/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" idCVar swf_debugShowAddress( "swf_debugShowAddress", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "shows addresses along with object types when they are serialized" ); /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t::~swfNamedVar_t ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t::~swfNamedVar_t() { } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t::operator= ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t& idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t::operator=( const swfNamedVar_t& other ) { if( &other != this ) { index = other.index; name = other.name; hashNext = other.hashNext; value = other.value; native = other.native; flags = other.flags; } return *this; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::idSWFScriptObject ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::idSWFScriptObject() : refCount( 1 ), noAutoDelete( false ), prototype( NULL ), objectType( SWF_OBJECT_OBJECT ) { data.sprite = NULL; data.text = NULL; Clear(); refCount = 1; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::~idSWFScriptObject ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::~idSWFScriptObject() { if( prototype != NULL ) { prototype->Release(); } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Alloc ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject* idSWFScriptObject::Alloc() { return new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFScriptObject; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::AddRef ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::AddRef() { refCount++; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Release ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::Release() { if( --refCount == 0 && !noAutoDelete ) { delete this; } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Clear ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::Clear() { variables.Clear(); for( int i = 0; i < VARIABLE_HASH_BUCKETS; i++ ) { variablesHash[i] = -1; } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::HasProperty ======================== */ bool idSWFScriptObject::HasProperty( const char* name ) { return ( GetVariable( name, false ) != NULL ); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::HasValidProperty ======================== */ bool idSWFScriptObject::HasValidProperty( const char* name ) { idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t* const variable = GetVariable( name, false ); if( variable == NULL ) { return false; } if( variable->native != NULL ) { idSWFScriptVar nv = variable->native->Get( this ); if( nv.IsNULL() || nv.IsUndefined() ) { return false; } } else { if( variable->value.IsNULL() || variable->value.IsUndefined() ) { return false; } } return true; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Get ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject::Get( const char* name ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( name, false ); if( variable == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } else { if( variable->native ) { return variable->native->Get( this ); } else { return variable->value; } } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Get ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject::Get( int index ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( index, false ); if( variable == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar(); } else { if( variable->native ) { return variable->native->Get( this ); } else { return variable->value; } } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetSprite ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetSprite( int index ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( index ); return var.ToSprite(); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetSprite ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetSprite( const char* name ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( name ); return var.ToSprite(); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetObject ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject* idSWFScriptObject::GetObject( int index ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( index ); if( var.IsObject() ) { return var.GetObject(); } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetObject ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject* idSWFScriptObject::GetObject( const char* name ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( name ); if( var.IsObject() ) { return var.GetObject(); } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetText ======================== */ idSWFTextInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetText( int index ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( index ); if( var.IsObject() ) { return var.GetObject()->GetText(); } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetText ======================== */ idSWFTextInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetText( const char* name ) { idSWFScriptVar var = Get( name ); if( var.IsObject() ) { return var.GetObject()->GetText(); } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Set ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::Set( const char* name, const idSWFScriptVar& value ) { if( objectType == SWF_OBJECT_ARRAY ) { if( idStr::Cmp( name, "length" ) == 0 ) { int newLength = value.ToInteger(); for( int i = 0; i < variables.Num(); i++ ) { if( variables[i].index >= newLength ) { variables.RemoveIndexFast( i ); i--; } } // rebuild the hash table for( int i = 0; i < VARIABLE_HASH_BUCKETS; i++ ) { variablesHash[i] = -1; } for( int i = 0; i < variables.Num(); i++ ) { int hash = idStr::Hash( variables[i].name.c_str() ) & ( VARIABLE_HASH_BUCKETS - 1 ); variables[i].hashNext = variablesHash[hash]; variablesHash[hash] = i; } } else { int iName = atoi( name ); if( iName > 0 || ( iName == 0 && idStr::Cmp( name, "0" ) == 0 ) ) { swfNamedVar_t* lengthVar = GetVariable( "length", true ); if( lengthVar->value.ToInteger() <= iName ) { lengthVar->value = idSWFScriptVar( iName + 1 ); } } } } swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( name, true ); if( variable->native ) { variable->native->Set( this, value ); } else if( ( variable->flags & SWF_VAR_FLAG_READONLY ) == 0 ) { variable->value = value; } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::Set ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::Set( int index, const idSWFScriptVar& value ) { if( index < 0 ) { extern idCVar swf_debug; if( swf_debug.GetBool() ) { idLib::Printf( "SWF: Trying to set a negative array index.\n" ); } return; } if( objectType == SWF_OBJECT_ARRAY ) { swfNamedVar_t* lengthVar = GetVariable( "length", true ); if( lengthVar->value.ToInteger() <= index ) { lengthVar->value = idSWFScriptVar( index + 1 ); } } swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( index, true ); if( variable->native ) { variable->native->Set( this, value ); } else if( ( variable->flags & SWF_VAR_FLAG_READONLY ) == 0 ) { variable->value = value; } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::SetNative ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::SetNative( const char* name, idSWFScriptNativeVariable* native ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( name, true ); variable->flags = SWF_VAR_FLAG_DONTENUM; variable->native = native; if( native->IsReadOnly() ) { variable->flags |= SWF_VAR_FLAG_READONLY; } } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::DefaultValue ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject::DefaultValue( bool stringHint ) { const char* methods[2] = { "toString", "valueOf" }; if( !stringHint ) { SwapValues( methods[0], methods[1] ); } for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { idSWFScriptVar method = Get( methods[i] ); if( method.IsFunction() ) { idSWFScriptVar value = method.GetFunction()->Call( this, idSWFParmList() ); if( !value.IsObject() && !value.IsFunction() ) { return value; } } } switch( objectType ) { case SWF_OBJECT_OBJECT: if( swf_debugShowAddress.GetBool() ) { return idSWFScriptVar( va( "[object:%p]", this ) ); } else { return idSWFScriptVar( "[object]" ); } case SWF_OBJECT_ARRAY: if( swf_debugShowAddress.GetBool() ) { return idSWFScriptVar( va( "[array:%p]", this ) ); } else { return idSWFScriptVar( "[array]" ); } case SWF_OBJECT_SPRITE: if( data.sprite != NULL ) { if( data.sprite->parent == NULL ) { return idSWFScriptVar( "[_root]" ); } else { return idSWFScriptVar( va( "[%s]", data.sprite->GetName() ) ); } } else { return idSWFScriptVar( "[NULL]" ); } case SWF_OBJECT_TEXT: if( swf_debugShowAddress.GetBool() ) { return idSWFScriptVar( va( "[edittext:%p]", this ) ); } else { return idSWFScriptVar( "[edittext]" ); } } return idSWFScriptVar( "[unknown]" ); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetVariable ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t* idSWFScriptObject::GetVariable( int index, bool create ) { for( int i = 0; i < variables.Num(); i++ ) { if( variables[i].index == index ) { return &variables[i]; } } if( create ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = &variables.Alloc(); variable->flags = SWF_VAR_FLAG_NONE; variable->index = index; variable->name = va( "%d", index ); variable->native = NULL; int hash = idStr::Hash( variable->name ) & ( VARIABLE_HASH_BUCKETS - 1 ); variable->hashNext = variablesHash[hash]; variablesHash[hash] = variables.Num() - 1; return variable; } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetVariable ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t* idSWFScriptObject::GetVariable( const char* name, bool create ) { int hash = idStr::Hash( name ) & ( VARIABLE_HASH_BUCKETS - 1 ); for( int i = variablesHash[hash]; i >= 0; i = variables[i].hashNext ) { if( variables[i].name == name ) { return &variables[i]; } } if( prototype != NULL ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = prototype->GetVariable( name, false ); if( ( variable != NULL ) && ( variable->native || !create ) ) { // If the variable is native, we want to pull it from the prototype even if we're going to set it return variable; } } if( create ) { swfNamedVar_t* variable = &variables.Alloc(); variable->flags = SWF_VAR_FLAG_NONE; variable->index = atoi( name ); if( variable->index == 0 && idStr::Cmp( name, "0" ) != 0 ) { variable->index = -1; } variable->name = name; variable->native = NULL; variable->hashNext = variablesHash[hash]; variablesHash[hash] = variables.Num() - 1; return variable; } return NULL; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::MakeArray ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::MakeArray() { objectType = SWF_OBJECT_ARRAY; swfNamedVar_t* variable = GetVariable( "length", true ); variable->value = idSWFScriptVar( 0 ); variable->flags = SWF_VAR_FLAG_DONTENUM; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedVar ======================== */ idSWFScriptVar idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedVar( const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3, const char* arg4, const char* arg5, const char* arg6 ) { const char* const args[] = { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 }; const int numArgs = sizeof( args ) / sizeof( const char* ); idStaticList< const char*, numArgs > vars; for( int i = 0; i < numArgs && args[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { vars.Append( args[ i ] ); } idSWFScriptObject* baseObject = this; idSWFScriptVar retVal; for( int i = 0; i < vars.Num(); ++i ) { idSWFScriptVar var = baseObject->Get( vars[ i ] ); // when at the end of object path just use the latest value as result if( i == vars.Num() - 1 ) { retVal = var; break; } // encountered variable in path that wasn't an object if( !var.IsObject() ) { retVal = idSWFScriptVar(); break; } baseObject = var.GetObject(); } return retVal; } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedObj ======================== */ idSWFScriptObject* idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedObj( const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3, const char* arg4, const char* arg5, const char* arg6 ) { idSWFScriptVar var = GetNestedVar( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 ); if( !var.IsObject() ) { return NULL; } return var.GetObject(); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedSprite ======================== */ idSWFSpriteInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedSprite( const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3, const char* arg4, const char* arg5, const char* arg6 ) { idSWFScriptVar var = GetNestedVar( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 ); return var.ToSprite(); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedText ======================== */ idSWFTextInstance* idSWFScriptObject::GetNestedText( const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3, const char* arg4, const char* arg5, const char* arg6 ) { idSWFScriptVar var = GetNestedVar( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 ); return var.ToText(); } /* ======================== idSWFScriptObject::PrintToConsole ======================== */ void idSWFScriptObject::PrintToConsole() const { if( variables.Num() > 0 ) { idLib::Printf( "%d subelements:\n", variables.Num() ); int maxVarLength = 0; for( int i = 0; i < variables.Num(); ++i ) { const idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t& nv = variables[ i ]; const int nameLength = idStr::Length( nv.name ); if( maxVarLength < nameLength ) { maxVarLength = nameLength; } } maxVarLength += 2; // a little extra padding const char* const fmt = va( "%%-%ds %%-10s %%-s\n", maxVarLength ); idLib::Printf( fmt, "Name", "Type", "Value" ); idLib::Printf( "------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); for( int i = 0; i < variables.Num(); ++i ) { const idSWFScriptObject::swfNamedVar_t& nv = variables[ i ]; idLib::Printf( fmt, nv.name.c_str(), nv.value.TypeOf(), nv.value.ToString().c_str() ); } } else { idLib::Printf( "No subelements\n" ); } }