/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop //#pragma optimize( "", off ) #include "dmap.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif /* New vertexes will be created where edges cross. optimization requires an accurate t junction fixer. */ idBounds optBounds; #define MAX_OPT_VERTEXES 0x10000 int numOptVerts; optVertex_t optVerts[MAX_OPT_VERTEXES]; #define MAX_OPT_EDGES 0x40000 static int numOptEdges; static optEdge_t optEdges[MAX_OPT_EDGES]; static bool IsTriangleValid( const optVertex_t* v1, const optVertex_t* v2, const optVertex_t* v3 ); static bool IsTriangleDegenerate( const optVertex_t* v1, const optVertex_t* v2, const optVertex_t* v3 ); static idRandom orandom; /* ============== ValidateEdgeCounts ============== */ static void ValidateEdgeCounts( optIsland_t* island ) { optVertex_t* vert; optEdge_t* e; int c; for( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) { c = 0; for( e = vert->edges ; e ; ) { c++; if( e->v1 == vert ) { e = e->v1link; } else if( e->v2 == vert ) { e = e->v2link; } else { common->Error( "ValidateEdgeCounts: mislinked" ); } } if( c != 2 && c != 0 ) { // this can still happen at diamond intersections // common->Printf( "ValidateEdgeCounts: %i edges\n", c ); } } } /* ==================== AllocEdge ==================== */ static optEdge_t* AllocEdge() { optEdge_t* e; if( numOptEdges == MAX_OPT_EDGES ) { common->Error( "MAX_OPT_EDGES" ); } e = &optEdges[ numOptEdges ]; numOptEdges++; memset( e, 0, sizeof( *e ) ); return e; } /* ==================== RemoveEdgeFromVert ==================== */ static void RemoveEdgeFromVert( optEdge_t* e1, optVertex_t* vert ) { optEdge_t** prev; optEdge_t* e; if( !vert ) { return; } prev = &vert->edges; while( *prev ) { e = *prev; if( e == e1 ) { if( e1->v1 == vert ) { *prev = e1->v1link; } else if( e1->v2 == vert ) { *prev = e1->v2link; } else { common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromVert: vert not found" ); } return; } if( e->v1 == vert ) { prev = &e->v1link; } else if( e->v2 == vert ) { prev = &e->v2link; } else { common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromVert: vert not found" ); } } } /* ==================== UnlinkEdge ==================== */ static void UnlinkEdge( optEdge_t* e, optIsland_t* island ) { optEdge_t** prev; RemoveEdgeFromVert( e, e->v1 ); RemoveEdgeFromVert( e, e->v2 ); for( prev = &island->edges ; *prev ; prev = &( *prev )->islandLink ) { if( *prev == e ) { *prev = e->islandLink; return; } } common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromIsland: couldn't free edge" ); } /* ==================== LinkEdge ==================== */ static void LinkEdge( optEdge_t* e ) { e->v1link = e->v1->edges; e->v1->edges = e; e->v2link = e->v2->edges; e->v2->edges = e; } /* ================ FindOptVertex ================ */ static optVertex_t* FindOptVertex( idDrawVert* v, optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { int i; float x, y; optVertex_t* vert; // deal with everything strictly as 2D x = v->xyz * opt->axis[0]; y = v->xyz * opt->axis[1]; // should we match based on the t-junction fixing hash verts? for( i = 0 ; i < numOptVerts ; i++ ) { if( optVerts[i].pv[0] == x && optVerts[i].pv[1] == y ) { return &optVerts[i]; } } if( numOptVerts >= MAX_OPT_VERTEXES ) { common->Error( "MAX_OPT_VERTEXES" ); return NULL; } numOptVerts++; vert = &optVerts[i]; memset( vert, 0, sizeof( *vert ) ); vert->v = *v; vert->pv[0] = x; vert->pv[1] = y; vert->pv[2] = 0; optBounds.AddPoint( vert->pv ); return vert; } /* ================ DrawAllEdges ================ */ static void DrawAllEdges() { // int i; if( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { return; } #if 0 Draw_ClearWindow(); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); for( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) { if( optEdges[i].v1 == NULL ) { continue; } qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( optEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( optEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); } qglEnd(); qglFlush(); // GLimp_SwapBuffers(); #endif } /* ================ DrawVerts ================ */ static void DrawVerts( optIsland_t* island ) { // optVertex_t *vert; if( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { return; } #if 0 qglEnable( GL_BLEND ); qglBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE ); qglColor3f( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f ); qglPointSize( 3 ); qglBegin( GL_POINTS ); for( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) { qglVertex3fv( vert->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); } qglEnd(); qglDisable( GL_BLEND ); qglFlush(); #endif } /* ================ DrawEdges ================ */ static void DrawEdges( optIsland_t* island ) { // optEdge_t *edge; if( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { return; } #if 0 Draw_ClearWindow(); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); for( edge = island->edges ; edge ; edge = edge->islandLink ) { if( edge->v1 == NULL ) { continue; } qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( edge->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( edge->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); } qglEnd(); qglFlush(); // GLimp_SwapBuffers(); #endif } //================================================================= /* ================= VertexBetween ================= */ static bool VertexBetween( const optVertex_t* p1, const optVertex_t* v1, const optVertex_t* v2 ) { idVec3 d1, d2; float d; d1 = p1->pv - v1->pv; d2 = p1->pv - v2->pv; d = d1 * d2; if( d < 0 ) { return true; } return false; } /* ==================== EdgeIntersection Creates a new optVertex_t where the line segments cross. This should only be called if PointsStraddleLine returned true Will return NULL if the lines are colinear ==================== */ static optVertex_t* EdgeIntersection( const optVertex_t* p1, const optVertex_t* p2, const optVertex_t* l1, const optVertex_t* l2, optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { float f; idDrawVert* v; idVec3 dir1, dir2, cross1, cross2; dir1 = p1->pv - l1->pv; dir2 = p1->pv - l2->pv; cross1 = dir1.Cross( dir2 ); dir1 = p2->pv - l1->pv; dir2 = p2->pv - l2->pv; cross2 = dir1.Cross( dir2 ); if( cross1[2] - cross2[2] == 0 ) { return NULL; } f = cross1[2] / ( cross1[2] - cross2[2] ); // FIXME: how are we freeing this, since it doesn't belong to a tri? v = ( idDrawVert* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *v ), TAG_TOOLS ); memset( v, 0, sizeof( *v ) ); v->xyz = p1->v.xyz * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.xyz * f; idVec3 normal = p1->v.GetNormal() * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.GetNormal() * f; normal.Normalize(); v->SetNormal( normal ); idVec2 st; st.x = p1->v.GetTexCoordS() * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.GetTexCoordS() * f; st.y = p1->v.GetTexCoordT() * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.GetTexCoordT() * f; v->SetTexCoord( st ); return FindOptVertex( v, opt ); } /* ==================== PointsStraddleLine Colinear is considdered crossing. ==================== */ static bool PointsStraddleLine( optVertex_t* p1, optVertex_t* p2, optVertex_t* l1, optVertex_t* l2 ) { bool t1, t2; t1 = IsTriangleDegenerate( l1, l2, p1 ); t2 = IsTriangleDegenerate( l1, l2, p2 ); if( t1 && t2 ) { // colinear case float s1, s2, s3, s4; bool positive, negative; s1 = ( p1->pv - l1->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv ); s2 = ( p2->pv - l1->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv ); s3 = ( p1->pv - l2->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv ); s4 = ( p2->pv - l2->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv ); if( s1 > 0 || s2 > 0 || s3 > 0 || s4 > 0 ) { positive = true; } else { positive = false; } if( s1 < 0 || s2 < 0 || s3 < 0 || s4 < 0 ) { negative = true; } else { negative = false; } if( positive && negative ) { return true; } return false; } else if( p1 != l1 && p1 != l2 && p2 != l1 && p2 != l2 ) { // no shared verts t1 = IsTriangleValid( l1, l2, p1 ); t2 = IsTriangleValid( l1, l2, p2 ); if( t1 && t2 ) { return false; } t1 = IsTriangleValid( l1, p1, l2 ); t2 = IsTriangleValid( l1, p2, l2 ); if( t1 && t2 ) { return false; } return true; } else { // a shared vert, not colinear, so not crossing return false; } } /* ==================== EdgesCross ==================== */ static bool EdgesCross( optVertex_t* a1, optVertex_t* a2, optVertex_t* b1, optVertex_t* b2 ) { // if both verts match, consider it to be crossed if( a1 == b1 && a2 == b2 ) { return true; } if( a1 == b2 && a2 == b1 ) { return true; } // if only one vert matches, it might still be colinear, which // would be considered crossing // if both lines' verts are on opposite sides of the other // line, it is crossed if( !PointsStraddleLine( a1, a2, b1, b2 ) ) { return false; } if( !PointsStraddleLine( b1, b2, a1, a2 ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* ==================== TryAddNewEdge ==================== */ static bool TryAddNewEdge( optVertex_t* v1, optVertex_t* v2, optIsland_t* island ) { optEdge_t* e; // if the new edge crosses any other edges, don't add it for( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) { if( EdgesCross( e->v1, e->v2, v1, v2 ) ) { return false; } } if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglColor3f( 0, ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) ) / 255.0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } // add it e = AllocEdge(); e->islandLink = island->edges; island->edges = e; e->v1 = v1; e->v2 = v2; e->created = true; // link the edge to its verts LinkEdge( e ); return true; } typedef struct { optVertex_t* v1, *v2; float length; } edgeLength_t; static int LengthSort( const void* a, const void* b ) { const edgeLength_t* ea, *eb; ea = ( const edgeLength_t* )a; eb = ( const edgeLength_t* )b; if( ea->length < eb->length ) { return -1; } if( ea->length > eb->length ) { return 1; } return 0; } /* ================== AddInteriorEdges Add all possible edges between the verts ================== */ static void AddInteriorEdges( optIsland_t* island ) { int c_addedEdges; optVertex_t* vert, *vert2; int c_verts; edgeLength_t* lengths; int numLengths; int i; DrawVerts( island ); // count the verts c_verts = 0; for( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) { if( !vert->edges ) { continue; } c_verts++; } // allocate space for all the lengths lengths = ( edgeLength_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *lengths ) * c_verts * c_verts / 2, TAG_TOOLS ); numLengths = 0; for( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) { if( !vert->edges ) { continue; } for( vert2 = vert->islandLink ; vert2 ; vert2 = vert2->islandLink ) { idVec3 dir; if( !vert2->edges ) { continue; } lengths[numLengths].v1 = vert; lengths[numLengths].v2 = vert2; dir = ( vert->pv - vert2->pv ) ; lengths[numLengths].length = dir.Length(); numLengths++; } } // sort by length, shortest first qsort( lengths, numLengths, sizeof( lengths[0] ), LengthSort ); // try to create them in that order c_addedEdges = 0; for( i = 0 ; i < numLengths ; i++ ) { if( TryAddNewEdge( lengths[i].v1, lengths[i].v2, island ) ) { c_addedEdges++; } } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i tested segments\n", numLengths ); common->Printf( "%6i added interior edges\n", c_addedEdges ); } Mem_Free( lengths ); } //================================================================== /* ==================== RemoveIfColinear ==================== */ #define COLINEAR_EPSILON 0.1 static void RemoveIfColinear( optVertex_t* ov, optIsland_t* island ) { optEdge_t* e, *e1, *e2; optVertex_t* v1 = NULL, *v2 = NULL, *v3 = NULL; idVec3 dir1, dir2; float len, dist; idVec3 point; idVec3 offset; float off; v2 = ov; // we must find exactly two edges before testing for colinear e1 = NULL; e2 = NULL; for( e = ov->edges ; e ; ) { if( !e1 ) { e1 = e; } else if( !e2 ) { e2 = e; } else { return; // can't remove a vertex with three edges } if( e->v1 == v2 ) { e = e->v1link; } else if( e->v2 == v2 ) { e = e->v2link; } else { common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" ); } } // can't remove if no edges if( !e1 ) { return; } if( !e2 ) { // this may still happen legally when a tiny triangle is // the only thing in a group common->Printf( "WARNING: vertex with only one edge\n" ); return; } if( e1->v1 == v2 ) { v1 = e1->v2; } else if( e1->v2 == v2 ) { v1 = e1->v1; } else { common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" ); } if( e2->v1 == v2 ) { v3 = e2->v2; } else if( e2->v2 == v2 ) { v3 = e2->v1; } else { common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" ); } if( v1 == v3 ) { common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" ); } // they must point in opposite directions dist = ( v3->pv - v2->pv ) * ( v1->pv - v2->pv ); if( dist >= 0 ) { return; } // see if they are colinear dir1 = v3->v.xyz - v1->v.xyz; len = dir1.Normalize(); dir2 = v2->v.xyz - v1->v.xyz; dist = dir2 * dir1; VectorMA( v1->v.xyz, dist, dir1, point ); offset = point - v2->v.xyz; off = offset.Length(); if( off > COLINEAR_EPSILON ) { return; } if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglColor3f( 1, 1, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglColor3f( 0, 1, 1 ); qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( v3->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } // replace the two edges with a single edge UnlinkEdge( e1, island ); UnlinkEdge( e2, island ); // v2 should have no edges now if( v2->edges ) { common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: didn't remove properly" ); } // if there is an existing edge that already // has these exact verts, we have just collapsed a // sliver triangle out of existance, and all the edges // can be removed for( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) { if( ( e->v1 == v1 && e->v2 == v3 ) || ( e->v1 == v3 && e->v2 == v1 ) ) { UnlinkEdge( e, island ); RemoveIfColinear( v1, island ); RemoveIfColinear( v3, island ); return; } } // if we can't add the combined edge, link // the originals back in if( !TryAddNewEdge( v1, v3, island ) ) { e1->islandLink = island->edges; island->edges = e1; LinkEdge( e1 ); e2->islandLink = island->edges; island->edges = e2; LinkEdge( e2 ); return; } // recursively try to combine both verts now, // because things may have changed since the last combine test RemoveIfColinear( v1, island ); RemoveIfColinear( v3, island ); } /* ==================== CombineColinearEdges ==================== */ static void CombineColinearEdges( optIsland_t* island ) { int c_edges; optVertex_t* ov; optEdge_t* e; c_edges = 0; for( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) { c_edges++; } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i original exterior edges\n", c_edges ); } for( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) { RemoveIfColinear( ov, island ); } c_edges = 0; for( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) { c_edges++; } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i optimized exterior edges\n", c_edges ); } } //================================================================== /* =================== FreeOptTriangles =================== */ static void FreeOptTriangles( optIsland_t* island ) { optTri_t* opt, *next; for( opt = island->tris ; opt ; opt = next ) { next = opt->next; Mem_Free( opt ); } island->tris = NULL; } /* ================= IsTriangleValid empty area will be considered invalid. Due to some truly aweful epsilon issues, a triangle can switch between valid and invalid depending on which order you look at the verts, so consider it invalid if any one of the possibilities is invalid. ================= */ static bool IsTriangleValid( const optVertex_t* v1, const optVertex_t* v2, const optVertex_t* v3 ) { idVec3 d1, d2, normal; d1 = v2->pv - v1->pv; d2 = v3->pv - v1->pv; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] <= 0 ) { return false; } d1 = v3->pv - v2->pv; d2 = v1->pv - v2->pv; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] <= 0 ) { return false; } d1 = v1->pv - v3->pv; d2 = v2->pv - v3->pv; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] <= 0 ) { return false; } return true; } /* ================= IsTriangleDegenerate Returns false if it is either front or back facing ================= */ static bool IsTriangleDegenerate( const optVertex_t* v1, const optVertex_t* v2, const optVertex_t* v3 ) { #if 1 idVec3 d1, d2, normal; d1 = v2->pv - v1->pv; d2 = v3->pv - v1->pv; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] == 0 ) { return true; } return false; #else return ( bool )!IsTriangleValid( v1, v2, v3 ); #endif } /* ================== PointInTri Tests if a 2D point is inside an original triangle ================== */ static bool PointInTri( const idVec3& p, const mapTri_t* tri, optIsland_t* island ) { idVec3 d1, d2, normal; // the normal[2] == 0 case is not uncommon when a square is triangulated in // the opposite manner to the original d1 = tri->optVert[0]->pv - p; d2 = tri->optVert[1]->pv - p; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] < 0 ) { return false; } d1 = tri->optVert[1]->pv - p; d2 = tri->optVert[2]->pv - p; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] < 0 ) { return false; } d1 = tri->optVert[2]->pv - p; d2 = tri->optVert[0]->pv - p; normal = d1.Cross( d2 ); if( normal[2] < 0 ) { return false; } return true; } /* ==================== LinkTriToEdge ==================== */ static void LinkTriToEdge( optTri_t* optTri, optEdge_t* edge ) { if( ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[0] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[1] ) || ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[1] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[2] ) || ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[2] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[0] ) ) { if( edge->backTri ) { common->Printf( "Warning: LinkTriToEdge: already in use\n" ); return; } edge->backTri = optTri; return; } if( ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[1] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[0] ) || ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[2] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[1] ) || ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[0] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[2] ) ) { if( edge->frontTri ) { common->Printf( "Warning: LinkTriToEdge: already in use\n" ); return; } edge->frontTri = optTri; return; } common->Error( "LinkTriToEdge: edge not found on tri" ); } /* =============== CreateOptTri =============== */ static void CreateOptTri( optVertex_t* first, optEdge_t* e1, optEdge_t* e2, optIsland_t* island ) { optEdge_t* opposite = NULL; optVertex_t* second = NULL, *third = NULL; optTri_t* optTri = NULL; mapTri_t* tri = NULL; if( e1->v1 == first ) { second = e1->v2; } else if( e1->v2 == first ) { second = e1->v1; } else { common->Error( "CreateOptTri: mislinked edge" ); } if( e2->v1 == first ) { third = e2->v2; } else if( e2->v2 == first ) { third = e2->v1; } else { common->Error( "CreateOptTri: mislinked edge" ); } if( !IsTriangleValid( first, second, third ) ) { common->Error( "CreateOptTri: invalid" ); } //DrawEdges( island ); // identify the third edge if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 qglColor3f( 1, 1, 0 ); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglVertex3fv( e1->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( e1->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); qglColor3f( 0, 1, 1 ); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglVertex3fv( e2->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( e2->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } for( opposite = second->edges ; opposite ; ) { if( opposite != e1 && ( opposite->v1 == third || opposite->v2 == third ) ) { break; } if( opposite->v1 == second ) { opposite = opposite->v1link; } else if( opposite->v2 == second ) { opposite = opposite->v2link; } else { common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" ); } } if( !opposite ) { common->Printf( "Warning: BuildOptTriangles: couldn't locate opposite\n" ); return; } if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 qglColor3f( 1, 0, 1 ); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglVertex3fv( opposite->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( opposite->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } // create new triangle optTri = ( optTri_t* )Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *optTri ), TAG_TOOLS ); optTri->v[0] = first; optTri->v[1] = second; optTri->v[2] = third; optTri->midpoint = ( optTri->v[0]->pv + optTri->v[1]->pv + optTri->v[2]->pv ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f ); optTri->next = island->tris; island->tris = optTri; if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 ); qglPointSize( 4 ); qglBegin( GL_POINTS ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->midpoint.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } // find the midpoint, and scan through all the original triangles to // see if it is inside any of them for( tri = island->group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) { if( PointInTri( optTri->midpoint, tri, island ) ) { break; } } if( tri ) { optTri->filled = true; } else { optTri->filled = false; } if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 if( optTri->filled ) { qglColor3f( ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) ) / 255.0, 0, 0 ); } else { qglColor3f( 0, ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) ) / 255.0, 0 ); } qglBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[0]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[1]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[2]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 ); qglBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[0]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[1]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[2]->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } // link the triangle to it's edges LinkTriToEdge( optTri, e1 ); LinkTriToEdge( optTri, e2 ); LinkTriToEdge( optTri, opposite ); } /* ==================== BuildOptTriangles Generate a new list of triangles from the optEdeges ==================== */ static void BuildOptTriangles( optIsland_t* island ) { optVertex_t* ov = NULL, *second = NULL, *third = NULL, *middle = NULL; optEdge_t* e1 = NULL, *e1Next = NULL, *e2 = NULL, *e2Next = NULL, *check = NULL, *checkNext = NULL; // free them FreeOptTriangles( island ); // clear the vertex emitted flags for( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) { ov->emited = false; } // clear the edge triangle links for( check = island->edges ; check ; check = check->islandLink ) { check->frontTri = check->backTri = NULL; } // check all possible triangle made up out of the // edges coming off the vertex for( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) { if( !ov->edges ) { continue; } #if 0 if( dmapGlobals.drawflag && ov == ( optVertex_t* )0x1845a60 ) { for( e1 = ov->edges ; e1 ; e1 = e1Next ) { qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( e1->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglVertex3fv( e1->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); if( e1->v1 == ov ) { e1Next = e1->v1link; } else if( e1->v2 == ov ) { e1Next = e1->v2link; } } } #endif for( e1 = ov->edges ; e1 ; e1 = e1Next ) { if( e1->v1 == ov ) { second = e1->v2; e1Next = e1->v1link; } else if( e1->v2 == ov ) { second = e1->v1; e1Next = e1->v2link; } else { common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" ); } // if the vertex has already been used, it can't be used again if( second->emited ) { continue; } for( e2 = ov->edges ; e2 ; e2 = e2Next ) { if( e2->v1 == ov ) { third = e2->v2; e2Next = e2->v1link; } else if( e2->v2 == ov ) { third = e2->v1; e2Next = e2->v2link; } else { common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" ); } if( e2 == e1 ) { continue; } // if the vertex has already been used, it can't be used again if( third->emited ) { continue; } // if the triangle is backwards or degenerate, don't use it if( !IsTriangleValid( ov, second, third ) ) { continue; } // see if any other edge bisects these two, which means // this triangle shouldn't be used for( check = ov->edges ; check ; check = checkNext ) { if( check->v1 == ov ) { middle = check->v2; checkNext = check->v1link; } else if( check->v2 == ov ) { middle = check->v1; checkNext = check->v2link; } else { common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" ); } if( check == e1 || check == e2 ) { continue; } if( IsTriangleValid( ov, second, middle ) && IsTriangleValid( ov, middle, third ) ) { break; // should use the subdivided ones } } if( check ) { continue; // don't use it } // the triangle is valid CreateOptTri( ov, e1, e2, island ); } } // later vertexes will not emit triangles that use an // edge that this vert has already used ov->emited = true; } } /* ==================== RegenerateTriangles Add new triangles to the group's regeneratedTris ==================== */ static void RegenerateTriangles( optIsland_t* island ) { optTri_t* optTri; mapTri_t* tri; int c_out; c_out = 0; for( optTri = island->tris ; optTri ; optTri = optTri->next ) { if( !optTri->filled ) { continue; } // create a new mapTri_t tri = AllocTri(); tri->material = island->group->material; tri->mergeGroup = island->group->mergeGroup; tri->v[0] = optTri->v[0]->v; tri->v[1] = optTri->v[1]->v; tri->v[2] = optTri->v[2]->v; idPlane plane; PlaneForTri( tri, plane ); if( plane.Normal() * dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[ island->group->planeNum ].Normal() <= 0 ) { // this can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in // optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space common->Printf( "WARNING: backwards triangle generated!\n" ); // discard it FreeTri( tri ); continue; } c_out++; tri->next = island->group->regeneratedTris; island->group->regeneratedTris = tri; } FreeOptTriangles( island ); if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i tris out\n", c_out ); } } //=========================================================================== /* ==================== RemoveInteriorEdges Edges that have triangles of the same type (filled / empty) on both sides will be removed ==================== */ static void RemoveInteriorEdges( optIsland_t* island ) { int c_interiorEdges; int c_exteriorEdges; optEdge_t* e, *next; bool front, back; c_exteriorEdges = 0; c_interiorEdges = 0; for( e = island->edges ; e ; e = next ) { // we might remove the edge, so get the next link now next = e->islandLink; if( !e->frontTri ) { front = false; } else { front = e->frontTri->filled; } if( !e->backTri ) { back = false; } else { back = e->backTri->filled; } if( front == back ) { // free the edge UnlinkEdge( e, island ); c_interiorEdges++; continue; } c_exteriorEdges++; } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i original interior edges\n", c_interiorEdges ); common->Printf( "%6i original exterior edges\n", c_exteriorEdges ); } } //================================================================================== typedef struct { optVertex_t* v1, *v2; } originalEdges_t; /* ================= AddEdgeIfNotAlready ================= */ void AddEdgeIfNotAlready( optVertex_t* v1, optVertex_t* v2 ) { optEdge_t* e; // make sure that there isn't an identical edge already added for( e = v1->edges ; e ; ) { if( ( e->v1 == v1 && e->v2 == v2 ) || ( e->v1 == v2 && e->v2 == v1 ) ) { return; // already added } if( e->v1 == v1 ) { e = e->v1link; } else if( e->v2 == v1 ) { e = e->v2link; } else { common->Error( "SplitEdgeByList: bad edge link" ); } } // this edge is a keeper e = AllocEdge(); e->v1 = v1; e->v2 = v2; e->islandLink = NULL; // link the edge to its verts LinkEdge( e ); } /* ================= DrawOriginalEdges ================= */ static void DrawOriginalEdges( int numOriginalEdges, originalEdges_t* originalEdges ) { // int i; if( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { return; } #if 0 Draw_ClearWindow(); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); for( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) { qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); } qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } typedef struct edgeCrossing_s { struct edgeCrossing_s* next; optVertex_t* ov; } edgeCrossing_t; static originalEdges_t* originalEdges; static int numOriginalEdges; /* ================= AddOriginalTriangle ================= */ static void AddOriginalTriangle( optVertex_t* v[3] ) { optVertex_t* v1, *v2; // if this triangle is backwards (possible with epsilon issues) // ignore it completely if( !IsTriangleValid( v[0], v[1], v[2] ) ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: backwards triangle in input!\n" ); return; } for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { v1 = v[i]; v2 = v[( i + 1 ) % 3]; if( v1 == v2 ) { // this probably shouldn't happen, because the // tri would be degenerate continue; } int j; // see if there is an existing one for( j = 0 ; j < numOriginalEdges ; j++ ) { if( originalEdges[j].v1 == v1 && originalEdges[j].v2 == v2 ) { break; } if( originalEdges[j].v2 == v1 && originalEdges[j].v1 == v2 ) { break; } } if( j == numOriginalEdges ) { // add it originalEdges[j].v1 = v1; originalEdges[j].v2 = v2; numOriginalEdges++; } } } /* ================= AddOriginalEdges ================= */ static void AddOriginalEdges( optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { mapTri_t* tri; optVertex_t* v[3]; int numTris; if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "----\n" ); common->Printf( "%6i original tris\n", CountTriList( opt->triList ) ); } optBounds.Clear(); // allocate space for max possible edges numTris = CountTriList( opt->triList ); originalEdges = ( originalEdges_t* )Mem_Alloc( numTris * 3 * sizeof( *originalEdges ), TAG_TOOLS ); numOriginalEdges = 0; // add all unique triangle edges numOptVerts = 0; numOptEdges = 0; for( tri = opt->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) { v[0] = tri->optVert[0] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[0], opt ); v[1] = tri->optVert[1] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[1], opt ); v[2] = tri->optVert[2] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[2], opt ); AddOriginalTriangle( v ); } } /* ===================== SplitOriginalEdgesAtCrossings ===================== */ void SplitOriginalEdgesAtCrossings( optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { int i, j, k, l; int numOriginalVerts; edgeCrossing_t** crossings; numOriginalVerts = numOptVerts; // now split any crossing edges and create optEdges // linked to the vertexes // debug drawing bounds dmapGlobals.drawBounds = optBounds; dmapGlobals.drawBounds[0][0] -= 2; dmapGlobals.drawBounds[0][1] -= 2; dmapGlobals.drawBounds[1][0] += 2; dmapGlobals.drawBounds[1][1] += 2; // generate crossing points between all the original edges crossings = ( edgeCrossing_t** )Mem_ClearedAlloc( numOriginalEdges * sizeof( *crossings ), TAG_TOOLS ); for( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) { if( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) { #if 0 DrawOriginalEdges( numOriginalEdges, originalEdges ); qglBegin( GL_LINES ); qglColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ); qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglColor3f( 0, 0, 1 ); qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() ); qglEnd(); qglFlush(); #endif } for( j = i + 1 ; j < numOriginalEdges ; j++ ) { optVertex_t* v1, *v2, *v3, *v4; optVertex_t* newVert; edgeCrossing_t* cross; v1 = originalEdges[i].v1; v2 = originalEdges[i].v2; v3 = originalEdges[j].v1; v4 = originalEdges[j].v2; if( !EdgesCross( v1, v2, v3, v4 ) ) { continue; } // this is the only point in optimization where // completely new points are created, and it only // happens if there is overlapping coplanar // geometry in the source triangles newVert = EdgeIntersection( v1, v2, v3, v4, opt ); if( !newVert ) { //common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) are colinear\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts, // j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts ); // !@# // colinear, so add both verts of each edge to opposite if( VertexBetween( v3, v1, v2 ) ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = v3; cross->next = crossings[i]; crossings[i] = cross; } if( VertexBetween( v4, v1, v2 ) ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = v4; cross->next = crossings[i]; crossings[i] = cross; } if( VertexBetween( v1, v3, v4 ) ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = v1; cross->next = crossings[j]; crossings[j] = cross; } if( VertexBetween( v2, v3, v4 ) ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = v2; cross->next = crossings[j]; crossings[j] = cross; } continue; } #if 0 if( newVert && newVert != v1 && newVert != v2 && newVert != v3 && newVert != v4 ) { common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) cross at new point %i\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts, j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts, newVert - optVerts ); } else if( newVert ) { common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) intersect at old point %i\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts, j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts, newVert - optVerts ); } #endif if( newVert != v1 && newVert != v2 ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = newVert; cross->next = crossings[i]; crossings[i] = cross; } if( newVert != v3 && newVert != v4 ) { cross = ( edgeCrossing_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ), TAG_TOOLS ); cross->ov = newVert; cross->next = crossings[j]; crossings[j] = cross; } } } // now split each edge by its crossing points // colinear edges will have duplicated edges added, but it won't hurt anything for( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) { edgeCrossing_t* cross, *nextCross; int numCross; optVertex_t** sorted; numCross = 0; for( cross = crossings[i] ; cross ; cross = cross->next ) { numCross++; } numCross += 2; // account for originals sorted = ( optVertex_t** )Mem_Alloc( numCross * sizeof( *sorted ), TAG_TOOLS ); sorted[0] = originalEdges[i].v1; sorted[1] = originalEdges[i].v2; j = 2; for( cross = crossings[i] ; cross ; cross = nextCross ) { nextCross = cross->next; sorted[j] = cross->ov; Mem_Free( cross ); j++; } // add all possible fragment combinations that aren't divided // by another point for( j = 0 ; j < numCross ; j++ ) { for( k = j + 1 ; k < numCross ; k++ ) { for( l = 0 ; l < numCross ; l++ ) { if( sorted[l] == sorted[j] || sorted[l] == sorted[k] ) { continue; } if( sorted[j] == sorted[k] ) { continue; } if( VertexBetween( sorted[l], sorted[j], sorted[k] ) ) { break; } } if( l == numCross ) { //common->Printf( "line %i fragment from point %i to %i\n", i, sorted[j] - optVerts, sorted[k] - optVerts ); AddEdgeIfNotAlready( sorted[j], sorted[k] ); } } } Mem_Free( sorted ); } Mem_Free( crossings ); Mem_Free( originalEdges ); // check for duplicated edges for( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) { for( j = i + 1 ; j < numOptEdges ; j++ ) { if( ( optEdges[i].v1 == optEdges[j].v1 && optEdges[i].v2 == optEdges[j].v2 ) || ( optEdges[i].v1 == optEdges[j].v2 && optEdges[i].v2 == optEdges[j].v1 ) ) { common->Printf( "duplicated optEdge\n" ); } } } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i original edges\n", numOriginalEdges ); common->Printf( "%6i edges after splits\n", numOptEdges ); common->Printf( "%6i original vertexes\n", numOriginalVerts ); common->Printf( "%6i vertexes after splits\n", numOptVerts ); } } //================================================================= /* =================== CullUnusedVerts Unlink any verts with no edges, so they won't be used in the retriangulation =================== */ static void CullUnusedVerts( optIsland_t* island ) { optVertex_t** prev, *vert; int c_keep, c_free; optEdge_t* edge; c_keep = 0; c_free = 0; for( prev = &island->verts ; *prev ; ) { vert = *prev; if( !vert->edges ) { // free it *prev = vert->islandLink; c_free++; } else { edge = vert->edges; if( ( edge->v1 == vert && !edge->v1link ) || ( edge->v2 == vert && !edge->v2link ) ) { // is is occasionally possible to get a vert // with only a single edge when colinear optimizations // crunch down a complex sliver UnlinkEdge( edge, island ); // free it *prev = vert->islandLink; c_free++; } else { prev = &vert->islandLink; c_keep++; } } } if( dmapGlobals.verbose ) { common->Printf( "%6i verts kept\n", c_keep ); common->Printf( "%6i verts freed\n", c_free ); } } /* ==================== OptimizeIsland At this point, all needed vertexes are already in the list, including any that were added at crossing points. Interior and colinear vertexes will be removed, and a new triangulation will be created. ==================== */ static void OptimizeIsland( optIsland_t* island ) { // add space-filling fake edges so we have a complete // triangulation of a convex hull before optimization AddInteriorEdges( island ); DrawEdges( island ); // determine all the possible triangles, and decide if // the are filled or empty BuildOptTriangles( island ); // remove interior vertexes that have filled triangles // between all their edges RemoveInteriorEdges( island ); DrawEdges( island ); ValidateEdgeCounts( island ); // remove vertexes that only have two colinear edges CombineColinearEdges( island ); CullUnusedVerts( island ); DrawEdges( island ); // add new internal edges between the remaining exterior edges // to give us a full triangulation again AddInteriorEdges( island ); DrawEdges( island ); // determine all the possible triangles, and decide if // the are filled or empty BuildOptTriangles( island ); // make mapTri_t out of the filled optTri_t RegenerateTriangles( island ); } /* ================ AddVertexToIsland_r ================ */ static void AddVertexToIsland_r( optVertex_t* vert, optIsland_t* island ) { optEdge_t* e; // we can't just check islandLink, because the // last vert will have a NULL if( vert->addedToIsland ) { return; } vert->addedToIsland = true; vert->islandLink = island->verts; island->verts = vert; for( e = vert->edges ; e ; ) { if( !e->addedToIsland ) { e->addedToIsland = true; e->islandLink = island->edges; island->edges = e; } if( e->v1 == vert ) { AddVertexToIsland_r( e->v2, island ); e = e->v1link; continue; } if( e->v2 == vert ) { AddVertexToIsland_r( e->v1, island ); e = e->v2link; continue; } common->Error( "AddVertexToIsland_r: mislinked vert" ); } } static void DontSeparateIslands( optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { int i; optIsland_t island; DrawAllEdges(); memset( &island, 0, sizeof( island ) ); island.group = opt; // link everything together for( i = 0 ; i < numOptVerts ; i++ ) { optVerts[i].islandLink = island.verts; island.verts = &optVerts[i]; } for( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) { optEdges[i].islandLink = island.edges; island.edges = &optEdges[i]; } OptimizeIsland( &island ); } /* ==================== OptimizeOptList ==================== */ static void OptimizeOptList( optimizeGroup_t* opt ) { optimizeGroup_t* oldNext; // fix the t junctions among this single list // so we can match edges // can we avoid doing this if colinear vertexes break edges? oldNext = opt->nextGroup; opt->nextGroup = NULL; FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( opt ); opt->nextGroup = oldNext; // create the 2D vectors dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[opt->planeNum].Normal().NormalVectors( opt->axis[0], opt->axis[1] ); AddOriginalEdges( opt ); SplitOriginalEdgesAtCrossings( opt ); #if 0 // seperate any discontinuous areas for individual optimization // to reduce the scope of the problem SeparateIslands( opt ); #else DontSeparateIslands( opt ); #endif // now free the hash verts FreeTJunctionHash(); // free the original list and use the new one FreeTriList( opt->triList ); opt->triList = opt->regeneratedTris; opt->regeneratedTris = NULL; } /* ================== SetGroupTriPlaneNums Copies the group planeNum to every triangle in each group ================== */ void SetGroupTriPlaneNums( optimizeGroup_t* groups ) { mapTri_t* tri; optimizeGroup_t* group; for( group = groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) { for( tri = group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) { tri->planeNum = group->planeNum; } } } /* =================== OptimizeGroupList This will also fix tjunctions =================== */ void OptimizeGroupList( optimizeGroup_t* groupList ) { int c_in, c_edge, c_tjunc2; optimizeGroup_t* group; if( !groupList ) { return; } c_in = CountGroupListTris( groupList ); // optimize and remove colinear edges, which will // re-introduce some t junctions for( group = groupList ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) { OptimizeOptList( group ); } c_edge = CountGroupListTris( groupList ); // fix t junctions again FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( groupList ); FreeTJunctionHash(); c_tjunc2 = CountGroupListTris( groupList ); SetGroupTriPlaneNums( groupList ); common->Printf( "----- OptimizeAreaGroups Results -----\n" ); common->Printf( "%6i tris in\n", c_in ); common->Printf( "%6i tris after edge removal optimization\n", c_edge ); common->Printf( "%6i tris after final t junction fixing\n", c_tjunc2 ); } /* ================== OptimizeEntity ================== */ void OptimizeEntity( uEntity_t* e ) { int i; common->Printf( "----- OptimizeEntity -----\n" ); for( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ ) { OptimizeGroupList( e->areas[i].groups ); } }