/*********************************************************************** miscellaneous ***********************************************************************/ entityDef worldspawn { "editor_color" "0 0 0" "editor_mins" "?" "editor_maxs" "?" "editor_usage" "Every map should have exactly one worldspawn." "editor_var music" "music wav file." "editor_var gravity" "gravity value for the level." "editor_var no_stamina" "disables stamina so the player can always run" "editor_var no_Weapons" "only fists and no melee attacks" "editor_var def_player" "player def to use when spawning this world" "spawnclass" "idWorldspawn" "gravity" "1066" "name" "world" } entityDef light { "editor_color" "0 1 0" "editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8" "editor_maxs" "8 8 8" "editor_rotatable" "1" "editor_usage" "Light source. If health is set, light becomes breakable and turns off when shot." "editor_material texture" "light shader to use." "editor_color color" "light color" "editor_var shaderParm3" "shaderParm 3" "editor_var shaderParm4" "shaderParm 4" "editor_var shaderParm5" "shaderParm 5" "editor_var shaderParm6" "shaderParm 6" "editor_var shaderParm7" "shaderParm 7" "editor_var count" "how many times light must be triggered to toggle." "editor_var break" "break when triggered." "editor_model model" "model to use." "editor_model broken" "model to use when the light is broken (defaults to model name with '_broken' appended to name)" "editor_var hideModelOnBreak" "hides the model when broken" "editor_var health" "amount of damage to recieve before becoming broken. 0 is nonbreakable." "editor_var target" "entities to trigger if shot." "editor_var levels" "the number of times a light must be triggered until it turns off. Each time it's triggered, it's dimmed to a lower level." "editor_var start_off" "causes the light to be off when the level starts." "editor_var snd_broken" "sound shader to use when broken" "editor_var mtr_broken" "material to use when broken" "editor_color color_demonic" "demonic color to use if in demonic mode." "editor_material mat_demonic" "demonic shader to use if in demonic mode." "editor_var leave_demonic_mat" "leaves the demonic shader when the effect expires.. color is still reverted back." "spawnclass" "idLight" "health" "0" "levels" "1" "start_off" "0" "count" "1" "break" "0" // jmarshall: Quake 1 light styles /* "style" "-1" "ls_frametime" "100" "num_styles" "12" "light_style0" "m" "light_style1" "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo" "light_style2" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" "light_style3" "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg" "light_style4" "mamamamamama" "light_style5" "jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj" "light_style6" "nmonqnmomnmomomno" "light_style7" "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm" "light_style8" "mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa" "light_style9" "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz" "light_style10" "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma" "light_style11" "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba" */ // jmarshall end } entityDef speaker { "editor_color" "0 1 0" "editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8" "editor_maxs" "8 8 8" "editor_material" "textures/common/speaker" "editor_usage" "" "editor_snd s_shader" "the sound shader or wavefile." "editor_snd snd_demonic" "demonic sound shader." "editor_var overlayDemonic" "set to 1 overlays the demonic sound instead of replacing it." "editor_var s_waitfortrigger" "play on load or play when triggered." "editor_var s_volume" "override shader volume level." "editor_var s_minDistance" "override shader minDistance." "editor_var s_maxDistance" "override shader maxDistance." "editor_var s_omni" "force omnidirectional" "editor_var s_looping" "force looping" "editor_var s_occlusion" "force no portal occlusion" "editor_var s_global" "force no falloff at all" "editor_var s_shakes" "this entity can make the screen shake when the sound is loud." "editor_var wait" "when set > 0, seconds between triggerings. time between sounds is wait + or - random" "editor_var random" "wait variance." "spawnclass" "idSound" } entityDef info_location { "editor_color" "1 1 0" "editor_mins" "-4 -4 -4" "editor_maxs" "4 4 4" "editor_usage" "Place one of these in each door-separated area for naming the gameplay sections" "editor_var name" "location name for HUD. Cannot be the same as any other entity in the game." "editor_var location" "use this when you have two locations with the same name." "spawnclass" "idLocationEntity" } entityDef info_locationSeparator { "editor_color" "1 1 0" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16" "editor_maxs" "16 16 16" "editor_usage" "Touch a vis-portal with this to break location name flood filling without using a door" "spawnclass" "idLocationSeparatorEntity" } entityDef info_vacuum { "editor_color" "1 1 0" "editor_mins" "-4 -4 -4" "editor_maxs" "4 4 4" "editor_usage" "Place one of these in an outside area in each map for vacuum flooding" "spawnclass" "idVacuumEntity" } entityDef info_vacuumSeparator { "editor_color" "1 1 0" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16" "editor_maxs" "16 16 16" "editor_usage" "Touch a vis-portal with this to break air/vacuum flood filling at windows. Trigger it to allow vacuum to flood through." "spawnclass" "idVacuumSeparatorEntity" } entityDef text { "editor_color" "1 1 0" "editor_mins" "-4 -4 -4" "editor_maxs" "4 4 4" "editor_showangle" "1" "editor_rotatable" "1" "editor_usage" "Used to display debug text in a level" "editor_var text" "text to print" "editor_var force" "if set to 1 prints always otherwise only in developer mode" "editor_var playerOriented" "if set to 1 text always faces the player" "spawnclass" "idTextEntity" }