
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").

Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.

If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.

#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Font.h"

const char* DEFAULT_FONT = "Arial_Narrow";

static const float old_scale2 = 0.6f;
static const float old_scale1 = 0.3f;

ID_INLINE float Old_SelectValueForScale( float scale, float v0, float v1, float v2 )
	return ( scale >= old_scale2 ) ? v2 : ( scale >= old_scale1 ) ? v1 : v0;

idFont* idFont::RemapFont( const char* baseName )
	idStr cleanName = baseName;
	if( cleanName == DEFAULT_FONT )
		return NULL;
	const char* remapped = idLocalization::FindString( "#font_" + cleanName );
	if( remapped != NULL )
		return renderSystem->RegisterFont( remapped );
	const char* wildcard = idLocalization::FindString( "#font_*" );
	if( wildcard != NULL && cleanName.Icmp( wildcard ) != 0 )
		return renderSystem->RegisterFont( wildcard );
	// Note single | so both sides are always executed
	if( cleanName.ReplaceChar( ' ', '_' ) | cleanName.ReplaceChar( '-', '_' ) )
		return renderSystem->RegisterFont( cleanName );
	return NULL;

	delete fontInfo;

idFont::idFont( const char* n ) : name( n )
	fontInfo = NULL;
	alias = RemapFont( n );
	if( alias != NULL )
		// Make sure we don't have a circular reference
		for( idFont* f = alias; f != NULL; f = f->alias )
			if( f == this )
				idLib::FatalError( "Font alias \"%s\" is a circular reference!", n );
	if( !LoadFont() )
		if( name.Icmp( DEFAULT_FONT ) == 0 )
			idLib::FatalError( "Could not load default font \"%s\"", DEFAULT_FONT );
			idLib::Warning( "Could not load font %s", n );
			alias = renderSystem->RegisterFont( DEFAULT_FONT );

struct oldGlyphInfo_t
	int					height;			// number of scan lines
	int					top;			// top of glyph in buffer
	int					bottom;			// bottom of glyph in buffer
	int					pitch;			// width for copying
	int					xSkip;			// x adjustment
	int					imageWidth;		// width of actual image
	int					imageHeight;	// height of actual image
	float				s;				// x offset in image where glyph starts
	float				t;				// y offset in image where glyph starts
	float				s2;
	float				t2;
	int					junk;
	char				materialName[32];
static const int GLYPHS_PER_FONT = 256;

bool LoadOldGlyphData( const char* filename, oldGlyphInfo_t glyphInfo[GLYPHS_PER_FONT] )
	idFile* fd = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( filename );
	if( fd == NULL )
		return false;
	fd->Read( glyphInfo, GLYPHS_PER_FONT * sizeof( oldGlyphInfo_t ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < GLYPHS_PER_FONT; i++ )
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].height );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].top );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].bottom );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].pitch );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].xSkip );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].imageWidth );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].imageHeight );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].s );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].t );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].s2 );
		idSwap::Little( glyphInfo[i].t2 );
		assert( glyphInfo[i].imageWidth == glyphInfo[i].pitch );
		assert( glyphInfo[i].imageHeight == glyphInfo[i].height );
		assert( glyphInfo[i].imageWidth == ( glyphInfo[i].s2 - glyphInfo[i].s ) * 256 );
		assert( glyphInfo[i].imageHeight == ( glyphInfo[i].t2 - glyphInfo[i].t ) * 256 );
		assert( glyphInfo[i].junk == 0 );
	delete fd;
	return true;

bool idFont::LoadFont()
	idStr fontName = va( "newfonts/%s/48.dat", GetName() );
	idFile* fd = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( fontName );
	if( fd == NULL )
		return false;
	const int FONT_INFO_VERSION = 42;
	const int FONT_INFO_MAGIC = ( FONT_INFO_VERSION | ( 'i' << 24 ) | ( 'd' << 16 ) | ( 'f' << 8 ) );
	uint32 version = 0;
	fd->ReadBig( version );
	if( version != FONT_INFO_MAGIC )
		idLib::Warning( "Wrong version in %s", GetName() );
		delete fd;
		return false;
	fontInfo = new( TAG_FONT ) fontInfo_t;
	short pointSize = 0;
	fd->ReadBig( pointSize );
	assert( pointSize == 48 );
	fd->ReadBig( fontInfo->ascender );
	fd->ReadBig( fontInfo->descender );
	fd->ReadBig( fontInfo->numGlyphs );
	fontInfo->glyphData = ( glyphInfo_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( glyphInfo_t ) * fontInfo->numGlyphs, TAG_FONT );
	fontInfo->charIndex = ( uint32* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( uint32 ) * fontInfo->numGlyphs, TAG_FONT );
	fd->Read( fontInfo->glyphData, fontInfo->numGlyphs * sizeof( glyphInfo_t ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < fontInfo->numGlyphs; i++ )
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].width );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].height );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].top );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].left );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].xSkip );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].s );
		idSwap::Little( fontInfo->glyphData[i].t );
	fd->Read( fontInfo->charIndex, fontInfo->numGlyphs * sizeof( uint32 ) );
	idSwap::LittleArray( fontInfo->charIndex, fontInfo->numGlyphs );
	memset( fontInfo->ascii, -1, sizeof( fontInfo->ascii ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < fontInfo->numGlyphs; i++ )
		if( fontInfo->charIndex[i] < 128 )
			fontInfo->ascii[fontInfo->charIndex[i]] = i;
			// Since the characters are sorted, as soon as we find a non-ascii character, we can stop
	idStr fontTextureName = fontName;
	fontTextureName.SetFileExtension( "tga" );
	fontInfo->material = declManager->FindMaterial( fontTextureName );
	fontInfo->material->SetSort( SS_GUI );
	// Load the old glyph data because we want our new fonts to fit in the old glyph metrics
	int pointSizes[3] = { 12, 24, 48 };
	float scales[3] = { 4.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f };
	for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		oldGlyphInfo_t oldGlyphInfo[GLYPHS_PER_FONT];
		const char* oldFileName = va( "newfonts/%s/old_%d.dat", GetName(), pointSizes[i] );
		if( LoadOldGlyphData( oldFileName, oldGlyphInfo ) )
			int mh = 0;
			int mw = 0;
			for( int g = 0; g < GLYPHS_PER_FONT; g++ )
				if( mh < oldGlyphInfo[g].height )
					mh = oldGlyphInfo[g].height;
				if( mw < oldGlyphInfo[g].xSkip )
					mw = oldGlyphInfo[g].xSkip;
			fontInfo->oldInfo[i].maxWidth = scales[i] * mw;
			fontInfo->oldInfo[i].maxHeight = scales[i] * mh;
			int mh = 0;
			int mw = 0;
			for( int g = 0; g < fontInfo->numGlyphs; g++ )
				if( mh < fontInfo->glyphData[g].height )
					mh = fontInfo->glyphData[g].height;
				if( mw < fontInfo->glyphData[g].xSkip )
					mw = fontInfo->glyphData[g].xSkip;
			fontInfo->oldInfo[i].maxWidth = mw;
			fontInfo->oldInfo[i].maxHeight = mh;
	delete fd;
	return true;

int	idFont::GetGlyphIndex( uint32 idx ) const
	if( idx < 128 )
		return fontInfo->ascii[idx];
	if( fontInfo->numGlyphs == 0 )
		return -1;
	if( fontInfo->charIndex == NULL )
		return idx;
	int len = fontInfo->numGlyphs;
	int mid = fontInfo->numGlyphs;
	int offset = 0;
	while( mid > 0 )
		mid = len >> 1;
		if( fontInfo->charIndex[offset + mid] <= idx )
			offset += mid;
		len -= mid;
	return ( fontInfo->charIndex[offset] == idx ) ? offset : -1;

float idFont::GetLineHeight( float scale ) const
	if( alias != NULL )
		return alias->GetLineHeight( scale );
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		return scale * Old_SelectValueForScale( scale, fontInfo->oldInfo[0].maxHeight, fontInfo->oldInfo[1].maxHeight, fontInfo->oldInfo[2].maxHeight );
	return 0.0f;

float idFont::GetAscender( float scale ) const
	if( alias != NULL )
		return alias->GetAscender( scale );
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		return scale * fontInfo->ascender;
	return 0.0f;

float idFont::GetMaxCharWidth( float scale ) const
	if( alias != NULL )
		return alias->GetMaxCharWidth( scale );
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		return scale * Old_SelectValueForScale( scale, fontInfo->oldInfo[0].maxWidth, fontInfo->oldInfo[1].maxWidth, fontInfo->oldInfo[2].maxWidth );
	return 0.0f;

float idFont::GetGlyphWidth( float scale, uint32 idx ) const
	if( alias != NULL )
		return alias->GetGlyphWidth( scale, idx );
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		int i = GetGlyphIndex( idx );
		const int asterisk = 42;
		if( i == -1 && idx != asterisk )
			i = GetGlyphIndex( asterisk );
		if( i >= 0 )
			return scale * fontInfo->glyphData[i].xSkip;
	return 0.0f;

void idFont::GetScaledGlyph( float scale, uint32 idx, scaledGlyphInfo_t& glyphInfo ) const
	if( alias != NULL )
		return alias->GetScaledGlyph( scale, idx, glyphInfo );
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		int i = GetGlyphIndex( idx );
		const int asterisk = 42;
		if( i == -1 && idx != asterisk )
			i = GetGlyphIndex( asterisk );
		if( i >= 0 )
			float invMaterialWidth = 1.0f / fontInfo->material->GetImageWidth();
			float invMaterialHeight = 1.0f / fontInfo->material->GetImageHeight();
			glyphInfo_t& gi = fontInfo->glyphData[i];
			glyphInfo.xSkip = scale * gi.xSkip;
			glyphInfo.top = scale * gi.top;
			glyphInfo.left = scale * gi.left;
			glyphInfo.width = scale * gi.width;
			glyphInfo.height = scale * gi.height;
			glyphInfo.s1 = ( gi.s - 0.5f ) * invMaterialWidth;
			glyphInfo.t1 = ( gi.t - 0.5f ) * invMaterialHeight;
			glyphInfo.s2 = ( gi.s + gi.width + 0.5f ) * invMaterialWidth;
			glyphInfo.t2 = ( gi.t + gi.height + 0.5f ) * invMaterialHeight;
			glyphInfo.material = fontInfo->material;
	memset( &glyphInfo, 0, sizeof( glyphInfo ) );

void idFont::Touch()
	if( alias != NULL )
	if( fontInfo != NULL )
		const_cast<idMaterial*>( fontInfo->material )->EnsureNotPurged();
		fontInfo->material->SetSort( SS_GUI );