/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #include "tr_local.h" /* ================================================================================= ENTITY DEFS ================================================================================= */ /* ================= R_DeriveEntityData ================= */ void R_DeriveEntityData( idRenderEntityLocal * entity ) { R_AxisToModelMatrix( entity->parms.axis, entity->parms.origin, entity->modelMatrix ); idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( entity->parms.origin, entity->parms.axis, entity->modelRenderMatrix ); // calculate the matrix that transforms the unit cube to exactly cover the model in world space idRenderMatrix::OffsetScaleForBounds( entity->modelRenderMatrix, entity->localReferenceBounds, entity->inverseBaseModelProject ); // calculate the global model bounds by inverse projecting the unit cube with the 'inverseBaseModelProject' idRenderMatrix::ProjectedBounds( entity->globalReferenceBounds, entity->inverseBaseModelProject, bounds_unitCube, false ); } /* =================== R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData Used by both FreeEntityDef and UpdateEntityDef Does not actually free the entityDef. =================== */ void R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( idRenderEntityLocal *def, bool keepDecals, bool keepCachedDynamicModel ) { // demo playback needs to free the joints, while normal play // leaves them in the control of the game if ( common->ReadDemo() ) { if ( def->parms.joints ) { Mem_Free16( def->parms.joints ); def->parms.joints = NULL; } if ( def->parms.callbackData ) { Mem_Free( def->parms.callbackData ); def->parms.callbackData = NULL; } for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) { if ( def->parms.gui[ i ] ) { delete def->parms.gui[ i ]; def->parms.gui[ i ] = NULL; } } } // free all the interactions while ( def->firstInteraction != NULL ) { def->firstInteraction->UnlinkAndFree(); } def->dynamicModelFrameCount = 0; // clear the dynamic model if present if ( def->dynamicModel ) { def->dynamicModel = NULL; } if ( !keepDecals ) { R_FreeEntityDefDecals( def ); R_FreeEntityDefOverlay( def ); } if ( !keepCachedDynamicModel ) { delete def->cachedDynamicModel; def->cachedDynamicModel = NULL; } // free the entityRefs from the areas areaReference_t * next = NULL; for ( areaReference_t * ref = def->entityRefs; ref != NULL; ref = next ) { next = ref->ownerNext; // unlink from the area ref->areaNext->areaPrev = ref->areaPrev; ref->areaPrev->areaNext = ref->areaNext; // put it back on the free list for reuse def->world->areaReferenceAllocator.Free( ref ); } def->entityRefs = NULL; } /* =================== R_FreeEntityDefDecals =================== */ void R_FreeEntityDefDecals( idRenderEntityLocal *def ) { def->decals = NULL; } /* =================== R_FreeEntityDefFadedDecals =================== */ void R_FreeEntityDefFadedDecals( idRenderEntityLocal *def, int time ) { if ( def->decals != NULL ) { def->decals->RemoveFadedDecals( time ); } } /* =================== R_FreeEntityDefOverlay =================== */ void R_FreeEntityDefOverlay( idRenderEntityLocal *def ) { def->overlays = NULL; } /* =============== R_CreateEntityRefs Creates all needed model references in portal areas, chaining them to both the area and the entityDef. Bumps tr.viewCount, which means viewCount can change many times each frame. =============== */ void R_CreateEntityRefs( idRenderEntityLocal *entity ) { if ( entity->parms.hModel == NULL ) { entity->parms.hModel = renderModelManager->DefaultModel(); } // if the entity hasn't been fully specified due to expensive animation calcs // for md5 and particles, use the provided conservative bounds. if ( entity->parms.callback != NULL ) { entity->localReferenceBounds = entity->parms.bounds; } else { entity->localReferenceBounds = entity->parms.hModel->Bounds( &entity->parms ); } // some models, like empty particles, may not need to be added at all if ( entity->localReferenceBounds.IsCleared() ) { return; } if ( r_showUpdates.GetBool() && ( entity->localReferenceBounds[1][0] - entity->localReferenceBounds[0][0] > 1024.0f || entity->localReferenceBounds[1][1] - entity->localReferenceBounds[0][1] > 1024.0f ) ) { common->Printf( "big entityRef: %f,%f\n", entity->localReferenceBounds[1][0] - entity->localReferenceBounds[0][0], entity->localReferenceBounds[1][1] - entity->localReferenceBounds[0][1] ); } // derive entity data R_DeriveEntityData( entity ); // bump the view count so we can tell if an // area already has a reference tr.viewCount++; // push the model frustum down the BSP tree into areas entity->world->PushFrustumIntoTree( entity, NULL, entity->inverseBaseModelProject, bounds_unitCube ); } /* ================================================================================= LIGHT DEFS ================================================================================= */ /* ======================== R_ComputePointLightProjectionMatrix Computes the light projection matrix for a point light. ======================== */ static float R_ComputePointLightProjectionMatrix( idRenderLightLocal * light, idRenderMatrix & localProject ) { assert( light->parms.pointLight ); // A point light uses a box projection. // This projects into the 0.0 - 1.0 texture range instead of -1.0 to 1.0 clip space range. localProject.Zero(); localProject[0][0] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[0]; localProject[1][1] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[1]; localProject[2][2] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[2]; localProject[0][3] = 0.5f; localProject[1][3] = 0.5f; localProject[2][3] = 0.5f; localProject[3][3] = 1.0f; // identity perspective return 1.0f; } static const float SPOT_LIGHT_MIN_Z_NEAR = 8.0f; static const float SPOT_LIGHT_MIN_Z_FAR = 16.0f; /* ======================== R_ComputeSpotLightProjectionMatrix Computes the light projection matrix for a spot light. ======================== */ static float R_ComputeSpotLightProjectionMatrix( idRenderLightLocal * light, idRenderMatrix & localProject ) { const float targetDistSqr = light->parms.target.LengthSqr(); const float invTargetDist = idMath::InvSqrt( targetDistSqr ); const float targetDist = invTargetDist * targetDistSqr; const idVec3 normalizedTarget = light->parms.target * invTargetDist; const idVec3 normalizedRight = light->parms.right * ( 0.5f * targetDist / light->parms.right.LengthSqr() ); const idVec3 normalizedUp = light->parms.up * ( -0.5f * targetDist / light->parms.up.LengthSqr() ); localProject[0][0] = normalizedRight[0]; localProject[0][1] = normalizedRight[1]; localProject[0][2] = normalizedRight[2]; localProject[0][3] = 0.0f; localProject[1][0] = normalizedUp[0]; localProject[1][1] = normalizedUp[1]; localProject[1][2] = normalizedUp[2]; localProject[1][3] = 0.0f; localProject[3][0] = normalizedTarget[0]; localProject[3][1] = normalizedTarget[1]; localProject[3][2] = normalizedTarget[2]; localProject[3][3] = 0.0f; // Set the falloff vector. // This is similar to the Z calculation for depth buffering, which means that the // mapped texture is going to be perspective distorted heavily towards the zero end. const float zNear = Max( light->parms.start * normalizedTarget, SPOT_LIGHT_MIN_Z_NEAR ); const float zFar = Max( light->parms.end * normalizedTarget, SPOT_LIGHT_MIN_Z_FAR ); const float zScale = ( zNear + zFar ) / zFar; localProject[2][0] = normalizedTarget[0] * zScale; localProject[2][1] = normalizedTarget[1] * zScale; localProject[2][2] = normalizedTarget[2] * zScale; localProject[2][3] = - zNear * zScale; // now offset to the 0.0 - 1.0 texture range instead of -1.0 to 1.0 clip space range idVec4 projectedTarget; localProject.TransformPoint( light->parms.target, projectedTarget ); const float ofs0 = 0.5f - projectedTarget[0] / projectedTarget[3]; localProject[0][0] += ofs0 * localProject[3][0]; localProject[0][1] += ofs0 * localProject[3][1]; localProject[0][2] += ofs0 * localProject[3][2]; localProject[0][3] += ofs0 * localProject[3][3]; const float ofs1 = 0.5f - projectedTarget[1] / projectedTarget[3]; localProject[1][0] += ofs1 * localProject[3][0]; localProject[1][1] += ofs1 * localProject[3][1]; localProject[1][2] += ofs1 * localProject[3][2]; localProject[1][3] += ofs1 * localProject[3][3]; return 1.0f / ( zNear + zFar ); } /* ======================== R_ComputeParallelLightProjectionMatrix Computes the light projection matrix for a parallel light. ======================== */ static float R_ComputeParallelLightProjectionMatrix( idRenderLightLocal * light, idRenderMatrix & localProject ) { assert( light->parms.parallel ); // A parallel light uses a box projection. // This projects into the 0.0 - 1.0 texture range instead of -1.0 to 1.0 clip space range. localProject.Zero(); localProject[0][0] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[0]; localProject[1][1] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[1]; localProject[2][2] = 0.5f / light->parms.lightRadius[2]; localProject[0][3] = 0.5f; localProject[1][3] = 0.5f; localProject[2][3] = 0.5f; localProject[3][3] = 1.0f; // identity perspective return 1.0f; } /* ================= R_DeriveLightData Fills everything in based on light->parms ================= */ static void R_DeriveLightData( idRenderLightLocal * light ) { // decide which light shader we are going to use if ( light->parms.shader != NULL ) { light->lightShader = light->parms.shader; } else if ( light->lightShader == NULL ) { if ( light->parms.pointLight ) { light->lightShader = tr.defaultPointLight; } else { light->lightShader = tr.defaultProjectedLight; } } // get the falloff image light->falloffImage = light->lightShader->LightFalloffImage(); if ( light->falloffImage == NULL ) { // use the falloff from the default shader of the correct type const idMaterial * defaultShader; if ( light->parms.pointLight ) { defaultShader = tr.defaultPointLight; // Touch the default shader. to make sure it's decl has been parsed ( it might have been purged ). declManager->Touch( static_cast< const idDecl *>( defaultShader ) ); light->falloffImage = defaultShader->LightFalloffImage(); } else { // projected lights by default don't diminish with distance defaultShader = tr.defaultProjectedLight; // Touch the light shader. to make sure it's decl has been parsed ( it might have been purged ). declManager->Touch( static_cast< const idDecl *>( defaultShader ) ); light->falloffImage = defaultShader->LightFalloffImage(); } } // ------------------------------------ // compute the light projection matrix // ------------------------------------ idRenderMatrix localProject; float zScale = 1.0f; if ( light->parms.parallel ) { zScale = R_ComputeParallelLightProjectionMatrix( light, localProject ); } else if ( light->parms.pointLight ) { zScale = R_ComputePointLightProjectionMatrix( light, localProject ); } else { zScale = R_ComputeSpotLightProjectionMatrix( light, localProject ); } // set the old style light projection where Z and W are flipped and // for projected lights lightProject[3] is divided by ( zNear + zFar ) light->lightProject[0][0] = localProject[0][0]; light->lightProject[0][1] = localProject[0][1]; light->lightProject[0][2] = localProject[0][2]; light->lightProject[0][3] = localProject[0][3]; light->lightProject[1][0] = localProject[1][0]; light->lightProject[1][1] = localProject[1][1]; light->lightProject[1][2] = localProject[1][2]; light->lightProject[1][3] = localProject[1][3]; light->lightProject[2][0] = localProject[3][0]; light->lightProject[2][1] = localProject[3][1]; light->lightProject[2][2] = localProject[3][2]; light->lightProject[2][3] = localProject[3][3]; light->lightProject[3][0] = localProject[2][0] * zScale; light->lightProject[3][1] = localProject[2][1] * zScale; light->lightProject[3][2] = localProject[2][2] * zScale; light->lightProject[3][3] = localProject[2][3] * zScale; // transform the lightProject float lightTransform[16]; R_AxisToModelMatrix( light->parms.axis, light->parms.origin, lightTransform ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { idPlane temp = light->lightProject[i]; R_LocalPlaneToGlobal( lightTransform, temp, light->lightProject[i] ); } // adjust global light origin for off center projections and parallel projections // we are just faking parallel by making it a very far off center for now if ( light->parms.parallel ) { idVec3 dir = light->parms.lightCenter; if ( dir.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { // make point straight up if not specified dir[2] = 1.0f; } light->globalLightOrigin = light->parms.origin + dir * 100000.0f; } else { light->globalLightOrigin = light->parms.origin + light->parms.axis * light->parms.lightCenter; } // Rotate and translate the light projection by the light matrix. // 99% of lights remain axis aligned in world space. idRenderMatrix lightMatrix; idRenderMatrix::CreateFromOriginAxis( light->parms.origin, light->parms.axis, lightMatrix ); idRenderMatrix inverseLightMatrix; if ( !idRenderMatrix::Inverse( lightMatrix, inverseLightMatrix ) ) { idLib::Warning( "lightMatrix invert failed" ); } // 'baseLightProject' goes from global space -> light local space -> light projective space idRenderMatrix::Multiply( localProject, inverseLightMatrix, light->baseLightProject ); // Invert the light projection so we can deform zero-to-one cubes into // the light model and calculate global bounds. if ( !idRenderMatrix::Inverse( light->baseLightProject, light->inverseBaseLightProject ) ) { idLib::Warning( "baseLightProject invert failed" ); } // calculate the global light bounds by inverse projecting the zero to one cube with the 'inverseBaseLightProject' idRenderMatrix::ProjectedBounds( light->globalLightBounds, light->inverseBaseLightProject, bounds_zeroOneCube, false ); } /* ==================== R_FreeLightDefDerivedData Frees all references and lit surfaces from the light ==================== */ void R_FreeLightDefDerivedData( idRenderLightLocal *ldef ) { // remove any portal fog references for ( doublePortal_t *dp = ldef->foggedPortals; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextFoggedPortal ) { dp->fogLight = NULL; } // free all the interactions while ( ldef->firstInteraction != NULL ) { ldef->firstInteraction->UnlinkAndFree(); } // free all the references to the light areaReference_t * nextRef = NULL; for ( areaReference_t * lref = ldef->references; lref != NULL; lref = nextRef ) { nextRef = lref->ownerNext; // unlink from the area lref->areaNext->areaPrev = lref->areaPrev; lref->areaPrev->areaNext = lref->areaNext; // put it back on the free list for reuse ldef->world->areaReferenceAllocator.Free( lref ); } ldef->references = NULL; } /* =============== WindingCompletelyInsideLight =============== */ static bool WindingCompletelyInsideLight( const idWinding *w, const idRenderLightLocal *ldef ) { for ( int i = 0; i < w->GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { if ( idRenderMatrix::CullPointToMVP( ldef->baseLightProject, (*w)[i].ToVec3(), true ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /* ====================== R_CreateLightDefFogPortals When a fog light is created or moved, see if it completely encloses any portals, which may allow them to be fogged closed. ====================== */ static void R_CreateLightDefFogPortals( idRenderLightLocal *ldef ) { ldef->foggedPortals = NULL; if ( !ldef->lightShader->IsFogLight() ) { return; } // some fog lights will explicitly disallow portal fogging if ( ldef->lightShader->TestMaterialFlag( MF_NOPORTALFOG ) ) { return; } for ( areaReference_t * lref = ldef->references; lref != NULL; lref = lref->ownerNext ) { // check all the models in this area portalArea_t * area = lref->area; for ( portal_t * prt = area->portals; prt != NULL; prt = prt->next ) { doublePortal_t * dp = prt->doublePortal; // we only handle a single fog volume covering a portal // this will never cause incorrect drawing, but it may // fail to cull a portal if ( dp->fogLight ) { continue; } if ( WindingCompletelyInsideLight( prt->w, ldef ) ) { dp->fogLight = ldef; dp->nextFoggedPortal = ldef->foggedPortals; ldef->foggedPortals = dp; } } } } /* ================= R_CreateLightRefs ================= */ void R_CreateLightRefs( idRenderLightLocal * light ) { // derive light data R_DeriveLightData( light ); // determine the areaNum for the light origin, which may let us // cull the light if it is behind a closed door // it is debatable if we want to use the entity origin or the center offset origin, // but we definitely don't want to use a parallel offset origin light->areaNum = light->world->PointInArea( light->globalLightOrigin ); if ( light->areaNum == -1 ) { light->areaNum = light->world->PointInArea( light->parms.origin ); } // bump the view count so we can tell if an // area already has a reference tr.viewCount++; // if we have a prelight model that includes all the shadows for the major world occluders, // we can limit the area references to those visible through the portals from the light center. // We can't do this in the normal case, because shadows are cast from back facing triangles, which // may be in areas not directly visible to the light projection center. if ( light->parms.prelightModel != NULL && r_useLightPortalFlow.GetBool() && light->lightShader->LightCastsShadows() ) { light->world->FlowLightThroughPortals( light ); } else { // push the light frustum down the BSP tree into areas light->world->PushFrustumIntoTree( NULL, light, light->inverseBaseLightProject, bounds_zeroOneCube ); } R_CreateLightDefFogPortals( light ); } /* ================================================================================= WORLD MODEL & LIGHT DEFS ================================================================================= */ /* =================== R_FreeDerivedData ReloadModels and RegenerateWorld call this =================== */ void R_FreeDerivedData() { for ( int j = 0; j < tr.worlds.Num(); j++ ) { idRenderWorldLocal * rw = tr.worlds[j]; for ( int i = 0; i < rw->entityDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderEntityLocal * def = rw->entityDefs[i]; if ( def == NULL ) { continue; } R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( def, false, false ); } for ( int i = 0; i < rw->lightDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderLightLocal * light = rw->lightDefs[i]; if ( light == NULL ) { continue; } R_FreeLightDefDerivedData( light ); } } } /* =================== R_CheckForEntityDefsUsingModel =================== */ void R_CheckForEntityDefsUsingModel( idRenderModel *model ) { for ( int j = 0; j < tr.worlds.Num(); j++ ) { idRenderWorldLocal * rw = tr.worlds[j]; for ( int i = 0; i < rw->entityDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderEntityLocal * def = rw->entityDefs[i]; if ( !def ) { continue; } if ( def->parms.hModel == model ) { //assert( 0 ); // this should never happen but Radiant messes it up all the time so just free the derived data R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( def, false, false ); } } } } /* =================== R_ReCreateWorldReferences ReloadModels and RegenerateWorld call this =================== */ void R_ReCreateWorldReferences() { // let the interaction generation code know this // shouldn't be optimized for a particular view tr.viewDef = NULL; for ( int j = 0; j < tr.worlds.Num(); j++ ) { idRenderWorldLocal * rw = tr.worlds[j]; for ( int i = 0; i < rw->entityDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderEntityLocal * def = rw->entityDefs[i]; if ( def == NULL ) { continue; } // the world model entities are put specifically in a single // area, instead of just pushing their bounds into the tree if ( i < rw->numPortalAreas ) { rw->AddEntityRefToArea( def, &rw->portalAreas[i] ); } else { R_CreateEntityRefs( def ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < rw->lightDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderLightLocal * light = rw->lightDefs[i]; if ( light == NULL ) { continue; } renderLight_t parms = light->parms; light->world->FreeLightDef( i ); rw->UpdateLightDef( i, &parms ); } } } /* ==================== R_ModulateLights_f Modifies the shaderParms on all the lights so the level designers can easily test different color schemes ==================== */ void R_ModulateLights_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { if ( !tr.primaryWorld ) { return; } if ( args.Argc() != 4 ) { common->Printf( "usage: modulateLights \n" ); return; } float modulate[3]; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { modulate[i] = atof( args.Argv( i+1 ) ); } int count = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < tr.primaryWorld->lightDefs.Num(); i++ ) { idRenderLightLocal * light = tr.primaryWorld->lightDefs[i]; if ( light != NULL ) { count++; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { light->parms.shaderParms[j] *= modulate[j]; } } } common->Printf( "modulated %i lights\n", count ); }