/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../snd_local.h" idCVar s_skipHardwareSets( "s_skipHardwareSets", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "Do all calculation, but skip XA2 calls" ); idCVar s_debugHardware( "s_debugHardware", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "Print a message any time a hardware voice changes" ); // The whole system runs at this sample rate static int SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100; static float ONE_OVER_SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE = 1.0f / SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE; /* ======================== idStreamingVoiceContext ======================== */ class idStreamingVoiceContext : public IXAudio2VoiceCallback { public: STDMETHOD_( void, OnVoiceProcessingPassStart )( UINT32 BytesRequired ) {} STDMETHOD_( void, OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd )() {} STDMETHOD_( void, OnStreamEnd )() {} STDMETHOD_( void, OnBufferStart )( void* pContext ) { idSoundSystemLocal::bufferContext_t* bufferContext = ( idSoundSystemLocal::bufferContext_t* ) pContext; bufferContext->voice->OnBufferStart( bufferContext->sample, bufferContext->bufferNumber ); } STDMETHOD_( void, OnLoopEnd )( void* ) {} STDMETHOD_( void, OnVoiceError )( void*, HRESULT hr ) { idLib::Warning( "OnVoiceError( %d )", hr ); } STDMETHOD_( void, OnBufferEnd )( void* pContext ) { idSoundSystemLocal::bufferContext_t* bufferContext = ( idSoundSystemLocal::bufferContext_t* ) pContext; soundSystemLocal.ReleaseStreamBufferContext( bufferContext ); } } streamContext; /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::idSoundVoice_XAudio2 ======================== */ idSoundVoice_XAudio2::idSoundVoice_XAudio2() : pSourceVoice( NULL ), leadinSample( NULL ), loopingSample( NULL ), formatTag( 0 ), numChannels( 0 ), sampleRate( 0 ), paused( true ), hasVUMeter( false ) { } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::~idSoundVoice_XAudio2 ======================== */ idSoundVoice_XAudio2::~idSoundVoice_XAudio2() { DestroyInternal(); } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::CompatibleFormat ======================== */ bool idSoundVoice_XAudio2::CompatibleFormat( idSoundSample_XAudio2* s ) { if( pSourceVoice == NULL ) { // If this voice has never been allocated, then it's compatible with everything return true; } return false; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Create ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Create( const idSoundSample* leadinSample_, const idSoundSample* loopingSample_ ) { if( IsPlaying() ) { // This should never hit Stop(); return; } leadinSample = ( idSoundSample_XAudio2* )leadinSample_; loopingSample = ( idSoundSample_XAudio2* )loopingSample_; if( pSourceVoice != NULL && CompatibleFormat( leadinSample ) ) { sampleRate = leadinSample->format.basic.samplesPerSec; } else { DestroyInternal(); formatTag = leadinSample->format.basic.formatTag; numChannels = leadinSample->format.basic.numChannels; sampleRate = leadinSample->format.basic.samplesPerSec; soundSystemLocal.hardware.pXAudio2->CreateSourceVoice( &pSourceVoice, ( const WAVEFORMATEX* )&leadinSample->format, XAUDIO2_VOICE_USEFILTER, 4.0f, &streamContext ); if( pSourceVoice == NULL ) { // If this hits, then we are most likely passing an invalid sample format, which should have been caught by the loader (and the sample defaulted) return; } if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { if( loopingSample == NULL || loopingSample == leadinSample ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p created for %s\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "" ); } else { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p created for %s and %s\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "", loopingSample ? loopingSample->GetName() : "" ); } } } sourceVoiceRate = sampleRate; pSourceVoice->SetSourceSampleRate( sampleRate ); pSourceVoice->SetVolume( 0.0f ); } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::DestroyInternal ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::DestroyInternal() { if( pSourceVoice != NULL ) { if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p destroyed\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice ); } pSourceVoice->DestroyVoice(); pSourceVoice = NULL; hasVUMeter = false; } } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Start ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Start( int offsetMS, int ssFlags ) { if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p starting %s @ %dms\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "", offsetMS ); } if( !leadinSample ) { return; } if( !pSourceVoice ) { return; } if( leadinSample->IsDefault() ) { idLib::Warning( "Starting defaulted sound sample %s", leadinSample->GetName() ); } bool flicker = ( ssFlags & SSF_NO_FLICKER ) == 0; if( flicker != hasVUMeter ) { hasVUMeter = flicker; if( flicker ) { IUnknown* vuMeter = NULL; if( XAudio2CreateVolumeMeter( &vuMeter, 0 ) == S_OK ) { XAUDIO2_EFFECT_DESCRIPTOR descriptor; descriptor.InitialState = true; descriptor.OutputChannels = leadinSample->NumChannels(); descriptor.pEffect = vuMeter; XAUDIO2_EFFECT_CHAIN chain; chain.EffectCount = 1; chain.pEffectDescriptors = &descriptor; pSourceVoice->SetEffectChain( &chain ); vuMeter->Release(); } } else { pSourceVoice->SetEffectChain( NULL ); } } assert( offsetMS >= 0 ); int offsetSamples = MsecToSamples( offsetMS, leadinSample->SampleRate() ); if( loopingSample == NULL && offsetSamples >= leadinSample->playLength ) { return; } RestartAt( offsetSamples ); Update(); UnPause(); } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::RestartAt ======================== */ int idSoundVoice_XAudio2::RestartAt( int offsetSamples ) { offsetSamples &= ~127; idSoundSample_XAudio2* sample = leadinSample; if( offsetSamples >= leadinSample->playLength ) { if( loopingSample != NULL ) { offsetSamples %= loopingSample->playLength; sample = loopingSample; } else { return 0; } } int previousNumSamples = 0; for( int i = 0; i < sample->buffers.Num(); i++ ) { if( sample->buffers[i].numSamples > sample->playBegin + offsetSamples ) { return SubmitBuffer( sample, i, sample->playBegin + offsetSamples - previousNumSamples ); } previousNumSamples = sample->buffers[i].numSamples; } return 0; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::SubmitBuffer ======================== */ int idSoundVoice_XAudio2::SubmitBuffer( idSoundSample_XAudio2* sample, int bufferNumber, int offset ) { if( sample == NULL || ( bufferNumber < 0 ) || ( bufferNumber >= sample->buffers.Num() ) ) { return 0; } idSoundSystemLocal::bufferContext_t* bufferContext = soundSystemLocal.ObtainStreamBufferContext(); if( bufferContext == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "No free buffer contexts!" ); return 0; } bufferContext->voice = this; bufferContext->sample = sample; bufferContext->bufferNumber = bufferNumber; XAUDIO2_BUFFER buffer = { 0 }; if( offset > 0 ) { int previousNumSamples = 0; if( bufferNumber > 0 ) { previousNumSamples = sample->buffers[bufferNumber - 1].numSamples; } buffer.PlayBegin = offset; buffer.PlayLength = sample->buffers[bufferNumber].numSamples - previousNumSamples - offset; } buffer.AudioBytes = sample->buffers[bufferNumber].bufferSize; buffer.pAudioData = ( BYTE* )sample->buffers[bufferNumber].buffer; buffer.pContext = bufferContext; if( ( loopingSample == NULL ) && ( bufferNumber == sample->buffers.Num() - 1 ) ) { buffer.Flags = XAUDIO2_END_OF_STREAM; } pSourceVoice->SubmitSourceBuffer( &buffer ); return buffer.AudioBytes; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Update ======================== */ bool idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Update() { if( pSourceVoice == NULL || leadinSample == NULL ) { return false; } XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; pSourceVoice->GetState( &state ); const int srcChannels = leadinSample->NumChannels(); float pLevelMatrix[ MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE * MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE ] = { 0 }; CalculateSurround( srcChannels, pLevelMatrix, 1.0f ); if( s_skipHardwareSets.GetBool() ) { return true; } pSourceVoice->SetOutputMatrix( soundSystemLocal.hardware.pMasterVoice, srcChannels, dstChannels, pLevelMatrix, OPERATION_SET ); assert( idMath::Fabs( gain ) <= XAUDIO2_MAX_VOLUME_LEVEL ); pSourceVoice->SetVolume( gain, OPERATION_SET ); SetSampleRate( sampleRate, OPERATION_SET ); // we don't do this any longer because we pause and unpause explicitly when the soundworld is paused or unpaused // UnPause(); return true; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::IsPlaying ======================== */ bool idSoundVoice_XAudio2::IsPlaying() { if( pSourceVoice == NULL ) { return false; } XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; pSourceVoice->GetState( &state ); return ( state.BuffersQueued != 0 ); } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::FlushSourceBuffers ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::FlushSourceBuffers() { if( pSourceVoice != NULL ) { pSourceVoice->FlushSourceBuffers(); } } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Pause ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Pause() { if( !pSourceVoice || paused ) { return; } if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p pausing %s\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "" ); } pSourceVoice->Stop( 0, OPERATION_SET ); paused = true; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::UnPause ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::UnPause() { if( !pSourceVoice || !paused ) { return; } if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p unpausing %s\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "" ); } pSourceVoice->Start( 0, OPERATION_SET ); paused = false; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Stop ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::Stop() { if( !pSourceVoice ) { return; } if( !paused ) { if( s_debugHardware.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "%dms: %p stopping %s\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), pSourceVoice, leadinSample ? leadinSample->GetName() : "" ); } pSourceVoice->Stop( 0, OPERATION_SET ); paused = true; } } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::GetAmplitude ======================== */ float idSoundVoice_XAudio2::GetAmplitude() { if( !hasVUMeter ) { return 1.0f; } float peakLevels[ MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE ]; float rmsLevels[ MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE ]; XAUDIO2FX_VOLUMEMETER_LEVELS levels; levels.ChannelCount = leadinSample->NumChannels(); levels.pPeakLevels = peakLevels; levels.pRMSLevels = rmsLevels; if( levels.ChannelCount > MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE ) { levels.ChannelCount = MAX_CHANNELS_PER_VOICE; } if( pSourceVoice->GetEffectParameters( 0, &levels, sizeof( levels ) ) != S_OK ) { return 0.0f; } if( levels.ChannelCount == 1 ) { return rmsLevels[0]; } float rms = 0.0f; for( uint32 i = 0; i < levels.ChannelCount; i++ ) { rms += rmsLevels[i]; } return rms / ( float )levels.ChannelCount; } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::ResetSampleRate ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::SetSampleRate( uint32 newSampleRate, uint32 operationSet ) { if( pSourceVoice == NULL || leadinSample == NULL ) { return; } sampleRate = newSampleRate; XAUDIO2_FILTER_PARAMETERS filter; filter.Type = LowPassFilter; filter.OneOverQ = 1.0f; // [0.0f, XAUDIO2_MAX_FILTER_ONEOVERQ] float cutoffFrequency = 1000.0f / Max( 0.01f, occlusion ); if( cutoffFrequency * 6.0f >= ( float )sampleRate ) { filter.Frequency = XAUDIO2_MAX_FILTER_FREQUENCY; } else { filter.Frequency = 2.0f * idMath::Sin( idMath::PI * cutoffFrequency / ( float )sampleRate ); } assert( filter.Frequency >= 0.0f && filter.Frequency <= XAUDIO2_MAX_FILTER_FREQUENCY ); filter.Frequency = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, XAUDIO2_MAX_FILTER_FREQUENCY, filter.Frequency ); pSourceVoice->SetFilterParameters( &filter, operationSet ); float freqRatio = pitch * ( float )sampleRate / ( float )sourceVoiceRate; assert( freqRatio >= XAUDIO2_MIN_FREQ_RATIO && freqRatio <= XAUDIO2_MAX_FREQ_RATIO ); freqRatio = idMath::ClampFloat( XAUDIO2_MIN_FREQ_RATIO, XAUDIO2_MAX_FREQ_RATIO, freqRatio ); // if the value specified for maxFreqRatio is too high for the specified format, the call to CreateSourceVoice will fail if( numChannels == 1 ) { assert( freqRatio * ( float )SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE <= XAUDIO2_MAX_RATIO_TIMES_RATE_XMA_MONO ); } else { assert( freqRatio * ( float )SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE <= XAUDIO2_MAX_RATIO_TIMES_RATE_XMA_MULTICHANNEL ); } pSourceVoice->SetFrequencyRatio( freqRatio, operationSet ); } /* ======================== idSoundVoice_XAudio2::OnBufferStart ======================== */ void idSoundVoice_XAudio2::OnBufferStart( idSoundSample_XAudio2* sample, int bufferNumber ) { SetSampleRate( sample->SampleRate(), XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW ); idSoundSample_XAudio2* nextSample = sample; int nextBuffer = bufferNumber + 1; if( nextBuffer == sample->buffers.Num() ) { if( sample == leadinSample ) { if( loopingSample == NULL ) { return; } nextSample = loopingSample; } nextBuffer = 0; } SubmitBuffer( nextSample, nextBuffer, 0 ); }