/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __SYS_SAVEGAME_H__ #define __SYS_SAVEGAME_H__ #ifdef OUTPUT_FUNC #undef OUTPUT_FUNC #endif #ifdef OUTPUT_FUNC_EXIT #undef OUTPUT_FUNC_EXIT #endif #define OUTPUT_FUNC() idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "[%s] Enter\n", __FUNCTION__ ) #define OUTPUT_FUNC_EXIT() idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "[%s] Exit\n", __FUNCTION__ ) #define DEFINE_CLASS( x ) virtual const char * Name() const { return #x; } #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 16 #define MAX_FILES_WITHIN_SAVEGAME 10 #define MIN_SAVEGAME_SIZE_BYTES ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 ) #define MAX_SAVEGAME_STRING_TABLE_SIZE 400 * 1024 // 400 kB max string table size #define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 255 #define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH_PATTERN 8 #define MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH 64 #define SAVEGAME_DETAILS_FILENAME "game.details" // PS3 restrictions: The only characters that can be used are 0-9 (numbers), A-Z (uppercase alphabet), "_" (underscore), and "-" (hyphen) #define SAVEGAME_AUTOSAVE_FOLDER "AUTOSAVE" // auto save slot // common descriptors for savegame description fields #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_EXPANSION "expansion" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_MAP "mapName" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_MAP_LOCATE "mapLocation" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_DIFFICULTY "difficulty" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_PLAYTIME "playTime" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_LANGUAGE "language" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_SAVE_VERSION "saveVersion" #define SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_CHECKSUM "checksum" #define SAVEGAME_GAME_DIRECTORY_PREFIX "GAME-" #define SAVEGAME_PROFILE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX "" #define SAVEGAME_RAW_DIRECTORY_PREFIX "" extern idCVar saveGame_verbose; extern idCVar saveGame_enable; class idGameSpawnInfo; class idSession; class idSessionLocal; class idSaveGameManager; // Specific savegame sub-system errors enum saveGameError_t { SAVEGAME_E_NONE = 0, SAVEGAME_E_CANCELLED = BIT( 0 ), SAVEGAME_E_INSUFFICIENT_ROOM = BIT( 1 ), SAVEGAME_E_CORRUPTED = BIT( 2 ), SAVEGAME_E_UNABLE_TO_SELECT_STORAGE_DEVICE = BIT( 3 ), SAVEGAME_E_UNKNOWN = BIT( 4 ), SAVEGAME_E_INVALID_FILENAME = BIT( 5 ), SAVEGAME_E_STEAM_ERROR = BIT( 6 ), SAVEGAME_E_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND = BIT( 7 ), SAVEGAME_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = BIT( 8 ), SAVEGAME_E_DLC_NOT_FOUND = BIT( 9 ), SAVEGAME_E_INVALID_USER = BIT( 10 ), SAVEGAME_E_PROFILE_TOO_BIG = BIT( 11 ), SAVEGAME_E_DISC_SWAP = BIT( 12 ), SAVEGAME_E_INCOMPATIBLE_NEWER_VERSION = BIT( 13 ), SAVEGAME_E_BITS_USED = 14, SAVEGAME_E_NUM = SAVEGAME_E_BITS_USED + 1 // because we're counting "none" }; // Modes to control behavior of savegame manager enum saveGameModeBitfield_t { SAVEGAME_MBF_NONE = 0, SAVEGAME_MBF_LOAD = BIT( 0 ), // standard file load (can be individual/multiple files described in parms) SAVEGAME_MBF_SAVE = BIT( 1 ), // standard file save (can be individual/multiple files described in parms) SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_FOLDER = BIT( 2 ), // standard package delete SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_ALL_FOLDERS = BIT( 3 ), // deletes all of the savegame folders (should only be used in testing) SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE = BIT( 4 ), // gets listing of all savegame folders, typically used with READ_DETAILS to read the description file SAVEGAME_MBF_NO_COMPRESS = BIT( 5 ), // tells the system the files aren't compressed, usually only needed when reading the descriptors file internally SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE_FILES = BIT( 6 ), // enumerates all the files within a particular savegame folder (can be individual/multiple files or pattern described in parms) SAVEGAME_MBF_DELETE_FILES = BIT( 7 ), // deletes individual files within a particular savegame folder (can be individual/multiple files or pattern described in parms) SAVEGAME_MBF_READ_DETAILS = BIT( 8 ), // reads the description file (if specified, parms.enumeratedEntry.name & parms.enumeratedEntry.type must be specified) SAVEGAME_MBF_KEEP_FOLDER = BIT( 9 ) // don't delete the folder before saving }; typedef interlockedInt_t saveGameHandle_t; typedef int savegameUserId_t; // [internal] hash of gamer tag for steam /* ================================================ saveGameCheck_t ================================================ */ struct saveGameCheck_t { saveGameCheck_t() { exists = false; autosaveExists = false; autosaveFolder = NULL; } bool exists; bool autosaveExists; const char* autosaveFolder; }; /* ================================================ idSaveGameDetails ================================================ */ class idSaveGameDetails { public: idSaveGameDetails(); ~idSaveGameDetails() { Clear(); } void Clear(); bool operator==( const idSaveGameDetails& other ) const { return ( idStr::Icmp( slotName, other.slotName ) == 0 ); } idSaveGameDetails& operator=( const idSaveGameDetails& other ) { descriptors.Clear(); descriptors = other.descriptors; damaged = other.damaged; date = other.date; slotName = other.slotName; return *this; } // for std::sort, sort newer (larger date) towards start of list bool operator<( const idSaveGameDetails& other ) { return date > other.date; } idStr GetMapName() const { return descriptors.GetString( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_MAP, "" ); } idStr GetLocation() const { return descriptors.GetString( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_MAP_LOCATE, "" ); } idStr GetLanguage() const { return descriptors.GetString( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_LANGUAGE, "" ); } int GetPlaytime() const { return descriptors.GetInt( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_PLAYTIME, 0 ); } int GetExpansion() const { return descriptors.GetInt( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_EXPANSION, 0 ); } int GetDifficulty() const { return descriptors.GetInt( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_DIFFICULTY, -1 ); } int GetSaveVersion() const { return descriptors.GetInt( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_SAVE_VERSION, 0 ); } public: idDict descriptors; // [in] Descriptors available to be shown on the save/load screen. Each game can define their own, e.g. Difficulty, level, map, score, time. bool damaged; // [out] time_t date; // [out] read from the filesystem, not set by client idStrStatic< MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH > slotName; // [out] folder/slot name, e.g. AUTOSAVE }; typedef idStaticList< idSaveGameDetails, MAX_SAVEGAMES > saveGameDetailsList_t; // Making a auto_ptr to handle lifetime issues better typedef idList< idFile_SaveGame*, TAG_SAVEGAMES > saveFileEntryList_t; /* ================================================ idSaveLoadParms ================================================ */ class idSaveLoadParms { public: idSaveLoadParms(); ~idSaveLoadParms(); void ResetCancelled(); void Init(); void SetDefaults( int inputDevice = -1 ); // doesn't clear out things that should be persistent across entire processor void CancelSaveGameFilePipelines(); void AbortSaveGameFilePipeline(); const int& GetError() const { return errorCode; } const int& GetHandledErrors() const { return handledErrorCodes; } const saveGameHandle_t& GetHandle() const { return handle; } public: idStrStatic< MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH > directory; // [in] real directory of the savegame package idStrStatic< MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH_PATTERN > pattern; // [in] pattern to use while enumerating/deleting files within a savegame folder idStrStatic< MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH_PATTERN > postPattern; // [in] pattern at the end of the file to use while enumerating/deleting files within a savegame folder int mode; // [in] SAVE, LOAD, ENUM, DELETE, etc. idSaveGameDetails description; // [in/out] in: description used to serialize into game.details file, out: if SAVEGAME_MBF_READ_DETAILS used with certain modes, item 0 contains the read details saveFileEntryList_t files; // [in/out] in: files to be saved, out: objects loaded, for SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE_FILES, it contains a listing of the filenames only saveGameDetailsList_t detailList; // [out] listing of the enumerated savegames used only with SAVEGAME_MBF_ENUMERATE int errorCode; // [out] combination of saveGameError_t bits int handledErrorCodes; // [out] combination of saveGameError_t bits int64 requiredSpaceInBytes; // [out] when fails for insufficient space, this is populated with additional space required int skipErrorDialogMask; // ---------------------- // Internal vars // ---------------------- idSysSignal callbackSignal; // [internal] used to signal savegame manager that the Process() call is completed (we still might have more Process() calls to make though...) volatile bool cancelled; // [internal] while processor is running, this can be set outside of the normal operation of the processor. Each implementation should check this during operation to allow it to shutdown cleanly. savegameUserId_t userId; // [internal] to get the proper user during every step int inputDeviceId; // [internal] consoles will use this to segregate each player's files saveGameHandle_t handle; private: // Don't allow copies idSaveLoadParms( const idSaveLoadParms& s ) {} void operator=( const idSaveLoadParms& s ) {} }; // Using function pointers because: // 1. CompletedCallback methods in processors weren't generic enough, we could use SaveFiles processors // for profiles/games, but there would be a single completed callback and we'd have to update // the callback to detect what type of call it was, store the type in the processor, etc. // 2. Using a functor class would require us to define classes for each callback. The definition of those // classes could be scattered and a little difficult to follow // 3. With callback methods, we assign them when needed and know exactly where they are defined/declared. //typedef void (*saveGameProcessorCallback_t)( idSaveLoadParms & parms ); /* ================================================ saveGameThreadArgs_t ================================================ */ struct saveGameThreadArgs_t { saveGameThreadArgs_t() : saveLoadParms( NULL ) { } idSaveLoadParms* saveLoadParms; }; /* ================================================ idSaveGameThread ================================================ */ class idSaveGameThread : public idSysThread { public: idSaveGameThread() : cancel( false ) {} int Run(); void CancelOperations() { cancel = true; } private: int Save(); int Load(); int Enumerate(); int Delete(); int DeleteAll(); int DeleteFiles(); int EnumerateFiles(); public: saveGameThreadArgs_t data; volatile bool cancel; }; /* ================================================ idSaveGameProcessor ================================================ */ class idSaveGameProcessor { friend class idSaveGameManager; public: DEFINE_CLASS( idSaveGameProcessor ); static const int MAX_COMPLETED_CALLBACKS = 5; idSaveGameProcessor(); virtual ~idSaveGameProcessor() { } //------------------------ // Virtuals //------------------------ // Basic init virtual bool Init(); // This method should returns true if the processor has additional sub-states to // manage. The saveGameManager will retain the current state and Process() will be called again. When this method // returns false Process() will not be called again. For example, during save, you might want to load other files // and save them somewhere else, return true until you are done with the entire state. virtual bool Process() { return false; } // Gives each processor to validate an error returned from the previous process call. // This is useful when processors have a multi-stage Process() and expect some benign errors like // deleting a savegame folder before copying into it. virtual bool ValidateLastError() { return false; } // Processors need to override this if they will eventually reset the map. // If it could possibly reset the map through any of its stages, including kicking off another processor in completed callback, return false. // We will force non-simple processors to execute last and won't block the map heap reset due if non-simple processors are still executing. virtual bool IsSimpleProcessor() const { return true; } // This is a fail-safe to catch a timing issue on the PS3 where the nextmap processor could sometimes hang during a level transition virtual bool ShouldTimeout() const { return false; } //------------------------ // Commands //------------------------ // Cancels this processor in whatever state it's currently in and sets an error code for SAVEGAME_E_CANCELLED void Cancel() { parms.cancelled = true; parms.errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_CANCELLED; } //------------------------ // Accessors //------------------------ // Returns error status idSysSignal& GetSignal() { return parms.callbackSignal; } // Returns error status const int& GetError() const { return parms.errorCode; } // Returns the processor's save/load parms const idSaveLoadParms& GetParms() const { return parms; } // Returns the processor's save/load parms idSaveLoadParms& GetParmsNonConst() { return parms; } // Returns if this processor is currently working bool IsWorking() const { return working; } // This is a way to tell the processor which errors shouldn't be handled by the processor or system. void SetSkipSystemErrorDialogMask( const int errorMask ) { parms.skipErrorDialogMask = errorMask; } int GetSkipSystemErrorDialogMask() const { return parms.skipErrorDialogMask; } // Returns the handle given by execution saveGameHandle_t GetHandle() const { return parms.GetHandle(); } // These can be overridden by game code, like the GUI, when the processor is done executing. // Game classes like the GUI can create a processor derived from a game's Save processor impl and simply use // this method to know when everything is done. It eases the burden of constantly checking the working flag. // This will be called back within the game thread during SaveGameManager::Pump(). void AddCompletedCallback( const idCallback& callback ); private: // Returns whether or not the thread is finished operating, should only be called by the savegame manager bool IsThreadFinished(); protected: idSaveLoadParms parms; int savegameLogicTestIterator; private: bool init; bool working; idStaticList< idCallback*, MAX_COMPLETED_CALLBACKS > completedCallbacks; }; /* ================================================ idSaveGameManager Why all the object-oriented nonsense? - Savegames need to be processed asynchronously, saving/loading/deleting files should happen during the game frame so there is a common way to update the render device. - When executing commands, if no "strategy"s are used, the pump() method would need to have a switch statement, extending the manager for other commands would mean modifying the manager itself for various commands. By making it a strategy, we are able to create custom commands and define the behavior within game code and keep the manager code in the engine static. ================================================ */ class idSaveGameManager { public: enum packageType_t { PACKAGE_PROFILE, PACKAGE_GAME, PACKAGE_RAW, PACKAGE_NUM }; const static int MAX_SAVEGAME_DIRECTORY_DEPTH = 5; explicit idSaveGameManager(); ~idSaveGameManager(); // Called within main game thread void Pump(); // Has the storage device been selected yet? This is only an issue on the 360, and primarily for development purposes bool IsStorageAvailable() const { return storageAvailable; } void SetStorageAvailable( const bool available ) { storageAvailable = available; } // Check to see if a processor is set within the manager bool IsWorking() const; // Assign a processor to the manager. The processor should belong in game-side code // This queues up processors and executes them serially // Returns whether or not the processor is immediately executed saveGameHandle_t ExecuteProcessor( idSaveGameProcessor* processor ); // Synchronous version, CompletedCallback is NOT called. saveGameHandle_t ExecuteProcessorAndWait( idSaveGameProcessor* processor ); // Lets the currently processing queue finish, but clears the processor queue void Clear(); void WaitForAllProcessors( bool overrideSimpleProcessorCheck = false ); const bool IsCancelled() const { return cancel; } void CancelAllProcessors( const bool forceCancelInFlightProcessor ); void CancelToTerminate(); idSaveGameThread& GetSaveGameThread() { return saveThread; } bool IsSaveGameCompletedFromHandle( const saveGameHandle_t& handle ) const { return handle <= lastExecutedProcessorHandle || handle == 0; // last case should never be reached since it would be also be true in first case, this is just to show intent } void Set360RetrySaveAfterDeviceSelected( const char* folder, const int64 bytes ); bool DeviceSelectorWaitingOnSaveRetry(); void ShowRetySaveDialog( const char* folder, const int64 bytes ); void ShowRetySaveDialog(); void ClearRetryInfo(); void RetrySave(); // This will cause the processor to cancel execution, the completion callback will be called void CancelWithHandle( const saveGameHandle_t& handle ); const saveGameDetailsList_t& GetEnumeratedSavegames() const { return enumeratedSaveGames; } saveGameDetailsList_t& GetEnumeratedSavegamesNonConst() { return enumeratedSaveGames; } private: // These are to make sure that all processors start and finish in the same way without a lot of code duplication. // We need to make sure that we adhere to PS3 system combination initialization issues. void StartNextProcessor(); void FinishProcessor( idSaveGameProcessor* processor ); // Calls start on the processor after it's been assigned void Start(); private: idSaveGameProcessor* processor; idStaticList< idSaveGameProcessor*, 4 > processorQueue; bool cancel; idSaveGameThread saveThread; int startTime; bool continueProcessing; saveGameHandle_t submittedProcessorHandle; saveGameHandle_t executingProcessorHandle; saveGameHandle_t lastExecutedProcessorHandle; saveGameDetailsList_t enumeratedSaveGames; bool storageAvailable; // On 360, this is false by default, after the storage device is selected // it becomes true. This allows us to start the game without a storage device // selected and pop the selector when necessary. const char* retryFolder; int64 retryBytes; bool retrySave; idSysSignal deviceRequestedSignal; }; // Bridge between the session's APIs and the savegame thread void Sys_ExecuteSavegameCommandAsync( idSaveLoadParms* savegameParms ); // Folder prefix should be NULL for everything except PS3 // Synchronous check, just checks if any savegame exists for master local user and if one is an autosave void Sys_SaveGameCheck( bool& exists, bool& autosaveExists ); const idStr& GetSaveFolder( idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ); idStr AddSaveFolderPrefix( const char* folder, idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ); idStr RemoveSaveFolderPrefix( const char* folder, idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ); bool SavegameReadDetailsFromFile( idFile* file, idSaveGameDetails& details ); idStr GetSaveGameErrorString( int errorMask ); #endif // __SYS_SAVEGAME_H__