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synced 2025-03-16 15:41:16 +00:00
493 lines
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493 lines
15 KiB
entityDef target_checkpoint {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to trigger a trigger an upcoming map. It will be triggered when the player spawns"
"editor_var levelName" "level name to fire trigger in, this is the map name minus the path, i.e. admin"
"editor_var triggerName" "trigger name to fire"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_Checkpoint"
entityDef target_endLevel {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "When triggered, displays end level gui and transfers the player to the next map. Orient the entity to specify the view during the stats display."
"editor_var nextMap" "the map name to transfer to (for example: johnc/test_box, etc)."
"editor_gui guiName" "end of level gui."
"editor_var endOfGame" "set to true if this is the end of the game"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_EndLevel"
"nextMap" "guis/EndLevel.gui"
entityDef target_sessionCommand {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "When triggered, sends the specified command (playdemo e3_1, etc) to the game."
"editor_var command" "the string to return to session."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SessionCommand"
entityDef target_setshaderparm {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to set shader parms on."
"editor_color _color" "New color for the entity."
"editor_var shaderParm0" "New value for shader parm 0."
"editor_var shaderParm1" "New value for shader parm 1."
"editor_var shaderParm2" "New value for shader parm 2."
"editor_var shaderParm3" "New value for shader parm 3."
"editor_var shaderParm4" "New value for shader parm 4."
"editor_var shaderParm5" "New value for shader parm 5."
"editor_var shaderParm6" "New value for shader parm 6."
"editor_var shaderParm7" "New value for shader parm 7."
"editor_bool toggle" "If true will toggle any 0,1 shaderparm set."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetShaderParm"
entityDef target_setshadertime {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to set the shadertime (parm4) on."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetShaderTime"
entityDef target_setglobalparmtime {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger to set the passed global parm to current time offset"
"editor_var globalParm" "which global parm to set."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime"
entityDef target_entity_setcolor {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Changes the color on the targeted entity."
"editor_color _color" "Color to change to."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_FadeEntity"
"fadeTime" "0"
entityDef target_entity_fadeout {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to fade out."
"editor_color _color" "Color to fade to."
"editor_var fadeTime" "How long fade should take."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_FadeEntity"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"fadeTime" "1"
entityDef target_entity_fadein {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to fade in."
"editor_color _color" "Color to fade to."
"editor_var fadeTime" "How long fade should take."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_FadeEntity"
"_color" "1 1 1"
"fadeTime" "1"
entityDef target_light_fadeout {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target one or more lights to fade out."
"editor_var fadeTime" "How long fade should take."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_LightFadeOut"
"fadeTime" "1"
entityDef target_light_fadein {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target one or more lights to fade in."
"editor_var fadeTime" "How long fade should take."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_LightFadeIn"
"fadeTime" "1"
entityDef target_null {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-6 -6 -6"
"editor_maxs" "6 6 6"
"editor_usage" "Generic target to point camera views at"
"spawnclass" "idTarget"
entityDef target_give {
"editor_color" "0.2 0.7 0.5"
"editor_mins" "-6 -6 -6"
"editor_maxs" "6 6 6"
"editor_usage" "Gives the player a list of items."
"editor_var item1" "Use item1, item2, item3, etc.. to give player items, use the entity name.. i.e. item_key_red"
"editor_var onspawn" "Give to player automatically on spawn defaults to 1"
"editor_var development" "Use only with devmap defaults to 1"
"developer" "1"
"onspawn" "1"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_Give"
entityDef target_setmodel {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to set the model."
"editor_model newmodel" "Name of model to set on entity"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetModel"
entityDef target_setinfluence {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"effect_all" "1"
"fade_time" "0.75"
"editor_usage" "Trigger to set off demonic influences."
"editor_var radius" "Area radius to affect"
"editor_var time" "Time ( in seconds ) for the effect to last"
"editor_bool targetsOnly" "Only effect targets, ignore the radius"
"editor_bool effect_all" "Effect everything (default)"
"editor_bool effect_lights" "Effect lights in the area"
"editor_bool effect_guis" "Effect guis in the area"
"editor_bool effect_sounds" "Effect sounds in the area"
"editor_bool effect_models" "Effect models in the area"
"editor_bool effect_vision" "Effect players vision"
"editor_bool effect_demonic" "Only effect entities with demonic set to 1"
"editor_var fade_time" "Default fade time for color fades, defaults to 0.75"
"editor_var influenceLevel" "influence level, 0 is none, 1 is no gun or hud, 2 is no gun, hud or movement, 3 is slow player movement"
"editor_var flashIn" "time to flash in the effect"
"editor_var flashOut" "time to flash out the effect"
"editor_var snd_flashIn" "flash In sound"
"editor_var snd_flashOut" "flash Out sound"
"editor_var switchToView" "name of cameraView entity to switch to during the influence"
"editor_var mtrVision" "material to show during vision effects, if visionRadius is set the alpha channel of the material scales from 0 to 1 based on radius proximity of the player to the influence"
"editor_var mtrSkin" "skin to set on player during vision effects"
"editor_var mtrWorld" "material to globally replace in the world"
"editor_var visionRadius" "radius to effect vision effects with, mtrVision will always be used ( if it is set ) but this will also double the vision based on the radius"
"editor_snd snd_influence" "sound to play when influence is active, will turn off at end of influence"
"editor_var fovTime" "Time ( in seconds ) to move from current to target fov"
"editor_var fov" "Target fov"
"editor_var snapAngle" "Angle to snap the player to"
"editor_var triggerActivate" "Trigger to activate and trigger again to restore"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetInfluence"
entityDef target_setkeyval {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to set key val pairs on."
"editor_usage1" "Use keyval, keyval1, keyval2, etc.. for multiples."
"editor_var keyval" "Separate key val with semicolon... key;val"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetKeyVal"
entityDef target_setfov {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger to change fov"
"editor_var time" "Time ( in seconds ) to move from current to target fov"
"editor_var fov" "Target fov"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetFov"
entityDef target_primaryobjective {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger to change primary mission objective"
"editor_var text" "Text to set the objective to"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective"
entityDef target_show {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger to unhide the targeted entities."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_Show"
entityDef target_lock {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an door to lock or unlock. Toggles door's lock state each time it's triggered."
"editor_var locked" "Value to set 'locked' to on doors."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_LockDoor"
entityDef target_enableweapons {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to turn off the no_weapons flag in a level. Used once the player gets their weapons."
"editor_var weapon" "Weapon to select if it's in the player's inventory."
"editor_var disable" "Set to 1 to disable weapons, 0 to enable them"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons"
"weapon" "weapon_pistol"
entityDef target_removeweapons {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to remove weapons"
"editor_var weapon" "Weapon to remove by slot.. i.e. weapon0, weapon1.. use multiples to remove more than one"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_RemoveWeapons"
entityDef target_levelTrigger {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to trigger a trigger an upcoming map. It will be triggered when the player spawns"
"editor_var levelName" "level name to fire trigger in, this is the map name minus the path, i.e. admin"
"editor_var triggerName" "trigger name to fire"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_LevelTrigger"
entityDef target_enableStamina {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to enable or disable stamina"
"editor_var enable" "set to 1 to enable or 0 to disable"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_EnableStamina"
entityDef target_giveemail {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to give an email to the player."
"editor_var email" "name of email ( as defined in a pda file ) to give to the player"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_GiveEmail"
entityDef target_givesecurity {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to give a new security clearance to the player."
"editor_var text_security" "The security clearance"
"text_security" "General Access"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_GiveSecurity"
entityDef target_tip {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to show a tip to the player."
"editor_var text_tip" "tip text"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_Tip"
"text_title" "#str_02907"
entityDef target_callobjectfunction {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an entity to set call a function from it's script object."
"editor_var call" "Object function to call on entity"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
entityDef target_npc_talk {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an npc to cause him to talk to the player."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "target_talk"
entityDef target_npc_talk_triggered {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an npc to cause him to say his triggered talk anim to the player."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "say_triggered"
entityDef target_npc_talk_primary {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an npc to cause him to say his primary talk anim to the player."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "say_primary"
entityDef target_npc_talk_secondary {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target an npc to cause him to say his secondary talk anim to the player."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "say_secondary"
entityDef target_ai_followalternatepath1 {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target a monster or npc and trigger target to cause them to follow the path set in 'alt_path1' (set on the character)."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "follow_alternate_path1"
entityDef target_ai_followalternatepath2 {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target a monster or npc and trigger target to cause them to follow the path set in 'alt_path2' (set on the character)."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "follow_alternate_path2"
entityDef target_ai_followalternatepath3 {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Target a monster or npc and trigger target to cause them to follow the path set in 'alt_path3' (set on the character)."
"spawnclass" "idTarget_CallObjectFunction"
"call" "follow_alternate_path3"
entityDef target_FadeSoundClass {
"editor_color" "0.1 1 0.1"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Fades given sound class"
"editor_var fadeClass" "The sound class to fade ( all sound classes default to zero )"
"editor_var fadeTime" "How long it takes in seconds to fade from current volume to current volume - fadeDB."
"editor_var fadeDB" "How much to fade in DB, use positive numbers only.. 20 will fade all fadeClasss sounds by 20 DB."
"editor_var fadeDuration" "How long in seconds to wait before restoring fadeClass sounds to their original volume."
"editor_var fadeIn" "You can optionally set fadeDuration to 0 and use another target_FadeSoundClass to fade the class back in"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_FadeSoundClass"
"fadeClass" "0"
"fadeTime" "0.5"
"fadeDB" "20"
entityDef target_rumble_joystick {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Trigger this to activate a rumbling on the controller."
"editor_var low_magnitude" "Low rumble magnitude 0.0 - 1.0"
"editor_var low_duration" "Low rumble duration in MS"
"editor_var high_magnitude" "High rumble magnitude 0.0 - 1.0"
"editor_var high_duration" "High rumble duration in MS"
"spawnclass" "idTarget_RumbleJoystick"