/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype spriteInstanceScriptObjectPrototype; /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::idSWFSpriteInstance ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance::idSWFSpriteInstance() : isPlaying( true ), isVisible( true ), childrenRunning( true ), firstRun( false ), currentFrame( 0 ), frameCount( 0 ), sprite( NULL ), parent( NULL ), depth( 0 ), itemIndex( 0 ), materialOverride( NULL ), materialWidth( 0 ), materialHeight( 0 ), xOffset( 0.0f ), yOffset( 0.0f ), moveToXScale( 1.0f ), moveToYScale( 1.0f ), moveToSpeed( 1.0f ), stereoDepth( 0 ) { } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::Init ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::Init( idSWFSprite* _sprite, idSWFSpriteInstance* _parent, int _depth ) { sprite = _sprite; parent = _parent; depth = _depth; frameCount = sprite->frameCount; scriptObject = idSWFScriptObject::Alloc(); scriptObject->SetPrototype( &spriteInstanceScriptObjectPrototype ); scriptObject->SetSprite( this ); firstRun = true; actionScript = idSWFScriptFunction_Script::Alloc(); idList<idSWFScriptObject*, TAG_SWF> scope; scope.Append( sprite->swf->globals ); scope.Append( scriptObject ); actionScript->SetScope( scope ); actionScript->SetDefaultSprite( this ); for( int i = 0; i < sprite->doInitActions.Num(); i++ ) { actionScript->SetData( sprite->doInitActions[i].Ptr(), sprite->doInitActions[i].Length() ); actionScript->Call( scriptObject, idSWFParmList() ); } Play(); } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::~idSWFSpriteInstance ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance::~idSWFSpriteInstance() { if( parent != NULL ) { parent->scriptObject->Set( name, idSWFScriptVar() ); } FreeDisplayList(); displayList.Clear(); scriptObject->SetSprite( NULL ); scriptObject->Clear(); scriptObject->Release(); actionScript->Release(); } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::FreeDisplayList ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::FreeDisplayList() { for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { sprite->swf->spriteInstanceAllocator.Free( displayList[i].spriteInstance ); sprite->swf->textInstanceAllocator.Free( displayList[i].textInstance ); } displayList.SetNum( 0 ); // not calling Clear() so we don't continuously re-allocate memory currentFrame = 0; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::FindDisplayEntry ======================== */ swfDisplayEntry_t* idSWFSpriteInstance::FindDisplayEntry( int depth ) { int len = displayList.Num(); int mid = len; int offset = 0; while( mid > 0 ) { mid = len >> 1; if( displayList[offset + mid].depth <= depth ) { offset += mid; } len -= mid; } if( displayList[offset].depth == depth ) { return &displayList[offset]; } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::AddDisplayEntry ======================== */ swfDisplayEntry_t* idSWFSpriteInstance::AddDisplayEntry( int depth, int characterID ) { int i = 0; for( ; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].depth == depth ) { return NULL; } if( displayList[i].depth > depth ) { break; } } swfDisplayEntry_t& display = displayList[ displayList.Insert( swfDisplayEntry_t(), i ) ]; display.depth = depth; display.characterID = characterID; idSWFDictionaryEntry* dictEntry = sprite->swf->FindDictionaryEntry( characterID ); if( dictEntry != NULL ) { if( dictEntry->type == SWF_DICT_SPRITE ) { display.spriteInstance = sprite->swf->spriteInstanceAllocator.Alloc(); display.spriteInstance->Init( dictEntry->sprite, this, depth ); display.spriteInstance->RunTo( 1 ); } else if( dictEntry->type == SWF_DICT_EDITTEXT ) { display.textInstance = sprite->swf->textInstanceAllocator.Alloc(); display.textInstance->Init( dictEntry->edittext, sprite->GetSWF() ); } } return &display; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::RemoveDisplayEntry ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::RemoveDisplayEntry( int depth ) { swfDisplayEntry_t* entry = FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( entry != NULL ) { sprite->swf->spriteInstanceAllocator.Free( entry->spriteInstance ); sprite->swf->textInstanceAllocator.Free( entry->textInstance ); displayList.RemoveIndex( displayList.IndexOf( entry ) ); } } /* ================================================ idSort_SpriteDepth ================================================ */ class idSort_SpriteDepth : public idSort_Quick< swfDisplayEntry_t, idSort_SpriteDepth > { public: int Compare( const swfDisplayEntry_t& a, const swfDisplayEntry_t& b ) const { return a.depth - b.depth; } }; /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SwapDepths ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SwapDepths( int depth1, int depth2 ) { for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].depth == depth1 ) { displayList[i].depth = depth2; } else if( displayList[i].depth == depth2 ) { displayList[i].depth = depth1; } if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { displayList[i].spriteInstance->depth = displayList[i].depth; } } displayList.SortWithTemplate( idSort_SpriteDepth() ); } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::Run =================== */ bool idSWFSpriteInstance::Run() { if( !isVisible ) { return false; } if( childrenRunning ) { childrenRunning = false; for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { Prefetch( displayList[i].spriteInstance, 0 ); } } for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { childrenRunning |= displayList[i].spriteInstance->Run(); } } } if( isPlaying ) { if( currentFrame == frameCount ) { if( frameCount > 1 ) { FreeDisplayList(); RunTo( 1 ); } } else { RunTo( currentFrame + 1 ); } } return childrenRunning || isPlaying; } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::RunActions =================== */ bool idSWFSpriteInstance::RunActions() { if( !isVisible ) { actions.SetNum( 0 ); return false; } if( firstRun && scriptObject->HasProperty( "onLoad" ) ) { firstRun = false; idSWFScriptVar onLoad = scriptObject->Get( "onLoad" ); onLoad.GetFunction()->Call( scriptObject, idSWFParmList() ); } if( onEnterFrame.IsFunction() ) { onEnterFrame.GetFunction()->Call( scriptObject, idSWFParmList() ); } for( int i = 0; i < actions.Num(); i++ ) { actionScript->SetData( actions[i].data, actions[i].dataLength ); actionScript->Call( scriptObject, idSWFParmList() ); } actions.SetNum( 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { Prefetch( displayList[i].spriteInstance, 0 ); } } for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { displayList[i].spriteInstance->RunActions(); } } return true; } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::NextFrame =================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::NextFrame() { if( currentFrame < frameCount ) { RunTo( currentFrame + 1 ); } } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::PrevFrame =================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::PrevFrame() { if( currentFrame > 1 ) { RunTo( currentFrame - 1 ); } } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::Play =================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::Play() { for( idSWFSpriteInstance* p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent ) { p->childrenRunning = true; } isPlaying = true; } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::Stop =================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::Stop() { isPlaying = false; } /* =================== idSWFSpriteInstance::RunTo =================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::RunTo( int targetFrame ) { if( targetFrame == currentFrame ) { return; // otherwise we'll re-run the current frame } if( targetFrame < currentFrame ) { FreeDisplayList(); } if( targetFrame < 1 ) { return; } if( targetFrame > sprite->frameOffsets.Num() - 1 ) { targetFrame = sprite->frameOffsets.Num() - 1; } //actions.Clear(); uint32 firstActionCommand = sprite->frameOffsets[ targetFrame - 1 ]; for( uint32 c = sprite->frameOffsets[ currentFrame ]; c < sprite->frameOffsets[ targetFrame ]; c++ ) { idSWFSprite::swfSpriteCommand_t& command = sprite->commands[ c ]; if( command.tag == Tag_DoAction && c < firstActionCommand ) { // Skip DoAction up to the firstActionCommand // This is to properly support skipping to a specific frame // for example if we're on frame 3 and skipping to frame 10, we want // to run all the commands PlaceObject commands for frames 4-10 but // only the DoAction commands for frame 10 continue; } command.stream.Rewind(); switch( command.tag ) { #define HANDLE_SWF_TAG( x ) case Tag_##x: x( command.stream ); break; HANDLE_SWF_TAG( PlaceObject2 ); HANDLE_SWF_TAG( PlaceObject3 ); HANDLE_SWF_TAG( RemoveObject2 ); HANDLE_SWF_TAG( StartSound ); HANDLE_SWF_TAG( DoAction ); #undef HANDLE_SWF_TAG default: idLib::Printf( "Run Sprite: Unhandled tag %s\n", idSWF::GetTagName( command.tag ) ); } } currentFrame = targetFrame; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::DoAction ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::DoAction( idSWFBitStream& bitstream ) { swfAction_t& action = actions.Alloc(); action.data = bitstream.ReadData( bitstream.Length() ); action.dataLength = bitstream.Length(); } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::FindChildSprite ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance* idSWFSpriteInstance::FindChildSprite( const char* targetName ) { for( int i = 0; i < displayList.Num(); i++ ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance != NULL ) { if( displayList[i].spriteInstance->name.Icmp( targetName ) == 0 ) { return displayList[i].spriteInstance; } } } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::ResolveTarget Gets the sprite instance for names like: ../foo/bar /foo/bar foo/bar ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance* idSWFSpriteInstance::ResolveTarget( const char* targetName ) { if( targetName[0] == 0 ) { return this; } idSWFSpriteInstance* target = this; const char* c = targetName; if( c[0] == '/' ) { while( target->parent != NULL ) { target = target->parent; } c++; } idStrList spriteNames; spriteNames.Append( c ); for( int index = 0, ofs = spriteNames[index].Find( '/' ); ofs != -1; index++, ofs = spriteNames[index].Find( '/' ) ) { spriteNames.Append( spriteNames[index].c_str() + ofs + 1 ); spriteNames[index].CapLength( ofs ); } for( int i = 0; i < spriteNames.Num(); i++ ) { if( spriteNames[i] == ".." ) { target = target->parent; } else { target = target->FindChildSprite( spriteNames[i] ); } if( target == NULL ) { // Everything is likely to fail after this point idLib::Warning( "SWF: Could not resolve %s, %s not found", targetName, spriteNames[i].c_str() ); return this; } } return target; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::FindFrame ======================== */ uint32 idSWFSpriteInstance::FindFrame( const char* labelName ) const { int frameNum = atoi( labelName ); if( frameNum > 0 ) { return frameNum; } for( int i = 0; i < sprite->frameLabels.Num(); i++ ) { if( sprite->frameLabels[i].frameLabel.Icmp( labelName ) == 0 ) { return sprite->frameLabels[i].frameNum; } } idLib::Warning( "Could not find frame '%s' in sprite '%s'", labelName, GetName() ); return currentFrame; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::FrameExists ======================== */ bool idSWFSpriteInstance::FrameExists( const char* labelName ) const { int frameNum = atoi( labelName ); if( frameNum > 0 ) { return frameNum <= sprite->frameCount; } for( int i = 0; i < sprite->frameLabels.Num(); i++ ) { if( sprite->frameLabels[i].frameLabel.Icmp( labelName ) == 0 ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::IsBetweenFrames Checks if the current frame is between the given inclusive range. ======================== */ bool idSWFSpriteInstance::IsBetweenFrames( const char* frameLabel1, const char* frameLabel2 ) const { return currentFrame >= FindFrame( frameLabel1 ) && currentFrame <= FindFrame( frameLabel2 ); } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetMaterial ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetMaterial( const idMaterial* material, int width, int height ) { materialOverride = material; if( materialOverride != NULL ) { // Converting this to a short should be safe since we don't support images larger than 8k anyway if( materialOverride->GetStage( 0 ) != NULL && materialOverride->GetStage( 0 )->texture.cinematic != NULL ) { materialWidth = 256; materialHeight = 256; } else { assert( materialOverride->GetImageWidth() > 0 && materialOverride->GetImageHeight() > 0 ); assert( materialOverride->GetImageWidth() <= 8192 && materialOverride->GetImageHeight() <= 8192 ); materialWidth = ( uint16 )materialOverride->GetImageWidth(); materialHeight = ( uint16 )materialOverride->GetImageHeight(); } } else { materialWidth = 0; materialHeight = 0; } if( width >= 0 ) { materialWidth = ( uint16 )width; } if( height >= 0 ) { materialHeight = ( uint16 )height; } } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetVisible ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetVisible( bool visible ) { isVisible = visible; if( isVisible ) { for( idSWFSpriteInstance* p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent ) { p->childrenRunning = true; } } } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::PlayFrame ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::PlayFrame( const idSWFParmList& parms ) { if( parms.Num() > 0 ) { actions.Clear(); RunTo( FindFrame( parms[0].ToString() ) ); Play(); } else { idLib::Warning( "gotoAndPlay: expected 1 paramater" ); } } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::StopFrame ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::StopFrame( const idSWFParmList& parms ) { if( parms.Num() > 0 ) { if( parms[0].IsNumeric() && parms[0].ToInteger() < 1 ) { RunTo( FindFrame( "1" ) ); } else { RunTo( FindFrame( parms[0].ToString() ) ); } Stop(); } else { idLib::Warning( "gotoAndStop: expected 1 paramater" ); } } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::GetXPos ======================== */ float idSWFSpriteInstance::GetXPos() const { if( parent == NULL ) { return 0.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "GetXPos: Couldn't find our display entry in our parent's display list for depth %d", depth ); return 0.0f; } return thisDisplayEntry->matrix.tx; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::GetYPos ======================== */ float idSWFSpriteInstance::GetYPos( bool overallPos ) const { if( parent == NULL ) { return 0.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "GetYPos: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list for depth %d", depth ); return 0.0f; } return thisDisplayEntry->matrix.ty; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetXPos ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetXPos( float xPos ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "_y: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } thisDisplayEntry->matrix.tx = xPos; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetYPos ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetYPos( float yPos ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "_y: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } thisDisplayEntry->matrix.ty = yPos; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetPos ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetPos( float xPos, float yPos ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "_y: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } thisDisplayEntry->matrix.tx = xPos; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.ty = yPos; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetRotation ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetRotation( float rot ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "_rotation: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } swfMatrix_t& matrix = thisDisplayEntry->matrix; float xscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ).Length(); float yscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ).Length(); float s, c; idMath::SinCos( DEG2RAD( rot ), s, c ); matrix.xx = c * xscale; matrix.yx = s * xscale; matrix.xy = -s * yscale; matrix.yy = c * yscale; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetScale ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetScale( float x, float y ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "scale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } float newScale = x / 100.0f; // this is done funky to maintain the current rotation idVec2 currentScale = thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ); if( currentScale.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xx = newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yx = 0.0f; } else { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xx = currentScale.x * newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yx = currentScale.y * newScale; } newScale = y / 100.0f; // this is done funky to maintain the current rotation currentScale = thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); if( currentScale.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yy = newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xy = 0.0f; } else { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yy = currentScale.y * newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xy = currentScale.x * newScale; } } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetMoveToScale ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetMoveToScale( float x, float y ) { moveToXScale = x; moveToYScale = y; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetMoveToScale ======================== */ bool idSWFSpriteInstance::UpdateMoveToScale( float speed ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return false; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "SetMoveToScale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return false; } swfMatrix_t& matrix = thisDisplayEntry->matrix; float xscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ).Length() * 100.0f; float yscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ).Length() * 100.0f; float toX = xscale; if( moveToXScale >= 0.0f ) { toX = moveToXScale * 100.0f; } float toY = yscale; if( moveToYScale >= 0.0f ) { toY = moveToYScale * 100.0f; } int rXTo = idMath::Ftoi( toX + 0.5f ); int rYTo = idMath::Ftoi( toY + 0.5f ); int rXScale = idMath::Ftoi( xscale + 0.5f ); int rYScale = idMath::Ftoi( yscale + 0.5f ); if( rXTo == rXScale && rYTo == rYScale ) { return false; } float newXScale = xscale; float newYScale = yscale; if( rXTo != rXScale && toX >= 0.0f ) { if( toX < xscale ) { newXScale -= speed; newXScale = idMath::ClampFloat( toX, 100.0f, newXScale ); } else if( toX > xscale ) { newXScale += speed; newXScale = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, toX, newXScale ); } } if( rYTo != rYScale && toY >= 0.0f ) { if( toY < yscale ) { newYScale -= speed; newYScale = idMath::ClampFloat( toY, 100.0f, newYScale ); } else if( toY > yscale ) { newYScale += speed; newYScale = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, toY, newYScale ); } } SetScale( newXScale, newYScale ); return true; } /* ======================== idSWFSpriteInstance::SetAlpha ======================== */ void idSWFSpriteInstance::SetAlpha( float val ) { if( parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = parent->FindDisplayEntry( depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != this ) { idLib::Warning( "_alpha: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul.w = val; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype ======================== */ #define SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( x ) idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptFunction_##x::Call( idSWFScriptObject * thisObject, const idSWFParmList & parms ) #define SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( x ) idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptNativeVar_##x::Get( class idSWFScriptObject * object ) #define SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( x ) void idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptNativeVar_##x::Set( class idSWFScriptObject * object, const idSWFScriptVar & value ) #define SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( x ) idSWFSpriteInstance * pThis = thisObject ? thisObject->GetSprite() : NULL; if ( !verify( pThis != NULL ) ) { idLib::Warning( "SWF: tried to call " x " on NULL sprite" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } #define SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( x ) idSWFSpriteInstance * pThis = object ? object->GetSprite() : NULL; if ( pThis == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } #define SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( x ) idSWFSpriteInstance * pThis = object ? object->GetSprite() : NULL; if ( pThis == NULL ) { return; } #define SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( x ) scriptFunction_##x.AddRef(); Set( #x, &scriptFunction_##x ); #define SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( x ) SetNative( #x, &swfScriptVar_##x ); idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype::idSWFScriptObject_SpriteInstancePrototype() { SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( duplicateMovieClip ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( gotoAndPlay ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( gotoAndStop ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( swapDepths ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( nextFrame ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( prevFrame ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( play ); SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_SET( stop ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _x ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _y ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _xscale ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _yscale ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _alpha ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _brightness ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _visible ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _width ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _height ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _rotation ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _name ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _currentframe ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _totalframes ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _target ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _framesloaded ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _droptarget ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _url ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _highquality ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _focusrect ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _soundbuftime ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _quality ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _mousex ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _mousey ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _stereoDepth ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( _itemindex ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( material ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( materialWidth ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( materialHeight ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( xOffset ); SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( onEnterFrame ); //SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_SET( onLoad ); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _target ) { return ""; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _droptarget ) { return ""; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _url ) { return ""; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _highquality ) { return 2; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _focusrect ) { return true; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _soundbuftime ) { return 0; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _quality ) { return "BEST"; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _width ) { return 0.0f; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _width ) { } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _height ) { return 0.0f; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _height ) { } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( duplicateMovieClip ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "duplicateMovieClip" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "Tried to duplicate root movie clip" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } if( parms.Num() < 2 ) { idLib::Warning( "duplicateMovieClip: expected 2 parameters" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "duplicateMovieClip: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } swfMatrix_t matrix = thisDisplayEntry->matrix; swfColorXform_t cxf = thisDisplayEntry->cxf; swfDisplayEntry_t* display = pThis->parent->AddDisplayEntry( 16384 + parms[1].ToInteger(), thisDisplayEntry->characterID ); if( display == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } display->matrix = matrix; display->cxf = cxf; idStr name = parms[0].ToString(); pThis->parent->scriptObject->Set( name, display->spriteInstance->scriptObject ); display->spriteInstance->name = name; display->spriteInstance->RunTo( 1 ); return display->spriteInstance->scriptObject; } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( gotoAndPlay ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "gotoAndPlay" ); if( parms.Num() > 0 ) { pThis->actions.Clear(); pThis->RunTo( pThis->FindFrame( parms[0].ToString() ) ); pThis->Play(); } else { idLib::Warning( "gotoAndPlay: expected 1 paramater" ); } return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( gotoAndStop ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "gotoAndStop" ); if( parms.Num() > 0 ) { // Flash forces frames values less than 1 to 1. if( parms[0].IsNumeric() && parms[0].ToInteger() < 1 ) { pThis->RunTo( pThis->FindFrame( "1" ) ); } else { pThis->RunTo( pThis->FindFrame( parms[0].ToString() ) ); } pThis->Stop(); } else { idLib::Warning( "gotoAndStop: expected 1 paramater" ); } return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( swapDepths ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "swapDepths" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "Tried to swap depths on root movie clip" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } if( parms.Num() < 1 ) { idLib::Warning( "swapDepths: expected 1 parameters" ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } pThis->parent->SwapDepths( pThis->depth, parms[0].ToInteger() ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( nextFrame ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "nextFrame" ); pThis->NextFrame(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( prevFrame ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "prevFrame" ); pThis->PrevFrame(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( play ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "play" ); pThis->Play(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_FUNCTION_DEFINE( stop ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_FUNC( "stop" ); pThis->Stop(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _x ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_x" ); return pThis->GetXPos(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _x ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_x" ); pThis->SetXPos( value.ToFloat() ); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _y ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_y" ); return pThis->GetYPos(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _y ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_y" ); pThis->SetYPos( value.ToFloat() ); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _xscale ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_xscale" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return 1.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_xscale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return 1.0f; } return thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ).Length() * 100.0f; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _xscale ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_xscale" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_xscale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } float newScale = value.ToFloat() / 100.0f; // this is done funky to maintain the current rotation idVec2 currentScale = thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ); if( currentScale.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xx = newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yx = 0.0f; } else { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xx = currentScale.x * newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yx = currentScale.y * newScale; } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _yscale ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_yscale" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return 1.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_yscale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return 1.0f; } return thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ).Length() * 100.0f; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _yscale ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_yscale" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_yscale: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } float newScale = value.ToFloat() / 100.0f; // this is done funky to maintain the current rotation idVec2 currentScale = thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); if( currentScale.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yy = newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xy = 0.0f; } else { thisDisplayEntry->matrix.yy = currentScale.y * newScale; thisDisplayEntry->matrix.xy = currentScale.x * newScale; } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _alpha ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_alpha" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return 1.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_alpha: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return 1.0f; } return thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul.w; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _alpha ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_alpha" ); pThis->SetAlpha( value.ToFloat() ); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _brightness ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_brightness" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return 1.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_brightness: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return 1.0f; } // This works as long as the user only used the "brightess" control in the editor // If they used anything else (tint/advanced) then this will return fairly random values const idVec4& mul = thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul; const idVec4& add = thisDisplayEntry->cxf.add; float avgMul = ( mul.x + mul.y + mul.z ) / 3.0f; float avgAdd = ( add.x + add.y + add.z ) / 3.0f; if( avgAdd > 1.0f ) { return avgAdd; } else { return avgMul - 1.0f; } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _brightness ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_brightness" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_brightness: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } // This emulates adjusting the "brightness" slider in the editor // Although the editor forces alpha to 100% float b = value.ToFloat(); float c = 1.0f - b; if( b < 0.0f ) { c = 1.0f + b; b = 0.0f; } thisDisplayEntry->cxf.add.Set( b, b, b, thisDisplayEntry->cxf.add.w ); thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul.Set( c, c, c, thisDisplayEntry->cxf.mul.w ); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _visible ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_visible" ); return pThis->isVisible; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _visible ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_visible" ); pThis->isVisible = value.ToBool(); if( pThis->isVisible ) { for( idSWFSpriteInstance* p = pThis->parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent ) { p->childrenRunning = true; } } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _rotation ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_rotation" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return 0.0f; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_rotation: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return 0.0f; } idVec2 scale = thisDisplayEntry->matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); scale.Normalize(); float rotation = RAD2DEG( idMath::ACos( scale.y ) ); if( scale.x < 0.0f ) { rotation = -rotation; } return rotation; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _rotation ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_rotation" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return; } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_rotation: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return; } swfMatrix_t& matrix = thisDisplayEntry->matrix; float xscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 1.0f, 0.0f ) ).Length(); float yscale = matrix.Scale( idVec2( 0.0f, 1.0f ) ).Length(); float s, c; idMath::SinCos( DEG2RAD( value.ToFloat() ), s, c ); matrix.xx = c * xscale; matrix.yx = s * xscale; matrix.xy = -s * yscale; matrix.yy = c * yscale; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _name ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_name" ); return pThis->name.c_str(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _currentframe ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_currentframe" ); return pThis->currentFrame; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _totalframes ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_totalframes" ); return pThis->frameCount; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _framesloaded ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_framesloaded" ); return pThis->frameCount; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _mousex ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_mousex" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseX(); } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_mousex: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseX(); } return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseX() - thisDisplayEntry->matrix.ty; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _mousey ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_mousey" ); if( pThis->parent == NULL ) { return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseY(); } swfDisplayEntry_t* thisDisplayEntry = pThis->parent->FindDisplayEntry( pThis->depth ); if( thisDisplayEntry == NULL || thisDisplayEntry->spriteInstance != pThis ) { idLib::Warning( "_mousey: Couldn't find our display entry in our parents display list" ); return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseY(); } return pThis->sprite->GetSWF()->GetMouseY() - thisDisplayEntry->matrix.ty; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _itemindex ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_itemindex" ); return pThis->itemIndex; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _itemindex ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_itemindex" ); pThis->itemIndex = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( _stereoDepth ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "_stereoDepth" ); pThis->stereoDepth = value.ToInteger(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( _stereoDepth ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "_stereoDepth" ); return pThis->stereoDepth; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( material ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "material" ); if( pThis->materialOverride == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } else { return pThis->materialOverride->GetName(); } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( material ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "material" ); if( !value.IsString() ) { pThis->materialOverride = NULL; } else { // God I hope this material was referenced during map load pThis->SetMaterial( declManager->FindMaterial( value.ToString(), false ) ); } } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( materialWidth ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "materialWidth" ); return pThis->materialWidth; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( materialWidth ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "materialWidth" ); assert( value.ToInteger() > 0 ); assert( value.ToInteger() <= 8192 ); pThis->materialWidth = ( uint16 )value.ToInteger(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( materialHeight ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "materialHeight" ); return pThis->materialHeight; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( materialHeight ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "materialHeight" ); assert( value.ToInteger() > 0 ); assert( value.ToInteger() <= 8192 ); pThis->materialHeight = ( uint16 )value.ToInteger(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( xOffset ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "xOffset" ); return pThis->xOffset; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( xOffset ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "xOffset" ); pThis->xOffset = value.ToFloat(); } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_GET( onEnterFrame ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_GET( "onEnterFrame" ); return pThis->onEnterFrame; } SWF_SPRITE_NATIVE_VAR_DEFINE_SET( onEnterFrame ) { SWF_SPRITE_PTHIS_SET( "onEnterFrame" ); pThis->onEnterFrame = value; }