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RBDOOM-3-BFG Release Notes - https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG
Thank you for downloading RBDOOM-3-BFG.
TBD - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.5.0
## .plan - Oct 20, 2022
This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch fixes several issues in the AAS builder with the dmap glTF2 workflow.
* Removal of backface generation in idAASBuild for polygon meshes
* Fixed dmap crash while trying to merge leaf nodes
* Add move semantics to idList and idStr (thanks Admer)
* idListArrayResize uses std::move
* idStr implements move constructor
* and move operator
* mpMap_t also implements a move operator
* Fix snprintf() buffer length issues for Doom Classic on Linux with GCC 12 compiler
## .plan - Oct 1, 2022
This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch repairs the loading of animated glTF2 models (thanks to Harrie van Ginneken) and an updated version of TrenchBroom.
All models need to be reexported by Blender using the enabled +Y Up option.
Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:
Format: glTF Binary (.glb)
Transform: +Y Up On
Materials: Export
Images: None
Compression: Off
Data: Custom Properties On
Animation: Animation On, Shape Keys On, Skinning On
* Added new Imgui Aritulated Figure editor by Stephen Pridham (forgot to mention this in the last Changelog)
* Fixed math problem and transposed idMat4::ToMat3()
* Repaired glTF2 skeletal animations for the Y-Up case
* Fixed glTF2 boneless TRS animations
* Fixed dmap .glb world+entity geom for the Y-Up case
* Renormalize normals & tangents from dmap .glb import
* Fixed random Unknown punctuation error while loading a glTF2 model
* Transform entity geometry for dmap -glview .obj output into world space
* Moved BSP visualization into separate dmap -asciiTree option
* Renamed custom TrenchBroom fork to TrenchBroomBFG
* Change TrenchBroomBFG to only load Doom 3 related game profiles as it breaks compatibility to other Quake based games
* TrenchBroomBFG was updated with the latest TrenchBroom/master code which involves a couple of bugfixes for linked groups (instancing)
* If you turn off certain brushes like visportals in the View Options you won't accidently select by clicking to brushes behind them
## .plan - Sep 25, 2022
This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch improves the glTF2 support for mapping with Blender and adds back OGG Vorbis support for custom soundtracks.
Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:
Format: glTF Binary (.glb)
Transform: +Y Up Off <-- BIG CHANGE: it was On last time
Materials: Export
Images: None
Compression: Off
Data: Custom Properties On
Similar to modern Quake sourceports users can now just throw their favorite soundtrack into base/music/ like base/music/aqm/*.ogg or into a modfolder/music/ path.
The game will play automatically it in the background as a looping track until the end of the map.
Each map will pick a different track but mappers can also define a "music" track in the worldspawn entity.
You can also fine tune the volume of each track if you write a sound shader for your files.
There is an example in mod_alternativequakemusic/sound/_rbdoom_aqm_tracks.sndshd for the Alternative Quake Music sound track.
* Improved Quake .map converter to get Makkon's samplemaps working
* Tweaked dmap -glview option to dump an .obj next to the .proc file with similar content and to print an ASCII art BSP tree in the proc file
* Bumped the required C++ standard to C++14
* TrenchBroom's glTF2 support was changed to properly display models that were exported from Blender with the +Y-Up option ticked OFF
* Added ancient oggvorbis code from vanilla Doom 3
* Merged Ogg Vorbis support from DNF id Tech 4 branch (thanks to Justin Marshall for making .ogg working with the BFG sound engine)
* Scan for music/*.ogg files and play a different track for each map
* You can start the Vulkan backend with +set r_graphicsAPI Vulkan
* Fixed several Vulkan related bugs like the swapchain problem. It is not playable yet
* The Icedhellfire mod contains AAS files for the ROE maps
## .plan - Sep 04, 2022
This build based on the 635-nvrhi3 branch adds glTF2 support to RBDOOM-3-BFG and TrenchBroom.
Big thanks to Harrie van Ginneken (VrKnight) for contributing this major feature.
The glTF2 support doesn't rely on thirdparty loaders and is a native id Tech 4x implementation.
Material names in Blender need to be 1:1 the material names defined in the corresponding materials/*.mtr files.
Models are expected to be exported by Blender with the following settings:
Format: glTF Binary (.glb)
Transform: +Y Up
Materials: Export
Images: None
Compression: Off
Data: Custom Properties On
* Added glTF2 model loader for static and animated models
* Changed dmap to support compiling maps from gtTF2 .glb models instead of .map files
* Added support for MapPolygonMeshes to the AAS compiler
* TrenchBroom uses Assimp for glTF2 support and is based on branch doom3-support9 using TB/master from Jul 06, 2022
This build also gives a preview of the Iced Hellfire Mod by Justin Marshall (icecoldduke):
It features native weapon and monster AI implementations in C++ and Quake 3 multiplayer bots.
I added a couple of bugfixes and compiled the deathmatch maps with runAAS so you can try the multiplayer bots with the "fillbots" command.
The directory "mod_icedhellfire" contains the necessary updated AAS files for the multiplayer maps.
In order to play the mod you only need to start DoomIcedHellfire.exe without extra parameters.
## .plan - Jul 03, 2022
This build targets several problems when using the bakeEnvironmentProbes and bakeLightGrid commands using the NVRHI/DX12 backend.
So the commands are producing the same results as the OpenGL backend now.
* Don't use TAA jitter when capturing env probes!
* Always clear the envprobe FBO for lightgrid capturing
* Print engine version when starting to write a qconsole.log
* Fixed window icon by adding the missing doom.rc
## .plan - Jun 27, 2022
This build targets several problems when compiling maps with dmap and it adds GPU Skinning to the DX12 backend.
* Merged GPU skinning code by SP and did additional refactoring
* Don't generate collision models for every rendermodel in advance. Restored vanilla Doom 3 behaviour.
* Dmap: always write a .cm file, especially when overwriting from a mod dir
* Support the Valve 220 texture projection in MapPolygonMesh::ConvertFromBrush()
* Automatically remove map collision .cm, .bcm files before running dmap
* Crashfix: Don't refesh the screen using prints during engine shutdown
## .plan - Jun 5, 2022
This build targets the NVRHI/DX12 crash problems that have been reported since the last build.
* Fixed rendering of FFmpeg, Binkdec videos and Doomclassic modes #648 677
* Separate bind set for material textures in the light passes to avoid allocation problems #676
* Fixed chromatic aberration on right/bottom screen corners
## .plan - May 29, 2022
This version replaces OpenGL with DX12 using the NVRHI API.
NVRHI (NVIDIA Rendering Hardware Interface) is a library that implements a common abstraction layer over multiple graphics APIs (GAPIs): Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, and Vulkan 1.2. It works on Windows (x64 only) and Linux (x64 and ARM64).
The initial port to NVRHI and major work was done by Stephen Pridham. Big thanks for that!
* Renderer uses DX12 instead of OpenGL. Vulkan isn't supported yet
* SMAA has been replaced with a Temporal Anti Aliasing solution by Nvidia. This not only fixes geometric aliasing but also shader based aliasing like extreme specular highlights by the PBR shaders.
* The MSAA option is gone for the moment
* Shadow mapping uses a fat shadowmap atlas instead of switching between shadowmap buffers and the HDR render target for each light
* Shaders are not compiled at runtime anymore. They are compiled in advance by CMake using the DXC shader compiler and distributed in binary form under base/renderprogs2/dxil/*.bin
* All shaders have been rewritten to proper HLSL
06 March 2022 - RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.4.0
## .plan
This version improves support for mapping with TrenchBroom. Until now you needed to extract and copy the vanilla Doom 3 models and textures over to the base/ folder to see the content in the TrenchBroom entity browser and texture viewer.
Owning the original game next to the BFG edition is not necessary anymore.
This version comes with a couple of new RBDOOM-3-BFG console commands that lets you export particular parts of the .resources files to the base/_tb/ folder.
You need to call exportImagesToTrenchBroom once and you are good to go to start mapping with the TrenchBroom level editor.
TrenchBroom comes with several more Doom 3 specific changes. After loading a map TrenchBroom generates unique entity names and also fixes missing or bad "model" keys for brush based entitites.
Also creating new entities like light will automatically receive names like light_2.
This patch also contains a couple of func_group related bugfixes. func_group works now with brush based entities, point entities and just regular brushes.
## Changelog
* Tweaked exportFGD command for new icons
* Added new icons to TrenchBroom for certain entities like lights, speakers or particle emitters
* TrenchBroom offers a dropdown menu to select the Quake 1 light style for lights
* Drastically improved loading time of textures for materials in TrenchBroom
* Added RBDoom console command convertMapToValve220 `