/*********************************************************************** info ***********************************************************************/ entityDef info_player_deathmatch { "editor_color" "1 0 1" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 0" "editor_maxs" "16 16 64" "editor_showangle" "1" "editor_usage" "Potential spawning position for deathmatch games. The first time a player enters the game, they will be at an 'initial' spot." "editor_var target" "targets to fire when someone spawns in." "editor_var initial" "this is an initial spawn spot" "spawnclass" "idPlayerStart" } entityDef info_player_start { "editor_color" "1 0 0" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 0" "editor_maxs" "16 16 64" "editor_showangle" "1" "editor_usage" "Potential spawning position for single player games." "editor_var useEffect" "show teleportation effect for useEffect seconds.. 0 is instant" "editor_var skin" "skin to use for player model" "spawnclass" "idPlayerStart" } entityDef info_player_teleport { "editor_color" "1 0 0" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 0" "editor_maxs" "16 16 64" "editor_showangle" "1" "editor_usage" "Spawning position player after cinematic. When triggered, player will be moved to this location." "editor_var push" "How much of a push to give to the player when he is teleported." "editor_var visualView" "Camera to set player's view to when he is teleported." "editor_var visualEffect" "How long to show the view from the visualView." "spawnclass" "idPlayerStart" "push" "300" "visualEffect" "0" "visualView" "" }