
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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(at your option) any later version.

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#ifndef __TRACEMODEL_H__
#define __TRACEMODEL_H__


	A trace model is an arbitrary polygonal model which is used by the
	collision detection system to find collisions, contacts or the contents
	of a volume. For collision detection speed reasons the number of vertices
	and edges are limited. The trace model can have any shape. However convex
	models are usually preferred.


class idVec3;
class idMat3;
class idBounds;

// trace model type
typedef enum
	TRM_INVALID,		// invalid trm
	TRM_BOX,			// box
	TRM_OCTAHEDRON,		// octahedron
	TRM_DODECAHEDRON,	// dodecahedron
	TRM_CYLINDER,		// cylinder approximation
	TRM_CONE,			// cone approximation
	TRM_BONE,			// two tetrahedrons attached to each other
	TRM_POLYGON,		// arbitrary convex polygon
	TRM_POLYGONVOLUME,	// volume for arbitrary convex polygon
	TRM_CUSTOM			// loaded from map model or ASE/LWO
} traceModel_t;

// these are bit cache limits

typedef idVec3 traceModelVert_t;

typedef struct
	int					v[2];
	idVec3				normal;
} traceModelEdge_t;

typedef struct
	idVec3				normal;
	float				dist;
	idBounds			bounds;
	int					numEdges;
} traceModelPoly_t;

class idTraceModel

	traceModel_t		type;
	int					numVerts;
	traceModelVert_t	verts[MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS];
	int					numEdges;
	traceModelEdge_t	edges[MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES + 1];
	int					numPolys;
	traceModelPoly_t	polys[MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS];
	idVec3				offset;			// offset to center of model
	idBounds			bounds;			// bounds of model
	bool				isConvex;		// true when model is convex
	// axial bounding box
	idTraceModel( const idBounds& boxBounds );
	// cylinder approximation
	idTraceModel( const idBounds& cylBounds, const int numSides );
	// bone
	idTraceModel( const float length, const float width );
	// axial box
	void				SetupBox( const idBounds& boxBounds );
	void				SetupBox( const float size );
	// octahedron
	void				SetupOctahedron( const idBounds& octBounds );
	void				SetupOctahedron( const float size );
	// dodecahedron
	void				SetupDodecahedron( const idBounds& dodBounds );
	void				SetupDodecahedron( const float size );
	// cylinder approximation
	void				SetupCylinder( const idBounds& cylBounds, const int numSides );
	void				SetupCylinder( const float height, const float width, const int numSides );
	// cone approximation
	void				SetupCone( const idBounds& coneBounds, const int numSides );
	void				SetupCone( const float height, const float width, const int numSides );
	// two tetrahedrons attached to each other
	void				SetupBone( const float length, const float width );
	// arbitrary convex polygon
	void				SetupPolygon( const idVec3* v, const int count );
	void				SetupPolygon( const idWinding& w );
	// generate edge normals
	int					GenerateEdgeNormals();
	// translate the trm
	void				Translate( const idVec3& translation );
	// rotate the trm
	void				Rotate( const idMat3& rotation );
	// shrink the model m units on all sides
	void				Shrink( const float m );
	// compare
	bool				Compare( const idTraceModel& trm ) const;
	bool				operator==(	const idTraceModel& trm ) const;
	bool				operator!=(	const idTraceModel& trm ) const;
	// get the area of one of the polygons
	float				GetPolygonArea( int polyNum ) const;
	// get the silhouette edges
	int					GetProjectionSilhouetteEdges( const idVec3& projectionOrigin, int silEdges[MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES] ) const;
	int					GetParallelProjectionSilhouetteEdges( const idVec3& projectionDir, int silEdges[MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES] ) const;
	// calculate mass properties assuming an uniform density
	void				GetMassProperties( const float density, float& mass, idVec3& centerOfMass, idMat3& inertiaTensor ) const;
	void				InitBox();
	void				InitOctahedron();
	void				InitDodecahedron();
	void				InitBone();
	void				ProjectionIntegrals( int polyNum, int a, int b, struct projectionIntegrals_s& integrals ) const;
	void				PolygonIntegrals( int polyNum, int a, int b, int c, struct polygonIntegrals_s& integrals ) const;
	void				VolumeIntegrals( struct volumeIntegrals_s& integrals ) const;
	void				VolumeFromPolygon( idTraceModel& trm, float thickness ) const;
	int					GetOrderedSilhouetteEdges( const int edgeIsSilEdge[MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES + 1], int silEdges[MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES] ) const;

ID_INLINE idTraceModel::idTraceModel()
	type = TRM_INVALID;
	numVerts = numEdges = numPolys = 0;

ID_INLINE idTraceModel::idTraceModel( const idBounds& boxBounds )
	SetupBox( boxBounds );

ID_INLINE idTraceModel::idTraceModel( const idBounds& cylBounds, const int numSides )
	SetupCylinder( cylBounds, numSides );

ID_INLINE idTraceModel::idTraceModel( const float length, const float width )
	SetupBone( length, width );

ID_INLINE bool idTraceModel::operator==( const idTraceModel& trm ) const
	return Compare( trm );

ID_INLINE bool idTraceModel::operator!=( const idTraceModel& trm ) const
	return !Compare( trm );

#endif /* !__TRACEMODEL_H__ */