/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Common_local.h" #include "ConsoleHistory.h" #include "../renderer/AutoRenderBink.h" #include "../sound/sound.h" // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) #include "../../doomclassic/doom/doomlib.h" #include "../../doomclassic/doom/d_event.h" #include "../../doomclassic/doom/d_main.h" #endif // RB end #include "../sys/sys_savegame.h" #include "idlib/sys/sys_defines.h" #if defined( _DEBUG ) #define BUILD_DEBUG "-debug" #else #define BUILD_DEBUG "" #endif struct version_s { version_s() { sprintf( string, "%s.%d%s %s %s %s", ENGINE_VERSION, BUILD_NUMBER, BUILD_DEBUG, BUILD_STRING, __DATE__, __TIME__ ); } char string[256]; } version; idCVar com_version( "si_version", version.string, CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ROM | CVAR_SERVERINFO, "engine version" ); idCVar com_forceGenericSIMD( "com_forceGenericSIMD", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "force generic platform independent SIMD" ); #ifdef ID_RETAIL idCVar com_allowConsole( "com_allowConsole", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT, "allow toggling console with the tilde key" ); #else idCVar com_allowConsole( "com_allowConsole", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INIT, "allow toggling console with the tilde key" ); #endif idCVar com_developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "developer mode" ); idCVar com_speeds( "com_speeds", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "show engine timings" ); // DG: support "com_showFPS 2" for fps-only view like in classic doom3 => make it CVAR_INTEGER idCVar com_showFPS( "com_showFPS", "0", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "show frames rendered per second. 0: off 1: default bfg values, 2: only show FPS (classic view)" ); // DG end idCVar com_showMemoryUsage( "com_showMemoryUsage", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "show total and per frame memory usage" ); idCVar com_updateLoadSize( "com_updateLoadSize", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "update the load size after loading a map" ); idCVar com_productionMode( "com_productionMode", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "0 - no special behavior, 1 - building a production build, 2 - running a production build" ); idCVar com_japaneseCensorship( "com_japaneseCensorship", "0", CVAR_NOCHEAT, "Enable Japanese censorship" ); idCVar preload_CommonAssets( "preload_CommonAssets", "1", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "preload common assets" ); idCVar net_inviteOnly( "net_inviteOnly", "1", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "whether or not the private server you create allows friends to join or invite only" ); // DG: add cvar for pause idCVar com_pause( "com_pause", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "set to 1 to pause game, to 0 to unpause again" ); // DG end extern idCVar g_demoMode; idCVar com_engineHz( "com_engineHz", "60", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Frames per second the engine runs at", 10.0f, 1024.0f ); float com_engineHz_latched = 60.0f; // Latched version of cvar, updated between map loads int64 com_engineHz_numerator = 100LL * 1000LL; int64 com_engineHz_denominator = 100LL * 60LL; // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) HWND com_hwndMsg = NULL; #endif // RB end #ifdef __DOOM_DLL__ idGame* game = NULL; idGameEdit* gameEdit = NULL; #endif idCommonLocal commonLocal; idCommon* common = &commonLocal; // RB: defaulted this to 1 because we don't have a sound for the intro .bik video idCVar com_skipIntroVideos( "com_skipIntroVideos", "1", CVAR_BOOL , "skips intro videos" ); // For doom classic struct Globals; /* ================== idCommonLocal::idCommonLocal ================== */ idCommonLocal::idCommonLocal() : readSnapshotIndex( 0 ), writeSnapshotIndex( 0 ), optimalPCTBuffer( 0.5f ), optimalTimeBuffered( 0.0f ), optimalTimeBufferedWindow( 0.0f ), lastPacifierSessionTime( 0 ), lastPacifierGuiTime( 0 ), lastPacifierDialogState( false ), showShellRequested( false ) // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) , currentGame( DOOM3_BFG ), idealCurrentGame( DOOM3_BFG ), doomClassicMaterial( NULL ) #endif // RB end { snapCurrent.localTime = -1; snapPrevious.localTime = -1; snapCurrent.serverTime = -1; snapPrevious.serverTime = -1; snapTimeBuffered = 0.0f; effectiveSnapRate = 0.0f; totalBufferedTime = 0; totalRecvTime = 0; com_fullyInitialized = false; com_refreshOnPrint = false; com_errorEntered = ERP_NONE; com_shuttingDown = false; com_isJapaneseSKU = false; logFile = NULL; strcpy( errorMessage, "" ); rd_buffer = NULL; rd_buffersize = 0; rd_flush = NULL; gameDLL = 0; loadGUI = NULL; nextLoadTip = 0; isHellMap = false; wipeForced = false; defaultLoadscreen = false; menuSoundWorld = NULL; insideUpdateScreen = false; insideExecuteMapChange = false; mapSpawnData.savegameFile = NULL; currentMapName.Clear(); aviDemoShortName.Clear(); renderWorld = NULL; soundWorld = NULL; menuSoundWorld = NULL; readDemo = NULL; writeDemo = NULL; gameFrame = 0; gameTimeResidual = 0; syncNextGameFrame = true; mapSpawned = false; aviCaptureMode = false; timeDemo = TD_NO; nextSnapshotSendTime = 0; nextUsercmdSendTime = 0; clientPrediction = 0; saveFile = NULL; stringsFile = NULL; ClearWipe(); } /* ================== idCommonLocal::Quit ================== */ void idCommonLocal::Quit() { // don't try to shutdown if we are in a recursive error if( !com_errorEntered ) { Shutdown(); } Sys_Quit(); } /* ============================================================================ COMMAND LINE FUNCTIONS + characters separate the commandLine string into multiple console command lines. All of these are valid: doom +set test blah +map test doom set test blah+map test doom set test blah + map test ============================================================================ */ #define MAX_CONSOLE_LINES 32 int com_numConsoleLines; idCmdArgs com_consoleLines[MAX_CONSOLE_LINES]; /* ================== idCommonLocal::ParseCommandLine ================== */ void idCommonLocal::ParseCommandLine( int argc, const char* const* argv ) { int i, current_count; com_numConsoleLines = 0; current_count = 0; // API says no program path for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { if( idStr::Icmp( argv[ i ], "+connect_lobby" ) == 0 ) { // Handle Steam bootable invites. // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) session->HandleBootableInvite( _atoi64( argv[ i + 1 ] ) ); #else session->HandleBootableInvite( atol( argv[ i + 1 ] ) ); #endif // RB end } else if( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '+' ) { com_numConsoleLines++; com_consoleLines[ com_numConsoleLines - 1 ].AppendArg( argv[ i ] + 1 ); } else { if( !com_numConsoleLines ) { com_numConsoleLines++; } com_consoleLines[ com_numConsoleLines - 1 ].AppendArg( argv[ i ] ); } } } /* ================== idCommonLocal::SafeMode Check for "safe" on the command line, which will skip loading of config file (DoomConfig.cfg) ================== */ bool idCommonLocal::SafeMode() { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < com_numConsoleLines ; i++ ) { if( !idStr::Icmp( com_consoleLines[ i ].Argv( 0 ), "safe" ) || !idStr::Icmp( com_consoleLines[ i ].Argv( 0 ), "cvar_restart" ) ) { com_consoleLines[ i ].Clear(); return true; } } return false; } /* ================== idCommonLocal::StartupVariable Searches for command line parameters that are set commands. If match is not NULL, only that cvar will be looked for. That is necessary because cddir and basedir need to be set before the filesystem is started, but all other sets should be after execing the config and default. ================== */ void idCommonLocal::StartupVariable( const char* match ) { int i = 0; while( i < com_numConsoleLines ) { if( strcmp( com_consoleLines[ i ].Argv( 0 ), "set" ) != 0 ) { i++; continue; } const char* s = com_consoleLines[ i ].Argv( 1 ); if( !match || !idStr::Icmp( s, match ) ) { cvarSystem->SetCVarString( s, com_consoleLines[ i ].Argv( 2 ) ); } i++; } } /* ================== idCommonLocal::AddStartupCommands Adds command line parameters as script statements Commands are separated by + signs Returns true if any late commands were added, which will keep the demoloop from immediately starting ================== */ void idCommonLocal::AddStartupCommands() { // quote every token, so args with semicolons can work for( int i = 0; i < com_numConsoleLines; i++ ) { if( !com_consoleLines[i].Argc() ) { continue; } // directly as tokenized so nothing gets screwed cmdSystem->BufferCommandArgs( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, com_consoleLines[i] ); } } /* ================== idCommonLocal::WriteConfigToFile ================== */ void idCommonLocal::WriteConfigToFile( const char* filename ) { idFile* f = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( filename ); if( !f ) { Printf( "Couldn't write %s.\n", filename ); return; } idKeyInput::WriteBindings( f ); cvarSystem->WriteFlaggedVariables( CVAR_ARCHIVE, "set", f ); fileSystem->CloseFile( f ); } /* =============== idCommonLocal::WriteConfiguration Writes key bindings and archived cvars to config file if modified =============== */ void idCommonLocal::WriteConfiguration() { // if we are quiting without fully initializing, make sure // we don't write out anything if( !com_fullyInitialized ) { return; } if( !( cvarSystem->GetModifiedFlags() & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ) { return; } cvarSystem->ClearModifiedFlags( CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // save to the profile idLocalUser* user = session->GetSignInManager().GetMasterLocalUser(); if( user != NULL ) { user->SaveProfileSettings(); } #ifdef CONFIG_FILE // disable printing out the "Writing to:" message bool developer = com_developer.GetBool(); com_developer.SetBool( false ); WriteConfigToFile( CONFIG_FILE ); // restore the developer cvar com_developer.SetBool( developer ); #endif } /* =============== KeysFromBinding() Returns the key bound to the command =============== */ const char* idCommonLocal::KeysFromBinding( const char* bind ) { return idKeyInput::KeysFromBinding( bind ); } /* =============== BindingFromKey() Returns the binding bound to key =============== */ const char* idCommonLocal::BindingFromKey( const char* key ) { return idKeyInput::BindingFromKey( key ); } /* =============== ButtonState() Returns the state of the button =============== */ int idCommonLocal::ButtonState( int key ) { return usercmdGen->ButtonState( key ); } /* =============== ButtonState() Returns the state of the key =============== */ int idCommonLocal::KeyState( int key ) { return usercmdGen->KeyState( key ); } /* ============ idCmdSystemLocal::PrintMemInfo_f This prints out memory debugging data ============ */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( printMemInfo, "prints memory debugging data", NULL ) { MemInfo_t mi; memset( &mi, 0, sizeof( mi ) ); mi.filebase = commonLocal.GetCurrentMapName(); renderSystem->PrintMemInfo( &mi ); // textures and models soundSystem->PrintMemInfo( &mi ); // sounds common->Printf( " Used image memory: %s bytes\n", idStr::FormatNumber( mi.imageAssetsTotal ).c_str() ); mi.assetTotals += mi.imageAssetsTotal; common->Printf( " Used model memory: %s bytes\n", idStr::FormatNumber( mi.modelAssetsTotal ).c_str() ); mi.assetTotals += mi.modelAssetsTotal; common->Printf( " Used sound memory: %s bytes\n", idStr::FormatNumber( mi.soundAssetsTotal ).c_str() ); mi.assetTotals += mi.soundAssetsTotal; common->Printf( " Used asset memory: %s bytes\n", idStr::FormatNumber( mi.assetTotals ).c_str() ); // write overview file idFile* f; f = fileSystem->OpenFileAppend( "maps/printmeminfo.txt" ); if( !f ) { return; } f->Printf( "total(%s ) image(%s ) model(%s ) sound(%s ): %s\n", idStr::FormatNumber( mi.assetTotals ).c_str(), idStr::FormatNumber( mi.imageAssetsTotal ).c_str(), idStr::FormatNumber( mi.modelAssetsTotal ).c_str(), idStr::FormatNumber( mi.soundAssetsTotal ).c_str(), mi.filebase.c_str() ); fileSystem->CloseFile( f ); } /* ================== Com_Error_f Just throw a fatal error to test error shutdown procedures. ================== */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( error, "causes an error", NULL ) { if( !com_developer.GetBool() ) { commonLocal.Printf( "error may only be used in developer mode\n" ); return; } if( args.Argc() > 1 ) { commonLocal.FatalError( "Testing fatal error" ); } else { commonLocal.Error( "Testing drop error" ); } } /* ================== Com_Freeze_f Just freeze in place for a given number of seconds to test error recovery. ================== */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( freeze, "freezes the game for a number of seconds", NULL ) { float s; int start, now; if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { commonLocal.Printf( "freeze \n" ); return; } if( !com_developer.GetBool() ) { commonLocal.Printf( "freeze may only be used in developer mode\n" ); return; } s = atof( args.Argv( 1 ) ); start = eventLoop->Milliseconds(); while( 1 ) { now = eventLoop->Milliseconds(); if( ( now - start ) * 0.001f > s ) { break; } } } /* ================= Com_Crash_f A way to force a bus error for development reasons ================= */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( crash, "causes a crash", NULL ) { if( !com_developer.GetBool() ) { commonLocal.Printf( "crash may only be used in developer mode\n" ); return; } #ifdef __GNUC__ __builtin_trap(); #else * ( int* ) 0 = 0x12345678; #endif } /* ================= Com_Quit_f ================= */ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( quit, "quits the game", NULL ) { commonLocal.Quit(); } CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( exit, "exits the game", NULL ) { commonLocal.Quit(); } /* =============== Com_WriteConfig_f Write the config file to a specific name =============== */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( writeConfig, "writes a config file", NULL ) { idStr filename; if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { commonLocal.Printf( "Usage: writeconfig \n" ); return; } filename = args.Argv( 1 ); filename.DefaultFileExtension( ".cfg" ); commonLocal.Printf( "Writing %s.\n", filename.c_str() ); commonLocal.WriteConfigToFile( filename ); } /* ======================== idCommonLocal::CheckStartupStorageRequirements ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::CheckStartupStorageRequirements() { // RB: disabled savegame and profile storage checks, because it fails sometimes without any clear reason #if 0 int64 availableSpace = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Savegame and Profile required storage // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ { // Make sure the save path exists in case it was deleted. // If the path cannot be created we can safely assume there is no // free space because in that case nothing can be saved anyway. const char* savepath = cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "fs_savepath" ); idStr directory = savepath; //idStr directory = fs_savepath.GetString(); directory += "\\"; // so it doesn't think the last part is a file and ignores in the directory creation fileSystem->CreateOSPath( directory ); // Get the free space on the save path. availableSpace = Sys_GetDriveFreeSpaceInBytes( savepath ); // If free space fails then get space on drive as a fall back // (the directory will be created later anyway) if( availableSpace <= 1 ) { idStr savePath( savepath ); if( savePath.Length() >= 3 ) { if( savePath[ 1 ] == ':' && savePath[ 2 ] == '\\' && ( ( savePath[ 0 ] >= 'A' && savePath[ 0 ] <= 'Z' ) || ( savePath[ 0 ] >= 'a' && savePath[ 0 ] <= 'z' ) ) ) { savePath = savePath.Left( 3 ); availableSpace = Sys_GetDriveFreeSpaceInBytes( savePath ); } } } } const int MIN_SAVE_STORAGE_PROFILE = 1024 * 1024; const int MIN_SAVE_STORAGE_SAVEGAME = MIN_SAVEGAME_SIZE_BYTES; uint64 requiredSizeBytes = MIN_SAVE_STORAGE_SAVEGAME + MIN_SAVE_STORAGE_PROFILE; idLib::Printf( "requiredSizeBytes: %lld\n", requiredSizeBytes ); if( ( int64 )( requiredSizeBytes - availableSpace ) > 0 ) { class idSWFScriptFunction_Continue : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: virtual ~idSWFScriptFunction_Continue() {} idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_INSUFFICENT_STORAGE_SPACE ); common->Quit(); return idSWFScriptVar(); } }; idStaticList< idSWFScriptFunction*, 4 > callbacks; idStaticList< idStrId, 4 > optionText; callbacks.Append( new( TAG_SWF ) idSWFScriptFunction_Continue() ); optionText.Append( idStrId( "#STR_SWF_ACCEPT" ) ); // build custom space required string // #str_dlg_space_required ~= "There is insufficient storage available. Please free %s and try again." idStr format = idStrId( "#str_dlg_startup_insufficient_storage" ).GetLocalizedString(); idStr size; if( requiredSizeBytes > ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) { size = va( "%.1f MB", ( float )requiredSizeBytes / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) + 0.1f ); // +0.1 to avoid truncation } else { size = va( "%.1f KB", ( float )requiredSizeBytes / 1024.0f + 0.1f ); } idStr msg = va( format.c_str(), size.c_str() ); common->Dialog().AddDynamicDialog( GDM_INSUFFICENT_STORAGE_SPACE, callbacks, optionText, true, msg ); } #endif // RB end session->GetAchievementSystem().Start(); } /* =============== idCommonLocal::JapaneseCensorship =============== */ bool idCommonLocal::JapaneseCensorship() const { return com_japaneseCensorship.GetBool() || com_isJapaneseSKU; } /* =============== idCommonLocal::FilterLangList =============== */ void idCommonLocal::FilterLangList( idStrList* list, idStr lang ) { idStr temp; for( int i = 0; i < list->Num(); i++ ) { temp = ( *list )[i]; temp = temp.Right( temp.Length() - strlen( "strings/" ) ); temp = temp.Left( lang.Length() ); if( idStr::Icmp( temp, lang ) != 0 ) { list->RemoveIndex( i ); i--; } } } /* =============== idCommonLocal::InitLanguageDict =============== */ extern idCVar sys_lang; void idCommonLocal::InitLanguageDict() { idStr fileName; //D3XP: Instead of just loading a single lang file for each language //we are going to load all files that begin with the language name //similar to the way pak files work. So you can place english001.lang //to add new strings to the english language dictionary idFileList* langFiles; langFiles = fileSystem->ListFilesTree( "strings", ".lang", true ); idStrList langList = langFiles->GetList(); // Loop through the list and filter idStrList currentLangList = langList; FilterLangList( ¤tLangList, sys_lang.GetString() ); if( currentLangList.Num() == 0 ) { // reset to english and try to load again sys_lang.SetString( ID_LANG_ENGLISH ); currentLangList = langList; FilterLangList( ¤tLangList, sys_lang.GetString() ); } idLocalization::ClearDictionary(); for( int i = 0; i < currentLangList.Num(); i++ ) { //common->Printf("%s\n", currentLangList[i].c_str()); const byte* buffer = NULL; int len = fileSystem->ReadFile( currentLangList[i], ( void** )&buffer ); if( len <= 0 ) { assert( false && "couldn't read the language dict file" ); break; } idLocalization::LoadDictionary( buffer, len, currentLangList[i] ); fileSystem->FreeFile( ( void* )buffer ); } fileSystem->FreeFileList( langFiles ); } /* ================= ReloadLanguage_f ================= */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( reloadLanguage, "reload language dict", NULL ) { commonLocal.InitLanguageDict(); } #include "../renderer/Image.h" /* ================= Com_StartBuild_f ================= */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( startBuild, "prepares to make a build", NULL ) { globalImages->StartBuild(); } /* ================= Com_FinishBuild_f ================= */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( finishBuild, "finishes the build process", NULL ) { if( game ) { game->CacheDictionaryMedia( NULL ); } globalImages->FinishBuild( ( args.Argc() > 1 ) ); } /* ================= idCommonLocal::RenderSplash ================= */ void idCommonLocal::RenderSplash() { const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * renderSystem->GetPixelAspect(); const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight(); const float sysAspect = sysWidth / sysHeight; const float splashAspect = 16.0f / 9.0f; const float adjustment = sysAspect / splashAspect; const float barHeight = ( adjustment >= 1.0f ) ? 0.0f : ( 1.0f - adjustment ) * ( float )renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight() * 0.25f; const float barWidth = ( adjustment <= 1.0f ) ? 0.0f : ( adjustment - 1.0f ) * ( float )renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth() * 0.25f; if( barHeight > 0.0f ) { renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack ); renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth(), barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial ); renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight() - barHeight, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth(), barHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial ); } if( barWidth > 0.0f ) { renderSystem->SetColor( colorBlack ); renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, barWidth, renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial ); renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth() - barWidth, 0, barWidth, renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, whiteMaterial ); } renderSystem->SetColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( barWidth, barHeight, renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth() - barWidth * 2.0f, renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight() - barHeight * 2.0f, 0, 0, 1, 1, splashScreen ); const emptyCommand_t* cmd = renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers( &time_frontend, &time_backend, &time_shadows, &time_gpu ); renderSystem->RenderCommandBuffers( cmd ); } /* ================= idCommonLocal::RenderBink ================= */ void idCommonLocal::RenderBink( const char* path ) { const float sysWidth = renderSystem->GetWidth() * renderSystem->GetPixelAspect(); const float sysHeight = renderSystem->GetHeight(); const float sysAspect = sysWidth / sysHeight; const float movieAspect = ( 16.0f / 9.0f ); const float imageWidth = renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth() * movieAspect / sysAspect; const float chop = 0.5f * ( renderSystem->GetVirtualWidth() - imageWidth ); idStr materialText; materialText.Format( "{ translucent { videoMap %s } }", path ); idMaterial* material = const_cast( declManager->FindMaterial( "splashbink" ) ); material->Parse( materialText.c_str(), materialText.Length(), false ); material->ResetCinematicTime( Sys_Milliseconds() ); // RB: FFmpeg might return the wrong play length so I changed the intro video to play max 30 seconds until finished int cinematicLength = 30000; //material->CinematicLength(); int mouseEvents[MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS][2]; bool escapeEvent = false; while( ( Sys_Milliseconds() <= ( material->GetCinematicStartTime() + cinematicLength ) ) && material->CinematicIsPlaying() ) { renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( chop, 0, imageWidth, renderSystem->GetVirtualHeight(), 0, 0, 1, 1, material ); const emptyCommand_t* cmd = renderSystem->SwapCommandBuffers( &time_frontend, &time_backend, &time_shadows, &time_gpu ); renderSystem->RenderCommandBuffers( cmd ); Sys_GenerateEvents(); // queue system events ready for polling Sys_GetEvent(); // RB: allow to escape video by pressing anything int numKeyEvents = Sys_PollKeyboardInputEvents(); if( numKeyEvents > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < numKeyEvents; i++ ) { int key; bool state; if( Sys_ReturnKeyboardInputEvent( i, key, state ) ) { if( key == K_ESCAPE && state == true ) { escapeEvent = true; } break; } } Sys_EndKeyboardInputEvents(); } int numMouseEvents = Sys_PollMouseInputEvents( mouseEvents ); if( numMouseEvents > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < numMouseEvents; i++ ) { int action = mouseEvents[i][0]; switch( action ) { case M_ACTION1: case M_ACTION2: case M_ACTION3: case M_ACTION4: case M_ACTION5: case M_ACTION6: case M_ACTION7: case M_ACTION8: escapeEvent = true; break; default: // some other undefined button break; } } } int numJoystickEvents = Sys_PollJoystickInputEvents( 0 ); if( numJoystickEvents > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < numJoystickEvents; i++ ) { int action; int value; if( Sys_ReturnJoystickInputEvent( i, action, value ) ) { if( action >= J_ACTION1 && action <= J_ACTION_MAX ) { if( value != 0 ) { escapeEvent = true; break; } } } } Sys_EndJoystickInputEvents(); } if( escapeEvent ) { break; } Sys_Sleep( 10 ); } // RB end material->MakeDefault(); } /* ================= idCommonLocal::InitSIMD ================= */ void idCommonLocal::InitSIMD() { idSIMD::InitProcessor( "doom", com_forceGenericSIMD.GetBool() ); com_forceGenericSIMD.ClearModified(); } /* ================= idCommonLocal::LoadGameDLL ================= */ void idCommonLocal::LoadGameDLL() { #ifdef __DOOM_DLL__ char dllPath[ MAX_OSPATH ]; gameImport_t gameImport; gameExport_t gameExport; GetGameAPI_t GetGameAPI; fileSystem->FindDLL( "game", dllPath, true ); if( !dllPath[ 0 ] ) { common->FatalError( "couldn't find game dynamic library" ); return; } common->DPrintf( "Loading game DLL: '%s'\n", dllPath ); gameDLL = sys->DLL_Load( dllPath ); if( !gameDLL ) { common->FatalError( "couldn't load game dynamic library" ); return; } const char* functionName = "GetGameAPI"; GetGameAPI = ( GetGameAPI_t ) Sys_DLL_GetProcAddress( gameDLL, functionName ); if( !GetGameAPI ) { Sys_DLL_Unload( gameDLL ); gameDLL = NULL; common->FatalError( "couldn't find game DLL API" ); return; } gameImport.version = GAME_API_VERSION; gameImport.sys = ::sys; gameImport.common = ::common; gameImport.cmdSystem = ::cmdSystem; gameImport.cvarSystem = ::cvarSystem; gameImport.fileSystem = ::fileSystem; gameImport.renderSystem = ::renderSystem; gameImport.soundSystem = ::soundSystem; gameImport.renderModelManager = ::renderModelManager; gameImport.uiManager = ::uiManager; gameImport.declManager = ::declManager; gameImport.AASFileManager = ::AASFileManager; gameImport.collisionModelManager = ::collisionModelManager; gameExport = *GetGameAPI( &gameImport ); if( gameExport.version != GAME_API_VERSION ) { Sys_DLL_Unload( gameDLL ); gameDLL = NULL; common->FatalError( "wrong game DLL API version" ); return; } game = gameExport.game; gameEdit = gameExport.gameEdit; #endif // initialize the game object if( game != NULL ) { game->Init(); } } /* ================= idCommonLocal::UnloadGameDLL ================= */ void idCommonLocal::CleanupShell() { if( game != NULL ) { game->Shell_Cleanup(); } } /* ================= idCommonLocal::UnloadGameDLL ================= */ void idCommonLocal::UnloadGameDLL() { // shut down the game object if( game != NULL ) { game->Shutdown(); } #ifdef __DOOM_DLL__ if( gameDLL ) { Sys_DLL_Unload( gameDLL ); gameDLL = NULL; } game = NULL; gameEdit = NULL; #endif } /* ================= idCommonLocal::IsInitialized ================= */ bool idCommonLocal::IsInitialized() const { return com_fullyInitialized; } //====================================================================================== /* ================= idCommonLocal::Init ================= */ void idCommonLocal::Init( int argc, const char* const* argv, const char* cmdline ) { try { // set interface pointers used by idLib idLib::sys = sys; idLib::common = common; idLib::cvarSystem = cvarSystem; idLib::fileSystem = fileSystem; // initialize idLib idLib::Init(); // clear warning buffer ClearWarnings( GAME_NAME " initialization" ); idLib::Printf( "Command line: %s\n", cmdline ); //::MessageBox( NULL, cmdline, "blah", MB_OK ); // parse command line options idCmdArgs args; if( cmdline ) { // tokenize if the OS doesn't do it for us args.TokenizeString( cmdline, true ); argv = args.GetArgs( &argc ); } ParseCommandLine( argc, argv ); // init console command system cmdSystem->Init(); // init CVar system cvarSystem->Init(); // register all static CVars idCVar::RegisterStaticVars(); idLib::Printf( "QA Timing INIT: %06dms\n", Sys_Milliseconds() ); // print engine version Printf( "%s\n", version.string ); // initialize key input/binding, done early so bind command exists idKeyInput::Init(); // init the console so we can take prints console->Init(); // get architecture info Sys_Init(); // initialize networking Sys_InitNetworking(); // override cvars from command line StartupVariable( NULL ); consoleUsed = com_allowConsole.GetBool(); if( Sys_AlreadyRunning() ) { Sys_Quit(); } // initialize processor specific SIMD implementation InitSIMD(); // initialize the file system fileSystem->Init(); const char* defaultLang = Sys_DefaultLanguage(); com_isJapaneseSKU = ( idStr::Icmp( defaultLang, ID_LANG_JAPANESE ) == 0 ); // Allow the system to set a default lanugage Sys_SetLanguageFromSystem(); // Pre-allocate our 20 MB save buffer here on time, instead of on-demand for each save.... saveFile.SetNameAndType( SAVEGAME_CHECKPOINT_FILENAME, SAVEGAMEFILE_BINARY ); saveFile.PreAllocate( MIN_SAVEGAME_SIZE_BYTES ); stringsFile.SetNameAndType( SAVEGAME_STRINGS_FILENAME, SAVEGAMEFILE_BINARY ); stringsFile.PreAllocate( MAX_SAVEGAME_STRING_TABLE_SIZE ); fileSystem->BeginLevelLoad( "_startup", saveFile.GetDataPtr(), saveFile.GetAllocated() ); // initialize the declaration manager declManager->Init(); // init journalling, etc eventLoop->Init(); // init the parallel job manager parallelJobManager->Init(); // exec the startup scripts cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "exec default.cfg\n" ); #ifdef CONFIG_FILE // skip the config file if "safe" is on the command line if( !SafeMode() && !g_demoMode.GetBool() ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "exec " CONFIG_FILE "\n" ); } #endif cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "exec autoexec.cfg\n" ); // run cfg execution cmdSystem->ExecuteCommandBuffer(); // re-override anything from the config files with command line args StartupVariable( NULL ); // if any archived cvars are modified after this, we will trigger a writing of the config file cvarSystem->ClearModifiedFlags( CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // init OpenGL, which will open a window and connect sound and input hardware renderSystem->InitOpenGL(); // Support up to 2 digits after the decimal point com_engineHz_denominator = 100LL * com_engineHz.GetFloat(); com_engineHz_latched = com_engineHz.GetFloat(); // start the sound system, but don't do any hardware operations yet soundSystem->Init(); // initialize the renderSystem data structures renderSystem->Init(); whiteMaterial = declManager->FindMaterial( "_white" ); if( idStr::Icmp( sys_lang.GetString(), ID_LANG_FRENCH ) == 0 ) { // If the user specified french, we show french no matter what SKU splashScreen = declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_french" ); } else if( idStr::Icmp( defaultLang, ID_LANG_FRENCH ) == 0 ) { // If the lead sku is french (ie: europe), display figs splashScreen = declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_figs" ); } else { // Otherwise show it in english splashScreen = declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_english" ); } const int legalMinTime = 4000; const bool showVideo = ( !com_skipIntroVideos.GetBool() && fileSystem->UsingResourceFiles() ); if( showVideo ) { RenderBink( "video\\loadvideo.bik" ); RenderSplash(); RenderSplash(); } else { idLib::Printf( "Skipping Intro Videos!\n" ); // display the legal splash screen // No clue why we have to render this twice to show up... RenderSplash(); RenderSplash(); } int legalStartTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); declManager->Init2(); // initialize string database so we can use it for loading messages InitLanguageDict(); // spawn the game thread, even if we are going to run without SMP // one meg stack, because it can parse decls from gui surfaces (unfortunately) // use a lower priority so job threads can run on the same core gameThread.StartWorkerThread( "Game/Draw", CORE_1B, THREAD_BELOW_NORMAL, 0x100000 ); // boost this thread's priority, so it will prevent job threads from running while // the render back end still has work to do // init the user command input code usercmdGen->Init(); Sys_SetRumble( 0, 0, 0 ); // initialize the user interfaces uiManager->Init(); // startup the script debugger // DebuggerServerInit(); // load the game dll LoadGameDLL(); // On the PC touch them all so they get included in the resource build if( !fileSystem->UsingResourceFiles() ) { declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_english" ); declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_french" ); declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/splash/legal_figs" ); // register the japanese font so it gets included renderSystem->RegisterFont( "DFPHeiseiGothicW7" ); // Make sure all videos get touched because you can bring videos from one map to another, they need to be included in all maps for( int i = 0; i < declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_VIDEO ); i++ ) { declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_VIDEO, i ); } } fileSystem->UnloadResourceContainer( "_ordered" ); // the same idRenderWorld will be used for all games // and demos, insuring that level specific models // will be freed renderWorld = renderSystem->AllocRenderWorld(); soundWorld = soundSystem->AllocSoundWorld( renderWorld ); menuSoundWorld = soundSystem->AllocSoundWorld( NULL ); menuSoundWorld->PlaceListener( vec3_origin, mat3_identity, 0 ); // init the session session->Initialize(); session->InitializeSoundRelatedSystems(); InitializeMPMapsModes(); // leaderboards need to be initialized after InitializeMPMapsModes, which populates the MP Map list. if( game != NULL ) { game->Leaderboards_Init(); } CreateMainMenu(); commonDialog.Init(); // load the console history file consoleHistory.LoadHistoryFile(); AddStartupCommands(); StartMenu( true ); while( Sys_Milliseconds() - legalStartTime < legalMinTime ) { RenderSplash(); Sys_GenerateEvents(); Sys_Sleep( 10 ); }; // print all warnings queued during initialization PrintWarnings(); // remove any prints from the notify lines console->ClearNotifyLines(); CheckStartupStorageRequirements(); if( preload_CommonAssets.GetBool() && fileSystem->UsingResourceFiles() ) { idPreloadManifest manifest; manifest.LoadManifest( "_common.preload" ); globalImages->Preload( manifest, false ); soundSystem->Preload( manifest ); } fileSystem->EndLevelLoad(); // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) // Initialize support for Doom classic. doomClassicMaterial = declManager->FindMaterial( "_doomClassic" ); idImage* image = globalImages->GetImage( "_doomClassic" ); if( image != NULL ) { idImageOpts opts; opts.format = FMT_RGBA8; opts.colorFormat = CFM_DEFAULT; opts.width = DOOMCLASSIC_RENDERWIDTH; opts.height = DOOMCLASSIC_RENDERHEIGHT; opts.numLevels = 1; image->AllocImage( opts, TF_LINEAR, TR_REPEAT ); } #endif // RB end com_fullyInitialized = true; // No longer need the splash screen if( splashScreen != NULL ) { for( int i = 0; i < splashScreen->GetNumStages(); i++ ) { idImage* image = splashScreen->GetStage( i )->texture.image; if( image != NULL ) { image->PurgeImage(); } } } Printf( "--- Common Initialization Complete ---\n" ); idLib::Printf( "QA Timing IIS: %06dms\n", Sys_Milliseconds() ); } catch( idException& ) { Sys_Error( "Error during initialization" ); } } /* ================= idCommonLocal::Shutdown ================= */ void idCommonLocal::Shutdown() { if( com_shuttingDown ) { return; } com_shuttingDown = true; // Kill any pending saves... printf( "session->GetSaveGameManager().CancelToTerminate();\n" ); session->GetSaveGameManager().CancelToTerminate(); // kill sound first printf( "soundSystem->StopAllSounds();\n" ); soundSystem->StopAllSounds(); // shutdown the script debugger // DebuggerServerShutdown(); if( aviCaptureMode ) { printf( "EndAVICapture();\n" ); EndAVICapture(); } printf( "Stop();\n" ); Stop(); printf( "CleanupShell();\n" ); CleanupShell(); printf( "delete loadGUI;\n" ); delete loadGUI; loadGUI = NULL; printf( "delete renderWorld;\n" ); delete renderWorld; renderWorld = NULL; printf( "delete soundWorld;\n" ); delete soundWorld; soundWorld = NULL; printf( "delete menuSoundWorld;\n" ); delete menuSoundWorld; menuSoundWorld = NULL; // shut down the session printf( "session->ShutdownSoundRelatedSystems();\n" ); session->ShutdownSoundRelatedSystems(); printf( "session->Shutdown();\n" ); session->Shutdown(); // shutdown, deallocate leaderboard definitions. if( game != NULL ) { printf( "game->Leaderboards_Shutdown();\n" ); game->Leaderboards_Shutdown(); } // shut down the user interfaces printf( "uiManager->Shutdown();\n" ); uiManager->Shutdown(); // shut down the sound system printf( "soundSystem->Shutdown();\n" ); soundSystem->Shutdown(); // shut down the user command input code printf( "usercmdGen->Shutdown();\n" ); usercmdGen->Shutdown(); // shut down the event loop printf( "eventLoop->Shutdown();\n" ); eventLoop->Shutdown(); // shutdown the decl manager printf( "declManager->Shutdown();\n" ); declManager->Shutdown(); // shut down the renderSystem printf( "renderSystem->Shutdown();\n" ); renderSystem->Shutdown(); printf( "commonDialog.Shutdown();\n" ); commonDialog.Shutdown(); // unload the game dll printf( "UnloadGameDLL();\n" ); UnloadGameDLL(); printf( "saveFile.Clear( true );\n" ); saveFile.Clear( true ); printf( "stringsFile.Clear( true );\n" ); stringsFile.Clear( true ); // only shut down the log file after all output is done printf( "CloseLogFile();\n" ); CloseLogFile(); // shut down the file system printf( "fileSystem->Shutdown( false );\n" ); fileSystem->Shutdown( false ); // shut down non-portable system services printf( "Sys_Shutdown();\n" ); Sys_Shutdown(); // shut down the console printf( "console->Shutdown();\n" ); console->Shutdown(); // shut down the key system printf( "idKeyInput::Shutdown();\n" ); idKeyInput::Shutdown(); // shut down the cvar system printf( "cvarSystem->Shutdown();\n" ); cvarSystem->Shutdown(); // shut down the console command system printf( "cmdSystem->Shutdown();\n" ); cmdSystem->Shutdown(); // free any buffered warning messages printf( "ClearWarnings( GAME_NAME \" shutdown\" );\n" ); ClearWarnings( GAME_NAME " shutdown" ); printf( "warningCaption.Clear();\n" ); warningCaption.Clear(); printf( "errorList.Clear();\n" ); errorList.Clear(); // shutdown idLib printf( "idLib::ShutDown();\n" ); idLib::ShutDown(); } /* ======================== idCommonLocal::CreateMainMenu ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::CreateMainMenu() { if( game != NULL ) { // note which media we are going to need to load declManager->BeginLevelLoad(); renderSystem->BeginLevelLoad(); soundSystem->BeginLevelLoad(); uiManager->BeginLevelLoad(); // create main inside an "empty" game level load - so assets get // purged automagically when we transition to a "real" map game->Shell_CreateMenu( false ); game->Shell_Show( true ); game->Shell_SyncWithSession(); // load renderSystem->EndLevelLoad(); soundSystem->EndLevelLoad(); declManager->EndLevelLoad(); uiManager->EndLevelLoad( "" ); } } /* =============== idCommonLocal::Stop called on errors and game exits =============== */ void idCommonLocal::Stop( bool resetSession ) { ClearWipe(); // clear mapSpawned and demo playing flags UnloadMap(); soundSystem->StopAllSounds(); insideUpdateScreen = false; insideExecuteMapChange = false; // drop all guis ExitMenu(); if( resetSession ) { session->QuitMatchToTitle(); } } /* =============== idCommonLocal::BusyWait =============== */ void idCommonLocal::BusyWait() { Sys_GenerateEvents(); const bool captureToImage = false; UpdateScreen( captureToImage ); session->UpdateSignInManager(); session->Pump(); } /* =============== idCommonLocal::WaitForSessionState =============== */ bool idCommonLocal::WaitForSessionState( idSession::sessionState_t desiredState ) { if( session->GetState() == desiredState ) { return true; } while( true ) { BusyWait(); idSession::sessionState_t sessionState = session->GetState(); if( sessionState == desiredState ) { return true; } if( sessionState != idSession::LOADING && sessionState != idSession::SEARCHING && sessionState != idSession::CONNECTING && sessionState != idSession::BUSY && sessionState != desiredState ) { return false; } Sys_Sleep( 10 ); } } /* ======================== idCommonLocal::LeaveGame ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::LeaveGame() { const bool captureToImage = false; UpdateScreen( captureToImage ); ResetNetworkingState(); Stop( false ); CreateMainMenu(); StartMenu(); } /* =============== idCommonLocal::ProcessEvent =============== */ bool idCommonLocal::ProcessEvent( const sysEvent_t* event ) { // hitting escape anywhere brings up the menu if( game && game->IsInGame() ) { if( event->evType == SE_KEY && event->evValue2 == 1 && ( event->evValue == K_ESCAPE || event->evValue == K_JOY9 ) ) { if( !game->Shell_IsActive() ) { // menus / etc if( MenuEvent( event ) ) { return true; } console->Close(); StartMenu(); return true; } else { console->Close(); // menus / etc if( MenuEvent( event ) ) { return true; } game->Shell_ClosePause(); } } } // let the pull-down console take it if desired if( console->ProcessEvent( event, false ) ) { return true; } if( session->ProcessInputEvent( event ) ) { return true; } if( Dialog().IsDialogActive() ) { Dialog().HandleDialogEvent( event ); return true; } // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) // Let Doom classic run events. if( IsPlayingDoomClassic() ) { // Translate the event to Doom classic format. event_t classicEvent; if( event->evType == SE_KEY ) { if( event->evValue2 == 1 ) { classicEvent.type = ev_keydown; } else if( event->evValue2 == 0 ) { classicEvent.type = ev_keyup; } DoomLib::SetPlayer( 0 ); extern Globals* g; if( g != NULL ) { classicEvent.data1 = DoomLib::RemapControl( event->GetKey() ); D_PostEvent( &classicEvent ); } DoomLib::SetPlayer( -1 ); } // Let the classics eat all events. return true; } #endif // RB end // menus / etc if( MenuEvent( event ) ) { return true; } // if we aren't in a game, force the console to take it if( !mapSpawned ) { console->ProcessEvent( event, true ); return true; } // in game, exec bindings for all key downs if( event->evType == SE_KEY && event->evValue2 == 1 ) { idKeyInput::ExecKeyBinding( event->evValue ); return true; } return false; } /* ======================== idCommonLocal::ResetPlayerInput ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::ResetPlayerInput( int playerIndex ) { userCmdMgr.ResetPlayer( playerIndex ); } // RB begin #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) /* ======================== idCommonLocal::SwitchToGame ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::SwitchToGame( currentGame_t newGame ) { idealCurrentGame = newGame; } /* ======================== idCommonLocal::PerformGameSwitch ======================== */ void idCommonLocal::PerformGameSwitch() { // If the session state is past the menu, we should be in Doom 3. // This will happen if, for example, we accept an invite while playing // Doom or Doom 2. if( session->GetState() > idSession::IDLE ) { idealCurrentGame = DOOM3_BFG; } if( currentGame == idealCurrentGame ) { return; } const int DOOM_CLASSIC_HZ = 35; if( idealCurrentGame == DOOM_CLASSIC || idealCurrentGame == DOOM2_CLASSIC ) { // Pause Doom 3 sound. if( menuSoundWorld != NULL ) { menuSoundWorld->Pause(); } DoomLib::skipToNew = false; DoomLib::skipToLoad = false; // Reset match parameters for the classics. DoomLib::matchParms = idMatchParameters(); // The classics use the usercmd manager too, clear it. userCmdMgr.SetDefaults(); // Classics need a local user too. session->UpdateSignInManager(); session->GetSignInManager().RegisterLocalUser( 0 ); com_engineHz_denominator = 100LL * DOOM_CLASSIC_HZ; com_engineHz_latched = DOOM_CLASSIC_HZ; DoomLib::SetCurrentExpansion( idealCurrentGame ); } else if( idealCurrentGame == DOOM3_BFG ) { DoomLib::Interface.Shutdown(); com_engineHz_denominator = 100LL * com_engineHz.GetFloat(); com_engineHz_latched = com_engineHz.GetFloat(); // Don't MoveToPressStart if we have an invite, we need to go // directly to the lobby. if( session->GetState() <= idSession::IDLE ) { session->MoveToPressStart(); } // Unpause Doom 3 sound. if( menuSoundWorld != NULL ) { menuSoundWorld->UnPause(); } } currentGame = idealCurrentGame; } #endif // #if defined(USE_DOOMCLASSIC) // RB end /* ================== Common_WritePrecache_f ================== */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( writePrecache, "writes precache commands", NULL ) { if( args.Argc() != 2 ) { common->Printf( "USAGE: writePrecache \n" ); return; } idStr str = args.Argv( 1 ); str.DefaultFileExtension( ".cfg" ); idFile* f = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( str ); declManager->WritePrecacheCommands( f ); renderModelManager->WritePrecacheCommands( f ); uiManager->WritePrecacheCommands( f ); fileSystem->CloseFile( f ); } /* ================ Common_Disconnect_f ================ */ CONSOLE_COMMAND_SHIP( disconnect, "disconnects from a game", NULL ) { session->QuitMatch(); } /* =============== Common_Hitch_f =============== */ CONSOLE_COMMAND( hitch, "hitches the game", NULL ) { if( args.Argc() == 2 ) { Sys_Sleep( atoi( args.Argv( 1 ) ) ); } else { Sys_Sleep( 100 ); } } CONSOLE_COMMAND( showStringMemory, "shows memory used by strings", NULL ) { idStr::ShowMemoryUsage_f( args ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( showDictMemory, "shows memory used by dictionaries", NULL ) { idDict::ShowMemoryUsage_f( args ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( listDictKeys, "lists all keys used by dictionaries", NULL ) { idDict::ListKeys_f( args ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( listDictValues, "lists all values used by dictionaries", NULL ) { idDict::ListValues_f( args ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( testSIMD, "test SIMD code", NULL ) { idSIMD::Test_f( args ); } // RB begin CONSOLE_COMMAND( testFormattingSizes, "test printf format security", 0 ) { common->Printf( " sizeof( int32 ): %" PRIuSIZE " bytes\n", sizeof( int32 ) ); common->Printf( " sizeof( int64 ): %" PRIuSIZE " bytes\n", sizeof( int64 ) ); } // RB end