// SP values are commented out for reference entityDef damage_bfg_mp { "inherit" "damage_bfg" // "damage" "200" } entityDef damage_bfgSplash_mp { "inherit" "damage_bfgSplash" // "damage" "40" // "radius" "100" } entityDef damage_bullet_chaingun_mp { "inherit" "damage_bullet_chaingun" "damage" "25" //changed by jim 8-23-04 from 30 } entityDef damage_chainsaw_mp { "inherit" "damage_chainsaw" // "damage" "60" } entityDef damage_fists_mp { "inherit" "damage_fists" // "damage" "20" } entityDef damage_flashlight_mp { "inherit" "damage_flashlight" // "damage" "20" } entityDef damage_grenadeDirect_mp { "inherit" "damage_grenadeDirect" "damage" "75" //changed by Tim 6-17-04 } entityDef damage_grenadeSplash_mp { "inherit" "damage_grenadeSplash" "damage" "75" //changed by Tim 6-17-04 "radius" "150" //changed by Tim 6-17-04 } entityDef damage_grenadeSplash_inhand_mp { "inherit" "damage_grenadeSplash_mp" "selfDamageScale" "20" // defaults to 0.5 in multiplayer, so override it to full damage so player dies. } entityDef damage_bullet_machinegun_mp { "inherit" "damage_bullet_machinegun" "damage" "12" } entityDef damage_bullet_pistol_mp { "inherit" "damage_bullet_pistol" "damage" "15" } entityDef damage_plasmablast_mp { "inherit" "damage_plasmablast" "damage" "30" } entityDef damage_rocketDirect_mp { "inherit" "damage_rocketDirect" "damage" "100" } entityDef damage_rocketSplash_mp { "inherit" "damage_rocketSplash" "damage" "100" "radius" "125" //changed by tim 6-22-04 from 100 "knockback" "80" "attackerPushScale" "1.5" "attackerDamageScale" "0.4" "selfDamageScale" "0.75" //changed by jim 8-23-04 from 0.5 } entityDef damage_shotgun_mp { "inherit" "damage_shotgun" "damage" "15" //changed from 9 Tim 6-17-04 } entityDef damage_soulblast_mp { "inherit" "damage_soulblast" // "damage" "200" } entityDef damage_soulSplash_mp { "inherit" "damage_soulSplash" // "damage" "40" // "radius" "100" } entityDef damage_softfall_mp { "inherit" "damage_softfall" "damage" "3" } entityDef damage_hardfall_mp { "inherit" "damage_hardfall" "damage" "15" } entityDef damage_fatalfall_mp { "inherit" "damage_fatalfall" "damage" "30" } entityDef damage_explodingbarrel_mp { "inherit" "damage_explodingbarrel" "selfDamageScale" "1" } entityDef item_armor_security_mp { "inherit" "item_armor_security" } entityDef item_armor_shard_mp { "inherit" "item_armor_shard" } entityDef ammo_belt_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_belt_small" "inv_ammo_belt" "120" } entityDef ammo_bullets_large_mp { "inherit" "ammo_bullets_large" } entityDef ammo_bullets_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_bullets_small" } entityDef ammo_cells_large_mp { "inherit" "ammo_cells_large" } entityDef ammo_cells_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_cells_small" } entityDef ammo_clip_large_mp { "inherit" "ammo_clip_large" } entityDef ammo_clip_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_clip_small" } entityDef ammo_grenade_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_grenade_small" } entityDef item_medkit_mp { "inherit" "item_medkit" } entityDef item_medkit_small_mp { "inherit" "item_medkit_small" } entityDef ammo_rockets_large_mp { "inherit" "ammo_rockets_large" } entityDef ammo_rockets_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_rockets_small" } entityDef ammo_shells_large_mp { "inherit" "ammo_shells_large" } entityDef ammo_shells_small_mp { "inherit" "ammo_shells_small" } /*********************************************************************** Weapons ***********************************************************************/ entityDef weapon_chainsaw_mp { "inherit" "weapon_chainsaw" } entityDef moveable_item_chainsaw_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_chainsaw" } entityDef weapon_pistol_mp { "inherit" "weapon_pistol" } entityDef projectile_bullet_pistol_mp { "inherit" "projectile_bullet_pistol" "net_instanthit" "1" // predict decals on walls in MP "velocity" "20000 0 0" // fast projectiles in MP "mass" "1" // lower mass because of the high velocity "tracers" "0" // no tracers in MP "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_pistol_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_pistol" } entityDef weapon_shotgun_mp { "inherit" "weapon_shotgun" "inv_ammo_shells" "8" "spread" "11" } entityDef projectile_bullet_shotgun_mp { "inherit" "projectile_bullet_shotgun" "net_instanthit" "1" // don't predict decals on walls because the predicted spread is way of "velocity" "20000 0 0" // fast projectiles in MP "mass" "0.5" // lower mass because of the high velocity "tracers" "0" // no tracers in MP "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_shotgun_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_shotgun" } entityDef weapon_machinegun_mp { "inherit" "weapon_machinegun" "spread" "1" "inv_ammo_clip" "60" } entityDef projectile_bullet_machinegun_mp { "inherit" "projectile_bullet_machinegun" "net_instanthit" "1" // predict decals on walls in MP "velocity" "20000 0 0" // fast projectiles in MP "mass" "0.5" // lower mass because of the high velocity "tracers" "0" // no tracers in MP "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_machinegun_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_machinegun" } entityDef weapon_chaingun_mp { "inherit" "weapon_chaingun" "spread" "1" "inv_ammo_belt" "60" } entityDef projectile_chaingunbullet_mp { "inherit" "projectile_chaingunbullet" "net_instanthit" "1" // predict decals on walls in MP "velocity" "20000 0 0" // fast projectiles in MP "mass" "1" // lower mass because of the high velocity "tracers" "0" // no tracers in MP "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_chaingun_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_chaingun" } entityDef weapon_handgrenade_mp { "inherit" "weapon_handgrenade" } entityDef projectile_grenade_mp { "inherit" "projectile_grenade" "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_grenades_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_grenades" "damage" "80" //6-8-04 -Tim } entityDef weapon_plasmagun_mp { "inherit" "weapon_plasmagun" "inv_ammo_cells" "30" "clipSize" "30" } entityDef projectile_plasmablast_mp { "inherit" "projectile_plasmablast" "mins" "-4 -4 -4" "maxs" "4 4 4" "push" "0" // no additional push in MP "smoke_fly" "" // particle effect while in the air } entityDef moveable_item_plasmagun_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_plasmagun" } entityDef weapon_rocketlauncher_mp { "inherit" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "model" "models/weapons/rocketlauncher/mp_rocketlauncher.lwo" } entityDef projectile_rocket_mp { "inherit" "projectile_rocket" "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_rocketlauncher_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_rocketlauncher" } entityDef weapon_bfg_mp { "inherit" "weapon_bfg" } entityDef projectile_bfg_mp { "inherit" "projectile_bfg" "no_contents" "0" "velocity" "250 0 0" "push" "0" // no additional push in MP } entityDef moveable_item_bfg_mp { "inherit" "moveable_item_bfg" } /*********************************************************************** player model ***********************************************************************/ model model_mp_marine { inherit model_sp_marine mesh models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/mpplayer.md5mesh channel torso ( *Waist ) channel legs ( *origin -*Waist SPINNER eyecontrol) skin skins/characters/player/marine_mp.skin anim run_forward models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/run_270.md5anim { frame 10 rightfoot frame 19 leftfoot } anim walk models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/jog.md5anim anim walk_backwards models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/jog_back.md5anim anim walk_strafe_left models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/walk_strafe_left.md5anim anim walk_strafe_right models/md5/characters/npcs/playermoves/walk_strafe_right.md5anim } entityDef player_doommarine_mp { "inherit" "player_base_d3xp_mp" "model" "model_d3xp_mp_marine" "bleed" "1" "gib" "1" "skin_dropDeath" "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_death.skin" "skin_invisibility" "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_invisible" "deathSkinTime" "500" // how long once dead before setting the dead body contents to 0 "health" "100" "pm_walkspeed" "200" "pm_runspeed" "275" "maxarmor" "200" "deplete_armor" "100" // deplete the armor when above this "deplete_rate" "1.5" // every x seconds "deplete_ammount" "2" // how much "weapon" "weapon_fists,weapon_pistol,weapon_machinegun,weapon_handgrenade" "ammo_grenades" "2" "ammo_clip" "90" "damage_scale head" "2" "snd_teleport_enter" "player_sounds_teleport_enter" "snd_teleport_exit" "player_sounds_teleport_exit" "snd_teleport" "player_sounds_teleport" "snd_berserk_third" "player_sounds_berserk_third" "snd_hit_feedback" "sound/feedback/hitlo" "fx_spawn" "fx/teleporterplayer.fx" "mtr_icon_lag" "textures/sfx/lagsprite" "mtr_icon_chat" "textures/sfx/chatsprite" "snd_voc_are_you_serious" "voc_are_you_serious" "snd_voc_attack_now" "voc_attack_now" // "snd_voc_bullshit" "voc_bullshit" "snd_voc_cancel_that" "voc_cancel_that" "snd_voc_cover_me" "voc_cover_me" "snd_voc_die_already" "voc_die_already" "snd_voc_enemy_has_powerup" "voc_enemy_has_powerup" "snd_voc_enemy_spotted" "voc_enemy_spotted" "snd_voc_grab_the_armor" "voc_grab_the_armor" "snd_voc_great_game" "voc_great_game" "snd_voc_hack" "voc_hack" "snd_voc_i_have_extra_weapon" "voc_i_have_extra_weapon" "snd_voc_i_have_the_armor" "voc_i_have_the_armor" "snd_voc_i_have_the_powerup" "voc_i_have_the_powerup" "snd_voc_i_need_a_weapon" "voc_i_need_a_weapon" "snd_voc_i_need_health" "voc_i_need_health" "snd_voc_ill_take_that" "voc_ill_take_that" "snd_voc_im_armed_and_ready" "voc_im_armed_and_ready" "snd_voc_im_not_ready" "voc_im_not_ready" "snd_voc_im_taking_fire" "voc_im_taking_fire" "snd_voc_item_available" "voc_item_available" "snd_voc_movein" "voc_movein" "snd_voc_negative" "voc_negative" "snd_voc_no_way" "voc_no_way" "snd_voc_on_my_way" "voc_on_my_way" "snd_voc_overhere" "voc_overhere" "snd_voc_prepare_for_attack" "voc_prepare_for_attack" "snd_voc_pull_back" "voc_pull_back" "snd_voc_roger" "voc_roger" "snd_voc_that_sucked" "voc_that_sucked" "snd_voc_yeah_right" "voc_yeah_right" "snd_invulnerable" "invulnerable_loop" "txt_voc_are_you_serious" "Are you serious?" "txt_voc_attack_now" "Attack Now!" "txt_voc_bullshit" "Bullshit" "txt_voc_cancel_that" "Cancel that" "txt_voc_cover_me" "Cover me!" "txt_voc_die_already" "Die Already!" "txt_voc_enemy_has_powerup" "Enemy has powerup" "txt_voc_enemy_spotted" "Enemy spotted" "txt_voc_grab_the_armor" "Grab the armor" "txt_voc_great_game" "Great Game" "txt_voc_hack" "Hack!" "txt_voc_i_have_extra_weapon" "I have an extra weapon" "txt_voc_i_have_the_armor" "I have the armor" "txt_voc_i_have_the_powerup" "I have the powerup" "txt_voc_i_need_a_weapon" "I need a weapon" "txt_voc_i_need_health" "I need health" "txt_voc_ill_take_that" "I'll take that" "txt_voc_im_armed_and_ready" "I'm armed and ready" "txt_voc_im_not_ready" "I'm not ready" "txt_voc_im_taking_fire" "Taking fire" "txt_voc_item_available" "Item available" "txt_voc_movein" "Move in!" "txt_voc_negative" "Negative" "txt_voc_no_way" "No way" "txt_voc_on_my_way" "On my way" "txt_voc_overhere" "Over here" "txt_voc_prepare_for_attack" "Prepare for attack" "txt_voc_pull_back" "Pull back!" "txt_voc_roger" "Roger" "txt_voc_that_sucked" "That sucked" "txt_voc_yeah_right" "Yeah right" }