/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Robert Beckebans Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Kot in Action Creative Artel This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __GAME_H__ #define __GAME_H__ /* =============================================================================== Public game interface with methods to run the game. =============================================================================== */ // default scripts #define SCRIPT_DEFAULTDEFS "script/doom_defs.script" #define SCRIPT_DEFAULT "script/doom_main.script" #define SCRIPT_DEFAULTFUNC "doom_main" struct gameReturn_t { gameReturn_t() : sessionCommand( "" ), // SRS - Explicitly init sessionCommand otherwise can be optimized out and skipped with gcc or Apple clang syncNextGameFrame( false ), vibrationLow( 0 ), vibrationHigh( 0 ) { } char sessionCommand[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; // "map", "disconnect", "victory", etc bool syncNextGameFrame; // used when cinematics are skipped to prevent session from simulating several game frames to // keep the game time in sync with real time int vibrationLow; int vibrationHigh; }; #define TIME_GROUP1 0 #define TIME_GROUP2 1 class idGame { public: virtual ~idGame() {} // Initialize the game for the first time. virtual void Init() = 0; // Shut down the entire game. virtual void Shutdown() = 0; // Sets the serverinfo at map loads and when it changes. virtual void SetServerInfo( const idDict& serverInfo ) = 0; // Gets the serverinfo, common calls this before saving the game virtual const idDict& GetServerInfo() = 0; // Interpolated server time virtual void SetServerGameTimeMs( const int time ) = 0; // Interpolated server time virtual int GetServerGameTimeMs() const = 0; virtual int GetSSEndTime() const = 0; virtual int GetSSStartTime() const = 0; // common calls this before moving the single player game to a new level. virtual const idDict& GetPersistentPlayerInfo( int clientNum ) = 0; // common calls this right before a new level is loaded. virtual void SetPersistentPlayerInfo( int clientNum, const idDict& playerInfo ) = 0; // Loads a map and spawns all the entities. virtual void InitFromNewMap( const char* mapName, idRenderWorld* renderWorld, idSoundWorld* soundWorld, int gameMode, int randseed ) = 0; // Loads a map from a savegame file. virtual bool InitFromSaveGame( const char* mapName, idRenderWorld* renderWorld, idSoundWorld* soundWorld, idFile* saveGameFile, idFile* stringTableFile, int saveGameVersion ) = 0; // Saves the current game state, common may have written some data to the file already. virtual void SaveGame( idFile* saveGameFile, idFile* stringTableFile ) = 0; // Pulls the current player location from the game information virtual void GetSaveGameDetails( idSaveGameDetails& gameDetails ) = 0; // Shut down the current map. virtual void MapShutdown() = 0; // Caches media referenced from in key/value pairs in the given dictionary. virtual void CacheDictionaryMedia( const idDict* dict ) = 0; virtual void Preload( const idPreloadManifest& manifest ) = 0; // Runs a game frame, may return a session command for level changing, etc virtual void RunFrame( idUserCmdMgr& cmdMgr, gameReturn_t& gameReturn ) = 0; // Makes rendering and sound system calls to display for a given clientNum. virtual bool Draw( int clientNum ) = 0; virtual bool HandlePlayerGuiEvent( const sysEvent_t* ev ) = 0; // Writes a snapshot of the server game state. virtual void ServerWriteSnapshot( idSnapShot& ss ) = 0; // Processes a reliable message virtual void ProcessReliableMessage( int clientNum, int type, const idBitMsg& msg ) = 0; virtual void SetInterpolation( const float fraction, const int serverGameMS, const int ssStartTime, const int ssEndTime ) = 0; // Reads a snapshot and updates the client game state. virtual void ClientReadSnapshot( const idSnapShot& ss ) = 0; // Runs prediction on entities at the client. virtual void ClientRunFrame( idUserCmdMgr& cmdMgr, bool lastPredictFrame, gameReturn_t& ret ) = 0; // Used to manage divergent time-lines virtual int GetTimeGroupTime( int timeGroup ) = 0; // Returns a list of available multiplayer game modes virtual int GetMPGameModes( const char** * gameModes, const char** * gameModesDisplay ) = 0; // Returns a summary of stats for a given client virtual void GetClientStats( int clientNum, char* data, const int len ) = 0; virtual bool IsInGame() const = 0; // Get the player entity number for a network peer. virtual int MapPeerToClient( int peer ) const = 0; // Get the player entity number of the local player. virtual int GetLocalClientNum() const = 0; // compute an angle offset to be applied to the given client's aim virtual void GetAimAssistAngles( idAngles& angles ) = 0; virtual float GetAimAssistSensitivity() = 0; // Release the mouse when the PDA is open virtual bool IsPDAOpen() const = 0; virtual bool IsPlayerChatting() const = 0; // Creates leaderboards for each map/mode defined. virtual void Leaderboards_Init() = 0; virtual void Leaderboards_Shutdown() = 0; // MAIN MENU FUNCTIONS virtual bool InhibitControls() = 0; virtual void Shell_Init( const char* filename, idSoundWorld* sw ) = 0; virtual void Shell_Cleanup() = 0; virtual void Shell_CreateMenu( bool inGame ) = 0; virtual void Shell_ClosePause() = 0; virtual void Shell_Show( bool show ) = 0; virtual bool Shell_IsActive() const = 0; virtual bool Shell_HandleGuiEvent( const sysEvent_t* sev ) = 0; virtual void Shell_Render() = 0; virtual void Shell_ResetMenu() = 0; virtual void Shell_SyncWithSession() = 0; virtual void Shell_UpdateSavedGames() = 0; virtual void Shell_SetCanContinue( bool valid ) = 0; virtual void Shell_UpdateClientCountdown( int countdown ) = 0; virtual void Shell_UpdateLeaderboard( const idLeaderboardCallback* callback ) = 0; virtual void Shell_SetGameComplete() = 0; virtual bool SkipCinematicScene() = 0; virtual bool CheckInCinematic() = 0; }; extern idGame* game; /* =============================================================================== Public game interface with methods for in-game editing. =============================================================================== */ typedef struct { idSoundEmitter* referenceSound; // this is the interface to the sound system, created // with idSoundWorld::AllocSoundEmitter() when needed idVec3 origin; int listenerId; // SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND only plays if == listenerId from PlaceListener // no spatialization will be performed if == listenerID const idSoundShader* shader; // this really shouldn't be here, it is a holdover from single channel behavior float diversity; // 0.0 to 1.0 value used to select which // samples in a multi-sample list from the shader are used bool waitfortrigger; // don't start it at spawn time soundShaderParms_t parms; // override volume, flags, etc } refSound_t; enum { TEST_PARTICLE_MODEL = 0, TEST_PARTICLE_IMPACT, TEST_PARTICLE_MUZZLE, TEST_PARTICLE_FLIGHT, TEST_PARTICLE_SELECTED }; class idEntity; class idMD5Anim; // FIXME: this interface needs to be reworked but it properly separates code for the time being class idGameEdit { public: virtual ~idGameEdit() {} // These are the canonical idDict to parameter parsing routines used by both the game and tools. virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRenderLight( const idDict* args, renderLight_t* renderLight ); virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity( const idDict* args, renderEntity_t* renderEntity, const idDeclEntityDef* def = NULL ); virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEnvprobe( const idDict* args, renderEnvironmentProbe_t* renderEnvprobe ); // RB virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRefSound( const idDict* args, refSound_t* refSound ); // Animation system calls for non-game based skeletal rendering. virtual idRenderModel* ANIM_GetModelFromEntityDef( const char* classname ); virtual const idVec3& ANIM_GetModelOffsetFromEntityDef( const char* classname ); virtual idRenderModel* ANIM_GetModelFromEntityDef( const idDict* args ); virtual idRenderModel* ANIM_GetModelFromName( const char* modelName ); virtual const idMD5Anim* ANIM_GetAnimFromEntityDef( const char* classname, const char* animname ); virtual int ANIM_GetNumAnimsFromEntityDef( const idDict* args ); virtual const char* ANIM_GetAnimNameFromEntityDef( const idDict* args, int animNum ); virtual const idMD5Anim* ANIM_GetAnim( const char* fileName ); virtual int ANIM_GetLength( const idMD5Anim* anim ); virtual int ANIM_GetNumFrames( const idMD5Anim* anim ); virtual void ANIM_CreateAnimFrame( const idRenderModel* model, const idMD5Anim* anim, int numJoints, idJointMat* frame, int time, const idVec3& offset, bool remove_origin_offset ); virtual idRenderModel* ANIM_CreateMeshForAnim( idRenderModel* model, const char* classname, const char* animname, int frame, bool remove_origin_offset ); // Articulated Figure calls for AF editor and Radiant. virtual bool AF_SpawnEntity( const char* fileName ); virtual void AF_UpdateEntities( const char* fileName ); virtual void AF_UndoChanges(); virtual idRenderModel* AF_CreateMesh( const idDict& args, idVec3& meshOrigin, idMat3& meshAxis, bool& poseIsSet ); // Entity selection. virtual void ClearEntitySelection(); virtual int GetSelectedEntities( idEntity* list[], int max ); virtual void AddSelectedEntity( idEntity* ent ); // Selection methods virtual void TriggerSelected(); // Entity defs and spawning. virtual const idDict* FindEntityDefDict( const char* name, bool makeDefault = true ) const; virtual void SpawnEntityDef( const idDict& args, idEntity** ent ); virtual idEntity* FindEntity( const char* name ) const; virtual const char* GetUniqueEntityName( const char* classname ) const; // Entity methods. virtual void EntityGetOrigin( idEntity* ent, idVec3& org ) const; virtual void EntityGetAxis( idEntity* ent, idMat3& axis ) const; virtual void EntitySetOrigin( idEntity* ent, const idVec3& org ); virtual void EntitySetAxis( idEntity* ent, const idMat3& axis ); virtual void EntityTranslate( idEntity* ent, const idVec3& org ); virtual const idDict* EntityGetSpawnArgs( idEntity* ent ) const; virtual void EntityUpdateChangeableSpawnArgs( idEntity* ent, const idDict* dict ); virtual void EntityChangeSpawnArgs( idEntity* ent, const idDict* newArgs ); virtual void EntityUpdateVisuals( idEntity* ent ); virtual void EntitySetModel( idEntity* ent, const char* val ); virtual void EntityStopSound( idEntity* ent ); virtual void EntityDelete( idEntity* ent ); virtual void EntitySetColor( idEntity* ent, const idVec3 color ); // Player methods. virtual bool PlayerIsValid() const; virtual void PlayerGetOrigin( idVec3& org ) const; virtual void PlayerGetAxis( idMat3& axis ) const; virtual void PlayerGetViewAngles( idAngles& angles ) const; virtual void PlayerGetEyePosition( idVec3& org ) const; virtual bool PlayerGetRenderView( renderView_t& rv ) const; // In game map editing support. virtual const idDict* MapGetEntityDict( const char* name ) const; virtual void MapSave( const char* path = NULL ) const; virtual void MapSetEntityKeyVal( const char* name, const char* key, const char* val ) const ; virtual void MapCopyDictToEntity( const char* name, const idDict* dict ) const; virtual void MapCopyDictToEntityAtOrigin( const idVec3& org, const idDict* dict ) const; virtual int MapGetUniqueMatchingKeyVals( const char* key, const char* list[], const int max ) const; virtual void MapAddEntity( const idDict* dict ) const; virtual int MapGetEntitiesMatchingClassWithString( const char* classname, const char* match, const char* list[], const int max ) const; virtual void MapRemoveEntity( const char* name ) const; virtual void MapEntityTranslate( const char* name, const idVec3& v ) const; }; extern idGameEdit* gameEdit; /* =============================================================================== Game API. =============================================================================== */ const int GAME_API_VERSION = 8; typedef struct { int version; // API version idSys* sys; // non-portable system services idCommon* common; // common idCmdSystem* cmdSystem; // console command system idCVarSystem* cvarSystem; // console variable system idFileSystem* fileSystem; // file system idRenderSystem* renderSystem; // render system idSoundSystem* soundSystem; // sound system idRenderModelManager* renderModelManager; // render model manager idUserInterfaceManager* uiManager; // user interface manager idDeclManager* declManager; // declaration manager idAASFileManager* AASFileManager; // AAS file manager idCollisionModelManager* collisionModelManager; // collision model manager } gameImport_t; typedef struct { int version; // API version idGame* game; // interface to run the game idGameEdit* gameEdit; // interface for in-game editing } gameExport_t; extern "C" { typedef gameExport_t* ( *GetGameAPI_t )( gameImport_t* import ); } #endif /* !__GAME_H__ */