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Robert Beckebans caa9258289 Optimized shadow mapping using Blue Noise sampling.
This reduces the number of shadow mapping taps from 12 to 6 while
keeping very good results.
2020-04-29 01:19:53 +02:00

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21 KiB

Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Robert Beckebans
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Dustin Land
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
enum textureType_t
// RB begin
// RB end
The internal *Texture Format Types*, ::textureFormat_t, are:
enum textureFormat_t
// Standard color image formats
FMT_RGBA8, // 32 bpp
FMT_XRGB8, // 32 bpp
// Alpha channel only
// Alpha ends up being the same as L8A8 in our current implementation, because straight
// alpha gives 0 for color, but we want 1.
// Luminance replicates the value across RGB with a constant A of 255
// Intensity replicates the value across RGBA
FMT_L8A8, // 16 bpp
FMT_LUM8, // 8 bpp
FMT_INT8, // 8 bpp
// Compressed texture formats
FMT_DXT1, // 4 bpp
FMT_DXT5, // 8 bpp
// Depth buffer formats
FMT_DEPTH, // 24 bpp
FMT_X16, // 16 bpp
FMT_Y16_X16, // 32 bpp
FMT_RGB565, // 16 bpp
// RB: don't change above for legacy .bimage compatibility
FMT_ETC1_RGB8_OES, // 4 bpp
FMT_SHADOW_ARRAY, // 32 bpp * 6
FMT_RG16F, // 32 bpp
FMT_RGBA16F, // 64 bpp
FMT_RGBA32F, // 128 bpp
FMT_R32F, // 32 bpp
// RB end
int BitsForFormat( textureFormat_t format );
enum textureSamples_t
SAMPLE_1 = BIT( 0 ),
SAMPLE_2 = BIT( 1 ),
SAMPLE_4 = BIT( 2 ),
SAMPLE_8 = BIT( 3 ),
SAMPLE_16 = BIT( 4 )
DXT5 color formats
enum textureColor_t
CFM_NORMAL_DXT5, // XY format and use the fast DXT5 compressor
CFM_YCOCG_DXT5, // convert RGBA to CoCg_Y format
CFM_GREEN_ALPHA, // Copy the alpha channel to green
// RB: don't change above for legacy .bimage compatibility
// RB end
idImageOpts hold parameters for texture operations.
class idImageOpts
bool operator==( const idImageOpts& opts );
// these determine the physical memory size and layout
textureType_t textureType;
textureFormat_t format;
textureColor_t colorFormat;
textureSamples_t samples;
int width;
int height; // not needed for cube maps
int numLevels; // if 0, will be 1 for NEAREST / LINEAR filters, otherwise based on size
bool gammaMips; // if true, mips will be generated with gamma correction
bool readback; // 360 specific - cpu reads back from this texture, so allocate with cached memory
ID_INLINE idImageOpts::idImageOpts()
format = FMT_NONE;
colorFormat = CFM_DEFAULT;
samples = SAMPLE_1;
width = 0;
height = 0;
numLevels = 0;
textureType = TT_2D;
gammaMips = false;
readback = false;
ID_INLINE bool idImageOpts::operator==( const idImageOpts& opts )
return ( memcmp( this, &opts, sizeof( *this ) ) == 0 );
idImage have a one to one correspondance with GL/DX/GCM textures.
No texture is ever used that does not have a corresponding idImage.
static const int MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS = 14;
// How is this texture used? Determines the storage and color format
typedef enum
TD_SPECULAR, // may be compressed, and always zeros the alpha channel
TD_DIFFUSE, // may be compressed
TD_DEFAULT, // generic RGBA texture (particles, etc...)
TD_BUMP, // may be compressed with 8 bit lookup
TD_FONT, // Font image
TD_LIGHT, // Light image
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_MONO, // Mono lookup table (including alpha)
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_ALPHA, // Alpha lookup table with a white color channel
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGB1, // RGB lookup table with a solid white alpha
TD_LOOKUP_TABLE_RGBA, // RGBA lookup table
TD_COVERAGE, // coverage map for fill depth pass when YCoCG is used
TD_DEPTH, // depth buffer copy for motion blur
// RB begin
TD_SPECULAR_PBR_RMAO, // may be compressed, and always zeros the alpha channel, linear RGB R = roughness, G = metal, B = ambient occlusion
TD_SPECULAR_PBR_RMAOD, // may be compressed, alpha channel contains displacement map
TD_HIGHQUALITY_CUBE, // motorsep - Uncompressed cubemap texture (RGB colorspace)
TD_LOWQUALITY_CUBE, // motorsep - Compressed cubemap texture (RGB colorspace DXT5)
TD_SHADOW_ARRAY, // 2D depth buffer array for shadow mapping
// RB end
} textureUsage_t;
typedef enum
CF_2D, // not a cube map
CF_NATIVE, // _px, _nx, _py, etc, directly sent to GL
CF_CAMERA, // _forward, _back, etc, rotated and flipped as needed before sending to GL
CF_2D_ARRAY // not a cube map but not a single 2d texture either
} cubeFiles_t;
enum imageFileType_t
#include "BinaryImage.h"
#define MAX_IMAGE_NAME 256
class idImage
friend class Framebuffer;
idImage( const char* name );
const char* GetName() const
return imgName;
// Makes this image active on the current GL texture unit.
// automatically enables or disables cube mapping
// May perform file loading if the image was not preloaded.
void Bind();
// RB begin
void GenerateShadowArray( int width, int height, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage );
// RB end
void CopyFramebuffer( int x, int y, int width, int height );
void CopyDepthbuffer( int x, int y, int width, int height );
void UploadScratch( const byte* pic, int width, int height );
// estimates size of the GL image based on dimensions and storage type
int StorageSize() const;
// print a one line summary of the image
void Print() const;
// check for changed timestamp on disk and reload if necessary
void Reload( bool force );
void AddReference()
void MakeDefault(); // fill with a grid pattern
const idImageOpts& GetOpts() const
return opts;
int GetUploadWidth() const
return opts.width;
int GetUploadHeight() const
return opts.height;
void SetReferencedOutsideLevelLoad()
referencedOutsideLevelLoad = true;
void SetReferencedInsideLevelLoad()
levelLoadReferenced = true;
void ActuallyLoadImage( bool fromBackEnd );
// Platform specific implementations
#if defined( USE_VULKAN )
static void EmptyGarbage();
VkImage GetImage() const
return image;
VkImageView GetView() const
return view;
VkImageLayout GetLayout() const
return layout;
VkSampler GetSampler() const
return sampler;
void AllocImage( const idImageOpts& imgOpts, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat );
// Deletes the texture object, but leaves the structure so it can be reloaded
// or resized.
void PurgeImage();
// z is 0 for 2D textures, 0 - 5 for cube maps, and 0 - uploadDepth for 3D textures. Only
// one plane at a time of 3D textures can be uploaded. The data is assumed to be correct for
// the format, either bytes, halfFloats, floats, or DXT compressed. The data is assumed to
// be in OpenGL RGBA format, the consoles may have to reorganize. pixelPitch is only needed
// when updating from a source subrect. Width, height, and dest* are always in pixels, so
// they must be a multiple of four for dxt data.
void SubImageUpload( int mipLevel, int destX, int destY, int destZ,
int width, int height, const void* data,
int pixelPitch = 0 );
// SetPixel is assumed to be a fast memory write on consoles, degenerating to a
// SubImageUpload on PCs. Used to update the page mapping images.
// We could remove this now, because the consoles don't use the intermediate page mapping
// textures now that they can pack everything into the virtual page table images.
void SetPixel( int mipLevel, int x, int y, const void* data, int dataSize );
// some scratch images are dynamically resized based on the display window size. This
// simply purges the image and recreates it if the sizes are different, so it should not be
// done under any normal circumstances, and probably not at all on consoles.
void Resize( int width, int height );
bool IsCompressed() const
return ( opts.format == FMT_DXT1 || opts.format == FMT_DXT5 );
textureUsage_t GetUsage() const
return usage;
bool IsLoaded() const;
static void GetGeneratedName( idStr& _name, const textureUsage_t& _usage, const cubeFiles_t& _cube );
// used by callback functions to specify the actual data
// data goes from the bottom to the top line of the image, as OpenGL expects it
// These perform an implicit Bind() on the current texture unit
// FIXME: should we implement cinematics this way, instead of with explicit calls?
void GenerateImage( const byte* pic,
int width, int height,
textureFilter_t filter,
textureRepeat_t repeat,
textureUsage_t usage,
textureSamples_t samples = SAMPLE_1 );
void GenerateCubeImage( const byte* pic[6], int size,
textureFilter_t filter, textureUsage_t usage );
void SetTexParameters(); // update aniso and trilinear
// DG: added for imgui integration (to be used with ImGui::Image() etc)
void* GetImGuiTextureID()
if( !IsLoaded() )
// load the image on demand here, which isn't our normal game operating mode
ActuallyLoadImage( true );
#if defined( USE_VULKAN )
return ( void* )( intptr_t )image;
return ( void* )( intptr_t )texnum;
// DG end
friend class idImageManager;
void DeriveOpts();
void AllocImage();
void SetSamplerState( textureFilter_t tf, textureRepeat_t tr );
// parameters that define this image
idStr imgName; // game path, including extension (except for cube maps), may be an image program
cubeFiles_t cubeFiles; // If this is a cube map, and if so, what kind
void ( *generatorFunction )( idImage* image ); // NULL for files
textureUsage_t usage; // Used to determine the type of compression to use
idImageOpts opts; // Parameters that determine the storage method
// Sampler settings
textureFilter_t filter;
textureRepeat_t repeat;
bool referencedOutsideLevelLoad;
bool levelLoadReferenced; // for determining if it needs to be purged
bool defaulted; // true if the default image was generated because a file couldn't be loaded
ID_TIME_T sourceFileTime; // the most recent of all images used in creation, for reloadImages command
ID_TIME_T binaryFileTime; // the time stamp of the binary file
int refCount; // overall ref count
static const uint32 TEXTURE_NOT_LOADED = 0xFFFFFFFF;
#if defined( USE_VULKAN )
void CreateSampler();
bool bIsSwapChainImage;
VkFormat internalFormat;
VkImage image;
VkImageView view;
VkImageLayout layout;
VkSampler sampler;
#if defined( USE_AMD_ALLOCATOR )
VmaAllocation allocation;
static idList< VmaAllocation > allocationGarbage[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ];
vulkanAllocation_t allocation;
static idList< vulkanAllocation_t > allocationGarbage[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ];
static int garbageIndex;
static idList< VkImage > imageGarbage[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ];
static idList< VkImageView > viewGarbage[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ];
static idList< VkSampler > samplerGarbage[ NUM_FRAME_DATA ];
GLuint texnum; // gl texture binding
// we could derive these in subImageUpload each time if necessary
GLuint internalFormat;
GLuint dataFormat;
GLuint dataType;
// data is RGBA
void R_WriteTGA( const char* filename, const byte* data, int width, int height, bool flipVertical = false, const char* basePath = "fs_savepath" );
// data is in top-to-bottom raster order unless flipVertical is set
// RB begin
void R_WritePNG( const char* filename, const byte* data, int bytesPerPixel, int width, int height, bool flipVertical = false, const char* basePath = "fs_savepath" );
void R_WriteEXR( const char* filename, const void* data, int channelsPerPixel, int width, int height, const char* basePath = "fs_savepath" );
// RB end
class idImageManager
insideLevelLoad = false;
preloadingMapImages = false;
void Init();
void Shutdown();
// If the exact combination of parameters has been asked for already, an existing
// image will be returned, otherwise a new image will be created.
// Be careful not to use the same image file with different filter / repeat / etc parameters
// if possible, because it will cause a second copy to be loaded.
// If the load fails for any reason, the image will be filled in with the default
// grid pattern.
// Will automatically execute image programs if needed.
idImage* ImageFromFile( const char* name,
textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage, cubeFiles_t cubeMap = CF_2D );
// look for a loaded image, whatever the parameters
idImage* GetImage( const char* name ) const;
// look for a loaded image, whatever the parameters
idImage* GetImageWithParameters( const char* name, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage, cubeFiles_t cubeMap ) const;
// The callback will be issued immediately, and later if images are reloaded or vid_restart
// The callback function should call one of the idImage::Generate* functions to fill in the data
idImage* ImageFromFunction( const char* name, void ( *generatorFunction )( idImage* image ) );
// scratch images are for internal renderer use. ScratchImage names should always begin with an underscore
idImage* ScratchImage( const char* name, idImageOpts* imgOpts, textureFilter_t filter, textureRepeat_t repeat, textureUsage_t usage );
// These images are for internal renderer use. Names should start with "_".
idImage* ScratchImage( const char* name, const idImageOpts& opts );
// purges all the images before a vid_restart
void PurgeAllImages();
// reloads all apropriate images after a vid_restart
void ReloadImages( bool all );
// Called only by renderSystem::BeginLevelLoad
void BeginLevelLoad();
// Called only by renderSystem::EndLevelLoad
void EndLevelLoad();
void Preload( const idPreloadManifest& manifest, const bool& mapPreload );
// Loads unloaded level images
int LoadLevelImages( bool pacifier );
void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t* mi );
// built-in images
void CreateIntrinsicImages();
idImage* defaultImage;
idImage* flatNormalMap; // 128 128 255 in all pixels
idImage* alphaNotchImage; // 2x1 texture with just 1110 and 1111 with point sampling
idImage* whiteImage; // full of 0xff
idImage* blackImage; // full of 0x00
idImage* cyanImage; // cyan
idImage* noFalloffImage; // all 255, but zero clamped
idImage* fogImage; // increasing alpha is denser fog
idImage* fogEnterImage; // adjust fogImage alpha based on terminator plane
// RB begin
idImage* shadowImage[5];
idImage* jitterImage1; // shadow jitter
idImage* jitterImage4;
idImage* jitterImage16;
idImage* grainImage1;
idImage* randomImage256;
idImage* blueNoiseImage256;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImage;
#if defined(USE_HDR_MSAA)
idImage* currentRenderHDRImageNoMSAA;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImageQuarter;
idImage* currentRenderHDRImage64;
idImage* bloomRenderImage[2];
idImage* heatmap5Image;
idImage* heatmap7Image;
idImage* smaaInputImage;
idImage* smaaAreaImage;
idImage* smaaSearchImage;
idImage* smaaEdgesImage;
idImage* smaaBlendImage;
idImage* currentNormalsImage; // cheap G-Buffer replacement, holds normals and surface roughness
idImage* ambientOcclusionImage[2]; // contain AO and bilateral filtering keys
idImage* hierarchicalZbufferImage; // zbuffer with mip maps to accelerate screen space ray tracing
idImage* imguiFontImage;
idImage* chromeSpecImage; // only for the PBR color checker chart
idImage* plasticSpecImage; // only for the PBR color checker chart
idImage* brdfLutImage;
idImage* defaultUACIrradianceCube;
idImage* defaultUACRadianceCube;
// RB end
idImage* scratchImage;
idImage* scratchImage2;
idImage* accumImage;
idImage* currentRenderImage; // for SS_POST_PROCESS shaders
idImage* currentDepthImage; // for motion blur
idImage* originalCurrentRenderImage; // currentRenderImage before any changes for stereo rendering
idImage* loadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always
idImage* hellLoadingIconImage; // loading icon must exist always
idImage* AllocImage( const char* name );
idImage* AllocStandaloneImage( const char* name );
bool ExcludePreloadImage( const char* name );
idList<idImage*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_IMAGE> images;
idHashIndex imageHash;
bool insideLevelLoad; // don't actually load images now
bool preloadingMapImages; // unless this is set
extern idImageManager* globalImages; // pointer to global list for the rest of the system
FIXME: make an "imageBlock" type to hold byte*,width,height?
byte* R_Dropsample( const byte* in, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight );
byte* R_ResampleTexture( const byte* in, int inwidth, int inheight, int outwidth, int outheight );
byte* R_MipMapWithAlphaSpecularity( const byte* in, int width, int height );
byte* R_MipMapWithGamma( const byte* in, int width, int height );
byte* R_MipMap( const byte* in, int width, int height );
// these operate in-place on the provided pixels
void R_BlendOverTexture( byte* data, int pixelCount, const byte blend[4] );
void R_HorizontalFlip( byte* data, int width, int height );
void R_VerticalFlip( byte* data, int width, int height );
void R_RotatePic( byte* data, int width );
void R_ApplyCubeMapTransforms( int i, byte* data, int size );
// RB: added texture usage for PBR _rmao[d] HACK
void R_LoadImage( const char* name, byte** pic, int* width, int* height, ID_TIME_T* timestamp, bool makePowerOf2, textureUsage_t* usage );
// pic is in top to bottom raster format
bool R_LoadCubeImages( const char* cname, cubeFiles_t extensions, byte* pic[6], int* size, ID_TIME_T* timestamp );
void R_LoadImageProgram( const char* name, byte** pic, int* width, int* height, ID_TIME_T* timestamp, textureUsage_t* usage = NULL );
const char* R_ParsePastImageProgram( idLexer& src );