mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 07:21:52 +00:00
- Implemented soft shadows using PCF hardware shadow mapping The implementation uses sampler2DArrayShadow and PCF which usually requires Direct3D 10.1 however it is in the OpenGL 3.2 core so it should be widely supported. All 3 light types are supported which means parallel lights (sun) use scene independent cascaded shadow mapping. The implementation is very fast with single taps (400 fps average per scene on a GTX 660 ti OC) however I defaulted it to 16 taps so the shadows look really good which should you give stable 100 fps on todays hardware. The shadow filtering algorithm is based on Carmack's research which was released in the original Doom 3 GPL release draw_exp.cpp. - Changed interaction shaders to use Half-Lambert lighting like in HL2 to make the game less dark - Fixed some of the renderer debugging/development tools like r_showTris
2180 lines
62 KiB
2180 lines
62 KiB
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "tr_local.h"
#include "RenderProgs_embedded.h"
idCVar r_skipStripDeadCode( "r_skipStripDeadCode", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "Skip stripping dead code" );
idCVar r_useUniformArrays( "r_useUniformArrays", "1", CVAR_BOOL, "" );
// DG: the AMD drivers output a lot of useless warnings which are fscking annoying, added this CVar to suppress them
idCVar r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages( "r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Show info messages the GPU driver outputs when compiling the shaders" );
// DG end
// RB begin
idCVar r_alwaysExportGLSL( "r_alwaysExportGLSL", "1", CVAR_BOOL, "" );
// RB end
static const int AT_VS_IN = BIT( 1 );
static const int AT_VS_OUT = BIT( 2 );
static const int AT_PS_IN = BIT( 3 );
static const int AT_PS_OUT = BIT( 4 );
// RB begin
static const int AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED = BIT( 5 );
static const int AT_PS_IN_RESERVED = BIT( 6 );
static const int AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED = BIT( 7 );
// RB end
struct idCGBlock
idStr prefix; // tokens that comes before the name
idStr name; // the name
idStr postfix; // tokens that comes after the name
bool used; // whether or not this block is referenced anywhere
struct attribInfo_t
const char* type;
const char* name;
const char* semantic;
const char* glsl;
int bind;
int flags;
int vertexMask;
NOTE: There is a PS3 dependency between the bit flag specified here and the vertex
attribute index and attribute semantic specified in DeclRenderProg.cpp because the
stored render prog vertexMask is initialized with cellCgbGetVertexConfiguration().
The ATTRIB_INDEX_ defines are used to make sure the vertexMask_t and attrib assignment
in DeclRenderProg.cpp are in sync.
Even though VERTEX_MASK_XYZ_SHORT and VERTEX_MASK_ST_SHORT are not real attributes,
they come before the VERTEX_MASK_MORPH to reduce the range of vertex program
permutations defined by the vertexMask_t bits on the Xbox 360 (see MAX_VERTEX_DECLARATIONS).
enum vertexMask_t
attribInfo_t attribsPC[] =
// vertex attributes
{ "float4", "position", "POSITION", "in_Position", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_VERTEX, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_XYZ },
{ "float2", "texcoord", "TEXCOORD0", "in_TexCoord", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_ST, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_ST },
{ "float4", "normal", "NORMAL", "in_Normal", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_NORMAL, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_NORMAL },
{ "float4", "tangent", "TANGENT", "in_Tangent", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_TANGENT, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_TANGENT },
{ "float4", "color", "COLOR0", "in_Color", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_COLOR },
{ "float4", "color2", "COLOR1", "in_Color2", PC_ATTRIB_INDEX_COLOR2, AT_VS_IN, VERTEX_MASK_COLOR2 },
// pre-defined vertex program output
{ "float4", "position", "POSITION", "gl_Position", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float", "clip0", "CLP0", "gl_ClipDistance[0]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float", "clip1", "CLP1", "gl_ClipDistance[1]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float", "clip2", "CLP2", "gl_ClipDistance[2]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float", "clip3", "CLP3", "gl_ClipDistance[3]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float", "clip4", "CLP4", "gl_ClipDistance[4]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float", "clip5", "CLP5", "gl_ClipDistance[5]", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
// pre-defined fragment program input
{ "float4", "position", "WPOS", "gl_FragCoord", 0, AT_PS_IN | AT_PS_IN_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "half4", "hposition", "WPOS", "gl_FragCoord", 0, AT_PS_IN | AT_PS_IN_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float", "facing", "FACE", "gl_FrontFacing", 0, AT_PS_IN | AT_PS_IN_RESERVED, 0 },
// fragment program output
{ "float4", "color", "COLOR", "gl_FragColor", 0, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 }, // GLSL version 1.2 doesn't allow for custom color name mappings
{ "half4", "hcolor", "COLOR", "gl_FragColor", 0, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color0", "COLOR0", "gl_FragColor", 0, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color1", "COLOR1", "gl_FragColor", 1, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color2", "COLOR2", "gl_FragColor", 2, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color3", "COLOR3", "gl_FragColor", 3, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float", "depth", "DEPTH", "gl_FragDepth", 4, AT_PS_OUT | AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
// vertex to fragment program pass through
#if 0 //defined(USE_GLES2)
{ "float4", "color", "COLOR", "vofi_FrontColor", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color0", "COLOR0", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color1", "COLOR1", "vofi_FrontSecondaryColor", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED, 0 },
{ "float4", "color", "COLOR", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float4", "color0", "COLOR0", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float4", "color1", "COLOR1", "vofi_SecondaryColor", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float4", "color", "COLOR", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "color0", "COLOR0", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "color1", "COLOR1", "vofi_SecondaryColor", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "hcolor", "COLOR", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "hcolor0", "COLOR0", "vofi_Color", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "hcolor1", "COLOR1", "vofi_SecondaryColor", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord0", "TEXCOORD0_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord0", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord1", "TEXCOORD1_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord1", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord2", "TEXCOORD2_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord2", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord3", "TEXCOORD3_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord3", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord4", "TEXCOORD4_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord4", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord5", "TEXCOORD5_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord5", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord6", "TEXCOORD6_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord6", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord7", "TEXCOORD7_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord7", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord8", "TEXCOORD8_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord8", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord9", "TEXCOORD9_centroid", "vofi_TexCoord9", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord0", "TEXCOORD0", "vofi_TexCoord0", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord1", "TEXCOORD1", "vofi_TexCoord1", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord2", "TEXCOORD2", "vofi_TexCoord2", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord3", "TEXCOORD3", "vofi_TexCoord3", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord4", "TEXCOORD4", "vofi_TexCoord4", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord5", "TEXCOORD5", "vofi_TexCoord5", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord6", "TEXCOORD6", "vofi_TexCoord6", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord7", "TEXCOORD7", "vofi_TexCoord7", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord8", "TEXCOORD8", "vofi_TexCoord8", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float4", "texcoord9", "TEXCOORD9", "vofi_TexCoord9", 0, AT_VS_OUT | AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord0", "TEXCOORD0", "vofi_TexCoord0", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord1", "TEXCOORD1", "vofi_TexCoord1", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord2", "TEXCOORD2", "vofi_TexCoord2", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord3", "TEXCOORD3", "vofi_TexCoord3", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord4", "TEXCOORD4", "vofi_TexCoord4", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord5", "TEXCOORD5", "vofi_TexCoord5", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord6", "TEXCOORD6", "vofi_TexCoord6", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord7", "TEXCOORD7", "vofi_TexCoord7", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord8", "TEXCOORD8", "vofi_TexCoord8", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "half4", "htexcoord9", "TEXCOORD9", "vofi_TexCoord9", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ "float", "fog", "FOG", "gl_FogFragCoord", 0, AT_VS_OUT, 0 },
{ "float4", "fog", "FOG", "gl_FogFragCoord", 0, AT_PS_IN, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
const char* types[] =
static const int numTypes = sizeof( types ) / sizeof( types[0] );
const char* typePosts[] =
"1", "2", "3", "4",
"1x1", "1x2", "1x3", "1x4",
"2x1", "2x2", "2x3", "2x4",
"3x1", "3x2", "3x3", "3x4",
"4x1", "4x2", "4x3", "4x4"
static const int numTypePosts = sizeof( typePosts ) / sizeof( typePosts[0] );
const char* prefixes[] =
"sampler1DShadow", // GLSL
"sampler2DShadow", // GLSL
"sampler2DArrayShadow", // GLSL
"sampler3DShadow", // GLSL
"samplerCubeShadow", // GLSL
"sampler2DArray", // GLSL"
"sampler2DMS", // GLSL
static const int numPrefixes = sizeof( prefixes ) / sizeof( prefixes[0] );
// For GLSL we need to have the names for the renderparms so we can look up their run time indices within the renderprograms
static const char* GLSLParmNames[RENDERPARM_TOTAL] =
// RB begin
// RB end
// RB begin
const char* idRenderProgManager::GLSLMacroNames[MAX_SHADER_MACRO_NAMES] =
// RB end
// RB: added embedded Cg shader resources
static const char* FindEmbeddedSourceShader( const char* name )
const char* embeddedSource = NULL;
for( int i = 0 ; cg_renderprogs[i].name ; i++ )
if( !idStr::Icmp( cg_renderprogs[i].name, name ) )
embeddedSource = cg_renderprogs[i].shaderText;
return embeddedSource;
class idParser_EmbeddedGLSL : public idParser
idParser_EmbeddedGLSL( int flags ) : idParser( flags )
int Directive_include()
if( idParser::Directive_include() )
// RB: try local shaders in base/renderprogs/ first
return true;
idLexer* script;
idToken token;
idStr path;
if( !idParser::ReadSourceToken( &token ) )
idParser::Error( "#include without file name" );
return false;
if( token.linesCrossed > 0 )
idParser::Error( "#include without file name" );
return false;
if( token.type == TT_STRING )
script = new idLexer;
// try relative to the current file
path = scriptstack->GetFileName();
path += "/";
path += token;
//if( !script->LoadFile( path, OSPath ) )
const char* embeddedSource = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( path );
if( embeddedSource == NULL )
// try absolute path
path = token;
embeddedSource = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( path );
if( embeddedSource == NULL )
// try from the include path
path = includepath + token;
embeddedSource = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( path );
if( embeddedSource == NULL || !script->LoadMemory( embeddedSource, strlen( embeddedSource ), path ) )
delete script;
script = NULL;
else if( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token == "<" )
path = idParser::includepath;
while( idParser::ReadSourceToken( &token ) )
if( token.linesCrossed > 0 )
idParser::UnreadSourceToken( &token );
if( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token == ">" )
path += token;
if( token != ">" )
idParser::Warning( "#include missing trailing >" );
if( !path.Length() )
idParser::Error( "#include without file name between < >" );
return false;
if( idParser::flags & LEXFL_NOBASEINCLUDES )
return true;
script = new idLexer;
const char* embeddedSource = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( includepath + path );
if( embeddedSource == NULL || !script->LoadMemory( embeddedSource, strlen( embeddedSource ), path ) )
delete script;
script = NULL;
idParser::Error( "#include without file name" );
return false;
if( !script )
idParser::Error( "file '%s' not found", path.c_str() );
return false;
script->SetFlags( idParser::flags );
script->SetPunctuations( idParser::punctuations );
idParser::PushScript( script );
return true;
// RB end
idStr StripDeadCode( const idStr& in, const char* name, const idStrList& compileMacros, bool builtin )
if( r_skipStripDeadCode.GetBool() )
return in;
idParser_EmbeddedGLSL src( LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS );
src.LoadMemory( in.c_str(), in.Length(), name );
src.AddDefine( "PC" );
for( int i = 0; i < compileMacros.Num(); i++ )
src.AddDefine( compileMacros[i] );
switch( glConfig.driverType )
src.AddDefine( "GLES2" );
if( !builtin && glConfig.gpuSkinningAvailable )
src.AddDefine( "USE_GPU_SKINNING" );
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
src.AddDefine( "USE_UNIFORM_ARRAYS" );
idList< idCGBlock > blocks;
blocks.SetNum( 100 );
idToken token;
while( !src.EndOfFile() )
idCGBlock& block = blocks.Alloc();
// read prefix
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
bool found = false;
for( int i = 0; i < numPrefixes; i++ )
if( token == prefixes[i] )
found = true;
if( !found )
for( int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++ )
if( token == types[i] )
found = true;
int typeLen = idStr::Length( types[i] );
if( token.Cmpn( types[i], typeLen ) == 0 )
for( int j = 0; j < numTypePosts; j++ )
if( idStr::Cmp( token.c_str() + typeLen, typePosts[j] ) == 0 )
found = true;
if( found )
if( found )
if( block.prefix.Length() > 0 && token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() )
block.prefix += ' ';
block.prefix += token;
src.UnreadToken( &token );
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
blocks.SetNum( blocks.Num() - 1 );
block.name = token;
if( src.PeekTokenString( "=" ) || src.PeekTokenString( ":" ) || src.PeekTokenString( "[" ) )
src.ReadToken( &token );
block.postfix = token;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == ";" )
block.postfix += ';';
if( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() )
block.postfix += ' ';
block.postfix += token;
else if( src.PeekTokenString( "(" ) )
idStr parms, body;
src.ParseBracedSection( parms, -1, true, '(', ')' );
if( src.CheckTokenString( ";" ) )
block.postfix = parms + ";";
src.ParseBracedSection( body, -1, true, '{', '}' );
block.postfix = parms + " " + body;
else if( src.PeekTokenString( "{" ) )
src.ParseBracedSection( block.postfix, -1, true, '{', '}' );
if( src.CheckTokenString( ";" ) )
block.postfix += ';';
else if( src.CheckTokenString( ";" ) )
block.postfix = idStr( ';' );
src.Warning( "Could not strip dead code -- unknown token %s\n", token.c_str() );
return in;
idList<int, TAG_RENDERPROG> stack;
for( int i = 0; i < blocks.Num(); i++ )
blocks[i].used = ( ( blocks[i].name == "main" )
|| blocks[i].name.Right( 4 ) == "_ubo"
if( blocks[i].name == "include" )
blocks[i].used = true;
blocks[i].name = ""; // clear out the include tag
if( blocks[i].used )
stack.Append( i );
while( stack.Num() > 0 )
int i = stack[stack.Num() - 1];
stack.SetNum( stack.Num() - 1 );
src.LoadMemory( blocks[i].postfix.c_str(), blocks[i].postfix.Length(), name );
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
for( int j = 0; j < blocks.Num(); j++ )
if( !blocks[j].used )
if( token == blocks[j].name )
blocks[j].used = true;
stack.Append( j );
idStr out;
for( int i = 0; i < blocks.Num(); i++ )
if( blocks[i].used )
out += blocks[i].prefix;
out += ' ';
out += blocks[i].name;
out += ' ';
out += blocks[i].postfix;
out += '\n';
return out;
struct typeConversion_t
const char* typeCG;
const char* typeGLSL;
} typeConversion[] =
{ "void", "void" },
{ "fixed", "float" },
{ "float", "float" },
{ "float2", "vec2" },
{ "float3", "vec3" },
{ "float4", "vec4" },
{ "half", "float" },
{ "half2", "vec2" },
{ "half3", "vec3" },
{ "half4", "vec4" },
{ "int", "int" },
{ "int2", "ivec2" },
{ "int3", "ivec3" },
{ "int4", "ivec4" },
{ "bool", "bool" },
{ "bool2", "bvec2" },
{ "bool3", "bvec3" },
{ "bool4", "bvec4" },
{ "float2x2", "mat2x2" },
{ "float2x3", "mat2x3" },
{ "float2x4", "mat2x4" },
{ "float3x2", "mat3x2" },
{ "float3x3", "mat3x3" },
{ "float3x4", "mat3x4" },
{ "float4x2", "mat4x2" },
{ "float4x3", "mat4x3" },
{ "float4x4", "mat4x4" },
{ "sampler1D", "sampler1D" },
{ "sampler2D", "sampler2D" },
{ "sampler3D", "sampler3D" },
{ "samplerCUBE", "samplerCube" },
{ "sampler1DShadow", "sampler1DShadow" },
{ "sampler2DShadow", "sampler2DShadow" },
{ "sampler3DShadow", "sampler3DShadow" },
{ "samplerCubeShadow", "samplerCubeShadow" },
{ "sampler2DMS", "sampler2DMS" },
// RB begin
#if defined(USE_GLES2)
const char* vertexInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 =
"#version 100\n"
"#define GLES2\n"
"#define PC\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
const char* vertexInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 =
"#version 100\n"
#if !defined(USE_MESA)
"#define GLES2\n"
"#define PC\n"
#if 1 //defined(__ANDROID__)
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
#if defined(USE_GPU_SKINNING) && !defined(__ANDROID__)
"#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
#endif // #if defined(USE_GLES2)
const char* vertexInsert_GLSL_1_50 =
"#version 150\n"
"#define PC\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
#if defined(USE_GLES2)
const char* fragmentInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 =
"#version 100\n"
"#define GLES2\n"
"#define PC\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"
"void clip( float v ) { if ( v < 0.0 ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec2 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec3 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec3( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec4 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec4( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return texture2D( sampler, texcoord.xy ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz ) ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xy, dx, dy ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return vec4( textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xyz, dx, dy ) ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCube sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return textureCube( sampler, texcoord.xyz ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return vec4( textureCube( sampler, texcoord.xyzw ) ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dproj( sampler1D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dproj( sampler2D sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return texture2DProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dproj( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dbias( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dbias( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dbias( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBEbias( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dlod( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dlod( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBElod( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
const char* fragmentInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 =
"#version 100\n"
#if !defined(USE_MESA)
"#define GLES2\n"
"#define PC\n"
#if 1 //defined(__ANDROID__)
"precision mediump float;\n"
//"#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"void clip( float v ) { if ( v < 0.0 ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec2 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec3 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec3( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec4 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec4( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return texture2D( sampler, texcoord.xy ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz ) ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xy, dx, dy ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return vec4( textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xyz, dx, dy ) ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCube sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return textureCube( sampler, texcoord.xyz ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return vec4( textureCube( sampler, texcoord.xyzw ) ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dproj( sampler1D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dproj( sampler2D sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return texture2DProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dproj( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dbias( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dbias( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dbias( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBEbias( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex1Dlod( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 tex3Dlod( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
//"vec4 texCUBElod( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
#endif // #if defined(USE_GLES2)
const char* fragmentInsert_GLSL_1_50 =
"#version 150\n"
"#define PC\n"
"void clip( float v ) { if ( v < 0.0 ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec2 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec3 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec3( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"void clip( vec4 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec4( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }\n"
"float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz ) ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xy, dx, dy ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return vec4( textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xyz, dx, dy ) ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCube sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBE( samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, texcoord.xyzw ) ); }\n"
"vec4 tex1Dproj( sampler1D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dproj( sampler2D sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
"vec4 tex3Dproj( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }\n"
"vec4 tex1Dbias( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dbias( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 tex3Dbias( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBEbias( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 tex1Dlod( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 tex3Dlod( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
"vec4 texCUBElod( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xyz, texcoord.w ); }\n"
// RB end
struct builtinConversion_t
const char* nameCG;
const char* nameGLSL;
} builtinConversion[] =
{ "frac", "fract" },
{ "lerp", "mix" },
{ "rsqrt", "inversesqrt" },
{ "ddx", "dFdx" },
{ "ddy", "dFdy" },
struct inOutVariable_t
idStr type;
idStr nameCg;
idStr nameGLSL;
bool declareInOut;
void ParseInOutStruct( idLexer& src, int attribType, int attribIgnoreType, idList< inOutVariable_t >& inOutVars )
src.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
while( !src.CheckTokenString( "}" ) )
inOutVariable_t var;
idToken token;
src.ReadToken( &token );
var.type = token;
src.ReadToken( &token );
var.nameCg = token;
if( !src.CheckTokenString( ":" ) )
src.SkipUntilString( ";" );
src.ReadToken( &token );
var.nameGLSL = token;
src.ExpectTokenString( ";" );
// convert the type
for( int i = 0; typeConversion[i].typeCG != NULL; i++ )
if( var.type.Cmp( typeConversion[i].typeCG ) == 0 )
var.type = typeConversion[i].typeGLSL;
// convert the semantic to a GLSL name
for( int i = 0; attribsPC[i].semantic != NULL; i++ )
if( ( attribsPC[i].flags & attribType ) != 0 )
if( var.nameGLSL.Cmp( attribsPC[i].semantic ) == 0 )
var.nameGLSL = attribsPC[i].glsl;
// check if it was defined previously
var.declareInOut = true;
for( int i = 0; i < inOutVars.Num(); i++ )
if( var.nameGLSL == inOutVars[i].nameGLSL )
var.declareInOut = false;
// RB: ignore reserved builtin gl_ uniforms
switch( glConfig.driverType )
for( int i = 0; attribsPC[i].semantic != NULL; i++ )
if( var.nameGLSL.Cmp( attribsPC[i].glsl ) == 0 )
if( ( attribsPC[i].flags & attribIgnoreType ) != 0 )
var.declareInOut = false;
// RB end
inOutVars.Append( var );
src.ExpectTokenString( ";" );
idStr ConvertCG2GLSL( const idStr& in, const char* name, bool isVertexProgram, idStr& uniforms )
idStr program;
program.ReAllocate( in.Length() * 2, false );
idList< inOutVariable_t, TAG_RENDERPROG > varsIn;
idList< inOutVariable_t, TAG_RENDERPROG > varsOut;
idList< idStr > uniformList;
src.LoadMemory( in.c_str(), in.Length(), name );
bool inMain = false;
const char* uniformArrayName = isVertexProgram ? VERTEX_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME : FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME;
char newline[128] = { "\n" };
idToken token;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
// check for uniforms
// RB: added special case for matrix arrays
while( token == "uniform" && ( src.CheckTokenString( "float4" ) || src.CheckTokenString( "float4x4" ) ) )
src.ReadToken( &token );
idStr uniform = token;
// strip ': register()' from uniforms
if( src.CheckTokenString( ":" ) )
if( src.CheckTokenString( "register" ) )
src.SkipUntilString( ";" );
if( src.PeekTokenString( "[" ) )
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
uniform += token;
if( token == "]" )
uniformList.Append( uniform );
src.ReadToken( &token );
// RB end
// convert the in/out structs
if( token == "struct" )
if( src.CheckTokenString( "VS_IN" ) )
ParseInOutStruct( src, AT_VS_IN, 0, varsIn );
program += "\n\n";
for( int i = 0; i < varsIn.Num(); i++ )
if( varsIn[i].declareInOut )
// RB begin
switch( glConfig.driverType )
program += "attribute " + varsIn[i].type + " " + varsIn[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
program += "in " + varsIn[i].type + " " + varsIn[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
// RB end
else if( src.CheckTokenString( "VS_OUT" ) )
// RB begin
ParseInOutStruct( src, AT_VS_OUT, AT_VS_OUT_RESERVED, varsOut );
// RB end
program += "\n";
for( int i = 0; i < varsOut.Num(); i++ )
if( varsOut[i].declareInOut )
// RB begin
switch( glConfig.driverType )
program += "varying " + varsOut[i].type + " " + varsOut[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
program += "out " + varsOut[i].type + " " + varsOut[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
// RB end
else if( src.CheckTokenString( "PS_IN" ) )
ParseInOutStruct( src, AT_PS_IN, AT_PS_IN_RESERVED, varsIn );
program += "\n\n";
for( int i = 0; i < varsIn.Num(); i++ )
if( varsIn[i].declareInOut )
// RB begin
switch( glConfig.driverType )
program += "varying " + varsIn[i].type + " " + varsIn[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
program += "in " + varsIn[i].type + " " + varsIn[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
// RB end
inOutVariable_t var;
var.type = "vec4";
var.nameCg = "position";
var.nameGLSL = "gl_FragCoord";
varsIn.Append( var );
else if( src.CheckTokenString( "PS_OUT" ) )
// RB begin
ParseInOutStruct( src, AT_PS_OUT, AT_PS_OUT_RESERVED, varsOut );
// RB end
program += "\n";
for( int i = 0; i < varsOut.Num(); i++ )
if( varsOut[i].declareInOut )
program += "out " + varsOut[i].type + " " + varsOut[i].nameGLSL + ";\n";
// strip 'static'
if( token == "static" )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
src.SkipWhiteSpace( true ); // remove white space between 'static' and the next token
// strip ': register()' from uniforms
if( token == ":" )
if( src.CheckTokenString( "register" ) )
src.SkipUntilString( ";" );
program += ";";
// strip in/program parameters from main
if( token == "void" && src.CheckTokenString( "main" ) )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == ")" )
program += "\nvoid main()";
inMain = true;
// strip 'const' from local variables in main()
if( token == "const" && inMain )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
src.SkipWhiteSpace( true ); // remove white space between 'const' and the next token
// maintain indentation
if( token == "{" )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += "{";
int len = Min( idStr::Length( newline ) + 1, ( int )sizeof( newline ) - 1 );
newline[len - 1] = '\t';
newline[len - 0] = '\0';
if( token == "}" )
int len = Max( idStr::Length( newline ) - 1, 0 );
newline[len] = '\0';
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += "}";
// check for a type conversion
bool foundType = false;
for( int i = 0; typeConversion[i].typeCG != NULL; i++ )
if( token.Cmp( typeConversion[i].typeCG ) == 0 )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += typeConversion[i].typeGLSL;
foundType = true;
if( foundType )
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
// check for uniforms that need to be converted to the array
bool isUniform = false;
for( int i = 0; i < uniformList.Num(); i++ )
if( token == uniformList[i] )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
// RB: for some unknown reasons has the Nvidia driver problems with regular uniforms when using glUniform4fv
// so we need these uniform arrays
// I added special check rpShadowMatrices so we can still index the uniforms from the shader
if( idStr::Cmp( uniformList[i].c_str(), "rpShadowMatrices" ) == 0 )
program += va( "%s[/* %s */ %d + ", uniformArrayName, uniformList[i].c_str(), i );
if( src.ExpectTokenString( "[" ) )
idStr uniformIndexing;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "]" )
uniformIndexing += token;
uniformIndexing += " ";
program += uniformIndexing + "]";
program += va( "%s[%d /* %s */]", uniformArrayName, i, uniformList[i].c_str() );
// RB end
isUniform = true;
if( isUniform )
// check for input/output parameters
if( src.CheckTokenString( "." ) )
if( token == "vertex" || token == "fragment" )
idToken member;
src.ReadToken( &member );
bool foundInOut = false;
for( int i = 0; i < varsIn.Num(); i++ )
if( member.Cmp( varsIn[i].nameCg ) == 0 )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += varsIn[i].nameGLSL;
foundInOut = true;
if( !foundInOut )
src.Error( "invalid input parameter %s.%s", token.c_str(), member.c_str() );
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += token;
program += ".";
program += member;
if( token == "result" )
idToken member;
src.ReadToken( &member );
bool foundInOut = false;
for( int i = 0; i < varsOut.Num(); i++ )
if( member.Cmp( varsOut[i].nameCg ) == 0 )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += varsOut[i].nameGLSL;
foundInOut = true;
if( !foundInOut )
src.Error( "invalid output parameter %s.%s", token.c_str(), member.c_str() );
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += token;
program += ".";
program += member;
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += token;
program += ".";
// check for a function conversion
bool foundFunction = false;
for( int i = 0; builtinConversion[i].nameCG != NULL; i++ )
if( token.Cmp( builtinConversion[i].nameCG ) == 0 )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += builtinConversion[i].nameGLSL;
foundFunction = true;
if( foundFunction )
program += ( token.linesCrossed > 0 ) ? newline : ( token.WhiteSpaceBeforeToken() > 0 ? " " : "" );
program += token;
idStr out;
// RB: changed to allow multiple versions of GLSL
if( isVertexProgram )
switch( glConfig.driverType )
out.ReAllocate( idStr::Length( vertexInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 ) + in.Length() * 2, false );
out += vertexInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0;
out.ReAllocate( idStr::Length( vertexInsert_GLSL_1_50 ) + in.Length() * 2, false );
out += vertexInsert_GLSL_1_50;
switch( glConfig.driverType )
out.ReAllocate( idStr::Length( fragmentInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0 ) + in.Length() * 2, false );
out += fragmentInsert_GLSL_ES_1_0;
out.ReAllocate( idStr::Length( fragmentInsert_GLSL_1_50 ) + in.Length() * 2, false );
out += fragmentInsert_GLSL_1_50;
// RB end
if( uniformList.Num() > 0 )
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
int extraSize = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < uniformList.Num(); i++ )
if( idStr::Cmp( uniformList[i].c_str(), "rpShadowMatrices" ) == 0 )
extraSize += ( 6 * 4 );
out += va( "\nuniform vec4 %s[%d];\n", uniformArrayName, uniformList.Num() + extraSize );
out += "\n";
for( int i = 0; i < uniformList.Num(); i++ )
out += "uniform vec4 ";
out += uniformList[i];
out += ";\n";
out += program;
for( int i = 0; i < uniformList.Num(); i++ )
uniforms += uniformList[i];
uniforms += "\n";
uniforms += "\n";
return out;
GLuint idRenderProgManager::LoadGLSLShader( GLenum target, const char* name, const char* nameOutSuffix, uint32 shaderFeatures, bool builtin, idList<int>& uniforms )
idStr inFile;
idStr outFileHLSL;
idStr outFileGLSL;
idStr outFileUniforms;
// RB: replaced backslashes
inFile.Format( "renderprogs/%s", name );
outFileHLSL.Format( "renderprogs/hlsl/%s%s", name, nameOutSuffix );
switch( glConfig.driverType )
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/glsles-1_0/%s%s", name, nameOutSuffix );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/glsles-1_0/%s%s", name, nameOutSuffix );
outFileGLSL.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-1_50/%s%s", name, nameOutSuffix );
outFileUniforms.Format( "renderprogs/glsl-1_50/%s%s", name, nameOutSuffix );
if( target == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
inFile += ".pixel";
outFileHLSL += "_fragment.hlsl";
outFileGLSL += "_fragment.glsl";
outFileUniforms += "_fragment.uniforms";
inFile += ".vertex";
outFileHLSL += "_vertex.hlsl";
outFileGLSL += "_vertex.glsl";
outFileUniforms += "_vertex.uniforms";
// first check whether we already have a valid GLSL file and compare it to the hlsl timestamp;
ID_TIME_T hlslTimeStamp;
int hlslFileLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( inFile.c_str(), NULL, &hlslTimeStamp );
ID_TIME_T glslTimeStamp;
int glslFileLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileGLSL.c_str(), NULL, &glslTimeStamp );
// if the glsl file doesn't exist or we have a newer HLSL file we need to recreate the glsl file.
idStr programGLSL;
idStr programUniforms;
if( ( glslFileLength <= 0 ) || ( hlslTimeStamp != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP && hlslTimeStamp > glslTimeStamp ) || r_alwaysExportGLSL.GetBool() )
const char* hlslFileBuffer = NULL;
int len = 0;
if( hlslFileLength <= 0 )
// hlsl file doesn't even exist bail out
hlslFileBuffer = FindEmbeddedSourceShader( inFile.c_str() );
if( hlslFileBuffer == NULL )
return false;
len = strlen( hlslFileBuffer );
len = fileSystem->ReadFile( inFile.c_str(), ( void** ) &hlslFileBuffer );
if( len <= 0 )
return false;
idStrList compileMacros;
for( int j = 0; j < MAX_SHADER_MACRO_NAMES; j++ )
if( BIT( j ) & shaderFeatures )
const char* macroName = GetGLSLMacroName( ( shaderFeature_t ) j );
compileMacros.Append( idStr( macroName ) );
idStr hlslCode( hlslFileBuffer );
idStr programHLSL = StripDeadCode( hlslCode, inFile, compileMacros, builtin );
programGLSL = ConvertCG2GLSL( programHLSL, inFile, target == GL_VERTEX_SHADER, programUniforms );
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileHLSL, programHLSL.c_str(), programHLSL.Length(), "fs_basepath" );
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileGLSL, programGLSL.c_str(), programGLSL.Length(), "fs_basepath" );
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
fileSystem->WriteFile( outFileUniforms, programUniforms.c_str(), programUniforms.Length(), "fs_basepath" );
// read in the glsl file
void* fileBufferGLSL = NULL;
int lengthGLSL = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileGLSL.c_str(), &fileBufferGLSL );
if( lengthGLSL <= 0 )
idLib::Error( "GLSL file %s could not be loaded and may be corrupt", outFileGLSL.c_str() );
programGLSL = ( const char* ) fileBufferGLSL;
Mem_Free( fileBufferGLSL );
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
// read in the uniform file
void* fileBufferUniforms = NULL;
int lengthUniforms = fileSystem->ReadFile( outFileUniforms.c_str(), &fileBufferUniforms );
if( lengthUniforms <= 0 )
idLib::Error( "uniform file %s could not be loaded and may be corrupt", outFileUniforms.c_str() );
programUniforms = ( const char* ) fileBufferUniforms;
Mem_Free( fileBufferUniforms );
// find the uniforms locations in either the vertex or fragment uniform array
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
idLexer src( programUniforms, programUniforms.Length(), "uniforms" );
idToken token;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
int index = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < RENDERPARM_TOTAL && index == -1; i++ )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( i );
if( token == parmName )
index = i;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_GLSL_USER_PARMS && index == -1; i++ )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( RENDERPARM_USER + i );
if( token == parmName )
index = RENDERPARM_USER + i;
if( index == -1 )
idLib::Error( "couldn't find uniform %s for %s", token.c_str(), outFileGLSL.c_str() );
uniforms.Append( index );
// create and compile the shader
const GLuint shader = glCreateShader( target );
if( shader )
const char* source[1] = { programGLSL.c_str() };
glShaderSource( shader, 1, source, NULL );
glCompileShader( shader );
int infologLength = 0;
glGetShaderiv( shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength );
if( infologLength > 1 )
idTempArray<char> infoLog( infologLength );
int charsWritten = 0;
glGetShaderInfoLog( shader, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog.Ptr() );
// catch the strings the ATI and Intel drivers output on success
if( strstr( infoLog.Ptr(), "successfully compiled to run on hardware" ) != NULL ||
strstr( infoLog.Ptr(), "No errors." ) != NULL )
//idLib::Printf( "%s program %s from %s compiled to run on hardware\n", typeName, GetName(), GetFileName() );
else if( r_displayGLSLCompilerMessages.GetBool() ) // DG: check for the CVar I added above
idLib::Printf( "While compiling %s program %s\n", ( target == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER ) ? "fragment" : "vertex" , inFile.c_str() );
const char separator = '\n';
idList<idStr> lines;
idStr source( programGLSL );
lines.Append( source );
for( int index = 0, ofs = lines[index].Find( separator ); ofs != -1; index++, ofs = lines[index].Find( separator ) )
lines.Append( lines[index].c_str() + ofs + 1 );
lines[index].CapLength( ofs );
idLib::Printf( "-----------------\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < lines.Num(); i++ )
idLib::Printf( "%3d: %s\n", i + 1, lines[i].c_str() );
idLib::Printf( "-----------------\n" );
idLib::Printf( "%s\n", infoLog.Ptr() );
GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;
glGetShaderiv( shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled );
if( compiled == GL_FALSE )
glDeleteShader( shader );
return shader;
int idRenderProgManager::FindGLSLProgram( const char* name, int vIndex, int fIndex )
for( int i = 0; i < glslPrograms.Num(); ++i )
if( ( glslPrograms[i].vertexShaderIndex == vIndex ) && ( glslPrograms[i].fragmentShaderIndex == fIndex ) )
LoadGLSLProgram( i, vIndex, fIndex );
return i;
glslProgram_t program;
program.name = name;
int index = glslPrograms.Append( program );
LoadGLSLProgram( index, vIndex, fIndex );
return index;
const char* idRenderProgManager::GetGLSLParmName( int rp ) const
int userParmIndex = rp - RENDERPARM_USER;
return va( "rpUser%d", userParmIndex );
assert( rp < RENDERPARM_TOTAL );
return GLSLParmNames[ rp ];
// RB begin
const char* idRenderProgManager::GetGLSLMacroName( shaderFeature_t sf ) const
assert( sf < MAX_SHADER_MACRO_NAMES );
return GLSLMacroNames[ sf ];
// RB end
void idRenderProgManager::SetUniformValue( const renderParm_t rp, const float* value )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
glslUniforms[rp][i] = value[i];
void idRenderProgManager::CommitUniforms()
const int progID = GetGLSLCurrentProgram();
const glslProgram_t& prog = glslPrograms[progID];
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
if( prog.vertexShaderIndex >= 0 )
const idList<int>& vertexUniforms = vertexShaders[prog.vertexShaderIndex].uniforms;
if( prog.vertexUniformArray != -1 && vertexUniforms.Num() > 0 )
int totalUniforms = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < vertexUniforms.Num(); i++ )
// RB: HACK rpShadowMatrices[6 * 4]
if( vertexUniforms[i] == RENDERPARM_SHADOW_MATRIX_0_X )
for( int j = 0; j < ( 6 * 4 ); j++ )
localVectors[i + j] = glslUniforms[vertexUniforms[i] + j];
localVectors[i] = glslUniforms[vertexUniforms[i]];
glUniform4fv( prog.vertexUniformArray, totalUniforms, localVectors->ToFloatPtr() );
if( prog.fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 )
const idList<int>& fragmentUniforms = fragmentShaders[prog.fragmentShaderIndex].uniforms;
if( prog.fragmentUniformArray != -1 && fragmentUniforms.Num() > 0 )
int totalUniforms = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < fragmentUniforms.Num(); i++ )
// RB: HACK rpShadowMatrices[6 * 4]
if( fragmentUniforms[i] == RENDERPARM_SHADOW_MATRIX_0_X )
for( int j = 0; j < ( 6 * 4 ); j++ )
localVectors[i + j] = glslUniforms[fragmentUniforms[i] + j];
localVectors[i] = glslUniforms[fragmentUniforms[i]];
glUniform4fv( prog.fragmentUniformArray, totalUniforms, localVectors->ToFloatPtr() );
for( int i = 0; i < prog.uniformLocations.Num(); i++ )
const glslUniformLocation_t& uniformLocation = prog.uniformLocations[i];
// RB: HACK rpShadowMatrices[6 * 4]
if( uniformLocation.parmIndex == RENDERPARM_SHADOW_MATRIX_0_X )
glUniform4fv( uniformLocation.uniformIndex, 6 * 4, glslUniforms[uniformLocation.parmIndex].ToFloatPtr() );
glUniform4fv( uniformLocation.uniformIndex, 1, glslUniforms[uniformLocation.parmIndex].ToFloatPtr() );
#if 1
if( GL_CheckErrors() )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( uniformLocation.parmIndex );
const char* value = glslUniforms[uniformLocation.parmIndex].ToString();
idLib::Printf( "glUniform4fv( %i = %s, value = %s ) failed for %s\n", uniformLocation.parmIndex, parmName, value, prog.name.c_str() );
// RB end
class idSort_QuickUniforms : public idSort_Quick< glslUniformLocation_t, idSort_QuickUniforms >
int Compare( const glslUniformLocation_t& a, const glslUniformLocation_t& b ) const
return a.uniformIndex - b.uniformIndex;
void idRenderProgManager::LoadGLSLProgram( const int programIndex, const int vertexShaderIndex, const int fragmentShaderIndex )
glslProgram_t& prog = glslPrograms[programIndex];
if( prog.progId != INVALID_PROGID )
return; // Already loaded
GLuint vertexProgID = ( vertexShaderIndex != -1 ) ? vertexShaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].progId : INVALID_PROGID;
GLuint fragmentProgID = ( fragmentShaderIndex != -1 ) ? fragmentShaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].progId : INVALID_PROGID;
const GLuint program = glCreateProgram();
if( program )
if( vertexProgID != INVALID_PROGID )
glAttachShader( program, vertexProgID );
if( fragmentProgID != INVALID_PROGID )
glAttachShader( program, fragmentProgID );
// bind vertex attribute locations
for( int i = 0; attribsPC[i].glsl != NULL; i++ )
if( ( attribsPC[i].flags & AT_VS_IN ) != 0 )
glBindAttribLocation( program, attribsPC[i].bind, attribsPC[i].glsl );
glLinkProgram( program );
int infologLength = 0;
glGetProgramiv( program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength );
if( infologLength > 1 )
char* infoLog = ( char* )malloc( infologLength );
int charsWritten = 0;
glGetProgramInfoLog( program, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog );
// catch the strings the ATI and Intel drivers output on success
if( strstr( infoLog, "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked." ) != NULL || strstr( infoLog, "No errors." ) != NULL )
//idLib::Printf( "render prog %s from %s linked\n", GetName(), GetFileName() );
idLib::Printf( "While linking GLSL program %d with vertexShader %s and fragmentShader %s\n",
( vertexShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? vertexShaders[vertexShaderIndex].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>",
( fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? fragmentShaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>" );
idLib::Printf( "%s\n", infoLog );
free( infoLog );
int linked = GL_FALSE;
glGetProgramiv( program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked );
if( linked == GL_FALSE )
glDeleteProgram( program );
idLib::Error( "While linking GLSL program %d with vertexShader %s and fragmentShader %s\n",
( vertexShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? vertexShaders[vertexShaderIndex].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>",
( fragmentShaderIndex >= 0 ) ? fragmentShaders[ fragmentShaderIndex ].name.c_str() : "<Invalid>" );
if( r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
prog.vertexUniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, VERTEX_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
prog.fragmentUniformArray = glGetUniformLocation( program, FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_ARRAY_NAME );
assert( prog.vertexUniformArray != -1 || vertexShaderIndex < 0 || vertexShaders[vertexShaderIndex].uniforms.Num() == 0 );
assert( prog.fragmentUniformArray != -1 || fragmentShaderIndex < 0 || fragmentShaders[fragmentShaderIndex].uniforms.Num() == 0 );
// store the uniform locations after we have linked the GLSL program
for( int i = 0; i < RENDERPARM_TOTAL; i++ )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( i );
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation( program, parmName );
if( loc != -1 )
glslUniformLocation_t uniformLocation;
uniformLocation.parmIndex = i;
uniformLocation.uniformIndex = loc;
prog.uniformLocations.Append( uniformLocation );
// store the USER uniform locations
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_GLSL_USER_PARMS; i++ )
const char* parmName = GetGLSLParmName( RENDERPARM_USER + i );
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation( program, parmName );
if( loc != -1 )
glslUniformLocation_t uniformLocation;
uniformLocation.parmIndex = RENDERPARM_USER + i;
uniformLocation.uniformIndex = loc;
prog.uniformLocations.Append( uniformLocation );
// sort the uniforms based on index
prog.uniformLocations.SortWithTemplate( idSort_QuickUniforms() );
// RB: only load joint uniform buffers if available
if( glConfig.gpuSkinningAvailable )
// get the uniform buffer binding for skinning joint matrices
GLint blockIndex = glGetUniformBlockIndex( program, "matrices_ubo" );
if( blockIndex != -1 )
glUniformBlockBinding( program, blockIndex, 0 );
// RB end
// set the texture unit locations once for the render program. We only need to do this once since we only link the program once
glUseProgram( program );
int numSamplerUniforms = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PROG_TEXTURE_PARMS; ++i )
GLint loc = glGetUniformLocation( program, va( "samp%d", i ) );
if( loc != -1 )
glUniform1i( loc, i );
// RB: make sure that we collected all uniforms we are interested in
if( !r_useUniformArrays.GetBool() )
int numActiveUniforms;
glGetProgramiv( program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &numActiveUniforms );
if( ( numActiveUniforms - numSamplerUniforms ) != prog.uniformLocations.Num() )
int size;
GLenum type;
char uniformName[1000];
for( int i = 0; i < numActiveUniforms; i++ )
glGetActiveUniform( program, i, sizeof( uniformName ), NULL, &size, &type, uniformName );
idLib::Printf( "active uniform: '%s'\n", uniformName );
idStr programName = vertexShaders[ vertexShaderIndex ].name;
prog.name = programName;
prog.progId = program;
prog.fragmentShaderIndex = fragmentShaderIndex;
prog.vertexShaderIndex = vertexShaderIndex;
void idRenderProgManager::ZeroUniforms()
memset( glslUniforms.Ptr(), 0, glslUniforms.Allocated() );