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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "BoundsTrack.h"
// assume any lightDef or entityDef index above this is an internal error
const int LUDICROUS_INDEX = 10000;
typedef struct portal_s {
int intoArea; // area this portal leads to
idWinding * w; // winding points have counter clockwise ordering seen this area
idPlane plane; // view must be on the positive side of the plane to cross
struct portal_s * next; // next portal of the area
struct doublePortal_s * doublePortal;
} portal_t;
typedef struct doublePortal_s {
struct portal_s * portals[2];
int blockingBits; // PS_BLOCK_VIEW, PS_BLOCK_AIR, etc, set by doors that shut them off
// A portal will be considered closed if it is past the
// fog-out point in a fog volume. We only support a single
// fog volume over each portal.
idRenderLightLocal * fogLight;
struct doublePortal_s * nextFoggedPortal;
} doublePortal_t;
typedef struct portalArea_s {
int areaNum;
int connectedAreaNum[NUM_PORTAL_ATTRIBUTES]; // if two areas have matching connectedAreaNum, they are
// not separated by a portal with the apropriate PS_BLOCK_* blockingBits
int viewCount; // set by R_FindViewLightsAndEntities
portal_t * portals; // never changes after load
areaReference_t entityRefs; // head/tail of doubly linked list, may change
areaReference_t lightRefs; // head/tail of doubly linked list, may change
} portalArea_t;
static const int CHILDREN_HAVE_MULTIPLE_AREAS = -2;
static const int AREANUM_SOLID = -1;
typedef struct {
idPlane plane;
int children[2]; // negative numbers are (-1 - areaNumber), 0 = solid
int commonChildrenArea; // if all children are either solid or a single area,
// this is the area number, else CHILDREN_HAVE_MULTIPLE_AREAS
} areaNode_t;
struct reusableDecal_t {
qhandle_t entityHandle;
int lastStartTime;
idRenderModelDecal * decals;
struct reusableOverlay_t {
qhandle_t entityHandle;
int lastStartTime;
idRenderModelOverlay * overlays;
struct portalStack_t;
class idRenderWorldLocal : public idRenderWorld {
virtual ~idRenderWorldLocal();
virtual bool InitFromMap( const char *mapName );
virtual void ResetLocalRenderModels(); // Fixes a crash when switching between expansion packs in Doom3:BFG
virtual qhandle_t AddEntityDef( const renderEntity_t *re );
virtual void UpdateEntityDef( qhandle_t entityHandle, const renderEntity_t *re );
virtual void FreeEntityDef( qhandle_t entityHandle );
virtual const renderEntity_t *GetRenderEntity( qhandle_t entityHandle ) const;
virtual qhandle_t AddLightDef( const renderLight_t *rlight );
virtual void UpdateLightDef( qhandle_t lightHandle, const renderLight_t *rlight );
virtual void FreeLightDef( qhandle_t lightHandle );
virtual const renderLight_t *GetRenderLight( qhandle_t lightHandle ) const;
virtual bool CheckAreaForPortalSky( int areaNum );
virtual void GenerateAllInteractions();
virtual void RegenerateWorld();
virtual void ProjectDecalOntoWorld( const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime );
virtual void ProjectDecal( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime );
virtual void ProjectOverlay( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idPlane localTextureAxis[2], const idMaterial *material, const int startTime );
virtual void RemoveDecals( qhandle_t entityHandle );
virtual void SetRenderView( const renderView_t *renderView );
virtual void RenderScene( const renderView_t *renderView );
virtual int NumAreas() const;
virtual int PointInArea( const idVec3 &point ) const;
virtual int BoundsInAreas( const idBounds &bounds, int *areas, int maxAreas ) const;
virtual int NumPortalsInArea( int areaNum );
virtual exitPortal_t GetPortal( int areaNum, int portalNum );
virtual guiPoint_t GuiTrace( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idVec3 start, const idVec3 end ) const;
virtual bool ModelTrace( modelTrace_t &trace, qhandle_t entityHandle, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius ) const;
virtual bool Trace( modelTrace_t &trace, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius, bool skipDynamic = true, bool skipPlayer = false ) const;
virtual bool FastWorldTrace( modelTrace_t &trace, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const;
virtual void DebugClearLines( int time );
virtual void DebugLine( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const int lifetime = 0, const bool depthTest = false );
virtual void DebugArrow( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int size, const int lifetime = 0 );
virtual void DebugWinding( const idVec4 &color, const idWinding &w, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, const int lifetime = 0, const bool depthTest = false );
virtual void DebugCircle( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, const float radius, const int numSteps, const int lifetime = 0, const bool depthTest = false );
virtual void DebugSphere( const idVec4 &color, const idSphere &sphere, const int lifetime = 0, bool depthTest = false );
virtual void DebugBounds( const idVec4 &color, const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &org = vec3_origin, const int lifetime = 0 );
virtual void DebugBox( const idVec4 &color, const idBox &box, const int lifetime = 0 );
virtual void DebugCone( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &apex, const idVec3 &dir, float radius1, float radius2, const int lifetime = 0 );
virtual void DebugScreenRect( const idVec4 &color, const idScreenRect &rect, const viewDef_t *viewDef, const int lifetime = 0 );
virtual void DebugAxis( const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis );
virtual void DebugClearPolygons( int time );
virtual void DebugPolygon( const idVec4 &color, const idWinding &winding, const int lifeTime = 0, const bool depthTest = false );
virtual void DrawText( const char *text, const idVec3 &origin, float scale, const idVec4 &color, const idMat3 &viewAxis, const int align = 1, const int lifetime = 0, bool depthTest = false );
idStr mapName; // ie: maps/tim_dm2.proc, written to demoFile
ID_TIME_T mapTimeStamp; // for fast reloads of the same level
areaNode_t * areaNodes;
int numAreaNodes;
portalArea_t * portalAreas;
int numPortalAreas;
int connectedAreaNum; // incremented every time a door portal state changes
idScreenRect * areaScreenRect;
doublePortal_t * doublePortals;
int numInterAreaPortals;
idList<idRenderModel *, TAG_MODEL> localModels;
idList<idRenderEntityLocal*, TAG_ENTITY> entityDefs;
idList<idRenderLightLocal*, TAG_LIGHT> lightDefs;
idBlockAlloc<areaReference_t, 1024> areaReferenceAllocator;
idBlockAlloc<idInteraction, 256> interactionAllocator;
#ifdef ID_PC
static const int MAX_DECAL_SURFACES = 32;
static const int MAX_DECAL_SURFACES = 16;
idArray<reusableDecal_t, MAX_DECAL_SURFACES> decals;
idArray<reusableOverlay_t, MAX_DECAL_SURFACES> overlays;
// all light / entity interactions are referenced here for fast lookup without
// having to crawl the doubly linked lists. EnntityDefs are sequential for better
// cache access, because the table is accessed by light in idRenderWorldLocal::CreateLightDefInteractions()
// Growing this table is time consuming, so we add a pad value to the number
// of entityDefs and lightDefs
idInteraction ** interactionTable;
int interactionTableWidth; // entityDefs
int interactionTableHeight; // lightDefs
bool generateAllInteractionsCalled;
// RenderWorld_load.cpp
idRenderModel * ParseModel( idLexer *src, const char *mapName, ID_TIME_T mapTimeStamp, idFile *fileOut );
idRenderModel * ParseShadowModel( idLexer *src, idFile *fileOut );
void SetupAreaRefs();
void ParseInterAreaPortals( idLexer *src, idFile *fileOut );
void ParseNodes( idLexer *src, idFile *fileOut );
int CommonChildrenArea_r( areaNode_t *node );
void FreeWorld();
void ClearWorld();
void FreeDefs();
void TouchWorldModels();
void AddWorldModelEntities();
void ClearPortalStates();
void ReadBinaryAreaPortals( idFile *file );
void ReadBinaryNodes( idFile *file );
idRenderModel * ReadBinaryModel( idFile *file );
idRenderModel * ReadBinaryShadowModel( idFile *file );
// RenderWorld_portals.cpp
bool CullEntityByPortals( const idRenderEntityLocal *entity, const portalStack_t *ps );
void AddAreaViewEntities( int areaNum, const portalStack_t *ps );
bool CullLightByPortals( const idRenderLightLocal *light, const portalStack_t *ps );
void AddAreaViewLights( int areaNum, const portalStack_t *ps );
void AddAreaToView( int areaNum, const portalStack_t *ps );
idScreenRect ScreenRectFromWinding( const idWinding *w, const viewEntity_t *space );
bool PortalIsFoggedOut( const portal_t *p );
void FloodViewThroughArea_r( const idVec3 & origin, int areaNum, const portalStack_t *ps );
void FlowViewThroughPortals( const idVec3 & origin, int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes );
void BuildConnectedAreas_r( int areaNum );
void BuildConnectedAreas();
void FindViewLightsAndEntities();
void FloodLightThroughArea_r( idRenderLightLocal *light, int areaNum, const portalStack_t *ps );
void FlowLightThroughPortals( idRenderLightLocal *light );
int NumPortals() const;
qhandle_t FindPortal( const idBounds &b ) const;
void SetPortalState( qhandle_t portal, int blockingBits );
int GetPortalState( qhandle_t portal );
bool AreasAreConnected( int areaNum1, int areaNum2, portalConnection_t connection ) const;
void FloodConnectedAreas( portalArea_t *area, int portalAttributeIndex );
idScreenRect & GetAreaScreenRect( int areaNum ) const { return areaScreenRect[areaNum]; }
void ShowPortals();
// RenderWorld_demo.cpp
void StartWritingDemo( idDemoFile *demo );
void StopWritingDemo();
bool ProcessDemoCommand( idDemoFile *readDemo, renderView_t *demoRenderView, int *demoTimeOffset );
void WriteLoadMap();
void WriteRenderView( const renderView_t *renderView );
void WriteVisibleDefs( const viewDef_t *viewDef );
void WriteFreeLight( qhandle_t handle );
void WriteFreeEntity( qhandle_t handle );
void WriteRenderLight( qhandle_t handle, const renderLight_t *light );
void WriteRenderEntity( qhandle_t handle, const renderEntity_t *ent );
void ReadRenderEntity();
void ReadRenderLight();
// RenderWorld.cpp
void ResizeInteractionTable();
void AddEntityRefToArea( idRenderEntityLocal *def, portalArea_t *area );
void AddLightRefToArea( idRenderLightLocal *light, portalArea_t *area );
void RecurseProcBSP_r( modelTrace_t *results, int parentNodeNum, int nodeNum, float p1f, float p2f, const idVec3 &p1, const idVec3 &p2 ) const;
void BoundsInAreas_r( int nodeNum, const idBounds &bounds, int *areas, int *numAreas, int maxAreas ) const;
float DrawTextLength( const char *text, float scale, int len = 0 );
void FreeInteractions();
void PushFrustumIntoTree_r( idRenderEntityLocal *def, idRenderLightLocal *light, const frustumCorners_t & corners, int nodeNum );
void PushFrustumIntoTree( idRenderEntityLocal *def, idRenderLightLocal *light, const idRenderMatrix & frustumTransform, const idBounds & frustumBounds );
idRenderModelDecal * AllocDecal( qhandle_t newEntityHandle, int startTime );
idRenderModelOverlay * AllocOverlay( qhandle_t newEntityHandle, int startTime );
// tr_light.c
void CreateLightDefInteractions( idRenderLightLocal * const ldef, const int renderViewID );
// if an entity / light combination has been evaluated and found to not genrate any surfaces or shadows,
// the constant INTERACTION_EMPTY will be stored in the interaction table, int contrasts to NULL, which
// means that the combination has not yet been tested for having surfaces.
static idInteraction * const INTERACTION_EMPTY = (idInteraction *)1;
void R_ListRenderLightDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_ListRenderEntityDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
#endif /* !__RENDERWORLDLOCAL_H__ */