/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #include "../Game_local.h" extern idCVar in_useJoystick; /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::~idMenuHandler ================================================ */ idMenuHandler::idMenuHandler() { scrollingMenu = false; scrollCounter = 0; activeScreen = -1; nextScreen = -1; transition = -1; platform = 0; gui = NULL; cmdBar = NULL; for( int index = 0; index < MAX_SCREEN_AREAS; ++index ) { menuScreens[ index ] = NULL; } sounds.SetNum( NUM_GUI_SOUNDS ); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::~idMenuHandler ================================================ */ idMenuHandler::~idMenuHandler() { Cleanup(); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::Initialize ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::Initialize( const char* swfFile, idSoundWorld* sw ) { Cleanup(); gui = new idSWF( swfFile, sw ); platform = 2; } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::AddChild ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::AddChild( idMenuWidget* widget ) { widget->SetSWFObj( gui ); widget->SetHandlerIsParent( true ); children.Append( widget ); widget->AddRef(); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::GetChildFromIndex ================================================ */ idMenuWidget* idMenuHandler::GetChildFromIndex( int index ) { if( children.Num() == 0 ) { return NULL; } if( index > children.Num() ) { return NULL; } return children[ index ]; } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::GetPlatform ================================================ */ int idMenuHandler::GetPlatform( bool realPlatform ) { if( platform == 2 && in_useJoystick.GetBool() && !realPlatform ) { return 0; } return platform; } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::GetPlatform ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::PlaySound( menuSounds_t type, int channel ) { if( gui == NULL ) { return; } if( type >= sounds.Num() ) { return; } if( sounds[ type ].IsEmpty() ) { return; } int c = SCHANNEL_ANY; if( channel != -1 ) { c = channel; } gui->PlaySound( sounds[ type ], c ); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::StopSound ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::StopSound( int channel ) { gui->StopSound(); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::Cleanup ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::Cleanup() { for( int index = 0; index < children.Num(); ++index ) { assert( children[ index ]->GetRefCount() > 0 ); children[ index ]->Release(); } children.Clear(); for( int index = 0; index < MAX_SCREEN_AREAS; ++index ) { if( menuScreens[ index ] != NULL ) { menuScreens[ index ]->Release(); } } delete gui; gui = NULL; } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::TriggerMenu ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::TriggerMenu() { } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::IsActive ================================================ */ bool idMenuHandler::IsActive() { if( gui == NULL ) { return false; } return gui->IsActive(); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::ActivateMenu ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::ActivateMenu( bool show ) { if( gui == NULL ) { return; } if( !show ) { gui->Activate( show ); return; } class idSWFScriptFunction_updateMenuDisplay : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: idSWFScriptFunction_updateMenuDisplay( idSWF* _gui, idMenuHandler* _handler ) { gui = _gui; handler = _handler; } idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { if( handler != NULL ) { int screen = parms[0].ToInteger(); handler->UpdateMenuDisplay( screen ); } return idSWFScriptVar(); } private: idSWF* gui; idMenuHandler* handler; }; class idSWFScriptFunction_activateMenu : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: idSWFScriptFunction_activateMenu( idMenuHandler* _handler ) { handler = _handler; } idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { if( handler != NULL ) { handler->TriggerMenu(); } return idSWFScriptVar(); } private: idMenuHandler* handler; }; gui->SetGlobal( "updateMenuDisplay", new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFScriptFunction_updateMenuDisplay( gui, this ) ); gui->SetGlobal( "activateMenus", new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFScriptFunction_activateMenu( this ) ); gui->Activate( show ); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::Update ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::Update() { PumpWidgetActionRepeater(); if( gui != NULL && gui->IsActive() ) { gui->Render( renderSystem, Sys_Milliseconds() ); } } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::UpdateChildren ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::UpdateChildren() { for( int index = 0; index < children.Num(); ++index ) { if( children[ index ] != NULL ) { children[index]->Update(); } } } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::UpdateMenuDisplay ================================================ */ void idMenuHandler::UpdateMenuDisplay( int menu ) { if( menuScreens[ menu ] != NULL ) { menuScreens[ menu ]->Update(); } UpdateChildren(); } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::Update ================================================ */ bool idMenuHandler::HandleGuiEvent( const sysEvent_t* sev ) { if( gui != NULL && activeScreen != -1 ) { return gui->HandleEvent( sev ); } return false; } /* ================================================ idMenuHandler::Update ================================================ */ bool idMenuHandler::HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled ) { widgetAction_t actionType = action.GetType(); const idSWFParmList& parms = action.GetParms(); switch( actionType ) { case WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD: { if( widget != NULL && widget->GetDataSource() != NULL ) { widget->GetDataSource()->AdjustField( widget->GetDataSourceFieldIndex(), parms[ 0 ].ToInteger() ); widget->Update(); } return true; } case WIDGET_ACTION_FUNCTION: { if( verify( action.GetScriptFunction() != NULL ) ) { action.GetScriptFunction()->Call( event.thisObject, event.parms ); } return true; } case WIDGET_ACTION_PRESS_FOCUSED: { idMenuScreen* const screen = menuScreens[ activeScreen ]; if( screen != NULL ) { idWidgetEvent pressEvent( WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, 0, event.thisObject, idSWFParmList() ); screen->ReceiveEvent( pressEvent ); } return true; } case WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER: { idWidgetAction repeatAction; widgetAction_t repeatActionType = static_cast< widgetAction_t >( parms[ 0 ].ToInteger() ); assert( parms.Num() >= 2 ); int repeatDelay = DEFAULT_REPEAT_TIME; if( parms.Num() >= 3 ) { repeatDelay = parms[2].ToInteger(); } repeatAction.Set( repeatActionType, parms[ 1 ], repeatDelay ); StartWidgetActionRepeater( widget, repeatAction, event ); return true; } case WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER: { ClearWidgetActionRepeater(); return true; } } if( !widget->GetHandlerIsParent() ) { for( int index = 0; index < children.Num(); ++index ) { if( children[index] != NULL ) { if( children[index]->HandleAction( action, event, widget, forceHandled ) ) { return true; } } } } return false; } /* ======================== idMenuHandler::StartWidgetActionRepeater ======================== */ void idMenuHandler::StartWidgetActionRepeater( idMenuWidget* widget, const idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event ) { if( actionRepeater.isActive && actionRepeater.action == action ) { return; // don't attempt to reactivate an already active repeater } actionRepeater.isActive = true; actionRepeater.action = action; actionRepeater.widget = widget; actionRepeater.event = event; actionRepeater.numRepetitions = 0; actionRepeater.nextRepeatTime = 0; actionRepeater.screenIndex = activeScreen; // repeaters are cleared between screens if( action.GetParms().Num() == 2 ) { actionRepeater.repeatDelay = action.GetParms()[ 1 ].ToInteger(); } else { actionRepeater.repeatDelay = DEFAULT_REPEAT_TIME; } // do the first event immediately PumpWidgetActionRepeater(); } /* ======================== idMenuHandler::PumpWidgetActionRepeater ======================== */ void idMenuHandler::PumpWidgetActionRepeater() { if( !actionRepeater.isActive ) { return; } if( activeScreen != actionRepeater.screenIndex || nextScreen != activeScreen ) // || common->IsDialogActive() ) { { actionRepeater.isActive = false; return; } if( actionRepeater.nextRepeatTime > Sys_Milliseconds() ) { return; } // need to hold down longer on the first iteration before we continue to scroll if( actionRepeater.numRepetitions == 0 ) { actionRepeater.nextRepeatTime = Sys_Milliseconds() + 400; } else { actionRepeater.nextRepeatTime = Sys_Milliseconds() + actionRepeater.repeatDelay; } if( verify( actionRepeater.widget != NULL ) ) { actionRepeater.widget->HandleAction( actionRepeater.action, actionRepeater.event, actionRepeater.widget ); actionRepeater.numRepetitions++; } } /* ======================== idMenuHandler::ClearWidgetActionRepeater ======================== */ void idMenuHandler::ClearWidgetActionRepeater() { actionRepeater.isActive = false; }