/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "tr_local.h" /* ================================================================================================ Contains the RenderLog implementation. TODO: Emit statistics to the logfile at the end of views and frames. ================================================================================================ */ idCVar r_logLevel( "r_logLevel", "2", CVAR_INTEGER, "1 = blocks only, 2 = everything", 1, 2 ); static const int LOG_LEVEL_BLOCKS_ONLY = 1; static const int LOG_LEVEL_EVERYTHING = 2; const char* renderLogMainBlockLabels[] = { ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_NONE, 0 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_BEGIN_DRAWING_VIEW, 1 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_FILL_DEPTH_BUFFER, 2 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_DRAW_INTERACTIONS, 3 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES, 4 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_FOG_ALL_LIGHTS, 5 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_DRAW_SHADER_PASSES_POST, 6 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_DRAW_DEBUG_TOOLS, 7 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_CAPTURE_COLORBUFFER, 8 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_POSTPROCESS, 9 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_GPU_SYNC, 10 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_END_FRAME, 11 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_BINK_FRAME, 12 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_BINK_NEXT_FRAME, 13 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_TOTAL, 14 ), ASSERT_ENUM_STRING( MRB_MAX, 15 ) }; extern uint64 Sys_Microseconds(); /* ================================================================================================ PIX events on all platforms ================================================================================================ */ /* ================================================ pixEvent_t ================================================ */ struct pixEvent_t { char name[256]; uint64 cpuTime; uint64 gpuTime; }; idCVar r_pix( "r_pix", "0", CVAR_INTEGER, "print GPU/CPU event timing" ); static const int MAX_PIX_EVENTS = 256; // defer allocation of this until needed, so we don't waste lots of memory pixEvent_t* pixEvents; // [MAX_PIX_EVENTS] int numPixEvents; int numPixLevels; static GLuint timeQueryIds[MAX_PIX_EVENTS]; /* ======================== PC_BeginNamedEvent FIXME: this is not thread safe on the PC ======================== */ void PC_BeginNamedEvent( const char* szName, ... ) { #if 0 if( !r_pix.GetBool() ) { return; } if( !pixEvents ) { // lazy allocation to not waste memory pixEvents = ( pixEvent_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *pixEvents ) * MAX_PIX_EVENTS, TAG_CRAP ); } if( numPixEvents >= MAX_PIX_EVENTS ) { idLib::FatalError( "PC_BeginNamedEvent: event overflow" ); } if( ++numPixLevels > 1 ) { return; // only get top level timing information } if( !glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT ) { return; } GL_CheckErrors(); if( timeQueryIds[0] == 0 ) { glGenQueries( MAX_PIX_EVENTS, timeQueryIds ); } glFinish(); glBeginQuery( GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, timeQueryIds[numPixEvents] ); GL_CheckErrors(); pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[numPixEvents++]; strncpy( ev->name, szName, sizeof( ev->name ) - 1 ); ev->cpuTime = Sys_Microseconds(); #endif } /* ======================== PC_EndNamedEvent ======================== */ void PC_EndNamedEvent() { #if 0 if( !r_pix.GetBool() ) { return; } if( numPixLevels <= 0 ) { idLib::FatalError( "PC_EndNamedEvent: level underflow" ); } if( --numPixLevels > 0 ) { // only do timing on top level events return; } if( !glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT ) { return; } pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[numPixEvents - 1]; ev->cpuTime = Sys_Microseconds() - ev->cpuTime; GL_CheckErrors(); glEndQuery( GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT ); GL_CheckErrors(); #endif } /* ======================== PC_EndFrame ======================== */ void PC_EndFrame() { #if 0 if( !r_pix.GetBool() ) { return; } int64 totalGPU = 0; int64 totalCPU = 0; idLib::Printf( "----- GPU Events -----\n" ); for( int i = 0 ; i < numPixEvents ; i++ ) { pixEvent_t* ev = &pixEvents[i]; int64 gpuTime = 0; glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT( timeQueryIds[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT, ( GLuint64EXT* )&gpuTime ); ev->gpuTime = gpuTime; idLib::Printf( "%2d: %1.2f (GPU) %1.3f (CPU) = %s\n", i, ev->gpuTime / 1000000.0f, ev->cpuTime / 1000.0f, ev->name ); totalGPU += ev->gpuTime; totalCPU += ev->cpuTime; } idLib::Printf( "%2d: %1.2f (GPU) %1.3f (CPU) = total\n", numPixEvents, totalGPU / 1000000.0f, totalCPU / 1000.0f ); memset( pixEvents, 0, numPixLevels * sizeof( pixEvents[0] ) ); numPixEvents = 0; numPixLevels = 0; #endif } /* ================================================================================================ idRenderLog ================================================================================================ */ idRenderLog renderLog; #if !defined( STUB_RENDER_LOG ) /* ======================== idRenderLog::idRenderLog ======================== */ idRenderLog::idRenderLog() { activeLevel = 0; indentString[0] = '\0'; indentLevel = 0; // logFile = NULL; frameStartTime = 0; closeBlockTime = 0; logLevel = 0; } /* ======================== idRenderLog::StartFrame ======================== */ void idRenderLog::StartFrame() { if( r_logFile.GetInteger() == 0 ) { return; } // open a new logfile indentLevel = 0; indentString[0] = '\0'; activeLevel = r_logLevel.GetInteger(); /* struct tm* newtime; time_t aclock; char ospath[ MAX_OSPATH ]; char qpath[128]; sprintf( qpath, "renderlogPC_%04i.txt", r_logFile.GetInteger() ); //idStr finalPath = fileSystem->RelativePathToOSPath( qpath ); sprintf( ospath, "%s", qpath ); */ /* for ( int i = 0; i < 9999 ; i++ ) { char qpath[128]; sprintf( qpath, "renderlog_%04i.txt", r_logFile.GetInteger() ); idStr finalPath = fileSystem->RelativePathToOSPath( qpath ); fileSystem->RelativePathToOSPath( qpath, ospath, MAX_OSPATH ,FSPATH_BASE ); if ( !fileSystem->FileExists( finalPath.c_str() ) ) { break; // use this name } } */ common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false ); // problems are caused if this print causes a refresh... /* if( logFile != NULL ) { fileSystem->CloseFile( logFile ); logFile = NULL; } logFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( ospath ); if( logFile == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "Failed to open logfile %s", ospath ); return; } idLib::Printf( "Opened logfile %s\n", ospath ); // write the time out to the top of the file time( &aclock ); newtime = localtime( &aclock ); const char* str = asctime( newtime ); logFile->Printf( "// %s", str ); logFile->Printf( "// %s\n\n", com_version.GetString() ); */ frameStartTime = Sys_Microseconds(); closeBlockTime = frameStartTime; OpenBlock( "Frame" ); } /* ======================== idRenderLog::EndFrame ======================== */ void idRenderLog::EndFrame() { PC_EndFrame(); //if( logFile != NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() != 0 ) { if( r_logFile.GetInteger() == 1 ) { Close(); } // log is open, so decrement r_logFile and stop if it is zero //r_logFile.SetInteger( r_logFile.GetInteger() - 1 ); //idLib::Printf( "Frame logged.\n" ); return; } } /* ======================== idRenderLog::Close ======================== */ void idRenderLog::Close() { //if( logFile != NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() != 0 ) { CloseBlock(); //idLib::Printf( "Closing logfile\n" ); //fileSystem->CloseFile( logFile ); //logFile = NULL; activeLevel = 0; } } /* ======================== idRenderLog::OpenMainBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::OpenMainBlock( renderLogMainBlock_t block ) { } /* ======================== idRenderLog::CloseMainBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::CloseMainBlock() { } /* ======================== idRenderLog::OpenBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::OpenBlock( const char* label ) { // Allow the PIX functionality even when logFile is not running. PC_BeginNamedEvent( label ); //if( logFile != NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() != 0 ) { LogOpenBlock( RENDER_LOG_INDENT_MAIN_BLOCK, "%s", label ); } } /* ======================== idRenderLog::CloseBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::CloseBlock() { PC_EndNamedEvent(); //if( logFile != NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() != 0 ) { LogCloseBlock( RENDER_LOG_INDENT_MAIN_BLOCK ); } } /* ======================== idRenderLog::Printf ======================== */ void idRenderLog::Printf( const char* fmt, ... ) { #if !defined(USE_GLES2) && !defined(USE_GLES3) if( activeLevel <= LOG_LEVEL_BLOCKS_ONLY ) { return; } //if( logFile == NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() == 0 || !glConfig.gremedyStringMarkerAvailable ) { return; } va_list marker; char msg[4096]; idStr out = indentString; va_start( marker, fmt ); idStr::vsnPrintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), fmt, marker ); va_end( marker ); msg[sizeof( msg ) - 1] = '\0'; out.Append( msg ); glStringMarkerGREMEDY( out.Length(), out.c_str() ); //logFile->Printf( "%s", indentString ); //va_start( marker, fmt ); //logFile->VPrintf( fmt, marker ); //va_end( marker ); // logFile->Flush(); this makes it take waaaay too long #endif } /* ======================== idRenderLog::LogOpenBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::LogOpenBlock( renderLogIndentLabel_t label, const char* fmt, ... ) { uint64 now = Sys_Microseconds(); //if( logFile != NULL ) if( r_logFile.GetInteger() != 0 ) { //if( now - closeBlockTime >= 1000 ) //{ //logFile->Printf( "%s%1.1f msec gap from last closeblock\n", indentString, ( now - closeBlockTime ) * ( 1.0f / 1000.0f ) ); //} #if !defined(USE_GLES2) && !defined(USE_GLES3) if( glConfig.gremedyStringMarkerAvailable ) { //Printf( fmt, args ); //Printf( " {\n" ); //logFile->Printf( "%s", indentString ); //logFile->VPrintf( fmt, args ); //logFile->Printf( " {\n" ); va_list marker; char msg[4096]; idStr out = indentString; va_start( marker, fmt ); idStr::vsnPrintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), fmt, marker ); va_end( marker ); msg[sizeof( msg ) - 1] = '\0'; out.Append( msg ); out += " {"; glStringMarkerGREMEDY( out.Length(), out.c_str() ); } #endif } Indent( label ); if( logLevel >= MAX_LOG_LEVELS ) { idLib::Warning( "logLevel %d >= MAX_LOG_LEVELS", logLevel ); } logLevel++; } /* ======================== idRenderLog::LogCloseBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::LogCloseBlock( renderLogIndentLabel_t label ) { closeBlockTime = Sys_Microseconds(); assert( logLevel > 0 ); logLevel--; Outdent( label ); //if( logFile != NULL ) //{ //} } #else // !STUB_RENDER_LOG /* ======================== idRenderLog::OpenBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::OpenBlock( const char* label ) { PC_BeginNamedEvent( label ); } /* ======================== idRenderLog::CloseBlock ======================== */ void idRenderLog::CloseBlock() { PC_EndNamedEvent(); } #endif // !STUB_RENDER_LOG