/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ /* =============================================================================== Trace model vs. polygonal model collision detection. =============================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #include "CollisionModel_local.h" /* =============================================================================== Visualisation code =============================================================================== */ const char* cm_contentsNameByIndex[] = { "none", // 0 "solid", // 1 "opaque", // 2 "water", // 3 "playerclip", // 4 "monsterclip", // 5 "moveableclip", // 6 "ikclip", // 7 "blood", // 8 "body", // 9 "corpse", // 10 "trigger", // 11 "aas_solid", // 12 "aas_obstacle", // 13 "flashlight_trigger", // 14 NULL }; int cm_contentsFlagByIndex[] = { -1, // 0 CONTENTS_SOLID, // 1 CONTENTS_OPAQUE, // 2 CONTENTS_WATER, // 3 CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, // 4 CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP, // 5 CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP, // 6 CONTENTS_IKCLIP, // 7 CONTENTS_BLOOD, // 8 CONTENTS_BODY, // 9 CONTENTS_CORPSE, // 10 CONTENTS_TRIGGER, // 11 CONTENTS_AAS_SOLID, // 12 CONTENTS_AAS_OBSTACLE, // 13 CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER, // 14 0 }; idCVar cm_drawMask( "cm_drawMask", "none", CVAR_GAME, "collision mask", cm_contentsNameByIndex, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String ); idCVar cm_drawColor( "cm_drawColor", "1 0 0 .5", CVAR_GAME, "color used to draw the collision models" ); idCVar cm_drawFilled( "cm_drawFilled", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draw filled polygons" ); idCVar cm_drawInternal( "cm_drawInternal", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draw internal edges green" ); idCVar cm_drawNormals( "cm_drawNormals", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draw polygon and edge normals" ); idCVar cm_backFaceCull( "cm_backFaceCull", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "cull back facing polygons" ); idCVar cm_debugCollision( "cm_debugCollision", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "debug the collision detection" ); static idVec4 cm_color; /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ContentsFromString ================ */ int idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ContentsFromString( const char* string ) const { int i, contents = 0; idLexer src( string, idStr::Length( string ), "ContentsFromString" ); idToken token; while( src.ReadToken( &token ) ) { if( token == "," ) { continue; } for( i = 1; cm_contentsNameByIndex[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if( token.Icmp( cm_contentsNameByIndex[i] ) == 0 ) { contents |= cm_contentsFlagByIndex[i]; break; } } } return contents; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::StringFromContents ================ */ const char* idCollisionModelManagerLocal::StringFromContents( const int contents ) const { int i, length = 0; static char contentsString[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; contentsString[0] = '\0'; for( i = 1; cm_contentsFlagByIndex[i] != 0; i++ ) { if( contents & cm_contentsFlagByIndex[i] ) { if( length != 0 ) { length += idStr::snPrintf( contentsString + length, sizeof( contentsString ) - length, "," ); } length += idStr::snPrintf( contentsString + length, sizeof( contentsString ) - length, cm_contentsNameByIndex[i] ); } } return contentsString; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawEdge ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawEdge( cm_model_t* model, int edgeNum, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis ) { int side; cm_edge_t* edge; idVec3 start, end, mid; bool isRotated; isRotated = axis.IsRotated(); edge = model->edges + abs( edgeNum ); side = edgeNum < 0; start = model->vertices[edge->vertexNum[side]].p; end = model->vertices[edge->vertexNum[!side]].p; if( isRotated ) { start *= axis; end *= axis; } start += origin; end += origin; if( edge->internal ) { if( cm_drawInternal.GetBool() ) { common->RW()->DebugArrow( colorGreen, start, end, 1 ); } } else { if( edge->numUsers > 2 ) { common->RW()->DebugArrow( colorBlue, start, end, 1 ); } else { common->RW()->DebugArrow( cm_color, start, end, 1 ); } } if( cm_drawNormals.GetBool() ) { mid = ( start + end ) * 0.5f; if( isRotated ) { end = mid + 5 * ( axis * edge->normal ); } else { end = mid + 5 * edge->normal; } common->RW()->DebugArrow( colorCyan, mid, end, 1 ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawPolygon ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawPolygon( cm_model_t* model, cm_polygon_t* p, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, const idVec3& viewOrigin ) { int i, edgeNum; cm_edge_t* edge; idVec3 center, end, dir; if( cm_backFaceCull.GetBool() ) { edgeNum = p->edges[0]; edge = model->edges + abs( edgeNum ); dir = model->vertices[edge->vertexNum[0]].p - viewOrigin; if( dir * p->plane.Normal() > 0.0f ) { return; } } if( cm_drawNormals.GetBool() ) { center = vec3_origin; for( i = 0; i < p->numEdges; i++ ) { edgeNum = p->edges[i]; edge = model->edges + abs( edgeNum ); center += model->vertices[edge->vertexNum[edgeNum < 0]].p; } center *= ( 1.0f / p->numEdges ); if( axis.IsRotated() ) { center = center * axis + origin; end = center + 5 * ( axis * p->plane.Normal() ); } else { center += origin; end = center + 5 * p->plane.Normal(); } common->RW()->DebugArrow( colorMagenta, center, end, 1 ); } if( cm_drawFilled.GetBool() ) { idFixedWinding winding; for( i = p->numEdges - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { edgeNum = p->edges[i]; edge = model->edges + abs( edgeNum ); winding += origin + model->vertices[edge->vertexNum[INT32_SIGNBITSET( edgeNum )]].p * axis; } common->RW()->DebugPolygon( cm_color, winding ); } else { for( i = 0; i < p->numEdges; i++ ) { edgeNum = p->edges[i]; edge = model->edges + abs( edgeNum ); if( edge->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } edge->checkcount = checkCount; DrawEdge( model, edgeNum, origin, axis ); } } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawNodePolygons ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawNodePolygons( cm_model_t* model, cm_node_t* node, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, const idVec3& viewOrigin, const float radius ) { int i; cm_polygon_t* p; cm_polygonRef_t* pref; while( 1 ) { for( pref = node->polygons; pref; pref = pref->next ) { p = pref->p; if( radius ) { // polygon bounds should overlap with trace bounds for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( p->bounds[0][i] > viewOrigin[i] + radius ) { break; } if( p->bounds[1][i] < viewOrigin[i] - radius ) { break; } } if( i < 3 ) { continue; } } if( p->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } if( !( p->contents & cm_contentsFlagByIndex[cm_drawMask.GetInteger()] ) ) { continue; } DrawPolygon( model, p, origin, axis, viewOrigin ); p->checkcount = checkCount; } if( node->planeType == -1 ) { break; } if( radius && viewOrigin[node->planeType] > node->planeDist + radius ) { node = node->children[0]; } else if( radius && viewOrigin[node->planeType] < node->planeDist - radius ) { node = node->children[1]; } else { DrawNodePolygons( model, node->children[1], origin, axis, viewOrigin, radius ); node = node->children[0]; } } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawModel ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DrawModel( cmHandle_t handle, const idVec3& modelOrigin, const idMat3& modelAxis, const idVec3& viewOrigin, const float radius ) { cm_model_t* model; idVec3 viewPos; if( handle < 0 && handle >= numModels ) { return; } if( cm_drawColor.IsModified() ) { sscanf( cm_drawColor.GetString(), "%f %f %f %f", &cm_color.x, &cm_color.y, &cm_color.z, &cm_color.w ); cm_drawColor.ClearModified(); } model = models[ handle ]; viewPos = ( viewOrigin - modelOrigin ) * modelAxis.Transpose(); checkCount++; DrawNodePolygons( model, model->node, modelOrigin, modelAxis, viewPos, radius ); } /* =============================================================================== Speed test code =============================================================================== */ static idCVar cm_testCollision( "cm_testCollision", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); static idCVar cm_testRotation( "cm_testRotation", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); static idCVar cm_testModel( "cm_testModel", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" ); static idCVar cm_testTimes( "cm_testTimes", "1000", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" ); static idCVar cm_testRandomMany( "cm_testRandomMany", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); static idCVar cm_testOrigin( "cm_testOrigin", "0 0 0", CVAR_GAME, "" ); static idCVar cm_testReset( "cm_testReset", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); static idCVar cm_testBox( "cm_testBox", "-16 -16 0 16 16 64", CVAR_GAME, "" ); static idCVar cm_testBoxRotation( "cm_testBoxRotation", "0 0 0", CVAR_GAME, "" ); static idCVar cm_testWalk( "cm_testWalk", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); static idCVar cm_testLength( "cm_testLength", "1024", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); static idCVar cm_testRadius( "cm_testRadius", "64", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); static idCVar cm_testAngle( "cm_testAngle", "60", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); static int total_translation; static int min_translation = 999999; static int max_translation = -999999; static int num_translation = 0; static int total_rotation; static int min_rotation = 999999; static int max_rotation = -999999; static int num_rotation = 0; static idVec3 start; static idVec3* testend; #include "../sys/sys_public.h" void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::DebugOutput( const idVec3& origin ) { int i, k, t; char buf[128]; idVec3 end; idAngles boxAngles; idMat3 modelAxis, boxAxis; idBounds bounds; trace_t trace; if( !cm_testCollision.GetBool() ) { return; } testend = ( idVec3* ) Mem_Alloc( cm_testTimes.GetInteger() * sizeof( idVec3 ), TAG_COLLISION ); if( cm_testReset.GetBool() || ( cm_testWalk.GetBool() && !start.Compare( start ) ) ) { total_translation = total_rotation = 0; min_translation = min_rotation = 999999; max_translation = max_rotation = -999999; num_translation = num_rotation = 0; cm_testReset.SetBool( false ); } if( cm_testWalk.GetBool() ) { start = origin; cm_testOrigin.SetString( va( "%1.2f %1.2f %1.2f", start[0], start[1], start[2] ) ); } else { sscanf( cm_testOrigin.GetString(), "%f %f %f", &start[0], &start[1], &start[2] ); } sscanf( cm_testBox.GetString(), "%f %f %f %f %f %f", &bounds[0][0], &bounds[0][1], &bounds[0][2], &bounds[1][0], &bounds[1][1], &bounds[1][2] ); sscanf( cm_testBoxRotation.GetString(), "%f %f %f", &boxAngles[0], &boxAngles[1], &boxAngles[2] ); boxAxis = boxAngles.ToMat3(); modelAxis.Identity(); idTraceModel itm( bounds ); idRandom random( 0 ); idTimer timer; if( cm_testRandomMany.GetBool() ) { // if many traces in one random direction for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { testend[0][i] = start[i] + random.CRandomFloat() * cm_testLength.GetFloat(); } for( k = 1; k < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); k++ ) { testend[k] = testend[0]; } } else { // many traces each in a different random direction for( k = 0; k < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); k++ ) { for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { testend[k][i] = start[i] + random.CRandomFloat() * cm_testLength.GetFloat(); } } } // translational collision detection timer.Clear(); timer.Start(); for( i = 0; i < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); i++ ) { Translation( &trace, start, testend[i], &itm, boxAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, cm_testModel.GetInteger(), vec3_origin, modelAxis ); } timer.Stop(); t = timer.Milliseconds(); if( t < min_translation ) min_translation = t; if( t > max_translation ) max_translation = t; num_translation++; total_translation += t; if( cm_testTimes.GetInteger() > 9999 ) { sprintf( buf, "%3dK", ( int )( cm_testTimes.GetInteger() / 1000 ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%4d", cm_testTimes.GetInteger() ); } common->Printf( "%s translations: %4d milliseconds, (min = %d, max = %d, av = %1.1f)\n", buf, t, min_translation, max_translation, ( float ) total_translation / num_translation ); if( cm_testRandomMany.GetBool() ) { // if many traces in one random direction for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { testend[0][i] = start[i] + random.CRandomFloat() * cm_testRadius.GetFloat(); } for( k = 1; k < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); k++ ) { testend[k] = testend[0]; } } else { // many traces each in a different random direction for( k = 0; k < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); k++ ) { for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { testend[k][i] = start[i] + random.CRandomFloat() * cm_testRadius.GetFloat(); } } } if( cm_testRotation.GetBool() ) { // rotational collision detection idVec3 vec( random.CRandomFloat(), random.CRandomFloat(), random.RandomFloat() ); vec.Normalize(); idRotation rotation( vec3_origin, vec, cm_testAngle.GetFloat() ); timer.Clear(); timer.Start(); for( i = 0; i < cm_testTimes.GetInteger(); i++ ) { rotation.SetOrigin( testend[i] ); Rotation( &trace, start, rotation, &itm, boxAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, cm_testModel.GetInteger(), vec3_origin, modelAxis ); } timer.Stop(); t = timer.Milliseconds(); if( t < min_rotation ) min_rotation = t; if( t > max_rotation ) max_rotation = t; num_rotation++; total_rotation += t; if( cm_testTimes.GetInteger() > 9999 ) { sprintf( buf, "%3dK", ( int )( cm_testTimes.GetInteger() / 1000 ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%4d", cm_testTimes.GetInteger() ); } common->Printf( "%s rotation: %4d milliseconds, (min = %d, max = %d, av = %1.1f)\n", buf, t, min_rotation, max_rotation, ( float ) total_rotation / num_rotation ); } Mem_Free( testend ); testend = NULL; }