/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../Game_local.h" static const int NUM_CREDIT_LINES = 16; void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::SetupCreditList() { class idRefreshCredits : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: idRefreshCredits( idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits* _screen ) : screen( _screen ) { } idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { if( screen == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } screen->UpdateCredits(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } private: idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits* screen; }; if( GetSWFObject() ) { GetSWFObject()->SetGlobal( "updateCredits", new( TAG_SWF ) idRefreshCredits( this ) ); } creditList.Clear(); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "RBDOOM 3 BFG EDITION" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Programmer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robert Beckebans - Major part of the Linux port" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Programming" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Daniel Gibson - Tons of code cleanups, netcode++" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jonathan Young - Bugfixes, misc improvements" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Felix Rueegg - Doomclassic Linux support" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "For more see the GitHub stats ;)" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "DOOM 3 BFG EDITION" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 2, "DEVELOPMENT TEAM" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Executive Producer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Eric Webb" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Programmer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brian Harris" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Designer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jerry Keehan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Programming" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Curtis Arink" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robert Duffy" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jeff Farrand" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ryan Gerleve" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Billy Khan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gloria Kennickell" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Mike Maynard" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Roberts" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steven Serafin" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jan Paul Van Waveren" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steve Rescoe" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Chris Voss" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "David Vargo" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Art" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kevin Cloud" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andy Chang" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Pat Duffy" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Audio" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Christian Antkow" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Chris Hite" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Support" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Roger Berrones" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brad Bramlett" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Casey" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jeremy Cook" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Chris Hays" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Hooper" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Danny Keys" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jason Kim" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brian Kowalczyk" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Dustin Land" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Stephane Lebrun" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Nelson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Pollard" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Alan Rogers" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jah Raphael" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jarrod Showers" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Shale Williams" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Studio Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tim Willits" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Studio President" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Todd Hollenshead" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Technical Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Carmack" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Human Resources" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Carrie Barcroft" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "id Mom" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Donna Jackson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "id Software IT" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Duncan Welch" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Cave" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Josh Shoemate" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Musick" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Alex Brandt" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "DOOM 3 DEVELOPED BY" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 2, "id Software" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Technical Director " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Carmack" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Programmer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robert A. Duffy" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Designer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tim Willits" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Lead Artist" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kenneth Scott" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Animation" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "James Houska" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Fredrik Nilsson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Eric Webb" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Art" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Adrian Carmack" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andy Chang" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kevin Cloud" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Seneca Menard" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Patrick Thomas" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Mal Blackwell" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Hooper" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jerry Keehan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steve Rescoe" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "UI Artist" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Pat Duffy" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Programming" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Timothee Besset" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jim Dose" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jan Paul van Waveren" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jonathan Wright" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brian Harris" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sound Design " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Christian Antkow" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Dir. Business Development" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Marty Stratton" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Development Assistant" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Eric Webb" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 2, "3rd PARTY" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "DOOM 3: Ressurection of Evil Developed by" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nerve Software" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Sound Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ed Lima" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Danetracks, Inc." ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Defacto Sound" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Theme for DOOM 3 Produced by" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Chris Vrenna" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Theme for DOOM 3 Composed by" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Clint Walsh" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Story and Dialog" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matthew J. Costello" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Casting and Voice Direction" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Margaret Tang - Womb Music" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Voice Editorial and Post" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rik Schaffer - Womb Music" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Voice Recording" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Womb Music" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Voice Performers" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Paul Eiding" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jim Cummings" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Liam O'Brien" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nicholas Guest" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Vanessa Marshall" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Neill Ross" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Phillip Clarke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andy Chanley" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Charles Dennis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Grey Delisle" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jennifer Hale" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Grant Albrecht" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Dee Baker" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Bell" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steve Blum" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "S. Scott Bullock" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Cam Clarke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robin Atkin Downes" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Keith Ferguson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jay Gordon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Gough" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Bill Harper" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nick Jameson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "David Kaye" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Phil La Marr" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Scott Menville" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jim Meskimen" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Morton" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Daran Norris" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rob Paulsen" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Phil Proctor" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rino Romoano" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andre Sogliuzzo" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jim Ward" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Wally Wingert" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Edward Yin" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Keone Young" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ryun Yu" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional User Interface" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Double-Action Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Motion Capture Services" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Janimation" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "UAC Promotional Videos" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Six Foot Studios" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Multiplayer Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Splash Damage, Ltd." ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional Programming" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Graeme Devine" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Localization Services" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Synthesis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "BETHESDA SOFTWORKS" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Senior Producer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Laffy Taylor" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sr. Producer, Submissions" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Timothy Beggs" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "VP, Product Development" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Todd Vaughn" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "External Technical Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jonathan Williams" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "President" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Vlatko Andonov" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "VP, Public Relations and Marketing" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Pete Hines" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Director of Global Marketing" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steve Perkins" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Director of Global PR" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tracey Thompson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Senior Brand Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rakhi Gupta" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Associate Brand Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "David Clayman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Event and Trade Show Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Henry Mobley" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Senior Community Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matthew Grandstaff" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Community Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nick Breckon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Senior PR Coordinator" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Angela Ramsey-Chapman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Marketing Assistant" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jenny McWhorter" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Video Production" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Killmon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Sal Goldenburg" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Graphic Design" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Wagner" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Lindsay Westcott" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "VP, Sales" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ron Seger" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Operations Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Todd Curtis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales and Operations Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jill Bralove" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Account Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michelle Ferrara" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Regional Sales Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Donnellan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Channel Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michelle Burgess" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Assistants" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Sara Simpson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jason Snead" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jessica Williams" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Operations Assistant" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Scott Mills" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Director of Quality Assurance" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Darren Manes" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Quality Assurance Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rob Gray" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Quality Assurance Leads" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Terry Dunn" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Weil" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Quality Assurance" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Dan Silva" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Alan Webb" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Cory Andrews" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "George Churchill" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jonathan DeVriendt" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Spencer Gottlieb" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gary Powell" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Samuel Papke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Amanda Sheehan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Philip Spangrud" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Larry Waldman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Donald Anderson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "James Audet" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Hunter Calvert" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Max Cameron" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Donald Harris" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Peter Garcia" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joseph Lopatta" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Scott LoPresti" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Collin Mackett" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gerard Nagy" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "William Pegus" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Angela Rupinen" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gabriel Scaringello" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Drew Slotkin" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kyle Wallace" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Patrick Walsh" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Welkner" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jason Wilkin" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "John Benoit" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jacob Clayman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Colin McInerney" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Additional QA" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "James Costantino" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Chris Krietz" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joseph Mueller" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andrew Scharf" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jen Tonon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Justin McSweeney" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Sean Palomino" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Erica Stead" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Wil Cookman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Garrett Hohl" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tim Hartgrave" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Heath Hollenshead" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brandon Korbel" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Daniel Korecki" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Max Morrison" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Doug Ransley" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Mauricio Rivera" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Aaron Walsh" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Daniel Wathen" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Special Thanks" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jason Bergman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Darren Chukitus" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Matt Dickenson" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Will Noble" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX MEDIA" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Chairman & CEO" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robert Altman" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "President" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ernie Del" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "EVP & COO" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jamie Leder" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "EVP & CFO" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Cindy Tallent" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "EVP Legal & Secretary" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Grif Lesher" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "SVP Finance & Controller" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Denise Kidd" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Legal Lead" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joshua Gillespie" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Legal" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Diana Bender" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Adam Carter" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Candice Garner-Groves" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Marcia Mitnick" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Amy Yeung" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "VP, Information Technology" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Steve Bloom" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Information Technology" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rob Havlovick" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nicholas Lea" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Drew McCartney" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Josh Mosby" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joseph Owens" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Paul Tuttle" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Keelian Wardle" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Director of Global HR" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tammy Boyd-Shumway" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Human Resources" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michelle Cool" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andrea Glinski" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Katrina Lang" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Valery Ridore" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Administration" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Melissa Ayala" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Brittany Bezawada-Joseph" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rosanna Campanile " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Katherine Edwards" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Douglas Fredrick " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jon Freund" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ken Garcia " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gerard Garnica" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Betty Kouatelay" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ho Joong Lee" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Barb Manning" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Stephane Marquis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Michael Masciola" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tanuja Mistry" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rissa Monzano" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Patrick Nolan " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Patti Pulupa" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Dave Rasmussen " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Heather Spurrier" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Claudia Umana" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Melissa Washabaugh" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Eric Weis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Administrative Assistants" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Bernice Guice" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Paula Kasey" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Shana Reed" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Executive Chef" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kenny McDonald" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX EUROPE" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Managing Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Sean Brennan" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Marketing & PR Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Sarah Seaby" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Sales Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Paul Oughton" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Greg Baverstock" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Finance Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Robert Ford" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Brand Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Thach Quach" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Brand Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Alex Price" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European PR Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Alistair Hatch" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "European Assistant PR Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Nicholas Heller" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "International Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Rosemarie Dalton" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Manager Trade Shows/Events" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gareth Swann" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "UK Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gregory Weller" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "UK Sales Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gethyn Deakins" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Creative Services Artist" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Morgan Gibbons" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Legal Counsel" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Adam Carter" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Localisation Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Harald Simon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Localisation Project Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Ruth Granados Garcia" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Administrator" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Heather Clarke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Operations Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Isabelle Midrouillet" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Operations Coordinator" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "David Gordon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Financial Controller" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Paul New" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Accounts Assistant" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Charlotte Ovens" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Contracts Administrator/Paralegal" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Katie Brooks" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "IT Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joseph Owens" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Office Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Angela Clement" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX FRANCE" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "General Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Julie Chalmette" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Yvan Rault" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Key Account Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Gaelle Gombert" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Trade Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Laurent Chatain" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Geraldine Mazot" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "PR Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jerome Firon" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Finance Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Cecile De Freitas" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Finance Assistant" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Adeline Nonis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX GERMANY" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Managing Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Frank Matzke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Thomas Huber" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Head of Marketing & PR" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Marcel Jung" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Product Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Stefan Dettmering" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "PR Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Peter Langhofer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Trade Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Andrea Reuth" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Key Account Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Juergen Pahl" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Finance Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Joern Hoehling" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales and Office Administrator" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Christiane Jauss" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX BENELUX" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "General Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Menno Eijck" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Stefan Koppers" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Marketing Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Jurgen Stirnweis" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "PR Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Maikel van Dijk" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales and Marketing Administrator" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Pam van Griethuysen" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 3, "ZENIMAX ASIA" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "General Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tetsu Takahashi" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Localization Producer " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kei Iwamoto" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Associate Producer " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Takayuki Tanaka" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Product Manager " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Seigen Ko" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Localization Programmer" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Masayuki Nagahashi" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Marketing and PR Manager " ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Eiichi Yaji" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Sales Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Hiroaki Yanagiguchi" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Office Manager" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Myongsuk Rim" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t() ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 1, "Web Director" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Tanaka Keisuke" ) ); creditList.Append( creditInfo_t( 0, "Kosuke Fujita" ) ); }; /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::Initialize ======================== */ void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ) { idMenuScreen::Initialize( data ); if( data != NULL ) { menuGUI = data->GetGUI(); } SetSpritePath( "menuCredits" ); btnBack = new( TAG_SWF ) idMenuWidget_Button(); btnBack->Initialize( data ); btnBack->SetLabel( "#str_02305" ); btnBack->SetSpritePath( GetSpritePath(), "info", "btnBack" ); btnBack->AddEventAction( WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS ).Set( WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK ); AddChild( btnBack ); SetupCreditList(); } /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::Update ======================== */ void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::Update() { if( menuData != NULL ) { idMenuWidget_CommandBar* cmdBar = menuData->GetCmdBar(); if( cmdBar != NULL ) { cmdBar->ClearAllButtons(); idMenuHandler_Shell* shell = dynamic_cast< idMenuHandler_Shell* >( menuData ); bool complete = false; if( shell != NULL ) { complete = shell->GetGameComplete(); } idMenuWidget_CommandBar::buttonInfo_t* buttonInfo; if( !complete ) { buttonInfo = cmdBar->GetButton( idMenuWidget_CommandBar::BUTTON_JOY2 ); if( menuData->GetPlatform() != 2 ) { buttonInfo->label = "#str_00395"; } buttonInfo->action.Set( WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK ); } else { buttonInfo = cmdBar->GetButton( idMenuWidget_CommandBar::BUTTON_JOY1 ); if( menuData->GetPlatform() != 2 ) { buttonInfo->label = "#str_swf_continue"; } buttonInfo->action.Set( WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK ); } } } idSWFScriptObject& root = GetSWFObject()->GetRootObject(); if( BindSprite( root ) ) { idSWFTextInstance* heading = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedText( "info", "txtHeading" ); if( heading != NULL ) { heading->SetText( "#str_02218" ); heading->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 1.75f ); } } if( btnBack != NULL ) { btnBack->BindSprite( root ); } idMenuScreen::Update(); } /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::ShowScreen ======================== */ void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::ShowScreen( const mainMenuTransition_t transitionType ) { if( menuData != NULL ) { idMenuHandler_Shell* shell = dynamic_cast< idMenuHandler_Shell* >( menuData ); bool complete = false; if( shell != NULL ) { complete = shell->GetGameComplete(); } if( complete ) { menuData->PlaySound( GUI_SOUND_MUSIC ); } } idMenuScreen::ShowScreen( transitionType ); creditIndex = 0; UpdateCredits(); } /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::HideScreen ======================== */ void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::HideScreen( const mainMenuTransition_t transitionType ) { idMenuScreen::HideScreen( transitionType ); } /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::HandleAction ======================== */ bool idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled ) { if( menuData == NULL ) { return true; } if( menuData->ActiveScreen() != SHELL_AREA_CREDITS ) { return false; } widgetAction_t actionType = action.GetType(); switch( actionType ) { case WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK: { idMenuHandler_Shell* shell = dynamic_cast< idMenuHandler_Shell* >( menuData ); bool complete = false; if( shell != NULL ) { complete = shell->GetGameComplete(); } if( complete ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "disconnect" ); } else { menuData->SetNextScreen( SHELL_AREA_ROOT, MENU_TRANSITION_SIMPLE ); } return true; } } return idMenuWidget::HandleAction( action, event, widget, forceHandled ); } /* ======================== idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::UpdateCredits ======================== */ void idMenuScreen_Shell_Credits::UpdateCredits() { if( menuData == NULL || GetSWFObject() == NULL ) { return; } if( menuData->ActiveScreen() != SHELL_AREA_CREDITS && menuData->NextScreen() != SHELL_AREA_CREDITS ) { return; } if( creditIndex >= creditList.Num() + NUM_CREDIT_LINES ) { idMenuHandler_Shell* shell = dynamic_cast< idMenuHandler_Shell* >( menuData ); bool complete = false; if( shell != NULL ) { complete = shell->GetGameComplete(); } if( complete ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "disconnect" ); } else { menuData->SetNextScreen( SHELL_AREA_ROOT, MENU_TRANSITION_SIMPLE ); } return; } idSWFScriptObject* options = GetSWFObject()->GetRootObject().GetNestedObj( "menuCredits", "info", "options" ); if( options != NULL ) { for( int i = 15; i >= 0; --i ) { int curIndex = creditIndex - i; idSWFTextInstance* heading = options->GetNestedText( va( "item%d", 15 - i ), "heading" ); idSWFTextInstance* subHeading = options->GetNestedText( va( "item%d", 15 - i ), "subHeading" ); idSWFTextInstance* title = options->GetNestedText( va( "item%d", 15 - i ), "title" ); idSWFTextInstance* txtEntry = options->GetNestedText( va( "item%d", 15 - i ), "entry" ); if( curIndex >= 0 && curIndex < creditList.Num() ) { int type = creditList[ curIndex ].type; idStr entry = creditList[ curIndex ].entry; if( heading ) { heading->SetText( type == 3 ? entry : "" ); heading->SetStrokeInfo( true ); } if( subHeading ) { subHeading->SetText( type == 2 ? entry : "" ); subHeading->SetStrokeInfo( true ); } if( title ) { title->SetText( type == 1 ? entry : "" ); title->SetStrokeInfo( true ); } if( txtEntry ) { txtEntry->SetText( type == 0 ? entry : "" ); txtEntry->SetStrokeInfo( true ); } } else { if( heading ) { heading->SetText( "" ); } if( subHeading ) { subHeading->SetText( "" ); } if( txtEntry ) { txtEntry->SetText( "" ); } if( title ) { title->SetText( "" ); } } } if( options->GetSprite() ) { options->GetSprite()->PlayFrame( "roll" ); } } creditIndex++; }