/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../renderer/Font.h" idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype textInstanceScriptObjectPrototype; idCVar swf_textScrollSpeed( "swf_textScrollSpeed", "80", CVAR_INTEGER, "scroll speed for text" ); idCVar swf_textRndLetterSpeed( "swf_textRndLetterSpeed", "8", CVAR_INTEGER, "scroll speed for text" ); idCVar swf_textRndLetterDelay( "swf_textRndLetterDelay", "100", CVAR_INTEGER, "scroll speed for text" ); idCVar swf_textParagraphSpeed( "swf_textParagraphSpeed", "15", CVAR_INTEGER, "scroll speed for text" ); idCVar swf_textParagraphInc( "swf_textParagraphInc", "1.3", CVAR_FLOAT, "scroll speed for text" ); idCVar swf_subtitleExtraTime( "swf_subtitleExtraTime", "3500", CVAR_INTEGER, "time after subtitles vo is complete" ); idCVar swf_subtitleEarlyTrans( "swf_subtitleEarlyTrans", "3500", CVAR_INTEGER, "early time out to switch the line" ); idCVar swf_subtitleLengthGuess( "swf_subtitleLengthGuess", "10000", CVAR_INTEGER, "early time out to switch the line" ); idCVar swf_textMaxInputLength( "swf_textMaxInputLength", "104", CVAR_INTEGER, "max number of characters that can go into the input line" ); idCVar swf_textStrokeSize( "swf_textStrokeSize", "1.65f", CVAR_FLOAT, "size of font glyph stroke", 0.0f, 2.0f ); idCVar swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer( "swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer", "1.5f", CVAR_FLOAT, "additional space for spacing glyphs using stroke" ); /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::idSWFTextInstance ======================== */ idSWFTextInstance::idSWFTextInstance() { swf = NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::~idSWFTextInstance ================== ====== */ idSWFTextInstance::~idSWFTextInstance() { scriptObject.SetText( NULL ); scriptObject.Clear(); scriptObject.Release(); subtitleTimingInfo.Clear(); } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::Init ======================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::Init( idSWFEditText* _editText, idSWF* _swf ) { editText = _editText; swf = _swf; text = idLocalization::GetString( editText->initialText ); lengthCalculated = false; variable = editText->variable; color = editText->color; visible = true; selectionStart = -1; selectionEnd = -1; scroll = 0; scrollTime = 0; maxscroll = 0; maxLines = 0; linespacing = 0; glyphScale = 1.0f; shiftHeld = false; tooltip = false; renderMode = SWF_TEXT_RENDER_NORMAL; generatingText = false; triggerGenerate = false; rndSpotsVisible = 0; textSpotsVisible = 0; startRndTime = 0; charMultiplier = 0; prevReplaceIndex = 0; scrollUpdate = false; ignoreColor = false; isSubtitle = false; subLength = 0; subAlign = 0; subUpdating = false; subCharStartIndex = 0; subNextStartIndex = 0; subCharEndIndex = 0; subDisplayTime = 0; subStartTime = -1; subSourceID = -1; subNeedsSwitch = false; subForceKill = false; subKillTimeDelay = 0; subSwitchTime = 0; subLastWordIndex = 0; subPrevLastWordIndex = 0; subInitialLine = true; textLength = 0; inputTextStartChar = 0; renderDelay = swf_textRndLetterDelay.GetInteger(); needsSoundUpdate = false; useDropShadow = false; useStroke = false; strokeStrength = 1.0f; strokeWeight = swf_textStrokeSize.GetFloat(); scriptObject.SetPrototype( &textInstanceScriptObjectPrototype ); scriptObject.SetText( this ); scriptObject.SetNoAutoDelete( true ); } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::GetTextLength ======================== */ float idSWFTextInstance::GetTextLength() { // CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS FOR SINGLE LINE TEXTFIELDS if( lengthCalculated && variable.IsEmpty() ) { return textLength; } idStr txtLengthCheck = ""; float len = 0.0f; if( verify( swf != NULL ) ) { if( !variable.IsEmpty() ) { idSWFScriptVar var = swf->GetGlobal( variable ); if( var.IsUndefined() ) { txtLengthCheck = text; } else { txtLengthCheck = var.ToString(); } txtLengthCheck = idLocalization::GetString( txtLengthCheck ); } else { txtLengthCheck = idLocalization::GetString( text ); } const idSWFEditText* shape = editText; idSWFDictionaryEntry* fontEntry = swf->FindDictionaryEntry( shape->fontID, SWF_DICT_FONT ); idSWFFont* swfFont = fontEntry->font; float width = fabs( shape->bounds.br.x - shape->bounds.tl.x ); float postTrans = SWFTWIP( shape->fontHeight ); const idFont* fontInfo = swfFont->fontID; float glyphScale = postTrans / 48.0f; int tlen = txtLengthCheck.Length(); int index = 0; while( index < tlen ) { scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, txtLengthCheck.UTF8Char( index ), glyph ); len += glyph.xSkip; if( useStroke ) { len += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * strokeWeight * glyphScale ); } if( !( shape->flags & SWF_ET_AUTOSIZE ) && len >= width ) { len = width; break; } } } lengthCalculated = true; textLength = len; return textLength; } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::StartParagraphText ======================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::StartParagraphText( int time ) { generatingText = true; textSpotsVisible = 0; randomtext = ""; triggerGenerate = false; startRndTime = time; rndTime = time; rnd.SetSeed( time ); prevReplaceIndex = 0; rndSpotsVisible = text.Length(); indexArray.Clear(); charMultiplier = 0; text = idLocalization::GetString( text ); lengthCalculated = false; for( int index = 0; index < text.Length(); ++index ) { randomtext.Append( " " ); indexArray.Append( index ); } for( int index = 0; index < indexArray.Num(); ++index ) { int swapIndex = rnd.RandomInt( indexArray.Num() ); int val = indexArray[index]; indexArray[index] = indexArray[swapIndex]; indexArray[swapIndex] = val; } } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::GetParagraphText ======================== */ idStr idSWFTextInstance::GetParagraphText( int time ) { if( triggerGenerate ) { return " "; } else if( time - startRndTime < renderDelay ) { return " "; } else if( generatingText ) { if( time - rndTime >= renderDelay ) { rndTime = time; needsSoundUpdate = true; if( prevReplaceIndex >= text.Length() ) { generatingText = false; return text; } randomtext[prevReplaceIndex] = text[prevReplaceIndex]; prevReplaceIndex++; } } else { scrollUpdate = false; return text; } return randomtext; } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::StartRandomText ======================== */ bool idSWFTextInstance::NeedsSoundPlayed() { if( soundClip.IsEmpty() ) { return false; } return needsSoundUpdate; } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::StartRandomText ======================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::StartRandomText( int time ) { generatingText = true; textSpotsVisible = 0; randomtext = ""; triggerGenerate = false; startRndTime = time; rndTime = time; rnd.SetSeed( time ); rndSpotsVisible = 0; text = idLocalization::GetString( text ); lengthCalculated = false; for( int index = 0; index < text.Length(); ++index ) { if( text[index] == ' ' ) { randomtext.Append( " " ); } else { randomtext.Append( "." ); rndSpotsVisible++; } } } /* ======================== idSWFTextInstance::GetRandomText ======================== */ idStr idSWFTextInstance::GetRandomText( int time ) { if( triggerGenerate ) { return " "; } else if( time - startRndTime < renderDelay ) { return " "; } else if( generatingText ) { if( rndSpotsVisible > 0 ) { int waitTime = swf_textRndLetterSpeed.GetInteger(); if( randomtext.Length() >= 10 ) { waitTime = waitTime / 3; } if( time - rndTime >= waitTime ) { rndTime = time; int spotIndex = rnd.RandomInt( rndSpotsVisible ); int cIndex = 0; for( int c = 0; c < randomtext.Length(); ++ c ) { if( c >= text.Length() ) { rndSpotsVisible = 0; break; } if( randomtext[c] == '.' ) { cIndex++; } if( cIndex == spotIndex ) { bool useCaps = false; if( c - 1 >= 0 && text[c - 1] == ' ' ) { useCaps = true; } else if( c == 0 ) { useCaps = true; } if( useCaps || renderMode == SWF_TEXT_RENDER_RANDOM_APPEAR_CAPS ) { randomtext[c] = rnd.RandomInt( 'Z' - 'A' ) + 'A'; } else { randomtext[c] = rnd.RandomInt( 'z' - 'a' ) + 'a'; } rndSpotsVisible--; if( !soundClip.IsEmpty() ) { needsSoundUpdate = true; } break; } } } } else if( rndSpotsVisible == 0 && textSpotsVisible < text.Length() ) { if( textSpotsVisible >= randomtext.Length() ) { textSpotsVisible++; } else { if( time - rndTime >= swf_textRndLetterSpeed.GetInteger() ) { rndTime = time; randomtext[textSpotsVisible] = text[textSpotsVisible]; textSpotsVisible++; if( !soundClip.IsEmpty() ) { needsSoundUpdate = true; } } } } else { return " "; } } else { return text; } if( rndSpotsVisible == 0 && textSpotsVisible == text.Length() ) { generatingText = false; } return randomtext; } /* ============================================== SUBTITLE FUNCTIONALITY ============================================== */ /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::SwitchSubtitleText ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::SwitchSubtitleText( int time ) { subNeedsSwitch = false; } void idSWFTextInstance::SetSubNextStartIndex( int value ) { subNextStartIndex = value; } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::UpdateSubtitle ============================================== */ bool idSWFTextInstance::UpdateSubtitle( int time ) { if( subForceKillQueued ) { subForceKillQueued = false; subForceKill = true; subKillTimeDelay = time + swf_subtitleExtraTime.GetInteger(); } if( subUpdating && !subForceKill ) { if( ( time >= subSwitchTime && !subNeedsSwitch ) || ( !subNeedsSwitch && subInitialLine ) ) { //idLib::Printf( "SWITCH TIME %d / %d \n", time, subSwitchTime ); if( subInitialLine && subtitleTimingInfo.Num() > 0 ) { if( subStartTime == -1 ) { subStartTime = time - 600; } if( time < subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[0].startTime ) { return true; } else { text = subtitleText;//subtitleText = ""; subInitialLine = false; } } if( subNextStartIndex + 1 >= text.Length( ) ) { subForceKillQueued = true; } else { subCharStartIndex = subNextStartIndex; //subtitleText.CopyRange( text, subCharStartIndex, subCharEndIndex ); subNeedsSwitch = true; } } } if( subForceKill ) { if( time >= subKillTimeDelay ) { subForceKill = false; return false; } } return true; } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::SubtitleComplete ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::SetSubEndIndex( int endChar, int time ) { subCharEndIndex = endChar; if( subCharEndIndex + 1 >= text.Length() ) { LastWordChanged( subtitleTimingInfo.Num(), time ); } } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::SubtitleComplete ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::SubtitleComplete() { subInitialLine = true; subUpdating = false; isSubtitle = false; subNeedsSwitch = false; subCharDisplayTime = 0; subForceKillQueued = false; subForceKill = false; subKillTimeDelay = 0; subSwitchTime = 0; subLastWordIndex = 0; subPrevLastWordIndex = 0; subStartTime = -1; subSpeaker = ""; subtitleText = ""; text = ""; subtitleTimingInfo.Clear(); } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::LastWordChanged ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::LastWordChanged( int wordCount, int time ) { if( subPrevLastWordIndex + wordCount >= subtitleTimingInfo.Num() ) { subLastWordIndex = subtitleTimingInfo.Num() - 1; } else { subLastWordIndex = subPrevLastWordIndex + wordCount - 1; } if( subStartTime == -1 ) { if( subtitleTimingInfo.Num() > 0 ) { subStartTime = time + subtitleTimingInfo[0].startTime; } else { subStartTime = time; } } subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[subLastWordIndex].startTime;// - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 1 %d last word %d\n", subSwitchTime, subLastWordIndex ); } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::GetSubtitleBreak ============================================== */ int idSWFTextInstance::GetApporoximateSubtitleBreak( int time ) { int wordIndex = subLastWordIndex; bool setSwitchTime = false; if( subStartTime == -1 ) { subStartTime = time; } if( time >= subSwitchTime ) { subPrevLastWordIndex = subLastWordIndex; for( int i = wordIndex; i < subtitleTimingInfo.Num(); ++i ) { if( subtitleTimingInfo[i].forceBreak ) { if( i + 1 < subtitleTimingInfo.Num() ) { subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[i + 1].startTime; // - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 2 %d\n", subSwitchTime ); subLastWordIndex = i; setSwitchTime = true; break; } else { subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[i].startTime;// - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 3 %d\n", subSwitchTime ); subLastWordIndex = i; setSwitchTime = true; break; } } else { int timeSpan = subtitleTimingInfo[i].startTime - subtitleTimingInfo[wordIndex].startTime; if( timeSpan > swf_subtitleLengthGuess.GetInteger() ) { if( i - 1 >= 0 ) { subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[i].startTime;// - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 4 %d\n", subSwitchTime ); subLastWordIndex = i - 1; } else { subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[i].startTime;// - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 5 %d\n", subSwitchTime ); subLastWordIndex = i; } setSwitchTime = true; break; } } } if( !setSwitchTime && subtitleTimingInfo.Num() > 0 ) { subSwitchTime = subStartTime + subtitleTimingInfo[ subtitleTimingInfo.Num() - 1 ].startTime;// - swf_subtitleEarlyTrans.GetInteger(); //idLib::Printf( "switchtime set 6 %d\n", subSwitchTime ); subLastWordIndex = subtitleTimingInfo.Num(); } } return subLastWordIndex; } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::SubtitleComplete ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::SubtitleCleanup() { subSourceID = -1; subAlign = -1; text = ""; } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::SetStrokeInfo ============================================== */ void idSWFTextInstance::SetStrokeInfo( bool use, float strength, float weight ) { useStroke = use; if( use ) { strokeWeight = weight; strokeStrength = strength; } } /* ============================================== idSWFTextInstance::CalcMaxScroll ============================================== */ int idSWFTextInstance::CalcMaxScroll( int numLines ) { if( numLines != -1 ) { if( numLines < 0 ) { numLines = 0; } maxscroll = numLines; return maxscroll; } const idSWFEditText* shape = editText; if( !( shape->flags & SWF_ET_MULTILINE ) ) { return 0; } if( swf == NULL ) { return 0; } idSWFDictionaryEntry* fontEntry = swf->FindDictionaryEntry( shape->fontID, SWF_DICT_FONT ); if( fontEntry == NULL ) { return 0; } idSWFFont* swfFont = fontEntry->font; if( swfFont == NULL ) { return 0; } const idFont* fontInfo = swfFont->fontID; if( fontInfo == NULL ) { return 0; } idStr textCheck; if( variable.IsEmpty() ) { textCheck = idLocalization::GetString( text ); } else { textCheck = idLocalization::GetString( variable ); } if( textCheck.IsEmpty() ) { return 0; } float x = bounds.tl.x; float y = bounds.tl.y; idList< idStr > textLines; idStr* currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); // tracks the last breakable character we found int lastbreak = 0; float lastbreakX = 0; int charIndex = 0; if( IsSubtitle() ) { charIndex = GetSubStartIndex(); } while( charIndex < textCheck.Length() ) { if( textCheck[ charIndex ] == '\n' ) { if( shape->flags & SWF_ET_MULTILINE ) { currentLine->Append( '\n' ); x = bounds.tl.x; y += linespacing; currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); lastbreak = 0; charIndex++; continue; } else { break; } } int glyphStart = charIndex; uint32 tc = textCheck.UTF8Char( charIndex ); scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, tc, glyph ); float glyphSkip = glyph.xSkip; if( HasStroke() ) { glyphSkip += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * GetStrokeWeight() * glyphScale ); } if( x + glyphSkip > bounds.br.x ) { if( shape->flags & ( SWF_ET_MULTILINE | SWF_ET_WORDWRAP ) ) { if( lastbreak > 0 ) { int curLineIndex = currentLine - &textLines[0]; idStr* newline = &textLines.Alloc(); currentLine = &textLines[ curLineIndex ]; if( maxLines == 1 ) { currentLine->CapLength( currentLine->Length() - 3 ); currentLine->Append( "..." ); break; } else { *newline = currentLine->c_str() + lastbreak; currentLine->CapLength( lastbreak ); currentLine = newline; x -= lastbreakX; } } else { currentLine = &textLines.Alloc(); x = bounds.tl.x; } lastbreak = 0; } else { break; } } while( glyphStart < charIndex && glyphStart < text.Length() ) { currentLine->Append( text[ glyphStart++ ] ); } x += glyphSkip; if( tc == ' ' || tc == '-' ) { lastbreak = currentLine->Length(); lastbreakX = x; } } maxscroll = textLines.Num() - maxLines; if( maxscroll < 0 ) { maxscroll = 0; } return maxscroll; } int idSWFTextInstance::CalcNumLines() { const idSWFEditText* shape = editText; if( !( shape->flags & SWF_ET_MULTILINE ) ) { return 1; } idSWFDictionaryEntry* fontEntry = swf->FindDictionaryEntry( shape->fontID, SWF_DICT_FONT ); if( fontEntry == NULL ) { return 1; } idStr textCheck; if( variable.IsEmpty() ) { textCheck = idLocalization::GetString( text ); } else { textCheck = idLocalization::GetString( variable ); } if( textCheck.IsEmpty() ) { return 1; } if( swf == NULL ) { return 1; } idSWFFont* swfFont = fontEntry->font; float postTransformHeight = SWFTWIP( shape->fontHeight ); const idFont* fontInfo = swfFont->fontID; float glyphScale = postTransformHeight / 48.0f; swfRect_t bounds; bounds.tl.x = ( shape->bounds.tl.x + SWFTWIP( shape->leftMargin ) ); bounds.br.x = ( shape->bounds.br.x - SWFTWIP( shape->rightMargin ) ); bounds.tl.y = ( shape->bounds.tl.y + ( 1.15f * glyphScale ) ); bounds.br.y = ( shape->bounds.br.y ); float linespacing = fontInfo->GetAscender( 1.15f * glyphScale ); if( shape->leading != 0 ) { linespacing += ( glyphScale * SWFTWIP( shape->leading ) ); } float x = bounds.tl.x; int maxLines = idMath::Ftoi( ( bounds.br.y - bounds.tl.y ) / linespacing ); if( maxLines == 0 ) { maxLines = 1; } // tracks the last breakable character we found int numLines = 1; int lastbreak = 0; int charIndex = 0; while( charIndex < textCheck.Length() ) { if( textCheck[ charIndex ] == '\n' ) { if( numLines == maxLines ) { return maxLines; } numLines++; lastbreak = 0; x = bounds.tl.x; charIndex++; } else { uint32 tc = textCheck[ charIndex++ ]; scaledGlyphInfo_t glyph; fontInfo->GetScaledGlyph( glyphScale, tc, glyph ); float glyphSkip = glyph.xSkip; if( useStroke ) { glyphSkip += ( swf_textStrokeSizeGlyphSpacer.GetFloat() * strokeWeight * glyphScale ); } if( x + glyphSkip > bounds.br.x ) { if( numLines == maxLines ) { return maxLines; } else { numLines++; if( lastbreak != 0 ) { charIndex = charIndex - ( charIndex - lastbreak ); } x = bounds.tl.x; lastbreak = 0; } } else { x += glyphSkip; if( tc == ' ' || tc == '-' ) { lastbreak = charIndex; } } } } return numLines; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype ======================== */ #define SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( x ) idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptFunction_##x::Call( idSWFScriptObject * thisObject, const idSWFParmList & parms ) #define SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( x ) idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptNativeVar_##x::Get( class idSWFScriptObject * object ) #define SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( x ) void idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptNativeVar_##x::Set( class idSWFScriptObject * object, const idSWFScriptVar & value ) #define SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( x ) idSWFTextInstance * pThis = thisObject ? thisObject->GetText() : NULL; if ( !verify( pThis != NULL ) ) { idLib::Warning( "SWF: tried to call " x " on NULL edittext" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } #define SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( x ) idSWFTextInstance * pThis = object ? object->GetText() : NULL; if ( pThis == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } #define SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( x ) idSWFTextInstance * pThis = object ? object->GetText() : NULL; if ( pThis == NULL ) { return; } #define SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( x ) scriptFunction_##x.AddRef(); Set( #x, &scriptFunction_##x ); #define SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( x ) SetNative( #x, &swfScriptVar_##x ); idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptObject_TextInstancePrototype() { SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( onKey ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( onChar ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( generateRnd ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( calcNumLines ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( clearTimingInfo ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( text ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _textLength ); // only works on single lines of text not multiline SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( autoSize ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( dropShadow ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _stroke ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _strokeStrength ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _strokeWeight ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( variable ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _alpha ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( textColor ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _visible ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( selectionStart ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( selectionEnd ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( scroll ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( maxscroll ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( isTooltip ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( mode ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( delay ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( renderSound ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( updateScroll ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( subtitle ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( subtitleAlign ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( subtitleSourceID ); SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_SET( subtitleSpeaker ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( subtitleSourceCheck ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( subtitleStart ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( subtitleLength ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( killSubtitle ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( forceKillSubtitle ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( subLastLine ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( addSubtitleInfo ); SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_SET( terminateSubtitle ); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( text ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "text" ); return pThis->text; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( text ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "text " ); pThis->text = idLocalization::GetString( value.ToString() ); if( pThis->text.IsEmpty() ) { pThis->selectionEnd = -1; pThis->selectionStart = -1; pThis->inputTextStartChar = 0; } pThis->lengthCalculated = false; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( autoSize ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "autoSize" ); return ( pThis->editText->flags & SWF_ET_AUTOSIZE ) != 0; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( autoSize ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "autoSize" ); if( value.ToBool() ) { pThis->editText->flags |= SWF_ET_AUTOSIZE; } else { pThis->editText->flags &= ~SWF_ET_AUTOSIZE; } pThis->lengthCalculated = false; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( dropShadow ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "dropShadow" ); return pThis->useDropShadow; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( dropShadow ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "dropShadow" ); pThis->useDropShadow = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _stroke ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_stroke" ); return pThis->useStroke; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _stroke ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "_stroke" ); pThis->useStroke = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _strokeStrength ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_strokeStrength" ); return pThis->strokeStrength; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _strokeStrength ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "_strokeStrength" ); pThis->strokeStrength = value.ToFloat(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _strokeWeight ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_strokeWeight" ); return pThis->strokeWeight; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _strokeWeight ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "_strokeWeight" ); pThis->strokeWeight = value.ToFloat(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( variable ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "variable" ); return pThis->variable; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( variable ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "variable" ); pThis->variable = value.ToString(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _alpha ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_alpha" ); return pThis->color.a / 255.0f; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _alpha ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "_alpha" ); pThis->color.a = idMath::Ftob( value.ToFloat() * 255.0f ); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _visible ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_visible" ); return pThis->visible; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _visible ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "_visible" ); pThis->visible = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( selectionStart ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "selectionStart" ); return pThis->selectionStart; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( selectionStart ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "selectionStart" ); pThis->selectionStart = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( selectionEnd ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "selectionEnd" ); return pThis->selectionEnd; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( selectionEnd ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "selectionEnd" ); pThis->selectionEnd = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( isTooltip ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "isTooltip" ); pThis->tooltip = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( isTooltip ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "isTooltip" ); return pThis->tooltip; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( delay ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "delay" ); pThis->renderDelay = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( delay ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "delay" ); return pThis->renderDelay; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( renderSound ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "renderSound" ); pThis->soundClip = value.ToString(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( renderSound ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "renderSound" ); return pThis->soundClip; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( updateScroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "updateScroll" ); pThis->scrollUpdate = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( updateScroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "updateScroll" ); return pThis->scrollUpdate; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( mode ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "mode" ); return pThis->renderMode; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( scroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "scroll" ); return pThis->scroll; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( maxscroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "maxscroll" ); return pThis->maxscroll; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _textLength ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "_textLength" ); return pThis->GetTextLength(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( mode ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "mode" ); int mode = value.ToInteger(); if( mode >= ( int )SWF_TEXT_RENDER_MODE_COUNT || mode < 0 ) { mode = SWF_TEXT_RENDER_NORMAL; } pThis->renderMode = swfTextRenderMode_t( mode ); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( scroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "scroll" ); int time = Sys_Milliseconds(); if( time >= pThis->scrollTime ) { pThis->scrollTime = Sys_Milliseconds() + swf_textScrollSpeed.GetInteger(); pThis->scroll = value.ToInteger(); } } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( maxscroll ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "maxscroll" ); pThis->maxscroll = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( textColor ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "textColor" ); int r = ( pThis->color.r << 16 ); int g = ( pThis->color.g << 8 ); int b = pThis->color.b; int textColor = r | g | b; return textColor; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( textColor ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "textColor" ); int textColor = value.ToInteger(); int r = ( textColor >> 16 ) & 0xFF; int g = ( textColor >> 8 ) & 0x00FF; int b = textColor & 0x0000FF; pThis->color.r = r; pThis->color.g = g; pThis->color.b = b; } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( clearTimingInfo ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "clearTimingInfo" ); pThis->subtitleTimingInfo.Clear(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( generateRnd ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "generateRnd" ); pThis->triggerGenerate = true; pThis->rndSpotsVisible = -1; pThis->generatingText = false; return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( calcNumLines ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "calcNumLines" ); return pThis->CalcNumLines(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( onKey ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "onKey" ); int keyCode = parms[0].ToInteger(); bool keyDown = parms[1].ToBool(); if( keyDown ) { switch( keyCode ) { case K_LSHIFT: case K_RSHIFT: { pThis->shiftHeld = true; break; } case K_BACKSPACE: case K_DEL: { if( pThis->selectionStart == pThis->selectionEnd ) { if( keyCode == K_BACKSPACE ) { pThis->selectionStart = pThis->selectionEnd - 1; } else { pThis->selectionEnd = pThis->selectionStart + 1; } } int start = Min( pThis->selectionStart, pThis->selectionEnd ); int end = Max( pThis->selectionStart, pThis->selectionEnd ); idStr left = pThis->text.Left( Max( start, 0 ) ); idStr right = pThis->text.Right( Max( pThis->text.Length() - end, 0 ) ); pThis->text = left + right; pThis->selectionStart = start; pThis->selectionEnd = start; break; } case K_LEFTARROW: { if( pThis->selectionEnd > 0 ) { pThis->selectionEnd--; if( !pThis->shiftHeld ) { pThis->selectionStart = pThis->selectionEnd; } } break; } case K_RIGHTARROW: { if( pThis->selectionEnd < pThis->text.Length() ) { pThis->selectionEnd++; if( !pThis->shiftHeld ) { pThis->selectionStart = pThis->selectionEnd; } } break; } case K_HOME: { pThis->selectionEnd = 0; if( !pThis->shiftHeld ) { pThis->selectionStart = pThis->selectionEnd; } break; } case K_END: { pThis->selectionEnd = pThis->text.Length(); if( !pThis->shiftHeld ) { pThis->selectionStart = pThis->selectionEnd; } break; } } } else { if( keyCode == K_LSHIFT || keyCode == K_RSHIFT ) { pThis->shiftHeld = false; } } return true; } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( onChar ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "onChar" ); int keyCode = parms[0].ToInteger(); if( keyCode < 32 || keyCode == 127 ) { return false; } char letter = ( char )keyCode; // assume ` is meant for the console if( letter == '`' ) { return false; } if( pThis->selectionStart != pThis->selectionEnd ) { int start = Min( pThis->selectionStart, pThis->selectionEnd ); int end = Max( pThis->selectionStart, pThis->selectionEnd ); idStr left = pThis->text.Left( Max( start, 0 ) ); idStr right = pThis->text.Right( Max( pThis->text.Length() - end, 0 ) ); pThis->text = left + right; pThis->selectionStart = start; pThis->text.Clear(); pThis->text.Append( left ); pThis->text.Append( letter ); pThis->text.Append( right ); pThis->selectionStart++; } else if( pThis->selectionStart < swf_textMaxInputLength.GetInteger() ) { if( pThis->selectionStart < 0 ) { pThis->selectionStart = 0; } pThis->text.Insert( letter, pThis->selectionStart++ ); } pThis->selectionEnd = pThis->selectionStart; return true; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( subtitle ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "subtitle" ); return pThis->isSubtitle; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( subtitle ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "subtitle" ); pThis->isSubtitle = value.ToBool(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( subtitleAlign ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "subtitleAlign" ); return pThis->subAlign; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( subtitleAlign ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "subtitleAlign" ); pThis->subAlign = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( subtitleSourceID ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "subtitleSourceID" ); return pThis->subSourceID; } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( subtitleSourceID ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "subtitleSourceID" ); pThis->subSourceID = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( subtitleSpeaker ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_GET( "subtitleSpeaker" ); return pThis->subSpeaker.c_str(); } SWF_TEXT_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( subtitleSpeaker ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_SET( "subtitleSpeaker" ); pThis->subSpeaker = value.ToString(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( subtitleLength ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "subtitleLength" ); pThis->subLength = parms[0].ToInteger(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( subtitleSourceCheck ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "subtitleSourceCheck" ); int idCheck = parms[0].ToInteger(); if( pThis->subSourceID == -1 ) { pThis->subSourceID = idCheck; return 1; } if( idCheck == pThis->subSourceID ) // || pThis->subForceKill ) { { pThis->SubtitleComplete(); pThis->subSourceID = idCheck; return -1; } return 0; } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( subtitleStart ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "subtitleStart" ); pThis->subUpdating = true; pThis->subNeedsSwitch = false; pThis->subForceKillQueued = false; pThis->subForceKill = false; pThis->subKillTimeDelay = 0; // trickery to swap the text so subtitles don't show until they should pThis->subtitleText = pThis->text; pThis->text = ""; pThis->subCharStartIndex = 0; pThis->subNextStartIndex = 0; pThis->subCharEndIndex = 0; pThis->subSwitchTime = 0; pThis->subLastWordIndex = 0; pThis->subPrevLastWordIndex = 0; pThis->subStartTime = -1; pThis->subInitialLine = true; return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( forceKillSubtitle ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "forceKillSubtitle" ); pThis->subForceKill = true; pThis->subKillTimeDelay = 0; return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( killSubtitle ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "killSubtitle" ); pThis->subForceKillQueued = true; //pThis->SubtitleComplete(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( terminateSubtitle ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "terminateSubtitle" ); pThis->SubtitleComplete(); pThis->SubtitleCleanup(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( subLastLine ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "subLastLine" ); idStr lastLine; int len = pThis->subCharEndIndex - pThis->subCharStartIndex; pThis->text.Mid( pThis->subCharStartIndex, len, lastLine ); return lastLine; } SWF_TEXT_FUNCTION_DEFINE( addSubtitleInfo ) { SWF_TEXT_PTHIS_FUNC( "addSubtitleInfo" ); if( parms.Num() != 3 ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } subTimingWordData_t info; info.phrase = parms[0].ToString(); info.startTime = parms[1].ToInteger(); info.forceBreak = parms[2].ToBool(); pThis->subtitleTimingInfo.Append( info ); return idSWFScriptVar(); }