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mirror of https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3-BFG.git synced 2025-03-16 15:41:16 +00:00
2022-08-27 13:19:29 +02:00

294 lines
10 KiB

export fred {
// view model shotgun
options -prefix SG_ -keep barrel eject shell flash -parent flash body -rename barrel2 barrel -parent barrel body -parent eject body -parent body Rhand -parent shell Lhand -rename origin blah -sourcedir models/weapons/shotgun/cycles -destdir models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view
mesh idle.mb -dest viewshotgun
anim idle.mb
anim raise.mb
anim fire1.mb
anim fire2.mb
anim fire3.mb
anim reload_start.mb
anim reload_loop.mb
anim reload_loop2.mb
anim reload_loop3.mb
anim reload_end.mb
anim reload2.mb
anim lower.mb
anim empty.mb
// world model shotgun
options -prefix PLAYER_SHOTGUN_ -keep ATTACHER barrel flash eject -parent flash sgbody -parent eject sgbody -rename ATTACHER origin -rename sgbarrel barrel -clearorigin
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_body_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_handle_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_trigger_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_loflap_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_extender_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_upflap1_mesh
addoptions -skipmesh PLAYER_shotgun_upflap2_mesh
mesh models/characters/player/mocap/shotgun_idle.mb -dest models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/worldshotgun
anim models/characters/player/mocap/shotgun_idle.mb -dest models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle
anim models/characters/player/mocap/shotgun_fire.mb -range 49 75 -dest models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_fire1
entityDef weapon_shotgun {
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "Shotgun"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "idItem"
"size" "32 32 32"
"model" "models/weapons/shotgun/w_shotgun2.lwo"
"model_view" "viewmodel_shotgun"
"model_world" "worldmodel_shotgun"
"joint_attach" "SHOTGUN_ATTACHER"
"def_dropItem" "moveable_item_shotgun"
"inv_name" "#str_00243"
"inv_weapon" "weapon_shotgun"
"inv_ammo_shells" "4"
"inv_item" "5"
"inv_desc" "#str_02534"
"display_name" "#str_01820"
"icon" "guis/assets/hud/wpn_2"
"pdaIcon" "guis/assets/hud/icons/shotgun_new.tga"
"hudIcon" "guis/assets/hud/icons/shotgunw.tga"
"weapon_scriptobject" "weapon_shotgun"
"def_projectile" "projectile_bullet_shotgun"
"ammoType" "ammo_shells"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"clipSize" "8"
"lowAmmo" "2"
"mtr_flashShader" "muzzleflash"
"flashColor" "1 0.8 0.4"
"flashRadius" "120"
"silent_fire" "0"
"recoilTime" "325"
"recoilAngles" "-1 0 0"
"weaponAngleOffsetAverages" "15"
"weaponAngleOffsetScale" ".40"
"weaponAngleOffsetMax" "20"
"weaponOffsetTime" "500"
"weaponOffsetScale" "0.005"
"hide_time" "0.3" // time to hide weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis
"hide_distance" "-15" // distance to offset weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis
"smoke_muzzle" "shotgunmuzzlesmoke.prt"
"def_ejectBrass" "debris_shotgunbrass"
"ejectBrassDelay" "650"
"snd_acquire" "sound_weapon_acquire"
"snd_respawn" "sound_weapon_respawn"
"skin_invisible" "skins/shotgun_invis"
"spread" "22"
"controllerShakeHighMag" "1.0"
"controllerShakeHighTime" "120"
"controllerShakeLowMag" "10.9"
"controllerShakeLowTime" "250"
entityDef moveable_item_shotgun {
"inherit" "weapon_shotgun"
"spawnclass" "idMoveableItem"
"model" "models/weapons/shotgun/w_shotgun2.lwo"
"density" "0.05"
"friction" "0.2"
"bouncyness" "0"
"snd_bounce" "smallbox"
model worldmodel_shotgun {
mesh models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/worldshotgun.md5mesh
anim raise models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim idle models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim aim models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim fire1 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_fire1.md5anim
anim fire2 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_fire1.md5anim
anim fire3 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_fire1.md5anim
anim reload_start models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim reload_loop1 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim reload_loop2 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim reload_end models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
anim putaway models/md5/weapons/shotgun_world/shotgun_idle.md5anim
model viewmodel_shotgun {
mesh models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/viewshotgun.md5mesh
anim raise models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/raise.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_body player_shotgun_raise
anim idle models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/idle.md5anim
anim fire1 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/fire1.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_weapon player_shotgun_fire
frame 17 sound_voice player_shotgun_pump
anim fire2 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/fire2.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_weapon player_shotgun_fire
frame 17 sound_voice player_shotgun_pump
anim fire3 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/fire3.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_weapon player_shotgun_fire
frame 17 sound_voice player_shotgun_pump
anim reload_start models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/reload_start.md5anim {
frame 1 sound player_shotgun_reload_start
anim reload_loop1 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/reload_loop.md5anim {
frame 4 sound player_shotgun_reload
anim reload_loop2 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/reload_loop2.md5anim {
frame 4 sound player_shotgun_reload
anim reload_loop3 models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/reload_loop3.md5anim {
frame 4 sound player_shotgun_reload
anim reload_end models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/reload_end.md5anim {
//frame 1 sound player_shotgun_reload_end
frame 14 sound_voice player_shotgun_pump
anim noammo models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/empty.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_voice player_shotgun_empty
anim putaway models/md5/weapons/shotgun_view/lower.md5anim
entityDef damage_shotgun {
"damage" "14"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "10"
"gib" "1"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "burstysquirt.prt"
"mtr_wound_flesh" "textures/decals/hurt02"
"mtr_wound_metal" "textures/decals/hurtmetal"
"mtr_splat_flesh" "textures/decals/dsplat2"
"mtr_splat_flesh2" "textures/decals/dsplat5"
"mtr_splat_flesh3" "textures/decals/dsplat7"
"mtr_splat_flesh4" "textures/decals/dsplat11"
"snd_flesh" "shotgun_impact_flesh"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
entityDef debris_shotgunbrass {
"spawnclass" "idDebris"
"mins" "-1 -1 -1"
"maxs" "1 1 1"
"model" "models/weapons/shell1/sshell_bigger.lwo"
"health" "0" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed)
"velocity" "60 30 10" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0)
"angular_velocity" "0 0 0" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun
"thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model)
"thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating
"thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating
"linear_friction" "0.6" // "air" friction
"angular_friction" "0.4"
"contact_friction" "0.1"
"bounce" "0.5" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce.
"mass" "1"
"gravity" "666" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it.
"fuse" "3" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance).
"detonate_on_fuse" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out
"detonate_on_death" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out)
"detonate_on_world" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle
"detonate_on_actor" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game
"snd_bounce" "casings_shotgun"
entityDef projectile_bullet_shotgun {
"spawnclass" "idProjectile"
"mins" "-1 -1 -1"
"maxs" "1 1 1"
"cone" "3"
//"model" "models/items/projectiles/rocket.ase"
"scale" "0.1"
"noshadows" "1"
"snd_flesh" "bullet_impact_flesh"
"snd_metal" "bullet_impact_metal"
"snd_stone" "bullet_impact_stone"
"snd_wood" "bullet_impact_wood"
"snd_cardboard" "bullet_impact_cardboard"
"snd_glass" "bullet_impact_glass"
"snd_liquid" "bullet_impact_liquid"
"snd_ricochet" "bullet_ricochet"
"snd_plastic" "small_plastic"
"snd_impact" "shotgun_impact_metal"
"def_damage" "damage_shotgun"
"launchFromBarrel" "0"
"health" "0"
"velocity" "7200 0 0" // .38 Special 600 fps. Source: Petzal, David E. "How fast is a speeding bullet." Field and Stream. 97 (1992): 23
"angular_velocity" "0 0 0"
"thrust" "0"
"thrust_start" "0"
"thrust_end" "0"
"linear_friction" "0"
"angular_friction" "0"
"contact_friction" "0"
"bounce" "0.6"
"mass" "1.0"
"gravity" "0"
"fuse" "4"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "0"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"impact_damage_effect" "1"
"impact_gib" "1"
"mtr_detonate" "textures/decals/bulleth02"
"mtr_detonate_glass" "textures/decals/testbulletglass1"
"decal_size" "10"
"model_smokespark" "sgsmokeandspark.prt"
"model_ricochet" "bulletricochet.prt"
"smoke_fly" ""
"smoke_detonate" "smokeandspark.smoke"
"smoke_bounce" "sparkdebris.smoke"
"smoke_fuse" ""
"mtr_light_shader" ""
"light_color" "0 0 0"
"light_radius" "0"
"light_offset" "0 0 0"
"mtr_explode_light_shader" ""
"explode_light_color" "0 0 0"
"explode_light_radius" "0"
"explode_light_fadetime" "0"