
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").

Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.

If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.

#ifndef __BUFFEROBJECT_H__
#define __BUFFEROBJECT_H__


	Buffer Objects


class idIndexBuffer;

enum bufferMapType_t
	BM_READ,			// map for reading
	BM_WRITE			// map for writing

// Returns all targets to virtual memory use instead of buffer object use.
// Call this before doing any conventional buffer reads, like screenshots.
void UnbindBufferObjects();

class idVertexBuffer
	// Allocate or free the buffer.
	bool				AllocBufferObject( const void* data, int allocSize );
	void				FreeBufferObject();
	// Make this buffer a reference to another buffer.
	void				Reference( const idVertexBuffer& other );
	void				Reference( const idVertexBuffer& other, int refOffset, int refSize );
	// Copies data to the buffer. 'size' may be less than the originally allocated size.
	void				Update( const void* data, int updateSize ) const;
	void* 				MapBuffer( bufferMapType_t mapType ) const;
	idDrawVert* 		MapVertexBuffer( bufferMapType_t mapType ) const
		return static_cast< idDrawVert* >( MapBuffer( mapType ) );
	void				UnmapBuffer() const;
	bool				IsMapped() const
		return ( size & MAPPED_FLAG ) != 0;
	int					GetSize() const
		return ( size & ~MAPPED_FLAG );
	int					GetAllocedSize() const
		return ( ( size & ~MAPPED_FLAG ) + 15 ) & ~15;
	void* 				GetAPIObject() const
		return apiObject;
	int					GetOffset() const
		return ( offsetInOtherBuffer & ~OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG );
	int					size;					// size in bytes
	int					offsetInOtherBuffer;	// offset in bytes
	void* 				apiObject;
	// sizeof() confuses typeinfo...
	static const int	MAPPED_FLAG			= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	static const int	OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG	= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	void				ClearWithoutFreeing();
	void				SetMapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( size ) |= MAPPED_FLAG;
	void				SetUnmapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( size ) &= ~MAPPED_FLAG;
	bool				OwnsBuffer() const
		return ( ( offsetInOtherBuffer & OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG ) != 0 );

class idIndexBuffer
	// Allocate or free the buffer.
	bool				AllocBufferObject( const void* data, int allocSize );
	void				FreeBufferObject();
	// Make this buffer a reference to another buffer.
	void				Reference( const idIndexBuffer& other );
	void				Reference( const idIndexBuffer& other, int refOffset, int refSize );
	// Copies data to the buffer. 'size' may be less than the originally allocated size.
	void				Update( const void* data, int updateSize ) const;
	void* 				MapBuffer( bufferMapType_t mapType ) const;
	triIndex_t* 		MapIndexBuffer( bufferMapType_t mapType ) const
		return static_cast< triIndex_t* >( MapBuffer( mapType ) );
	void				UnmapBuffer() const;
	bool				IsMapped() const
		return ( size & MAPPED_FLAG ) != 0;
	int					GetSize() const
		return ( size & ~MAPPED_FLAG );
	int					GetAllocedSize() const
		return ( ( size & ~MAPPED_FLAG ) + 15 ) & ~15;
	void* 				GetAPIObject() const
		return apiObject;
	int					GetOffset() const
		return ( offsetInOtherBuffer & ~OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG );
	int					size;					// size in bytes
	int					offsetInOtherBuffer;	// offset in bytes
	void* 				apiObject;
	// sizeof() confuses typeinfo...
	static const int	MAPPED_FLAG			= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	static const int	OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG	= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	void				ClearWithoutFreeing();
	void				SetMapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( size ) |= MAPPED_FLAG;
	void				SetUnmapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( size ) &= ~MAPPED_FLAG;
	bool				OwnsBuffer() const
		return ( ( offsetInOtherBuffer & OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG ) != 0 );


IMPORTANT NOTICE: on the PC, binding to an offset in uniform buffer objects
is limited to GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT, which is 256 on current nvidia cards,
so joint offsets, which are multiples of 48 bytes, must be in multiples of 16 = 768 bytes.
class idJointBuffer
	// Allocate or free the buffer.
	bool				AllocBufferObject( const float* joints, int numAllocJoints );
	void				FreeBufferObject();
	// Make this buffer a reference to another buffer.
	void				Reference( const idJointBuffer& other );
	void				Reference( const idJointBuffer& other, int jointRefOffset, int numRefJoints );
	// Copies data to the buffer. 'numJoints' may be less than the originally allocated size.
	void				Update( const float* joints, int numUpdateJoints ) const;
	float* 				MapBuffer( bufferMapType_t mapType ) const;
	void				UnmapBuffer() const;
	bool				IsMapped() const
		return ( numJoints & MAPPED_FLAG ) != 0;
	int					GetNumJoints() const
		return ( numJoints & ~MAPPED_FLAG );
	int					GetAllocedSize() const
		return ( numJoints & ~MAPPED_FLAG ) * 3 * 4 * sizeof( float );
	void* 				GetAPIObject() const
		return apiObject;
	int					GetOffset() const
		return ( offsetInOtherBuffer & ~OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG );
	void				Swap( idJointBuffer& other );
	int					numJoints;
	int					offsetInOtherBuffer;	// offset in bytes
	void* 				apiObject;
	// sizeof() confuses typeinfo...
	static const int	MAPPED_FLAG			= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	static const int	OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG	= 1 << ( 4 /* sizeof( int ) */ * 8 - 1 );
	void				ClearWithoutFreeing();
	void				SetMapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( numJoints ) |= MAPPED_FLAG;
	void				SetUnmapped() const
		const_cast< int& >( numJoints ) &= ~MAPPED_FLAG;
	bool				OwnsBuffer() const
		return ( ( offsetInOtherBuffer & OWNS_BUFFER_FLAG ) != 0 );

#endif // !__BUFFEROBJECT_H__