/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../precompiled.h" //=============================================================== // // idMat2 // //=============================================================== idMat2 mat2_zero( idVec2( 0, 0 ), idVec2( 0, 0 ) ); idMat2 mat2_identity( idVec2( 1, 0 ), idVec2( 0, 1 ) ); /* ============ idMat2::InverseSelf ============ */ bool idMat2::InverseSelf() { // 2+4 = 6 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet, a; det = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; a = mat[0][0]; mat[0][0] = mat[1][1] * invDet; mat[0][1] = - mat[0][1] * invDet; mat[1][0] = - mat[1][0] * invDet; mat[1][1] = a * invDet; return true; } /* ============ idMat2::InverseFastSelf ============ */ bool idMat2::InverseFastSelf() { #if 1 // 2+4 = 6 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet, a; det = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; a = mat[0][0]; mat[0][0] = mat[1][1] * invDet; mat[0][1] = - mat[0][1] * invDet; mat[1][0] = - mat[1][0] * invDet; mat[1][1] = a * invDet; return true; #else // 2*4 = 8 multiplications // 2 division float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); double d, di; float s; di = mat[0]; s = di; mat[0*2+0] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[0*2+1] *= d; d = -d; mat[1*2+0] *= d; d = mat[1*2+0] * di; mat[1*2+1] += mat[0*2+1] * d; di = mat[1*2+1]; s *= di; mat[1*2+1] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[1*2+0] *= d; d = -d; mat[0*2+1] *= d; d = mat[0*2+1] * di; mat[0*2+0] += mat[1*2+0] * d; return ( s != 0.0f && !IEEE_FLT_IS_NAN( s ) ); #endif } /* ============= idMat2::ToString ============= */ const char *idMat2::ToString( int precision ) const { return idStr::FloatArrayToString( ToFloatPtr(), GetDimension(), precision ); } //=============================================================== // // idMat3 // //=============================================================== idMat3 mat3_zero( idVec3( 0, 0, 0 ), idVec3( 0, 0, 0 ), idVec3( 0, 0, 0 ) ); idMat3 mat3_identity( idVec3( 1, 0, 0 ), idVec3( 0, 1, 0 ), idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ) ); /* ======================== idMat3::ToAngles returns the pitch/yaw/roll each in the range [-180, 180] degrees ======================== */ idAngles idMat3::ToAngles() const { idAngles angles; float s = idMath::Sqrt( mat[0][0] * mat[0][0] + mat[0][1] * mat[0][1] ); if ( s > idMath::FLT_EPSILON ) { angles.pitch = RAD2DEG( - idMath::ATan( mat[0][2], s ) ); angles.yaw = RAD2DEG( idMath::ATan( mat[0][1], mat[0][0] ) ); angles.roll = RAD2DEG( idMath::ATan( mat[1][2], mat[2][2] ) ); } else { angles.pitch = mat[0][2] < 0.0f ? 90.0f : -90.0f; angles.yaw = RAD2DEG( - idMath::ATan( mat[1][0], mat[1][1] ) ); angles.roll = 0.0f; } return angles; } /* ============ idMat3::ToQuat ============ */ idQuat idMat3::ToQuat() const { idQuat q; float trace; float s; float t; int i; int j; int k; static int next[ 3 ] = { 1, 2, 0 }; trace = mat[ 0 ][ 0 ] + mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] + mat[ 2 ][ 2 ]; if ( trace > 0.0f ) { t = trace + 1.0f; s = idMath::InvSqrt( t ) * 0.5f; q[3] = s * t; q[0] = ( mat[ 2 ][ 1 ] - mat[ 1 ][ 2 ] ) * s; q[1] = ( mat[ 0 ][ 2 ] - mat[ 2 ][ 0 ] ) * s; q[2] = ( mat[ 1 ][ 0 ] - mat[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) * s; } else { i = 0; if ( mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] > mat[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) { i = 1; } if ( mat[ 2 ][ 2 ] > mat[ i ][ i ] ) { i = 2; } j = next[ i ]; k = next[ j ]; t = ( mat[ i ][ i ] - ( mat[ j ][ j ] + mat[ k ][ k ] ) ) + 1.0f; s = idMath::InvSqrt( t ) * 0.5f; q[i] = s * t; q[3] = ( mat[ k ][ j ] - mat[ j ][ k ] ) * s; q[j] = ( mat[ j ][ i ] + mat[ i ][ j ] ) * s; q[k] = ( mat[ k ][ i ] + mat[ i ][ k ] ) * s; } return q; } /* ============ idMat3::ToCQuat ============ */ idCQuat idMat3::ToCQuat() const { idQuat q = ToQuat(); if ( q.w < 0.0f ) { return idCQuat( -q.x, -q.y, -q.z ); } return idCQuat( q.x, q.y, q.z ); } /* ============ idMat3::ToRotation ============ */ idRotation idMat3::ToRotation() const { idRotation r; float trace; float s; float t; int i; int j; int k; static int next[ 3 ] = { 1, 2, 0 }; trace = mat[ 0 ][ 0 ] + mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] + mat[ 2 ][ 2 ]; if ( trace > 0.0f ) { t = trace + 1.0f; s = idMath::InvSqrt( t ) * 0.5f; r.angle = s * t; r.vec[0] = ( mat[ 2 ][ 1 ] - mat[ 1 ][ 2 ] ) * s; r.vec[1] = ( mat[ 0 ][ 2 ] - mat[ 2 ][ 0 ] ) * s; r.vec[2] = ( mat[ 1 ][ 0 ] - mat[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) * s; } else { i = 0; if ( mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] > mat[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) { i = 1; } if ( mat[ 2 ][ 2 ] > mat[ i ][ i ] ) { i = 2; } j = next[ i ]; k = next[ j ]; t = ( mat[ i ][ i ] - ( mat[ j ][ j ] + mat[ k ][ k ] ) ) + 1.0f; s = idMath::InvSqrt( t ) * 0.5f; r.vec[i] = s * t; r.angle = ( mat[ k ][ j ] - mat[ j ][ k ] ) * s; r.vec[j] = ( mat[ j ][ i ] + mat[ i ][ j ] ) * s; r.vec[k] = ( mat[ k ][ i ] + mat[ i ][ k ] ) * s; } r.angle = idMath::ACos( r.angle ); float lengthSqr = r.vec.LengthSqr(); if ( ( idMath::Fabs( r.angle ) < 1e-10f ) || ( lengthSqr < 1e-10f ) ) { r.vec.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); r.angle = 0.0f; } else { r.vec *= idMath::InvSqrt( lengthSqr ); r.angle *= 2.0f * idMath::M_RAD2DEG; } r.origin.Zero(); r.axis = *this; r.axisValid = true; return r; } /* ================= idMat3::ToAngularVelocity ================= */ idVec3 idMat3::ToAngularVelocity() const { idRotation rotation = ToRotation(); return rotation.GetVec() * DEG2RAD( rotation.GetAngle() ); } /* ============ idMat3::Determinant ============ */ float idMat3::Determinant() const { float det2_12_01 = mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]; float det2_12_02 = mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][0]; float det2_12_12 = mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]; return mat[0][0] * det2_12_12 - mat[0][1] * det2_12_02 + mat[0][2] * det2_12_01; } /* ============ idMat3::InverseSelf ============ */ bool idMat3::InverseSelf() { // 18+3+9 = 30 multiplications // 1 division idMat3 inverse; double det, invDet; inverse[0][0] = mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]; inverse[1][0] = mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2]; inverse[2][0] = mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]; det = mat[0][0] * inverse[0][0] + mat[0][1] * inverse[1][0] + mat[0][2] * inverse[2][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; inverse[0][1] = mat[0][2] * mat[2][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[2][2]; inverse[0][2] = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]; inverse[1][1] = mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0]; inverse[1][2] = mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[1][2]; inverse[2][1] = mat[0][1] * mat[2][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[2][1]; inverse[2][2] = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; mat[0][0] = inverse[0][0] * invDet; mat[0][1] = inverse[0][1] * invDet; mat[0][2] = inverse[0][2] * invDet; mat[1][0] = inverse[1][0] * invDet; mat[1][1] = inverse[1][1] * invDet; mat[1][2] = inverse[1][2] * invDet; mat[2][0] = inverse[2][0] * invDet; mat[2][1] = inverse[2][1] * invDet; mat[2][2] = inverse[2][2] * invDet; return true; } /* ============ idMat3::InverseFastSelf ============ */ bool idMat3::InverseFastSelf() { #if 1 // 18+3+9 = 30 multiplications // 1 division idMat3 inverse; double det, invDet; inverse[0][0] = mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]; inverse[1][0] = mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2]; inverse[2][0] = mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]; det = mat[0][0] * inverse[0][0] + mat[0][1] * inverse[1][0] + mat[0][2] * inverse[2][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; inverse[0][1] = mat[0][2] * mat[2][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[2][2]; inverse[0][2] = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]; inverse[1][1] = mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0]; inverse[1][2] = mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[1][2]; inverse[2][1] = mat[0][1] * mat[2][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[2][1]; inverse[2][2] = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; mat[0][0] = inverse[0][0] * invDet; mat[0][1] = inverse[0][1] * invDet; mat[0][2] = inverse[0][2] * invDet; mat[1][0] = inverse[1][0] * invDet; mat[1][1] = inverse[1][1] * invDet; mat[1][2] = inverse[1][2] * invDet; mat[2][0] = inverse[2][0] * invDet; mat[2][1] = inverse[2][1] * invDet; mat[2][2] = inverse[2][2] * invDet; return true; #elif 0 // 3*10 = 30 multiplications // 3 divisions float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); float s; double d, di; di = mat[0]; s = di; mat[0] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[1] *= d; mat[2] *= d; d = -d; mat[3] *= d; mat[6] *= d; d = mat[3] * di; mat[4] += mat[1] * d; mat[5] += mat[2] * d; d = mat[6] * di; mat[7] += mat[1] * d; mat[8] += mat[2] * d; di = mat[4]; s *= di; mat[4] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[3] *= d; mat[5] *= d; d = -d; mat[1] *= d; mat[7] *= d; d = mat[1] * di; mat[0] += mat[3] * d; mat[2] += mat[5] * d; d = mat[7] * di; mat[6] += mat[3] * d; mat[8] += mat[5] * d; di = mat[8]; s *= di; mat[8] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[6] *= d; mat[7] *= d; d = -d; mat[2] *= d; mat[5] *= d; d = mat[2] * di; mat[0] += mat[6] * d; mat[1] += mat[7] * d; d = mat[5] * di; mat[3] += mat[6] * d; mat[4] += mat[7] * d; return ( s != 0.0f && !IEEE_FLT_IS_NAN( s ) ); #else // 4*2+4*4 = 24 multiplications // 2*1 = 2 divisions idMat2 r0; float r1[2], r2[2], r3; float det, invDet; float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); // r0 = m0.Inverse(); // 2x2 det = mat[0*3+0] * mat[1*3+1] - mat[0*3+1] * mat[1*3+0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; r0[0][0] = mat[1*3+1] * invDet; r0[0][1] = - mat[0*3+1] * invDet; r0[1][0] = - mat[1*3+0] * invDet; r0[1][1] = mat[0*3+0] * invDet; // r1 = r0 * m1; // 2x1 = 2x2 * 2x1 r1[0] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*3+2] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*3+2]; r1[1] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*3+2] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*3+2]; // r2 = m2 * r1; // 1x1 = 1x2 * 2x1 r2[0] = mat[2*3+0] * r1[0] + mat[2*3+1] * r1[1]; // r3 = r2 - m3; // 1x1 = 1x1 - 1x1 r3 = r2[0] - mat[2*3+2]; // r3.InverseSelf(); if ( idMath::Fabs( r3 ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } r3 = 1.0f / r3; // r2 = m2 * r0; // 1x2 = 1x2 * 2x2 r2[0] = mat[2*3+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[2*3+1] * r0[1][0]; r2[1] = mat[2*3+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[2*3+1] * r0[1][1]; // m2 = r3 * r2; // 1x2 = 1x1 * 1x2 mat[2*3+0] = r3 * r2[0]; mat[2*3+1] = r3 * r2[1]; // m0 = r0 - r1 * m2; // 2x2 - 2x1 * 1x2 mat[0*3+0] = r0[0][0] - r1[0] * mat[2*3+0]; mat[0*3+1] = r0[0][1] - r1[0] * mat[2*3+1]; mat[1*3+0] = r0[1][0] - r1[1] * mat[2*3+0]; mat[1*3+1] = r0[1][1] - r1[1] * mat[2*3+1]; // m1 = r1 * r3; // 2x1 = 2x1 * 1x1 mat[0*3+2] = r1[0] * r3; mat[1*3+2] = r1[1] * r3; // m3 = -r3; mat[2*3+2] = -r3; return true; #endif } /* ============ idMat3::InertiaTranslate ============ */ idMat3 idMat3::InertiaTranslate( const float mass, const idVec3 ¢erOfMass, const idVec3 &translation ) const { idMat3 m; idVec3 newCenter; newCenter = centerOfMass + translation; m[0][0] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[1] + centerOfMass[2] * centerOfMass[2] ) - ( newCenter[1] * newCenter[1] + newCenter[2] * newCenter[2] ) ); m[1][1] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[0] + centerOfMass[2] * centerOfMass[2] ) - ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[0] + newCenter[2] * newCenter[2] ) ); m[2][2] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[0] + centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[1] ) - ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[0] + newCenter[1] * newCenter[1] ) ); m[0][1] = m[1][0] = mass * ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[1] - centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[1] ); m[1][2] = m[2][1] = mass * ( newCenter[1] * newCenter[2] - centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[2] ); m[0][2] = m[2][0] = mass * ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[2] - centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[2] ); return (*this) + m; } /* ============ idMat3::InertiaTranslateSelf ============ */ idMat3 &idMat3::InertiaTranslateSelf( const float mass, const idVec3 ¢erOfMass, const idVec3 &translation ) { idMat3 m; idVec3 newCenter; newCenter = centerOfMass + translation; m[0][0] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[1] + centerOfMass[2] * centerOfMass[2] ) - ( newCenter[1] * newCenter[1] + newCenter[2] * newCenter[2] ) ); m[1][1] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[0] + centerOfMass[2] * centerOfMass[2] ) - ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[0] + newCenter[2] * newCenter[2] ) ); m[2][2] = mass * ( ( centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[0] + centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[1] ) - ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[0] + newCenter[1] * newCenter[1] ) ); m[0][1] = m[1][0] = mass * ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[1] - centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[1] ); m[1][2] = m[2][1] = mass * ( newCenter[1] * newCenter[2] - centerOfMass[1] * centerOfMass[2] ); m[0][2] = m[2][0] = mass * ( newCenter[0] * newCenter[2] - centerOfMass[0] * centerOfMass[2] ); (*this) += m; return (*this); } /* ============ idMat3::InertiaRotate ============ */ idMat3 idMat3::InertiaRotate( const idMat3 &rotation ) const { // NOTE: the rotation matrix is stored column-major return rotation.Transpose() * (*this) * rotation; } /* ============ idMat3::InertiaRotateSelf ============ */ idMat3 &idMat3::InertiaRotateSelf( const idMat3 &rotation ) { // NOTE: the rotation matrix is stored column-major *this = rotation.Transpose() * (*this) * rotation; return *this; } /* ============= idMat3::ToString ============= */ const char *idMat3::ToString( int precision ) const { return idStr::FloatArrayToString( ToFloatPtr(), GetDimension(), precision ); } //=============================================================== // // idMat4 // //=============================================================== idMat4 mat4_zero( idVec4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); idMat4 mat4_identity( idVec4( 1, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 1, 0, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 0, 1, 0 ), idVec4( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ); /* ============ idMat4::Transpose ============ */ idMat4 idMat4::Transpose() const { idMat4 transpose; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { transpose[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; } } return transpose; } /* ============ idMat4::TransposeSelf ============ */ idMat4 &idMat4::TransposeSelf() { float temp; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for( j = i + 1; j < 4; j++ ) { temp = mat[ i ][ j ]; mat[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; mat[ j ][ i ] = temp; } } return *this; } /* ============ idMat4::Determinant ============ */ float idMat4::Determinant() const { // 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_01_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][2]; // 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_201_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_02; float det3_201_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_12; return ( - det3_201_123 * mat[3][0] + det3_201_023 * mat[3][1] - det3_201_013 * mat[3][2] + det3_201_012 * mat[3][3] ); } /* ============ idMat4::InverseSelf ============ */ bool idMat4::InverseSelf() { // 84+4+16 = 104 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 4x4 determinant float det2_01_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][2]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 4x4 determinant float det3_201_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_02; float det3_201_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_12; det = ( - det3_201_123 * mat[3][0] + det3_201_023 * mat[3][1] - det3_201_013 * mat[3][2] + det3_201_012 * mat[3][3] ); if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_03_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_03_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_03_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][2]; float det2_13_01 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_02 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_03 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_12 = mat[1][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_13_13 = mat[1][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_13_23 = mat[1][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][2]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_203_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_03_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_03_01; float det3_203_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_03_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_01; float det3_203_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_03_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_02; float det3_203_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_03_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_03_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_12; float det3_213_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_13_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_13_01; float det3_213_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_13_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_01; float det3_213_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_13_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_02; float det3_213_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_13_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_13_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_12; float det3_301_012 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[3][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[3][2] * det2_01_01; float det3_301_013 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[3][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_01; float det3_301_023 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_02; float det3_301_123 = mat[3][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_12; mat[0][0] = - det3_213_123 * invDet; mat[1][0] = + det3_213_023 * invDet; mat[2][0] = - det3_213_013 * invDet; mat[3][0] = + det3_213_012 * invDet; mat[0][1] = + det3_203_123 * invDet; mat[1][1] = - det3_203_023 * invDet; mat[2][1] = + det3_203_013 * invDet; mat[3][1] = - det3_203_012 * invDet; mat[0][2] = + det3_301_123 * invDet; mat[1][2] = - det3_301_023 * invDet; mat[2][2] = + det3_301_013 * invDet; mat[3][2] = - det3_301_012 * invDet; mat[0][3] = - det3_201_123 * invDet; mat[1][3] = + det3_201_023 * invDet; mat[2][3] = - det3_201_013 * invDet; mat[3][3] = + det3_201_012 * invDet; return true; } /* ============ idMat4::InverseFastSelf ============ */ bool idMat4::InverseFastSelf() { #if 0 // 84+4+16 = 104 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 4x4 determinant float det2_01_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][0]; float det2_01_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][1]; float det2_01_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[1][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[1][2]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 4x4 determinant float det3_201_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_01; float det3_201_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_02; float det3_201_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_01_12; det = ( - det3_201_123 * mat[3][0] + det3_201_023 * mat[3][1] - det3_201_013 * mat[3][2] + det3_201_012 * mat[3][3] ); if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_03_01 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_02 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_03 = mat[0][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_03_12 = mat[0][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_03_13 = mat[0][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_03_23 = mat[0][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[0][3] * mat[3][2]; float det2_13_01 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_02 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_03 = mat[1][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_13_12 = mat[1][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_13_13 = mat[1][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_13_23 = mat[1][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[1][3] * mat[3][2]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_203_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_03_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_03_01; float det3_203_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_03_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_01; float det3_203_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_03_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_03_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_02; float det3_203_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_03_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_03_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_03_12; float det3_213_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_13_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_13_01; float det3_213_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_13_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_01; float det3_213_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_13_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_13_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_02; float det3_213_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_13_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_13_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_13_12; float det3_301_012 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_12 - mat[3][1] * det2_01_02 + mat[3][2] * det2_01_01; float det3_301_013 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_13 - mat[3][1] * det2_01_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_01; float det3_301_023 = mat[3][0] * det2_01_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_01_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_02; float det3_301_123 = mat[3][1] * det2_01_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_01_13 + mat[3][3] * det2_01_12; mat[0][0] = - det3_213_123 * invDet; mat[1][0] = + det3_213_023 * invDet; mat[2][0] = - det3_213_013 * invDet; mat[3][0] = + det3_213_012 * invDet; mat[0][1] = + det3_203_123 * invDet; mat[1][1] = - det3_203_023 * invDet; mat[2][1] = + det3_203_013 * invDet; mat[3][1] = - det3_203_012 * invDet; mat[0][2] = + det3_301_123 * invDet; mat[1][2] = - det3_301_023 * invDet; mat[2][2] = + det3_301_013 * invDet; mat[3][2] = - det3_301_012 * invDet; mat[0][3] = - det3_201_123 * invDet; mat[1][3] = + det3_201_023 * invDet; mat[2][3] = - det3_201_013 * invDet; mat[3][3] = + det3_201_012 * invDet; return true; #elif 0 // 4*18 = 72 multiplications // 4 divisions float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); float s; double d, di; di = mat[0]; s = di; mat[0] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[1] *= d; mat[2] *= d; mat[3] *= d; d = -d; mat[4] *= d; mat[8] *= d; mat[12] *= d; d = mat[4] * di; mat[5] += mat[1] * d; mat[6] += mat[2] * d; mat[7] += mat[3] * d; d = mat[8] * di; mat[9] += mat[1] * d; mat[10] += mat[2] * d; mat[11] += mat[3] * d; d = mat[12] * di; mat[13] += mat[1] * d; mat[14] += mat[2] * d; mat[15] += mat[3] * d; di = mat[5]; s *= di; mat[5] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[4] *= d; mat[6] *= d; mat[7] *= d; d = -d; mat[1] *= d; mat[9] *= d; mat[13] *= d; d = mat[1] * di; mat[0] += mat[4] * d; mat[2] += mat[6] * d; mat[3] += mat[7] * d; d = mat[9] * di; mat[8] += mat[4] * d; mat[10] += mat[6] * d; mat[11] += mat[7] * d; d = mat[13] * di; mat[12] += mat[4] * d; mat[14] += mat[6] * d; mat[15] += mat[7] * d; di = mat[10]; s *= di; mat[10] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[8] *= d; mat[9] *= d; mat[11] *= d; d = -d; mat[2] *= d; mat[6] *= d; mat[14] *= d; d = mat[2] * di; mat[0] += mat[8] * d; mat[1] += mat[9] * d; mat[3] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[6] * di; mat[4] += mat[8] * d; mat[5] += mat[9] * d; mat[7] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[14] * di; mat[12] += mat[8] * d; mat[13] += mat[9] * d; mat[15] += mat[11] * d; di = mat[15]; s *= di; mat[15] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[12] *= d; mat[13] *= d; mat[14] *= d; d = -d; mat[3] *= d; mat[7] *= d; mat[11] *= d; d = mat[3] * di; mat[0] += mat[12] * d; mat[1] += mat[13] * d; mat[2] += mat[14] * d; d = mat[7] * di; mat[4] += mat[12] * d; mat[5] += mat[13] * d; mat[6] += mat[14] * d; d = mat[11] * di; mat[8] += mat[12] * d; mat[9] += mat[13] * d; mat[10] += mat[14] * d; return ( s != 0.0f && !IEEE_FLT_IS_NAN( s ) ); #else // 6*8+2*6 = 60 multiplications // 2*1 = 2 divisions idMat2 r0, r1, r2, r3; float a, det, invDet; float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); // r0 = m0.Inverse(); det = mat[0*4+0] * mat[1*4+1] - mat[0*4+1] * mat[1*4+0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; r0[0][0] = mat[1*4+1] * invDet; r0[0][1] = - mat[0*4+1] * invDet; r0[1][0] = - mat[1*4+0] * invDet; r0[1][1] = mat[0*4+0] * invDet; // r1 = r0 * m1; r1[0][0] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*4+2] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*4+2]; r1[0][1] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*4+3] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*4+3]; r1[1][0] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*4+2] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*4+2]; r1[1][1] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*4+3] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*4+3]; // r2 = m2 * r1; r2[0][0] = mat[2*4+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[2*4+1] * r1[1][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[2*4+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[2*4+1] * r1[1][1]; r2[1][0] = mat[3*4+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[3*4+1] * r1[1][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[3*4+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[3*4+1] * r1[1][1]; // r3 = r2 - m3; r3[0][0] = r2[0][0] - mat[2*4+2]; r3[0][1] = r2[0][1] - mat[2*4+3]; r3[1][0] = r2[1][0] - mat[3*4+2]; r3[1][1] = r2[1][1] - mat[3*4+3]; // r3.InverseSelf(); det = r3[0][0] * r3[1][1] - r3[0][1] * r3[1][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; a = r3[0][0]; r3[0][0] = r3[1][1] * invDet; r3[0][1] = - r3[0][1] * invDet; r3[1][0] = - r3[1][0] * invDet; r3[1][1] = a * invDet; // r2 = m2 * r0; r2[0][0] = mat[2*4+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[2*4+1] * r0[1][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[2*4+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[2*4+1] * r0[1][1]; r2[1][0] = mat[3*4+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[3*4+1] * r0[1][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[3*4+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[3*4+1] * r0[1][1]; // m2 = r3 * r2; mat[2*4+0] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][0]; mat[2*4+1] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][1]; mat[3*4+0] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][0]; mat[3*4+1] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][1]; // m0 = r0 - r1 * m2; mat[0*4+0] = r0[0][0] - r1[0][0] * mat[2*4+0] - r1[0][1] * mat[3*4+0]; mat[0*4+1] = r0[0][1] - r1[0][0] * mat[2*4+1] - r1[0][1] * mat[3*4+1]; mat[1*4+0] = r0[1][0] - r1[1][0] * mat[2*4+0] - r1[1][1] * mat[3*4+0]; mat[1*4+1] = r0[1][1] - r1[1][0] * mat[2*4+1] - r1[1][1] * mat[3*4+1]; // m1 = r1 * r3; mat[0*4+2] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][0]; mat[0*4+3] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][1]; mat[1*4+2] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][0]; mat[1*4+3] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][1]; // m3 = -r3; mat[2*4+2] = -r3[0][0]; mat[2*4+3] = -r3[0][1]; mat[3*4+2] = -r3[1][0]; mat[3*4+3] = -r3[1][1]; return true; #endif } /* ============= idMat4::ToString ============= */ const char *idMat4::ToString( int precision ) const { return idStr::FloatArrayToString( ToFloatPtr(), GetDimension(), precision ); } //=============================================================== // // idMat5 // //=============================================================== idMat5 mat5_zero( idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); idMat5 mat5_identity( idVec5( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ), idVec5( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ); /* ============ idMat5::Transpose ============ */ idMat5 idMat5::Transpose() const { idMat5 transpose; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { transpose[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; } } return transpose; } /* ============ idMat5::TransposeSelf ============ */ idMat5 &idMat5::TransposeSelf() { float temp; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { for( j = i + 1; j < 5; j++ ) { temp = mat[ i ][ j ]; mat[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; mat[ j ][ i ] = temp; } } return *this; } /* ============ idMat5::Determinant ============ */ float idMat5::Determinant() const { // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det2_34_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][3]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det3_234_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_23; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det4_1234_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_123; // determinant of 5x5 matrix return mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0123; } /* ============ idMat5::InverseSelf ============ */ bool idMat5::InverseSelf() { // 280+5+25 = 310 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det2_34_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][3]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det3_234_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_23; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det4_1234_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_123; // determinant of 5x5 matrix det = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0123; if( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_23_01 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[2][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_02 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_03 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_04 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_12 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_13 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_14 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_23 = mat[2][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][2]; float det2_23_24 = mat[2][2] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][2]; float det2_23_34 = mat[2][3] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][3]; float det2_24_01 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[2][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_02 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_03 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_04 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_12 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_13 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_14 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_23 = mat[2][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_24_24 = mat[2][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_24_34 = mat[2][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][3]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_123_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_02; float det3_123_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_02; float det3_123_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_03; float det3_123_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_12; float det3_123_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_12; float det3_123_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_13; float det3_123_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_23; float det3_124_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_02; float det3_124_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_02; float det3_124_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_03; float det3_124_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_12; float det3_124_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_12; float det3_124_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_13; float det3_124_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_23; float det3_134_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_134_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_134_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_134_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_134_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_134_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_134_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_23; // remaining 4x4 sub-determinants float det4_0123_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_123_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_123_012; float det4_0123_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_123_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_012; float det4_0123_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_013; float det4_0123_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_123_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_023; float det4_0123_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_123_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_123_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_123; float det4_0124_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_124_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_124_012; float det4_0124_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_124_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_012; float det4_0124_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_013; float det4_0124_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_124_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_023; float det4_0124_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_124_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_124_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_123; float det4_0134_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_134_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_134_012; float det4_0134_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_134_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_012; float det4_0134_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_013; float det4_0134_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_134_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_023; float det4_0134_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_134_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_134_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_123; float det4_0234_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_0234_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_0234_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_0234_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_0234_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_123; mat[0][0] = det4_1234_1234 * invDet; mat[0][1] = -det4_0234_1234 * invDet; mat[0][2] = det4_0134_1234 * invDet; mat[0][3] = -det4_0124_1234 * invDet; mat[0][4] = det4_0123_1234 * invDet; mat[1][0] = -det4_1234_0234 * invDet; mat[1][1] = det4_0234_0234 * invDet; mat[1][2] = -det4_0134_0234 * invDet; mat[1][3] = det4_0124_0234 * invDet; mat[1][4] = -det4_0123_0234 * invDet; mat[2][0] = det4_1234_0134 * invDet; mat[2][1] = -det4_0234_0134 * invDet; mat[2][2] = det4_0134_0134 * invDet; mat[2][3] = -det4_0124_0134 * invDet; mat[2][4] = det4_0123_0134 * invDet; mat[3][0] = -det4_1234_0124 * invDet; mat[3][1] = det4_0234_0124 * invDet; mat[3][2] = -det4_0134_0124 * invDet; mat[3][3] = det4_0124_0124 * invDet; mat[3][4] = -det4_0123_0124 * invDet; mat[4][0] = det4_1234_0123 * invDet; mat[4][1] = -det4_0234_0123 * invDet; mat[4][2] = det4_0134_0123 * invDet; mat[4][3] = -det4_0124_0123 * invDet; mat[4][4] = det4_0123_0123 * invDet; return true; } /* ============ idMat5::InverseFastSelf ============ */ bool idMat5::InverseFastSelf() { #if 0 // 280+5+25 = 310 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det2_34_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][3]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det3_234_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_23; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 5x5 determinant float det4_1234_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_123; // determinant of 5x5 matrix det = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0123; if( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_23_01 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][1] - mat[2][1] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_02 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_03 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_04 = mat[2][0] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][0]; float det2_23_12 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_13 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_14 = mat[2][1] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][1]; float det2_23_23 = mat[2][2] * mat[3][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[3][2]; float det2_23_24 = mat[2][2] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][2]; float det2_23_34 = mat[2][3] * mat[3][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[3][3]; float det2_24_01 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[2][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_02 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_03 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_04 = mat[2][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_24_12 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[2][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_13 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_14 = mat[2][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_24_23 = mat[2][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[2][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_24_24 = mat[2][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_24_34 = mat[2][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[2][4] * mat[4][3]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_123_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_01; float det3_123_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_02; float det3_123_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_02; float det3_123_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_03; float det3_123_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_23_12; float det3_123_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_23_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_12; float det3_123_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_13; float det3_123_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_23_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_23_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_23_23; float det3_124_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_01; float det3_124_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_02; float det3_124_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_02; float det3_124_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_03; float det3_124_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_24_12; float det3_124_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_24_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_12; float det3_124_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_13; float det3_124_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_24_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_24_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_24_23; float det3_134_012 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[1][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_013 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_014 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[1][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_134_023 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_134_024 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_134_034 = mat[1][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_134_123 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[1][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_134_124 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[1][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_134_134 = mat[1][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_134_234 = mat[1][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[1][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[1][4] * det2_34_23; // remaining 4x4 sub-determinants float det4_0123_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_123_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_123_012; float det4_0123_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_123_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_012; float det4_0123_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_123_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_013; float det4_0123_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_123_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_123_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_023; float det4_0123_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_123_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_123_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_123_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_123_123; float det4_0124_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_124_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_124_012; float det4_0124_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_124_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_012; float det4_0124_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_124_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_013; float det4_0124_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_124_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_124_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_023; float det4_0124_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_124_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_124_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_124_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_124_123; float det4_0134_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_134_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_134_012; float det4_0134_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_134_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_012; float det4_0134_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_134_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_013; float det4_0134_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_134_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_134_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_023; float det4_0134_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_134_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_134_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_134_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_134_123; float det4_0234_0123 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[0][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[0][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_0234_0124 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[0][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_0234_0134 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[0][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_0234_0234 = mat[0][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_0234_1234 = mat[0][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[0][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[0][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[0][4] * det3_234_123; mat[0][0] = det4_1234_1234 * invDet; mat[0][1] = -det4_0234_1234 * invDet; mat[0][2] = det4_0134_1234 * invDet; mat[0][3] = -det4_0124_1234 * invDet; mat[0][4] = det4_0123_1234 * invDet; mat[1][0] = -det4_1234_0234 * invDet; mat[1][1] = det4_0234_0234 * invDet; mat[1][2] = -det4_0134_0234 * invDet; mat[1][3] = det4_0124_0234 * invDet; mat[1][4] = -det4_0123_0234 * invDet; mat[2][0] = det4_1234_0134 * invDet; mat[2][1] = -det4_0234_0134 * invDet; mat[2][2] = det4_0134_0134 * invDet; mat[2][3] = -det4_0124_0134 * invDet; mat[2][4] = det4_0123_0134 * invDet; mat[3][0] = -det4_1234_0124 * invDet; mat[3][1] = det4_0234_0124 * invDet; mat[3][2] = -det4_0134_0124 * invDet; mat[3][3] = det4_0124_0124 * invDet; mat[3][4] = -det4_0123_0124 * invDet; mat[4][0] = det4_1234_0123 * invDet; mat[4][1] = -det4_0234_0123 * invDet; mat[4][2] = det4_0134_0123 * invDet; mat[4][3] = -det4_0124_0123 * invDet; mat[4][4] = det4_0123_0123 * invDet; return true; #elif 0 // 5*28 = 140 multiplications // 5 divisions float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); float s; double d, di; di = mat[0]; s = di; mat[0] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[1] *= d; mat[2] *= d; mat[3] *= d; mat[4] *= d; d = -d; mat[5] *= d; mat[10] *= d; mat[15] *= d; mat[20] *= d; d = mat[5] * di; mat[6] += mat[1] * d; mat[7] += mat[2] * d; mat[8] += mat[3] * d; mat[9] += mat[4] * d; d = mat[10] * di; mat[11] += mat[1] * d; mat[12] += mat[2] * d; mat[13] += mat[3] * d; mat[14] += mat[4] * d; d = mat[15] * di; mat[16] += mat[1] * d; mat[17] += mat[2] * d; mat[18] += mat[3] * d; mat[19] += mat[4] * d; d = mat[20] * di; mat[21] += mat[1] * d; mat[22] += mat[2] * d; mat[23] += mat[3] * d; mat[24] += mat[4] * d; di = mat[6]; s *= di; mat[6] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[5] *= d; mat[7] *= d; mat[8] *= d; mat[9] *= d; d = -d; mat[1] *= d; mat[11] *= d; mat[16] *= d; mat[21] *= d; d = mat[1] * di; mat[0] += mat[5] * d; mat[2] += mat[7] * d; mat[3] += mat[8] * d; mat[4] += mat[9] * d; d = mat[11] * di; mat[10] += mat[5] * d; mat[12] += mat[7] * d; mat[13] += mat[8] * d; mat[14] += mat[9] * d; d = mat[16] * di; mat[15] += mat[5] * d; mat[17] += mat[7] * d; mat[18] += mat[8] * d; mat[19] += mat[9] * d; d = mat[21] * di; mat[20] += mat[5] * d; mat[22] += mat[7] * d; mat[23] += mat[8] * d; mat[24] += mat[9] * d; di = mat[12]; s *= di; mat[12] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[10] *= d; mat[11] *= d; mat[13] *= d; mat[14] *= d; d = -d; mat[2] *= d; mat[7] *= d; mat[17] *= d; mat[22] *= d; d = mat[2] * di; mat[0] += mat[10] * d; mat[1] += mat[11] * d; mat[3] += mat[13] * d; mat[4] += mat[14] * d; d = mat[7] * di; mat[5] += mat[10] * d; mat[6] += mat[11] * d; mat[8] += mat[13] * d; mat[9] += mat[14] * d; d = mat[17] * di; mat[15] += mat[10] * d; mat[16] += mat[11] * d; mat[18] += mat[13] * d; mat[19] += mat[14] * d; d = mat[22] * di; mat[20] += mat[10] * d; mat[21] += mat[11] * d; mat[23] += mat[13] * d; mat[24] += mat[14] * d; di = mat[18]; s *= di; mat[18] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[15] *= d; mat[16] *= d; mat[17] *= d; mat[19] *= d; d = -d; mat[3] *= d; mat[8] *= d; mat[13] *= d; mat[23] *= d; d = mat[3] * di; mat[0] += mat[15] * d; mat[1] += mat[16] * d; mat[2] += mat[17] * d; mat[4] += mat[19] * d; d = mat[8] * di; mat[5] += mat[15] * d; mat[6] += mat[16] * d; mat[7] += mat[17] * d; mat[9] += mat[19] * d; d = mat[13] * di; mat[10] += mat[15] * d; mat[11] += mat[16] * d; mat[12] += mat[17] * d; mat[14] += mat[19] * d; d = mat[23] * di; mat[20] += mat[15] * d; mat[21] += mat[16] * d; mat[22] += mat[17] * d; mat[24] += mat[19] * d; di = mat[24]; s *= di; mat[24] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[20] *= d; mat[21] *= d; mat[22] *= d; mat[23] *= d; d = -d; mat[4] *= d; mat[9] *= d; mat[14] *= d; mat[19] *= d; d = mat[4] * di; mat[0] += mat[20] * d; mat[1] += mat[21] * d; mat[2] += mat[22] * d; mat[3] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[9] * di; mat[5] += mat[20] * d; mat[6] += mat[21] * d; mat[7] += mat[22] * d; mat[8] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[14] * di; mat[10] += mat[20] * d; mat[11] += mat[21] * d; mat[12] += mat[22] * d; mat[13] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[19] * di; mat[15] += mat[20] * d; mat[16] += mat[21] * d; mat[17] += mat[22] * d; mat[18] += mat[23] * d; return ( s != 0.0f && !IEEE_FLT_IS_NAN( s ) ); #else // 86+30+6 = 122 multiplications // 2*1 = 2 divisions idMat3 r0, r1, r2, r3; float c0, c1, c2, det, invDet; float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); // r0 = m0.Inverse(); // 3x3 c0 = mat[1*5+1] * mat[2*5+2] - mat[1*5+2] * mat[2*5+1]; c1 = mat[1*5+2] * mat[2*5+0] - mat[1*5+0] * mat[2*5+2]; c2 = mat[1*5+0] * mat[2*5+1] - mat[1*5+1] * mat[2*5+0]; det = mat[0*5+0] * c0 + mat[0*5+1] * c1 + mat[0*5+2] * c2; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; r0[0][0] = c0 * invDet; r0[0][1] = ( mat[0*5+2] * mat[2*5+1] - mat[0*5+1] * mat[2*5+2] ) * invDet; r0[0][2] = ( mat[0*5+1] * mat[1*5+2] - mat[0*5+2] * mat[1*5+1] ) * invDet; r0[1][0] = c1 * invDet; r0[1][1] = ( mat[0*5+0] * mat[2*5+2] - mat[0*5+2] * mat[2*5+0] ) * invDet; r0[1][2] = ( mat[0*5+2] * mat[1*5+0] - mat[0*5+0] * mat[1*5+2] ) * invDet; r0[2][0] = c2 * invDet; r0[2][1] = ( mat[0*5+1] * mat[2*5+0] - mat[0*5+0] * mat[2*5+1] ) * invDet; r0[2][2] = ( mat[0*5+0] * mat[1*5+1] - mat[0*5+1] * mat[1*5+0] ) * invDet; // r1 = r0 * m1; // 3x2 = 3x3 * 3x2 r1[0][0] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*5+3] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*5+3] + r0[0][2] * mat[2*5+3]; r1[0][1] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*5+4] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*5+4] + r0[0][2] * mat[2*5+4]; r1[1][0] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*5+3] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*5+3] + r0[1][2] * mat[2*5+3]; r1[1][1] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*5+4] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*5+4] + r0[1][2] * mat[2*5+4]; r1[2][0] = r0[2][0] * mat[0*5+3] + r0[2][1] * mat[1*5+3] + r0[2][2] * mat[2*5+3]; r1[2][1] = r0[2][0] * mat[0*5+4] + r0[2][1] * mat[1*5+4] + r0[2][2] * mat[2*5+4]; // r2 = m2 * r1; // 2x2 = 2x3 * 3x2 r2[0][0] = mat[3*5+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[3*5+1] * r1[1][0] + mat[3*5+2] * r1[2][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[3*5+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[3*5+1] * r1[1][1] + mat[3*5+2] * r1[2][1]; r2[1][0] = mat[4*5+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[4*5+1] * r1[1][0] + mat[4*5+2] * r1[2][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[4*5+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[4*5+1] * r1[1][1] + mat[4*5+2] * r1[2][1]; // r3 = r2 - m3; // 2x2 = 2x2 - 2x2 r3[0][0] = r2[0][0] - mat[3*5+3]; r3[0][1] = r2[0][1] - mat[3*5+4]; r3[1][0] = r2[1][0] - mat[4*5+3]; r3[1][1] = r2[1][1] - mat[4*5+4]; // r3.InverseSelf(); // 2x2 det = r3[0][0] * r3[1][1] - r3[0][1] * r3[1][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; c0 = r3[0][0]; r3[0][0] = r3[1][1] * invDet; r3[0][1] = - r3[0][1] * invDet; r3[1][0] = - r3[1][0] * invDet; r3[1][1] = c0 * invDet; // r2 = m2 * r0; // 2x3 = 2x3 * 3x3 r2[0][0] = mat[3*5+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[3*5+1] * r0[1][0] + mat[3*5+2] * r0[2][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[3*5+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[3*5+1] * r0[1][1] + mat[3*5+2] * r0[2][1]; r2[0][2] = mat[3*5+0] * r0[0][2] + mat[3*5+1] * r0[1][2] + mat[3*5+2] * r0[2][2]; r2[1][0] = mat[4*5+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[4*5+1] * r0[1][0] + mat[4*5+2] * r0[2][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[4*5+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[4*5+1] * r0[1][1] + mat[4*5+2] * r0[2][1]; r2[1][2] = mat[4*5+0] * r0[0][2] + mat[4*5+1] * r0[1][2] + mat[4*5+2] * r0[2][2]; // m2 = r3 * r2; // 2x3 = 2x2 * 2x3 mat[3*5+0] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][0]; mat[3*5+1] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][1]; mat[3*5+2] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][2] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][2]; mat[4*5+0] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][0]; mat[4*5+1] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][1]; mat[4*5+2] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][2] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][2]; // m0 = r0 - r1 * m2; // 3x3 = 3x3 - 3x2 * 2x3 mat[0*5+0] = r0[0][0] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*5+0] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*5+0]; mat[0*5+1] = r0[0][1] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*5+1] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*5+1]; mat[0*5+2] = r0[0][2] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*5+2] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*5+2]; mat[1*5+0] = r0[1][0] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*5+0] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*5+0]; mat[1*5+1] = r0[1][1] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*5+1] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*5+1]; mat[1*5+2] = r0[1][2] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*5+2] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*5+2]; mat[2*5+0] = r0[2][0] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*5+0] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*5+0]; mat[2*5+1] = r0[2][1] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*5+1] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*5+1]; mat[2*5+2] = r0[2][2] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*5+2] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*5+2]; // m1 = r1 * r3; // 3x2 = 3x2 * 2x2 mat[0*5+3] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][0]; mat[0*5+4] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][1]; mat[1*5+3] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][0]; mat[1*5+4] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][1]; mat[2*5+3] = r1[2][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[2][1] * r3[1][0]; mat[2*5+4] = r1[2][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[2][1] * r3[1][1]; // m3 = -r3; // 2x2 = - 2x2 mat[3*5+3] = -r3[0][0]; mat[3*5+4] = -r3[0][1]; mat[4*5+3] = -r3[1][0]; mat[4*5+4] = -r3[1][1]; return true; #endif } /* ============= idMat5::ToString ============= */ const char *idMat5::ToString( int precision ) const { return idStr::FloatArrayToString( ToFloatPtr(), GetDimension(), precision ); } //=============================================================== // // idMat6 // //=============================================================== idMat6 mat6_zero( idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); idMat6 mat6_identity( idVec6( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ), idVec6( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ); /* ============ idMat6::Transpose ============ */ idMat6 idMat6::Transpose() const { idMat6 transpose; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) { transpose[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; } } return transpose; } /* ============ idMat6::TransposeSelf ============ */ idMat6 &idMat6::TransposeSelf() { float temp; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { for( j = i + 1; j < 6; j++ ) { temp = mat[ i ][ j ]; mat[ i ][ j ] = mat[ j ][ i ]; mat[ j ][ i ] = temp; } } return *this; } /* ============ idMat6::Determinant ============ */ float idMat6::Determinant() const { // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det2_45_01 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][1] - mat[4][1] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_02 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_03 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_04 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_05 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_12 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_13 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_14 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_15 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_23 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_24 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_25 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_34 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_35 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_45 = mat[4][4] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][4]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det3_345_012 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_12 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_02 + mat[3][2] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_013 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_13 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_014 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_14 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_015 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_15 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_023 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_024 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_025 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_034 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_035 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_045 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_04; float det3_345_123 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_13 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_124 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_125 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_134 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_135 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_145 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_14; float det3_345_234 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_24 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_235 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_245 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_24; float det3_345_345 = mat[3][3] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_35 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_34; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det4_2345_0123 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_123 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_023 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_013 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0124 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_024 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0125 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_025 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0134 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_134 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0135 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0145 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_145 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_014; float det4_2345_0234 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_024 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0235 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0245 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_024; float det4_2345_0345 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_035 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_034; float det4_2345_1234 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_134 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1235 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_135 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1245 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_124; float det4_2345_1345 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_134; float det4_2345_2345 = mat[2][2] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_245 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_234; // 5x5 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det5_12345_01234 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1234 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0234 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0134 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0124 + mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01235 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1235 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0135 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01245 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0245 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0124; float det5_12345_01345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1345 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0135 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0134; float det5_12345_02345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0234; float det5_12345_12345 = mat[1][1] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_1345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_1235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_1234; // determinant of 6x6 matrix return mat[0][0] * det5_12345_12345 - mat[0][1] * det5_12345_02345 + mat[0][2] * det5_12345_01345 - mat[0][3] * det5_12345_01245 + mat[0][4] * det5_12345_01235 - mat[0][5] * det5_12345_01234; } /* ============ idMat6::InverseSelf ============ */ bool idMat6::InverseSelf() { // 810+6+36 = 852 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det2_45_01 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][1] - mat[4][1] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_02 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_03 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_04 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_05 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_12 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_13 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_14 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_15 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_23 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_24 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_25 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_34 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_35 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_45 = mat[4][4] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][4]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det3_345_012 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_12 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_02 + mat[3][2] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_013 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_13 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_014 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_14 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_015 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_15 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_023 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_024 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_025 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_034 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_035 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_045 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_04; float det3_345_123 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_13 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_124 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_125 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_134 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_135 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_145 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_14; float det3_345_234 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_24 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_235 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_245 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_24; float det3_345_345 = mat[3][3] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_35 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_34; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det4_2345_0123 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_123 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_023 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_013 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0124 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_024 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0125 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_025 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0134 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_134 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0135 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0145 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_145 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_014; float det4_2345_0234 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_024 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0235 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0245 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_024; float det4_2345_0345 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_035 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_034; float det4_2345_1234 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_134 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1235 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_135 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1245 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_124; float det4_2345_1345 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_134; float det4_2345_2345 = mat[2][2] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_245 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_234; // 5x5 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det5_12345_01234 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1234 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0234 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0134 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0124 + mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01235 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1235 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0135 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01245 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0245 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0124; float det5_12345_01345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1345 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0135 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0134; float det5_12345_02345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0234; float det5_12345_12345 = mat[1][1] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_1345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_1235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_1234; // determinant of 6x6 matrix det = mat[0][0] * det5_12345_12345 - mat[0][1] * det5_12345_02345 + mat[0][2] * det5_12345_01345 - mat[0][3] * det5_12345_01245 + mat[0][4] * det5_12345_01235 - mat[0][5] * det5_12345_01234; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_34_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_05 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_15 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_25 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][3]; float det2_34_35 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][3]; float det2_34_45 = mat[3][4] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][4]; float det2_35_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_05 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_15 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_25 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][3]; float det2_35_35 = mat[3][3] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][3]; float det2_35_45 = mat[3][4] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][4]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_234_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_04; float det3_234_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_14; float det3_234_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_23; float det3_234_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_23; float det3_234_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_24; float det3_234_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_34; float det3_235_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_03; float det3_235_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_03; float det3_235_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_04; float det3_235_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_13; float det3_235_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_13; float det3_235_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_14; float det3_235_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_23; float det3_235_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_23; float det3_235_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_24; float det3_235_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_34; float det3_245_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_03; float det3_245_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_03; float det3_245_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_04; float det3_245_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_13; float det3_245_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_13; float det3_245_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_14; float det3_245_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_23; float det3_245_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_23; float det3_245_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_24; float det3_245_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_34; // remaining 4x4 sub-determinants float det4_1234_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_014; float det4_1234_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_024; float det4_1234_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_034; float det4_1234_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_123; float det4_1234_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_123; float det4_1234_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_124; float det4_1234_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_134; float det4_1234_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_234; float det4_1235_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_013; float det4_1235_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_013; float det4_1235_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_014; float det4_1235_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_023; float det4_1235_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_023; float det4_1235_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_024; float det4_1235_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_034; float det4_1235_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_123; float det4_1235_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_123; float det4_1235_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_124; float det4_1235_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_134; float det4_1235_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_234; float det4_1245_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_013; float det4_1245_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_013; float det4_1245_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_014; float det4_1245_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_023; float det4_1245_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_023; float det4_1245_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_024; float det4_1245_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_034; float det4_1245_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_123; float det4_1245_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_123; float det4_1245_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_124; float det4_1245_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_134; float det4_1245_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_234; float det4_1345_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_013; float det4_1345_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_013; float det4_1345_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_014; float det4_1345_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_023; float det4_1345_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_023; float det4_1345_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_024; float det4_1345_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_034; float det4_1345_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_123; float det4_1345_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_123; float det4_1345_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_124; float det4_1345_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_134; float det4_1345_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_234; // remaining 5x5 sub-determinants float det5_01234_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0123; float det5_01234_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0123; float det5_01234_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0124; float det5_01234_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0134; float det5_01234_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0234; float det5_01234_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1234_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1234_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_1234; float det5_01235_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0123; float det5_01235_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0123; float det5_01235_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0124; float det5_01235_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0134; float det5_01235_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0234; float det5_01235_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1235_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1235_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_1234; float det5_01245_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0123; float det5_01245_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0123; float det5_01245_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0124; float det5_01245_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0134; float det5_01245_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0234; float det5_01245_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1245_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1245_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_1234; float det5_01345_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0123; float det5_01345_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0123; float det5_01345_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0124; float det5_01345_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0134; float det5_01345_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0234; float det5_01345_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1345_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_1234; float det5_02345_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_02345_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_02345_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0124; float det5_02345_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0134; float det5_02345_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0234; float det5_02345_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_2345_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_1234; mat[0][0] = det5_12345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][1] = -det5_02345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][2] = det5_01345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][3] = -det5_01245_12345 * invDet; mat[0][4] = det5_01235_12345 * invDet; mat[0][5] = -det5_01234_12345 * invDet; mat[1][0] = -det5_12345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][1] = det5_02345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][2] = -det5_01345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][3] = det5_01245_02345 * invDet; mat[1][4] = -det5_01235_02345 * invDet; mat[1][5] = det5_01234_02345 * invDet; mat[2][0] = det5_12345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][1] = -det5_02345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][2] = det5_01345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][3] = -det5_01245_01345 * invDet; mat[2][4] = det5_01235_01345 * invDet; mat[2][5] = -det5_01234_01345 * invDet; mat[3][0] = -det5_12345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][1] = det5_02345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][2] = -det5_01345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][3] = det5_01245_01245 * invDet; mat[3][4] = -det5_01235_01245 * invDet; mat[3][5] = det5_01234_01245 * invDet; mat[4][0] = det5_12345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][1] = -det5_02345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][2] = det5_01345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][3] = -det5_01245_01235 * invDet; mat[4][4] = det5_01235_01235 * invDet; mat[4][5] = -det5_01234_01235 * invDet; mat[5][0] = -det5_12345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][1] = det5_02345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][2] = -det5_01345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][3] = det5_01245_01234 * invDet; mat[5][4] = -det5_01235_01234 * invDet; mat[5][5] = det5_01234_01234 * invDet; return true; } /* ============ idMat6::InverseFastSelf ============ */ bool idMat6::InverseFastSelf() { #if 0 // 810+6+36 = 852 multiplications // 1 division double det, invDet; // 2x2 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det2_45_01 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][1] - mat[4][1] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_02 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_03 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_04 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_05 = mat[4][0] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][0]; float det2_45_12 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][2] - mat[4][2] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_13 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_14 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_15 = mat[4][1] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][1]; float det2_45_23 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][3] - mat[4][3] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_24 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_25 = mat[4][2] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][2]; float det2_45_34 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][4] - mat[4][4] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_35 = mat[4][3] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][3]; float det2_45_45 = mat[4][4] * mat[5][5] - mat[4][5] * mat[5][4]; // 3x3 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det3_345_012 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_12 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_02 + mat[3][2] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_013 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_13 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_014 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_14 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_015 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_15 - mat[3][1] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_01; float det3_345_023 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_03 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_024 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_025 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_02; float det3_345_034 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_04 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_035 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_03; float det3_345_045 = mat[3][0] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_05 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_04; float det3_345_123 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_23 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_13 + mat[3][3] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_124 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_24 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_125 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_25 - mat[3][2] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_12; float det3_345_134 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_14 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_135 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_13; float det3_345_145 = mat[3][1] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_15 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_14; float det3_345_234 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_34 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_24 + mat[3][4] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_235 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_35 - mat[3][3] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_23; float det3_345_245 = mat[3][2] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_25 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_24; float det3_345_345 = mat[3][3] * det2_45_45 - mat[3][4] * det2_45_35 + mat[3][5] * det2_45_34; // 4x4 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det4_2345_0123 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_123 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_023 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_013 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0124 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_024 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0125 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_025 + mat[2][2] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_012; float det4_2345_0134 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_134 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_014 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0135 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_013; float det4_2345_0145 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_145 - mat[2][1] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_015 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_014; float det4_2345_0234 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_034 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_024 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0235 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_035 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_023; float det4_2345_0245 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_025 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_024; float det4_2345_0345 = mat[2][0] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_045 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_035 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_034; float det4_2345_1234 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_234 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_134 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_124 - mat[2][4] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1235 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_135 + mat[2][3] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_123; float det4_2345_1245 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_245 - mat[2][2] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_125 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_124; float det4_2345_1345 = mat[2][1] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_145 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_135 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_134; float det4_2345_2345 = mat[2][2] * det3_345_345 - mat[2][3] * det3_345_245 + mat[2][4] * det3_345_235 - mat[2][5] * det3_345_234; // 5x5 sub-determinants required to calculate 6x6 determinant float det5_12345_01234 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1234 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0234 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0134 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0124 + mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01235 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1235 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0135 - mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_12345_01245 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0245 + mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0124; float det5_12345_01345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_1345 - mat[1][1] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0135 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0134; float det5_12345_02345 = mat[1][0] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_0245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_0234; float det5_12345_12345 = mat[1][1] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[1][2] * det4_2345_1345 + mat[1][3] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[1][4] * det4_2345_1235 + mat[1][5] * det4_2345_1234; // determinant of 6x6 matrix det = mat[0][0] * det5_12345_12345 - mat[0][1] * det5_12345_02345 + mat[0][2] * det5_12345_01345 - mat[0][3] * det5_12345_01245 + mat[0][4] * det5_12345_01235 - mat[0][5] * det5_12345_01234; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; // remaining 2x2 sub-determinants float det2_34_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_05 = mat[3][0] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][0]; float det2_34_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_15 = mat[3][1] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][1]; float det2_34_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_25 = mat[3][2] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][2]; float det2_34_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[4][3]; float det2_34_35 = mat[3][3] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][3]; float det2_34_45 = mat[3][4] * mat[4][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[4][4]; float det2_35_01 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][1] - mat[3][1] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_02 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_03 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_04 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_05 = mat[3][0] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][0]; float det2_35_12 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][2] - mat[3][2] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_13 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_14 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_15 = mat[3][1] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][1]; float det2_35_23 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][3] - mat[3][3] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_24 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_25 = mat[3][2] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][2]; float det2_35_34 = mat[3][3] * mat[5][4] - mat[3][4] * mat[5][3]; float det2_35_35 = mat[3][3] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][3]; float det2_35_45 = mat[3][4] * mat[5][5] - mat[3][5] * mat[5][4]; // remaining 3x3 sub-determinants float det3_234_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_01; float det3_234_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_02; float det3_234_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_03; float det3_234_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_04; float det3_234_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_12; float det3_234_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_13; float det3_234_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_14; float det3_234_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_34_23; float det3_234_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_34_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_23; float det3_234_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_24; float det3_234_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_34_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_34_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_34_34; float det3_235_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_01; float det3_235_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_02; float det3_235_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_03; float det3_235_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_03; float det3_235_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_04; float det3_235_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_12; float det3_235_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_13; float det3_235_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_13; float det3_235_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_14; float det3_235_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_35_23; float det3_235_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_35_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_23; float det3_235_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_24; float det3_235_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_35_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_35_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_35_34; float det3_245_012 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_12 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_02 + mat[2][2] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_013 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_13 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_014 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_14 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_015 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_15 - mat[2][1] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_01; float det3_245_023 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_03 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_024 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_025 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_02; float det3_245_034 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_04 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_03; float det3_245_035 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_03; float det3_245_045 = mat[2][0] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_05 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_04; float det3_245_123 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_23 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_13 + mat[2][3] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_124 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_24 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_125 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_25 - mat[2][2] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_12; float det3_245_134 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_14 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_13; float det3_245_135 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_13; float det3_245_145 = mat[2][1] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_15 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_14; float det3_245_234 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_34 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_24 + mat[2][4] * det2_45_23; float det3_245_235 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_35 - mat[2][3] * det2_45_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_23; float det3_245_245 = mat[2][2] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_25 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_24; float det3_245_345 = mat[2][3] * det2_45_45 - mat[2][4] * det2_45_35 + mat[2][5] * det2_45_34; // remaining 4x4 sub-determinants float det4_1234_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_012; float det4_1234_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_013; float det4_1234_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_014; float det4_1234_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_023; float det4_1234_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_024; float det4_1234_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_034; float det4_1234_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_234_123; float det4_1234_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_123; float det4_1234_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_234_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_124; float det4_1234_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_134; float det4_1234_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_234_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_234_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_234_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_234_234; float det4_1235_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_012; float det4_1235_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_013; float det4_1235_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_013; float det4_1235_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_014; float det4_1235_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_023; float det4_1235_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_023; float det4_1235_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_024; float det4_1235_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_034; float det4_1235_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_235_123; float det4_1235_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_123; float det4_1235_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_235_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_124; float det4_1235_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_134; float det4_1235_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_235_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_235_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_235_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_235_234; float det4_1245_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_012; float det4_1245_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_013; float det4_1245_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_013; float det4_1245_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_014; float det4_1245_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_023; float det4_1245_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_023; float det4_1245_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_024; float det4_1245_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_034; float det4_1245_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_245_123; float det4_1245_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_123; float det4_1245_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_245_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_124; float det4_1245_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_134; float det4_1245_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_245_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_245_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_245_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_245_234; float det4_1345_0123 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_123 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_023 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_013 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0124 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_124 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_024 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0125 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_025 + mat[1][2] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_012; float det4_1345_0134 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_134 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_014 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_013; float det4_1345_0135 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_135 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_013; float det4_1345_0145 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_145 - mat[1][1] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_015 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_014; float det4_1345_0234 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_034 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_024 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_023; float det4_1345_0235 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_035 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_023; float det4_1345_0245 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_025 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_024; float det4_1345_0345 = mat[1][0] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_045 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_035 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_034; float det4_1345_1234 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_234 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_134 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_124 - mat[1][4] * det3_345_123; float det4_1345_1235 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_135 + mat[1][3] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_123; float det4_1345_1245 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_245 - mat[1][2] * det3_345_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_125 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_124; float det4_1345_1345 = mat[1][1] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_145 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_135 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_134; float det4_1345_2345 = mat[1][2] * det3_345_345 - mat[1][3] * det3_345_245 + mat[1][4] * det3_345_235 - mat[1][5] * det3_345_234; // remaining 5x5 sub-determinants float det5_01234_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0123; float det5_01234_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0123; float det5_01234_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0124; float det5_01234_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1234_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0134; float det5_01234_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1234_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1234_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_0234; float det5_01234_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1234_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1234_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1234_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1234_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1234_1234; float det5_01235_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0123; float det5_01235_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0123; float det5_01235_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0124; float det5_01235_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1235_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0134; float det5_01235_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1235_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1235_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_0234; float det5_01235_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1235_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1235_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1235_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1235_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1235_1234; float det5_01245_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0123; float det5_01245_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0123; float det5_01245_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0124; float det5_01245_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1245_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0134; float det5_01245_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1245_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1245_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_0234; float det5_01245_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1245_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1245_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1245_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1245_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1245_1234; float det5_01345_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0123; float det5_01345_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0123; float det5_01345_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0124; float det5_01345_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_1345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0134; float det5_01345_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_1345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_0234; float det5_01345_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_1345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_1345_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_1345_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_1345_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_1345_1234; float det5_02345_01234 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1234 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0234 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0134 - mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0124 + mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_02345_01235 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1235 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0135 - mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0123; float det5_02345_01245 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0245 + mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0125 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0124; float det5_02345_01345 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_1345 - mat[0][1] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0145 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0135 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0134; float det5_02345_02345 = mat[0][0] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_2345_0345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_0245 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_0235 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_0234; float det5_02345_12345 = mat[0][1] * det4_2345_2345 - mat[0][2] * det4_2345_1345 + mat[0][3] * det4_2345_1245 - mat[0][4] * det4_2345_1235 + mat[0][5] * det4_2345_1234; mat[0][0] = det5_12345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][1] = -det5_02345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][2] = det5_01345_12345 * invDet; mat[0][3] = -det5_01245_12345 * invDet; mat[0][4] = det5_01235_12345 * invDet; mat[0][5] = -det5_01234_12345 * invDet; mat[1][0] = -det5_12345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][1] = det5_02345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][2] = -det5_01345_02345 * invDet; mat[1][3] = det5_01245_02345 * invDet; mat[1][4] = -det5_01235_02345 * invDet; mat[1][5] = det5_01234_02345 * invDet; mat[2][0] = det5_12345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][1] = -det5_02345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][2] = det5_01345_01345 * invDet; mat[2][3] = -det5_01245_01345 * invDet; mat[2][4] = det5_01235_01345 * invDet; mat[2][5] = -det5_01234_01345 * invDet; mat[3][0] = -det5_12345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][1] = det5_02345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][2] = -det5_01345_01245 * invDet; mat[3][3] = det5_01245_01245 * invDet; mat[3][4] = -det5_01235_01245 * invDet; mat[3][5] = det5_01234_01245 * invDet; mat[4][0] = det5_12345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][1] = -det5_02345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][2] = det5_01345_01235 * invDet; mat[4][3] = -det5_01245_01235 * invDet; mat[4][4] = det5_01235_01235 * invDet; mat[4][5] = -det5_01234_01235 * invDet; mat[5][0] = -det5_12345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][1] = det5_02345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][2] = -det5_01345_01234 * invDet; mat[5][3] = det5_01245_01234 * invDet; mat[5][4] = -det5_01235_01234 * invDet; mat[5][5] = det5_01234_01234 * invDet; return true; #elif 0 // 6*40 = 240 multiplications // 6 divisions float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); float s; double d, di; di = mat[0]; s = di; mat[0] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[1] *= d; mat[2] *= d; mat[3] *= d; mat[4] *= d; mat[5] *= d; d = -d; mat[6] *= d; mat[12] *= d; mat[18] *= d; mat[24] *= d; mat[30] *= d; d = mat[6] * di; mat[7] += mat[1] * d; mat[8] += mat[2] * d; mat[9] += mat[3] * d; mat[10] += mat[4] * d; mat[11] += mat[5] * d; d = mat[12] * di; mat[13] += mat[1] * d; mat[14] += mat[2] * d; mat[15] += mat[3] * d; mat[16] += mat[4] * d; mat[17] += mat[5] * d; d = mat[18] * di; mat[19] += mat[1] * d; mat[20] += mat[2] * d; mat[21] += mat[3] * d; mat[22] += mat[4] * d; mat[23] += mat[5] * d; d = mat[24] * di; mat[25] += mat[1] * d; mat[26] += mat[2] * d; mat[27] += mat[3] * d; mat[28] += mat[4] * d; mat[29] += mat[5] * d; d = mat[30] * di; mat[31] += mat[1] * d; mat[32] += mat[2] * d; mat[33] += mat[3] * d; mat[34] += mat[4] * d; mat[35] += mat[5] * d; di = mat[7]; s *= di; mat[7] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[6] *= d; mat[8] *= d; mat[9] *= d; mat[10] *= d; mat[11] *= d; d = -d; mat[1] *= d; mat[13] *= d; mat[19] *= d; mat[25] *= d; mat[31] *= d; d = mat[1] * di; mat[0] += mat[6] * d; mat[2] += mat[8] * d; mat[3] += mat[9] * d; mat[4] += mat[10] * d; mat[5] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[13] * di; mat[12] += mat[6] * d; mat[14] += mat[8] * d; mat[15] += mat[9] * d; mat[16] += mat[10] * d; mat[17] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[19] * di; mat[18] += mat[6] * d; mat[20] += mat[8] * d; mat[21] += mat[9] * d; mat[22] += mat[10] * d; mat[23] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[25] * di; mat[24] += mat[6] * d; mat[26] += mat[8] * d; mat[27] += mat[9] * d; mat[28] += mat[10] * d; mat[29] += mat[11] * d; d = mat[31] * di; mat[30] += mat[6] * d; mat[32] += mat[8] * d; mat[33] += mat[9] * d; mat[34] += mat[10] * d; mat[35] += mat[11] * d; di = mat[14]; s *= di; mat[14] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[12] *= d; mat[13] *= d; mat[15] *= d; mat[16] *= d; mat[17] *= d; d = -d; mat[2] *= d; mat[8] *= d; mat[20] *= d; mat[26] *= d; mat[32] *= d; d = mat[2] * di; mat[0] += mat[12] * d; mat[1] += mat[13] * d; mat[3] += mat[15] * d; mat[4] += mat[16] * d; mat[5] += mat[17] * d; d = mat[8] * di; mat[6] += mat[12] * d; mat[7] += mat[13] * d; mat[9] += mat[15] * d; mat[10] += mat[16] * d; mat[11] += mat[17] * d; d = mat[20] * di; mat[18] += mat[12] * d; mat[19] += mat[13] * d; mat[21] += mat[15] * d; mat[22] += mat[16] * d; mat[23] += mat[17] * d; d = mat[26] * di; mat[24] += mat[12] * d; mat[25] += mat[13] * d; mat[27] += mat[15] * d; mat[28] += mat[16] * d; mat[29] += mat[17] * d; d = mat[32] * di; mat[30] += mat[12] * d; mat[31] += mat[13] * d; mat[33] += mat[15] * d; mat[34] += mat[16] * d; mat[35] += mat[17] * d; di = mat[21]; s *= di; mat[21] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[18] *= d; mat[19] *= d; mat[20] *= d; mat[22] *= d; mat[23] *= d; d = -d; mat[3] *= d; mat[9] *= d; mat[15] *= d; mat[27] *= d; mat[33] *= d; d = mat[3] * di; mat[0] += mat[18] * d; mat[1] += mat[19] * d; mat[2] += mat[20] * d; mat[4] += mat[22] * d; mat[5] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[9] * di; mat[6] += mat[18] * d; mat[7] += mat[19] * d; mat[8] += mat[20] * d; mat[10] += mat[22] * d; mat[11] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[15] * di; mat[12] += mat[18] * d; mat[13] += mat[19] * d; mat[14] += mat[20] * d; mat[16] += mat[22] * d; mat[17] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[27] * di; mat[24] += mat[18] * d; mat[25] += mat[19] * d; mat[26] += mat[20] * d; mat[28] += mat[22] * d; mat[29] += mat[23] * d; d = mat[33] * di; mat[30] += mat[18] * d; mat[31] += mat[19] * d; mat[32] += mat[20] * d; mat[34] += mat[22] * d; mat[35] += mat[23] * d; di = mat[28]; s *= di; mat[28] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[24] *= d; mat[25] *= d; mat[26] *= d; mat[27] *= d; mat[29] *= d; d = -d; mat[4] *= d; mat[10] *= d; mat[16] *= d; mat[22] *= d; mat[34] *= d; d = mat[4] * di; mat[0] += mat[24] * d; mat[1] += mat[25] * d; mat[2] += mat[26] * d; mat[3] += mat[27] * d; mat[5] += mat[29] * d; d = mat[10] * di; mat[6] += mat[24] * d; mat[7] += mat[25] * d; mat[8] += mat[26] * d; mat[9] += mat[27] * d; mat[11] += mat[29] * d; d = mat[16] * di; mat[12] += mat[24] * d; mat[13] += mat[25] * d; mat[14] += mat[26] * d; mat[15] += mat[27] * d; mat[17] += mat[29] * d; d = mat[22] * di; mat[18] += mat[24] * d; mat[19] += mat[25] * d; mat[20] += mat[26] * d; mat[21] += mat[27] * d; mat[23] += mat[29] * d; d = mat[34] * di; mat[30] += mat[24] * d; mat[31] += mat[25] * d; mat[32] += mat[26] * d; mat[33] += mat[27] * d; mat[35] += mat[29] * d; di = mat[35]; s *= di; mat[35] = d = 1.0f / di; mat[30] *= d; mat[31] *= d; mat[32] *= d; mat[33] *= d; mat[34] *= d; d = -d; mat[5] *= d; mat[11] *= d; mat[17] *= d; mat[23] *= d; mat[29] *= d; d = mat[5] * di; mat[0] += mat[30] * d; mat[1] += mat[31] * d; mat[2] += mat[32] * d; mat[3] += mat[33] * d; mat[4] += mat[34] * d; d = mat[11] * di; mat[6] += mat[30] * d; mat[7] += mat[31] * d; mat[8] += mat[32] * d; mat[9] += mat[33] * d; mat[10] += mat[34] * d; d = mat[17] * di; mat[12] += mat[30] * d; mat[13] += mat[31] * d; mat[14] += mat[32] * d; mat[15] += mat[33] * d; mat[16] += mat[34] * d; d = mat[23] * di; mat[18] += mat[30] * d; mat[19] += mat[31] * d; mat[20] += mat[32] * d; mat[21] += mat[33] * d; mat[22] += mat[34] * d; d = mat[29] * di; mat[24] += mat[30] * d; mat[25] += mat[31] * d; mat[26] += mat[32] * d; mat[27] += mat[33] * d; mat[28] += mat[34] * d; return ( s != 0.0f && !IEEE_FLT_IS_NAN( s ) ); #else // 6*27+2*30 = 222 multiplications // 2*1 = 2 divisions idMat3 r0, r1, r2, r3; float c0, c1, c2, det, invDet; float *mat = reinterpret_cast(this); // r0 = m0.Inverse(); c0 = mat[1*6+1] * mat[2*6+2] - mat[1*6+2] * mat[2*6+1]; c1 = mat[1*6+2] * mat[2*6+0] - mat[1*6+0] * mat[2*6+2]; c2 = mat[1*6+0] * mat[2*6+1] - mat[1*6+1] * mat[2*6+0]; det = mat[0*6+0] * c0 + mat[0*6+1] * c1 + mat[0*6+2] * c2; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; r0[0][0] = c0 * invDet; r0[0][1] = ( mat[0*6+2] * mat[2*6+1] - mat[0*6+1] * mat[2*6+2] ) * invDet; r0[0][2] = ( mat[0*6+1] * mat[1*6+2] - mat[0*6+2] * mat[1*6+1] ) * invDet; r0[1][0] = c1 * invDet; r0[1][1] = ( mat[0*6+0] * mat[2*6+2] - mat[0*6+2] * mat[2*6+0] ) * invDet; r0[1][2] = ( mat[0*6+2] * mat[1*6+0] - mat[0*6+0] * mat[1*6+2] ) * invDet; r0[2][0] = c2 * invDet; r0[2][1] = ( mat[0*6+1] * mat[2*6+0] - mat[0*6+0] * mat[2*6+1] ) * invDet; r0[2][2] = ( mat[0*6+0] * mat[1*6+1] - mat[0*6+1] * mat[1*6+0] ) * invDet; // r1 = r0 * m1; r1[0][0] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*6+3] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*6+3] + r0[0][2] * mat[2*6+3]; r1[0][1] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*6+4] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*6+4] + r0[0][2] * mat[2*6+4]; r1[0][2] = r0[0][0] * mat[0*6+5] + r0[0][1] * mat[1*6+5] + r0[0][2] * mat[2*6+5]; r1[1][0] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*6+3] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*6+3] + r0[1][2] * mat[2*6+3]; r1[1][1] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*6+4] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*6+4] + r0[1][2] * mat[2*6+4]; r1[1][2] = r0[1][0] * mat[0*6+5] + r0[1][1] * mat[1*6+5] + r0[1][2] * mat[2*6+5]; r1[2][0] = r0[2][0] * mat[0*6+3] + r0[2][1] * mat[1*6+3] + r0[2][2] * mat[2*6+3]; r1[2][1] = r0[2][0] * mat[0*6+4] + r0[2][1] * mat[1*6+4] + r0[2][2] * mat[2*6+4]; r1[2][2] = r0[2][0] * mat[0*6+5] + r0[2][1] * mat[1*6+5] + r0[2][2] * mat[2*6+5]; // r2 = m2 * r1; r2[0][0] = mat[3*6+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[3*6+1] * r1[1][0] + mat[3*6+2] * r1[2][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[3*6+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[3*6+1] * r1[1][1] + mat[3*6+2] * r1[2][1]; r2[0][2] = mat[3*6+0] * r1[0][2] + mat[3*6+1] * r1[1][2] + mat[3*6+2] * r1[2][2]; r2[1][0] = mat[4*6+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[4*6+1] * r1[1][0] + mat[4*6+2] * r1[2][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[4*6+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[4*6+1] * r1[1][1] + mat[4*6+2] * r1[2][1]; r2[1][2] = mat[4*6+0] * r1[0][2] + mat[4*6+1] * r1[1][2] + mat[4*6+2] * r1[2][2]; r2[2][0] = mat[5*6+0] * r1[0][0] + mat[5*6+1] * r1[1][0] + mat[5*6+2] * r1[2][0]; r2[2][1] = mat[5*6+0] * r1[0][1] + mat[5*6+1] * r1[1][1] + mat[5*6+2] * r1[2][1]; r2[2][2] = mat[5*6+0] * r1[0][2] + mat[5*6+1] * r1[1][2] + mat[5*6+2] * r1[2][2]; // r3 = r2 - m3; r3[0][0] = r2[0][0] - mat[3*6+3]; r3[0][1] = r2[0][1] - mat[3*6+4]; r3[0][2] = r2[0][2] - mat[3*6+5]; r3[1][0] = r2[1][0] - mat[4*6+3]; r3[1][1] = r2[1][1] - mat[4*6+4]; r3[1][2] = r2[1][2] - mat[4*6+5]; r3[2][0] = r2[2][0] - mat[5*6+3]; r3[2][1] = r2[2][1] - mat[5*6+4]; r3[2][2] = r2[2][2] - mat[5*6+5]; // r3.InverseSelf(); r2[0][0] = r3[1][1] * r3[2][2] - r3[1][2] * r3[2][1]; r2[1][0] = r3[1][2] * r3[2][0] - r3[1][0] * r3[2][2]; r2[2][0] = r3[1][0] * r3[2][1] - r3[1][1] * r3[2][0]; det = r3[0][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][0] + r3[0][2] * r2[2][0]; if ( idMath::Fabs( det ) < MATRIX_INVERSE_EPSILON ) { return false; } invDet = 1.0f / det; r2[0][1] = r3[0][2] * r3[2][1] - r3[0][1] * r3[2][2]; r2[0][2] = r3[0][1] * r3[1][2] - r3[0][2] * r3[1][1]; r2[1][1] = r3[0][0] * r3[2][2] - r3[0][2] * r3[2][0]; r2[1][2] = r3[0][2] * r3[1][0] - r3[0][0] * r3[1][2]; r2[2][1] = r3[0][1] * r3[2][0] - r3[0][0] * r3[2][1]; r2[2][2] = r3[0][0] * r3[1][1] - r3[0][1] * r3[1][0]; r3[0][0] = r2[0][0] * invDet; r3[0][1] = r2[0][1] * invDet; r3[0][2] = r2[0][2] * invDet; r3[1][0] = r2[1][0] * invDet; r3[1][1] = r2[1][1] * invDet; r3[1][2] = r2[1][2] * invDet; r3[2][0] = r2[2][0] * invDet; r3[2][1] = r2[2][1] * invDet; r3[2][2] = r2[2][2] * invDet; // r2 = m2 * r0; r2[0][0] = mat[3*6+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[3*6+1] * r0[1][0] + mat[3*6+2] * r0[2][0]; r2[0][1] = mat[3*6+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[3*6+1] * r0[1][1] + mat[3*6+2] * r0[2][1]; r2[0][2] = mat[3*6+0] * r0[0][2] + mat[3*6+1] * r0[1][2] + mat[3*6+2] * r0[2][2]; r2[1][0] = mat[4*6+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[4*6+1] * r0[1][0] + mat[4*6+2] * r0[2][0]; r2[1][1] = mat[4*6+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[4*6+1] * r0[1][1] + mat[4*6+2] * r0[2][1]; r2[1][2] = mat[4*6+0] * r0[0][2] + mat[4*6+1] * r0[1][2] + mat[4*6+2] * r0[2][2]; r2[2][0] = mat[5*6+0] * r0[0][0] + mat[5*6+1] * r0[1][0] + mat[5*6+2] * r0[2][0]; r2[2][1] = mat[5*6+0] * r0[0][1] + mat[5*6+1] * r0[1][1] + mat[5*6+2] * r0[2][1]; r2[2][2] = mat[5*6+0] * r0[0][2] + mat[5*6+1] * r0[1][2] + mat[5*6+2] * r0[2][2]; // m2 = r3 * r2; mat[3*6+0] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][0] + r3[0][2] * r2[2][0]; mat[3*6+1] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][1] + r3[0][2] * r2[2][1]; mat[3*6+2] = r3[0][0] * r2[0][2] + r3[0][1] * r2[1][2] + r3[0][2] * r2[2][2]; mat[4*6+0] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][0] + r3[1][2] * r2[2][0]; mat[4*6+1] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][1] + r3[1][2] * r2[2][1]; mat[4*6+2] = r3[1][0] * r2[0][2] + r3[1][1] * r2[1][2] + r3[1][2] * r2[2][2]; mat[5*6+0] = r3[2][0] * r2[0][0] + r3[2][1] * r2[1][0] + r3[2][2] * r2[2][0]; mat[5*6+1] = r3[2][0] * r2[0][1] + r3[2][1] * r2[1][1] + r3[2][2] * r2[2][1]; mat[5*6+2] = r3[2][0] * r2[0][2] + r3[2][1] * r2[1][2] + r3[2][2] * r2[2][2]; // m0 = r0 - r1 * m2; mat[0*6+0] = r0[0][0] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*6+0] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*6+0] - r1[0][2] * mat[5*6+0]; mat[0*6+1] = r0[0][1] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*6+1] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*6+1] - r1[0][2] * mat[5*6+1]; mat[0*6+2] = r0[0][2] - r1[0][0] * mat[3*6+2] - r1[0][1] * mat[4*6+2] - r1[0][2] * mat[5*6+2]; mat[1*6+0] = r0[1][0] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*6+0] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*6+0] - r1[1][2] * mat[5*6+0]; mat[1*6+1] = r0[1][1] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*6+1] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*6+1] - r1[1][2] * mat[5*6+1]; mat[1*6+2] = r0[1][2] - r1[1][0] * mat[3*6+2] - r1[1][1] * mat[4*6+2] - r1[1][2] * mat[5*6+2]; mat[2*6+0] = r0[2][0] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*6+0] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*6+0] - r1[2][2] * mat[5*6+0]; mat[2*6+1] = r0[2][1] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*6+1] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*6+1] - r1[2][2] * mat[5*6+1]; mat[2*6+2] = r0[2][2] - r1[2][0] * mat[3*6+2] - r1[2][1] * mat[4*6+2] - r1[2][2] * mat[5*6+2]; // m1 = r1 * r3; mat[0*6+3] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][0] + r1[0][2] * r3[2][0]; mat[0*6+4] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][1] + r1[0][2] * r3[2][1]; mat[0*6+5] = r1[0][0] * r3[0][2] + r1[0][1] * r3[1][2] + r1[0][2] * r3[2][2]; mat[1*6+3] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][0] + r1[1][2] * r3[2][0]; mat[1*6+4] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][1] + r1[1][2] * r3[2][1]; mat[1*6+5] = r1[1][0] * r3[0][2] + r1[1][1] * r3[1][2] + r1[1][2] * r3[2][2]; mat[2*6+3] = r1[2][0] * r3[0][0] + r1[2][1] * r3[1][0] + r1[2][2] * r3[2][0]; mat[2*6+4] = r1[2][0] * r3[0][1] + r1[2][1] * r3[1][1] + r1[2][2] * r3[2][1]; mat[2*6+5] = r1[2][0] * r3[0][2] + r1[2][1] * r3[1][2] + r1[2][2] * r3[2][2]; // m3 = -r3; mat[3*6+3] = -r3[0][0]; mat[3*6+4] = -r3[0][1]; mat[3*6+5] = -r3[0][2]; mat[4*6+3] = -r3[1][0]; mat[4*6+4] = -r3[1][1]; mat[4*6+5] = -r3[1][2]; mat[5*6+3] = -r3[2][0]; mat[5*6+4] = -r3[2][1]; mat[5*6+5] = -r3[2][2]; return true; #endif } /* ============= idMat6::ToString ============= */ const char *idMat6::ToString( int precision ) const { return idStr::FloatArrayToString( ToFloatPtr(), GetDimension(), precision ); }