/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" idCVar swf_debug( "swf_debug", "0", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "debug swf scripts. 1 shows traces/errors. 2 also shows warnings. 3 also shows disassembly. 4 shows parameters in the disassembly." ); idCVar swf_debugInvoke( "swf_debugInvoke", "0", CVAR_INTEGER, "debug swf functions being called from game." ); idSWFConstantPool::idSWFConstantPool() { } /* ======================== idSWFConstantPool::Clear ======================== */ void idSWFConstantPool::Clear() { for( int i = 0; i < pool.Num(); i++ ) { pool[i]->Release(); } pool.Clear(); } /* ======================== idSWFConstantPool::Copy ======================== */ void idSWFConstantPool::Copy( const idSWFConstantPool& other ) { Clear(); pool.SetNum( other.pool.Num() ); for( int i = 0; i < pool.Num(); i++ ) { pool[i] = other.pool[i]; pool[i]->AddRef(); } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptFunction_Script::~idSWFScriptFunction_Script ======================== */ idSWFScriptFunction_Script::~idSWFScriptFunction_Script() { for( int i = 0; i < scope.Num(); i++ ) { if( verify( scope[i] ) ) { scope[i]->Release(); } } if( prototype ) { prototype->Release(); } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Call ======================== */ void idSWFScriptFunction_Script::SetScope( idList<idSWFScriptObject*>& newScope ) { assert( scope.Num() == 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < scope.Num(); i++ ) { if( verify( scope[i] ) ) { scope[i]->Release(); } } scope.Clear(); scope.Append( newScope ); for( int i = 0; i < newScope.Num(); i++ ) { if( verify( scope[i] ) ) { scope[i]->AddRef(); } } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Call ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { idSWFBitStream bitstream( data, length, false ); // We assume scope[0] is the global scope assert( scope.Num() > 0 ); if( thisObject == NULL ) { thisObject = scope[0]; } idSWFScriptObject* locals = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); idSWFStack stack; stack.SetNum( parms.Num() + 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { stack[ parms.Num() - i - 1 ] = parms[i]; // Unfortunately at this point we don't have the function name anymore, so our warning messages aren't very detailed if( i < parameters.Num() ) { if( parameters[i].reg > 0 && parameters[i].reg < registers.Num() ) { registers[ parameters[i].reg ] = parms[i]; } locals->Set( parameters[i].name, parms[i] ); } } // Set any additional parameters to undefined for( int i = parms.Num(); i < parameters.Num(); i++ ) { if( parameters[i].reg > 0 && parameters[i].reg < registers.Num() ) { registers[ parameters[i].reg ].SetUndefined(); } locals->Set( parameters[i].name, idSWFScriptVar() ); } stack.A().SetInteger( parms.Num() ); int preloadReg = 1; if( flags & BIT( 0 ) ) { // load "this" into a register registers[ preloadReg ].SetObject( thisObject ); preloadReg++; } if( ( flags & BIT( 1 ) ) == 0 ) { // create "this" locals->Set( "this", idSWFScriptVar( thisObject ) ); } if( flags & BIT( 2 ) ) { idSWFScriptObject* arguments = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); // load "arguments" into a register arguments->MakeArray(); int numElements = parms.Num(); for( int i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) { arguments->Set( i, parms[i] ); } registers[ preloadReg ].SetObject( arguments ); preloadReg++; arguments->Release(); } if( ( flags & BIT( 3 ) ) == 0 ) { idSWFScriptObject* arguments = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); // create "arguments" arguments->MakeArray(); int numElements = parms.Num(); for( int i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) { arguments->Set( i, parms[i] ); } locals->Set( "arguments", idSWFScriptVar( arguments ) ); arguments->Release(); } if( flags & BIT( 4 ) ) { // load "super" into a register registers[ preloadReg ].SetObject( thisObject->GetPrototype() ); preloadReg++; } if( ( flags & BIT( 5 ) ) == 0 ) { // create "super" locals->Set( "super", idSWFScriptVar( thisObject->GetPrototype() ) ); } if( flags & BIT( 6 ) ) { // preload _root registers[ preloadReg ] = scope[0]->Get( "_root" ); preloadReg++; } if( flags & BIT( 7 ) ) { // preload _parent if( thisObject->GetSprite() != NULL && thisObject->GetSprite()->parent != NULL ) { registers[ preloadReg ].SetObject( thisObject->GetSprite()->parent->scriptObject ); } else { registers[ preloadReg ].SetNULL(); } preloadReg++; } if( flags & BIT( 8 ) ) { // load "_global" into a register registers[ preloadReg ].SetObject( scope[0] ); preloadReg++; } int scopeSize = scope.Num(); scope.Append( locals ); locals->AddRef(); idSWFScriptVar retVal = Run( thisObject, stack, bitstream ); assert( scope.Num() == scopeSize + 1 ); for( int i = scopeSize; i < scope.Num(); i++ ) { if( verify( scope[i] ) ) { scope[i]->Release(); } } scope.SetNum( scopeSize ); locals->Release(); locals = NULL; return retVal; } /* ======================== <anonymous>::Split ======================== */ namespace { const char* GetPropertyName( int index ) { switch( index ) { case 0: return "_x"; case 1: return "_y"; case 2: return "_xscale"; case 3: return "_yscale"; case 4: return "_currentframe"; case 5: return "_totalframes"; case 6: return "_alpha"; case 7: return "_visible"; case 8: return "_width"; case 9: return "_height"; case 10: return "_rotation"; case 11: return "_target"; case 12: return "_framesloaded"; case 13: return "_name"; case 14: return "_droptarget"; case 15: return "_url"; case 16: return "_highquality"; case 17: return "_focusrect"; case 18: return "_soundbuftime"; case 19: return "_quality"; case 20: return "_mousex"; case 21: return "_mousey"; } return ""; } const char* GetSwfActionName( swfAction_t code ) { switch( code ) { case Action_End: return "Action_End"; // swf 3 case Action_NextFrame: return "Action_NextFrame"; case Action_PrevFrame: return "Action_PrevFrame"; case Action_Play: return "Action_Play"; case Action_Stop: return "Action_Stop"; case Action_ToggleQuality: return "Action_ToggleQuality"; case Action_StopSounds: return "Action_StopSounds"; case Action_GotoFrame: return "Action_GotoFrame"; case Action_GetURL: return "Action_GetURL"; case Action_WaitForFrame: return "Action_WaitForFrame"; case Action_SetTarget: return "Action_SetTarget"; case Action_GoToLabel: return "Action_GoToLabel"; // swf 4 case Action_Add: return "Action_Add"; case Action_Subtract: return "Action_Subtract"; case Action_Multiply: return "Action_Multiply"; case Action_Divide: return "Action_Divide"; case Action_Equals: return "Action_Equals"; case Action_Less: return "Action_Less"; case Action_And: return "Action_And"; case Action_Or: return "Action_Or"; case Action_Not: return "Action_Not"; case Action_StringEquals: return "Action_StringEquals"; case Action_StringLength: return "Action_StringLength"; case Action_StringExtract: return "Action_StringExtract"; case Action_Pop: return "Action_Pop"; case Action_ToInteger: return "Action_ToInteger"; case Action_GetVariable: return "Action_GetVariable"; case Action_SetVariable: return "Action_SetVariable"; case Action_SetTarget2: return "Action_SetTarget2"; case Action_StringAdd: return "Action_StringAdd"; case Action_GetProperty: return "Action_GetProperty"; case Action_SetProperty: return "Action_SetProperty"; case Action_CloneSprite: return "Action_CloneSprite"; case Action_RemoveSprite: return "Action_RemoveSprite"; case Action_Trace: return "Action_Trace"; case Action_StartDrag: return "Action_StartDrag"; case Action_EndDrag: return "Action_EndDrag"; case Action_StringLess: return "Action_StringLess"; case Action_RandomNumber: return "Action_RandomNumber"; case Action_MBStringLength: return "Action_MBStringLength"; case Action_CharToAscii: return "Action_CharToAscii"; case Action_AsciiToChar: return "Action_AsciiToChar"; case Action_GetTime: return "Action_GetTime"; case Action_MBStringExtract: return "Action_MBStringExtract"; case Action_MBCharToAscii: return "Action_MBCharToAscii"; case Action_MBAsciiToChar: return "Action_MBAsciiToChar"; case Action_WaitForFrame2: return "Action_WaitForFrame2"; case Action_Push: return "Action_Push"; case Action_Jump: return "Action_Jump"; case Action_GetURL2: return "Action_GetURL2"; case Action_If: return "Action_If"; case Action_Call: return "Action_Call"; case Action_GotoFrame2: return "Action_GotoFrame2"; // swf 5 case Action_Delete: return "Action_Delete"; case Action_Delete2: return "Action_Delete2"; case Action_DefineLocal: return "Action_DefineLocal"; case Action_CallFunction: return "Action_CallFunction"; case Action_Return: return "Action_Return"; case Action_Modulo: return "Action_Modulo"; case Action_NewObject: return "Action_NewObject"; case Action_DefineLocal2: return "Action_DefineLocal2"; case Action_InitArray: return "Action_InitArray"; case Action_InitObject: return "Action_InitObject"; case Action_TypeOf: return "Action_TypeOf"; case Action_TargetPath: return "Action_TargetPath"; case Action_Enumerate: return "Action_Enumerate"; case Action_Add2: return "Action_Add2"; case Action_Less2: return "Action_Less2"; case Action_Equals2: return "Action_Equals2"; case Action_ToNumber: return "Action_ToNumber"; case Action_ToString: return "Action_ToString"; case Action_PushDuplicate: return "Action_PushDuplicate"; case Action_StackSwap: return "Action_StackSwap"; case Action_GetMember: return "Action_GetMember"; case Action_SetMember: return "Action_SetMember"; case Action_Increment: return "Action_Increment"; case Action_Decrement: return "Action_Decrement"; case Action_CallMethod: return "Action_CallMethod"; case Action_NewMethod: return "Action_NewMethod"; case Action_BitAnd: return "Action_BitAnd"; case Action_BitOr: return "Action_BitOr"; case Action_BitXor: return "Action_BitXor"; case Action_BitLShift: return "Action_BitLShift"; case Action_BitRShift: return "Action_BitRShift"; case Action_BitURShift: return "Action_BitURShift"; case Action_StoreRegister: return "Action_StoreRegister"; case Action_ConstantPool: return "Action_ConstantPool"; case Action_With: return "Action_With"; case Action_DefineFunction: return "Action_DefineFunction"; // swf 6 case Action_InstanceOf: return "Action_InstanceOf"; case Action_Enumerate2: return "Action_Enumerate2"; case Action_StrictEquals: return "Action_StrictEquals"; case Action_Greater: return "Action_Greater"; case Action_StringGreater: return "Action_StringGreater"; // swf 7 case Action_Extends: return "Action_Extends"; case Action_CastOp: return "Action_CastOp"; case Action_ImplementsOp: return "Action_ImplementsOp"; case Action_Throw: return "Action_Throw"; case Action_Try: return "Action_Try"; case Action_DefineFunction2: return "Action_DefineFunction2"; default: return "UNKNOWN CODE"; } } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Run ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Run( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, idSWFStack& stack, idSWFBitStream& bitstream ) { static int callstackLevel = -1; idSWFSpriteInstance* thisSprite = thisObject->GetSprite(); idSWFSpriteInstance* currentTarget = thisSprite; if( currentTarget == NULL ) { thisSprite = currentTarget = defaultSprite; } callstackLevel++; while( bitstream.Tell() < bitstream.Length() ) { swfAction_t code = ( swfAction_t )bitstream.ReadU8(); uint16 recordLength = 0; if( code >= 0x80 ) { recordLength = bitstream.ReadU16(); } if( swf_debug.GetInteger() >= 3 ) { // stack[0] is always 0 so don't read it if( swf_debug.GetInteger() >= 4 ) { for( int i = stack.Num() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { idLib::Printf( " %c: %s (%s)\n", ( char )( 64 + stack.Num() - i ), stack[i].ToString().c_str(), stack[i].TypeOf() ); } for( int i = 0; i < registers.Num(); i++ ) { if( !registers[i].IsUndefined() ) { idLib::Printf( " R%d: %s (%s)\n", i, registers[i].ToString().c_str(), registers[i].TypeOf() ); } } } idLib::Printf( "SWF%d: code %s\n", callstackLevel, GetSwfActionName( code ) ); } switch( code ) { case Action_Return: callstackLevel--; return stack.A(); case Action_End: callstackLevel--; return idSWFScriptVar(); case Action_NextFrame: if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->NextFrame(); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for nextFrame\n" ); } break; case Action_PrevFrame: if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->PrevFrame(); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for prevFrame\n" ); } break; case Action_Play: if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->Play(); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for play\n" ); } break; case Action_Stop: if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->Stop(); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for stop\n" ); } break; case Action_ToggleQuality: break; case Action_StopSounds: break; case Action_GotoFrame: { assert( recordLength == 2 ); int frameNum = bitstream.ReadU16() + 1; if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->RunTo( frameNum ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for runTo %d\n", frameNum ); } break; } case Action_SetTarget: { const char* targetName = ( const char* )bitstream.ReadData( recordLength ); if( verify( thisSprite != NULL ) ) { currentTarget = thisSprite->ResolveTarget( targetName ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for setTarget %s\n", targetName ); } break; } case Action_GoToLabel: { const char* targetName = ( const char* )bitstream.ReadData( recordLength ); if( verify( currentTarget != NULL ) ) { currentTarget->RunTo( currentTarget->FindFrame( targetName ) ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for runTo %s\n", targetName ); } break; } case Action_Push: { idSWFBitStream pushstream( bitstream.ReadData( recordLength ), recordLength, false ); while( pushstream.Tell() < pushstream.Length() ) { uint8 type = pushstream.ReadU8(); switch( type ) { case 0: stack.Alloc().SetString( pushstream.ReadString() ); break; case 1: stack.Alloc().SetFloat( pushstream.ReadFloat() ); break; case 2: stack.Alloc().SetNULL(); break; case 3: stack.Alloc().SetUndefined(); break; case 4: stack.Alloc() = registers[ pushstream.ReadU8() ]; break; case 5: stack.Alloc().SetBool( pushstream.ReadU8() != 0 ); break; case 6: stack.Alloc().SetFloat( ( float )pushstream.ReadDouble() ); break; case 7: stack.Alloc().SetInteger( pushstream.ReadS32() ); break; case 8: stack.Alloc().SetString( constants.Get( pushstream.ReadU8() ) ); break; case 9: stack.Alloc().SetString( constants.Get( pushstream.ReadU16() ) ); break; } } break; } case Action_Pop: stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Add: stack.B().SetFloat( stack.B().ToFloat() + stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Subtract: stack.B().SetFloat( stack.B().ToFloat() - stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Multiply: stack.B().SetFloat( stack.B().ToFloat() * stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Divide: stack.B().SetFloat( stack.B().ToFloat() / stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Equals: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToFloat() == stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Less: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToFloat() < stack.A().ToFloat() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_And: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToBool() && stack.A().ToBool() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Or: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToBool() || stack.A().ToBool() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Not: stack.A().SetBool( !stack.A().ToBool() ); break; case Action_StringEquals: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToString() == stack.A().ToString() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_StringLength: stack.A().SetInteger( stack.A().ToString().Length() ); break; case Action_StringAdd: stack.B().SetString( stack.B().ToString() + stack.A().ToString() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_StringExtract: stack.C().SetString( stack.C().ToString().Mid( stack.B().ToInteger(), stack.A().ToInteger() ) ); stack.Pop( 2 ); break; case Action_StringLess: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToString() < stack.A().ToString() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_StringGreater: stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToString() > stack.A().ToString() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_ToInteger: stack.A().SetInteger( stack.A().ToInteger() ); break; case Action_CharToAscii: stack.A().SetInteger( stack.A().ToString()[0] ); break; case Action_AsciiToChar: stack.A().SetString( va( "%c", stack.A().ToInteger() ) ); break; case Action_Jump: bitstream.Seek( bitstream.ReadS16() ); break; case Action_If: { int16 offset = bitstream.ReadS16(); if( stack.A().ToBool() ) { bitstream.Seek( offset ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_GetVariable: { idStr variableName = stack.A().ToString(); for( int i = scope.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { stack.A() = scope[i]->Get( variableName ); if( !stack.A().IsUndefined() ) { break; } } if( stack.A().IsUndefined() && swf_debug.GetInteger() > 1 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: unknown variable %s\n", variableName.c_str() ); } break; } case Action_SetVariable: { idStr variableName = stack.B().ToString(); bool found = false; for( int i = scope.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( scope[i]->HasProperty( variableName ) ) { scope[i]->Set( variableName, stack.A() ); found = true; break; } } if( !found ) { thisObject->Set( variableName, stack.A() ); } stack.Pop( 2 ); break; } case Action_GotoFrame2: { uint32 frameNum = 0; uint8 flags = bitstream.ReadU8(); if( flags & 2 ) { frameNum += bitstream.ReadU16(); } if( verify( thisSprite != NULL ) ) { if( stack.A().IsString() ) { frameNum += thisSprite->FindFrame( stack.A().ToString() ); } else { frameNum += ( uint32 )stack.A().ToInteger(); } if( ( flags & 1 ) != 0 ) { thisSprite->Play(); } else { thisSprite->Stop(); } thisSprite->RunTo( frameNum ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { if( ( flags & 1 ) != 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for gotoAndPlay\n" ); } else { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for gotoAndStop\n" ); } } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_GetProperty: { if( verify( thisSprite != NULL ) ) { idSWFSpriteInstance* target = thisSprite->ResolveTarget( stack.B().ToString() ); stack.B() = target->scriptObject->Get( GetPropertyName( stack.A().ToInteger() ) ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for getProperty\n" ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_SetProperty: { if( verify( thisSprite != NULL ) ) { idSWFSpriteInstance* target = thisSprite->ResolveTarget( stack.C().ToString() ); target->scriptObject->Set( GetPropertyName( stack.B().ToInteger() ), stack.A() ); } else if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: no target movie clip for setProperty\n" ); } stack.Pop( 3 ); break; } case Action_Trace: idLib::PrintfIf( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0, "SWF Trace: %s\n", stack.A().ToString().c_str() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_GetTime: stack.Alloc().SetInteger( Sys_Milliseconds() ); break; case Action_RandomNumber: assert( thisSprite && thisSprite->sprite && thisSprite->sprite->GetSWF() ); stack.A().SetInteger( thisSprite->sprite->GetSWF()->GetRandom().RandomInt( stack.A().ToInteger() ) ); break; case Action_CallFunction: { idStr functionName = stack.A().ToString(); idSWFScriptVar function; idSWFScriptObject* object = NULL; for( int i = scope.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { function = scope[i]->Get( functionName ); if( !function.IsUndefined() ) { object = scope[i]; break; } } stack.Pop( 1 ); idSWFParmList parms; parms.SetNum( stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { parms[i] = stack.A(); stack.Pop( 1 ); } if( function.IsFunction() && verify( object ) ) { stack.Alloc() = function.GetFunction()->Call( object, parms ); } else { idLib::PrintfIf( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0, "SWF: unknown function %s\n", functionName.c_str() ); stack.Alloc().SetUndefined(); } break; } case Action_CallMethod: { idStr functionName = stack.A().ToString(); // If the top stack is undefined but there is an object, it's calling the constructor if( functionName.IsEmpty() || stack.A().IsUndefined() || stack.A().IsNULL() ) { functionName = "__constructor__"; } idSWFScriptObject* object = NULL; idSWFScriptVar function; if( stack.B().IsObject() ) { object = stack.B().GetObject(); function = object->Get( functionName ); if( !function.IsFunction() ) { idLib::PrintfIf( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 1, "SWF: unknown method %s on %s\n", functionName.c_str(), object->DefaultValue( true ).ToString().c_str() ); } } else { idLib::PrintfIf( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 1, "SWF: NULL object for method %s\n", functionName.c_str() ); } stack.Pop( 2 ); idSWFParmList parms; parms.SetNum( stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { parms[i] = stack.A(); stack.Pop( 1 ); } if( function.IsFunction() ) { stack.Alloc() = function.GetFunction()->Call( object, parms ); } else { stack.Alloc().SetUndefined(); } break; } case Action_ConstantPool: { constants.Clear(); uint16 numConstants = bitstream.ReadU16(); for( int i = 0; i < numConstants; i++ ) { constants.Append( idSWFScriptString::Alloc( bitstream.ReadString() ) ); } break; } case Action_DefineFunction: { idStr functionName = bitstream.ReadString(); idSWFScriptFunction_Script* newFunction = idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Alloc(); newFunction->SetScope( scope ); newFunction->SetConstants( constants ); newFunction->SetDefaultSprite( defaultSprite ); uint16 numParms = bitstream.ReadU16(); newFunction->AllocParameters( numParms ); for( int i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) { newFunction->SetParameter( i, 0, bitstream.ReadString() ); } uint16 codeSize = bitstream.ReadU16(); newFunction->SetData( bitstream.ReadData( codeSize ), codeSize ); if( functionName.IsEmpty() ) { stack.Alloc().SetFunction( newFunction ); } else { thisObject->Set( functionName, idSWFScriptVar( newFunction ) ); } newFunction->Release(); break; } case Action_DefineFunction2: { idStr functionName = bitstream.ReadString(); idSWFScriptFunction_Script* newFunction = idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Alloc(); newFunction->SetScope( scope ); newFunction->SetConstants( constants ); newFunction->SetDefaultSprite( defaultSprite ); uint16 numParms = bitstream.ReadU16(); // The number of registers is from 0 to 255, although valid values are 1 to 256. // There must always be at least one register for DefineFunction2, to hold "this" or "super" when required. uint8 numRegs = bitstream.ReadU8() + 1; // Note that SWF byte-ordering causes the flag bits to be reversed per-byte // from how the swf_file_format_spec_v10.pdf document describes the ordering in ActionDefineFunction2. // PreloadThisFlag is byte 0, not 7, PreloadGlobalFlag is 8, not 15. uint16 flags = bitstream.ReadU16(); newFunction->AllocParameters( numParms ); newFunction->AllocRegisters( numRegs ); newFunction->SetFlags( flags ); for( int i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) { uint8 reg = bitstream.ReadU8(); const char* name = bitstream.ReadString(); if( reg >= numRegs ) { idLib::Warning( "SWF: Parameter %s in function %s bound to out of range register %d", name, functionName.c_str(), reg ); reg = 0; } newFunction->SetParameter( i, reg, name ); } uint16 codeSize = bitstream.ReadU16(); newFunction->SetData( bitstream.ReadData( codeSize ), codeSize ); if( functionName.IsEmpty() ) { stack.Alloc().SetFunction( newFunction ); } else { thisObject->Set( functionName, idSWFScriptVar( newFunction ) ); } newFunction->Release(); break; } case Action_Enumerate: { idStr variableName = stack.A().ToString(); for( int i = scope.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { stack.A() = scope[i]->Get( variableName ); if( !stack.A().IsUndefined() ) { break; } } if( !stack.A().IsObject() ) { stack.A().SetNULL(); } else { idSWFScriptObject* object = stack.A().GetObject(); object->AddRef(); stack.A().SetNULL(); for( int i = 0; i < object->NumVariables(); i++ ) { stack.Alloc().SetString( object->EnumVariable( i ) ); } object->Release(); } break; } case Action_Enumerate2: { if( !stack.A().IsObject() ) { stack.A().SetNULL(); } else { idSWFScriptObject* object = stack.A().GetObject(); object->AddRef(); stack.A().SetNULL(); for( int i = 0; i < object->NumVariables(); i++ ) { stack.Alloc().SetString( object->EnumVariable( i ) ); } object->Release(); } break; } case Action_Equals2: { stack.B().SetBool( stack.A().AbstractEquals( stack.B() ) ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_StrictEquals: { stack.B().SetBool( stack.A().StrictEquals( stack.B() ) ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_GetMember: { if( ( stack.B().IsUndefined() || stack.B().IsNULL() ) && swf_debug.GetInteger() > 1 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: tried to get member %s on an invalid object in sprite '%s'\n", stack.A().ToString().c_str(), thisSprite != NULL ? thisSprite->GetName() : "" ); } if( stack.B().IsObject() ) { idSWFScriptObject* object = stack.B().GetObject(); if( stack.A().IsNumeric() ) { stack.B() = object->Get( stack.A().ToInteger() ); } else { stack.B() = object->Get( stack.A().ToString() ); } if( stack.B().IsUndefined() && swf_debug.GetInteger() > 1 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: unknown member %s\n", stack.A().ToString().c_str() ); } } else if( stack.B().IsString() ) { idStr propertyName = stack.A().ToString(); if( propertyName.Cmp( "length" ) == 0 ) { stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToString().Length() ); } else if( propertyName.Cmp( "value" ) == 0 ) { // Do nothing } else { stack.B().SetUndefined(); } } else if( stack.B().IsFunction() ) { idStr propertyName = stack.A().ToString(); if( propertyName.Cmp( "prototype" ) == 0 ) { // if this is a function, it's a class definition function, and it just wants the prototype object // create it if it hasn't been already, and return it idSWFScriptFunction* sfs = stack.B().GetFunction(); idSWFScriptObject* object = sfs->GetPrototype(); if( object == NULL ) { object = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); // Set the __proto__ to the main Object prototype idSWFScriptVar baseObjConstructor = scope[0]->Get( "Object" ); idSWFScriptFunction* baseObj = baseObjConstructor.GetFunction(); object->Set( "__proto__", baseObj->GetPrototype() ); sfs->SetPrototype( object ); } stack.B() = idSWFScriptVar( object ); } else { stack.B().SetUndefined(); } } else { stack.B().SetUndefined(); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_SetMember: { if( stack.C().IsObject() ) { idSWFScriptObject* object = stack.C().GetObject(); if( stack.B().IsNumeric() ) { object->Set( stack.B().ToInteger(), stack.A() ); } else { object->Set( stack.B().ToString(), stack.A() ); } } stack.Pop( 3 ); break; } case Action_InitArray: { idSWFScriptObject* object = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); object->MakeArray(); int numElements = stack.A().ToInteger(); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) { object->Set( i, stack.A() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); } stack.Alloc().SetObject( object ); object->Release(); break; } case Action_InitObject: { idSWFScriptObject* object = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); int numElements = stack.A().ToInteger(); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) { object->Set( stack.B().ToString(), stack.A() ); stack.Pop( 2 ); } stack.Alloc().SetObject( object ); object->Release(); break; } case Action_NewObject: { idSWFScriptObject* object = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); idStr functionName = stack.A().ToString(); stack.Pop( 1 ); if( functionName.Cmp( "Array" ) == 0 ) { object->MakeArray(); int numElements = stack.A().ToInteger(); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) { object->Set( i, stack.A() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); } idSWFScriptVar baseObjConstructor = scope[0]->Get( "Object" ); idSWFScriptFunction* baseObj = baseObjConstructor.GetFunction(); object->Set( "__proto__", baseObj->GetPrototype() ); // object prototype is not set here because it will be auto created from Object later } else { idSWFParmList parms; parms.SetNum( stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { parms[i] = stack.A(); stack.Pop( 1 ); } idSWFScriptVar objdef = scope[0]->Get( functionName ); if( objdef.IsFunction() ) { idSWFScriptFunction* constructorFunction = objdef.GetFunction(); object->Set( "__proto__", constructorFunction->GetPrototype() ); object->SetPrototype( constructorFunction->GetPrototype() ); constructorFunction->Call( object, parms ); } else { idLib::Warning( "SWF: Unknown class definition %s", functionName.c_str() ); } } stack.Alloc().SetObject( object ); object->Release(); break; } case Action_Extends: { idSWFScriptFunction* superclassConstructorFunction = stack.A().GetFunction(); idSWFScriptFunction* subclassConstructorFunction = stack.B().GetFunction(); stack.Pop( 2 ); idSWFScriptObject* scriptObject = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); scriptObject->SetPrototype( superclassConstructorFunction->GetPrototype() ); scriptObject->Set( "__proto__", idSWFScriptVar( superclassConstructorFunction->GetPrototype() ) ); scriptObject->Set( "__constructor__", idSWFScriptVar( superclassConstructorFunction ) ); subclassConstructorFunction->SetPrototype( scriptObject ); scriptObject->Release(); break; } case Action_TargetPath: { if( !stack.A().IsObject() ) { stack.A().SetUndefined(); } else { idSWFScriptObject* object = stack.A().GetObject(); if( object->GetSprite() == NULL ) { stack.A().SetUndefined(); } else { idStr dotName = object->GetSprite()->name.c_str(); for( idSWFSpriteInstance* target = object->GetSprite()->parent; target != NULL; target = target->parent ) { dotName = target->name + "." + dotName; } stack.A().SetString( dotName ); } } break; } case Action_With: { int withSize = bitstream.ReadU16(); idSWFBitStream bitstream2( bitstream.ReadData( withSize ), withSize, false ); if( stack.A().IsObject() ) { idSWFScriptObject* withObject = stack.A().GetObject(); withObject->AddRef(); stack.Pop( 1 ); scope.Append( withObject ); Run( thisObject, stack, bitstream2 ); scope.SetNum( scope.Num() - 1 ); withObject->Release(); } else { if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: with() invalid object specified\n" ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); } break; } case Action_ToNumber: stack.A().SetFloat( stack.A().ToFloat() ); break; case Action_ToString: stack.A().SetString( stack.A().ToString() ); break; case Action_TypeOf: stack.A().SetString( stack.A().TypeOf() ); break; case Action_Add2: { if( stack.A().IsString() || stack.B().IsString() ) { stack.B().SetString( stack.B().ToString() + stack.A().ToString() ); } else { stack.B().SetFloat( stack.B().ToFloat() + stack.A().ToFloat() ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_Less2: { if( stack.A().IsString() && stack.B().IsString() ) { stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToString() < stack.A().ToString() ); } else { stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToFloat() < stack.A().ToFloat() ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_Greater: { if( stack.A().IsString() && stack.B().IsString() ) { stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToString() > stack.A().ToString() ); } else { stack.B().SetBool( stack.B().ToFloat() > stack.A().ToFloat() ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_Modulo: { int32 a = stack.A().ToInteger(); int32 b = stack.B().ToInteger(); if( a == 0 ) { stack.B().SetUndefined(); } else { stack.B().SetInteger( b % a ); } stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_BitAnd: stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToInteger() & stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_BitLShift: stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToInteger() << stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_BitOr: stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToInteger() | stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_BitRShift: stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToInteger() >> stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_BitURShift: stack.B().SetInteger( ( uint32 )stack.B().ToInteger() >> stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_BitXor: stack.B().SetInteger( stack.B().ToInteger() ^ stack.A().ToInteger() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; case Action_Decrement: stack.A().SetFloat( stack.A().ToFloat() - 1.0f ); break; case Action_Increment: stack.A().SetFloat( stack.A().ToFloat() + 1.0f ); break; case Action_PushDuplicate: { idSWFScriptVar dup = stack.A(); stack.Alloc() = dup; break; } case Action_StackSwap: { idSWFScriptVar temp = stack.A(); stack.A() = stack.B(); stack.A() = temp; break; } case Action_StoreRegister: { uint8 registerNumber = bitstream.ReadU8(); registers[ registerNumber ] = stack.A(); break; } case Action_DefineLocal: { scope[scope.Num() - 1]->Set( stack.B().ToString(), stack.A() ); stack.Pop( 2 ); break; } case Action_DefineLocal2: { scope[scope.Num() - 1]->Set( stack.A().ToString(), idSWFScriptVar() ); stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } case Action_Delete: { if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: Delete ignored\n" ); } // We no longer support deleting variables because the performance cost of updating the hash tables is not worth it stack.Pop( 2 ); break; } case Action_Delete2: { if( swf_debug.GetInteger() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: Delete2 ignored\n" ); } // We no longer support deleting variables because the performance cost of updating the hash tables is not worth it stack.Pop( 1 ); break; } // These are functions we just don't support because we never really needed to case Action_CloneSprite: case Action_RemoveSprite: case Action_Call: case Action_SetTarget2: case Action_NewMethod: default: idLib::Warning( "SWF: Unhandled Action %s", idSWF::GetActionName( code ) ); // We have to abort here because the rest of the script is basically meaningless now assert( false ); callstackLevel--; return idSWFScriptVar(); } } callstackLevel--; return idSWFScriptVar(); } /* ======================== idSWF::Invoke ======================== */ void idSWF::Invoke( const char* functionName, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { idSWFScriptObject* obj = mainspriteInstance->GetScriptObject(); idSWFScriptVar scriptVar = obj->Get( functionName ); if( swf_debugInvoke.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: Invoke %s with %d parms (%s)\n", functionName, parms.Num(), GetName() ); } if( scriptVar.IsFunction() ) { scriptVar.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, parms ); } } /* ======================== idSWF::Invoke ======================== */ void idSWF::Invoke( const char* functionName, const idSWFParmList& parms, idSWFScriptVar& scriptVar ) { if( scriptVar.IsFunction() ) { scriptVar.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, parms ); } else { idSWFScriptObject* obj = mainspriteInstance->GetScriptObject(); scriptVar = obj->Get( functionName ); if( scriptVar.IsFunction() ) { scriptVar.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, parms ); } } } /* ======================== idSWF::Invoke ======================== */ void idSWF::Invoke( const char* functionName, const idSWFParmList& parms, bool& functionExists ) { idSWFScriptObject* obj = mainspriteInstance->GetScriptObject(); idSWFScriptVar scriptVar = obj->Get( functionName ); if( swf_debugInvoke.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: Invoke %s with %d parms (%s)\n", functionName, parms.Num(), GetName() ); } if( scriptVar.IsFunction() ) { scriptVar.GetFunction()->Call( NULL, parms ); functionExists = true; } else { functionExists = false; } }