/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code"). Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "Unzip.h" #include "../portability/inttypes.h" /* ================= FS_WriteFloatString ================= */ int FS_WriteFloatString( char* buf, const char* fmt, va_list argPtr ) { // DG: replaced long with int for 64bit compatibility in the whole function int i; unsigned int u; double f; char* str; int index; idStr tmp, format; index = 0; while( *fmt ) { switch( *fmt ) { case '%': format = ""; format += *fmt++; while( ( *fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9' ) || *fmt == '.' || *fmt == '-' || *fmt == '+' || *fmt == '#' ) { format += *fmt++; } format += *fmt; switch( *fmt ) { case 'f': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': f = va_arg( argPtr, double ); if( format.Length() <= 2 ) { // high precision floating point number without trailing zeros sprintf( tmp, "%1.10f", f ); tmp.StripTrailing( '0' ); tmp.StripTrailing( '.' ); index += sprintf( buf + index, "%s", tmp.c_str() ); } else { index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), f ); } break; case 'd': case 'i': i = va_arg( argPtr, int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), i ); break; case 'u': u = va_arg( argPtr, unsigned int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), u ); break; case 'o': u = va_arg( argPtr, unsigned int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), u ); break; case 'x': u = va_arg( argPtr, unsigned int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), u ); break; case 'X': u = va_arg( argPtr, unsigned int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), u ); break; case 'c': i = va_arg( argPtr, int ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), ( char ) i ); break; case 's': str = va_arg( argPtr, char* ); index += sprintf( buf + index, format.c_str(), str ); break; case '%': index += sprintf( buf + index, "%s", format.c_str() ); break; default: common->Error( "FS_WriteFloatString: invalid format %s", format.c_str() ); break; } fmt++; break; case '\\': fmt++; switch( *fmt ) { case 't': index += sprintf( buf + index, "\t" ); break; case 'v': index += sprintf( buf + index, "\v" ); break; case 'n': index += sprintf( buf + index, "\n" ); break; case '\\': index += sprintf( buf + index, "\\" ); break; default: common->Error( "FS_WriteFloatString: unknown escape character \'%c\'", *fmt ); break; } fmt++; break; default: index += sprintf( buf + index, "%c", *fmt ); fmt++; break; } } return index; // DG end } /* ================================================================================= idFile ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile::GetName ================= */ const char* idFile::GetName() const { return ""; } /* ================= idFile::GetFullPath ================= */ const char* idFile::GetFullPath() const { return ""; } /* ================= idFile::Read ================= */ int idFile::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { common->FatalError( "idFile::Read: cannot read from idFile" ); return 0; } /* ================= idFile::Write ================= */ int idFile::Write( const void* buffer, int len ) { common->FatalError( "idFile::Write: cannot write to idFile" ); return 0; } /* ================= idFile::Length ================= */ int idFile::Length() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile::Timestamp ================= */ ID_TIME_T idFile::Timestamp() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile::Tell ================= */ int idFile::Tell() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile::ForceFlush ================= */ void idFile::ForceFlush() { } /* ================= idFile::Flush ================= */ void idFile::Flush() { } /* ================= idFile::Seek ================= */ int idFile::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { return -1; } /* ================= idFile::Rewind ================= */ void idFile::Rewind() { Seek( 0, FS_SEEK_SET ); } /* ================= idFile::Printf ================= */ int idFile::Printf( const char* fmt, ... ) { char buf[MAX_PRINT_MSG]; int length; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); length = idStr::vsnPrintf( buf, MAX_PRINT_MSG - 1, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); // so notepad formats the lines correctly idStr work( buf ); work.Replace( "\n", "\r\n" ); return Write( work.c_str(), work.Length() ); } /* ================= idFile::VPrintf ================= */ int idFile::VPrintf( const char* fmt, va_list args ) { char buf[MAX_PRINT_MSG]; int length; length = idStr::vsnPrintf( buf, MAX_PRINT_MSG - 1, fmt, args ); return Write( buf, length ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteFloatString ================= */ int idFile::WriteFloatString( const char* fmt, ... ) { char buf[MAX_PRINT_MSG]; int len; va_list argPtr; va_start( argPtr, fmt ); len = FS_WriteFloatString( buf, fmt, argPtr ); va_end( argPtr ); return Write( buf, len ); } /* ================= idFile::ReadInt ================= */ int idFile::ReadInt( int& value ) { int result = Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); value = LittleLong( value ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadUnsignedInt ================= */ int idFile::ReadUnsignedInt( unsigned int& value ) { int result = Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); value = LittleLong( value ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadShort ================= */ int idFile::ReadShort( short& value ) { int result = Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); value = LittleShort( value ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadUnsignedShort ================= */ int idFile::ReadUnsignedShort( unsigned short& value ) { int result = Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); value = LittleShort( value ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadChar ================= */ int idFile::ReadChar( char& value ) { return Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); } /* ================= idFile::ReadUnsignedChar ================= */ int idFile::ReadUnsignedChar( unsigned char& value ) { return Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); } /* ================= idFile::ReadFloat ================= */ int idFile::ReadFloat( float& value ) { int result = Read( &value, sizeof( value ) ); value = LittleFloat( value ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadBool ================= */ int idFile::ReadBool( bool& value ) { unsigned char c; int result = ReadUnsignedChar( c ); value = c ? true : false; return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadString ================= */ int idFile::ReadString( idStr& string ) { int len; int result = 0; ReadInt( len ); if( len >= 0 ) { string.Fill( ' ', len ); result = Read( &string[ 0 ], len ); } return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadVec2 ================= */ int idFile::ReadVec2( idVec2& vec ) { int result = Read( &vec, sizeof( vec ) ); LittleRevBytes( &vec, sizeof( float ), sizeof( vec ) / sizeof( float ) ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadVec3 ================= */ int idFile::ReadVec3( idVec3& vec ) { int result = Read( &vec, sizeof( vec ) ); LittleRevBytes( &vec, sizeof( float ), sizeof( vec ) / sizeof( float ) ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadVec4 ================= */ int idFile::ReadVec4( idVec4& vec ) { int result = Read( &vec, sizeof( vec ) ); LittleRevBytes( &vec, sizeof( float ), sizeof( vec ) / sizeof( float ) ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadVec6 ================= */ int idFile::ReadVec6( idVec6& vec ) { int result = Read( &vec, sizeof( vec ) ); LittleRevBytes( &vec, sizeof( float ), sizeof( vec ) / sizeof( float ) ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::ReadMat3 ================= */ int idFile::ReadMat3( idMat3& mat ) { int result = Read( &mat, sizeof( mat ) ); LittleRevBytes( &mat, sizeof( float ), sizeof( mat ) / sizeof( float ) ); return result; } /* ================= idFile::WriteInt ================= */ int idFile::WriteInt( const int value ) { int v = LittleLong( value ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteUnsignedInt ================= */ int idFile::WriteUnsignedInt( const unsigned int value ) { unsigned int v = LittleLong( value ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteShort ================= */ int idFile::WriteShort( const short value ) { short v = LittleShort( value ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteUnsignedShort ================= */ int idFile::WriteUnsignedShort( const unsigned short value ) { unsigned short v = LittleShort( value ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteChar ================= */ int idFile::WriteChar( const char value ) { return Write( &value, sizeof( value ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteUnsignedChar ================= */ int idFile::WriteUnsignedChar( const unsigned char value ) { return Write( &value, sizeof( value ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteFloat ================= */ int idFile::WriteFloat( const float value ) { float v = LittleFloat( value ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteBool ================= */ int idFile::WriteBool( const bool value ) { unsigned char c = value; return WriteUnsignedChar( c ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteString ================= */ int idFile::WriteString( const char* value ) { int len = strlen( value ); WriteInt( len ); return Write( value, len ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteVec2 ================= */ int idFile::WriteVec2( const idVec2& vec ) { idVec2 v = vec; LittleRevBytes( &v, sizeof( float ), sizeof( v ) / sizeof( float ) ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteVec3 ================= */ int idFile::WriteVec3( const idVec3& vec ) { idVec3 v = vec; LittleRevBytes( &v, sizeof( float ), sizeof( v ) / sizeof( float ) ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteVec4 ================= */ int idFile::WriteVec4( const idVec4& vec ) { idVec4 v = vec; LittleRevBytes( &v, sizeof( float ), sizeof( v ) / sizeof( float ) ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteVec6 ================= */ int idFile::WriteVec6( const idVec6& vec ) { idVec6 v = vec; LittleRevBytes( &v, sizeof( float ), sizeof( v ) / sizeof( float ) ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================= idFile::WriteMat3 ================= */ int idFile::WriteMat3( const idMat3& mat ) { idMat3 v = mat; LittleRevBytes( &v, sizeof( float ), sizeof( v ) / sizeof( float ) ); return Write( &v, sizeof( v ) ); } /* ================================================================================= idFile_Memory ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory ================= */ idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory() { name = "*unknown*"; maxSize = 0; fileSize = 0; allocated = 0; granularity = 16384; mode = ( 1 << FS_WRITE ); filePtr = NULL; curPtr = NULL; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory ================= */ idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory( const char* name ) { this->name = name; maxSize = 0; fileSize = 0; allocated = 0; granularity = 16384; mode = ( 1 << FS_WRITE ); filePtr = NULL; curPtr = NULL; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory ================= */ idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory( const char* name, char* data, int length ) { this->name = name; maxSize = length; fileSize = 0; allocated = length; granularity = 16384; mode = ( 1 << FS_WRITE ); filePtr = data; curPtr = data; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory ================= */ idFile_Memory::idFile_Memory( const char* name, const char* data, int length ) { this->name = name; maxSize = 0; fileSize = length; allocated = 0; granularity = 16384; mode = ( 1 << FS_READ ); filePtr = const_cast( data ); curPtr = const_cast( data ); } /* ================= idFile_Memory::TakeDataOwnership this also makes the file read only ================= */ void idFile_Memory::TakeDataOwnership() { if( filePtr != NULL && fileSize > 0 ) { maxSize = 0; mode = ( 1 << FS_READ ); allocated = fileSize; } } /* ================= idFile_Memory::~idFile_Memory ================= */ idFile_Memory::~idFile_Memory() { if( filePtr && allocated > 0 && maxSize == 0 ) { Mem_Free( filePtr ); } } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Read ================= */ int idFile_Memory::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_READ ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Memory::Read: %s not opened in read mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } if( curPtr + len > filePtr + fileSize ) { len = filePtr + fileSize - curPtr; } memcpy( buffer, curPtr, len ); curPtr += len; return len; } idCVar memcpyImpl( "memcpyImpl", "0", 0, "Which implementation of memcpy to use for idFile_Memory::Write() [0/1 - standard (1 eliminates branch misprediction), 2 - auto-vectorized]" ); void* memcpy2( void* __restrict b, const void* __restrict a, size_t n ) { char* s1 = ( char* )b; const char* s2 = ( const char* )a; for( ; 0 < n; --n ) { *s1++ = *s2++; } return b; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Write ================= */ idHashTableT< int, int > histogram; CONSOLE_COMMAND( outputHistogram, "", 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < histogram.Num(); i++ ) { int key; histogram.GetIndexKey( i, key ); int* value = histogram.GetIndex( i ); idLib::Printf( "%d\t%d\n", key, *value ); } } CONSOLE_COMMAND( clearHistogram, "", 0 ) { histogram.Clear(); } int idFile_Memory::Write( const void* buffer, int len ) { if( len == 0 ) { // ~4% falls into this case for some reason... return 0; } if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_WRITE ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Memory::Write: %s not opened in write mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } int alloc = curPtr + len + 1 - filePtr - allocated; // need room for len+1 if( alloc > 0 ) { if( maxSize != 0 ) { common->Error( "idFile_Memory::Write: exceeded maximum size %" PRIuSIZE "", maxSize ); return 0; } int extra = granularity * ( 1 + alloc / granularity ); char* newPtr = ( char* ) Mem_Alloc( allocated + extra, TAG_IDFILE ); if( allocated ) { memcpy( newPtr, filePtr, allocated ); } allocated += extra; curPtr = newPtr + ( curPtr - filePtr ); if( filePtr ) { Mem_Free( filePtr ); } filePtr = newPtr; } //memcpy( curPtr, buffer, len ); memcpy2( curPtr, buffer, len ); #if 0 if( memcpyImpl.GetInteger() == 0 ) { memcpy( curPtr, buffer, len ); } else if( memcpyImpl.GetInteger() == 1 ) { memcpy( curPtr, buffer, len ); } else if( memcpyImpl.GetInteger() == 2 ) { memcpy2( curPtr, buffer, len ); } #endif #if 0 int* value; if( histogram.Get( len, &value ) && value != NULL ) { ( *value )++; } else { histogram.Set( len, 1 ); } #endif curPtr += len; fileSize += len; filePtr[ fileSize ] = 0; // len + 1 return len; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Length ================= */ int idFile_Memory::Length() const { return fileSize; } /* ======================== idFile_Memory::SetLength ======================== */ void idFile_Memory::SetLength( size_t len ) { PreAllocate( len ); fileSize = len; } /* ======================== idFile_Memory::PreAllocate ======================== */ void idFile_Memory::PreAllocate( size_t len ) { if( len > allocated ) { if( maxSize != 0 ) { idLib::Error( "idFile_Memory::SetLength: exceeded maximum size %" PRIuSIZE "", maxSize ); } char* newPtr = ( char* )Mem_Alloc( len, TAG_IDFILE ); if( allocated > 0 ) { memcpy( newPtr, filePtr, allocated ); } allocated = len; curPtr = newPtr + ( curPtr - filePtr ); if( filePtr != NULL ) { Mem_Free( filePtr ); } filePtr = newPtr; } } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Timestamp ================= */ ID_TIME_T idFile_Memory::Timestamp() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Tell ================= */ int idFile_Memory::Tell() const { return ( curPtr - filePtr ); } /* ================= idFile_Memory::ForceFlush ================= */ void idFile_Memory::ForceFlush() { } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Flush ================= */ void idFile_Memory::Flush() { } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ int idFile_Memory::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { switch( origin ) { case FS_SEEK_CUR: { curPtr += offset; break; } case FS_SEEK_END: { curPtr = filePtr + fileSize - offset; break; } case FS_SEEK_SET: { curPtr = filePtr + offset; break; } default: { common->FatalError( "idFile_Memory::Seek: bad origin for %s\n", name.c_str() ); return -1; } } if( curPtr < filePtr ) { curPtr = filePtr; return -1; } if( curPtr > filePtr + fileSize ) { curPtr = filePtr + fileSize; return -1; } return 0; } /* ======================== idFile_Memory::SetMaxLength ======================== */ void idFile_Memory::SetMaxLength( size_t len ) { size_t oldLength = fileSize; SetLength( len ); maxSize = len; fileSize = oldLength; } /* ================= idFile_Memory::MakeReadOnly ================= */ void idFile_Memory::MakeReadOnly() { mode = ( 1 << FS_READ ); Rewind(); } /* ======================== idFile_Memory::MakeWritable ======================== */ void idFile_Memory::MakeWritable() { mode = ( 1 << FS_WRITE ); Rewind(); } /* ================= idFile_Memory::Clear ================= */ void idFile_Memory::Clear( bool freeMemory ) { fileSize = 0; granularity = 16384; if( freeMemory ) { allocated = 0; Mem_Free( filePtr ); filePtr = NULL; curPtr = NULL; } else { curPtr = filePtr; } } /* ================= idFile_Memory::SetData ================= */ void idFile_Memory::SetData( const char* data, int length ) { maxSize = 0; fileSize = length; allocated = 0; granularity = 16384; mode = ( 1 << FS_READ ); filePtr = const_cast( data ); curPtr = const_cast( data ); } /* ======================== idFile_Memory::TruncateData ======================== */ void idFile_Memory::TruncateData( size_t len ) { if( len > allocated ) { idLib::Error( "idFile_Memory::TruncateData: len (%" PRIuSIZE ") exceeded allocated size (%" PRIuSIZE ")", len, allocated ); } else { fileSize = len; } } /* ================================================================================= idFile_BitMsg ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::idFile_BitMsg ================= */ idFile_BitMsg::idFile_BitMsg( idBitMsg& msg ) { name = "*unknown*"; mode = ( 1 << FS_WRITE ); this->msg = &msg; } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::idFile_BitMsg ================= */ idFile_BitMsg::idFile_BitMsg( const idBitMsg& msg ) { name = "*unknown*"; mode = ( 1 << FS_READ ); this->msg = const_cast( &msg ); } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::~idFile_BitMsg ================= */ idFile_BitMsg::~idFile_BitMsg() { } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Read ================= */ int idFile_BitMsg::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_READ ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_BitMsg::Read: %s not opened in read mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } return msg->ReadData( buffer, len ); } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Write ================= */ int idFile_BitMsg::Write( const void* buffer, int len ) { if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_WRITE ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Memory::Write: %s not opened in write mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } msg->WriteData( buffer, len ); return len; } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Length ================= */ int idFile_BitMsg::Length() const { return msg->GetSize(); } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Timestamp ================= */ ID_TIME_T idFile_BitMsg::Timestamp() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Tell ================= */ int idFile_BitMsg::Tell() const { if( mode == FS_READ ) { return msg->GetReadCount(); } else { return msg->GetSize(); } } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::ForceFlush ================= */ void idFile_BitMsg::ForceFlush() { } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Flush ================= */ void idFile_BitMsg::Flush() { } /* ================= idFile_BitMsg::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ int idFile_BitMsg::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { return -1; } /* ================================================================================= idFile_Permanent ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_Permanent::idFile_Permanent ================= */ idFile_Permanent::idFile_Permanent() { name = "invalid"; o = NULL; mode = 0; fileSize = 0; handleSync = false; } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::~idFile_Permanent ================= */ idFile_Permanent::~idFile_Permanent() { if( o ) { // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) CloseHandle( o ); #else fclose( o ); #endif // RB end } } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::Read Properly handles partial reads ================= */ int idFile_Permanent::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { int block, remaining; int read; byte* buf; int tries; if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_READ ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Permanent::Read: %s not opened in read mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } if( !o ) { return 0; } buf = ( byte* )buffer; remaining = len; tries = 0; while( remaining ) { block = remaining; // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) DWORD bytesRead; if( !ReadFile( o, buf, block, &bytesRead, NULL ) ) { idLib::Warning( "idFile_Permanent::Read failed with %d from %s", GetLastError(), name.c_str() ); } read = bytesRead; #else read = fread( buf, 1, block, o ); #endif // RB end if( read == 0 ) { // we might have been trying to read from a CD, which // sometimes returns a 0 read on windows if( !tries ) { tries = 1; } else { return len - remaining; } } if( read == -1 ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Permanent::Read: -1 bytes read from %s", name.c_str() ); } remaining -= read; buf += read; } return len; } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::Write Properly handles partial writes ================= */ int idFile_Permanent::Write( const void* buffer, int len ) { int block, remaining; int written; byte* buf; int tries; if( !( mode & ( 1 << FS_WRITE ) ) ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_Permanent::Write: %s not opened in write mode", name.c_str() ); return 0; } if( !o ) { return 0; } buf = ( byte* )buffer; remaining = len; tries = 0; while( remaining ) { block = remaining; // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) DWORD bytesWritten; WriteFile( o, buf, block, &bytesWritten, NULL ); written = bytesWritten; #else written = fwrite( buf, 1, block, o ); #endif // RB end if( written == 0 ) { if( !tries ) { tries = 1; } else { common->Printf( "idFile_Permanent::Write: 0 bytes written to %s\n", name.c_str() ); return 0; } } if( written == -1 ) { common->Printf( "idFile_Permanent::Write: -1 bytes written to %s\n", name.c_str() ); return 0; } remaining -= written; buf += written; fileSize += written; } if( handleSync ) { Flush(); } return len; } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::ForceFlush ================= */ void idFile_Permanent::ForceFlush() { // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) FlushFileBuffers( o ); #else setvbuf( o, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); #endif // RB end } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::Flush ================= */ void idFile_Permanent::Flush() { // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) FlushFileBuffers( o ); #else fflush( o ); #endif // RB end } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::Tell ================= */ int idFile_Permanent::Tell() const { // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) return SetFilePointer( o, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT ); #else return ftell( o ); #endif // RB end } /* ================ idFile_Permanent::Length ================ */ int idFile_Permanent::Length() const { return fileSize; } /* ================ idFile_Permanent::Timestamp ================ */ ID_TIME_T idFile_Permanent::Timestamp() const { ID_TIME_T ts = Sys_FileTimeStamp( o ); return ts; } /* ================= idFile_Permanent::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ int idFile_Permanent::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { // RB begin #if defined(_WIN32) int retVal = INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; switch( origin ) { case FS_SEEK_CUR: retVal = SetFilePointer( o, offset, NULL, FILE_CURRENT ); break; case FS_SEEK_END: retVal = SetFilePointer( o, offset, NULL, FILE_END ); break; case FS_SEEK_SET: retVal = SetFilePointer( o, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); break; } return ( retVal == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) ? -1 : 0; #else int _origin; switch( origin ) { case FS_SEEK_CUR: { _origin = SEEK_CUR; break; } case FS_SEEK_END: { _origin = SEEK_END; break; } case FS_SEEK_SET: { _origin = SEEK_SET; break; } default: { _origin = SEEK_CUR; common->FatalError( "idFile_Permanent::Seek: bad origin for %s\n", name.c_str() ); break; } } return fseek( o, offset, _origin ); #endif // RB end } #if 1 /* ================================================================================= idFile_Cached ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_Cached::idFile_Cached ================= */ idFile_Cached::idFile_Cached() : idFile_Permanent() { internalFilePos = 0; bufferedStartOffset = 0; bufferedEndOffset = 0; buffered = NULL; } /* ================= idFile_Cached::~idFile_Cached ================= */ idFile_Cached::~idFile_Cached() { Mem_Free( buffered ); } /* ================= idFile_ReadBuffered::BufferData Buffer a section of the file ================= */ void idFile_Cached::CacheData( uint64 offset, uint64 length ) { Mem_Free( buffered ); bufferedStartOffset = offset; bufferedEndOffset = offset + length; buffered = ( byte* )Mem_Alloc( length, TAG_RESOURCE ); if( buffered == NULL ) { return; } int internalFilePos = idFile_Permanent::Tell(); idFile_Permanent::Seek( offset, FS_SEEK_SET ); idFile_Permanent::Read( buffered, length ); idFile_Permanent::Seek( internalFilePos, FS_SEEK_SET ); } /* ================= idFile_ReadBuffered::Read ================= */ int idFile_Cached::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { if( internalFilePos >= bufferedStartOffset && internalFilePos + len < bufferedEndOffset ) { // this is in the buffer memcpy( buffer, ( void* )&buffered[ internalFilePos - bufferedStartOffset ], len ); internalFilePos += len; return len; } int read = idFile_Permanent::Read( buffer, len ); if( read != -1 ) { internalFilePos += ( int64 )read; } return read; } /* ================= idFile_Cached::Tell ================= */ int idFile_Cached::Tell() const { return internalFilePos; } /* ================= idFile_Cached::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ int idFile_Cached::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { if( origin == FS_SEEK_SET && offset >= bufferedStartOffset && offset < bufferedEndOffset ) { // don't do anything to the actual file ptr, just update or internal position internalFilePos = offset; return 0; } int retVal = idFile_Permanent::Seek( offset, origin ); internalFilePos = idFile_Permanent::Tell(); return retVal; } #endif /* ================================================================================= idFile_InZip ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_InZip::idFile_InZip ================= */ idFile_InZip::idFile_InZip() { name = "invalid"; zipFilePos = 0; fileSize = 0; memset( &z, 0, sizeof( z ) ); } /* ================= idFile_InZip::~idFile_InZip ================= */ idFile_InZip::~idFile_InZip() { unzCloseCurrentFile( z ); unzClose( z ); } /* ================= idFile_InZip::Read Properly handles partial reads ================= */ int idFile_InZip::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { int l = unzReadCurrentFile( z, buffer, len ); return l; } /* ================= idFile_InZip::Write ================= */ int idFile_InZip::Write( const void* buffer, int len ) { common->FatalError( "idFile_InZip::Write: cannot write to the zipped file %s", name.c_str() ); return 0; } /* ================= idFile_InZip::ForceFlush ================= */ void idFile_InZip::ForceFlush() { common->FatalError( "idFile_InZip::ForceFlush: cannot flush the zipped file %s", name.c_str() ); } /* ================= idFile_InZip::Flush ================= */ void idFile_InZip::Flush() { common->FatalError( "idFile_InZip::Flush: cannot flush the zipped file %s", name.c_str() ); } /* ================= idFile_InZip::Tell ================= */ int idFile_InZip::Tell() const { // DG: make sure the value fits into an int // it's a long after all, and there'S also unztell64 that returns ZPOS64_T // OTOH idFile in general seems to assume file-length <= INT_MAX so it may be ok.. z_off_t ret = unztell( z ); assert( ret <= INT_MAX ); return ret; // DG end } /* ================ idFile_InZip::Length ================ */ int idFile_InZip::Length() const { return fileSize; } /* ================ idFile_InZip::Timestamp ================ */ ID_TIME_T idFile_InZip::Timestamp() const { return 0; } /* ================= idFile_InZip::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ #define ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE (1<<15) int idFile_InZip::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { int res, i; char* buf; switch( origin ) { case FS_SEEK_END: { offset = fileSize - offset; } // FALLTHROUGH case FS_SEEK_SET: { // set the file position in the zip file (also sets the current file info) // DG use standard unzip.h function instead of custom one (not needed anymore with minizip 1.1) unzSetOffset64( z, zipFilePos ); unzOpenCurrentFile( z ); if( offset <= 0 ) { return 0; } } // FALLTHROUGH case FS_SEEK_CUR: { buf = ( char* ) _alloca16( ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE ); for( i = 0; i < ( offset - ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE ); i += ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE ) { res = unzReadCurrentFile( z, buf, ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE ); if( res < ZIP_SEEK_BUF_SIZE ) { return -1; } } res = i + unzReadCurrentFile( z, buf, offset - i ); return ( res == offset ) ? 0 : -1; } default: { common->FatalError( "idFile_InZip::Seek: bad origin for %s\n", name.c_str() ); break; } } return -1; } #if 1 /* ================================================================================= idFile_InnerResource ================================================================================= */ /* ================= idFile_InnerResource::idFile_InnerResource ================= */ idFile_InnerResource::idFile_InnerResource( const char* _name, idFile* rezFile, int _offset, int _len ) { name = _name; offset = _offset; length = _len; resourceFile = rezFile; internalFilePos = 0; resourceBuffer = NULL; } /* ================= idFile_InnerResource::~idFile_InnerResource ================= */ idFile_InnerResource::~idFile_InnerResource() { if( resourceBuffer != NULL ) { fileSystem->FreeResourceBuffer(); } } /* ================= idFile_InnerResource::Read Properly handles partial reads ================= */ int idFile_InnerResource::Read( void* buffer, int len ) { if( resourceFile == NULL ) { return 0; } if( internalFilePos + len > length ) { len = length - internalFilePos; } int read = 0; //fileSystem->ReadFromBGL( resourceFile, (byte*)buffer, offset + internalFilePos, len ); if( read != len ) { if( resourceBuffer != NULL ) { memcpy( buffer, &resourceBuffer[ internalFilePos ], len ); read = len; } else { read = fileSystem->ReadFromBGL( resourceFile, buffer, offset + internalFilePos, len ); } } internalFilePos += read; return read; } /* ================= idFile_InnerResource::Tell ================= */ int idFile_InnerResource::Tell() const { return internalFilePos; } /* ================= idFile_InnerResource::Seek returns zero on success and -1 on failure ================= */ int idFile_InnerResource::Seek( long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ) { switch( origin ) { case FS_SEEK_END: { internalFilePos = length - offset - 1; return 0; } case FS_SEEK_SET: { internalFilePos = offset; if( internalFilePos >= 0 && internalFilePos < length ) { return 0; } return -1; } case FS_SEEK_CUR: { internalFilePos += offset; if( internalFilePos >= 0 && internalFilePos < length ) { return 0; } return -1; } default: { common->FatalError( "idFile_InnerResource::Seek: bad origin for %s\n", name.c_str() ); break; } } return -1; } #endif /* ================================================================================================ idFileLocal ================================================================================================ */ /* ======================== idFileLocal::~idFileLocal Destructor that will destroy (close) the managed file when this wrapper class goes out of scope. ======================== */ idFileLocal::~idFileLocal() { if( file != NULL ) { delete file; file = NULL; } } static const char* testEndianNessFilename = "temp.bin"; struct testEndianNess_t { testEndianNess_t() { a = 0x12345678; b = 0x12345678; c = 3.0f; d = -4.0f; e = "test"; f = idVec3( 1.0f, 2.0f, -3.0f ); g = false; h = true; for( int index = 0; index < sizeof( i ); index++ ) { i[index] = 0x37; } } bool operator==( testEndianNess_t& test ) const { return a == test.a && b == test.b && c == test.c && d == test.d && e == test.e && f == test.f && g == test.g && h == test.h && ( memcmp( i, test.i, sizeof( i ) ) == 0 ); } int a; unsigned int b; float c; float d; idStr e; idVec3 f; bool g; bool h; byte i[10]; }; CONSOLE_COMMAND( testEndianNessWrite, "Tests the read/write compatibility between platforms", 0 ) { idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( testEndianNessFilename ) ); if( file == NULL ) { idLib::Printf( "Couldn't open the %s testfile.\n", testEndianNessFilename ); return; } testEndianNess_t testData; file->WriteBig( testData.a ); file->WriteBig( testData.b ); file->WriteFloat( testData.c ); file->WriteFloat( testData.d ); file->WriteString( testData.e ); file->WriteVec3( testData.f ); file->WriteBig( testData.g ); file->WriteBig( testData.h ); file->Write( testData.i, sizeof( testData.i ) / sizeof( testData.i[0] ) ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( testEndianNessRead, "Tests the read/write compatibility between platforms", 0 ) { idFileLocal file( fileSystem->OpenFileRead( testEndianNessFilename ) ); if( file == NULL ) { idLib::Printf( "Couldn't find the %s testfile.\n", testEndianNessFilename ); return; } testEndianNess_t srcData; testEndianNess_t testData; memset( &testData, 0, sizeof( testData ) ); file->ReadBig( testData.a ); file->ReadBig( testData.b ); file->ReadFloat( testData.c ); file->ReadFloat( testData.d ); file->ReadString( testData.e ); file->ReadVec3( testData.f ); file->ReadBig( testData.g ); file->ReadBig( testData.h ); file->Read( testData.i, sizeof( testData.i ) / sizeof( testData.i[0] ) ); assert( srcData == testData ); } CONSOLE_COMMAND( testEndianNessReset, "Tests the read/write compatibility between platforms", 0 ) { fileSystem->RemoveFile( testEndianNessFilename ); }