/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #include "../Game_local.h" #include "TypeInfo.h" /* ================== Cmd_GetFloatArg ================== */ float Cmd_GetFloatArg( const idCmdArgs& args, int& argNum ) { const char* value; value = args.Argv( argNum++ ); return atof( value ); } /* =================== Cmd_EntityList_f =================== */ void Cmd_EntityList_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int e; idEntity* check; int count; size_t size; idStr match; if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { match = args.Args(); match.Replace( " ", "" ); } else { match = ""; } count = 0; size = 0; gameLocal.Printf( "%-4s %-20s %-20s %s\n", " Num", "EntityDef", "Class", "Name" ); gameLocal.Printf( "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { check = gameLocal.entities[ e ]; if( !check ) { continue; } if( !check->name.Filter( match, true ) ) { continue; } gameLocal.Printf( "%4i: %-20s %-20s %s\n", e, check->GetEntityDefName(), check->GetClassname(), check->name.c_str() ); count++; size += check->spawnArgs.Allocated(); } gameLocal.Printf( "...%d entities\n...%d bytes of spawnargs\n", count, size ); } /* =================== Cmd_ActiveEntityList_f =================== */ void Cmd_ActiveEntityList_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idEntity* check; int count; count = 0; gameLocal.Printf( "%-4s %-20s %-20s %s\n", " Num", "EntityDef", "Class", "Name" ); gameLocal.Printf( "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); for( check = gameLocal.activeEntities.Next(); check != NULL; check = check->activeNode.Next() ) { char dormant = check->fl.isDormant ? '-' : ' '; gameLocal.Printf( "%4i:%c%-20s %-20s %s\n", check->entityNumber, dormant, check->GetEntityDefName(), check->GetClassname(), check->name.c_str() ); count++; } gameLocal.Printf( "...%d active entities\n", count ); } /* =================== Cmd_ListSpawnArgs_f =================== */ void Cmd_ListSpawnArgs_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i; idEntity* ent; ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } for( i = 0; i < ent->spawnArgs.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ ) { const idKeyValue* kv = ent->spawnArgs.GetKeyVal( i ); gameLocal.Printf( "\"%s\" "S_COLOR_WHITE"\"%s\"\n", kv->GetKey().c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str() ); } } /* =================== Cmd_ReloadScript_f =================== */ void Cmd_ReloadScript_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { // shutdown the map because entities may point to script objects gameLocal.MapShutdown(); // recompile the scripts gameLocal.program.Startup( SCRIPT_DEFAULT ); if( fileSystem->ReadFile( "doom_main.script", NULL ) > 0 ) { gameLocal.program.CompileFile( "doom_main.script" ); gameLocal.program.FinishCompilation(); } // error out so that the user can rerun the scripts gameLocal.Error( "Exiting map to reload scripts" ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( reloadScript2, "Doesn't thow an error... Use this when switching game modes", 0 ) { // shutdown the map because entities may point to script objects gameLocal.MapShutdown(); // recompile the scripts gameLocal.program.Startup( SCRIPT_DEFAULT ); if( fileSystem->ReadFile( "doom_main.script", NULL ) > 0 ) { gameLocal.program.CompileFile( "doom_main.script" ); gameLocal.program.FinishCompilation(); } } /* =================== Cmd_Script_f =================== */ void Cmd_Script_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* script; idStr text; idStr funcname; static int funccount = 0; idThread* thread; const function_t* func; idEntity* ent; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } sprintf( funcname, "ConsoleFunction_%d", funccount++ ); script = args.Args(); sprintf( text, "void %s() {%s;}\n", funcname.c_str(), script ); if( gameLocal.program.CompileText( "console", text, true ) ) { func = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( funcname ); if( func ) { // set all the entity names in case the user named one in the script that wasn't referenced in the default script for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { gameLocal.program.SetEntity( ent->name, ent ); } thread = new idThread( func ); thread->Start(); } } } /* ================== KillEntities Kills all the entities of the given class in a level. ================== */ void KillEntities( const idCmdArgs& args, const idTypeInfo& superClass ) { idEntity* ent; idStrList ignore; const char* name; int i; if( !gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } for( i = 1; i < args.Argc(); i++ ) { name = args.Argv( i ); ignore.Append( name ); } for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { if( ent->IsType( superClass ) ) { for( i = 0; i < ignore.Num(); i++ ) { if( ignore[ i ] == ent->name ) { break; } } if( i >= ignore.Num() ) { ent->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } } } } /* ================== Cmd_KillMonsters_f Kills all the monsters in a level. ================== */ void Cmd_KillMonsters_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { KillEntities( args, idAI::Type ); // kill any projectiles as well since they have pointers to the monster that created them KillEntities( args, idProjectile::Type ); } /* ================== Cmd_KillMovables_f Kills all the moveables in a level. ================== */ void Cmd_KillMovables_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( !gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } KillEntities( args, idMoveable::Type ); } /* ================== Cmd_KillRagdolls_f Kills all the ragdolls in a level. ================== */ void Cmd_KillRagdolls_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( !gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } KillEntities( args, idAFEntity_Generic::Type ); KillEntities( args, idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead::Type ); } /* ================== Cmd_Give_f Give items to a client ================== */ void Cmd_Give_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* name; int i; bool give_all; idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } name = args.Argv( 1 ); if( idStr::Icmp( name, "all" ) == 0 ) { give_all = true; } else { give_all = false; } if( give_all || ( idStr::Cmpn( name, "weapon", 6 ) == 0 ) ) { if( gameLocal.world->spawnArgs.GetBool( "no_Weapons" ) ) { gameLocal.world->spawnArgs.SetBool( "no_Weapons", false ); for( i = 0; i < gameLocal.numClients; i++ ) { if( gameLocal.entities[ i ] ) { gameLocal.entities[ i ]->PostEventSec( &EV_Player_SelectWeapon, 0.5f, gameLocal.entities[ i ]->spawnArgs.GetString( "def_weapon1" ) ); } } } } if( ( idStr::Cmpn( name, "weapon_", 7 ) == 0 ) || ( idStr::Cmpn( name, "item_", 5 ) == 0 ) || ( idStr::Cmpn( name, "ammo_", 5 ) == 0 ) ) { player->GiveItem( name ); return; } if( give_all || idStr::Icmp( name, "health" ) == 0 ) { player->health = player->inventory.maxHealth; if( !give_all ) { return; } } if( give_all || idStr::Icmp( name, "weapons" ) == 0 ) { player->inventory.weapons = ( int )( BIT( MAX_WEAPONS ) - 1 ); player->CacheWeapons(); if( !give_all ) { return; } } if( give_all || idStr::Icmp( name, "ammo" ) == 0 ) { for( i = 0 ; i < AMMO_NUMTYPES; i++ ) { player->inventory.SetInventoryAmmoForType( i, player->inventory.MaxAmmoForAmmoClass( player, idWeapon::GetAmmoNameForNum( ( ammo_t )i ) ) ); } if( !give_all ) { return; } } if( give_all || idStr::Icmp( name, "armor" ) == 0 ) { player->inventory.armor = player->inventory.maxarmor; if( !give_all ) { return; } } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "berserk" ) == 0 ) { player->GivePowerUp( BERSERK, SEC2MS( 30.0f ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "invis" ) == 0 ) { player->GivePowerUp( INVISIBILITY, SEC2MS( 30.0f ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "invulnerability" ) == 0 ) { if( args.Argc() > 2 ) { player->GivePowerUp( INVULNERABILITY, atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } else { player->GivePowerUp( INVULNERABILITY, 30000, ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "helltime" ) == 0 ) { if( args.Argc() > 2 ) { player->GivePowerUp( HELLTIME, atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } else { player->GivePowerUp( HELLTIME, 30000, ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "envirosuit" ) == 0 ) { if( args.Argc() > 2 ) { player->GivePowerUp( ENVIROSUIT, atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } else { player->GivePowerUp( ENVIROSUIT, 30000, ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ); } return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "pda" ) == 0 ) { if( args.Argc() == 2 ) { player->GivePDA( NULL, NULL ); } else if( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 2 ), "all" ) == 0 ) { // Give the personal PDA first player->GivePDA( NULL, NULL ); for( int i = 0; i < declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_PDA ); i++ ) { player->GivePDA( static_cast( declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_PDA, i ) ), NULL ); } } else { const idDeclPDA* pda = static_cast( declManager->FindType( DECL_PDA, args.Argv( 2 ), false ) ); if( pda == NULL ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Unknown PDA %s\n", args.Argv( 2 ) ); } else { player->GivePDA( pda, NULL ); } } return; } if( idStr::Icmp( name, "video" ) == 0 ) { const idDeclVideo* video = static_cast( declManager->FindType( DECL_VIDEO, args.Argv( 2 ), false ) ); if( video == NULL ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Unknown video %s\n", args.Argv( 2 ) ); } else { player->GiveVideo( video, NULL ); } return; } if( !give_all && !player->Give( args.Argv( 1 ), args.Argv( 2 ), ITEM_GIVE_FEEDBACK | ITEM_GIVE_UPDATE_STATE ) ) { gameLocal.Printf( "unknown item\n" ); } } /* ================== Cmd_CenterView_f Centers the players pitch ================== */ void Cmd_CenterView_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; idAngles ang; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player ) { return; } ang = player->viewAngles; ang.pitch = 0.0f; player->SetViewAngles( ang ); } /* ================== Cmd_God_f Sets client to godmode argv(0) god ================== */ void Cmd_God_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { char* msg; idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player->godmode ) { player->godmode = false; msg = "godmode OFF\n"; } else { player->godmode = true; msg = "godmode ON\n"; } gameLocal.Printf( "%s", msg ); } /* ================== Cmd_Notarget_f Sets client to notarget argv(0) notarget ================== */ void Cmd_Notarget_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { char* msg; idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player->fl.notarget ) { player->fl.notarget = false; msg = "notarget OFF\n"; } else { player->fl.notarget = true; msg = "notarget ON\n"; } gameLocal.Printf( "%s", msg ); } /* ================== Cmd_Noclip_f argv(0) noclip ================== */ void Cmd_Noclip_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { char* msg; idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player->noclip ) { msg = "noclip OFF\n"; } else { msg = "noclip ON\n"; } player->noclip = !player->noclip; gameLocal.Printf( "%s", msg ); } /* ================= Cmd_PlayerModel_f ================= */ void Cmd_PlayerModel_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; const char* name; idVec3 pos; idAngles ang; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: playerModel \n" ); return; } name = args.Argv( 1 ); player->spawnArgs.Set( "model", name ); pos = player->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); ang = player->viewAngles; player->SpawnToPoint( pos, ang ); } /* ================== Cmd_Say ================== */ static void Cmd_Say( bool team, const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* cmd = team ? "sayTeam" : "say" ; if( !common->IsMultiplayer() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%s can only be used in a multiplayer game\n", cmd ); return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: %s \n", cmd ); return; } idStr text = args.Args(); if( text.Length() == 0 ) { return; } if( text[ text.Length() - 1 ] == '\n' ) { text[ text.Length() - 1 ] = '\0'; } const char* name = "player"; // "server" will only appear on a dedicated server if( common->IsServer() && gameLocal.GetLocalClientNum() == -1 ) { name = "server"; } else { name = session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().GetLobbyUserName( gameLocal.lobbyUserIDs[ gameLocal.GetLocalClientNum() ] ); // Append the player's location to team chat messages in CTF idPlayer* player = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ gameLocal.GetLocalClientNum() ] ); if( gameLocal.mpGame.IsGametypeFlagBased() && team && player ) { idLocationEntity* locationEntity = gameLocal.LocationForPoint( player->GetEyePosition() ); if( locationEntity ) { idStr temp = "["; temp += locationEntity->GetLocation(); temp += "] "; temp += text; text = temp; } } } if( common->IsClient() ) { idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[ 256 ]; outMsg.InitWrite( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.WriteString( name ); outMsg.WriteString( text, -1, false ); session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().SendReliableToHost( team ? GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_TCHAT : GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CHAT, outMsg ); } else { gameLocal.mpGame.ProcessChatMessage( gameLocal.GetLocalClientNum(), team, name, text, NULL ); } } /* ================== Cmd_Say_f ================== */ static void Cmd_Say_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { Cmd_Say( false, args ); } /* ================== Cmd_SayTeam_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SayTeam_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { Cmd_Say( true, args ); } /* ================== Cmd_AddChatLine_f ================== */ static void Cmd_AddChatLine_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { gameLocal.mpGame.AddChatLine( args.Argv( 1 ) ); } /* ================== Cmd_GetViewpos_f ================== */ void Cmd_GetViewpos_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player ) { return; } const renderView_t* view = player->GetRenderView(); if( view ) { gameLocal.Printf( "(%s) %.1f\n", view->vieworg.ToString(), view->viewaxis[0].ToYaw() ); } else { player->GetViewPos( origin, axis ); gameLocal.Printf( "(%s) %.1f\n", origin.ToString(), axis[0].ToYaw() ); } } /* ================= Cmd_SetViewpos_f ================= */ void Cmd_SetViewpos_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idVec3 origin; idAngles angles; int i; idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( ( args.Argc() != 4 ) && ( args.Argc() != 5 ) ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: setviewpos \n" ); return; } angles.Zero(); if( args.Argc() == 5 ) { angles.yaw = atof( args.Argv( 4 ) ); } for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { origin[i] = atof( args.Argv( i + 1 ) ); } origin.z -= pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat() - 0.25f; player->Teleport( origin, angles, NULL ); } /* ================= Cmd_Teleport_f ================= */ void Cmd_Teleport_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idVec3 origin; idAngles angles; idPlayer* player; idEntity* ent; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: teleport \n" ); return; } ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } angles.Zero(); angles.yaw = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAxis()[ 0 ].ToYaw(); origin = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); player->Teleport( origin, angles, ent ); } /* ================= Cmd_Trigger_f ================= */ void Cmd_Trigger_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idVec3 origin; idAngles angles; idPlayer* player; idEntity* ent; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: trigger \n" ); return; } ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } ent->Signal( SIG_TRIGGER ); ent->ProcessEvent( &EV_Activate, player ); ent->TriggerGuis(); } /* =================== Cmd_Spawn_f =================== */ void Cmd_Spawn_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* key, *value; int i; float yaw; idVec3 org; idPlayer* player; idDict dict; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } if( args.Argc() & 1 ) // must always have an even number of arguments { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: spawn classname [key/value pairs]\n" ); return; } yaw = player->viewAngles.yaw; value = args.Argv( 1 ); dict.Set( "classname", value ); dict.Set( "angle", va( "%f", yaw + 180 ) ); org = player->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + idAngles( 0, yaw, 0 ).ToForward() * 80 + idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ); dict.Set( "origin", org.ToString() ); for( i = 2; i < args.Argc() - 1; i += 2 ) { key = args.Argv( i ); value = args.Argv( i + 1 ); dict.Set( key, value ); } gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( dict ); } /* ================== Cmd_Damage_f Damages the specified entity ================== */ void Cmd_Damage_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( !gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } if( args.Argc() != 3 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: damage \n" ); return; } idEntity* ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } ent->Damage( gameLocal.world, gameLocal.world, idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ), "damage_moverCrush", atoi( args.Argv( 2 ) ), INVALID_JOINT ); } /* ================== Cmd_Remove_f Removes the specified entity ================== */ void Cmd_Remove_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( !gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: remove \n" ); return; } idEntity* ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } delete ent; } /* =================== Cmd_TestLight_f =================== */ void Cmd_TestLight_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i; idStr filename; const char* key = NULL, *value = NULL, *name = NULL; idPlayer* player = NULL; idDict dict; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } renderView_t* rv = player->GetRenderView(); float fov = tan( idMath::M_DEG2RAD * rv->fov_x / 2 ); dict.SetMatrix( "rotation", mat3_default ); dict.SetVector( "origin", rv->vieworg ); dict.SetVector( "light_target", rv->viewaxis[0] ); dict.SetVector( "light_right", rv->viewaxis[1] * -fov ); dict.SetVector( "light_up", rv->viewaxis[2] * fov ); dict.SetVector( "light_start", rv->viewaxis[0] * 16 ); dict.SetVector( "light_end", rv->viewaxis[0] * 1000 ); if( args.Argc() >= 2 ) { value = args.Argv( 1 ); filename = args.Argv( 1 ); filename.DefaultFileExtension( ".tga" ); dict.Set( "texture", filename ); } dict.Set( "classname", "light" ); for( i = 2; i < args.Argc() - 1; i += 2 ) { key = args.Argv( i ); value = args.Argv( i + 1 ); dict.Set( key, value ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { name = va( "spawned_light_%d", i ); // not just light_, or it might pick up a prelight shadow if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } dict.Set( "name", name ); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( dict ); gameLocal.Printf( "Created new light\n" ); } /* =================== Cmd_TestPointLight_f =================== */ void Cmd_TestPointLight_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* key = NULL, *value = NULL, *name = NULL; int i; idPlayer* player = NULL; idDict dict; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } dict.SetVector( "origin", player->GetRenderView()->vieworg ); if( args.Argc() >= 2 ) { value = args.Argv( 1 ); dict.Set( "light", value ); } else { dict.Set( "light", "300" ); } dict.Set( "classname", "light" ); for( i = 2; i < args.Argc() - 1; i += 2 ) { key = args.Argv( i ); value = args.Argv( i + 1 ); dict.Set( key, value ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { name = va( "light_%d", i ); if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } dict.Set( "name", name ); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( dict ); gameLocal.Printf( "Created new point light\n" ); } /* ================== Cmd_PopLight_f ================== */ void Cmd_PopLight_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idEntity* ent; idMapEntity* mapEnt; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idLight* lastLight; int last; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } bool removeFromMap = ( args.Argc() > 1 ); lastLight = NULL; last = -1; for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { if( !ent->IsType( idLight::Type ) ) { continue; } if( gameLocal.spawnIds[ ent->entityNumber ] > last ) { last = gameLocal.spawnIds[ ent->entityNumber ]; lastLight = static_cast( ent ); } } if( lastLight ) { // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( lastLight->name ); if( removeFromMap && mapEnt ) { mapFile->RemoveEntity( mapEnt ); } gameLocal.Printf( "Removing light %i\n", lastLight->GetLightDefHandle() ); delete lastLight; } else { gameLocal.Printf( "No lights to clear.\n" ); } } /* ==================== Cmd_ClearLights_f ==================== */ void Cmd_ClearLights_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idEntity* ent; idEntity* next; idLight* light; idMapEntity* mapEnt; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); bool removeFromMap = ( args.Argc() > 1 ); gameLocal.Printf( "Clearing all lights.\n" ); for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = next ) { next = ent->spawnNode.Next(); if( !ent->IsType( idLight::Type ) ) { continue; } light = static_cast( ent ); mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( light->name ); if( removeFromMap && mapEnt ) { mapFile->RemoveEntity( mapEnt ); } delete light; } } /* ================== Cmd_TestFx_f ================== */ void Cmd_TestFx_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idVec3 offset; const char* name; idPlayer* player; idDict dict; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } // delete the testModel if active if( gameLocal.testFx ) { delete gameLocal.testFx; gameLocal.testFx = NULL; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { return; } name = args.Argv( 1 ); offset = player->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + player->viewAngles.ToForward() * 100.0f; dict.Set( "origin", offset.ToString() ); dict.Set( "test", "1" ); dict.Set( "fx", name ); gameLocal.testFx = ( idEntityFx* )gameLocal.SpawnEntityType( idEntityFx::Type, &dict ); } #define MAX_DEBUGLINES 128 typedef struct { bool used; idVec3 start, end; int color; bool blink; bool arrow; } gameDebugLine_t; gameDebugLine_t debugLines[MAX_DEBUGLINES]; /* ================== Cmd_AddDebugLine_f ================== */ static void Cmd_AddDebugLine_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i, argNum; const char* value; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 7 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: addline \n" ); return; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUGLINES; i++ ) { if( !debugLines[i].used ) { break; } } if( i >= MAX_DEBUGLINES ) { gameLocal.Printf( "no free debug lines\n" ); return; } value = args.Argv( 0 ); if( !idStr::Icmp( value, "addarrow" ) ) { debugLines[i].arrow = true; } else { debugLines[i].arrow = false; } debugLines[i].used = true; debugLines[i].blink = false; argNum = 1; debugLines[i].start.x = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].start.y = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].start.z = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].end.x = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].end.y = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].end.z = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); debugLines[i].color = Cmd_GetFloatArg( args, argNum ); } /* ================== Cmd_RemoveDebugLine_f ================== */ static void Cmd_RemoveDebugLine_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i, num; const char* value; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: removeline \n" ); return; } value = args.Argv( 1 ); num = atoi( value ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUGLINES; i++ ) { if( debugLines[i].used ) { if( --num < 0 ) { break; } } } if( i >= MAX_DEBUGLINES ) { gameLocal.Printf( "line not found\n" ); return; } debugLines[i].used = false; } /* ================== Cmd_BlinkDebugLine_f ================== */ static void Cmd_BlinkDebugLine_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i, num; const char* value; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: blinkline \n" ); return; } value = args.Argv( 1 ); num = atoi( value ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUGLINES; i++ ) { if( debugLines[i].used ) { if( --num < 0 ) { break; } } } if( i >= MAX_DEBUGLINES ) { gameLocal.Printf( "line not found\n" ); return; } debugLines[i].blink = !debugLines[i].blink; } /* ================== PrintFloat ================== */ static void PrintFloat( float f ) { char buf[128], i; for( i = sprintf( buf, "%3.2f", f ); i < 7; i++ ) { buf[i] = ' '; } buf[i] = '\0'; gameLocal.Printf( buf ); } /* ================== Cmd_ListDebugLines_f ================== */ static void Cmd_ListDebugLines_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i, num; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } num = 0; gameLocal.Printf( "line num: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 c b a\n" ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUGLINES; i++ ) { if( debugLines[i].used ) { gameLocal.Printf( "line %3d: ", num ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].start.x ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].start.y ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].start.z ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].end.x ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].end.y ); PrintFloat( debugLines[i].end.z ); gameLocal.Printf( "%d %d %d\n", debugLines[i].color, debugLines[i].blink, debugLines[i].arrow ); num++; } } if( !num ) { gameLocal.Printf( "no debug lines\n" ); } } /* ================== D_DrawDebugLines ================== */ void D_DrawDebugLines() { int i; idVec3 forward, right, up, p1, p2; idVec4 color; float l; for( i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUGLINES; i++ ) { if( debugLines[i].used ) { if( !debugLines[i].blink || ( gameLocal.time & ( 1 << 9 ) ) ) { color = idVec4( debugLines[i].color & 1, ( debugLines[i].color >> 1 ) & 1, ( debugLines[i].color >> 2 ) & 1, 1 ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, debugLines[i].start, debugLines[i].end ); // if( debugLines[i].arrow ) { // draw a nice arrow forward = debugLines[i].end - debugLines[i].start; l = forward.Normalize() * 0.2f; forward.NormalVectors( right, up ); if( l > 3.0f ) { l = 3.0f; } p1 = debugLines[i].end - l * forward + ( l * 0.4f ) * right; p2 = debugLines[i].end - l * forward - ( l * 0.4f ) * right; gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, debugLines[i].end, p1 ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, debugLines[i].end, p2 ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, p1, p2 ); } } } } } /* ================== Cmd_ListCollisionModels_f ================== */ static void Cmd_ListCollisionModels_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } collisionModelManager->ListModels(); } /* ================== Cmd_CollisionModelInfo_f ================== */ static void Cmd_CollisionModelInfo_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { const char* value; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: collisionModelInfo \n" "use 'all' instead of the model number for accumulated info\n" ); return; } value = args.Argv( 1 ); if( !idStr::Icmp( value, "all" ) ) { collisionModelManager->ModelInfo( -1 ); } else { collisionModelManager->ModelInfo( atoi( value ) ); } } /* ================== Cmd_ReloadAnims_f ================== */ static void Cmd_ReloadAnims_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { // don't allow reloading anims when cheats are disabled, // but if we're not in the game, it's ok if( gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() && !gameLocal.CheatsOk( false ) ) { return; } animationLib.ReloadAnims(); } /* ================== Cmd_ListAnims_f ================== */ static void Cmd_ListAnims_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idEntity* ent; int num; size_t size; size_t alloced; idAnimator* animator; const char* classname; const idDict* dict; int i; if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { idAnimator animator; classname = args.Argv( 1 ); dict = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( classname, false ); if( !dict ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Entitydef '%s' not found\n", classname ); return; } animator.SetModel( dict->GetString( "model" ) ); gameLocal.Printf( "----------------\n" ); num = animator.NumAnims(); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%s\n", animator.AnimFullName( i ) ); } gameLocal.Printf( "%d anims\n", num ); } else { animationLib.ListAnims(); size = 0; num = 0; for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { animator = ent->GetAnimator(); if( animator ) { alloced = animator->Allocated(); size += alloced; num++; } } gameLocal.Printf( "%d memory used in %d entity animators\n", size, num ); } } /* ================== Cmd_AASStats_f ================== */ static void Cmd_AASStats_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int aasNum; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } aasNum = aas_test.GetInteger(); idAAS* aas = gameLocal.GetAAS( aasNum ); if( !aas ) { gameLocal.Printf( "No aas #%d loaded\n", aasNum ); } else { aas->Stats(); } } /* ================== Cmd_TestDamage_f ================== */ static void Cmd_TestDamage_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; const char* damageDefName; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 2 || args.Argc() > 3 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: testDamage [angle]\n" ); return; } damageDefName = args.Argv( 1 ); idVec3 dir; if( args.Argc() == 3 ) { float angle = atof( args.Argv( 2 ) ); idMath::SinCos( DEG2RAD( angle ), dir[1], dir[0] ); dir[2] = 0; } else { dir.Zero(); } // give the player full health before and after // running the damage player->health = player->inventory.maxHealth; player->Damage( NULL, NULL, dir, damageDefName, 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT ); player->health = player->inventory.maxHealth; } /* ================== Cmd_TestBoneFx_f ================== */ static void Cmd_TestBoneFx_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; const char* bone, *fx; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() < 3 || args.Argc() > 4 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: testBoneFx \n" ); return; } fx = args.Argv( 1 ); bone = args.Argv( 2 ); player->StartFxOnBone( fx, bone ); } /* ================== Cmd_TestDamage_f ================== */ static void Cmd_TestDeath_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } idVec3 dir; idMath::SinCos( DEG2RAD( 45.0f ), dir[1], dir[0] ); dir[2] = 0; g_testDeath.SetBool( 1 ); player->Damage( NULL, NULL, dir, "damage_triggerhurt_1000", 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT ); if( args.Argc() >= 2 ) { player->SpawnGibs( dir, "damage_triggerhurt_1000" ); } } /* ================== Cmd_WeaponSplat_f ================== */ static void Cmd_WeaponSplat_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } player->weapon.GetEntity()->BloodSplat( 2.0f ); } /* ================== Cmd_SaveSelected_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SaveSelected_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int i; idPlayer* player = NULL; idEntity* s = NULL; idMapEntity* mapEnt; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idDict dict; idStr mapName; const char* name = NULL; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } s = player->dragEntity.GetSelected(); if( !s ) { gameLocal.Printf( "no entity selected, set g_dragShowSelection 1 to show the current selection\n" ); return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { mapName = args.Argv( 1 ); mapName = "maps/" + mapName; } else { mapName = mapFile->GetName(); } // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( s->name ); // create new map file entity if there isn't one for this articulated figure if( !mapEnt ) { mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity(); mapFile->AddEntity( mapEnt ); for( i = 0; i < 9999; i++ ) { name = va( "%s_%d", s->GetEntityDefName(), i ); if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } s->name = name; mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", s->GetEntityDefName() ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", s->name ); } if( s->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) ) { // save the moveable state mapEnt->epairs.Set( "origin", s->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 8 ) ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "rotation", s->GetPhysics()->GetAxis().ToString( 8 ) ); } else if( s->IsType( idAFEntity_Generic::Type ) || s->IsType( idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead::Type ) ) { // save the articulated figure state dict.Clear(); static_cast( s )->SaveState( dict ); mapEnt->epairs.Copy( dict ); } // write out the map file mapFile->Write( mapName, ".map" ); } /* ================== Cmd_DeleteSelected_f ================== */ static void Cmd_DeleteSelected_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player ) { player->dragEntity.DeleteSelected(); } } /* ================== Cmd_SaveMoveables_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SaveMoveables_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int e, i; idMoveable* m = NULL; idMapEntity* mapEnt = NULL; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idStr mapName; const char* name = NULL; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { m = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ e ] ); if( !m || !m->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) ) { continue; } if( m->IsBound() ) { continue; } if( !m->IsAtRest() ) { break; } } if( e < MAX_GENTITIES ) { gameLocal.Warning( "map not saved because the moveable entity %s is not at rest", gameLocal.entities[ e ]->name.c_str() ); return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { mapName = args.Argv( 1 ); mapName = "maps/" + mapName; } else { mapName = mapFile->GetName(); } for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { m = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ e ] ); if( !m || !m->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) ) { continue; } if( m->IsBound() ) { continue; } // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( m->name ); // create new map file entity if there isn't one for this articulated figure if( !mapEnt ) { mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity(); mapFile->AddEntity( mapEnt ); for( i = 0; i < 9999; i++ ) { name = va( "%s_%d", m->GetEntityDefName(), i ); if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } m->name = name; mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", m->GetEntityDefName() ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", m->name ); } // save the moveable state mapEnt->epairs.Set( "origin", m->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 8 ) ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "rotation", m->GetPhysics()->GetAxis().ToString( 8 ) ); } // write out the map file mapFile->Write( mapName, ".map" ); } /* ================== Cmd_SaveRagdolls_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SaveRagdolls_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int e, i; idAFEntity_Base* af = NULL; idMapEntity* mapEnt = NULL; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idDict dict; idStr mapName; const char* name = NULL; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { mapName = args.Argv( 1 ); mapName = "maps/" + mapName; } else { mapName = mapFile->GetName(); } for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { af = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ e ] ); if( !af ) { continue; } if( !af->IsType( idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead::Type ) && !af->IsType( idAFEntity_Generic::Type ) ) { continue; } if( af->IsBound() ) { continue; } if( !af->IsAtRest() ) { gameLocal.Warning( "the articulated figure for entity %s is not at rest", gameLocal.entities[ e ]->name.c_str() ); } dict.Clear(); af->SaveState( dict ); // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( af->name ); // create new map file entity if there isn't one for this articulated figure if( !mapEnt ) { mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity(); mapFile->AddEntity( mapEnt ); for( i = 0; i < 9999; i++ ) { name = va( "%s_%d", af->GetEntityDefName(), i ); if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } af->name = name; mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", af->GetEntityDefName() ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", af->name ); } // save the articulated figure state mapEnt->epairs.Copy( dict ); } // write out the map file mapFile->Write( mapName, ".map" ); } /* ================== Cmd_BindRagdoll_f ================== */ static void Cmd_BindRagdoll_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player ) { player->dragEntity.BindSelected(); } } /* ================== Cmd_UnbindRagdoll_f ================== */ static void Cmd_UnbindRagdoll_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( player ) { player->dragEntity.UnbindSelected(); } } /* ================== Cmd_GameError_f ================== */ static void Cmd_GameError_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { gameLocal.Error( "game error" ); } /* ================== Cmd_SaveLights_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SaveLights_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int e, i; idLight* light = NULL; idMapEntity* mapEnt = NULL; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idDict dict; idStr mapName; const char* name = NULL; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { mapName = args.Argv( 1 ); mapName = "maps/" + mapName; } else { mapName = mapFile->GetName(); } for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { light = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ e ] ); if( !light || !light->IsType( idLight::Type ) ) { continue; } dict.Clear(); light->SaveState( &dict ); // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( light->name ); // create new map file entity if there isn't one for this light if( !mapEnt ) { mapEnt = new( TAG_SYSTEM ) idMapEntity(); mapFile->AddEntity( mapEnt ); for( i = 0; i < 9999; i++ ) { name = va( "%s_%d", light->GetEntityDefName(), i ); if( !gameLocal.FindEntity( name ) ) { break; } } light->name = name; mapEnt->epairs.Set( "classname", light->GetEntityDefName() ); mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", light->name ); } // save the light state mapEnt->epairs.Copy( dict ); } // write out the map file mapFile->Write( mapName, ".map" ); } /* ================== Cmd_SaveParticles_f ================== */ static void Cmd_SaveParticles_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { int e; idEntity* ent; idMapEntity* mapEnt; idMapFile* mapFile = gameLocal.GetLevelMap(); idDict dict; idStr mapName, strModel; if( !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { mapName = args.Argv( 1 ); mapName = "maps/" + mapName; } else { mapName = mapFile->GetName(); } for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { ent = static_cast( gameLocal.entities[ e ] ); if( !ent ) { continue; } strModel = ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "model" ); if( strModel.Length() && strModel.Find( ".prt" ) > 0 ) { dict.Clear(); dict.Set( "model", ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "model" ) ); dict.SetVector( "origin", ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); // find map file entity mapEnt = mapFile->FindEntity( ent->name ); // create new map file entity if there isn't one for this entity if( !mapEnt ) { continue; } // save the particle state mapEnt->epairs.Copy( dict ); } } // write out the map file mapFile->Write( mapName, ".map" ); } /* ================== Cmd_DisasmScript_f ================== */ static void Cmd_DisasmScript_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { gameLocal.program.Disassemble(); } /* ================== Cmd_TestSave_f ================== */ static void Cmd_TestSave_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idFile* f, *strings; f = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( "test.sav" ); strings = NULL; gameLocal.SaveGame( f, strings ); fileSystem->CloseFile( f ); } /* ================== Cmd_RecordViewNotes_f ================== */ static void Cmd_RecordViewNotes_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player; idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; if( args.Argc() <= 3 ) { return; } player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player ) { return; } player->GetViewPos( origin, axis ); // Argv(1) = filename for map (viewnotes/mapname/person) // Argv(2) = note number (person0001) // Argv(3) = comments idStr str = args.Argv( 1 ); str.SetFileExtension( ".txt" ); idFile* file = fileSystem->OpenFileAppend( str ); if( file ) { file->WriteFloatString( "\"view\"\t( %s )\t( %s )\r\n", origin.ToString(), axis.ToString() ); file->WriteFloatString( "\"comments\"\t\"%s: %s\"\r\n\r\n", args.Argv( 2 ), args.Argv( 3 ) ); fileSystem->CloseFile( file ); } idStr viewComments = args.Argv( 1 ); viewComments.StripLeading( "viewnotes/" ); viewComments += " -- Loc: "; viewComments += origin.ToString(); viewComments += "\n"; viewComments += args.Argv( 3 ); // TODO_SPARTY: removed old hud need to find a way of doing this with the new hud //player->hud->SetStateString( "viewcomments", viewComments ); //player->hud->HandleNamedEvent( "showViewComments" ); } /* ================== Cmd_CloseViewNotes_f ================== */ static void Cmd_CloseViewNotes_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idPlayer* player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player ) { return; } // TODO_SPARTY: removed old hud need to find a way of doing this with the new hud //player->hud->SetStateString( "viewcomments", "" ); //player->hud->HandleNamedEvent( "hideViewComments" ); } /* ================== Cmd_ShowViewNotes_f ================== */ static void Cmd_ShowViewNotes_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { static idLexer parser( LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS ); idToken token; idPlayer* player; idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player ) { return; } if( !parser.IsLoaded() ) { idStr str = "viewnotes/"; str += gameLocal.GetMapName(); str.StripFileExtension(); str += "/"; if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { str += args.Argv( 1 ); } else { str += "comments"; } str.SetFileExtension( ".txt" ); if( !parser.LoadFile( str ) ) { gameLocal.Printf( "No view notes for %s\n", gameLocal.GetMapName() ); return; } } if( parser.ExpectTokenString( "view" ) && parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, origin.ToFloatPtr() ) && parser.Parse1DMatrix( 9, axis.ToFloatPtr() ) && parser.ExpectTokenString( "comments" ) && parser.ReadToken( &token ) ) { // TODO_SPARTY: removed old hud need to find a way of doing this with the new hud //player->hud->SetStateString( "viewcomments", token ); //player->hud->HandleNamedEvent( "showViewComments" ); player->Teleport( origin, axis.ToAngles(), NULL ); } else { parser.FreeSource(); // TODO_SPARTY: removed old hud need to find a way of doing this with the new hud //player->hud->HandleNamedEvent( "hideViewComments" ); return; } } /* ================= FindEntityGUIs helper function for Cmd_NextGUI_f. Checks the passed entity to determine if it has any valid gui surfaces. ================= */ bool FindEntityGUIs( idEntity* ent, const modelSurface_t** surfaces, int maxSurfs, int& guiSurfaces ) { renderEntity_t* renderEnt; idRenderModel* renderModel; const modelSurface_t* surf; const idMaterial* shader; int i; assert( surfaces != NULL ); assert( ent != NULL ); memset( surfaces, 0x00, sizeof( modelSurface_t* ) * maxSurfs ); guiSurfaces = 0; renderEnt = ent->GetRenderEntity(); renderModel = renderEnt->hModel; if( renderModel == NULL ) { return false; } for( i = 0; i < renderModel->NumSurfaces(); i++ ) { surf = renderModel->Surface( i ); if( surf == NULL ) { continue; } shader = surf->shader; if( shader == NULL ) { continue; } if( shader->GetEntityGui() > 0 ) { surfaces[ guiSurfaces++ ] = surf; } } return ( guiSurfaces != 0 ); } /* ================= Cmd_NextGUI_f ================= */ void Cmd_NextGUI_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idVec3 origin; idAngles angles; idPlayer* player; idEntity* ent; int guiSurfaces; bool newEnt; renderEntity_t* renderEnt; int surfIndex; srfTriangles_t* geom; idVec3 normal; idVec3 center; const modelSurface_t* surfaces[ MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI ]; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if( !player || !gameLocal.CheatsOk() ) { return; } if( args.Argc() != 1 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "usage: nextgui\n" ); return; } // start at the last entity ent = gameLocal.lastGUIEnt.GetEntity(); // see if we have any gui surfaces left to go to on the current entity. guiSurfaces = 0; newEnt = false; if( ent == NULL ) { newEnt = true; } else if( FindEntityGUIs( ent, surfaces, MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI, guiSurfaces ) == true ) { if( gameLocal.lastGUI >= guiSurfaces ) { newEnt = true; } } else { // no actual gui surfaces on this ent, so skip it newEnt = true; } if( newEnt == true ) { // go ahead and skip to the next entity with a gui... if( ent == NULL ) { ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); } else { ent = ent->spawnNode.Next(); } for( ; ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { if( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "gui", NULL ) != NULL ) { break; } if( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "gui2", NULL ) != NULL ) { break; } if( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "gui3", NULL ) != NULL ) { break; } // try the next entity gameLocal.lastGUIEnt = ent; } gameLocal.lastGUIEnt = ent; gameLocal.lastGUI = 0; if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "No more gui entities. Starting over...\n" ); return; } } if( FindEntityGUIs( ent, surfaces, MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI, guiSurfaces ) == false ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Entity \"%s\" has gui properties but no gui surfaces.\n", ent->name.c_str() ); } if( guiSurfaces == 0 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Entity \"%s\" has gui properties but no gui surfaces!\n", ent->name.c_str() ); return; } gameLocal.Printf( "Teleporting to gui entity \"%s\", gui #%d.\n" , ent->name.c_str(), gameLocal.lastGUI ); renderEnt = ent->GetRenderEntity(); surfIndex = gameLocal.lastGUI++; geom = surfaces[ surfIndex ]->geometry; if( geom == NULL ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Entity \"%s\" has gui surface %d without geometry!\n", ent->name.c_str(), surfIndex ); return; } const idVec3& v0 = geom->verts[geom->indexes[0]].xyz; const idVec3& v1 = geom->verts[geom->indexes[1]].xyz; const idVec3& v2 = geom->verts[geom->indexes[2]].xyz; const idPlane plane( v0, v1, v2 ); normal = plane.Normal() * renderEnt->axis; center = geom->bounds.GetCenter() * renderEnt->axis + renderEnt->origin; origin = center + ( normal * 32.0f ); origin.z -= player->EyeHeight(); normal *= -1.0f; angles = normal.ToAngles(); // make sure the player is in noclip player->noclip = true; player->Teleport( origin, angles, NULL ); } void Cmd_SetActorState_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { if( args.Argc() != 3 ) { common->Printf( "usage: setActorState \n" ); return; } idEntity* ent; ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if( !ent ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not found\n" ); return; } if( !ent->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { gameLocal.Printf( "entity not an actor\n" ); return; } idActor* actor = ( idActor* )ent; actor->PostEventMS( &AI_SetState, 0, args.Argv( 2 ) ); } #if 0 // not used static void ArgCompletion_DefFile( const idCmdArgs& args, void( *callback )( const char* s ) ) { cmdSystem->ArgCompletion_FolderExtension( args, callback, "def/", true, ".def", NULL ); } #endif /* =============== Cmd_TestId_f outputs a string from the string table for the specified id =============== */ void Cmd_TestId_f( const idCmdArgs& args ) { idStr id; int i; if( args.Argc() == 1 ) { common->Printf( "usage: testid \n" ); return; } for( i = 1; i < args.Argc(); i++ ) { id += args.Argv( i ); } if( idStr::Cmpn( id, STRTABLE_ID, STRTABLE_ID_LENGTH ) != 0 ) { id = STRTABLE_ID + id; } gameLocal.mpGame.AddChatLine( idLocalization::GetString( id ), "", "", "" ); } /* ================= idGameLocal::InitConsoleCommands Let the system know about all of our commands so it can perform tab completion ================= */ void idGameLocal::InitConsoleCommands() { cmdSystem->AddCommand( "game_memory", idClass::DisplayInfo_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "displays game class info" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listClasses", idClass::ListClasses_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "lists game classes" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listThreads", idThread::ListThreads_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "lists script threads" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listEntities", Cmd_EntityList_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "lists game entities" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listActiveEntities", Cmd_ActiveEntityList_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "lists active game entities" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listMonsters", idAI::List_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "lists monsters" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSpawnArgs", Cmd_ListSpawnArgs_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "list the spawn args of an entity", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "say", Cmd_Say_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "text chat" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "sayTeam", Cmd_SayTeam_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "team text chat" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "addChatLine", Cmd_AddChatLine_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "internal use - core to game chat lines" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "give", Cmd_Give_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "gives one or more items" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "centerview", Cmd_CenterView_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "centers the view" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "god", Cmd_God_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "enables god mode" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "notarget", Cmd_Notarget_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "disables the player as a target" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "noclip", Cmd_Noclip_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "disables collision detection for the player" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "where", Cmd_GetViewpos_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "prints the current view position" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "getviewpos", Cmd_GetViewpos_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "prints the current view position" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "setviewpos", Cmd_SetViewpos_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "sets the current view position" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "teleport", Cmd_Teleport_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "teleports the player to an entity location", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "trigger", Cmd_Trigger_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "triggers an entity", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "spawn", Cmd_Spawn_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "spawns a game entity", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "damage", Cmd_Damage_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "apply damage to an entity", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "remove", Cmd_Remove_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes an entity", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "killMonsters", Cmd_KillMonsters_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes all monsters" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "killMoveables", Cmd_KillMovables_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes all moveables" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "killRagdolls", Cmd_KillRagdolls_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes all ragdolls" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "addline", Cmd_AddDebugLine_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "adds a debug line" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "addarrow", Cmd_AddDebugLine_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "adds a debug arrow" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "removeline", Cmd_RemoveDebugLine_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes a debug line" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "blinkline", Cmd_BlinkDebugLine_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "blinks a debug line" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listLines", Cmd_ListDebugLines_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "lists all debug lines" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "playerModel", Cmd_PlayerModel_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "sets the given model on the player", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testFx", Cmd_TestFx_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests an FX system", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testBoneFx", Cmd_TestBoneFx_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests an FX system bound to a joint", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testLight", Cmd_TestLight_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a light" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testPointLight", Cmd_TestPointLight_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a point light" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "popLight", Cmd_PopLight_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "removes the last created light" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testDeath", Cmd_TestDeath_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests death" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testSave", Cmd_TestSave_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "writes out a test savegame" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testModel", idTestModel::TestModel_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a model", idTestModel::ArgCompletion_TestModel ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testSkin", idTestModel::TestSkin_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a skin on an existing testModel", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testShaderParm", idTestModel::TestShaderParm_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "keepTestModel", idTestModel::KeepTestModel_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "keeps the last test model in the game" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testAnim", idTestModel::TestAnim_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests an animation", idTestModel::ArgCompletion_TestAnim ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testParticleStopTime", idTestModel::TestParticleStopTime_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests particle stop time on a test model" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "nextAnim", idTestModel::TestModelNextAnim_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "shows next animation on test model" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "prevAnim", idTestModel::TestModelPrevAnim_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "shows previous animation on test model" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "nextFrame", idTestModel::TestModelNextFrame_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "shows next animation frame on test model" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "prevFrame", idTestModel::TestModelPrevFrame_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "shows previous animation frame on test model" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testBlend", idTestModel::TestBlend_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests animation blending" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reloadScript", Cmd_ReloadScript_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "reloads scripts" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "script", Cmd_Script_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "executes a line of script" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listCollisionModels", Cmd_ListCollisionModels_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "lists collision models" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "collisionModelInfo", Cmd_CollisionModelInfo_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "shows collision model info" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reloadanims", Cmd_ReloadAnims_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "reloads animations" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listAnims", Cmd_ListAnims_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "lists all animations" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "aasStats", Cmd_AASStats_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "shows AAS stats" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testDamage", Cmd_TestDamage_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a damage def", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "weaponSplat", Cmd_WeaponSplat_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "projects a blood splat on the player weapon" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "saveSelected", Cmd_SaveSelected_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "saves the selected entity to the .map file" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "deleteSelected", Cmd_DeleteSelected_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "deletes selected entity" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "saveMoveables", Cmd_SaveMoveables_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "save all moveables to the .map file" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "saveRagdolls", Cmd_SaveRagdolls_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "save all ragdoll poses to the .map file" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "bindRagdoll", Cmd_BindRagdoll_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "binds ragdoll at the current drag position" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "unbindRagdoll", Cmd_UnbindRagdoll_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "unbinds the selected ragdoll" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "saveLights", Cmd_SaveLights_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "saves all lights to the .map file" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "saveParticles", Cmd_SaveParticles_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "saves all lights to the .map file" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clearLights", Cmd_ClearLights_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "clears all lights" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "gameError", Cmd_GameError_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "causes a game error" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "disasmScript", Cmd_DisasmScript_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "disassembles script" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "recordViewNotes", Cmd_RecordViewNotes_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "record the current view position with notes" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "showViewNotes", Cmd_ShowViewNotes_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next note" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "closeViewNotes", Cmd_CloseViewNotes_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "close the view showing any notes for this map" ); // multiplayer client commands ( replaces old impulses stuff ) //cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientDropWeapon", idMultiplayerGame::DropWeapon_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "drop current weapon" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientMessageMode", idMultiplayerGame::MessageMode_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "ingame gui message mode" ); // FIXME: implement // cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientVote", idMultiplayerGame::Vote_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "cast your vote: clientVote yes | no" ); // cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientCallVote", idMultiplayerGame::CallVote_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "call a vote: clientCallVote si_.. proposed_value" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientVoiceChat", idMultiplayerGame::VoiceChat_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "voice chats: clientVoiceChat " ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "clientVoiceChatTeam", idMultiplayerGame::VoiceChatTeam_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "team voice chats: clientVoiceChat " ); // multiplayer server commands cmdSystem->AddCommand( "serverMapRestart", idGameLocal::MapRestart_f, CMD_FL_GAME, "restart the current game" ); // localization help commands cmdSystem->AddCommand( "nextGUI", Cmd_NextGUI_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testid", Cmd_TestId_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "output the string for the specified id." ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "setActorState", Cmd_SetActorState_f, CMD_FL_GAME | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "Manually sets an actors script state", idGameLocal::ArgCompletion_EntityName ); } /* ================= idGameLocal::ShutdownConsoleCommands ================= */ void idGameLocal::ShutdownConsoleCommands() { cmdSystem->RemoveFlaggedCommands( CMD_FL_GAME ); }