/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop idCVar joy_mergedThreshold( "joy_mergedThreshold", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "If the thresholds aren't merged, you drift more off center" ); idCVar joy_newCode( "joy_newCode", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Use the new codepath" ); idCVar joy_triggerThreshold( "joy_triggerThreshold", "0.05", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how far the joystick triggers have to be pressed before they register as down" ); idCVar joy_deadZone( "joy_deadZone", "0.2", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "specifies how large the dead-zone is on the joystick" ); idCVar joy_range( "joy_range", "1.0", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow full range to be mapped to a smaller offset" ); idCVar joy_gammaLook( "joy_gammaLook", "1", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "use a log curve instead of a power curve for movement" ); idCVar joy_powerScale( "joy_powerScale", "2", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Raise joystick values to this power" ); idCVar joy_pitchSpeed( "joy_pitchSpeed", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "pitch speed when pressing up or down on the joystick", 60, 600 ); idCVar joy_yawSpeed( "joy_yawSpeed", "240", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "pitch speed when pressing left or right on the joystick", 60, 600 ); // these were a bad idea! idCVar joy_dampenLook( "joy_dampenLook", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Do not allow full acceleration on look" ); idCVar joy_deltaPerMSLook( "joy_deltaPerMSLook", "0.003", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Max amount to be added on look per MS" ); idCVar in_mouseSpeed( "in_mouseSpeed", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed at which the mouse moves", 0.25f, 4.0f ); idCVar in_alwaysRun( "in_alwaysRun", "1", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "always run (reverse _speed button) - only in MP" ); idCVar in_useJoystick( "in_useJoystick", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enables/disables the gamepad for PC use" ); idCVar in_joystickRumble( "in_joystickRumble", "1", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enable joystick rumble" ); idCVar in_invertLook( "in_invertLook", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "inverts the look controls so the forward looks up (flight controls) - the proper way to play games!" ); idCVar in_mouseInvertLook( "in_mouseInvertLook", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "inverts the look controls so the forward looks up (flight controls) - the proper way to play games!" ); /* ================ usercmd_t::ByteSwap ================ */ void usercmd_t::ByteSwap() { angles[0] = LittleShort( angles[0] ); angles[1] = LittleShort( angles[1] ); angles[2] = LittleShort( angles[2] ); } /* ================ usercmd_t::Serialize ================ */ void usercmd_t::Serialize( idSerializer& ser, const usercmd_t& base ) { ser.SerializeDelta( buttons, base.buttons ); ser.SerializeDelta( forwardmove, base.forwardmove ); ser.SerializeDelta( rightmove, base.rightmove ); ser.SerializeDelta( angles[0], base.angles[0] ); ser.SerializeDelta( angles[1], base.angles[1] ); ser.SerializeDelta( angles[2], base.angles[2] ); ser.SerializeDelta( pos.x, base.pos.x ); ser.SerializeDelta( pos.y, base.pos.y ); ser.SerializeDelta( pos.z, base.pos.z ); ser.SerializeDelta( clientGameMilliseconds, base.clientGameMilliseconds ); ser.SerializeDelta( serverGameMilliseconds, base.serverGameMilliseconds ); ser.SerializeDelta( fireCount, base.fireCount ); ser.SerializeDelta( speedSquared, base.speedSquared ); ser.SerializeDelta( impulse, base.impulse ); ser.SerializeDelta( impulseSequence, base.impulseSequence ); } /* ================ usercmd_t::operator== ================ */ bool usercmd_t::operator==( const usercmd_t& rhs ) const { return ( buttons == rhs.buttons && forwardmove == rhs.forwardmove && rightmove == rhs.rightmove && angles[0] == rhs.angles[0] && angles[1] == rhs.angles[1] && angles[2] == rhs.angles[2] && impulse == rhs.impulse && impulseSequence == rhs.impulseSequence && mx == rhs.mx && my == rhs.my && fireCount == rhs.fireCount && speedSquared == speedSquared ); } const int KEY_MOVESPEED = 127; userCmdString_t userCmdStrings[] = { { "_moveUp", UB_MOVEUP }, { "_moveDown", UB_MOVEDOWN }, { "_left", UB_LOOKLEFT }, { "_right", UB_LOOKRIGHT }, { "_forward", UB_MOVEFORWARD }, { "_back", UB_MOVEBACK }, { "_lookUp", UB_LOOKUP }, { "_lookDown", UB_LOOKDOWN }, { "_moveLeft", UB_MOVELEFT }, { "_moveRight", UB_MOVERIGHT }, { "_attack", UB_ATTACK }, { "_speed", UB_SPEED }, { "_zoom", UB_ZOOM }, { "_showScores", UB_SHOWSCORES }, { "_use", UB_USE }, { "_impulse0", UB_IMPULSE0 }, { "_impulse1", UB_IMPULSE1 }, { "_impulse2", UB_IMPULSE2 }, { "_impulse3", UB_IMPULSE3 }, { "_impulse4", UB_IMPULSE4 }, { "_impulse5", UB_IMPULSE5 }, { "_impulse6", UB_IMPULSE6 }, { "_impulse7", UB_IMPULSE7 }, { "_impulse8", UB_IMPULSE8 }, { "_impulse9", UB_IMPULSE9 }, { "_impulse10", UB_IMPULSE10 }, { "_impulse11", UB_IMPULSE11 }, { "_impulse12", UB_IMPULSE12 }, { "_impulse13", UB_IMPULSE13 }, { "_impulse14", UB_IMPULSE14 }, { "_impulse15", UB_IMPULSE15 }, { "_impulse16", UB_IMPULSE16 }, { "_impulse17", UB_IMPULSE17 }, { "_impulse18", UB_IMPULSE18 }, { "_impulse19", UB_IMPULSE19 }, { "_impulse20", UB_IMPULSE20 }, { "_impulse21", UB_IMPULSE21 }, { "_impulse22", UB_IMPULSE22 }, { "_impulse23", UB_IMPULSE23 }, { "_impulse24", UB_IMPULSE24 }, { "_impulse25", UB_IMPULSE25 }, { "_impulse26", UB_IMPULSE26 }, { "_impulse27", UB_IMPULSE27 }, { "_impulse28", UB_IMPULSE28 }, { "_impulse29", UB_IMPULSE29 }, { "_impulse30", UB_IMPULSE30 }, { "_impulse31", UB_IMPULSE31 }, { NULL, UB_NONE }, }; class buttonState_t { public: int on; bool held; buttonState_t() { Clear(); }; void Clear(); void SetKeyState( int keystate, bool toggle ); }; /* ================ buttonState_t::Clear ================ */ void buttonState_t::Clear() { held = false; on = 0; } /* ================ buttonState_t::SetKeyState ================ */ void buttonState_t::SetKeyState( int keystate, bool toggle ) { if( !toggle ) { held = false; on = keystate; } else if( !keystate ) { held = false; } else if( !held ) { held = true; on ^= 1; } } const int NUM_USER_COMMANDS = sizeof( userCmdStrings ) / sizeof( userCmdString_t ); const int MAX_CHAT_BUFFER = 127; class idUsercmdGenLocal : public idUsercmdGen { public: idUsercmdGenLocal(); void Init(); void InitForNewMap(); void Shutdown(); void Clear(); void ClearAngles(); void InhibitUsercmd( inhibit_t subsystem, bool inhibit ); int CommandStringUsercmdData( const char* cmdString ); void BuildCurrentUsercmd( int deviceNum ); usercmd_t GetCurrentUsercmd() { return cmd; }; void MouseState( int* x, int* y, int* button, bool* down ); int ButtonState( int key ); int KeyState( int key ); private: void MakeCurrent(); void InitCurrent(); bool Inhibited(); void AdjustAngles(); void KeyMove(); void CircleToSquare( float& axis_x, float& axis_y ) const; void HandleJoystickAxis( int keyNum, float unclampedValue, float threshold, bool positive ); void JoystickMove(); void JoystickMove2(); void MouseMove(); void CmdButtons(); void AimAssist(); void Mouse(); void Keyboard(); void Joystick( int deviceNum ); void Key( int keyNum, bool down ); idVec3 viewangles; int impulseSequence; int impulse; buttonState_t toggled_crouch; buttonState_t toggled_run; buttonState_t toggled_zoom; int buttonState[UB_MAX_BUTTONS]; bool keyState[K_LAST_KEY]; int inhibitCommands; // true when in console or menu locally bool initialized; usercmd_t cmd; // the current cmd being built int continuousMouseX, continuousMouseY; // for gui event generatioin, never zerod int mouseButton; // for gui event generatioin bool mouseDown; int mouseDx, mouseDy; // added to by mouse events float joystickAxis[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXIS]; // set by joystick events int pollTime; int lastPollTime; float lastLookValuePitch; float lastLookValueYaw; static idCVar in_yawSpeed; static idCVar in_pitchSpeed; static idCVar in_angleSpeedKey; static idCVar in_toggleRun; static idCVar in_toggleCrouch; static idCVar in_toggleZoom; static idCVar sensitivity; static idCVar m_pitch; static idCVar m_yaw; static idCVar m_smooth; static idCVar m_showMouseRate; }; idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_yawSpeed( "in_yawspeed", "140", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_pitchSpeed( "in_pitchspeed", "140", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "pitch change speed when holding down look _lookUp or _lookDown button" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_angleSpeedKey( "in_anglespeedkey", "1.5", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "angle change scale when holding down _speed button" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_toggleRun( "in_toggleRun", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "pressing _speed button toggles run on/off - only in MP" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_toggleCrouch( "in_toggleCrouch", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "pressing _movedown button toggles player crouching/standing" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::in_toggleZoom( "in_toggleZoom", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "pressing _zoom button toggles zoom on/off" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::sensitivity( "sensitivity", "5", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "mouse view sensitivity" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::m_pitch( "m_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "mouse pitch scale" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::m_yaw( "m_yaw", "0.022", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "mouse yaw scale" ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::m_smooth( "m_smooth", "1", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "number of samples blended for mouse viewing", 1, 8, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<1, 8> ); idCVar idUsercmdGenLocal::m_showMouseRate( "m_showMouseRate", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "shows mouse movement" ); static idUsercmdGenLocal localUsercmdGen; idUsercmdGen* usercmdGen = &localUsercmdGen; /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::idUsercmdGenLocal ================ */ idUsercmdGenLocal::idUsercmdGenLocal() { initialized = false; pollTime = 0; lastPollTime = 0; lastLookValuePitch = 0.0f; lastLookValueYaw = 0.0f; impulseSequence = 0; impulse = 0; toggled_crouch.Clear(); toggled_run.Clear(); toggled_zoom.Clear(); toggled_run.on = false; ClearAngles(); Clear(); } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::InhibitUsercmd ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::InhibitUsercmd( inhibit_t subsystem, bool inhibit ) { if( inhibit ) { inhibitCommands |= 1 << subsystem; } else { inhibitCommands &= ( 0xffffffff ^ ( 1 << subsystem ) ); } } /* =============== idUsercmdGenLocal::ButtonState Returns (the fraction of the frame) that the key was down =============== */ int idUsercmdGenLocal::ButtonState( int key ) { if( key < 0 || key >= UB_MAX_BUTTONS ) { return -1; } return ( buttonState[key] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; } /* =============== idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyState Returns (the fraction of the frame) that the key was down bk20060111 =============== */ int idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyState( int key ) { if( key < 0 || key >= K_LAST_KEY ) { return -1; } return ( keyState[key] ) ? 1 : 0; } //===================================================================== /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::Inhibited is user cmd generation inhibited ================ */ bool idUsercmdGenLocal::Inhibited() { return ( inhibitCommands != 0 ); } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::AdjustAngles Moves the local angle positions ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::AdjustAngles() { float speed = MS2SEC( 16 ); if( toggled_run.on || ( in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && common->IsMultiplayer() ) ) { speed *= in_angleSpeedKey.GetFloat(); } viewangles[YAW] -= speed * in_yawSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKRIGHT ); viewangles[YAW] += speed * in_yawSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKLEFT ); viewangles[PITCH] -= speed * in_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKUP ); viewangles[PITCH] += speed * in_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKDOWN ); } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyMove Sets the usercmd_t based on key states ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyMove() { int forward = 0; int side = 0; side += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVERIGHT ); side -= KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVELEFT ); forward += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVEFORWARD ); forward -= KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVEBACK ); cmd.forwardmove += idMath::ClampChar( forward ); cmd.rightmove += idMath::ClampChar( side ); } /* ================= idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove ================= */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove() { float mx, my; static int history[8][2]; static int historyCounter; int i; history[historyCounter & 7][0] = mouseDx; history[historyCounter & 7][1] = mouseDy; // allow mouse movement to be smoothed together int smooth = m_smooth.GetInteger(); if( smooth < 1 ) { smooth = 1; } if( smooth > 8 ) { smooth = 8; } mx = 0; my = 0; for( i = 0 ; i < smooth ; i++ ) { mx += history[( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][0]; my += history[( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][1]; } mx /= smooth; my /= smooth; historyCounter++; if( idMath::Fabs( mx ) > 1000 || idMath::Fabs( my ) > 1000 ) { Sys_DebugPrintf( "idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove: Ignoring ridiculous mouse delta.\n" ); mx = my = 0; } mx *= sensitivity.GetFloat(); my *= sensitivity.GetFloat(); if( m_showMouseRate.GetBool() ) { Sys_DebugPrintf( "[%3i %3i = %5.1f %5.1f] ", mouseDx, mouseDy, mx, my ); } mouseDx = 0; mouseDy = 0; viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.GetFloat() * mx * in_mouseSpeed.GetFloat(); viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch.GetFloat() * in_mouseSpeed.GetFloat() * ( in_mouseInvertLook.GetBool() ? -my : my ); } /* ======================== idUsercmdGenLocal::CircleToSquare ======================== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::CircleToSquare( float& axis_x, float& axis_y ) const { // bring everything in the first quadrant bool flip_x = false; if( axis_x < 0.0f ) { flip_x = true; axis_x *= -1.0f; } bool flip_y = false; if( axis_y < 0.0f ) { flip_y = true; axis_y *= -1.0f; } // swap the two axes so we project against the vertical line X = 1 bool swap = false; if( axis_y > axis_x ) { float tmp = axis_x; axis_x = axis_y; axis_y = tmp; swap = true; } if( axis_x < 0.001f ) { // on one of the axes where no correction is needed return; } // length (max 1.0f at the unit circle) float len = idMath::Sqrt( axis_x * axis_x + axis_y * axis_y ); if( len > 1.0f ) { len = 1.0f; } // thales float axis_y_us = axis_y / axis_x; // use a power curve to shift the correction to happen closer to the unit circle float correctionRatio = Square( len ); axis_x += correctionRatio * ( len - axis_x ); axis_y += correctionRatio * ( axis_y_us - axis_y ); // go back through the symmetries if( swap ) { float tmp = axis_x; axis_x = axis_y; axis_y = tmp; } if( flip_x ) { axis_x *= -1.0f; } if( flip_y ) { axis_y *= -1.0f; } } /* ======================== idUsercmdGenLocal::HandleJoystickAxis ======================== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::HandleJoystickAxis( int keyNum, float unclampedValue, float threshold, bool positive ) { if( ( unclampedValue > 0.0f ) && !positive ) { return; } if( ( unclampedValue < 0.0f ) && positive ) { return; } float value = 0.0f; bool pressed = false; if( unclampedValue > threshold ) { value = idMath::Fabs( ( unclampedValue - threshold ) / ( 1.0f - threshold ) ); pressed = true; } else if( unclampedValue < -threshold ) { value = idMath::Fabs( ( unclampedValue + threshold ) / ( 1.0f - threshold ) ); pressed = true; } int action = idKeyInput::GetUsercmdAction( keyNum ); if( action >= UB_ATTACK ) { Key( keyNum, pressed ); return; } if( !pressed ) { return; } float lookValue = 0.0f; if( joy_gammaLook.GetBool() ) { lookValue = idMath::Pow( 1.04712854805f, value * 100.0f ) * 0.01f; } else { lookValue = idMath::Pow( value, joy_powerScale.GetFloat() ); } idGame* game = common->Game(); if( game != NULL ) { lookValue *= game->GetAimAssistSensitivity(); } switch( action ) { case UB_MOVEFORWARD: { float move = ( float )cmd.forwardmove + ( KEY_MOVESPEED * value ); cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( idMath::Ftoi( move ) ); break; } case UB_MOVEBACK: { float move = ( float )cmd.forwardmove - ( KEY_MOVESPEED * value ); cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( idMath::Ftoi( move ) ); break; } case UB_MOVELEFT: { float move = ( float )cmd.rightmove - ( KEY_MOVESPEED * value ); cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( idMath::Ftoi( move ) ); break; } case UB_MOVERIGHT: { float move = ( float )cmd.rightmove + ( KEY_MOVESPEED * value ); cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( idMath::Ftoi( move ) ); break; } case UB_LOOKUP: { if( joy_dampenLook.GetBool() ) { lookValue = Min( lookValue, ( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * joy_deltaPerMSLook.GetFloat() + lastLookValuePitch ); lastLookValuePitch = lookValue; } float invertPitch = in_invertLook.GetBool() ? -1.0f : 1.0f; viewangles[PITCH] -= MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * lookValue * joy_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * invertPitch; break; } case UB_LOOKDOWN: { if( joy_dampenLook.GetBool() ) { lookValue = Min( lookValue, ( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * joy_deltaPerMSLook.GetFloat() + lastLookValuePitch ); lastLookValuePitch = lookValue; } float invertPitch = in_invertLook.GetBool() ? -1.0f : 1.0f; viewangles[PITCH] += MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * lookValue * joy_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * invertPitch; break; } case UB_LOOKLEFT: { if( joy_dampenLook.GetBool() ) { lookValue = Min( lookValue, ( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * joy_deltaPerMSLook.GetFloat() + lastLookValueYaw ); lastLookValueYaw = lookValue; } viewangles[YAW] += MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * lookValue * joy_yawSpeed.GetFloat(); break; } case UB_LOOKRIGHT: { if( joy_dampenLook.GetBool() ) { lookValue = Min( lookValue, ( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * joy_deltaPerMSLook.GetFloat() + lastLookValueYaw ); lastLookValueYaw = lookValue; } viewangles[YAW] -= MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * lookValue * joy_yawSpeed.GetFloat(); break; } } } /* ================= idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove ================= */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove() { float threshold = joy_deadZone.GetFloat(); float triggerThreshold = joy_triggerThreshold.GetFloat(); float axis_y = joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_Y ]; float axis_x = joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_X ]; CircleToSquare( axis_x, axis_y ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK1_UP, axis_y, threshold, false ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK1_DOWN, axis_y, threshold, true ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK1_LEFT, axis_x, threshold, false ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK1_RIGHT, axis_x, threshold, true ); axis_y = joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_Y ]; axis_x = joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_X ]; CircleToSquare( axis_x, axis_y ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK2_UP, axis_y, threshold, false ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK2_DOWN, axis_y, threshold, true ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK2_LEFT, axis_x, threshold, false ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_STICK2_RIGHT, axis_x, threshold, true ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_TRIGGER1, joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_TRIG ], triggerThreshold, true ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_TRIGGER2, joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_TRIG ], triggerThreshold, true ); } enum transferFunction_t { FUNC_LINEAR, FUNC_LOGARITHMIC, FUNC_EXPONENTIAL }; /* ================= JoypadFunction ================= */ idVec2 JoypadFunction( const idVec2 raw, const float aimAssistScale, const float threshold, const float range, const transferFunction_t shape, const bool mergedThreshold ) { if( range <= threshold ) { return idVec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ); } idVec2 threshed; if( !mergedThreshold ) { // if the thresholding is performed independently, you can more easily move // or look in a pure axial direction without drifting for( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { const float v = raw[i]; float t; if( v > 0.0f ) { t = Max( 0.0f, v - threshold ); } else { t = Min( 0.0f, v + threshold ); } threshed[i] = t; } } else { // thresholding together is the most predictable in free-form movement, // but you tend to slide off axis based on which side your thumb is // on the pad const float rawLength = raw.Length(); const float afterThreshold = Max( 0.0f, rawLength - threshold ); idVec2 rawDir = raw; rawDir.Normalize(); threshed = rawDir * afterThreshold; } // threshold and range reduce the range of raw values, but we // scale them back up to the full 0.0 - 1.0 range const float rangeScale = 1.0f / ( range - threshold ); idVec2 reScaled = threshed * rangeScale; const float rescaledLen = reScaled.Length(); // if inside the deadband area, return a solid 0,0 if( rescaledLen <= 0.0f ) { return idVec2( 0.0f, 0.0f ); } reScaled.Normalize(); // apply the acceleration float accelerated; if( shape == FUNC_EXPONENTIAL ) { accelerated = idMath::Pow( 1.04712854805f, rescaledLen * 100.0f ) * 0.01f; } else if( shape == FUNC_LOGARITHMIC ) { const float power = 2.0f; accelerated = idMath::Pow( rescaledLen, power ); } else // FUNC_LINEAR { accelerated = rescaledLen; } // optionally slow down for aim-assist const float aimAssisted = accelerated * aimAssistScale; const float clamped = ( aimAssisted > 1.0f ) ? 1.0f : aimAssisted; return reScaled * clamped; } /* ================= DrawJoypadTexture Draws axis and threshold / range rings into an RGBA image ================= */ void DrawJoypadTexture( const int size, byte image[], const idVec2 raw, const float threshold, const float range, const transferFunction_t shape, const bool mergedThreshold ) { // assert( raw.x >= -1.0f && raw.x <= 1.0f && raw.y >= -1.0f && raw.y <= 1.0f ); idVec2 clamped; for( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { clamped[i] = Max( -1.0f, Min( raw[i], 1.0f ) ); } const int halfSize = size / 2; // find the offsets that will give certain values for // the rings static const int NUM_RINGS = 5; float ringSizes[NUM_RINGS] = {}; float ringValue[NUM_RINGS] = { 0.0f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 0.99f }; int ringNum = 0; for( int i = 1 ; i < size ; i++ ) { const float v = ( float )i / ( size - 1 ); const idVec2 mapped = JoypadFunction( idVec2( v, 0.0f ), 1.0f, threshold, range, shape, mergedThreshold ); if( mapped.x > ringValue[ ringNum ] ) { ringSizes[ ringNum ] = v * halfSize; ringNum++; if( ringNum == NUM_RINGS ) { break; } } } memset( image, 0, size * size * 4 ); #define PLOT(x,y) ((int *)image)[(int)(y)*size+(int)(x)]=0xffffffff #define CPLOT(x,y) ((int *)image)[(int)(halfSize+y)*size+(int)(halfSize+x)]=0xffffffff int clampedX = halfSize + Min( halfSize - 1, ( int )( halfSize * clamped.x ) ); int clampedY = halfSize + Min( halfSize - 1, ( int )( halfSize * clamped.y ) ); // draw the box edge outline and center lines for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) { PLOT( i, 0 ); PLOT( i, size - 1 ); PLOT( 0, i ); PLOT( size - 1, i ); PLOT( i, clampedY ); PLOT( clampedX, i ); } const int iThresh = size * threshold * 0.5f; if( !mergedThreshold ) { const int open = size * 0.5f - iThresh; for( int i = 0 ; i < open ; i++ ) { PLOT( i, halfSize - iThresh ); PLOT( i, halfSize + iThresh ); PLOT( size - 1 - i, halfSize - iThresh ); PLOT( size - 1 - i, halfSize + iThresh ); PLOT( halfSize - iThresh, i ); PLOT( halfSize + iThresh, i ); PLOT( halfSize - iThresh, size - 1 - i ); PLOT( halfSize + iThresh, size - 1 - i ); } } // I'm not going to bother writing a proper circle drawing algorithm... const int octantPoints = size * 2; float rad = 0.0f; float radStep = idMath::PI / ( 4 * octantPoints ); for( int point = 0 ; point < octantPoints ; point++, rad += radStep ) { float s, c; idMath::SinCos( rad, s, c ); for( int ringNum = 0 ; ringNum < NUM_RINGS ; ringNum++ ) { const float ringSize = ringSizes[ ringNum ]; const int ix = idMath::Floor( ringSize * c ); const int iy = idMath::Floor( ringSize * s ); #if 0 if( !mergedThreshold && ( ix < iThresh || iy < iThresh ) ) { continue; } #endif CPLOT( ix, iy ); CPLOT( iy, ix ); CPLOT( -ix, iy ); CPLOT( -iy, ix ); CPLOT( ix, -iy ); CPLOT( iy, -ix ); CPLOT( -ix, -iy ); CPLOT( -iy, -ix ); } } #undef PLOT } static idVec2 lastLookJoypad; /* ================= DrawJoypadTexture Can be called to fill in a scratch texture for visualization ================= */ void DrawJoypadTexture( const int size, byte image[] ) { const float threshold = joy_deadZone.GetFloat(); const float range = joy_range.GetFloat(); const bool mergedThreshold = joy_mergedThreshold.GetBool(); const transferFunction_t shape = ( transferFunction_t )joy_gammaLook.GetInteger(); DrawJoypadTexture( size, image, lastLookJoypad, threshold, range, shape, mergedThreshold ); } /* ================= idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove2 ================= */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove2() { const bool invertLook = in_invertLook.GetBool(); const float threshold = joy_deadZone.GetFloat(); const float range = joy_range.GetFloat(); const transferFunction_t shape = ( transferFunction_t )joy_gammaLook.GetInteger(); const bool mergedThreshold = joy_mergedThreshold.GetBool(); const float pitchSpeed = joy_pitchSpeed.GetFloat(); const float yawSpeed = joy_yawSpeed.GetFloat(); idGame* game = common->Game(); const float aimAssist = game != NULL ? game->GetAimAssistSensitivity() : 1.0f; idVec2 leftRaw( joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_X ], joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_Y ] ); idVec2 rightRaw( joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_X ], joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_Y ] ); // optional stick swap if( idKeyInput::GetUsercmdAction( K_JOY_STICK1_LEFT ) == UB_LOOKLEFT ) { const idVec2 temp = leftRaw; leftRaw = rightRaw; rightRaw = temp; } // optional invert look by inverting the right Y axis if( invertLook ) { rightRaw.y = -rightRaw.y; } // save for visualization lastLookJoypad = rightRaw; idVec2 leftMapped = JoypadFunction( leftRaw, 1.0f, threshold, range, shape, mergedThreshold ); idVec2 rightMapped = JoypadFunction( rightRaw, aimAssist, threshold, range, shape, mergedThreshold ); // because idPhysics_Player::CmdScale scales mvoement values down so that 1,1 = sqrt(2), sqrt(2), // we need to expand our circular values out to a square CircleToSquare( leftMapped.x, leftMapped.y ); // add on top of mouse / keyboard move values cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( cmd.forwardmove + KEY_MOVESPEED * -leftMapped.y ); cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( cmd.rightmove + KEY_MOVESPEED * leftMapped.x ); viewangles[PITCH] += MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * rightMapped.y * pitchSpeed; viewangles[YAW] += MS2SEC( pollTime - lastPollTime ) * -rightMapped.x * yawSpeed; const float triggerThreshold = joy_triggerThreshold.GetFloat(); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_TRIGGER1, joystickAxis[ AXIS_LEFT_TRIG ], triggerThreshold, true ); HandleJoystickAxis( K_JOY_TRIGGER2, joystickAxis[ AXIS_RIGHT_TRIG ], triggerThreshold, true ); } /* ============== idUsercmdGenLocal::CmdButtons ============== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::CmdButtons() { cmd.buttons = 0; // check the attack button if( ButtonState( UB_ATTACK ) ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; } // check the use button if( ButtonState( UB_USE ) ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_USE; } // check the run button if( toggled_run.on || ( in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && common->IsMultiplayer() ) ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_RUN; } // check the zoom button if( toggled_zoom.on ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ZOOM; } if( ButtonState( UB_MOVEUP ) ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_JUMP; } if( toggled_crouch.on ) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_CROUCH; } } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::InitCurrent inits the current command for this frame ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::InitCurrent() { memset( &cmd, 0, sizeof( cmd ) ); cmd.impulseSequence = impulseSequence; cmd.impulse = impulse; cmd.buttons |= ( in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && common->IsMultiplayer() ) ? BUTTON_RUN : 0; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::MakeCurrent creates the current command for this frame ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::MakeCurrent() { idVec3 oldAngles = viewangles; if( !Inhibited() ) { // update toggled key states toggled_crouch.SetKeyState( ButtonState( UB_MOVEDOWN ), in_toggleCrouch.GetBool() ); toggled_run.SetKeyState( ButtonState( UB_SPEED ), in_toggleRun.GetBool() && common->IsMultiplayer() ); toggled_zoom.SetKeyState( ButtonState( UB_ZOOM ), in_toggleZoom.GetBool() ); // get basic movement from mouse MouseMove(); // get basic movement from joystick and set key bits // must be done before CmdButtons! if( joy_newCode.GetBool() ) { JoystickMove2(); } else { JoystickMove(); } // keyboard angle adjustment AdjustAngles(); // set button bits CmdButtons(); // get basic movement from keyboard KeyMove(); // aim assist AimAssist(); // check to make sure the angles haven't wrapped if( viewangles[PITCH] - oldAngles[PITCH] > 90 ) { viewangles[PITCH] = oldAngles[PITCH] + 90; } else if( oldAngles[PITCH] - viewangles[PITCH] > 90 ) { viewangles[PITCH] = oldAngles[PITCH] - 90; } } else { mouseDx = 0; mouseDy = 0; } for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { cmd.angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT( viewangles[i] ); } cmd.mx = continuousMouseX; cmd.my = continuousMouseY; impulseSequence = cmd.impulseSequence; impulse = cmd.impulse; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::AimAssist ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::AimAssist() { // callback to the game to update the aim assist for the current device idAngles aimAssistAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); idGame* game = common->Game(); if( game != NULL ) { game->GetAimAssistAngles( aimAssistAngles ); } viewangles[YAW] += aimAssistAngles.yaw; viewangles[PITCH] += aimAssistAngles.pitch; viewangles[ROLL] += aimAssistAngles.roll; } //===================================================================== /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::CommandStringUsercmdData Returns the button if the command string is used by the usercmd generator. ================ */ int idUsercmdGenLocal::CommandStringUsercmdData( const char* cmdString ) { for( userCmdString_t* ucs = userCmdStrings ; ucs->string ; ucs++ ) { if( idStr::Icmp( cmdString, ucs->string ) == 0 ) { return ucs->button; } } return UB_NONE; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::Init ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Init() { initialized = true; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::InitForNewMap ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::InitForNewMap() { impulseSequence = 0; impulse = 0; toggled_crouch.Clear(); toggled_run.Clear(); toggled_zoom.Clear(); toggled_run.on = false; Clear(); ClearAngles(); } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::Shutdown ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Shutdown() { initialized = false; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::Clear ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Clear() { // clears all key states memset( buttonState, 0, sizeof( buttonState ) ); memset( keyState, false, sizeof( keyState ) ); memset( joystickAxis, 0, sizeof( joystickAxis ) ); inhibitCommands = false; mouseDx = mouseDy = 0; mouseButton = 0; mouseDown = false; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::ClearAngles ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::ClearAngles() { viewangles.Zero(); } //====================================================================== /* =================== idUsercmdGenLocal::Key Handles mouse/keyboard button actions =================== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Key( int keyNum, bool down ) { // Sanity check, sometimes we get double message :( if( keyState[ keyNum ] == down ) { return; } keyState[ keyNum ] = down; int action = idKeyInput::GetUsercmdAction( keyNum ); if( down ) { buttonState[ action ]++; if( !Inhibited() ) { if( action >= UB_IMPULSE0 && action <= UB_IMPULSE31 ) { cmd.impulse = action - UB_IMPULSE0; cmd.impulseSequence++; } } } else { buttonState[ action ]--; // we might have one held down across an app active transition if( buttonState[ action ] < 0 ) { buttonState[ action ] = 0; } } } /* =================== idUsercmdGenLocal::Mouse =================== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Mouse() { int mouseEvents[MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS][2]; int numEvents = Sys_PollMouseInputEvents( mouseEvents ); // Study each of the buffer elements and process them. for( int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++ ) { int action = mouseEvents[i][0]; int value = mouseEvents[i][1]; switch( action ) { case M_ACTION1: case M_ACTION2: case M_ACTION3: case M_ACTION4: case M_ACTION5: case M_ACTION6: case M_ACTION7: case M_ACTION8: mouseButton = K_MOUSE1 + ( action - M_ACTION1 ); mouseDown = ( value != 0 ); Key( mouseButton, mouseDown ); break; case M_DELTAX: mouseDx += value; continuousMouseX += value; break; case M_DELTAY: mouseDy += value; continuousMouseY += value; break; case M_DELTAZ: // mouse wheel, may have multiple clicks { int key = value < 0 ? K_MWHEELDOWN : K_MWHEELUP; value = abs( value ); while( value-- > 0 ) { Key( key, true ); Key( key, false ); mouseButton = key; mouseDown = true; } } break; default: // some other undefined button break; } } } /* =============== idUsercmdGenLocal::Keyboard =============== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Keyboard() { int numEvents = Sys_PollKeyboardInputEvents(); // Study each of the buffer elements and process them. for( int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++ ) { int key; bool state; if( Sys_ReturnKeyboardInputEvent( i, key, state ) ) { Key( key, state ); } } Sys_EndKeyboardInputEvents(); } /* =============== idUsercmdGenLocal::Joystick =============== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::Joystick( int deviceNum ) { int numEvents = Sys_PollJoystickInputEvents( deviceNum ); // Study each of the buffer elements and process them. for( int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++ ) { int action; int value; if( Sys_ReturnJoystickInputEvent( i, action, value ) ) { if( action >= J_ACTION1 && action <= J_ACTION_MAX ) { int joyButton = K_JOY1 + ( action - J_ACTION1 ); Key( joyButton, ( value != 0 ) ); } else if( ( action >= J_AXIS_MIN ) && ( action <= J_AXIS_MAX ) ) { joystickAxis[ action - J_AXIS_MIN ] = static_cast( value ) / 32767.0f; } else if( action >= J_DPAD_UP && action <= J_DPAD_RIGHT ) { int joyButton = K_JOY_DPAD_UP + ( action - J_DPAD_UP ); Key( joyButton, ( value != 0 ) ); } else { assert( !"Unknown joystick event" ); } } } Sys_EndJoystickInputEvents(); } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseState ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseState( int* x, int* y, int* button, bool* down ) { *x = continuousMouseX; *y = continuousMouseY; *button = mouseButton; *down = mouseDown; } /* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::BuildCurrentUsercmd ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::BuildCurrentUsercmd( int deviceNum ) { pollTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); if( pollTime - lastPollTime > 100 ) { lastPollTime = pollTime - 100; } // initialize current usercmd InitCurrent(); // process the system mouse events Mouse(); // process the system keyboard events Keyboard(); // process the system joystick events if( deviceNum >= 0 && in_useJoystick.GetBool() ) { Joystick( deviceNum ); } // create the usercmd MakeCurrent(); lastPollTime = pollTime; }