsg( outMsg );
idInnerPacketHeader header( PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENTED, moreFragments ? FRAGMENT_MIDDLE : FRAGMENT_END );
header.WriteToMsg( outMsg );
outMsg.WriteLong( fragmentSequence );
outMsg.WriteData( unsentMsg.GetReadData() + unsentMsg.GetReadCount(), currentSize );
unsentMsg.ReadData( NULL, currentSize );
assert( moreFragments == unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() > 0 );
fragmentedSend = moreFragments;
fragmentSequence++; // Advance sequence
fragmentAccumulator++; // update the counter for the net debug hud
// The caller needs to send this packet, so assume he did, and update rates
UpdateOutgoingRate( time, outMsg.GetSize() );
return true;
int idPacketProcessor::ProcessIncoming( int time, sessionId_t expectedSessionID, idBitMsg& msg, idBitMsg& out, int& userData, const int peerNum )
assert( msg.GetSize() <= MAX_FINAL_PACKET_SIZE );
UpdateIncomingRate( time, msg.GetSize() );
idOuterPacketHeader outerHeader;
outerHeader.ReadFromMsg( msg );
sessionId_t sessionID = outerHeader.GetSessionID();
assert( sessionID == expectedSessionID );
idLib::Printf( "Expected non connectionless ID, but got a connectionless one\n" );
if( sessionID != expectedSessionID )
idLib::Printf( "Expected session id: %8x but got %8x instead\n", expectedSessionID, sessionID );
int c, b;
msg.SaveReadState( c, b );
idInnerPacketHeader header;
header.ReadFromMsg( msg );
if( header.Type() != PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENTED )
// Non fragmented
msg.RestoreReadState( c, b ); // Reset since we took a byte to check the type
return FinalizeRead( msg, out, userData );
// Decode fragmented packet
int readSequence = msg.ReadLong(); // Read sequence of fragment
if( header.Value() == FRAGMENT_START )
msgWritePos = 0; // Reset msg reconstruction write pos
else if( fragmentSequence == -1 || readSequence != fragmentSequence + 1 )
idLib::Printf( "Dropped Fragments - PeerNum: %i FragmentSeq: %i, ReadSeq: %i, Total: %i\n", peerNum, fragmentSequence, readSequence, droppedFrags );
// If this is the middle or end, make sure we are reading in fragmentSequence
fragmentSequence = -1;
return RETURN_TYPE_NONE; // Out of sequence
fragmentSequence = readSequence;
assert( msg.GetRemainingData() > 0 );
if( !verify( msgWritePos + msg.GetRemainingData() < sizeof( msgBuffer ) ) )
idLib::Error( "ProcessIncoming: Fragmented msg buffer overflow." );
memcpy( msgBuffer + msgWritePos, msg.GetReadData() + msg.GetReadCount(), msg.GetRemainingData() );
msgWritePos += msg.GetRemainingData();
if( header.Value() == FRAGMENT_END )
// Done reconstructing the msg
idBitMsg msg( msgBuffer, sizeof( msgBuffer ) );
msg.SetSize( msgWritePos );
return FinalizeRead( msg, out, userData );
if( !verify( header.Value() == FRAGMENT_START || header.Value() == FRAGMENT_MIDDLE ) )
idLib::Printf( "ProcessIncoming: Invalid packet.\n" );
// If we get here, this is part (either beginning or end) of a fragmented packet.
// We return RETURN_TYPE_NONE to let the caller know they don't need to do anything yet.
bool idPacketProcessor::ProcessConnectionlessOutgoing( idBitMsg& msg, idBitMsg& out, int lobbyType, int userData )
sessionId_t sessionID = lobbyType + 1;
// Write outer header
idOuterPacketHeader outerHeader( sessionID );
outerHeader.WriteToMsg( out );
// Write inner header
idInnerPacketHeader header( PACKET_TYPE_OOB, userData );
header.WriteToMsg( out );
// Write msg
out.WriteData( msg.GetReadData(), msg.GetSize() );
return true;
bool idPacketProcessor::ProcessConnectionlessIncoming( idBitMsg& msg, idBitMsg& out, int& userData )
idOuterPacketHeader outerHeader;
outerHeader.ReadFromMsg( msg );
sessionId_t sessionID = outerHeader.GetSessionID();
// Not a connectionless msg (this can happen if a previously connected peer keeps sending data for whatever reason)
idLib::Printf( "ProcessConnectionlessIncoming: Invalid session ID - %d\n", sessionID );
return false;
idInnerPacketHeader header;
header.ReadFromMsg( msg );
if( header.Type() != PACKET_TYPE_OOB )
idLib::Printf( "ProcessConnectionlessIncoming: header.Type() != PACKET_TYPE_OOB\n" );
return false; // Only out-of-band packets supported for connectionless
userData = header.Value();
out.WriteData( msg.GetReadData() + msg.GetReadCount(), msg.GetRemainingData() );
out.SetSize( msg.GetRemainingData() );
return true;
idPacketProcessor::sessionId_t idPacketProcessor::GetSessionID( idBitMsg& msg )
sessionId_t sessionID;
int c, b;
msg.SaveReadState( c, b );
// Read outer header
idOuterPacketHeader outerHeader;
outerHeader.ReadFromMsg( msg );
// Get session ID
sessionID = outerHeader.GetSessionID();
msg.RestoreReadState( c, b );
return sessionID;
idCVar net_verifyReliableQueue( "net_verifyReliableQueue", "2", CVAR_INTEGER, "0: warn only, 1: error, 2: fixup, 3: fixup and verbose, 4: force test" );
#define RELIABLE_VERBOSE if ( net_verifyReliableQueue.GetInteger() >= 3 ) idLib::Printf
void idPacketProcessor::VerifyEmptyReliableQueue( byte keepMsgBelowThis, byte replaceWithThisMsg )
if( net_verifyReliableQueue.GetInteger() == 4 )
RELIABLE_VERBOSE( "pushing a fake game reliable\n" );
const char* garbage = "garbage";
QueueReliableMessage( keepMsgBelowThis + 4, ( const byte* )garbage, 8 );
QueueReliableMessage( replaceWithThisMsg, NULL, 0 );
if( reliable.Num() == 0 )
if( net_verifyReliableQueue.GetInteger() == 1 )
idLib::Error( "reliable queue is not empty: %d messages", reliable.Num() );
idLib::Warning( "reliable queue is not empty: %d messages", reliable.Num() );
if( net_verifyReliableQueue.GetInteger() == 0 )
// drop some stuff that is potentially dangerous and should not transmit
RELIABLE_VERBOSE( "rollback send sequence from %d to %d\n", reliableSequenceSend, reliable.ItemSequence( 0 ) );
for( int i = 0; i < reliable.Num(); i++ )
byte peek = reliable.ItemData( i )[0];
if( peek < keepMsgBelowThis )
RELIABLE_VERBOSE( "keeping %d\n", peek );
clean.Append( reliable.ItemSequence( i ), reliable.ItemData( i ), reliable.ItemLength( i ) );
// Replace with fake msg, so we retain itemsequence ordering.
// If we don't do this, it's possible we remove the last msg, then append a single msg before the next send,
// and the client may think he already received the msg, since his last reliableSequenceRecv could be greater than our
// reliableSequenceSend if he already received the group of reliables we are mucking with
clean.Append( reliable.ItemSequence( i ), &replaceWithThisMsg, 1 );
RELIABLE_VERBOSE( "dropping %d\n", peek );
assert( reliable.Num() == clean.Num() );
reliable = clean;