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528 lines
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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "../renderer/Font.h"
#pragma warning(disable: 4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list
#define BSWF_VERSION 16 // bumped to 16 for storing atlas image dimensions for unbuffered loads
#define BSWF_MAGIC ( ( 'B' << 24 ) | ( 'S' << 16 ) | ( 'W' << 8 ) | BSWF_VERSION )
bool idSWF::LoadSWF( const char* fullpath )
idFile* rawfile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( fullpath );
if( rawfile == NULL )
idLib::Printf( "SWF File not found %s\n", fullpath );
return false;
swfHeader_t header;
rawfile->Read( &header, sizeof( header ) );
if( header.W != 'W' || header.S != 'S' )
idLib::Warning( "Wrong signature bytes" );
delete rawfile;
return false;
if( header.version > 9 )
idLib::Warning( "Unsupported version %d", header.version );
delete rawfile;
return false;
bool compressed;
if( header.compression == 'F' )
compressed = false;
else if( header.compression == 'C' )
compressed = true;
idLib::Warning( "Unsupported compression type %c", header.compression );
delete rawfile;
return false;
idSwap::Little( header.fileLength );
// header.fileLength somewhat annoyingly includes the size of the header
uint32 fileLength2 = header.fileLength - ( uint32 )sizeof( swfHeader_t );
// slurp the raw file into a giant array, which is somewhat atrocious when loading from the preload since it's already an idFile_Memory
byte* fileData = ( byte* )Mem_Alloc( fileLength2, TAG_SWF );
size_t fileSize = rawfile->Read( fileData, fileLength2 );
delete rawfile;
if( compressed )
byte* uncompressed = ( byte* )Mem_Alloc( fileLength2, TAG_SWF );
if( !Inflate( fileData, ( int )fileSize, uncompressed, fileLength2 ) )
idLib::Warning( "Inflate error" );
Mem_Free( uncompressed );
return false;
Mem_Free( fileData );
fileData = uncompressed;
idSWFBitStream bitstream( fileData, fileLength2, false );
swfRect_t frameSize;
bitstream.ReadRect( frameSize );
if( !frameSize.tl.Compare( vec2_zero ) )
idLib::Warning( "Invalid frameSize top left" );
Mem_Free( fileData );
return false;
frameWidth = frameSize.br.x;
frameHeight = frameSize.br.y;
frameRate = bitstream.ReadU16();
// parse everything
mainsprite->Load( bitstream, true );
// now that all images have been loaded, write out the combined image
idStr atlasFileName = "generated/";
atlasFileName += fullpath;
atlasFileName.SetFileExtension( ".tga" );
WriteSwfImageAtlas( atlasFileName );
Mem_Free( fileData );
return true;
bool idSWF::LoadBinary( const char* bfilename, ID_TIME_T sourceTime )
idFile* f = fileSystem->OpenFileReadMemory( bfilename );
if( f == NULL || f->Length() <= 0 )
return false;
uint32 magic = 0;
ID_TIME_T btimestamp = 0;
f->ReadBig( magic );
f->ReadBig( btimestamp );
if( magic != BSWF_MAGIC || ( !fileSystem->InProductionMode() && sourceTime != btimestamp ) )
delete f;
return false;
f->ReadBig( frameWidth );
f->ReadBig( frameHeight );
f->ReadBig( frameRate );
if( mouseX == -1 )
mouseX = ( frameWidth / 2 );
if( mouseY == -1 )
mouseY = ( frameHeight / 2 );
mainsprite->Read( f );
int num = 0;
f->ReadBig( num );
dictionary.SetNum( num );
for( int i = 0; i < dictionary.Num(); i++ )
f->ReadBig( dictionary[i].type );
switch( dictionary[i].type )
idStr imageName;
f->ReadString( imageName );
if( imageName[0] == '.' )
// internal image in the atlas
dictionary[i].material = NULL;
dictionary[i].material = declManager->FindMaterial( imageName );
for( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ )
f->ReadBig( dictionary[i].imageSize[j] );
f->ReadBig( dictionary[i].imageAtlasOffset[j] );
for( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ )
f->ReadBig( dictionary[i].channelScale[j] );
dictionary[i].shape = new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFShape;
idSWFShape* shape = dictionary[i].shape;
f->ReadBig( shape->startBounds.tl );
f->ReadBig( shape->startBounds.br );
f->ReadBig( shape->endBounds.tl );
f->ReadBig( shape->endBounds.br );
f->ReadBig( num );
shape->fillDraws.SetNum( num );
for( int d = 0; d < shape->fillDraws.Num(); d++ )
idSWFShapeDrawFill& fillDraw = shape->fillDraws[d];
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.type );
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.subType );
f->Read( &fillDraw.style.startColor, 4 );
f->Read( &fillDraw.style.endColor, 4 );
f->ReadBigArray( ( float* )&fillDraw.style.startMatrix, 6 );
f->ReadBigArray( ( float* )&fillDraw.style.endMatrix, 6 );
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.numGradients );
for( int g = 0; g < fillDraw.style.gradient.numGradients; g++ )
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].startRatio );
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].endRatio );
f->Read( &fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].startColor, 4 );
f->Read( &fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].endColor, 4 );
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.focalPoint );
f->ReadBig( fillDraw.style.bitmapID );
f->ReadBig( num );
fillDraw.startVerts.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( fillDraw.startVerts.Ptr(), fillDraw.startVerts.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
fillDraw.endVerts.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( fillDraw.endVerts.Ptr(), fillDraw.endVerts.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
fillDraw.indices.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( fillDraw.indices.Ptr(), fillDraw.indices.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
shape->lineDraws.SetNum( num );
for( int d = 0; d < shape->lineDraws.Num(); d++ )
idSWFShapeDrawLine& lineDraw = shape->lineDraws[d];
f->ReadBig( lineDraw.style.startWidth );
f->ReadBig( lineDraw.style.endWidth );
f->Read( &lineDraw.style.startColor, 4 );
f->Read( &lineDraw.style.endColor, 4 );
f->ReadBig( num );
lineDraw.startVerts.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( lineDraw.startVerts.Ptr(), lineDraw.startVerts.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
lineDraw.endVerts.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( lineDraw.endVerts.Ptr(), lineDraw.endVerts.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
lineDraw.indices.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( lineDraw.indices.Ptr(), lineDraw.indices.Num() );
dictionary[i].sprite = new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFSprite( this );
dictionary[i].sprite->Read( f );
dictionary[i].font = new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFFont;
idSWFFont* font = dictionary[i].font;
idStr fontName;
f->ReadString( fontName );
font->fontID = renderSystem->RegisterFont( fontName );
f->ReadBig( font->ascent );
f->ReadBig( font->descent );
f->ReadBig( font->leading );
f->ReadBig( num );
font->glyphs.SetNum( num );
for( int g = 0; g < font->glyphs.Num(); g++ )
f->ReadBig( font->glyphs[g].code );
f->ReadBig( font->glyphs[g].advance );
f->ReadBig( num );
font->glyphs[g].verts.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( font->glyphs[g].verts.Ptr(), font->glyphs[g].verts.Num() );
f->ReadBig( num );
font->glyphs[g].indices.SetNum( num );
f->ReadBigArray( font->glyphs[g].indices.Ptr(), font->glyphs[g].indices.Num() );
dictionary[i].text = new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFText;
idSWFText* text = dictionary[i].text;
f->ReadBig( text->bounds.tl );
f->ReadBig( text->bounds.br );
f->ReadBigArray( ( float* )&text->matrix, 6 );
f->ReadBig( num );
text->textRecords.SetNum( num );
for( int t = 0; t < text->textRecords.Num(); t++ )
idSWFTextRecord& textRecord = text->textRecords[t];
f->ReadBig( textRecord.fontID );
f->Read( &textRecord.color, 4 );
f->ReadBig( textRecord.xOffset );
f->ReadBig( textRecord.yOffset );
f->ReadBig( textRecord.textHeight );
f->ReadBig( textRecord.firstGlyph );
f->ReadBig( textRecord.numGlyphs );
f->ReadBig( num );
text->glyphs.SetNum( num );
for( int g = 0; g < text->glyphs.Num(); g++ )
f->ReadBig( text->glyphs[g].index );
f->ReadBig( text->glyphs[g].advance );
dictionary[i].edittext = new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFEditText;
idSWFEditText* edittext = dictionary[i].edittext;
f->ReadBig( edittext->bounds.tl );
f->ReadBig( edittext->bounds.br );
f->ReadBig( edittext->flags );
f->ReadBig( edittext->fontID );
f->ReadBig( edittext->fontHeight );
f->Read( &edittext->color, 4 );
f->ReadBig( edittext->maxLength );
f->ReadBig( edittext->align );
f->ReadBig( edittext->leftMargin );
f->ReadBig( edittext->rightMargin );
f->ReadBig( edittext->indent );
f->ReadBig( edittext->leading );
f->ReadString( edittext->variable );
f->ReadString( edittext->initialText );
delete f;
return true;
void idSWF::WriteBinary( const char* bfilename )
idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( bfilename, "fs_basepath" ) );
if( file == NULL )
file->WriteBig( BSWF_MAGIC );
file->WriteBig( timestamp );
file->WriteBig( frameWidth );
file->WriteBig( frameHeight );
file->WriteBig( frameRate );
mainsprite->Write( file );
file->WriteBig( dictionary.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < dictionary.Num(); i++ )
file->WriteBig( dictionary[i].type );
switch( dictionary[i].type )
if( dictionary[i].material )
file->WriteString( dictionary[i].material->GetName() );
file->WriteString( "." );
for( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ )
file->WriteBig( dictionary[i].imageSize[j] );
file->WriteBig( dictionary[i].imageAtlasOffset[j] );
for( int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ )
file->WriteBig( dictionary[i].channelScale[j] );
idSWFShape* shape = dictionary[i].shape;
file->WriteBig( shape->startBounds.tl );
file->WriteBig( shape->startBounds.br );
file->WriteBig( shape->endBounds.tl );
file->WriteBig( shape->endBounds.br );
file->WriteBig( shape->fillDraws.Num() );
for( int d = 0; d < shape->fillDraws.Num(); d++ )
idSWFShapeDrawFill& fillDraw = shape->fillDraws[d];
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.type );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.subType );
file->Write( &fillDraw.style.startColor, 4 );
file->Write( &fillDraw.style.endColor, 4 );
file->WriteBigArray( ( float* )&fillDraw.style.startMatrix, 6 );
file->WriteBigArray( ( float* )&fillDraw.style.endMatrix, 6 );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.numGradients );
for( int g = 0; g < fillDraw.style.gradient.numGradients; g++ )
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].startRatio );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].endRatio );
file->Write( &fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].startColor, 4 );
file->Write( &fillDraw.style.gradient.gradientRecords[g].endColor, 4 );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.focalPoint );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.style.bitmapID );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.startVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( fillDraw.startVerts.Ptr(), fillDraw.startVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.endVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( fillDraw.endVerts.Ptr(), fillDraw.endVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBig( fillDraw.indices.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( fillDraw.indices.Ptr(), fillDraw.indices.Num() );
file->WriteBig( shape->lineDraws.Num() );
for( int d = 0; d < shape->lineDraws.Num(); d++ )
idSWFShapeDrawLine& lineDraw = shape->lineDraws[d];
file->WriteBig( lineDraw.style.startWidth );
file->WriteBig( lineDraw.style.endWidth );
file->Write( &lineDraw.style.startColor, 4 );
file->Write( &lineDraw.style.endColor, 4 );
file->WriteBig( lineDraw.startVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( lineDraw.startVerts.Ptr(), lineDraw.startVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBig( lineDraw.endVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( lineDraw.endVerts.Ptr(), lineDraw.endVerts.Num() );
file->WriteBig( lineDraw.indices.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( lineDraw.indices.Ptr(), lineDraw.indices.Num() );
dictionary[i].sprite->Write( file );
idSWFFont* font = dictionary[i].font;
file->WriteString( font->fontID->GetName() );
file->WriteBig( font->ascent );
file->WriteBig( font->descent );
file->WriteBig( font->leading );
file->WriteBig( font->glyphs.Num() );
for( int g = 0; g < font->glyphs.Num(); g++ )
file->WriteBig( font->glyphs[g].code );
file->WriteBig( font->glyphs[g].advance );
file->WriteBig( font->glyphs[g].verts.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( font->glyphs[g].verts.Ptr(), font->glyphs[g].verts.Num() );
file->WriteBig( font->glyphs[g].indices.Num() );
file->WriteBigArray( font->glyphs[g].indices.Ptr(), font->glyphs[g].indices.Num() );
idSWFText* text = dictionary[i].text;
file->WriteBig( text->bounds.tl );
file->WriteBig( text->bounds.br );
file->WriteBigArray( ( float* )&text->matrix, 6 );
file->WriteBig( text->textRecords.Num() );
for( int t = 0; t < text->textRecords.Num(); t++ )
idSWFTextRecord& textRecord = text->textRecords[t];
file->WriteBig( textRecord.fontID );
file->Write( &textRecord.color, 4 );
file->WriteBig( textRecord.xOffset );
file->WriteBig( textRecord.yOffset );
file->WriteBig( textRecord.textHeight );
file->WriteBig( textRecord.firstGlyph );
file->WriteBig( textRecord.numGlyphs );
file->WriteBig( text->glyphs.Num() );
for( int g = 0; g < text->glyphs.Num(); g++ )
file->WriteBig( text->glyphs[g].index );
file->WriteBig( text->glyphs[g].advance );
idSWFEditText* edittext = dictionary[i].edittext;
file->WriteBig( edittext->bounds.tl );
file->WriteBig( edittext->bounds.br );
file->WriteBig( edittext->flags );
file->WriteBig( edittext->fontID );
file->WriteBig( edittext->fontHeight );
file->Write( &edittext->color, 4 );
file->WriteBig( edittext->maxLength );
file->WriteBig( edittext->align );
file->WriteBig( edittext->leftMargin );
file->WriteBig( edittext->rightMargin );
file->WriteBig( edittext->indent );
file->WriteBig( edittext->leading );
file->WriteString( edittext->variable );
file->WriteString( edittext->initialText );