/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../renderer/tr_local.h" idCVar swf_timescale( "swf_timescale", "1", CVAR_FLOAT, "timescale for swf files" ); idCVar swf_stopat( "swf_stopat", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "stop at a specific frame" ); idCVar swf_titleSafe( "swf_titleSafe", "0.005", CVAR_FLOAT, "space between UI elements and screen edge", 0.0f, 0.075f ); idCVar swf_forceAlpha( "swf_forceAlpha", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "force an alpha value on all elements, useful to show invisible animating elements", 0.0f, 1.0f ); extern idCVar swf_textStrokeSize; extern idCVar swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer; extern idCVar in_useJoystick; #define ALPHA_EPSILON 0.001f #define STENCIL_DECR -1 #define STENCIL_INCR -2 /* ======================== idSWF::DrawStretchPic ======================== */ void idSWF::DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const idMaterial* material ) { renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( x * scaleToVirtual.x, y * scaleToVirtual.y, w * scaleToVirtual.x, h * scaleToVirtual.y, s1, t1, s2, t2, material ); } /* ======================== idSWF::DrawStretchPic ======================== */ void idSWF::DrawStretchPic( const idVec4& topLeft, const idVec4& topRight, const idVec4& bottomRight, const idVec4& bottomLeft, const idMaterial* material ) { renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topLeft.x * scaleToVirtual.x, topLeft.y * scaleToVirtual.y, topLeft.z, topLeft.w ), idVec4( topRight.x * scaleToVirtual.x, topRight.y * scaleToVirtual.y, topRight.z, topRight.w ), idVec4( bottomRight.x * scaleToVirtual.x, bottomRight.y * scaleToVirtual.y, bottomRight.z, bottomRight.w ), idVec4( bottomLeft.x * scaleToVirtual.x, bottomLeft.y * scaleToVirtual.y, bottomLeft.z, bottomLeft.w ), material ); } /* ======================== idSWF::Render ======================== */ void idSWF::Render( idRenderSystem* gui, int time, bool isSplitscreen ) { if( !IsLoaded() ) { return; } if( !IsActive() ) { return; } if( swf_stopat.GetInteger() > 0 ) { if( mainspriteInstance->currentFrame == swf_stopat.GetInteger() ) { swf_timescale.SetFloat( 0.0f ); } } int currentTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); int framesToRun = 0; if( paused ) { lastRenderTime = currentTime; } if( swf_timescale.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { if( lastRenderTime == 0 ) { lastRenderTime = currentTime; framesToRun = 1; } else { float deltaTime = ( currentTime - lastRenderTime ); float fr = ( ( float )frameRate / 256.0f ) * swf_timescale.GetFloat(); framesToRun = idMath::Ftoi( ( fr * deltaTime ) / 1000.0f ); lastRenderTime += ( framesToRun * ( 1000.0f / fr ) ); if( framesToRun > 10 ) { framesToRun = 10; } } for( int i = 0; i < framesToRun; i++ ) { mainspriteInstance->Run(); mainspriteInstance->RunActions(); } } const float pixelAspect = renderSystem->GetPixelAspect(); const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * ( pixelAspect > 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f ); const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight() / ( pixelAspect < 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f ); float scale = swfScale * sysHeight / ( float )frameHeight; swfRenderState_t renderState; renderState.stereoDepth = ( stereoDepthType_t )mainspriteInstance->GetStereoDepth(); renderState.matrix.xx = scale; renderState.matrix.yy = scale; renderState.matrix.tx = 0.5f * ( sysWidth - ( frameWidth * scale ) ); renderState.matrix.ty = 0.5f * ( sysHeight - ( frameHeight * scale ) ); renderBorder = renderState.matrix.tx / scale; scaleToVirtual.Set( ( float )SCREEN_WIDTH / sysWidth, ( float )SCREEN_HEIGHT / sysHeight ); RenderSprite( gui, mainspriteInstance, renderState, time, isSplitscreen ); if( blackbars ) { float barWidth = renderState.matrix.tx + 0.5f; float barHeight = renderState.matrix.ty + 0.5f; if( barWidth > 0.0f ) { gui->SetColor( idVec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, barWidth, sysHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, white ); DrawStretchPic( sysWidth - barWidth, 0.0f, barWidth, sysHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, white ); } if( barHeight > 0.0f ) { gui->SetColor( idVec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, sysWidth, barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, white ); DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, sysHeight - barHeight, sysWidth, barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, white ); } } if( isMouseInClientArea && ( mouseEnabled && useMouse ) && ( InhibitControl() || ( !InhibitControl() && !useInhibtControl ) ) ) { gui->SetGLState( GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); gui->SetColor( idVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); idVec2 mouse = renderState.matrix.Transform( idVec2( mouseX - 1, mouseY - 2 ) ); //idSWFScriptObject * hitObject = HitTest( mainspriteInstance, swfRenderState_t(), mouseX, mouseY, NULL ); if( !hasHitObject ) //hitObject == NULL ) { { DrawStretchPic( mouse.x, mouse.y, 32.0f, 32.0f, 0, 0, 1, 1, guiCursor_arrow ); } else { DrawStretchPic( mouse.x, mouse.y, 32.0f, 32.0f, 0, 0, 1, 1, guiCursor_hand ); } } // restore the GL State gui->SetGLState( 0 ); } /* ======================== idSWF::RenderMask ======================== */ void idSWF::RenderMask( idRenderSystem* gui, const swfDisplayEntry_t* mask, const swfRenderState_t& renderState, const int stencilMode ) { swfRenderState_t renderState2; renderState2.stereoDepth = renderState.stereoDepth; renderState2.matrix = mask->matrix.Multiply( renderState.matrix ); renderState2.cxf = mask->cxf.Multiply( renderState.cxf ); renderState2.ratio = mask->ratio; renderState2.material = guiSolid; renderState2.activeMasks = stencilMode; idSWFDictionaryEntry& entry = dictionary[ mask->characterID ]; if( entry.type == SWF_DICT_SHAPE ) { RenderShape( gui, entry.shape, renderState2 ); } else if( entry.type == SWF_DICT_MORPH ) { RenderMorphShape( gui, entry.shape, renderState2 ); } } /* ======================== idSWF::RenderSprite ======================== */ void idSWF::RenderSprite( idRenderSystem* gui, idSWFSpriteInstance* spriteInstance, const swfRenderState_t& renderState, int time, bool isSplitscreen ) { if( spriteInstance == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "%s: RenderSprite: spriteInstance == NULL", filename.c_str() ); return; } if( !spriteInstance->isVisible ) { return; } if( ( ( renderState.cxf.mul.w + renderState.cxf.add.w ) <= ALPHA_EPSILON ) && ( swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat() <= 0.0f ) ) { return; } idStaticList activeMasks; for( int i = 0; i < spriteInstance->displayList.Num(); i++ ) { const swfDisplayEntry_t& display = spriteInstance->displayList[i]; for( int j = 0; j < activeMasks.Num(); j++ ) { const swfDisplayEntry_t* mask = activeMasks[ j ]; if( display.depth > mask->clipDepth ) { RenderMask( gui, mask, renderState, STENCIL_DECR ); activeMasks.RemoveIndexFast( j ); } } if( display.clipDepth > 0 ) { activeMasks.Append( &display ); RenderMask( gui, &display, renderState, STENCIL_INCR ); continue; } idSWFDictionaryEntry* entry = FindDictionaryEntry( display.characterID ); if( entry == NULL ) { continue; } swfRenderState_t renderState2; if( spriteInstance->stereoDepth != STEREO_DEPTH_TYPE_NONE ) { renderState2.stereoDepth = ( stereoDepthType_t )spriteInstance->stereoDepth; } else if( renderState.stereoDepth != STEREO_DEPTH_TYPE_NONE ) { renderState2.stereoDepth = renderState.stereoDepth; } renderState2.matrix = display.matrix.Multiply( renderState.matrix ); renderState2.cxf = display.cxf.Multiply( renderState.cxf ); renderState2.ratio = display.ratio; if( display.blendMode != 0 ) { renderState2.blendMode = display.blendMode; } else { renderState2.blendMode = renderState.blendMode; } renderState2.activeMasks = renderState.activeMasks + activeMasks.Num(); if( spriteInstance->materialOverride != NULL ) { renderState2.material = spriteInstance->materialOverride; renderState2.materialWidth = spriteInstance->materialWidth; renderState2.materialHeight = spriteInstance->materialHeight; } else { renderState2.material = renderState.material; renderState2.materialWidth = renderState.materialWidth; renderState2.materialHeight = renderState.materialHeight; } float xOffset = 0.0f; float yOffset = 0.0f; if( entry->type == SWF_DICT_SPRITE ) { display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset ); if( display.spriteInstance->name[0] == '_' ) { //if ( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_leftAlign" ) == 0 ) { // float adj = (float)frameWidth * 0.10; // renderState2.matrix.tx = ( display.matrix.tx - adj ) * renderState.matrix.xx; //} //if ( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_rightAlign" ) == 0 ) { // renderState2.matrix.tx = ( (float)renderSystem->GetWidth() - ( ( (float)frameWidth - display.matrix.tx - adj ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); //} float widthAdj = swf_titleSafe.GetFloat() * frameWidth; float heightAdj = swf_titleSafe.GetFloat() * frameHeight; const float pixelAspect = renderSystem->GetPixelAspect(); const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * ( pixelAspect > 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f ); const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight() / ( pixelAspect < 1.0f ? pixelAspect : 1.0f ); if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_fullScreen" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = display.matrix.tx * renderState.matrix.xx; renderState2.matrix.ty = display.matrix.ty * renderState.matrix.yy; float xScale = sysWidth / ( float )frameWidth; float yScale = sysHeight / ( float )frameHeight; renderState2.matrix.xx = xScale; renderState2.matrix.yy = yScale; } if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absTop" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.ty = display.matrix.ty * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_top" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.ty = ( display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_topLeft" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = ( display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx; renderState2.matrix.ty = ( display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_left" ) == 0 ) { float prevX = renderState2.matrix.tx; renderState2.matrix.tx = ( display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx; xOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.tx - prevX ) / renderState.matrix.xx ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( idStr::FindText( display.spriteInstance->name, "_absLeft", false ) >= 0 ) { float prevX = renderState2.matrix.tx; renderState2.matrix.tx = display.matrix.tx * renderState.matrix.xx; xOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.tx - prevX ) / renderState.matrix.xx ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_bottomLeft" ) == 0 ) { float prevX = renderState2.matrix.tx; renderState2.matrix.tx = ( display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx; xOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.tx - prevX ) / renderState.matrix.xx ); float prevY = renderState2.matrix.ty; renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); yOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.ty - prevY ) / renderState.matrix.yy ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absBottom" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_bottom" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_topRight" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); renderState2.matrix.ty = ( display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_right" ) == 0 ) { float prevX = renderState2.matrix.tx; renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); xOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.tx - prevX ) / renderState.matrix.xx ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( idStr::FindText( display.spriteInstance->name, "_absRight", true ) >= 0 ) { float prevX = renderState2.matrix.tx; renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); xOffset = ( ( renderState2.matrix.tx - prevX ) / renderState.matrix.xx ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_bottomRight" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx + widthAdj ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty + heightAdj ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absTopLeft" ) == 0 ) // ABSOLUTE CORNERS OF SCREEN { renderState2.matrix.tx = display.matrix.tx * renderState.matrix.xx; renderState2.matrix.ty = display.matrix.ty * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absTopRight" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); renderState2.matrix.ty = display.matrix.ty * renderState.matrix.yy; display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absBottomLeft" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = display.matrix.tx * renderState.matrix.xx; renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } else if( display.spriteInstance->name.Icmp( "_absBottomRight" ) == 0 ) { renderState2.matrix.tx = ( ( float )sysWidth - ( ( ( float )frameWidth - display.matrix.tx ) * renderState.matrix.xx ) ); renderState2.matrix.ty = ( ( float )sysHeight - ( ( ( float )frameHeight - display.matrix.ty ) * renderState.matrix.yy ) ); display.spriteInstance->SetAlignment( spriteInstance->xOffset + xOffset, spriteInstance->yOffset + yOffset ); } } RenderSprite( gui, display.spriteInstance, renderState2, time, isSplitscreen ); } else if( entry->type == SWF_DICT_SHAPE ) { RenderShape( gui, entry->shape, renderState2 ); } else if( entry->type == SWF_DICT_MORPH ) { RenderMorphShape( gui, entry->shape, renderState2 ); } else if( entry->type == SWF_DICT_EDITTEXT ) { RenderEditText( gui, display.textInstance, renderState2, time, isSplitscreen ); } else { //idLib::Warning( "%s: Tried to render an unrenderable character %d", filename.c_str(), entry->type ); } } for( int j = 0; j < activeMasks.Num(); j++ ) { const swfDisplayEntry_t* mask = activeMasks[ j ]; RenderMask( gui, mask, renderState, STENCIL_DECR ); } } /* ======================== idSWF::GLStateForBlendMode ======================== */ uint64 idSWF::GLStateForRenderState( const swfRenderState_t& renderState ) { uint64 extraGLState = GLS_OVERRIDE | GLS_DEPTHFUNC_LESS | GLS_DEPTHMASK; // SWF GL State always overrides what's set in the material if( renderState.activeMasks > 0 ) { extraGLState |= GLS_STENCIL_FUNC_EQUAL | GLS_STENCIL_MAKE_REF( 128 + renderState.activeMasks ) | GLS_STENCIL_MAKE_MASK( 255 ); } else if( renderState.activeMasks == STENCIL_INCR ) { return GLS_COLORMASK | GLS_ALPHAMASK | GLS_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_KEEP | GLS_STENCIL_OP_ZFAIL_KEEP | GLS_STENCIL_OP_PASS_INCR; } else if( renderState.activeMasks == STENCIL_DECR ) { return GLS_COLORMASK | GLS_ALPHAMASK | GLS_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_KEEP | GLS_STENCIL_OP_ZFAIL_KEEP | GLS_STENCIL_OP_PASS_DECR; } switch( renderState.blendMode ) { case 7: // difference : dst = abs( dst - src ) case 9: // subtract : dst = dst - src return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE | GLS_BLENDOP_SUB ); case 8: // add : dst = dst + src return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE ); case 6: // darken : dst = min( dst, src ) return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE | GLS_BLENDOP_MIN ); case 5: // lighten : dst = max( dst, src ) return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE | GLS_BLENDOP_MAX ); case 4: // screen : dst = dst + src - dst*src ( we only do dst - dst * src, we could do the extra + src with another pass if we need to) return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE | GLS_BLENDOP_SUB ); case 14: // hardlight : src < 0.5 ? multiply : screen case 13: // overlay : dst < 0.5 ? multiply : screen case 3: // multiply : dst = ( dst * src ) + ( dst * (1-src.a) ) return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); case 12: // erase case 11: // alpha case 10: // invert case 2: // layer case 1: // normal case 0: // normaler default: return extraGLState | ( GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); } } /* ======================== idSWF::RenderMorphShape ======================== */ void idSWF::RenderMorphShape( idRenderSystem* gui, const idSWFShape* shape, const swfRenderState_t& renderState ) { if( shape == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "%s: RenderMorphShape: shape == NULL", filename.c_str() ); return; } for( int i = 0; i < shape->fillDraws.Num(); i++ ) { const idSWFShapeDrawFill& fill = shape->fillDraws[i]; const idMaterial* material = NULL; swfColorXform_t color; if( renderState.material != NULL ) { material = renderState.material; } else if( fill.style.type == 0 ) { material = guiSolid; idVec4 startColor = fill.style.startColor.ToVec4(); idVec4 endColor = fill.style.endColor.ToVec4(); color.mul = Lerp( startColor, endColor, renderState.ratio ); } else if( fill.style.type == 4 && fill.style.bitmapID != 65535 ) { material = dictionary[ fill.style.bitmapID ].material; } else { material = guiSolid; } color = color.Multiply( renderState.cxf ); if( swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { color.mul.w = swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat(); color.add.w = 0.0f; } if( ( color.mul.w + color.add.w ) <= ALPHA_EPSILON ) { continue; } uint32 packedColorM = LittleLong( PackColor( color.mul ) ); uint32 packedColorA = LittleLong( PackColor( ( color.add * 0.5f ) + idVec4( 0.5f ) ) ); // Compress from -1..1 to 0..1 swfRect_t bounds; bounds.tl = Lerp( shape->startBounds.tl, shape->endBounds.tl, renderState.ratio ); bounds.br = Lerp( shape->startBounds.br, shape->endBounds.br, renderState.ratio ); idVec2 size( material->GetImageWidth(), material->GetImageHeight() ); if( renderState.materialWidth > 0 ) { size.x = renderState.materialWidth; } if( renderState.materialHeight > 0 ) { size.y = renderState.materialHeight; } idVec2 oneOverSize( 1.0f / size.x, 1.0f / size.y ); swfMatrix_t styleMatrix; styleMatrix.xx = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.xx, fill.style.endMatrix.xx, renderState.ratio ); styleMatrix.yy = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.yy, fill.style.endMatrix.yy, renderState.ratio ); styleMatrix.xy = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.xy, fill.style.endMatrix.xy, renderState.ratio ); styleMatrix.yx = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.yx, fill.style.endMatrix.yx, renderState.ratio ); styleMatrix.tx = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.tx, fill.style.endMatrix.tx, renderState.ratio ); styleMatrix.ty = Lerp( fill.style.startMatrix.ty, fill.style.endMatrix.ty, renderState.ratio ); swfMatrix_t invMatrix = styleMatrix.Inverse(); gui->SetGLState( GLStateForRenderState( renderState ) ); idDrawVert* verts = gui->AllocTris( fill.startVerts.Num(), fill.indices.Ptr(), fill.indices.Num(), material, renderState.stereoDepth ); if( verts == NULL ) { continue; } for( int j = 0; j < fill.startVerts.Num(); j++ ) { idVec2 xy = Lerp( fill.startVerts[j], fill.endVerts[j], renderState.ratio ); idVec2 st; st.x = ( ( xy.x - bounds.tl.x ) * oneOverSize.x ) * 20.0f; st.y = ( ( xy.y - bounds.tl.y ) * oneOverSize.y ) * 20.0f; idVec2 adjust( 0.5f * oneOverSize.x, 0.5f * oneOverSize.y ); ALIGNTYPE16 idDrawVert tempVert; tempVert.Clear(); tempVert.xyz.ToVec2() = renderState.matrix.Transform( xy ).Scale( scaleToVirtual ); tempVert.xyz.z = 0.0f; tempVert.SetTexCoord( invMatrix.Transform( st ) + adjust ); tempVert.SetNativeOrderColor( packedColorM ); tempVert.SetNativeOrderColor2( packedColorA ); WriteDrawVerts16( & verts[j], & tempVert, 1 ); } } } /* ======================== idSWF::RenderShape ======================== */ void idSWF::RenderShape( idRenderSystem* gui, const idSWFShape* shape, const swfRenderState_t& renderState ) { if( shape == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "%s: RenderShape: shape == NULL", filename.c_str() ); return; } for( int i = 0; i < shape->fillDraws.Num(); i++ ) { const idSWFShapeDrawFill& fill = shape->fillDraws[i]; const idMaterial* material = NULL; swfColorXform_t color; swfMatrix_t invMatrix; idVec2 atlasScale( 0.0f, 0.0f ); idVec2 atlasBias( 0.0f, 0.0f ); bool useAtlas = false; idVec2 size( 1.0f, 1.0f ); if( renderState.material != NULL ) { material = renderState.material; invMatrix.xx = invMatrix.yy = ( 1.0f / 20.0f ); } else if( fill.style.type == 0 ) { material = guiSolid; color.mul = fill.style.startColor.ToVec4(); } else if( fill.style.type == 4 && fill.style.bitmapID != 65535 ) { // everything in a single image atlas idSWFDictionaryEntry* entry = &dictionary[ fill.style.bitmapID ]; material = atlasMaterial; idVec2i atlasSize( material->GetImageWidth(), material->GetImageHeight() ); for( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { size[i] = entry->imageSize[i]; atlasScale[i] = ( float )size[i] / atlasSize[i]; atlasBias[i] = ( float )entry->imageAtlasOffset[i] / atlasSize[i]; } // de-normalize color channels after DXT decompression color.mul = entry->channelScale; useAtlas = true; const swfMatrix_t& styleMatrix = fill.style.startMatrix; invMatrix = styleMatrix.Inverse(); } else { material = guiSolid; } color = color.Multiply( renderState.cxf ); if( swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { color.mul.w = swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat(); color.add.w = 0.0f; } if( ( color.mul.w + color.add.w ) <= ALPHA_EPSILON ) { continue; } uint32 packedColorM = LittleLong( PackColor( color.mul ) ); uint32 packedColorA = LittleLong( PackColor( ( color.add * 0.5f ) + idVec4( 0.5f ) ) ); // Compress from -1..1 to 0..1 const swfRect_t& bounds = shape->startBounds; if( renderState.materialWidth > 0 ) { size.x = renderState.materialWidth; } if( renderState.materialHeight > 0 ) { size.y = renderState.materialHeight; } idVec2 oneOverSize( 1.0f / size.x, 1.0f / size.y ); gui->SetGLState( GLStateForRenderState( renderState ) ); idDrawVert* verts = gui->AllocTris( fill.startVerts.Num(), fill.indices.Ptr(), fill.indices.Num(), material, renderState.stereoDepth ); if( verts == NULL ) { continue; } ALIGNTYPE16 idDrawVert tempVerts[4]; for( int j = 0; j < fill.startVerts.Num(); j++ ) { const idVec2& xy = fill.startVerts[j]; idDrawVert& vert = tempVerts[j & 3]; vert.Clear(); vert.xyz.ToVec2() = renderState.matrix.Transform( xy ).Scale( scaleToVirtual ); vert.xyz.z = 0.0f; vert.SetNativeOrderColor( packedColorM ); vert.SetNativeOrderColor2( packedColorA ); // For some reason I don't understand, having texcoords // in the range of 2000 or so causes what should be solid // fill areas to have horizontal bands on nvidia, but not 360. // Forcing the texcoords to zero fixes it. if( fill.style.type != 0 ) { idVec2 st; // all the swf vertexes have an implicit scale of 1/20 for some reason... st.x = ( ( xy.x - bounds.tl.x ) * oneOverSize.x ) * 20.0f; st.y = ( ( xy.y - bounds.tl.y ) * oneOverSize.y ) * 20.0f; st = invMatrix.Transform( st ); if( useAtlas ) { st = st.Scale( atlasScale ) + atlasBias; } // inset the tc - the gui may use a vmtr and the tc might end up // crossing page boundaries if using [0.0,1.0] st.x = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.001f, 0.999f, st.x ); st.y = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.001f, 0.999f, st.y ); vert.SetTexCoord( st ); } // write four verts at a time to video memory if( ( j & 3 ) == 3 ) { WriteDrawVerts16( & verts[j & ~3], tempVerts, 4 ); } } // write any remaining verts to video memory WriteDrawVerts16( & verts[fill.startVerts.Num() & ~3], tempVerts, fill.startVerts.Num() & 3 ); } for( int i = 0; i < shape->lineDraws.Num(); i++ ) { const idSWFShapeDrawLine& line = shape->lineDraws[i]; swfColorXform_t color; color.mul = line.style.startColor.ToVec4(); color = color.Multiply( renderState.cxf ); if( swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { color.mul.w = swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat(); color.add.w = 0.0f; } if( ( color.mul.w + color.add.w ) <= ALPHA_EPSILON ) { continue; } uint32 packedColorM = LittleLong( PackColor( color.mul ) ); uint32 packedColorA = LittleLong( PackColor( ( color.add * 0.5f ) + idVec4( 0.5f ) ) ); // Compress from -1..1 to 0..1 gui->SetGLState( GLStateForRenderState( renderState ) | GLS_POLYMODE_LINE ); idDrawVert* verts = gui->AllocTris( line.startVerts.Num(), line.indices.Ptr(), line.indices.Num(), white, renderState.stereoDepth ); if( verts == NULL ) { continue; } for( int j = 0; j < line.startVerts.Num(); j++ ) { const idVec2& xy = line.startVerts[j]; ALIGNTYPE16 idDrawVert tempVert; tempVert.Clear(); tempVert.xyz.ToVec2() = renderState.matrix.Transform( xy ).Scale( scaleToVirtual ); tempVert.xyz.z = 0.0f; tempVert.SetTexCoord( 0.0f, 0.0f ); tempVert.SetNativeOrderColor( packedColorM ); tempVert.SetNativeOrderColor2( packedColorA ); WriteDrawVerts16( & verts[j], & tempVert, 1 ); } } } /* ======================== idSWF::DrawEditCursor ======================== */ void idSWF::DrawEditCursor( idRenderSystem* gui, float x, float y, float w, float h, const swfMatrix_t& matrix ) { idVec2 topl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x, y ) ); idVec2 topr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x + w, y ) ); idVec2 br = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x + w, y + h ) ); idVec2 bl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x, y + h ) ); DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topl.x, topl.y, 0.0f, 0.0f ), idVec4( topr.x, topr.y, 1.0f, 0.0f ), idVec4( br.x, br.y, 1.0f, 1.0f ), idVec4( bl.x, bl.y, 0.0f, 1.0f ), white ); } /* ======================== idSWF::RenderEditText ======================== */ void idSWF::RenderEditText( idRenderSystem* gui, idSWFTextInstance* textInstance, const swfRenderState_t& renderState, int time, bool isSplitscreen ) { if( textInstance == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "%s: RenderEditText: textInstance == NULL", filename.c_str() ); return; } if( !textInstance->visible ) { return; } const idSWFEditText* shape = textInstance->editText; idStr text; if( textInstance->variable.IsEmpty() ) { if( textInstance->renderMode == SWF_TEXT_RENDER_PARAGRAPH ) { if( textInstance->NeedsGenerateRandomText() ) { textInstance->StartParagraphText( Sys_Milliseconds() ); } text = textInstance->GetParagraphText( Sys_Milliseconds() ); } else if( textInstance->renderMode == SWF_TEXT_RENDER_RANDOM_APPEAR || textInstance->renderMode == SWF_TEXT_RENDER_RANDOM_APPEAR_CAPS ) { if( textInstance->NeedsGenerateRandomText() ) { textInstance->StartRandomText( Sys_Milliseconds() ); } text = textInstance->GetRandomText( Sys_Milliseconds() ); } else { text = idLocalization::GetString( textInstance->text ); } } else { idSWFScriptVar var = globals->Get( textInstance->variable ); if( var.IsUndefined() ) { text = idLocalization::GetString( textInstance->text ); } else { text = idLocalization::GetString( var.ToString() ); } } if( text.Length() == 0 ) { textInstance->selectionEnd = -1; textInstance->selectionStart = -1; } if( textInstance->NeedsSoundPlayed() ) { PlaySound( textInstance->GetSoundClip() ); textInstance->ClearPlaySound(); } if( textInstance->tooltip ) { FindTooltipIcons( &text ); } else { tooltipIconList.Clear(); } int selStart = textInstance->selectionStart; int selEnd = textInstance->selectionEnd; int cursorPos = selEnd; bool inputField = false; idSWFScriptVar focusWindow = globals->Get( "focusWindow" ); if( focusWindow.IsObject() && focusWindow.GetObject() == &textInstance->scriptObject ) { inputField = true; } bool drawCursor = false; if( inputField && ( ( idLib::frameNumber >> 4 ) & 1 ) == 0 ) { cursorPos = selEnd; drawCursor = true; } if( selStart > selEnd ) { SwapValues( selStart, selEnd ); } idVec2 xScaleVec = renderState.matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ); idVec2 yScaleVec = renderState.matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); float xScale = xScaleVec.Length(); float yScale = yScaleVec.Length(); if( isSplitscreen ) { yScale *= 0.5f; } float invXScale = 1.0f / xScale; float invYScale = 1.0f / yScale; swfMatrix_t matrix = renderState.matrix; matrix.xx *= invXScale; matrix.xy *= invXScale; matrix.yy *= invYScale; matrix.yx *= invYScale; idSWFDictionaryEntry* fontEntry = FindDictionaryEntry( shape->fontID, SWF_DICT_FONT ); if( fontEntry == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "idSWF::RenderEditText: NULL Font" ); return; } idSWFFont* swfFont = fontEntry->font; float postTransformHeight = SWFTWIP( shape->fontHeight ) * yScale; const idFont* fontInfo = swfFont->fontID; float glyphScale = postTransformHeight / 48.0f; float imageScale = postTransformHeight / 24.0f; textInstance->glyphScale = glyphScale; idVec4 defaultColor = textInstance->color.ToVec4(); defaultColor = defaultColor.Multiply( renderState.cxf.mul ) + renderState.cxf.add; if( swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { defaultColor.w = swf_forceAlpha.GetFloat(); } if( defaultColor.w <= ALPHA_EPSILON ) { return; } idVec4 selColor( defaultColor ); selColor.w *= 0.5f; gui->SetColor( defaultColor ); gui->SetGLState( GLStateForRenderState( renderState ) ); swfRect_t bounds; bounds.tl.x = xScale * ( shape->bounds.tl.x + SWFTWIP( shape->leftMargin ) ); bounds.br.x = xScale * ( shape->bounds.br.x - SWFTWIP( shape->rightMargin ) ); float linespacing = fontInfo->GetAscender( 1.15f * glyphScale ); if( shape->leading != 0 ) { linespacing += SWFTWIP( shape->leading ); } bounds.tl.y = yScale * ( shape->bounds.tl.y + ( 1.15f * glyphScale ) ); bounds.br.y = yScale * ( shape->bounds.br.y ); textInstance->linespacing = linespacing; textInstance->bounds = bounds; if( shape->flags & SWF_ET_AUTOSIZE ) { bounds.br.x = frameWidth; bounds.br.y = frameHeight; } if( drawCursor && cursorPos <= 0 ) { float yPos = 0.0f; scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, ' ', glyph ); yPos = glyph.height / 2.0f; DrawEditCursor( gui, bounds.tl.x, yPos, 1.0f, linespacing, matrix ); } if( textInstance->IsSubtitle() ) { if( text.IsEmpty() && textInstance->subtitleText.IsEmpty() ) { return; } } else if( text.IsEmpty() ) { return; } float x = bounds.tl.x; float y = bounds.tl.y; int maxLines = idMath::Ftoi( ( bounds.br.y - bounds.tl.y ) / linespacing ); if( maxLines == 0 ) { maxLines = 1; } textInstance->maxLines = maxLines; idList< idStr > textLines; idStr* currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); // tracks the last breakable character we found int lastbreak = 0; float lastbreakX = 0; bool insertingImage = false; int iconIndex = 0; int charIndex = 0; if( textInstance->IsSubtitle() ) { charIndex = textInstance->GetSubStartIndex(); } while( charIndex < text.Length() ) { if( text[ charIndex ] == '\n' ) { if( shape->flags & SWF_ET_MULTILINE ) { currentLine->Append( '\n' ); x = bounds.tl.x; y += linespacing; currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); lastbreak = 0; charIndex++; continue; } else { break; } } int glyphStart = charIndex; uint32 tc = text.UTF8Char( charIndex ); scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, tc, glyph ); float glyphSkip = glyph.xSkip; if( textInstance->HasStroke() ) { glyphSkip += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() * glyphScale ); } tooltipIcon_t iconCheck; if( iconIndex < tooltipIconList.Num() ) { iconCheck = tooltipIconList[iconIndex]; } float imageSkip = 0.0f; if( charIndex - 1 == iconCheck.startIndex ) { insertingImage = true; imageSkip = iconCheck.imageWidth * imageScale; } else if( charIndex - 1 == iconCheck.endIndex ) { insertingImage = false; iconIndex++; glyphSkip = 0.0f; } if( insertingImage ) { glyphSkip = 0.0f; } if( !inputField ) // only break lines of text when we are not inputting data { if( x + glyphSkip > bounds.br.x || x + imageSkip > bounds.br.x ) { if( shape->flags & ( SWF_ET_MULTILINE | SWF_ET_WORDWRAP ) ) { if( lastbreak > 0 ) { int curLineIndex = currentLine - &textLines[0]; idStr* newline = &textLines.Alloc(); currentLine = &textLines[ curLineIndex ]; if( maxLines == 1 ) { currentLine->CapLength( currentLine->Length() - 3 ); currentLine->Append( "..." ); break; } else { *newline = currentLine->c_str() + lastbreak; currentLine->CapLength( lastbreak ); currentLine = newline; x -= lastbreakX; } } else { currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); x = bounds.tl.x; } lastbreak = 0; } else { break; } } } while( glyphStart < charIndex && glyphStart < text.Length() ) { currentLine->Append( text[ glyphStart++ ] ); } x += glyphSkip + imageSkip; if( tc == ' ' || tc == '-' ) { lastbreak = currentLine->Length(); lastbreakX = x; } } // Subtitle functionality if( textInstance->IsSubtitle() && textInstance->IsUpdatingSubtitle() ) { if( textLines.Num() > 0 && textInstance->SubNeedsSwitch() ) { int lastWordIndex = textInstance->GetApporoximateSubtitleBreak( time ); int newEndChar = textInstance->GetSubStartIndex() + textLines[0].Length(); int wordCount = 0; bool earlyOut = false; for( int index = 0; index < textLines[0].Length(); ++index ) { if( textLines[0][index] == ' ' || textLines[0][index] == '-' ) { if( index != 0 ) { if( wordCount == lastWordIndex ) { newEndChar = textInstance->GetSubStartIndex() + index; earlyOut = true; break; } // cover the double space at the beginning of sentences if( index > 0 && textLines[0][index - 1 ] != ' ' ) { wordCount++; } } } else if( index == textLines[0].Length() ) { if( wordCount == lastWordIndex ) { newEndChar = textInstance->GetSubStartIndex() + index; earlyOut = true; break; } wordCount++; } } if( wordCount <= 0 && textLines[0].Length() > 0 ) { wordCount = 1; } if( !earlyOut ) { textInstance->LastWordChanged( wordCount, time ); } textInstance->SetSubEndIndex( newEndChar, time ); idStr subText = textLines[0].Left( newEndChar - textInstance->GetSubStartIndex() ); idSWFParmList parms; parms.Append( subText ); parms.Append( textInstance->GetSpeaker().c_str() ); parms.Append( textInstance->GetSubAlignment() ); Invoke( "subtitleChanged", parms ); parms.Clear(); textInstance->SetSubNextStartIndex( textInstance->GetSubEndIndex() ); textInstance->SwitchSubtitleText( time ); } if( !textInstance->UpdateSubtitle( time ) ) { textInstance->SubtitleComplete(); idSWFParmList parms; parms.Append( textInstance->GetSubAlignment() ); Invoke( "subtitleComplete", parms ); parms.Clear(); textInstance->SubtitleCleanup(); } } //************************************************* // CALCULATE THE NUMBER OF SCROLLS LINES LEFT //************************************************* textInstance->CalcMaxScroll( textLines.Num() - maxLines ); int c = 1; int textLine = textInstance->scroll; if( textLine + maxLines > textLines.Num() && maxLines < textLines.Num() ) { textLine = textLines.Num() - maxLines; textInstance->scroll = textLine; } else if( textLine < 0 || textLines.Num() <= maxLines ) { textLine = 0; textInstance->scroll = textLine; } else if( textInstance->renderMode == SWF_TEXT_RENDER_AUTOSCROLL ) { textLine = textLines.Num() - maxLines; textInstance->scroll = textInstance->maxscroll; } // END SCROLL CALCULATION //************************************************* int index = 0; int startCharacter = 0; int endCharacter = 0; int inputEndChar = 0; iconIndex = 0; int overallIndex = 0; int curIcon = 0; float yPrevBottomOffset = 0.0f; float yOffset = 0; int strokeXOffsets[] = { -1, 1, -1, 1 }; int strokeYOffsets[] = { -1, -1, 1, 1 }; idStr inputText; if( inputField ) { if( textLines.Num() > 0 ) { idStr& text = textLines[0]; float left = bounds.tl.x; int startCheckIndex = textInstance->GetInputStartChar(); if( startCheckIndex >= text.Length() ) { startCheckIndex = 0; } if( cursorPos < startCheckIndex && cursorPos >= 0 ) { startCheckIndex = cursorPos; } bool endFound = false; int c = startCheckIndex; while( c < text.Length() ) { uint32 tc = text.UTF8Char( c ); scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, tc, glyph ); float glyphSkip = glyph.xSkip; if( textInstance->HasStroke() ) { glyphSkip += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() * glyphScale ); } if( left + glyphSkip > bounds.br.x ) { if( cursorPos > c && cursorPos != endCharacter ) { float removeSize = 0.0f; while( removeSize < glyphSkip ) { if( endCharacter == c ) { break; } scaledGlyphInfo_t removeGlyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, inputText[ endCharacter++ ], removeGlyph ); removeSize += removeGlyph.xSkip; } left -= removeSize; } else { inputEndChar = c; endFound = true; break; } } inputText.AppendUTF8Char( tc ); left += glyphSkip; } if( !endFound ) { inputEndChar = text.Length(); } startCheckIndex += endCharacter; textInstance->SetInputStartCharacter( startCheckIndex ); endCharacter = startCheckIndex; } } for( int t = 0; t < textLines.Num(); t++ ) { if( textInstance->IsSubtitle() && t > 0 ) { break; } if( t < textLine ) { idStr& text = textLines[t]; c += text.Length(); startCharacter = endCharacter; endCharacter = startCharacter + text.Length(); overallIndex += text.Length(); // find the right icon index if we scrolled passed the previous ones for( int iconChar = curIcon; iconChar < tooltipIconList.Num(); ++iconChar ) { if( endCharacter > tooltipIconList[iconChar].startIndex ) { curIcon++; } else { break; } } continue; } if( index == maxLines ) { break; } startCharacter = endCharacter; idStr& text = textLines[textLine]; int lastChar = text.Length(); if( textInstance->IsSubtitle() ) { lastChar = textInstance->GetSubEndIndex(); } textLine++; if( inputField ) { if( inputEndChar == 0 ) { inputEndChar += 1; } selStart -= startCharacter; selEnd -= startCharacter; cursorPos -= startCharacter; endCharacter = inputEndChar; lastChar = endCharacter; text = text.Mid( startCharacter, endCharacter - startCharacter ); } else { if( lastChar == 0 ) { // blank line so add space char endCharacter = startCharacter + 1; } else { endCharacter = startCharacter + lastChar; } } float width = 0.0f; insertingImage = false; int i = 0; while( i < lastChar ) { if( curIcon < tooltipIconList.Num() && tooltipIconList[curIcon].startIndex == startCharacter + i ) { width += tooltipIconList[curIcon].imageWidth * imageScale; i += tooltipIconList[curIcon].endIndex - tooltipIconList[curIcon].startIndex - 1; curIcon++; } else { if( i < text.Length() ) { scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, text.UTF8Char( i ), glyph ); width += glyph.xSkip; if( textInstance->HasStroke() ) { width += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() * glyphScale ); } } else { i++; } } } y = bounds.tl.y + ( index * linespacing ); float biggestGlyphHeight = 0.0f; /*for ( int image = 0; image < tooltipIconList.Num(); ++image ) { if ( tooltipIconList[image].startIndex >= startCharacter && tooltipIconList[image].endIndex < endCharacter ) { biggestGlyphHeight = tooltipIconList[image].imageHeight > biggestGlyphHeight ? tooltipIconList[image].imageHeight : biggestGlyphHeight; } }*/ float yBottomOffset = 0.0f; float yTopOffset = 0.0f; if( biggestGlyphHeight > 0.0f ) { float topSpace = 0.0f; float bottomSpace = 0.0f; int idx = 0; scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, text.UTF8Char( idx ), glyph ); topSpace = ( ( biggestGlyphHeight * imageScale ) - glyph.height ) / 2.0f; bottomSpace = topSpace; if( topSpace > 0.0f && t != 0 ) { yTopOffset += topSpace; } if( bottomSpace > 0.0f ) { yBottomOffset += bottomSpace; } } else { yBottomOffset = 0.0f; } if( t != 0 ) { if( yPrevBottomOffset > 0 || yTopOffset > 0 ) { yOffset += yTopOffset > yPrevBottomOffset ? yTopOffset : yPrevBottomOffset; } } y += yOffset; yPrevBottomOffset = yBottomOffset; float extraSpace = 0.0f; switch( shape->align ) { case SWF_ET_ALIGN_LEFT: x = bounds.tl.x; break; case SWF_ET_ALIGN_RIGHT: x = bounds.br.x - width; break; case SWF_ET_ALIGN_CENTER: x = ( bounds.tl.x + bounds.br.x - width ) * 0.5f; break; case SWF_ET_ALIGN_JUSTIFY: x = bounds.tl.x; if( width > ( bounds.br.x - bounds.tl.x ) * 0.5f && index < textLines.Num() - 1 ) { extraSpace = ( ( bounds.br.x - bounds.tl.x ) - width ) / ( ( float ) lastChar - 1.0f ); } break; } tooltipIcon_t icon; insertingImage = false; // find the right icon index if we scrolled passed the previous ones for( int iconChar = iconIndex; iconChar < tooltipIconList.Num(); ++iconChar ) { if( overallIndex > tooltipIconList[iconChar].startIndex ) { iconIndex++; } else { break; } } float baseLine = y + ( fontInfo->GetAscender( glyphScale ) ); i = 0; int overallLineIndex = 0; idVec4 textColor = defaultColor; while( i < lastChar ) { if( i >= text.Length() ) { break; } // Support colors if( !textInstance->ignoreColor ) { if( text[ i ] == C_COLOR_ESCAPE ) { if( idStr::IsColor( text.c_str() + i++ ) ) { if( text[ i ] == C_COLOR_DEFAULT ) { i++; textColor = defaultColor; } else { textColor = idStr::ColorForIndex( text[ i++ ] ); textColor.w = defaultColor.w; } continue; } } } uint32 character = text.UTF8Char( i ); if( character == '\n' ) { c++; overallIndex += i - overallLineIndex; overallLineIndex = i;; continue; } // Skip a single leading space if( character == ' ' && i == 1 ) { c++; overallIndex += i - overallLineIndex; overallLineIndex = i; continue; } if( iconIndex < tooltipIconList.Num() ) { icon = tooltipIconList[iconIndex]; } if( overallIndex == icon.startIndex ) { insertingImage = true; scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, character, glyph ); float imageHeight = icon.imageHeight * imageScale; float glyphHeight = glyph.height; float imageY = 0.0f; if( icon.baseline == 0 ) { imageY = baseLine - glyph.top; imageY += ( glyphHeight - imageHeight ) * 0.5f; imageY += 2.0f; } else { imageY = ( y + glyphHeight ) - ( ( icon.imageHeight * imageScale ) - ( glyphHeight ) ); } float imageX = x + glyph.left; float imageW = icon.imageWidth * imageScale; float imageH = icon.imageHeight * imageScale; idVec2 topl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( imageX, imageY ) ); idVec2 topr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( imageX + imageW, imageY ) ); idVec2 br = matrix.Transform( idVec2( imageX + imageW, imageY + imageH ) ); idVec2 bl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( imageX, imageY + imageH ) ); float s1 = 0.0f; float t1 = 0.0f; float s2 = 1.0f; float t2 = 1.0f; //uint32 color = gui->GetColor(); idVec4 imgColor = colorWhite; imgColor.w = defaultColor.w; gui->SetColor( imgColor ); DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topl.x, topl.y, s1, t1 ), idVec4( topr.x, topr.y, s2, t1 ), idVec4( br.x, br.y, s2, t2 ), idVec4( bl.x, bl.y, s1, t2 ), icon.material ); gui->SetColor( defaultColor ); x += icon.imageWidth * imageScale; x += extraSpace; } else if( overallIndex == icon.endIndex ) { insertingImage = false; iconIndex++; } if( insertingImage ) { overallIndex += i - overallLineIndex; overallLineIndex = i; continue; } // the glyphs texcoords assume nearest filtering, to get proper // bilinear support we need to go an extra half texel on each side scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, character, glyph ); float glyphSkip = glyph.xSkip; if( textInstance->HasStroke() ) { glyphSkip += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() * glyphScale ); } float glyphW = glyph.width + 1.0f; // +1 for bilinear half texel on each side float glyphH = glyph.height + 1.0f; float glyphY = baseLine - glyph.top; float glyphX = x + glyph.left; idVec2 topl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( glyphX, glyphY ) ); idVec2 topr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( glyphX + glyphW, glyphY ) ); idVec2 br = matrix.Transform( idVec2( glyphX + glyphW, glyphY + glyphH ) ); idVec2 bl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( glyphX, glyphY + glyphH ) ); float s1 = glyph.s1; float t1 = glyph.t1; float s2 = glyph.s2; float t2 = glyph.t2; if( c > selStart && c <= selEnd ) { idVec2 topl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x, y ) ); idVec2 topr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x + glyphSkip, y ) ); idVec2 br = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x + glyphSkip, y + linespacing ) ); idVec2 bl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( x, y + linespacing ) ); gui->SetColor( selColor ); DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topl.x, topl.y, 0, 0 ), idVec4( topr.x, topr.y, 1, 0 ), idVec4( br.x, br.y, 1, 1 ), idVec4( bl.x, bl.y, 0, 1 ), white ); gui->SetColor( textColor ); } if( textInstance->GetHasDropShadow() ) { float dsY = glyphY + glyphScale * 2.0f; float dsX = glyphX + glyphScale * 2.0f; idVec2 dstopl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( dsX, dsY ) ); idVec2 dstopr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( dsX + glyphW, dsY ) ); idVec2 dsbr = matrix.Transform( idVec2( dsX + glyphW, dsY + glyphH ) ); idVec2 dsbl = matrix.Transform( idVec2( dsX, dsY + glyphH ) ); idVec4 dsColor = colorBlack; dsColor.w = defaultColor.w; gui->SetColor( dsColor ); DrawStretchPic( idVec4( dstopl.x, dstopl.y, s1, t1 ), idVec4( dstopr.x, dstopr.y, s2, t1 ), idVec4( dsbr.x, dsbr.y, s2, t2 ), idVec4( dsbl.x, dsbl.y, s1, t2 ), glyph.material ); gui->SetColor( textColor ); } else if( textInstance->HasStroke() ) { idVec4 strokeColor = colorBlack; strokeColor.w = textInstance->GetStrokeStrength() * defaultColor.w; gui->SetColor( strokeColor ); for( int index = 0; index < 4; ++index ) { float xPos = glyphX + ( ( strokeXOffsets[ index ] * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() ) * glyphScale ); float yPos = glyphY + ( ( strokeYOffsets[ index ] * textInstance->GetStrokeWeight() ) * glyphScale ); idVec2 topLeft = matrix.Transform( idVec2( xPos, yPos ) ); idVec2 topRight = matrix.Transform( idVec2( xPos + glyphW, yPos ) ); idVec2 botRight = matrix.Transform( idVec2( xPos + glyphW, yPos + glyphH ) ); idVec2 botLeft = matrix.Transform( idVec2( xPos, yPos + glyphH ) ); DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topLeft.x, topLeft.y, s1, t1 ), idVec4( topRight.x, topRight.y, s2, t1 ), idVec4( botRight.x, botRight.y, s2, t2 ), idVec4( botLeft.x, botLeft.y, s1, t2 ), glyph.material ); } gui->SetColor( textColor ); } DrawStretchPic( idVec4( topl.x, topl.y, s1, t1 ), idVec4( topr.x, topr.y, s2, t1 ), idVec4( br.x, br.y, s2, t2 ), idVec4( bl.x, bl.y, s1, t2 ), glyph.material ); x += glyphSkip; x += extraSpace; if( cursorPos == c ) { DrawEditCursor( gui, x - 1.0f, y, 1.0f, linespacing, matrix ); } c++; overallIndex += i - overallLineIndex; overallLineIndex = i; } index++; } } /* ======================== idSWF::FindTooltipIcons This replaces text like "_use" with platform specific text like "" ======================== */ void idSWF::FindTooltipIcons( idStr* text ) { tooltipIconList.Clear(); for( int i = UB_MAX_BUTTONS - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { //for ( userCmdString_t * ucs = userCmdStrings ; ucs->string ; ucs++ ) { userCmdString_t ucs = userCmdStrings[i]; if( ucs.string && idStr::FindText( text->c_str(), ucs.string, false ) != idStr::INVALID_POSITION ) { idStr replacement; keyBindings_t bind = idKeyInput::KeyBindingsFromBinding( ucs.string, true ); idStr gamepad = "<"; gamepad.Append( bind.gamepad ); gamepad.Append( ">" ); if( !in_useJoystick.GetBool() ) { if( !bind.mouse.IsEmpty() ) { replacement.Format( "<%s>", bind.mouse.c_str() ); } else if( !bind.keyboard.IsEmpty() ) { replacement = bind.keyboard; } if( replacement.IsEmpty() ) { text->Replace( ucs.string, idStrId( "#str_swf_unbound" ).GetLocalizedString() ); } } else { replacement = gamepad; } if( !replacement.IsEmpty() ) { replacement.ToUpper(); text->Replace( ucs.string, replacement.c_str() ); } } } for( int count = 0; count < tooltipButtonImage.Num(); ++count ) { int index = -1; while( ( index = idStr::FindText( text->c_str(), tooltipButtonImage[count].key, false, index + 1 ) ) != idStr::INVALID_POSITION ) { tooltipIcon_t icon; icon.startIndex = index; icon.endIndex = index + idStr::Length( tooltipButtonImage[count].key ); icon.material = declManager->FindMaterial( tooltipButtonImage[count].xbImage ); if( icon.material ) { icon.imageWidth = tooltipButtonImage[count].width; icon.imageHeight = tooltipButtonImage[count].height; icon.baseline = tooltipButtonImage[count].baseline; } else { icon.imageWidth = 0; icon.imageHeight = 0; icon.baseline = 0; } bool inserted = false; if( tooltipIconList.Num() > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < tooltipIconList.Num(); ++i ) { if( tooltipIconList[i].startIndex > icon.startIndex ) { tooltipIconList.Insert( icon, i ); inserted = true; break; } } } if( !inserted ) { tooltipIconList.Append( icon ); } } } }