/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #pragma hdrstop #include "precompiled.h" #define SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME "profile.bin" idCVar profile_verbose( "profile_verbose", "0", CVAR_BOOL, "Turns on debug spam for profiles" ); /* ================================================ idProfileMgr ================================================ */ /* ======================== idProfileMgr ======================== */ idProfileMgr::idProfileMgr() : profileSaveProcessor( new( TAG_SAVEGAMES ) idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile ), profileLoadProcessor( new( TAG_SAVEGAMES ) idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile ), profile( NULL ), handle( 0 ) { } /* ================================================ ~idProfileMgr ================================================ */ idProfileMgr::~idProfileMgr() { } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::Init ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::Init( idLocalUser* user_ ) { user = user_; handle = 0; } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::Pump ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::Pump() { // profile can be NULL if we forced the user to register as in the case of map-ing into a level from the press start screen if( profile == NULL ) { return; } // See if we are done with saving/loading the profile bool saving = profile->GetState() == idPlayerProfile::SAVING; bool loading = profile->GetState() == idPlayerProfile::LOADING; if( ( saving || loading ) && session->IsSaveGameCompletedFromHandle( handle ) ) { profile->SetState( idPlayerProfile::IDLE ); if( saving ) { // Done saving } else if( loading ) { // Done loading const idSaveLoadParms& parms = profileLoadProcessor->GetParms(); if( parms.GetError() == SAVEGAME_E_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND || parms.GetError() == SAVEGAME_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { profile->SaveSettings( true ); } else if( parms.GetError() == SAVEGAME_E_CORRUPTED ) { idLib::Warning( "Profile corrupt, creating a new one..." ); common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_CORRUPT_PROFILE, DIALOG_CONTINUE, NULL, NULL, false ); profile->SetDefaults(); profile->SaveSettings( true ); } else if( parms.GetError() != SAVEGAME_E_NONE ) { profile->SetState( idPlayerProfile::ERR ); } session->OnLocalUserProfileLoaded( user ); } } else if( saving || loading ) { return; } // See if we need to save/load the profile if( profile->GetRequestedState() == idPlayerProfile::SAVE_REQUESTED && profile->IsDirty() ) { profile->MarkDirty( false ); SaveSettingsAsync(); // Syncs the steam data //session->StoreStats(); profile->SetRequestedState( idPlayerProfile::IDLE ); } else if( profile->GetRequestedState() == idPlayerProfile::LOAD_REQUESTED ) { LoadSettingsAsync(); profile->SetRequestedState( idPlayerProfile::IDLE ); } } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::GetProfile ======================== */ idPlayerProfile* idProfileMgr::GetProfile() { assert( user != NULL ); if( profile == NULL ) { // Lazy instantiation // Create a new profile profile = idPlayerProfile::CreatePlayerProfile( user->GetInputDevice() ); if( profile == NULL ) { return NULL; } } bool loading = ( profile->GetState() == idPlayerProfile::LOADING ) || ( profile->GetRequestedState() == idPlayerProfile::LOAD_REQUESTED ); if( loading ) { return NULL; } return profile; } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::SaveSettingsAsync ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::SaveSettingsAsync() { if( !saveGame_enable.GetBool() ) { idLib::Warning( "Skipping profile save because saveGame_enable = 0" ); } if( GetProfile() != NULL ) { // Issue the async save... if( profileSaveProcessor->InitSaveProfile( profile, "" ) ) { profileSaveProcessor->AddCompletedCallback( MakeCallback( this, &idProfileMgr::OnSaveSettingsCompleted, &profileSaveProcessor->GetParmsNonConst() ) ); handle = session->GetSaveGameManager().ExecuteProcessor( profileSaveProcessor.get() ); profile->SetState( idPlayerProfile::SAVING ); } } else { idLib::Warning( "Not saving profile, profile is NULL." ); } } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::LoadSettingsAsync ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::LoadSettingsAsync() { if( profile != NULL && saveGame_enable.GetBool() ) { if( profileLoadProcessor->InitLoadProfile( profile, "" ) ) { // Skip the not found error because this might be the first time to play the game! profileLoadProcessor->SetSkipSystemErrorDialogMask( SAVEGAME_E_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | SAVEGAME_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); profileLoadProcessor->AddCompletedCallback( MakeCallback( this, &idProfileMgr::OnLoadSettingsCompleted, &profileLoadProcessor->GetParmsNonConst() ) ); handle = session->GetSaveGameManager().ExecuteProcessor( profileLoadProcessor.get() ); profile->SetState( idPlayerProfile::LOADING ); } } else { // If not able to save the profile, just change the state and leave if( profile == NULL ) { idLib::Warning( "Not loading profile, profile is NULL." ); } if( !saveGame_enable.GetBool() ) { idLib::Warning( "Skipping profile load because saveGame_enable = 0" ); } } } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::OnLoadSettingsCompleted ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::OnLoadSettingsCompleted( idSaveLoadParms* parms ) { // Don't process if error already detected if( parms->errorCode != SAVEGAME_E_NONE ) { return; } // Serialize the loaded profile idFile_SaveGame** profileFileContainer = FindFromGenericPtr( parms->files, SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME ); idFile_SaveGame* profileFile = profileFileContainer == NULL ? NULL : *profileFileContainer; bool foundProfile = profileFile != NULL && profileFile->Length() > 0; if( foundProfile ) { idTempArray< byte > buffer( MAX_PROFILE_SIZE ); // Serialize settings from this buffer profileFile->MakeReadOnly(); unsigned int originalChecksum; profileFile->ReadBig( originalChecksum ); int dataLength = profileFile->Length() - ( int )sizeof( originalChecksum ); profileFile->ReadBigArray( buffer.Ptr(), dataLength ); // Validate the checksum before we let the game serialize the settings unsigned int checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer.Ptr(), dataLength ); if( originalChecksum != checksum ) { idLib::Warning( "Checksum: 0x%08x, originalChecksum: 0x%08x, size = %d", checksum, originalChecksum, dataLength ); parms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_CORRUPTED; } else { idBitMsg msg; msg.InitRead( buffer.Ptr(), ( int )buffer.Size() ); idSerializer ser( msg, false ); if( !profile->Serialize( ser ) ) { parms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_CORRUPTED; } } } else { parms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } /* ======================== idProfileMgr::OnSaveSettingsCompleted ======================== */ void idProfileMgr::OnSaveSettingsCompleted( idSaveLoadParms* parms ) { common->Dialog().ShowSaveIndicator( false ); if( parms->GetError() != SAVEGAME_E_NONE ) { common->Dialog().AddDialog( GDM_PROFILE_SAVE_ERROR, DIALOG_CONTINUE, NULL, NULL, false ); } if( game ) { game->Shell_UpdateSavedGames(); } } /* ================================================ idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile ================================================ */ /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile ======================== */ idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile() { profileFile = NULL; profile = NULL; } /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::InitSaveProfile ======================== */ bool idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::InitSaveProfile( idPlayerProfile* profile_, const char* folder ) { // Serialize the profile and pass a file to the processor profileFile = new( TAG_SAVEGAMES ) idFile_SaveGame( SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME, SAVEGAMEFILE_BINARY | SAVEGAMEFILE_AUTO_DELETE ); profileFile->MakeWritable(); profileFile->SetMaxLength( MAX_PROFILE_SIZE ); // Create a serialization object and let the game serialize the settings into the buffer const int serializeSize = MAX_PROFILE_SIZE - 8; // -8 for checksum (all platforms) and length (on 360) idTempArray< byte > buffer( serializeSize ); idBitMsg msg; msg.InitWrite( buffer.Ptr(), serializeSize ); idSerializer ser( msg, true ); profile_->Serialize( ser ); // Get and write the checksum & length first unsigned int checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( msg.GetReadData(), msg.GetSize() ); profileFile->WriteBig( checksum ); idLib::PrintfIf( profile_verbose.GetBool(), "checksum: 0x%08x, length: %d\n", checksum, msg.GetSize() ); // Add data to the file and prepare for save profileFile->Write( msg.GetReadData(), msg.GetSize() ); profileFile->MakeReadOnly(); saveFileEntryList_t files; files.Append( profileFile ); idSaveGameDetails description; if( !idSaveGameProcessorSaveFiles::InitSave( folder, files, description, idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_PROFILE ) ) { return false; } profile = profile_; return true; } /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::Process ======================== */ bool idSaveGameProcessorSaveProfile::Process() { // Files already setup for save, just execute as normal files return idSaveGameProcessorSaveFiles::Process(); } /* ================================================ idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile ================================================ */ /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile ======================== */ idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile() { profileFile = NULL; profile = NULL; } /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::~idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile ======================== */ idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::~idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile() { } /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::InitLoadFiles ======================== */ bool idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::InitLoadProfile( idPlayerProfile* profile_, const char* folder_ ) { if( !idSaveGameProcessor::Init() ) { return false; } parms.directory = AddSaveFolderPrefix( folder_, idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_PROFILE ); parms.description.slotName = folder_; parms.mode = SAVEGAME_MBF_LOAD; profileFile = new( TAG_SAVEGAMES ) idFile_SaveGame( SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME, SAVEGAMEFILE_BINARY | SAVEGAMEFILE_AUTO_DELETE ); parms.files.Append( profileFile ); profile = profile_; return true; } /* ======================== idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::Process ======================== */ bool idSaveGameProcessorLoadProfile::Process() { return idSaveGameProcessorLoadFiles::Process(); } /* ======================== Sys_SaveGameProfileCheck ======================== */ bool Sys_SaveGameProfileCheck() { bool exists = false; const char* saveFolder = "savegame"; if( fileSystem->IsFolder( saveFolder, "fs_savePath" ) == FOLDER_YES ) { idFileList* files = fileSystem->ListFiles( saveFolder, SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME ); const idStrList& fileList = files->GetList(); for( int i = 0; i < fileList.Num(); i++ ) { idStr filename = fileList[i]; if( filename == SAVEGAME_PROFILE_FILENAME ) { exists = true; break; } } fileSystem->FreeFileList( files ); } return exists; }