/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __MENU_WIDGET_H__ #define __MENU_WIDGET_H__ class idMenuHandler; class idMenuWidget; enum menuOption_t { OPTION_INVALID = -1, OPTION_BUTTON_TEXT, OPTION_SLIDER_BAR, OPTION_SLIDER_TEXT, OPTION_SLIDER_TOGGLE, OPTION_BUTTON_INFO, OPTION_BUTTON_FULL_TEXT_SLIDER, MAX_MENU_OPTION_TYPES }; enum widgetEvent_t { WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS, WIDGET_EVENT_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OVER, WIDGET_EVENT_ROLL_OUT, WIDGET_EVENT_FOCUS_ON, WIDGET_EVENT_FOCUS_OFF, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_LSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_LSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_LSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_LSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_LSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_LSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_LSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_LSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_RSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_RSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_RSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_RSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RSTICK, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RSTICK_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_DRAG_START, WIDGET_EVENT_DRAG_STOP, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGEDWN, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGEDWN_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGEUP, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGEUP_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL, WIDGET_EVENT_SCROLL_RELEASE, WIDGET_EVENT_BACK, WIDGET_EVENT_COMMAND, WIDGET_EVENT_TAB_NEXT, WIDGET_EVENT_TAB_PREV, MAX_WIDGET_EVENT }; enum scrollType_t { SCROLL_SINGLE, // scroll a single unit SCROLL_PAGE, // scroll a page SCROLL_FULL, // scroll all the way to the end SCROLL_TOP, // scroll to the first selection SCROLL_END, // scroll to the last selection }; enum widgetAction_t { WIDGET_ACTION_NONE, WIDGET_ACTION_COMMAND, WIDGET_ACTION_FUNCTION, // call the SWF function WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL, // scroll something. takes one param = amount to scroll (can be negative) WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL_VARIABLE, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_PAGE, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_HORIZONTAL, // scroll something. takes one param = amount to scroll (can be negative) WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_TAB, WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_ADJUST_FIELD, WIDGET_ACTION_PRESS_FOCUSED, WIDGET_ACTION_JOY3_ON_PRESS, WIDGET_ACTION_JOY4_ON_PRESS, // WIDGET_ACTION_GOTO_MENU, WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK, WIDGET_ACTION_EXIT_GAME, WIDGET_ACTION_LAUNCH_MULTIPLAYER, WIDGET_ACTION_MENU_BAR_SELECT, WIDGET_ACTION_EMAIL_HOVER, // PDA USER DATA ACTIONS WIDGET_ACTION_PDA_SELECT_USER, WIDGET_ACTION_SELECT_GAMERTAG, WIDGET_ACTION_PDA_SELECT_NAV, WIDGET_ACTION_SELECT_PDA_AUDIO, WIDGET_ACTION_SELECT_PDA_VIDEO, WIDGET_ACTION_SELECT_PDA_ITEM, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_DRAG, // PDA EMAIL ACTIONS WIDGET_ACTION_PDA_SELECT_EMAIL, WIDGET_ACTION_PDA_CLOSE, WIDGET_ACTION_REFRESH, WIDGET_ACTION_MUTE_PLAYER, MAX_WIDGET_ACTION }; enum actionHandler_t { WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_START_REPEATER_VARIABLE, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_START_REPEATER_VARIABLE, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGE_UP_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_STOP_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_TAB_NEXT, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_TAB_PREV, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_DRAG_START, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_DRAG_STOP, WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_JOY3_ON_PRESS, }; struct widgetTransition_t { widgetTransition_t() : animationName( NULL ) { } const char* animationName; // name of the animation to run idStaticList< const char*, 4 > prefixes; // prefixes to try to use for animation }; /* ================================================ scoreboardInfo_t ================================================ */ struct scoreboardInfo_t { scoreboardInfo_t() : index( -1 ), voiceState( VOICECHAT_DISPLAY_NONE ) { } idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU> values; int index; voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState; }; /* ================================================ idSort_SavesByDate ================================================ */ class idSort_SavesByDate : public idSort_Quick< idSaveGameDetails, idSort_SavesByDate > { public: int Compare( const idSaveGameDetails& a, const idSaveGameDetails& b ) const { return b.date - a.date; } }; /* ================================================ idMenuDataSource ================================================ */ class idMenuDataSource { public: virtual ~idMenuDataSource() { } virtual void LoadData() = 0; virtual void CommitData() = 0; virtual bool IsDataChanged() const = 0; virtual idSWFScriptVar GetField( const int fieldIndex ) const = 0; virtual void AdjustField( const int fieldIndex, const int adjustAmount ) = 0; }; /* ================================================ idWidgetEvent ================================================ */ class idWidgetEvent { public: idWidgetEvent() : type( WIDGET_EVENT_PRESS ), arg( 0 ), thisObject( NULL ) { } idWidgetEvent( const widgetEvent_t type_, const int arg_, idSWFScriptObject* thisObject_, const idSWFParmList& parms_ ) : type( type_ ), arg( arg_ ), thisObject( thisObject_ ), parms( parms_ ) { } widgetEvent_t type; int arg; idSWFScriptObject* thisObject; idSWFParmList parms; }; /* ================================================ idWidgetAction ================================================ */ class idWidgetAction { public: idWidgetAction() : action( WIDGET_ACTION_NONE ), scriptFunction( NULL ) { } idWidgetAction( const idWidgetAction& src ) { action = src.action; parms = src.parms; scriptFunction = src.scriptFunction; if( scriptFunction != NULL ) { scriptFunction->AddRef(); } } ~idWidgetAction() { if( scriptFunction != NULL ) { scriptFunction->Release(); } } void operator=( const idWidgetAction& src ) { action = src.action; parms = src.parms; scriptFunction = src.scriptFunction; if( scriptFunction != NULL ) { scriptFunction->AddRef(); } } bool operator==( const idWidgetAction& otherAction ) const { if( GetType() != otherAction.GetType() || GetParms().Num() != otherAction.GetParms().Num() ) { return false; } // everything else is equal, so check all parms. NOTE: this assumes we are only sending // integral types. for( int i = 0; i < GetParms().Num(); ++i ) { if( GetParms()[ i ].GetType() != otherAction.GetParms()[ i ].GetType() || GetParms()[ i ].ToInteger() != otherAction.GetParms()[ i ].ToInteger() ) { return false; } } return true; } void Set( idSWFScriptFunction* function ) { action = WIDGET_ACTION_FUNCTION; if( scriptFunction != NULL ) { scriptFunction->Release(); } scriptFunction = function; scriptFunction->AddRef(); } void Set( widgetAction_t action_ ) { action = action_; parms.Clear(); } void Set( widgetAction_t action_, const idSWFScriptVar& var1 ) { action = action_; parms.Clear(); parms.Append( var1 ); } void Set( widgetAction_t action_, const idSWFScriptVar& var1, const idSWFScriptVar& var2 ) { action = action_; parms.Clear(); parms.Append( var1 ); parms.Append( var2 ); } void Set( widgetAction_t action_, const idSWFScriptVar& var1, const idSWFScriptVar& var2, const idSWFScriptVar& var3 ) { action = action_; parms.Clear(); parms.Append( var1 ); parms.Append( var2 ); parms.Append( var3 ); } void Set( widgetAction_t action_, const idSWFScriptVar& var1, const idSWFScriptVar& var2, const idSWFScriptVar& var3, const idSWFScriptVar& var4 ) { action = action_; parms.Clear(); parms.Append( var1 ); parms.Append( var2 ); parms.Append( var3 ); parms.Append( var4 ); } idSWFScriptFunction* GetScriptFunction() { return scriptFunction; } const widgetAction_t GetType() const { return action; } const idSWFParmList& GetParms() const { return parms; } private: widgetAction_t action; idSWFParmList parms; idSWFScriptFunction* scriptFunction; }; typedef idList< idMenuWidget*, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > idMenuWidgetList; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget We're using a model/view architecture, so this is the combination of both model and view. The other part of the view is the SWF itself. ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget { public: /* ================================================ WrapWidgetSWFEvent ================================================ */ class WrapWidgetSWFEvent : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: WrapWidgetSWFEvent( idMenuWidget* widget, const widgetEvent_t event, const int eventArg ) : targetWidget( widget ), targetEvent( event ), targetEventArg( eventArg ) { } idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { targetWidget->ReceiveEvent( idWidgetEvent( targetEvent, targetEventArg, thisObject, parms ) ); return idSWFScriptVar(); } private: idMenuWidget* targetWidget; widgetEvent_t targetEvent; int targetEventArg; }; enum widgetState_t { WIDGET_STATE_HIDDEN, // hidden WIDGET_STATE_NORMAL, // normal WIDGET_STATE_SELECTING, // going into the selected state WIDGET_STATE_SELECTED, // fully selected WIDGET_STATE_DISABLED, // disabled WIDGET_STATE_MAX }; idMenuWidget(); virtual ~idMenuWidget(); void Cleanup(); // typically this is where the allocations for a widget will occur: sub widgets, etc. // Note that SWF sprite objects may not be accessible at this point. virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ) { menuData = data; } // takes the information described in this widget and applies it to a given script object. // the script object should point to the root that you want to run from. Running this will // also create the sprite binding, if any. virtual void Update() {} virtual void Show(); virtual void Hide(); widgetState_t GetState() const { return widgetState; } void SetState( const widgetState_t state ); // actually binds the sprite. this must be called after setting sprite path! idSWFSpriteInstance* GetSprite() { return boundSprite; } idSWF* GetSWFObject(); idMenuHandler* GetMenuData(); bool BindSprite( idSWFScriptObject& root ); void ClearSprite(); void SetSpritePath( const char* arg1, const char* arg2 = NULL, const char* arg3 = NULL, const char* arg4 = NULL, const char* arg5 = NULL ); void SetSpritePath( const idList< idStr >& spritePath_, const char* arg1 = NULL, const char* arg2 = NULL, const char* arg3 = NULL, const char* arg4 = NULL, const char* arg5 = NULL ); idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >& GetSpritePath() { return spritePath; } int GetRefCount() const { return refCount; } void AddRef() { refCount++; } void Release() { assert( refCount > 0 ); if( --refCount == 0 && !noAutoFree ) { delete this; } } //------------------------ // Event Handling //------------------------ virtual bool HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled = false ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ) { } void SendEventToObservers( const idWidgetEvent& event ); void RegisterEventObserver( idMenuWidget* observer ); void ReceiveEvent( const idWidgetEvent& event ); // Executes an event in the context of this widget. Only rarely should this be called // directly. Instead calls should go through ReceiveEvent which will propagate the event // through the standard focus order. virtual bool ExecuteEvent( const idWidgetEvent& event ); // returns the list of actions for a given event, or NULL if no actions are registered for // that event. Events should not be directly added to the returned list. Instead use // AddEventAction for adding new events. idList< idWidgetAction, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >* GetEventActions( const widgetEvent_t eventType ); // allocates an action for the given event idWidgetAction& AddEventAction( const widgetEvent_t eventType ); void ClearEventActions(); //------------------------ // Data modeling //------------------------ void SetDataSource( idMenuDataSource* dataSource, const int fieldIndex ); idMenuDataSource* GetDataSource() { return dataSource; } void SetDataSourceFieldIndex( const int dataSourceFieldIndex_ ) { dataSourceFieldIndex = dataSourceFieldIndex_; } int GetDataSourceFieldIndex() const { return dataSourceFieldIndex; } idMenuWidget* GetFocus() { return ( focusIndex >= 0 && focusIndex < children.Num() ) ? children[ focusIndex ] : NULL; } int GetFocusIndex() const { return focusIndex; } void SetFocusIndex( const int index, bool skipSound = false ); //------------------------ // Hierarchy //------------------------ idMenuWidgetList& GetChildren() { return children; } const idMenuWidgetList& GetChildren() const { return children; } idMenuWidget& GetChildByIndex( const int index ) const { return *children[ index ]; } void AddChild( idMenuWidget* widget ); void RemoveChild( idMenuWidget* widget ); bool HasChild( idMenuWidget* widget ); void RemoveAllChildren(); idMenuWidget* GetParent() { return parent; } const idMenuWidget* GetParent() const { return parent; } void SetParent( idMenuWidget* parent_ ) { parent = parent_; } void SetSWFObj( idSWF* obj ) { swfObj = obj; } bool GetHandlerIsParent() { return handlerIsParent; } void SetHandlerIsParent( bool val ) { handlerIsParent = val; } void SetNoAutoFree( bool b ) { noAutoFree = b; } protected: void ForceFocusIndex( const int index ) { focusIndex = index; } protected: bool handlerIsParent; idMenuHandler* menuData; idSWF* swfObj; idSWFSpriteInstance* boundSprite; idMenuWidget* parent; idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > spritePath; idMenuWidgetList children; idMenuWidgetList observers; static const int INVALID_ACTION_INDEX = -1; idList< idList< idWidgetAction, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > eventActions; idStaticList< int, MAX_WIDGET_EVENT > eventActionLookup; idMenuDataSource* dataSource; int dataSourceFieldIndex; int focusIndex; widgetState_t widgetState; int refCount; bool noAutoFree; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_Button This might be better named "ComboButton", as it contains behavior for several controls along with standard button behavior. ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_Button : public idMenuWidget { public: enum animState_t { ANIM_STATE_UP, // standard ANIM_STATE_DOWN, // pressed down ANIM_STATE_OVER, // hovered over this ANIM_STATE_MAX }; idMenuWidget_Button() : animState( ANIM_STATE_UP ), img( NULL ), ignoreColor( false ) { } virtual ~idMenuWidget_Button() {} virtual bool ExecuteEvent( const idWidgetEvent& event ); virtual void Update(); //--------------- // Model //--------------- void SetLabel( const idStr& label ) { btnLabel = label; } const idStr& GetLabel() const { return btnLabel; } void SetValues( idList< idStr >& list ); const idStr& GetValue( int index ) const; void SetImg( const idMaterial* val ) { img = val; } const idMaterial* GetImg() { return img; } void SetDescription( const char* desc_ ) { description = desc_; } const idStr& GetDescription() const { return description; } void SetIgnoreColor( const bool b ) { ignoreColor = b; } animState_t GetAnimState() const { return animState; } void SetAnimState( const animState_t state ) { animState = state; } void SetOnPressFunction( idSWFScriptFunction* func ) { scriptFunction = func; } protected: void SetupTransitionInfo( widgetTransition_t& trans, const widgetState_t buttonState, const animState_t sourceAnimState, const animState_t destAnimState ) const; void AnimateToState( const animState_t targetState, const bool force = false ); idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > values; idStr btnLabel; idStr description; animState_t animState; const idMaterial* img; idSWFScriptFunction* scriptFunction; bool ignoreColor; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_LobbyButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_LobbyButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: idMenuWidget_LobbyButton() : voiceState( VOICECHAT_DISPLAY_NONE ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetButtonInfo( idStr name_, voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState_ ); bool IsValid() { return !name.IsEmpty(); } protected: idStr name; voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: idMenuWidget_ScoreboardButton() : voiceState( VOICECHAT_DISPLAY_NONE ), index( -1 ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetButtonInfo( int index_, idList< idStr >& list, voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState_ ); protected: voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState; int index; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_ControlButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ControlButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: idMenuWidget_ControlButton() : optionType( OPTION_BUTTON_TEXT ), disabled( false ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetOptionType( const menuOption_t type ) { optionType = type; } menuOption_t GetOptionType() const { return optionType; } void SetupEvents( int delay, int index ); void SetDisabled( bool disable ) { disabled = disable; } protected: menuOption_t optionType; bool disabled; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_ServerButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ServerButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: idMenuWidget_ServerButton() : index( 0 ), players( 0 ), maxPlayers( 0 ), joinable( false ), validMap( false ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetButtonInfo( idStr name_, idStrId mapName_, idStr modeName_, int index_ = 0, int players_ = 0, int maxPlayers_ = 0, bool joinable_ = false, bool validMap_ = false ); bool IsValid() { return !serverName.IsEmpty(); } bool CanJoin() { return ( joinable && validMap ); } protected: idStr serverName; int index; int players; int maxPlayers; bool joinable; bool validMap; idStrId mapName; idStr modeName; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_NavButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_NavButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: enum navWidgetState_t { NAV_WIDGET_LEFT, // option on left side NAV_WIDGET_RIGHT, // option on right side NAV_WIDGET_SELECTED // option is selected }; idMenuWidget_NavButton() : navIndex( 0 ), xPos( 0 ) { } virtual bool ExecuteEvent( const idWidgetEvent& event ); virtual void Update(); void SetNavIndex( int i, const navWidgetState_t type ) { navIndex = i; navState = type; } void SetPosition( float pos ) { xPos = pos; } private: int navIndex; float xPos; navWidgetState_t navState; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_NavButton ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_MenuButton : public idMenuWidget_Button { public: idMenuWidget_MenuButton() : xPos( 0 ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetPosition( float pos ) { xPos = pos; } private: float xPos; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_List Stores a list of widgets but displays only a segment of them at a time. ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_List : public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_List() : numVisibleOptions( 0 ), viewOffset( 0 ), viewIndex( 0 ), allowWrapping( false ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual bool HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled = false ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); virtual void Scroll( const int scrollIndexAmount, const bool wrapAround = false ); virtual void ScrollOffset( const int scrollIndexAmount ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const { return GetChildren().Num(); } virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int childIndex ) { return true; } bool IsWrappingAllowed() const { return allowWrapping; } void SetWrappingAllowed( const bool allow ) { allowWrapping = allow; } void SetNumVisibleOptions( const int numVisibleOptions_ ) { numVisibleOptions = numVisibleOptions_; } int GetNumVisibleOptions() const { return numVisibleOptions; } int GetViewOffset() const { return viewOffset; } void SetViewOffset( const int offset ) { viewOffset = offset; } int GetViewIndex() const { return viewIndex; } void SetViewIndex( const int index ) { viewIndex = index; } void CalculatePositionFromIndexDelta( int& outIndex, int& outOffset, const int currentIndex, const int currentOffset, const int windowSize, const int maxSize, const int indexDelta, const bool allowWrapping, const bool wrapAround = false ) const; void CalculatePositionFromOffsetDelta( int& outIndex, int& outOffset, const int currentIndex, const int currentOffset, const int windowSize, const int maxSize, const int offsetDelta ) const; private: int numVisibleOptions; int viewOffset; int viewIndex; bool allowWrapping; }; class idBrowserEntry_t { public: idStr serverName; int index; int players; int maxPlayers; bool joinable; bool validMap; idStrId mapName; idStr modeName; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_GameBrowserList ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_GameBrowserList : public idMenuWidget_List { public: virtual void Update(); virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int childIndex ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const; void ClearGames(); void AddGame( idStr name_, idStrId mapName_, idStr modeName_, int index_ = 0, int players_ = 0, int maxPlayers_ = 0, bool joinable_ = false, bool validMap_ = false ); int GetServerIndex(); private: idList< idBrowserEntry_t > games; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_Carousel Displays a list of items in a looping carousel pattern ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_Carousel : public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_Carousel() : numVisibleOptions( 0 ), viewIndex( 0 ), moveToIndex( 0 ), moveDiff( 0 ), fastScroll( false ), scrollLeft( false ) { } virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void Update(); virtual bool HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled = false ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const { return imgList.Num(); } virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int childIndex ) { return true; } void SetNumVisibleOptions( const int numVisibleOptions_ ) { numVisibleOptions = numVisibleOptions_; } int GetNumVisibleOptions() const { return numVisibleOptions; } void MoveToIndex( int index, bool instant = false ); void MoveToFirstItem( bool instant = true ); void MoveToLastItem( bool instant = true ); int GetMoveToIndex() { return moveToIndex; } void SetMoveToIndex( int index ) { moveToIndex = index; } void SetViewIndex( int index ) { viewIndex = index; } int GetViewIndex() const { return viewIndex; } void SetListImages( idList<const idMaterial*>& list ); void SetMoveDiff( int val ) { moveDiff = val; } int GetMoveDiff() { return moveDiff; } bool GetScrollLeft() { return scrollLeft; } private: int numVisibleOptions; int viewIndex; int moveToIndex; int moveDiff; bool fastScroll; bool scrollLeft; idList<const idMaterial*> imgList; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_Help Knows how to display help tooltips by observing events from other widgets ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_Help : public idMenuWidget { public: virtual void Update(); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); private: idStr lastFocusedMessage; // message from last widget that had focus idStr lastHoveredMessage; // message from last widget that was hovered over bool hideMessage; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_CommandBar ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_CommandBar : public idMenuWidget { public: enum button_t { BUTTON_JOY1, BUTTON_JOY2, BUTTON_JOY3, BUTTON_JOY4, BUTTON_JOY10, BUTTON_TAB, MAX_BUTTONS }; enum alignment_t { LEFT, RIGHT }; struct buttonInfo_t { idStr label; // empty labels are treated as hidden buttons idWidgetAction action; }; idMenuWidget_CommandBar() : alignment( LEFT ) { buttons.SetNum( MAX_BUTTONS ); } virtual void Update(); virtual bool ExecuteEvent( const idWidgetEvent& event ); buttonInfo_t* GetButton( const button_t button ) { return &buttons[ button ]; } void ClearAllButtons(); alignment_t GetAlignment() const { return alignment; } void SetAlignment( const alignment_t alignment_ ) { alignment = alignment_; } private: idStaticList< buttonInfo_t, MAX_BUTTONS > buttons; alignment_t alignment; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_DynamicList ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_LobbyList : public idMenuWidget_List { public: idMenuWidget_LobbyList() : numEntries( 0 ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int childIndex ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const { return numEntries; } void SetEntryData( int index, idStr name, voiceStateDisplay_t voiceState ); void SetHeadingInfo( idList< idStr >& list ); void SetNumEntries( int num ) { numEntries = num; } int GetNumEntries() { return numEntries; } void SetRefreshFunction( const char* func ); private: idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > headings; int numEntries; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_DynamicList ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_DynamicList : public idMenuWidget_List { public: idMenuWidget_DynamicList() : controlList( false ), ignoreColor( false ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const; virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int childIndex ); virtual void Recalculate(); virtual void SetListData( idList< idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >& list ); void SetControlList( bool val ) { controlList = val; } void SetIgnoreColor( bool val ) { ignoreColor = val; } protected: idList< idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > listItemInfo; bool controlList; bool ignoreColor; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_ScoreboardList ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ScoreboardList : public idMenuWidget_DynamicList { public: virtual void Update(); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_NavBar The nav bar is set up with the main option being at the safe frame line. ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_NavBar : public idMenuWidget_DynamicList { public: idMenuWidget_NavBar() : initialPos( 0.0f ), buttonPos( 0.0f ), leftSpacer( 0.0f ), rightSpacer( 0.0f ), selectedSpacer( 0.0f ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void SetInitialXPos( float pos ) { initialPos = pos; } virtual void SetButtonSpacing( float lSpace, float rSpace, float sSpace ) { leftSpacer = lSpace; rightSpacer = rSpace; selectedSpacer = sSpace; } virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int navIndex ); virtual void SetListHeadings( idList< idStr >& list ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const; private: idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > headings; float initialPos; float buttonPos; float leftSpacer; float rightSpacer; float selectedSpacer; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_NavBar The nav bar is set up with the main option being at the safe frame line. ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_MenuBar : public idMenuWidget_DynamicList { public: idMenuWidget_MenuBar() : totalWidth( 0.0f ), buttonPos( 0.0f ), rightSpacer( 0.0f ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void SetButtonSpacing( float rSpace ) { rightSpacer = rSpace; } virtual bool PrepareListElement( idMenuWidget& widget, const int navIndex ); virtual void SetListHeadings( idList< idStr >& list ); virtual int GetTotalNumberOfOptions() const; private: idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > headings; float totalWidth; float buttonPos; float rightSpacer; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_UserData ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_PDA_UserData : public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_PDA_UserData() : pdaIndex( 0 ) { } virtual ~idMenuWidget_PDA_UserData() {} virtual void Update(); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); private: int pdaIndex; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_DynamicList ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ScrollBar : public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_ScrollBar() : yTop( 0.0f ), yBot( 0.0f ), dragging( false ) { } virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void Update(); virtual bool HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled = false ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); void CalcTopAndBottom(); void CalculatePosition( float x, float y ); float yTop; float yBot; bool dragging; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_InfoBox ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_InfoBox: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_InfoBox() : scrollbar( NULL ) { } virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void Update(); virtual bool HandleAction( idWidgetAction& action, const idWidgetEvent& event, idMenuWidget* widget, bool forceHandled = false ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); void SetHeading( idStr val ) { heading = val; } void SetBody( idStr val ) { info = val; } void ResetInfoScroll(); void Scroll( int d ); int GetScroll(); int GetMaxScroll(); void SetScroll( int scroll ); void SetScrollbar( idMenuWidget_ScrollBar* bar ); private: idMenuWidget_ScrollBar* scrollbar; idStr heading; idStr info; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_Objective ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_PDA_Objective: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_PDA_Objective() : pdaIndex( 0 ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); private: int pdaIndex; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_Shell_SaveInfo ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_Shell_SaveInfo: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_Shell_SaveInfo() : loadIndex( 0 ), forSaveScreen( false ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); void SetForSaveScreen( bool val ) { forSaveScreen = val; } private: int loadIndex; bool forSaveScreen; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles() : pdaIndex( 0 ) { } virtual ~idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles(); virtual void Update(); virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); private: int pdaIndex; idList< idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > audioFileNames; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_PDA_EmailInbox: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_PDA_EmailInbox() : emailList( NULL ), scrollbar( NULL ), pdaIndex( 0 ) { } virtual void Update(); virtual void Initialize( idMenuHandler* data ); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); idMenuWidget_DynamicList* GetEmailList() { return emailList; } idMenuWidget_ScrollBar* GetScrollbar() { return scrollbar; } private: idMenuWidget_DynamicList* emailList; idMenuWidget_ScrollBar* scrollbar; int pdaIndex; idList< idList< idStr, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU >, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_MENU > emailInfo; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_ItemAssignment: public idMenuWidget { public: idMenuWidget_ItemAssignment() : slotIndex( 0 ) { } virtual void Update(); void SetIcon( int index, const idMaterial* icon ); void FindFreeSpot(); int GetSlotIndex() { return slotIndex; } void SetSlotIndex( int num ) { slotIndex = num; } private: const idMaterial* images[ NUM_QUICK_SLOTS ]; int slotIndex; }; /* ================================================ idMenuWidget_PDA_AudioFiles ================================================ */ class idMenuWidget_PDA_VideoInfo: public idMenuWidget { public: virtual void Update(); virtual void ObserveEvent( const idMenuWidget& widget, const idWidgetEvent& event ); private: int videoIndex; }; /* ================================================ idWidgetActionHandler ================================================ */ class idWidgetActionHandler : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted { public: idWidgetActionHandler( idMenuWidget* widget, actionHandler_t actionEventType, widgetEvent_t _event ) : targetWidget( widget ), type( actionEventType ), targetEvent( _event ) { } idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject* thisObject, const idSWFParmList& parms ) { idWidgetAction action; bool handled = false; switch( type ) { case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL, 1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL, -1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN_START_REPEATER_VARIABLE: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL_VARIABLE, 1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_UP_START_REPEATER_VARIABLE: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_VERTICAL_VARIABLE, -1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_PAGE, 1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_PAGE_UP_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_PAGE, -1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_STOP_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_STOP_REPEATER ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_TAB_NEXT: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_TAB, 1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_TAB_PREV: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_TAB, -1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_JOY3_ON_PRESS: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_JOY3_ON_PRESS ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_HORIZONTAL, -1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT_START_REPEATER: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_START_REPEATER, WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_HORIZONTAL, 1 ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_DRAG_START: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_SCROLL_DRAG ); handled = true; break; } case WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_DRAG_STOP: { action.Set( ( widgetAction_t )WIDGET_ACTION_EVENT_DRAG_STOP ); handled = true; break; } } if( handled ) { targetWidget->HandleAction( action, idWidgetEvent( targetEvent, 0, thisObject, parms ), targetWidget ); } return idSWFScriptVar(); } private: idMenuWidget* targetWidget; actionHandler_t type; widgetEvent_t targetEvent; }; #endif